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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

Lời nói đầu

The M-Megazine là một dự án do
chính các giáo viên của The Mengilish
Home biên soạn với mong muốn giúp các
bạn đang quan tâm, chuẩn bị cho kì thi IELTS
có thêm một nguồn tài liệu tham khảo đáng
tin cậy. Để ủng hộ đội ngũ thực hiện, cũng như
tôn trọng quyền tác giả, rất mong các bạn
sẽ không sao chép, thương mại hóa The
M-Megazine dưới mọ hình thức. Xin cảm
ơn các bạn. Chúc các bạn sẽ có một
kết quả thật tốt trong kì thì sắp tới.

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021


Which do you prefer, writing by hand or
I’m more of a handwriting lover as I believe
it’s multidimentally beneficial, at least
for me. For example, I will definitely hand
write in an artistic manner when I learn
language to facilitate better retention and
recall, or whenever I need to note something
important, I will take it down in shorthand
rather than typing for convenience.

Is your handwriting easy to read?

Definitely yes, I have to say my handwriting is
not only intelligible but also quite neat.Mind
you, I used to be awardetd the second prize
in the cursive handwriting contest at my
primary school which requires candidates
to master the challenge of keeping straight
margins, avoiding smeared ink, and until
now I still take pride in that ability even
though I think it is getting gradually rusty as
a result of my greater use of keyboard.

Can you tell one’s personality from their

Well, it’s kinda beyond my knowledge, to be
honest, but if I can speak from my experience
that one’s handwriting style can give us
some clues about his or her individuality.
For example, those writing in large letters
are expected to be people-oriented and
outspoken while those with smaller ones
tend to be withdrawn, concentrated and
meticulous. Really intriguing to figure it out,

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multidimentally beneficial /ˈmʌltidimentəli ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəl/

mang lại nhiều lợi ích
facilitate /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ tạo điều kiện
retention /rɪˈtenʃən/ việc lưu trữ
take it down in shorthand /teɪk ɪt daʊn ɪn ˈʃɔːthænd/
tốc ký
intelligible /ɪnˈtelɪʤəbl/dễ hiểu
cursive handwriting /ˈkɜːsɪv ˈhændˌraɪtɪŋ/ viết chữ
smeared ink /smɪəd ɪŋk/ lem mực
gradually rusty /ˈgrædjʊəli ˈrʌsti/ dần bị hoen gỉ

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021


Describe a time you bought something from a street (or

outdoor) market

You should say:

When it was
Where the market was
What you bought
And how you felt about it

Street markets in Vietnam are not only for commercial

purposes, but also imbued themselves with cultural identity.
The calligraphy work I bought in a local calligraphy market
is one of them.

I cannot recall exactly the time but perhaps it was on the

occasion of Tet holiday when I decided to buy some
ornaments to decorate our house. On my way to the store
I know, I bumped into a colourful street market that mostly
sold calligraphy works. You know, never have I gone to such
art markets as I’ve always thought that products there are
often exorbitantly priced and therefore, not worth the money
to buy. However, as there were so many people flocking to
the market, I decided, on second thoughts, to stop by out of

By the time I went into the place, I was totally blown-away

by the bustling atmosphere of more than 50 calligraphers
giving their handwritten masterpieces to people. Words on
such works are often best wishes relating to happiness,
wealth and longevity that are highly decorative with exquisite
craftsmanship and meticulousness of the writer.

After admiring such words for a while, I decided to buy a pair

with the words longevity and happiness artistically written
on red paper. I thought that my apricot tree would look more
colourful and eye-catching with them, and much to my
surprise, they only cost me 100,000 VND.

Due to the artistic and cultural values calligraphy markets

hold, I believe that we should maintain and promote them to
our descendants.

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calligraphy market /kəˈlɪgrəfi ˈmɑːkɪt/ gian hàng thư pháp

ornaments /ɔːnəmənts/ đồ trang trí
exorbitantly priced /ɪgˈzɔːbɪtəntli praɪst/ giá cắt cổ
exquisite /ˈɪkskwɪzɪt/ xuất sắc, tuyệt đẹp
craftsmanship /ˈkrɑːftsmənʃɪp/ khéo léo, thạo nghề
meticulousness /mɪˈtɪkjʊləsnəs/ tỉ mỉ
descendants /dɪˈsɛndənts/ hậu duệ, thế hệ mai sau

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

What kinds of markets are there in Vietnam?
Needless to say, Vietnam, our country, has a reputation for
street markets that are omnipresent in every corner of the
country where people from all walks of life can buy and sell
things. Products, mostly produce, in such markets are often
indigenous to the place, freshly-harvested and unmistakably
reasonably-priced. Despite the growing number of mall
complexes, street markets still hold a predominant position
when it comes to purchasing items necessary for the locals’
daily needs..

Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?

Well, no matter how flourishing trade centers and large-scale
business centers are, I still believe that there still exist various
small-sized markets scattering and interspersing with fully-
equipped markets because buying stuffs in such places are
somewhat more convenient for those who only look for a few
bits and pieces than going to the supermarkets where they
have to spend time parking and shopping around to find what
they need, not to mention the time they spent on queuing at
the cash counter. Therefore, as small markets meet people’s
demand to buy things quickly, I’m not convinced that they will
become non-existent in years to come.

Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?

I would say yes, consumerism of people in this modern world
has experienced drastic changes, the most conspicuous of
which is that consumers are on the lookout for products
that help them embrace their new homebody lifestyles,
whether they spot them on a shoppable social media feed
or a display in a physical store. Shopping trends are leaning
toward products that make working at home comfortable,
add beauty to home spaces, and provide an enjoyable way to
spend downtime.

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freshly-harvested /ˈfreʃli-ˈhɑːvɪstɪd/ mới vừa thu hoạch

reasonably-priced /ˈriːznəbli-praɪst/ giá cả hợp lí
predominant position /prɪˈdɒmɪnənt pəˈzɪʃən/ vai trò, vị trí chủ đạo
bits and pieces /bɪts ænd ˈpiːsɪz/ một vài món
homebody lifestyles /ˈhəʊmbɒdi ˈlaɪfˌstaɪlz/ lối sống gia đình
leaning toward /ˈliːnɪŋ təˈwɔːd/ thiên về
spend downtime /spend ˈdaʊntaɪm/ dành vào thời gian chết

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

What is your favorite festival of the year?
I really enjoy the Mid-autumn festival, which
falls on 15 September in the lunar calendar
annually. Also known as the reunion festival,
it is the second most culturally significant
event in Vietnam. You know, this day every
year, however busy we are, my family
routinely gathers in our yard, nibbles on
mooncakes, and sips tea in the soft glow of
paper lanterns.

How do you celebrate festivals in your

It kind of depends on what festival we are
celebrating. In general, the indispensable
items are food and flowers which are often
displayed on the altar to show our gratitude
to our ancestors. Some families even burn
incense sticks and joss paper as a religious
ritual while others choose to stay laid-back
and reward themselves with a trip after a
year of hard work.

How do you celebrate Spring Festivals?

In Vietnam, spring is the festive season
when hundreds of flowers bloom and
religious places, like pagodas or churches,
are crowded with the faithful who arrive and
dedicate their offerings to Buddha or God to
pray for a prosperous, new year. This is also
my favorite traditional activity as I find the
ambiance in these sacred sites really cozy
and special.

reunion festival /riːˈjuːnjən ˈfestəvəl/ lễ hội sum họp

nibbles on /ˈnɪblz ɒn/ nhâm nhi
joss paper /ʤɒs ˈpeɪpə/ vàng mã (tiền âm phủ)
laid-back /leɪd-bæk/ thư giãn
the faithful /ðə ˈfeɪθfʊl/ tín đồ
ambiance /ˈæmbiəns/ bầu không khí

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021


Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like

You should say:

When and where it happened
Who he/she was
Why you didn’t like this person
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on this occasion

I’m gonna talk about the time I went to the local

health center to get my second jab of Covid
vaccine, and here, I had to act friendly to a
person I didn’t particularly like. That’s Jack, my
For the first time in a long time, I got out of my
house, heading towards the vaccination venue.
Arriving at the spot, I saw as many as 200 people
waiting in an awfully long line. After joining the
line, I looked around and saw everyone strictly
obey Directive 16 by keeping a distance of 2
meters at least. Accidentally, I caught sight of
Jack, the neighbor that I still do not like.
My initial impression about him was that he
sounded quite courteous, but then I turned
out dead wrong. The longer I live in this
neighborhood, the more I know about him. Jack
is as infamous for his discourtesy as he is for
his hot temper. Personally, I once witnessed him
yelling at his neighbors for petty issues.
Jack approached my line and pretended to be
well-mannered as if I hadn’t known he was
about to cut in line. I faked a smile and acted
as nicely as possible. I knew for sure what he
was up to, so by the time he was about to do jab /ʤæb/ mũi tiêm
so, I put him off that very idea by politely yet Directive 16 /dɪˈrektɪv 16/ chỉ thị 16
straightforwardly telling him to start queuing. infamous /ˈɪnfəməs/ tai tiếng với
Jack was as angry as he was embarrassed, but
be up to /biː ʌp tuː/ đang làm gì
there was barely anything else he could do. That
wasn’t quite a long wait, though, so he’d better put someone off /pʊt ˈsʌmwʌn ɒf/ gạt ai ra khỏi
behave, as does a civilized human being. civilized /ˈsɪvɪlaɪzd/ có tính văn minh

