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Laboratory Report 1 (Firm Introduction)

The Envitex Corporation was named from two words: environment (envi-) and
technology (technology) (-tex). When these two words are put together, we get environmental
technology. It is concerned with the advancement of new technologies aimed for conserving and
monitoring the harmful effects of technology on our environment and resources. Green
represents life in our emblem, and when coupled with blue, it depicts nature and progress.
Because EnviTex is about the environment and how we interact with it, we chose dark cyan as
our background color. The mountain, on the other hand, represents the vast expanse of land that
our company wishes to promote. The numbers 20 and 21 on both sides of the mountain represent
the year in which our company was founded. As stated in our tagline, we ensure that purchasers'
demands are met and that we assist them in obtaining the land of their dreams. We chose
Wellborough Hills as our name because we believe that a city with such a lovely name will
amaze our prospective clients. To enhance our environmental concept, we added the word "hills"
to the English name. We envision a place where the merger of calm and nature is possible for us,
based on our name, logo, and objectives.

Laboratory Report 2 (Hypothesis)

The company studied and examined the land's natural patterns. Near the riverbank, there were
three types of bushes, presumably fanpetals (family Malvaceae), daisies (family Asteraceae),
mangrove trees (Mangifera indica), and one algae (Chlorophyta). Based on their observations,
the field analysts come up with three key hypotheses.

Hypothesis 1: The site's southern end has a low surface that was flooded by strong rains.
However, the flood's mild temperatures kept the water from mixing, making it easier for green
algae to bloom.

Hypothesis 2: Carabao and goats bathe in the low water. Their manures may play a role in
nourishing the soil in that location, allowing fanpetals and daisies to thrive in the sunlight.

Hypothesis 3: The presence of a rice field reduces water percolation. It may trigger nutrient
cycling, which results in healthier soil. The mangrove can thrive when it has access to sunlight.

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