Meaming: Nahenal Income Ams Kelated Agghigates A The Adamn Kotal 6dachor Lncon

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Nahenal Income ams Kelated Agghigates
Natienal Income A the Adamn kotal 6dachor Lncon
eanes y natmal heaidemts COaath dusnghe
peuod am_acLUmking ylah
basA faco Income amaAh Incomee

Meaming t ithe Inome hced t 3uja to nceme

y0 lackona phoduatier Acined wthout
an hndoking acbea homauning lacho u
LLia dusing pduction Meatnid Incoba

Concept bamng Comcupz Resuipt Concapt

Keaipiemks Rcuivedy hauuehalds_ Rauind auuchald
amd goushnmin

Exampltu Ktmz wo, tntest

2 Prait
Charihy, donatien
Achlas lhp
NoRMAL KesioENTS An irduudual a am inshibutie
whodinaily esides ina coumty ad whoc clnke.
Btconsnaic intthest. _alsoiu in hat_coumy tinchude -
f 0 jndiams ukking in Jolgan Lmlhasies inbKdia
oifa iiztns ng th Jndia jo_raAL Thaan mi yah
drdidoas lpcaled ia
moyed i otld Meafih lganizatinlocaked_a
Page No.....
Natienal intonoe includu ueme eny monnal hiideat
a cmi doanAt includ nceme non- uidents
een whtm hyeppem a ciizuns o coumh
Domeshc ksulor4 maanu Tha_palitical Bentith h
hasis Domeahc Intome Natonallnome-
Meami1 Sum totallactos intormu Sumkutal ) lachs-
nLemis eAmad
at) gtmutaked_thin MAkmalhuidsmk
dmuhc JeALoy aCoumdty whhon
ceLLnu eamad uy gtnahard thin domishic_
nAhimal uidtsak QA

Conueraien domtshic inco hto nanomal lnceme

Dorneshic intome tNet lathohtom0n abiaad= National


Net ach nLona kam aasaad= mcom 1ahmual y OuL

Nldemb wsha ast tnep0aily astding
alnnad nconeLasmidy nan
enideaat who ahL HmpaAaiila

Domesh ntomL=Domuhcoduct

Ghoss Domuhc Net Pomiuie

ueduct (G0P) yoduct (AND) (NDP)
Page No...

O GDP(Ghoss Domeahic haduct)-Dephieiation= NDP

NDPNer Domuuhe Puoduct)+ Dephiiatien GDP
( GNP(Ghay Nahonal odluch)-Depsaciahion NNP
NNP(Nek National uodutE)+ Depkciatin = GNP
loints (0 Gho Net
Gha = Dephisiahom N
(2) Manket Paice factu COAt
Masket Pice -Ne rdinot Tax =_fachi Cost
Net Tndisut Tax Indiuut tar-Sulsidis
(3) Nahmal Inome2 Domutie nomL
Nohomal htom-Nat lachon intoms Domusie Snwme

0GDPINDP Mp Net lndlihent tax GDP/NDPfe

GNP NNP MP Net induhect tox = GNP NNPE

AggegatA Notienal TntonMe

NET Domtsh Nahonal

PAoduc Facte

(o) DP ap L) NP ap
by GDP Fe hNPF
Page No.
0 hho Domeahie lsoduct at Masket suce
Maket value inal 4on.ds andehucu_Phoducd
he domtshckbailor a Coumy in an uuthin
accoumding a
Net Domah oduct at Manket Puce (NDfMP) = GDHp-dep
Ghass Natieno Loduct at Maaket Pie (hNPuP) =GOfHt Net
facko nome 8Am_alksood
Net Natienal oduct ak Mankek ice (NNPp) GNPue -dep
Ghos Domuaticlueduuct at fackoa Cost (GOPpe=GDfMe-nduet tax
tSulsidieu OR
Compemjaton t RmE+ PokEt Tnithest+ DepAiatiou
Net Domeahe oduct at fackea CastE(NDPEC)= hDlce-dephicioaho
Ghon Nahonel Loduet at fachu ost (GNPr GDPec+ Net intome

Net Nahonal Ts odut ak lachl Cost (NNP ) GNPF-dep_

NounalhDP GDP aAMAni ics
Masket valu , pnal g0nds andJesauiCA Paduad
whn hi donnuhic dtda accocina yá,ahmakd at
Nonainal GOP 8XP CAIDtyLarpHcA
Kal oP GDP ot ConAtamb puices
Market value 1 4nal gadsa uwicu (aduud uithin
olamuhic nitony 4 a i0unt duing am AncAnhh ya
eAhnatd a ba yea u
Page No.
nDP 2 welane
LtmLnally GDP _comAi durd o la an index wah
people whn GOP ncA lw wtlar shalL
wea _pLopl inchsaA
maahuKId Jn tttums awalalulkh,
geodAAAnaAkLHNCAL p0h hAen nchasL InMal GDP miamni
JntrAan l ouput jn ht cenam hah hings
sornainng CMatamt iu mams 91aka anallalilthy Ssads
pO_pessbn mpluying Jagha ul wedakeCm iglss

T ahe Ctam limitahansto i peaitiue helathendhip llw
GDP 2 ellahe

Djhilwbon DP dukiluhion í Latome LL enegual

GDP sTh 4aulA o ullt ahisge h A0Clal uellare
ctaaiaziptiale spapulatism aglagu
Shan GDPIntgualhL Ahall AhcaLas lh gap luhualm
hich aod p0ALall lnCMRALhls i p0ldin Aacd byJndia

Corrposibien GDP (m0Alien_) GDP ma4 mot u

wella 0XiemdIhisi s hkise inhoduhien d_
demcsmads GDPshall incrias ut tllas ap apinple
Ld natE intnasc dinetly AMmg dolema14 LSUntial
peace amd LLenemic dowelopmimt ollhdsh tCmkilutr,
ocial as Jadi&zctly_

3 Non- omata thamgu=_n_tO ke drdia kaste

Lalnaun_at aid in Rind Aathis han In calh. Thi
amsachimn a nt uohdad GDP1A_dth_uimatd a
uch aDP_n Pho hdey 6 weahs
Page No...

ExEemalihes Lxktxnali hu magns _gaud an o s

dpac _am Aenemie achiuity hAuk pan a

A Lxkimalitu ccuh whian es him Beauhlul 2ahaLn-

mantainad l MAXamd Maý nushbous X) joya
E adds » wullase y lunt dainot pau AE
hin 1 Mo valuahe t m bDP
whem nu JhdMAhiu_ai
Negaive Exlehmalihe-occu
Atup_ DP aes inthuasea ut Taint intheaLL in
poluhon in coumh Nolady has leLm pemalgad ps LE
hee s no valuafon "E m DP

S Lhah p0pulaton-_ hat 20sth populahos

intAmL hal hot laLassThua
InchaaM- PAA Capita
wYasL id not a phopt psia ndtn
GPa am ndex

ke Hacks
GHOSS Net Suleaast depaetation
Domeahic National (Ado Nu_lagka hiuamo an alsaad
MP fachr hst Subiact Nut dnoihtab lase

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