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

Why are people friendly with the person
they don’t like?
They don’t wanna act as impolite people, I
guess. No matter how much they dislike a
person, they are always expected to behave
courteously in all situations because this is
what well-mannered individuals do. Besides,
one’s friendliness is often indicative of
their professionalism. When encountering
someone they don’t particularly like, people
need to stay as friendly as they can, or they
will get sacked at once. I doubt that there
are any companies that can tolerate such
an emotionally immature staff member,
who let their personal affairs interfere with
their job and then the image of the entire

What are the differences between being

friendly and being polite?
I think being friendly is when a person finds it
absolutely normal to strike up a conversation
with a random stranger. Meanwhile, being
polite simply means that person knows how
to behave in a socially acceptable manner.
You know, I have a lot of neighbors whose
friendliness is noticeable, for they are always
willing to befriend anybody freshly moving
to our neighborhood, but that doesn’t

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

necessarily mean they are polite at all. I mean,

some of them are a bit nosy, like, prying into
each other’s affairs. By contrast, I do know
how to act politely, but I’m kinda shy when
having to communicate with strange people.

What are some qualities of a good

I believe friendship is synonymous with
mutual understanding and wholehearted
assistance. First off, friends are always
supposed to get each other’s feelings, likes
and dislikes. They should understand what
the other feels most and least comfortable
doing, and their relationship would be even
more intimate if they can share all of those.
Next, they should be ready to offer help
when their friends are in need. I mean, it
doesn’t necessarily have to be materialistic.
In fact, it’s maybe just a hug, a phone call, or
an encouraging saying “don’t worry, you’ve
got this” that is basically enough.

indicative /ɪnˈdɪkətɪv/ biểu thị, biểu hiện

get sacked /get sækt/ bị sa thải
prying into / ˈpraɪɪŋ ˈɪntuː/ tọc mạch
affairs /əˈfeəz/ công việc, việc riêng
you’ve got this /juːv gɒt ðɪs/ bạn làm được mà

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

Would you like to work in a company related vacations I join in local conservation projects
to environmental protection? like clearing rubbish on the beach near my
Sure, I would love to. If I hold a position within city or collecting contaminants on rivers
such a firm, I’m confident that I can play a close to my house.
part in preserving the natural environment. Is there education about environmental
One of the things I think I can do is to run protection at school in your country?
programs to raise public awareness of the Well, I wish there was but unfortunately
disastrous effects that human activities there isn’t. Imagine how much awareness of
have on the environment. young generations in my country could have
been raised if there had been one. I believe
How can we protect the environment? the positive effect would be much greater.
Well, there are various measures we can There will be so many lessons that we can
take to safeguard the environment, but I teach our students and by doing so, they
believe the key thing is that every citizen can be more aware of the dos and don’ts.
has to have a hand in it, whether it’s the What I’m trying to say is that if the young are
poor or the rich, individuals or enterprises. educated about environmental protection,
Anyway, I think one practical approach that they are more likely to know how to treat
everyone should adopt is to avoid any acts it properly. And as a result, environmental
of dumping rubbish into lakes, rivers, and problems such as river pollution or illegal
oceans. Not only can these sources of water dumping that have been existing in Vietnam
be protected from being severely polluted for so long can be reduced significantly.
but animals on the endangered list can also
be saved from extinction. disastrous effects /dɪˈzɑːstrəs ɪˈfekts/ tác động tai hại
safeguard the environment /ˈseɪfgɑːd ði ɪnˈvaɪərən-
Do you think you’ve done enough to protect
mənt/ bảo vệ môi trường
the environment?
Well, I don’t mean to sound self-satisfied avoid any acts of /əˈvɔɪd ˈeni ækts ɒv/ tránh mọi hành
with my contribution but I think I’ve vi
protected the environment to the best of my opt for /ɒpt fɔː/ chọn
ability. I opt for commuting by bike which is
collecting contaminants /kəˈlektɪŋ kənˈtæmɪnənts/
undoubtedly more environmentally friendly
when compared to other means of transport thu thập chất gây ô nhiễm
like motorbikes or cars. Besides, in summer illegal dumping /ɪˈliːgəl ˈdʌmpɪŋ/ xả rác bừa bãi

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

You should say:

When you read it
What kind of book it is
What it is about
And explain why you think it is exciting

