Don't Preach, INSPIRE: Use This in About Me Section

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Use this in About me section---Motivate yourself by giving someone else the ideas necessary for self

motivation -- 100 ways to motivate yourself by …

Add – Today’s songs at the end of every blog post – one fun and one motivational – Songs might pull
some traffic

Don’t preach, INSPIRE

A weekly book recommendation on personal development and goal setting and add affiliate link.

Motivational Topics (Remember to change the titles as many of these are picked from the book)

1. Art of having fun – Enjoy your journey – The process of achieving your goals
2. Psychology of winning – (Book on this topic by Denis Waitley)
3. Someday I’ll do this – Procrastination
4. Stay Hungry
5. CREATE a Vision- LIVE the Vision
6. Eyes on the Prize (not on the hurdles)
7. Be a good listener
8. Are You Happy? (Decide Category later) A Happy person gathers double the success – he is
not happy because he is successful, but he is getting the success because he is happy and
enjoying the process
9. Sweat in Peace
10. Fear Yourself (your dark/lazy/angry/confused/weary/depressed side/ending up in a hole)
11. Divide and Conquer – Eliminate (unnecessary activities) or Combine/fuse (2 or more
12. Simplify – Simpler you keep, stronger it gets
13. Design the path creatively
14. Calm your aggression (towards goal)
15. The power of NOW (Book by Eckhard Tolle) – A stitch in time saves nine
16. Hunt the treasure or bite the dust (/Eat the crap) – Positive vs Negative mindset
17. Be your own pilot (notice everything that pushes your RIGHT buttons/controls you/inspires
you) – Control your own environment
18. Dash for the Finish – The tasks we don’t complete cause the most fatigue
19. Embrace the Truth (about your abilities) – Initiate the Change
20. Outside the Box – Break out of the Prison – Don’t put restrictions on thinking – There are
infinite possibilities
21. Beat your own ass – Self-discipline
22. Crack the lock to unleash your beast (The Master Key to Riches by Napoleon Hill,
Frankenstein’s castle by Colin Wilson, The six pillars of self-esteem by Nathaniel Branfen)
23. Time is scarce: Invest smartly for maximum returns
24. Rewire yourself – Change of dominant habits – Damage control: How to Get rid of your bad
habits – Courage, Willingness, Spirituality(not religious one), relaxation, enlightenment-
realisation, healthier
25. Power of Increments: Start Smaller, End Bigger – power of compounding
26. Slow but Steady: Maintain the Rhythm
27. Success is contagious, so are failures!
28. Quality or Quantity? – Find the Right Balance
29. Laziness is your superpower!
30. Emotional Tools
31. Time with Self – Time to get Insight (Look inside, analyze, be honest with self, why you get
ideas in shower—alone time with self) – Self examination
32. Lucid Dreaming
33. Psychic Entropy
34. Idea Generation Technique
35. How not to die of Boredom? – Boredom and confusion – Decoits of peace and energy
36. 14 days goal setting challenge
37. Don’t be afraid to look bad (embarrassed) – How and Why not to care about what others
might think – How to avoid social fear
38. How to arrive at THE ONE decision?
39. Take a Risk – Experience the Fear –Jevha khalun aag lagel tevach palat sutal
40. Which Side of the Glass (meaning tv screen) do you want to live on? – Quote from 100 ways
to motivate yourself – Kill your television/electronics media addiction
41. How to get out of comfort zone? Comfort Zone or Dead Zone
42. Challenge your inner YOU
43. Plan your own game play – Creation vs Reaction – Act, don’t react
44. How your Imagination will define your success – instead of imagining worst case scenarios
go for best case
45. Imagination rules the world- Napoleon Bonaparte
Imagination is more important than Knowledge – Albert Einstein
46. Tear your Fear – Use your fears to transform yourself
47. Relate with Your SELF
48. Creativity in relationship building – Relationship with yourself, your goals and your future
49. Emotional Thinking vs Rational Thinking (and how to find a balance between them)
50. How to be more resourceful
51. Interaction
52. Are You Strong Enough? – Power of Will Power
53. List down the ways that motivate you and make a strategy out of it for self-motivation –
54. Love yourself – Care for your mind – Treat yourself like a king – Your mind is your home
55. Be your own Master – (Strict like Shaolin masters, Say no to temptations)
56. Routines to bring out the creativity
57. Being unhappy is not necessary. (don’t link your happiness to your goal and unhappiness to
sincerity towards goal)
58. Misleading desires – Fasten your willpower tight
59. Failure – resistance is new support --- improve the support limit bit by bit
60. Enjoying discipline
61. Rewiring and reprogramming of the Self (biocomputer – only for search-don’t use the term
in title. In article, you can)
62. Awaken the awareness
63. Guilt of Past and Fear of Future: Demons of Failure
64. Learning to live your plan
65. Relax and Focus – Relaxation for intellectual motivation
66. Power of negatives – What do you not want in your life? List them down and try working on
countering those – power of saying NO to temptations
67. Art of Appreciation
68. One at a time – Voltaire
69. Be your own investigator – Shadow yourself
70. Prepare your questions – Don’t wander in the grass field (Asking the right questions)
71. Outlearn the competition – Inventiveness, Curiosity, impulse and Quality
72. The will to win is not important but the will to prepare to win is more important – Bobby
Knight- Former Indiana Basketball coach
73. We are always selling something.
74. No mirrors around – Get over self-consciousness
75. Waves – Crests (achievements) and Troughs (setbacks- not failures, learning opportunities-
Stop for refuelling - aim for higher crests) – Rhythmic Uptrend
