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Trial 1 Trial 2

San 33 110 N=no. of observations t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means
Kshiti 24 99 N1(no. of observations of trial 1)=11
Ron 32 98 N2(no. of observations of trial 2)=11
Sid 36 89 Mean
Sandy 35 92 Variance
Teja 31 103 Observations
Allen 33 95 Pearson Correlation
Vishal 34 88 Hypothesized Mean Di
Villy 42 90 df
Sona 40 104 t Stat
Manal 39 100 P(T<=t) one-tail
t Critical one-tail
P(T<=t) two-tail
Test whether there is a significant difference between two mean trials t Critical two-tail

This is a student T-test for a paired samples

Step 1
Null Hythosis (H0) : There is no significant difference between the 2 sample means of trial 1 and trial 2
(donot directly write ke "there is a significant difference between 2 samples" for null hypothesis, otherwise there is
(if we don’t write "no" in null hypothesis, then we will not get marks and our test is only wrong)

Alternative Hypothesis (H1) : There is significant difference between the 2 sample means of trial 1 and trial 2

Step 2: Level of significance(LOS) : means area of rejection/ percentage of rejection

LOS = 5%

Step 3 : Degrees of freedom(df) = (N1-1)+(N2-1) = N1 + N2 - 2

20 i.e. 11+11-2

Step 4: Calculate T stat Go to DATA tab and click on "Data analysis" and then select t paired test
Calculated T stat=0.000000000775 (take two tail value)

Table T or critical T = 2.222

Since calculated T is lesser than critical T, we accept the null hypothesis.

Conclusion: There is no significant relation between between the 2 sample means of trial 1 and trial 2
red Two Sample for Means

Trial 1 Trial 2 one tail test-is used to test if there is any relationship between variables in a single
34.4545454545455 97.09091 two tail test-is used to test relation between the variables in either direction.
24.2727272727272 49.09091
11 11

trial 1 and trial 2

hypothesis, otherwise there is no point of null hypothesis)

ans of trial 1 and trial 2

" and then select t paired test -two sample mean

between variables in a single direction.
ables in either direction.

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