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RoDTam Asacity eouncan, Tam leaded gly in 200 to 2 mis Smear and patty mise. ‘meanor charges of thet and fasting documents related to overcharging the city 80 $257 formeale at Hono restaurants from 207 to 208, Ta alo. lesen contest to ght mis dereanor changes of voting ‘ampalg spending avs He was. Sentenced to two nights and "Shouts of community service, MICHAEL KAKAPEA The city housing ofl was conte in 200 fr steal Ingnnlions from the Ea Villages project He received a ibjea prison term, RENE MANSHO ‘Thecitycounewomnan served aoneyea al sen tence fllowing her 2002 ony thet conviction for eng at east $200 in city money in elation to having her stall work on her campaign on ety tine. 3s wells legal use of more than $200 in campaign funds, “Theformerstaterep- resentative served 18 months ofa fveyear entence stemming fromlega voter eg istration ellorts during 1882 relec- tion bid ins Kai Ais. ~ Compiedby Dan Nabaso and Andrew Gomes, tarde ‘Theformer state House speaker was convicted in 197 of money laundering, obstruction of ustie and Ingle income tax e- tumater diverting 27.000, Jn campaign ands for pe sonal de He was relenaed Mutton HOLT “Theformer state senator in 1998 pleaded guilty to mail Iraudas part ofa ple agroe- tment after he was accused fot using campaign funds or petsonal use He terved ‘out sixtmonths na main- land prison arian suzuKt ‘The forme state represen- tative wa sentenced in 2005 to thre years in prison for conspiring witha Hono- Tala businessman to dead {he IRS by setting up off shore corporations and thank accounts to avo tax from prison in 199 because (of poor health and dled the following year ably MULTIPLE AGENCIES. ‘More than 35 people werent inthe ‘mi.2008 a par of a massive wiretap op- ration sparked by the discovery that an Bl clerkwasusingher access to confide til information totip off drug dealers, The specs Included the clerk. ve police off ets a Honolulliquot inspector and the ‘Aloha Stam security hel Three ofthe loicers were convict of ryt potest {nilegal gambling operation the clerk was, onvicled of tapping nto a federal data- ‘ase without authorization, and then spector nd sect che pleaded gully {o charges related fo extorting owners lt bas, HoNoLULU LaUOR ‘COMMISSION Eight liquor inspectors were Inalted in 2002 fr accepting bribes fom bar owners nex change for no enforlng hquor Tas. Alleight were convicts. DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND PERMITTING Federal charges were fed in 2120 against fe former and thenurent employees ofthe cy agency forallegedy accepting bribes.

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