76. Don’t get seduced by your inner (pessimistic) voice – No age bar, no IQ bar, no Gender bar,
no status bar, no history bar – only your efforts will take you to your goal.
77. Challenge your self-deceptive mind – confidence vs over-confidence vs lack of sel-confidence
78. Diffuse your fears – get rid of self-sabotaging behaviours
79. Creation over reaction – Play your own tune
80. Mommy is not coming to rescue you – You need to save yourself – Handle your problems
81. External stimulation is a myth
82. Summon your superpowers
83. Tap the honey – Taste your greatness – Launch for the stars
84. Game theory for success
85. Recreational thinking for stimulating the mind
86. Restore and rejuvenate
87. Thinking is the hardest thing we do – Henry Ford – That is why very few people do it.
88. Today is THE DAY – Work so beautifully that you can go to sleep thinking this day was my
best day.
89. Transformation is a work in progress
90. Problems are blessings – They improve your wisdom and strength
91. Transform your self-belief system with constant learning – preach yourself the ideas of
success – You are Your Own Preacher
92. Review, Revise and Relearn – Keep repeating the self-motivation methods you’ve tried
before that got you moving when you are down or back to loser self
93. Release the birds – Keep ideas free flowing
94. Prodigal Prince or Frugal Trader – Don’t waste your power of thinking on unnecessary ideas
and don’t keep it underutilized either. Maintain the balance. – How to find this balance?
95. Smaller is bigger – start small, set few realistic goals, small wins, progress one at a time, one
brick at a time makes the castle
96. Process goals (small) vs Outcome goals (Large) and how to set them for better outcomes –
Energy distribution
97. Control your path to your goals – Consciousness of the progress
98. Power of visualisation – Techniques – Winners visualise the rewards of success, losers
visualise the penalties of losing (psychologist Rob Gilbert – Check if this quote is his or a
general observation) – Vision boards, treasure mapping, 4 circles (daily, weekly, monthly,
yearly goals) – training subconscious mind – Communicate your goals with yourself
99. Entrepreneurial thinking – Your goals are your business and you want to make it the Google
—Thinking in unconventional ways
100. Keep the thought engine running – Don’t be a quitter – Keep thinking until every
opportunity is exploited – Effectiveness of optimistic thinking (optimists don’t give up)
101. Best case scenarios – Always! – Worst case scenarios will prepare you for setbacks,
but they have more downside as they will force you to create cushioning to absorb failures,
make you feel safe for having plan B, and eventually drain out your energy in creating plan B,
C ,D to Z than focusing on your actual goal.
1. Beat your pessimistic self – Flip your mind to optimistic side
2. Eliminate stupid ones - Brainstorming – List out all the ideas and eliminate stupid ones
3. You are your best mentor – Watch what you’re doing correct and wrong throughout the
process – You can create your own masterpiece or destroy it – Be conscious – Do not
overlook the value of a good teacher though.
4. Aim for the new frontiers – adapt to progressive changes and improve with situation – blend
yourself in changing time and scenarios
5. Are you capable? – Focus more on skills – Become useful at any age – never retire
6. Maintain your individuality – Despite of changing with time and technology, maintain your
on individual self – your goals, composure, nature, personality – give shape to your existence
7. Nature is the best healer – Spend some time with nature
8. Chain reaction – A win leads to the next.
9. Every morning a new canvas – Start every day as a new start
10. Breathing to the brain – How deep breathing and increased oxygen level improves brain
functioning and how it helps in the process – Keep body active
11. Value of a good teacher – Why coaching is important? – Teacher can see you objectively and
help you to identify and eliminate the flaws – help you focus on the results while designing a
great process to achieve those results – Makes you stronger – teaches you to handle loss –
Open yourself to your teacher
12. Listen to your voice – inner voice – Don’t let it hold you back – train it to tell you to move
ahead – resist its negativity, debate with it and take control of your life – Conversation with
13. Power of promises – Lure yourself or promise someone something that will incur you huge
loss or punishment – this way, you’ll think 100 times before wandering off the track
14. Trust yourself and Trust the Process
15. Networking
16. Your competitors are your ladders of growth – they energise you
17. Work of warfooting
18. ‘No’ is not your final answer – don’t get bogged down by rejection – try to analyse the
reasoning behind it – try to rectify mistakes, add new knowledge, learn new skills – Follow
19. The purpose gives you the superhuman power
20. Be a thinker – Start looking for solutions after problem finding instead of complaining –
problem solving induces motivation – improves confidence level – Encouragement –
Relationships with your organisation, your business, your people
21. Pleasure vs enjoyment – Happy state of mind – satisfaction – calmness – enthusiasm
22. Walk for yourself (exercise)– Don’t be a couch potato – Importance of getting your body
some movement – oxygen levels and brain functioning – sound mind in a sound body
23. Brain exercises – brain can be built (by Vos Savant 230 IQ)
24. Strengthen yourself – Physical (strong) -> Emotional (Balanced) -> intellectual (smart)
25. Who is your hero? – Observe him/ her -- what do they do differently – imitate them
26. Double negative is not always positive
27. Beauty of integrity (to ourselves) – Be truthful to yourself – truth sets you free and help
overcome the fears and solve problems
28. It’s showtime!

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