Discrete Sliding Mode Controller For Pressure Control With An Electrohydraulic Servovalve

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Proceedings of the 1998 JEEE

International Conference on Control Applications

Trieste, Italy 1-4 September 1998 WP03
Discrete Sliding Mode Controller for Pressure Control
with an Electrohydraulic Servovalve
Alexander Fink Tarunraj Singh
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, New York 14260

Abstract activity. Originally, the sliding mode control theory

was developed in continuous time domain. The imple-
Electrohydraulic servovalves are the most commonly mentation of the controller on a digital computer re-
used control devices for hydraulic systems and are quires a certain sampling interval a n d the assumption
difficult to control because they are in essence highly of an infinite switching time does not hold anymore.
nonlinear. In this study, a discrete time sliding mode This can yield chattering or even lead to system in-
controller is designed to control the pressure drop stability.
across a load. A nonlinear transformation is pre- In this study, the n o n h e a r pressure control loop is
sented to convert the system dynamics to a linear modeled using first principles. Even though it is pos-
state space representation. The performance of the sible to reduce the order of the model to a third or-
controller is numerically analyzed a n d compared to a der system without a significant loss of accuracy, this
classical PID controller. model is still nonlinear. It includes the flow satura-
Keywords: Electrohydraulic Servovalve, Discrete tion and the pressure-dependent flow described by the
Sliding Mode Controller orifice law. A nonlinear transformation will be used
to convert the system dynamics into linear equations.
Based on the linear system, a discrete sliding mode
controller is designed.
1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
An application where pressure control is extensively
used is hydraulic braking or injection molding. The,
Electrohydraulic servovalves are extensively used to
general pressure control assembly is shown in Fig. 1.
control hydraulic systems. Electrohydraulic servo
systems combine the high power of hydraulic action
with the versatility of an electronic control. The most
significant of these nonlinearities is noted to be the
flow saturation in the first stage of the valve.
A common method to design controllers, is to lin-
earize the system about a certain operating point and
design a linear controller for optimal performance at
Hydraulic Fluid
this particular point. This method has proven to be
quite adequate for the majority of applications.
Figure 1: Pressure control
In order to meet the demands for a large operating
range and fast response with high accuracy, however,
the design of a nonlinear controller is essential to con- There are several publications for modeling the dy-
trol the servovalve. So far, numerous nonlinear con- namics of an electrohydraulic servovalve, some of
trollers are available for the control of the spool dis- them focusing on certain parts of the valve. A quite
placement but not for pressure control. complex fourth order model including several nonlin-
Sliding mode controllers are designed to robustly con- earities was derived by Baysec and Rees Jones [l].
trol systems with model imprecisions and are known The books of Blackburn [2] and Merritt [6] offer a
to achieve almost perfect tracking. The price for the strong basis for modeling hydraulic systems. They
good performance, however, is extremely high control also discuss control of servovalves.

Graduate Student, Mechanical &L Aerospace Engineering

Assistant Professor, llechamcal k Aerospace Engineering, In his survey paper, Utkin [SI gives a thorough de-
Member AIAA scription of the sliding mode theory in continuous

0-7803-4104-X/98/$10.0001998 IEEE

3 78
time. Drakunov [3] and Furuta [j]proposed tech-
niques to design sliding mode controllers in discrete
domain. Milosavljevic [7] derived conditions which
ensure the existence of a sliding mode in discrete time,
the so called quasi-sliding mode. Figure 3: Model of the valve
This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 , the
model of the pressure control loop including the elec- The reference value z,?=, for the spool displacement
trohydraulic servovalve is derived. A nonlinear trans- x, is equivalent to the control signal U in Fig. 2 .
formation will be presented to convert the originally The parameter G contains the gain for an inter-
nonlinear equations into a linear state space repre- nal proportional controller, the electrical gain of the
sentation. Based on the linear equation, the discrete torque motor, and the hydraulic amplification factor.
sliding mode controller is designed in Section 3. The The saturation function which follows the gain rep-
simulations in Section 4 illustrate the, exceIIent per- resents the flow saturation in the first stage of the
formance of the controlIer. Section 5 summarizes the valve with the limit QJmam, which operates on the
results of this study. flow driving the spool. All the electrical, mechani-
cal and hydraulic dynamics are lumped together in
a linear first order system with the time constant T.
2. Model of the Pressure Control Loop The output of this linear block xlitl represents the
hydraulic flow to the boost chambers of the spool.
The system under consideration is shown in Fig. 2. The last three blocks in the diagram model the spool
The pressure control loop includes the controller to dynamics with a saturation function for the limited
be designed and the electrohydraulic servovalve. stroke, ,,,z, . The cross sectional area of the spool is
A , . The position of the spool is internally fed back
via an electrical displacement transducer.
The dynamics of the valve are described by the equa-
tions l

Figure 2: Pressure control loop

The fluid flow to the load can be calculated as 1 .

