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Strengths and Weaknesses – Civil Engineering Project

You are a project manager for a civil engineering consultancy. Make an assessment of the structures below from the
notes you took. For quick reference for your computer files, you need to find 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses for each of
the six structures in the profiles below. Write the 4 adjectives in the boxes describing the structures and then read the 6
plans on the next page that you have drawn up and then decide which plan should be applied to which structure.

Strengths or neutral Weaknesses

Ancient Accessible Bold Charming Antiquated Bland Boring Cheap Costly
Contemporary Cost-effective Cutting Edge Controversial Dangerous Derelict Dilapidated
Durable Efficient Elegant Famous High-rise Dull Hideous Impractical Inaccessible
High-tech Historical Iconic Inexpensive Ineffective Kitsch Lacklustre Monstrous
Interesting Low-cost Low-rise Massive Neglected Out-dated Obsolete Ramshackle
Medieval Modern Ornate Popular Practical Redundant Rickety Rundown Shabby Tacky
Prominent Robust Reliable Stately Ugly Unfashionable Unmanageable Useless
Stunning Tough Unique Well-known Unsightly Unstable Vulgar Weak Wobbly

Windy Miller’s Windmill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Farm School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

This Windmill has occupied the site for
nearly 600 years, and it shows! The Farm School was started 130 years ago
building has been abandoned for the past and has received visitors from all over
15 years and is now structurally unsound. the world. Originally conceived as an
The peeling paint and falling masonry has educational facility for extracurricular
made it a hazard and caused it to be activities, the complex has been used
fenced off to the general public in order to prevent any nasty for myriad purposes from genuine farm-management
accidents from taking place. This hasn’t stopped the local training to film location productions. However, the cost
children from getting inside and playing. This has raised for the upkeep of this site has rocketed over the years.
concern among the local residents who have called for it to be Not so much for the buildings themselves but for the care
demolished. Oddly enough, despite its age, the building is not and management of the livestock which is subject to
protected. So demolition is a possibility. strict animal welfare rules. The vets’ bills alone are huge.

Old Financial District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buddhist Temple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Described by some as an eyesore and others Described by a Japanese trade delegation
as a classic example of modernist architecture, as a monstrosity, and by others as
the financial centre of the city certainly stunning, this local landmark has been
attracts comment. It has, however, seen better dividing public opinion for 30 years. The
days. Office units are, for the most part, temple was closed many years ago and it
empty. Yet, the local authority still has to pay for their upkeep. is currently used as a community centre.
This is not cheap and the company charged with the maintenance The building itself is surprisingly easy to maintain. However,
for these buildings has not been fulfilling its contractual the shoddy building materials have rendered this somewhat
obligations. Another reason for the lack of tenants for these
of a fire-risk. However, it seems to attract tourists and
offices is the poor parking facilities on offer and the restricted
students who like to take photos next to it, although not
traffic access to this part of the city. There is an expensive
congestion charge in place to reduce traffic in this area.
always because of an affection for the design. The structure
has gained a reputation as a joke with architecture students.

