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Learning Activity 1 Same Feather

Nasa answer key yung ilalagay sa heart phOE

Primary Group

I love this group because Individuals' psychological needs for love, affection, fellow feeling, cooperation,
companionship, and thinking exchange are met by primary groups. It has a significant impact on the
elimination of emotional and mental difficulties/stress. many  Individuals (including me) feel more
connected when they participate in primary groups.

I enjoy this group because

I admire this group because reference group is made up of people or groups who have an impact on
our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. They frequently function as role models for us.

Learning Activity 2 Guess ME

A. religious organization
B. political organization.
C. educational organization.
F. Financial Organization

E. Economic Organization

Learning Activity 3 Give Me

Pili ka nalang mahal

Picture A

-it provides social unity by fostering social peace via shared rites and beliefs;

-it provides social control by enforcing religious-based ethics and traditions to maintain social
conformity and control

-it provides meaning and purpose by providing answers to any existential concerns.

Picture B

-Facilitate disputes, develop administrative policies for the economic and social systems, and provide
population representation

-establishing, enforcing, and implementing regulations or apply laws

Picture C

- within a formally organized institution, responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills,
and cultural values

-social integration,

-social placement, and

-social and cultural innovation

Picture D

-to provide intermediate services that make financial services more accessible

-resource allocation and payment system

Picture E

-Organizing the production, exchange, circulation and consumption of goods and services

-Analyzes economic phenomena such as markets, corporations, property rights, and work using the
tools of sociology

Learning Activity 4 Answer Me

1 The term "social organization" refers to the social relationships that exist amongst groups. Individuals
and groups that are interconnected form social organization. It is the product of people's social
interactions. Individuals and groups participate in this network of social relationships. All social
organizations are social institutions. Organizations include associations, clubs, and other formal groups.
Social organizations are also the foundation of social systems. Members of an organized body learn to
know one another based on their duties and status. Members form organizations as a result of their
interactions. Social organization is the term for this type of interaction. ( Universities, governments,
families, and any persons or groups with whom you have social interactions are common examples.)

2 Family - The family serves a variety of important roles in society. It socializes children, offers emotional
and practical care to its members, aids in the regulation of sexual intercourse and reproduction, and
offers its members a sense of belonging or social indentity

School - As an educational institution/organization, the school ensures that us students learn

knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are consistent with the educational system's goals and ideals. The
school is both a social organization in and of itself, as well as one that may be managed in the context of
relationships and its place in society.

Community - The goal of community organizing is to organize, motivate, and educate individuals in order
to foster a sense of belonging. The community gets power or influence over issues affecting their well-
being as a result of this.

Learning Activity 5 I Belong

Population density was determined by social organization, particularly the degree of communication,
which in turn was determined by social integration: social solidarity and shared values and standards.
Social organization is the link between human nature responding to environmental factors , overt social
behavior patterns, and consciousness, and has a key effect on social behavior. People need social groups
in order to create trust in one another. They allow people to gain the interpersonal skills they need to
attain their goals and form communities via collaboration and competition. Our first social group, the
family, has provided us with fundamental needs such as food, hygiene, and shelter in a caring and
affectionate environment. Then began the stage of learning and adapting to the surroundings. The
school is a social group in which we learn to connect with other people and develop new social groups
while obeying the directions of adults other than our parents as teachers, and we begin to adapt to the
rules, rights, obligations, and constraints that regulate life in society. Over time, we will encounter social
groups that are pursuing a same goal, we will adopt the social part to play, and we will gain a social
status within that context and setting, allowing us to belong to multiple social groups without interfering
with our daily lives. If we choose to actively participate in the government of a city or a nation, we will
be able to join social groups that pursue various goals, such as economic, political, cultural, or
educational, while connecting with other people to reach a common purpose. In return, each of these
connections will have its own social organization, which will be guided by explicit or implicit norms that
are accepted by the members of this group who vote and make decisions that influence various social
projects, as well as the strategy for achieving the set objectives.

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