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School MSC – Laboratory School Grade Level 7

DAILY Teacher Lee Anthony J. Escueta Learning Area Mathematics

Teaching Date Thursday, May 21, 2020 Quarter 4th

The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data
A. Content
collection/gathering and the different forms of data representation, measures of central tendency,
measures of variability, and probability.
The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and compute accurately measures of central
tendency and variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different fields.
C. Learning
Competencies /
Enabling The learner calculates the measure of central tendency of grouped data
Objectives M7SP-IVh-i-1
(Write the LC
code for each)

Main Topic: Measures of Central Tendency of Grouped Data
Sub-topic: Calculating the Mean of Grouped Data

A. References E-Math Worktext in Mathematics 7
Teacher’s TG
Guide pages
B. Other Visual Aids, Laptop, Monitor/Projector, Cartolina, Powerpoint Presentation , Flash cards

PROCEDURE Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Initial
Activity A. Drill
(Review of I have flashcards here showing different class
previous lesson/s
intervals. All you need is to give the midpoint or
class marks orally.
1. 53-55 1. 54
2. 78-80 2. 79
3. 62-64 3. 63
4. 90-92 4. 91
5. 87-89 5. 88
6. 93-95 6. 94
B. Review
Can you still recall the measures of central
tendency of ungrouped data? Yes sir!
the new lesson)
How are they computed?

Calculate the mean, median and mode of this set Mean = (21+22+28+32+32) =135
data. Median : 28
21,22,23,28,28,32 Mode: 32

Alright! It seems that you really understand our

previous topic.
Group Activity:
Each group will be provided set of data on the scores in
Mathematics summative test of the Grade 7. Organize
the data into a grouped frequency distribution with 5
23 25 24 34 22 24 27 37 33 24
26 23 38 24 24 17 28 23 30 25
30 22 33 24 28 36 24 19 25 31
34 31 27 24 29 28 21 25 26 15
26 22 27 21 25 28 24 21 25 26

B. Motivation Your task is to construct a frequency distribution table.

(Establishing a. Determine the range
a purpose for the b. Determine the size of the class interval Range = 37 - 15 = 22
lesson) c. Determine the frequency of each class Size of class interval = 22/5 = 4.4

Scores Frequency
15-19 3
20-24 18
25-29 18
30-34 8
35-39 3

How will you find the mean of this grouped data?

C. Analysis Let us continue our activity.
(Presenting Your task is to discover how to calculate the mean of
examples / grouped data.
Scores Frequency
of the new
lesson) 15-19 3
D. Discussing 20-24 18
new concepts 25-29 18
and 30-34 8
practicing new 35-39 3
skills Read and answer. 1.
(sub-activity 1. Determine the class marks of each class. Scores Frequency Class Marks
# 1) (f) (x)
E. Discussing
15-19 3 17
new concepts
20-24 18 22
25-29 18 27
practicing new
skills 30-34 8 32
(sub-activity 35-39 3 37
# 2)
2. Multiply the class mark of each class by its 2.
corresponding frequency. Add new column for Scores Frequency Class
its product. (f) Marks f(x)
15-19 3 17 51
20-24 18 22 396
25-29 18 27 486
30-34 8 32 256
35-39 3 37 111

3. Use the symbol ∑ fx to represent the sum. 3. Add all the products of the class
marks and frequencies.
∑𝑓𝑥=51+396+486+256+111 = 1300

4. Use n to represent the total number of 4. Add all the frequencies.

observations. Add all the frequencies. n = 3 + 18 + 18 + 8 + 3 = 50
5. Divide the sum of the products by
5. Lastly, use x to represent mean. the total number of observations.
The result is the mean.
x= = 26

What is the mean score of Grade 7 summative test? The mean is 26.
The table below gives a frequency distribution of the
scores obtained by 40 students in an English test. Scores f x f(x)
Compute for the mean score. 72-80 2 76 152
Scores Frequency 63-71 3 67 201
72-80 2 54-62 4 58 232
F. Application 45-53 14 49 686
(Developing 63-71 3 36-44 10 40 400
mastery) 54-62 4 27-35 5 31 155
45-53 14 18-26 2 22 44
n=40 εf ( x)=1870
36-44 10 Mean = 1870/40 = 46.75
27-35 5
18-26 2

Group Activity
G. Valuing The students will form a group of three.
(Finding Each group will be given a problem to answer.
practical Group 1:
applications of Complete this table which shows students’ scores
concepts and in a math test.
skills in daily living)
a. How many students were there?
b. Find the mean (f)(x)
Scores (f) (x)
Frequency (f)(x) 0-10 10 5 50
Scores (f) Midpoint (x) 11-21 15  16  240
0-10 10 22-32 9  27  243
11-21 15     33-43 4  38  152
44-54 2  49  98
22-32 9    
n=40 εf (x)=783
33-43 4    
Mean = εf ( x) = 783 = 19.58
44-54 2    
n 40

Group 2:
Complete this table to find the mean amount of
Amount (f) (x)
money spent on a Saturday by students.
1-5 3 3 9
6-10 5  8  40
11-15 7  13  91
16-20 10  18  180
21-25 5  23  115
n=30 εf (x)=435
Mean = εf ( x) = 435 = 14.5
Frequency (f)(x) n 30
Amount (f) Midpoint (x)
1-5 3 (f)(x)
6-10 5     Length (f) (x)
1-3 5 2 10
11-15 7    
4-6 6  5  30
16-20 10    
7-9 7  8  56
21-25 5     10-12 8  11  88
13-15 4  14  56
Group 3: n=40 εf (x)=240
A scientist with too much time on his hands measures
Mean = εf ( x) = 240 = 6
the lengths of worms in his garden. Find the mean and
n 20
complete the table.
Frequency (f)(x)
Length (f) Midpoint (x)
1-3 5
4-6 6    
7-9 7    
10-12 8    
13-15 4    

H. Abstraction Going back to the activity you’ve just performed, How To calculate the mean of grouped
(Making can you calculate the mean of grouped data? data, first is construct the frequency
generalizations distribution table, second, determine
about the
the class marks, and then multiply
them by its corresponding frequency,
That’s right. after that add all the products, and
lastly divide it by the total number of

If x represents the mean, ∑ fx for the sum of the

products of the class mark and frequency, and n for the
total number of observations, can you give the formula The formula in getting the mean of
in calculating the mean of grouped data? ∑fx
grouped data is x= .
Very good! The formula for the mean of grouped is
∑ fx
Where; f = class frequency
x = class mark
n = total number of observations Yes, sir!
None, sir!
Is it clear class?
Is there any questions about lesson?

Directions: Find the mean of the given grouped data.

Classes Frequency (f)
48-52 3 (f)(x)
43-47 3 Classes (f) (x)
38-42 5 48-52 3 50 150
33-37 14 43-47 3  45  135
I. Evaluation 28-32 11 38-42 5  40  200
(Assessing 23-27 3 33-37 14  35  490
learning) 18-22 1 28-32 11  30  330
23-27 3 25 75
18-22 1 20 20
n=40 ∑ fx=1400
∑ fx 1400
x= = =35
n 40

Follow-up Assignment:
Below are the scores of 65 students in a Mathematics
test. Calculate the mean of the given data.

J. Agreement
activities for
Advanced Assignment:
Median of Grouped Data


A. No. of
learners who
earned 80%
in the
B. No. of
learners who
activities for
C. Did the
remedial lessons
No. of
learners who have
up with the
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did I
which my
principal or
can help me
G. What
innovations or
materials did I
use / discover
which I
wish to share
with other
Prepared by:

Student Teacher

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