Tower Bridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Magic Roundabout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Described by some as a white elephant Daunting is the word that springs to mind
and others as a crucial tourist attraction, when approaching this junction by car, yet
this faithful reproduction of a major this revolutionary roundabout, one of only
London landmark certainly excites three in existence, is extremely popular
comment. The machinery that raises the separate parts of with the locals. However, it has been
the bridge is based on the actual designs of the real Tower found that some motorists, commercial and other, have been
Bridge. The problem with this particular landmark is that it avoiding the town so as not to go through the trauma of
is constantly breaking down. It also produces terrible navigating this complex system. As such, this has been of
traffic jams in the centre of the city. Not only that, the concern to the local chamber of commerce and businesses that
structure itself is unsound and moves constantly. There is no rely on transport and tourism. That being said, the current
danger of collapse as the volume of traffic is so small due to system is much less expensive than the traffic lights that were
the width of the narrow bridge, but it does cause concern. previously used, as well as being operationally flawless. The
Despite all this, the local residents absolutely love this bridge. Chinese are said to be studying this design for their own cities.
The Cut and Gut Plan (Modernise and economise) The Good Housekeeping Plan (Balancing the books)
This structure is a potential The use of animals on this
cash-cow, providing it can be site is all well and good, but if
renovated and made into a they are costing too much,
functional part of the local they either need to go, or
infrastructure. The old they need to start earning
engines, which were so their keep. Perhaps the latter
faithfully reproduced to resemble the original should be considered. The budget for the animals can
machinery, can be ripped out and replaced with more be maintained if a petting zoo is installed. These
modern and cost-effective versions. After all, this places are becoming increasingly popular in urban
structure is not the original and everybody knows it. centres. As for the rest of the complex, a contract with
Pretending otherwise would be pure folly. However, the National Trust should help with building
a major engineering overhaul, keeping much of the maintenance. After all, this is a historical building
original design but expanding lanes and strengthening complex. As such, additions can be made to the
the foundations, could turn this into a more successful facility, including a modern museum housed in a
version of the original, which has always been a traffic building of a design more fitting to the original
architecture. Money taken for the entrance fee can used
bottleneck. This would make it unique instead of a copy.
for its upkeep and for attracting tourists to the area.

The Total Protection Plan (The plain truth) The Marketing Plan (Changing perception)
The problem here is the There is no need to change
potential for trouble in the anything here. Clearly this
future. If this building is system is a success, despite
demolished, there is sure to the fears of travellers to the
area. The local infrastructure
be a public outcry. On the
has also benefitted from this.
other hand, if a child gets
So, what we need to do isn’t really a question of
into the building and is injured or worse, then the
redesign, or even engineering. The answer to the
resulting legal expenses and political fallout is going to
problem here can be answered by our marketing
prove even more costly than a complete renovation
division. Let’s turn this system into a resource. The
project could ever be. Therefore, we need to make it plain
to them: They either pay for the building’s destruction,
whole plan and design is clearly innovative and
preserving any artefacts in the process, or they pay for a workable. This can be exploited and even exported. An
specialist renovation project that will include the help of exhibition site can be erected close by and even a study
architectural historians and experts to ensure a faithful and centre linked to architecture and engineering faculties.
accurate endeavour. This can only really happen if the local Interested foreign countries or companies can be invited
authority applies to give this building protected status and, to receptions and presentations with talks on the success
given its age, the chances of a favourable outcome to that of the system. Experts can be provided by our company
application are high. to oversee development abroad.

The Raise-to-the-Ground Plan (Goodbye and hello) The Commuter Plan (Green initiative)
The answer to this This area and its buildings are
conundrum is pretty simple. all fine. It just needs a little
Knock it down, it’s an adjusting to the local
eyesore! People come into infrastructure to get things up
town just to laugh at it and and running. The site sits over
a major metro line yet there
it’s made from poor quality
isn’t a station. There is an
material. It’s better to act extensive bicycle lane all
while the funds are around the city, but not here. Clearly this should be
available to do so. Otherwise, this building will addressed. While building a metro station doesn’t come
eventually stand empty owing to its clear violations cheap, nor does laying waste to an entire modern financial
of current health and safety laws and serve only as and commercial district. We can draw up plans to build a
a blot on the landscape. Either knock it down and station at this site which should prove relatively cheap
considering that the lines already run through the area. And
build a modern community centre that meets all
cycle lanes are cheap to build and maintain. Perhaps some
the present requirements for fire-prevention, or additional underground parking can be provided during the
erect a children’s playground that will be cheap and building of the metro and concessions to the congestion
easy to build and maintain. charge should be considered by the local authority.
You work for the Customer Accounts section of an engineering consultancy that carries
out infrastructure analysis for British Industry and local authorities. You are having a very
busy period at the moment and the latest projects have been placed in the hands of one
of your junior project managers because you just haven’t had the staff to deal with them.
You have already read the plans that have been drawn up, now you need to sit down
with other department heads and decide whether or not to approve the plans. Read the
personality cards provided and debate according to the personality you have chosen.

