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Nova Southeastern University

H. Wayne Huizenga School of Business & Entrepreneurship

Assignment for Course: MKT 5125 - Marketing Decisions for Manager

Submitted to: Dr. Selima Ben Mrad

Submitted by: Lauren Matta N01811808

Date of Submission: November 8, 2021

Title of Assignment: Individual Case analysis Aspire Food Group: Marketing a Cricket Protein

CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper

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and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledged and

disclosed in the paper. I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas

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or words, either quoted directly or paraphrased. I also certify that this paper was
prepared by me specifically for this course.

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Instructor's Grade on Assignment:

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Instructor's Comments:

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Question 1: Assess Exo’s brand equity (consumer awareness, quality, loyalty, and unique brand
associations). Compare and contrast Exo’s brand equity with that of Aspire Aketta brand?
Exo’s brand equity focused on providing a high-quality performance protein bar for

athletes while Aketta’s brand equity focused on providing consumer awareness in cricket

products and the unique alternative to protein sources. Aketta relied on educating consumers on

the eco-friendly and sustainable option of eating crickets as snacks. While Exo chose to rely

more on the quality of the product, the “clean” ingredients, and high source of protein its bars

provides. Exo’s loyalty primarily comes from athletes. Prior to Aspire’s acquisition of Exo,

Aketta did not have the large brand recognition and loyalty as Exo.

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Question 2: As Aspire’s CEO, how would you position the newly acquired Exo brand? Which
consumer segments are most attractive? Consider the competition when formulating it.

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I would position the Exo brand as an eco-conscious, healthy and high-quality protein bar.
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The consumer segment I would focus on is psychographic. Within the psychographic segment I

would focus on people who consume products that are ethically sourced and eco-conscious as
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well as consumers who are health conscious and focus on “clean ingredients”. The health / diet

industry is a huge industry that Exo brand can succeed in. Additionally, within the health / diet
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industry there is a sub-group of individuals who care about the environmental footprint of the
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goods they consume as well as the implications of animal cruelty. Exo’s transparent supply

chain, clean ingredients, and humane and efficient cricket farming will surely put Exo in a

successful position to target this market. The competition Exo faces is predominantly from well-

established protein bar companies such as Cliff Bar, Luna Bar, and Balance Bar. However, Exo

has a unique product line, i.e. cricket based protein, that those brands do not have. So, with the

proper marketing tools I believe Exo can still be successful in this market.

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Question 3: Based on Exo’s positioning, what is the appropriate marketing mix (e.g., product,
price, promotion)?
The appropriate marketing mix for Exo is product and promotion. Exo’s marketing

strategy needs to be focused on the product itself and how it is a healthy, high-quality, meat-

substitute protein bar. Because my positioning strategy would be to advertise to people who

consume healthy, ethically sourced and eco-conscious products, the marketing of Exo needs to

be focused heavily on the product and how it achieves those goals of being healthy, eco-

conscious, and ethically sourced. With that in mind, promotion will play a critical role in the

success of Exo. With the rise of social media and the billions of users worldwide, I believe Exo

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should rely heavily on social media marketing. Exo should create a huge presence on Facebook,

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Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. I also think it would be helpful for Exo to pay some celebrities

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and/or influencers to be brand ambassadors. When people such as the Kardashian/ Jenners
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promote a product on their social media platforms that company’s stock close to automatically

rises exponentially. That is thanks to their brand loyalty and trust consumers have in them. While
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Exo may not have the money to pay people with such high profiles as the Kardashian/ Jenners,

hiring influences to be brand ambassadors can get Exo the quick and effective presence on social
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media that it needs.

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