The book that first came into my mind is his life. He could never truly live a happy life
“The Notebook”. It’s a romantic novel that I without her being next to him. To make a long
swear you cannot put down once you begin. story short, they got married regardless of
Truly a masterpiece. her parents’ disapproval and they immensely
I ran across it in a bookstore near my enjoyed every moment of life.
house when I was searching for something Well, “The Notebook” is undoubtedly a
intriguing to kill time. I’m a huge fan of gripping novel. I read the book from cover
romance and the title “The Notebook” to cover in just one day and to be honest, I
captured my attention. I flipped through the skipped my breakfast and lunch for it but
book and I knew right away it would be a it’s truly worth it. I’m truly impressed by the
good read so I snatched it up very quickly. way the love of the two main characters
“The Notebook” tells a story of two lovers. developed in the story, overwhelming and
I know I know a very typical love story isn’t passionate love in the beginning but more
it?. But I think what sets it apart from other unconditional and genuine love at the end.
novels is how the story is built up. Noah was Unquestionably, this book holds a special
a poor worker at a local mill and one day place in my heart.
he met Allie - a girl coming from a wealthy
background. We can call it love at first flipped through the book /flɪpt θruː ðə bʊk/ lướt mấy
sight as they fell desperately in love with trang sách
one another the first time their eyes met. a good read /ə gʊd riːd/ một cuốn sách hay
However, her parents didn’t approve of their
snatched it up /snæʧt ɪt ʌp/ chộp lấy nó
love affair due to social differences. Then
Noah went to fight in World War II while Allie make a long story short /meɪk ə lɒŋ ˈstɔːri ʃɔːt/ nói
was forced to begin a new relationship with ngắn gọn
another man. Noah met Allie again after the a gripping novel /əˈgrɪpɪŋ ˈnɒvəl/ cuốn tiểu thuyết thu
war and he knew that she was the light of
hút, hấp dẫn

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Forecast Speaking Test Quarter 3 - 2021

What kinds of books do Vietnamese people them decode the message the author has
like reading? tried to convey. Most of the time, movies fail
Well, people in my country read all sorts of to get over the book’s message due to time
things but what they truly prefer would be limits so I’d recommend reading the book
love novels and historical books. In Vietnam, first and watching the screen adaptation
nearly all bestselling books include these two afterward to truly enjoy screen time.
types. What to read will depend mostly on
the age of the readers. Young generations What are the differences between reading
tend to be more fascinated by romantic a book and watching the movie version of
stories whereas older readers have a strong it?
preference for books about past events. Sure without a doubt there is a range of
potential distinctions here. As I’ve said one
Do boys and girls like the same kinds of the difference would be that reading a book
books? allows readers time to contemplate the
Unquestionably there is a range of possible message hidden in the story, though quite
differences here. However, I guess the most the opposite, the screen adaptation tends
significant would be that boys tend to be to rush the audience with the storyline not
captivated by horror and thriller. Girls, on fully developed. A further distinction might
the contrary, are avid readers of romance. In be that reading stimulates the imagination.
other words, girls prefer to read something Conversely, a movie enables the audience to
romantic with no suspense while boys get visualize all the elements of the books that
a kick out of jumpscares and tension. In used to be limited to their imagination. With
addition to this, a subsequent distinction such a difference, viewers may have a fresh
might be that girls wouldn’t say no to drama experience while enjoying the movie.
while science-fiction books are always a big
yes for boys.
fascinated /ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd/ cuốn hút
Do you think it is important to read the book have a strong preference for /hæv ə strɒŋ ˈprefərəns
before watching the movie version of it? fɔː/ cực kì thích thú
Clearly, there are a number of obvious
tend to be captivated by /tend tuː biː ˈkæptɪveɪtɪd baɪ/
merits but I would say for the most part
the one thing that stands out is that books có xu hướng thích
provide more detail to the storyline and the protagonist /prəʊˈtægənɪst/ nhân vật chính
characters. What the protagonists are truly reflect on /rɪˈflekt ɒn/ suy ngẫm về
thinking and the events that lead to their
decode the message /ˈdiːkəʊd ðə ˈmesɪʤ/ giải mã
personal growth. And when you watch the
movie version of it, it is easier for you to thông điệp
catch up with how the plot develops. At the screen adaptation /skriːn ˌædæpˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ chuyển thể
same time, a second bonus might be that lên màn ảnh
book readers have time to reflect on the
visualize /ˈvɪzjʊəlaɪz/ hình tượng hóa
book. Such a reflection is needed to help
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Thực hiện tháng 10/2021

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Address: 472/27 Đường CMT8, Phường 11, Quận 3, Tp. HCM
Phone: 0964093117

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