To: Department Heads
From: Ivan Ishoo
Date: 01/03/18
Re: Restructuring Plans

Dear colleagues,

As you all know from our previous meetings, there have been a few challenges with some of the new
accounts we have that need to be addressed. We have had one of our younger, more inexperienced project
managers working on these issues and we now have some draft plans that need our attention. There will be a
meeting to discuss the plans next week and I would like you all to attend and furnish each other with your
feedback and input, being that the project manager is relatively new to the post.

Our clients are consortiums that manage infrastructure for three different cities and we are up against
some stiff competition to keep these contracts at the moment due to the current austerity measures that have
been implemented by central government. As such, we are going to need to make sure that these are the right
plans for our clients if we want them to retain our services. If you think that the plans need adjusting then
please speak up. It is in all our interests for our customers to continue to remain financially robust which would
work as free publicity for us in the kind of market we are operating in.

I look forward to seeing you all at next week’s little gathering.

Warmest regards

Ivan Ishoo

Connect each of the words on the left with its definition on the right.

1. challenges a. give, provide

2. furnish b. contribution

3. gathering c. problems

4. draft d. opinion

5. feedback e. basic or preliminary outline

6. input f. robust, strong

7. stiff g. meeting
Civil Engineering Project Debate:

You are an executive at CONsultants. You You are an executive at CONsultants and a
think that all the plans are badly thought passionate campaigner for green
out. All of the clients deserve better in your technology and sustainable energy. You
opinion. You think that the project manager think that all the plans presented by this
should be put on a lower level project and young project manager are OK but you
these accounts should be handed to would like to see a bigger commitment to
somebody with more experience. You are green infrastructures that use sustainable
particularly disappointed with the plan for energy. Perhaps the buildings in the
the financial district. financial district could use greener energy.

You are an executive at CONsultants. You are You are an executive at CONsultants. You
rather worried about the plans for the think that the young project manager’s
Buddhist temple. Even though the temple is plans are wonderful. But then again, you
no longer in use, you think that knocking it would do. He is your favourite nephew. In
down could cause offence to Buddhists, or
fact, you pulled a lot of strings to get him
other religions. As such, anything potentially
controversial should be avoided. You believe,
this job and your sister, who you are very
that with a little investment, the old Buddhist scared of, would be very unhappy with
temple could be brought in line with current you, as would your mother, if anything
safety standards and the building put to good bad were to happen at work to him.
use. A restaurant for the park could be good.

You are an executive at CONsultants. You Debate You are an executive at CONsultants. You
think that this young consultant’s plans think that the plans are just about right.
are terrible. But then again, you would do. 1) = c) The project manager that drew up these
These clients used to be yours. They were 2) = a) plans lives next to you and is a very good
3) = g)
taken away from you when you were 4) = e)
neighbour. He once saved your cat when
“promoted.” You hate the executive life 5) = d) it got stuck up a tree and even stopped a
and really want to return to junior 6) = b) burglar from trying to break into your
7) = f)
management where all the action is. You house when you were away on holiday. As
are very possessive of your clients and you far as you are concerned, this project
think the new project manager is useless. manager can do no wrong.

You are an executive at CONsultants. You You are an executive at CONsultants and a
think that the magic roundabout is an radical modernist. You think that the old
absolute nightmare. You once had to drive farm and windmill should be destroyed
through it and had no idea what to do. and something modern put in their place.
There was a big line of traffic behind you You believe that this country’s obsession
with the drivers all beeping their horns with the past is an obstacle to progress.
and shouting. It was a terrible experience You would like to see modern,
and something you hope to never go environmentally-friendly buildings go up
through again. You think it should go. in their place.

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