= -2[in2, (5)
&I = kqc,j xs (1)
with x 5 being limited by x5,,,.
where x, is the spool displacement of the valve. With Eqn. ( 3 ) , these equations completely describe
Eqn. (1) describes the flow through an orifice where the model of the pressure control loop.
kqe,, is the nonlinear flow conversion factor depen- A unique nonlinear transformation will be used to
dent on the pressure p t . The flow conversion factor linearize the system dynamics. The nonlinear system
can be evaluated as will be converted from one state space representation
into another. The dynamics itself will be linear but
the control will still be- subject to a saturation func-
where p, is the supply pressure of the hydraulic sys-
tem. The constant k, includes the geometry of the The first step is to eliminate coupled terms which
orifice, the discharge coefficient, and the properties of are dependent on two different states or on a system
the hydraulic fluid. For position control kq,,, can be state and the input. By opening the inner position
assumed to be constant, but for pressure control the control loop, the saturation function operates only on
value varies significantly and cannot be neglected. the control input U. Eqn (4) becomes
From the block diagram, the following differential
equation can be obtained
The nonlinear flow equation, Eqn. (3), can be lin-
(3) earized by introducing a new state z with

The model used for the electrohydraulic servovalve (7)

which includes an inner loop for position control is ‘For the saturation function, the following notation is used
shown in Fig. 3 . y = s a t ( r . y,,,) where ymaI is the saturation value.

By differentiating Eqn. ( 7 ) and substituting for il we sk = 0 is the so called hyperplane which is equiva-
obtain lent to the sliding surface in continuous time. Since
. = -kgx,
P it cannot be ensured that the states remain on the
v, ot (8)
surface for all time because of the discretization, it
is also called quasi sliding mode. Again, C is chosen
Using t instead of p i , the system becomes a third
such that the system is asymptotically stable while
order linear system with a bounded input. The equa-
being on the hyperplane.
tions of motion for the model can be written in matrix
The sliding mode control law consists of two terms,
the nominal control term and an additional term.
The nominal or equivalent control is designed to keep
the system on the sliding surface. In continuous con-
trol, this can be stated by

S = O (17)
In discrete time, this can be represented as
3. Discrete Sliding Mode Controller
sk+l = s k (18)
Furuta [5] developed a discrete sliding mode con- which has to be satisfied by the nominal control.
troller for linear systems. His approach will be used Substituting Eqns. (11) and (16) into (18) gives
in order to satisfy the so-called reaching condition.
The development in this section compares the design cxk+l = C @ x k + CrUk = c x k (19)
procedure in continuous and discrete time domain.
With the discrete control law
The continuous fith-order linear system

A=Ax+Bu (10)
Fe, can be calculated as
transforms to
Fe, = -(Cr)-'C(@ - I )

After stabilizing the system on the slidingsurface, the

in discrete time domain, where the state xk stands reaching condition has to be satisfied. The system has
for x(kA) and A is the sampling period. If, and r to be forced on the sliding surface when not on it.
are given as With Eqn. (16), a Lyapunov function can be defined
a by
@ = I? = eA'dTB (12) 1
Vk = -s;
The control In continuous domain, a system is asymptotically sta-
ble when V is negative, For V = is2
this is satisfied
u(t) = Uk with kA 5 t < ( k + 1)A (13) if
ss < 0 (23)
is held constant for one sampling period.
The control law
The sliding surface S in continuous time is defined as

s = {x I c x = 0) (14)
U Ueq + Ur (24)
where C is chosen such that the system is asymp- ueP= -(Cb)-'CAx (25)
totically stable as long as it remains on the sliding
surface. The scalar

s =c x (15)
for E > 0, satisfies Eqn. (23).
is a measure of the distance to the sliding surface S. Now, we will consider the discrete case. Discretizing
In discrete time. sk is defined similar to Eqn. (15) Eqn. ( 2 3 ) yields

sh. = CXk (16) s ( k )[ s ( k + 1) - s ( k ) ] < 0 (27)

