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Performance Task

Health and Development

Good day to all. My speech for today focuses on Health and Development. What would
life be without health? It would be like a bird having no wings, useless. The Healthcare in our
country has many sectors. It can be public, private, and some barangay health centers. But can
we all sure this is enough to cover up the health of all people? I say we should develop this
system to have a masculine community and country.
As the current situation we are in, health is the most important matter for every
individuals. Especially on this time of epidemic where people suffer and die because of the
deadly virus. During the outbreak of an epidemic, health professionals are the ones who look
after on the patients. And to add, that there has been a conflict between citizens and front liners
because health personnel are lack or number, despite the fact that there are a large number of sick
individuals. In this regard, we may state that health personnel should be many in order to
minimize shortages and to ensure that every individual is taken cared for. Because assistance is
the foundation of life.
In our country, Private Health Systems are more than the Government ones. According
to some of my research, “Private hospitals outnumbered the government hospitals in all
categories. The disparity is more noticeable in tertiary hospitals where the number of private
hospitals is four times that of the government hospitals.” Where private hospital creates their
own rules while Government Health Systems do not turn their backs on the people in need.
Neither of these two health systems, this should be enhanced and maintained. And government
should create more in rural areas, especially in those areas in the hills where people travel in
difficulty to go to health centers. There should also be a free weekly check-up for every people in
every rural places. In this approach, we can keep track of each individual's health. Workers must
meet the qualifications of being a worker, not because they are linked to the owner. Skills are
sometimes more important than non-skilled biological relations.
With this advocacy to promote good health services, our country can minimize sickness
and it ensures the health of people.
With this speech, I strongly believe that this is one way to strengthen our country.
Healthcare Systems should be establish in every rural places. Workers should be real workers.
And activities like weekly check-up should be developed.

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