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CDMVTCG Reducing Ground speed (Distance to

Deviation West Compass Best reduce speed) = AV IATIO N F O R MU LA E

Delay (Min) * New GS * Old GS
Variation West Magnetic Best &
Convergence West True Best Diff in GS * 60
Deviation East Compass Least Max Drift = Wind Speed * 60 / TAS T H UMB R ULE S
Variation East Magnetic Least X Wind Component= Wind * Sin (Wind
Convergence East True Least Angle)
Convergence = d Long from Datum Drift Angle = Max Drift * X Wind
Head Wind Component = Wind * Convergency= d Long * Sin Mean Lat
Grivation = Variation + Convergence
Cos(Wind Angle) Lambert Convergency =
Coeff C = (Deviation N - Deviation S)/2
VOR Variation Apply at Station d Long x Sin Parallel of Origin or
Coeff B = (Deviation E - Deviation W)/2
ADF Variation Apply at Aircraft d Long x ’n’ (constant of cone)
Coeff A =
Bearing To Plot (BTP) for Lambert Polar Stereographic Convergency =
Dev (N+NE+E+SE+S+SW+W+NW)/8
for VOR/VDF=
Deviation on Any Heading = d Long
QDM + STN Variation = QUJ +/- 180 =
A + B Sin Hdg + C Cos Hdg Mercator Convergency = NIL
Scale = Chart Length / Earth Distance Conversion Angle= 1/2 Convergency
For ADF = RB + HDG (M) = QDM + or -
Scale Factor = Chart Length / Departure (nm) = d Long * 60 * Cos Lat
A/C Variation
Equivalent Reduced Earth Distance Distance = Speed * Time
If under 180 '+' Convergency
Scale = Stated Scale * Scale Factor Speed = Distance / Time
If over 180 '-' Convergency
Scale at Latitude Mercator = Track Error =
= QUJ +/- 180 = QTE = BTP
Scale Equator / Cos Lat Dist Off Track * 60 / Dist Covered
Mercator VOR = QDM +/- STN
Tan Dip = Z/H Variation = QUJ + or - 180 = QTE + or - Distance to NDB (VOR) (nm) =
SFC = FF/Thrust CA = BTP GS * Time to NDB (VOR) mins / 60
Dist Point of Equal Fuel = Mercator NDB = RB + M(Hdg) = QDM Time to VOR (min) =
DH (FO) / O (FH) + H(FO) + or - A/C variation = QUJ + or - CA + or -
180 = QTE = BTP Time (Sec) / Number of Radials Crossed
FO - FF Out, FH - FF Home
Change to Planned IAS = Increase in Specific Air Range= (F)B * TAS)/ FF Time to NDB minutes =
IAS = IAS * Time late on ETA / Time 1 nm = 1852 m = 6080 feet Time (Sec) / Degrees Rel Brg Change
required to ETA 1 km = 3080 feet, 1 inch = 2.54 cm QDM = Heading (M) + RB
1 foot = 30.4 cm Glidepath Ht (ft) = GP Angle * Dist/60
Best Range Jet = 1.32 Vimd
ROD= GP Angle * GSpeed * 100/60
ROD for 3 Deg GP Angle = GS(Knott) * 5
F L I G H T R U L E AV I AT I O N S E R V I C E S GP in Degree = ….%/100*60
Level 1, Crescent Building, Lado Sarai, New Delhi - 30
DCP or PET = D * H / (O + H)
+91 11 66961070
H- GS Home, O- GS onward
PNR/PSR = E * O * H / (O+H)
Deviation West Compass Best F L I G H T R U L E AV I AT I O N S E R V I C E S L L P - Y O U R F L I G H T T R A I N I N G PA R T N E R
Variation West Magnetic Best
Convergence West True Best
Deviation East Compass Least A good pilot needs thorough understanding of aviation ground subjects. This is required not only for
Variation East Magnetic Least passing exams, but is also necessary for the safe conduct of flights, by law and for good airmanship.
Convergence East True Least HAPPY LANDINGS! - Capt Rahul Monga
Convergence = d Long from Datum
Longitude West GMT Best
Longitude East GMT Least PRP = 1/PRF
Grivation = Variation + Convergence Min Radar Range = (C * PW)/2
DALR = 3˚C/1000 ft SALR = 1.98˚C/1000 ft
Coeff C = (Deviation N - Deviation S)/2 Max Radar Range = C/2PRF
Coeff B = (Deviation E - Deviation W)/2 Height of Cloud Base = (T - Dew Point T) * 400 Cloud height above/below aircraft (ft) =
Coeff A = Range (Nm) * (tilt – ½ beam width) * 100
Temp Rise Fohn = (Lee Cloud Base - Windward Cloud Base) * 1.2
Dev (N+NE+E+SE+S+SW+W+NW)/8 SSR Range = Proportional to √Power
Deviation on Any Heading = True Altitude = PA + [4/100 * PA * ∆T/10] Radar Range = Proportional to 4√Power
A + B Sin Hdg + C Cos Hdg
Density Altitude= PA + (120 x ∆T), ∆T= T actual - T ISA NDB Range = 3 * √Power
Scale = Chart Length / Earth Distance
Scale Factor = Chart Length / MA SS & BA L AN CE IN STRUMENTS
Equivalent Reduced Earth Distance
1kg = 2.2 lbs, 1USG = 3.8 l, 1 Imp G = 4.5l TAS = RAS +(RAS * 1.75% per 1000’)
Scale = Stated Scale * Scale Factor IAS → (position/instrument error) → RAS/CAS →
Mercator Mass Change/Old Mass = CG Change/Dist Mass to New Position
(compressibility) → EAS → (density) → TAS
Scale Latitude = Scale Equator / Cos Lat Traffic Load = Lowest of LSS = 661 kt ISA Sea Level
MTOM - (DOM + FOB) OR MLM - (DOM + Remaining Fuel) OR
Lambert Convergency = Mach No= TAS/LSS LSS= 39√Temp ˚K
d Long x Sin Parallel of Origin or ANDS - Accelerate North Decelerate South
Running Load = Mass/Length UDL = Mass/Area
d Long x ’n’ constant of cone SONU - South Over-read North Under-read
Polar Stereographic Convergency =
R AD IO Rate One Turn AOB = 10% of IAS (Knots) + 7
d Long
Radius of turn= V2/ g* tan bank angle
Mercator Convergency = NIL C = f λ f= frequency, C= 300,000,000 m/s,
TAT= SAT[1+{0.2KM2}] (T in ˚Kelvin)
Tan Dip = Z/H VHF Range (nm) = 1.25√Hr + 1.25√Ht
TAT= SAT+ (TAS/100)2 (T in ˚C)
Transport Wander = QTE - Aircraft's true bearing from the station Pressure Altitude = Elevation + 30(1013-QNH)
E/W GS (Kt) * Tan Lat / 60 QUJ - Aircraft's true track to the station
Pressure Altitude = 30(1013 - QFE)
Radius of Turn = V2 * g * Tan Bank QDR - Aircraft's magnetic bearing from the station
Angle QDM - Aircraft's mag hdg to steer in NIL wind to reach station. True Alt = PA * (1 + ∆T/OAT ˚K)

Rate of Turn = (TAS/10) + 7 for Rate 1

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