This is a necessary condition, but it is not sufficient 4. Simulation Results
for the existence of a sliding motion. Fig. 4 illustrates
that despite satisfying Eqn. (271, the states can actu- 4.1. Simulations
ally leave the sliding surface. For the simulation of the electrohydraulic system, the
data from a standard nozzle flapper valve was used.
The sliding mode controller has to track a given pres-
sure profile. A common method to compare the con-
trol performance is to use a ramp input. In this study,
the pressure rises from zero to half of the supply pres-
sure in 3Qms. This input ensures that the system still
can follow the reference signal.
The tracking error and the control for the designed
Figure 4: Unstable sliding mode in discrete time
controller are shown in Fig. 5. The dashed line in the
Tn order to satisfy the reaching condition, the follow- first subplot corresponds to the reference input.
ing inequality has to be satisfied, too

Isk+11 < lSkl (28)

Furuta [5] proposes a control law that satisfies

which is equivalent to Eqn. (28).

The control law is
uk = ( F e q 4-F D ) X ~ (30)
where Fe, is given by Eqn. (21) and fi, the compo-

-0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06

tlme [SI
Figure 5: Performance of the controller, Ts= 0.001s

Si is given by The performance is excellent. There is a tracking

n error at the begining and end of the ramp, but this
1 error vanishes quickly. The controller yields perfect
02 = ,(cr)2fol%I
3 =1 tracking during the ramp and a t the final value.
where the amplitude of fo is limited by The performance of the controller can be tuned by
changing the value of fo, as shown in Fig. 6.

t l , is the j-th element of tl satisfying

ct1= I
-20' 001 om 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Ct,=O for i = 2 , ...,n lime (SI
Figure 6: Tracking errors for different values of fo
t, It, for i #j SVhen the hyperplane Sk = 0 is left due to the flow
This means that t l has to be perpendicular to all saturation, the states are forced back onto the sliding
vectors defining the null space of C. surface depending on the value of fo.
By comparing the switching terms in continuous do- The impact of different sampling intervals was of spe-
main, ( E q n . (X)).
and in discrete time (Eqn. ( S I ) ) , it cial interest. A comparison of the tracking errors for
can be seen that there is a dead-zone in the discrete different sampling is shown in Fig. 7 .
case. This results in a linear control law in the vicin- It can be seen that an increase of the sampling rate
ity of the hyperplane and chattering is prevented. from T,= 0.001sto T, = 0.0005s does not improve

38 1
it can be seen, that the PID controller leads to strong
oscillations in the system. For the sliding mode con-
troller, the control has peaks where the slope of the
input profile changes and is relatively smooth else-
001 OM 003 OW 005 006
time [s]

dashed line: T,= 0 0005s

solid line: T,= 0.001s
dashdotted line: T, = 0.0015s
Figure 7: Tracking errors for different sampling rates c( 1'

the results significantly, whereas the sampling with dashdotted line: Linear PID controller
T, = 0.0015s is too slow to control the fast dynamics solid line: Saturating controller, T, = 0.001s
of the system well. In order to obtain a good per- Figure 9: Flow saturation
formance with a reasonable sampling, l m s should be
favored for the sampling interval.
5. Concluding Remarks
4.2. Discussion of the Results
In this study, the pressure control loop including an
The simulation results for the sliding mode controller
electrohydraulic servovalve has been modeled. The
are excellent, Even by having a relatively coarse sam-
closed loop performance has been studied numerically
pling, the performance is very good. The controller
and the discrete sliding mode controller yields excel-
tracks the input profile perfectly and does not tend to
lent tracking which is dominantly limited by the flow
chatter since the control law is linear in the vicinity
saturation in the first stage of the valve.
of the sliding surface. Also, its stability is insensitive
to the sampling rate
In Fig. 8, the tracking error of the discrete sliding Special thanks to Dave Norman, Moog Inc., for infor-
mode controller is compared to the results of a linear mation that was used throughout this work.
PID controller optimized for a good performance.
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solid line: Sliding mode controller, T,= 0.001s
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A t the begining and end of the ramp input, both con- Buffalo, January 1997.
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quickly. It should be noted that the PED controller [7] Milosavljevic, C , General Conditions f o r the Exzs-
is realized in continuous time since the results in dis- tence of a Quasrslrdang Mode on the Switchrng Hyperplane
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I n Fig. 8.the similar peaks for the tracking errors are 1985
due to the flow saturation which is limiting the whole
[8] Utkin, V I , Variable Structure Systems with Slzd-
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