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SUT RS ULE ECU RCT) ed Coe Se COO ee cena ae ee Ce ees ee? SUA) aay CEI Ta) Poe Hee eo hea eae ae ee ln POST A Seen Retr eT rT ote uen reg DUST) ST eg IT FINK SO. . . LET'S GET STUCK IN BO ocr eee sy TT - Boss Nob Gazrot Gitstompa, just minutes Sa iam ed before the Infamous Meltdown Catastrophe of BUDE EIN g eee Sei SR TT SCI PROS ST PA cag lS COU) Reet aes ea) De eee tend eon ed ELE ROA ec a Oa PC ES te ac ad CEs TUES Dee ace ae eT Td fee acd IF your Faction is you can use the following Strategic Ploys during a game. Silas ate Friendly ‘operatives that are not within Line of Sight of enemy operatives, or have a Conceal order and are more than f@ from enemy operatives, can immediately perform a free Dash action. You can only use this Strategic Ploy once, PULA Ee aad 1cP Until the end of the Turning Point, each time a friendly ‘operative makes a shooting attack, in the Roll Attack Dice step ofthat shooting attack, if you retain any critical hits, you can select one of your failed hits to be retained as a successful normal hit PL atid Until the end of the Turing Point, each time a friendly operative fights in combat, in the Roll Attack Dice step of that combat, when you would retain two or more normal hts, you can select one of those hits to be retained as a critical hit instead. EL ae eke Until the end of the Turing Point, each time a shooting attack is made against a fiendly operative, before rolling defence dice for that shooting attack, if has a Conceal order, you can retain one as a successful normal save without rolling it IF your faction is you can use the following Tactical loys during a game. UST A SCRATCH aid Use this Tacital Ploy in the Resolve Successful Hits step cof a shooting attack or combat, when damage would be inflicted on a friendly operative (excluding KOMMANDO GROT operatives) from an attack dice, Ignore the damage inflicted from that attack dice. TU aa aid Use this Tactical Ploy at the end ofthe Firefight phase. Select cone friendly operative. It can perform a free Fight action SNEAKY GIT 1CP Use this Tactical Ploy in the Set Up Operatives step of the mission sequence. Select one fiendly operative (excluding BOMB SQUIG operatives). That operative can be set up with a Conceal order anywhere on the battlefield that is within & of Heavy terrain and more than from enemy operatives and the enemy drop zone SATA WWOLLIUL - SADTd STSWULS - CONVWWOH KOMMANDO BOY Kommandos epitomise the Orky virtue of low Sn eee ee sneaking up on an unsuspecting enemy and hhacking, slashing and shooting before the foe can rs NAME A BSS OD oh 1 © Slugga 4 34 Rng @ : Choppa STE - : ABILITIES “| KoMMANDO®, ORK, , KOMMANDO BOY aI V SOOO ea Ty ‘Slasha Bayz love getting into the thick of action, even by Ork standards. Festooned with all manner Ae Cd eee Cea AME A BSWS oD on ! © Throwing knives iat 2s Rng @ Silent - % Twin choppas 43 48 Relentless - Dat All You Got?: Each time after this operative fights in combat, i itlost any wounds in that combat but was not incapacitated, you can roll one D6: on @4+, the enemy operative that fought tin that combat suffers 2 mortal wounds. ‘| KOMMANDO®, ORK, , SLASHA BOY aU V SO eT Md eee ea ee into places and enemies alike and smashing them apart with their Breacha Rams. Its one they relish and those that see them in action and survive soon learn to especially fear these brutal greenskins. AME A BSWS 0 I © Slugga 4 & 394 Rng @ XX Breacha ram aaa : Brutal ‘ABILITH ‘UNIQUE ACTIONS, Bull Charge: Each time this operative fights in combat, itt made = a charge move during that activation, its power ram gains the critical hit rule for that combet. Breach: Each time this operative performs @ Normal Move, Dash ‘or Charge action, it can move through parts of terrain features that are no more than thick as if they were not there. | KOMMANDO®, ORK, , BREACHA BOY AVAV- KOMMANDO SNIPA BOY ae ae Snipa Boy, those who perform the role are experts in finding the best spots to fire at the enemy, killa target ‘and enjoy watching the survivors flail and panic inthe eed eee) NAME A BSNS 0 on ! © Scoped big shoota Co ae : Mw Fists cea z (2AP): Perform a free Shoot action with this operative using its scoped big shoota. After making the shooting attack against the target, this operative can make a shooting attack against each other valid target within ofthe original target. Each time this operative makes a shooting attack for ths action, subtract 2from the Attacks characteristic of ts scoped big shoota fr that shooting attack. Da Best Spot 2AP}: Perform a free Shoot action with this operative using its scoped big shoote, evenif it has a Conceal order. | KOMIMANDO®, ORK, , SNIPA BOY AX AT a< SOUWOVIVO - OONVWINOX CO Le rks, not least to Kommando Dakka Boys. They take CE ee ae ea ee aaa Aa A os/WS 0 © Dakka shoota 5 4 34 > Fists 20% 3m ABILITIES *Unload Slugs: Each time this operative makes a shooting attack ‘with this weapon, in the Roll Attack Dice step ofthat shooting attack, ifthe target is within @® oft, you can re-roll any oral of your attack dice The sound of roaring dakka is music to the ears of many great delight in pouring vast quantities of bullets into the i) ! Unload Slugs* : DDakka Dash (1AP}: Perform a free Shoot action and free Dash action with this operative in any order KOMMANDO®, ORK, , DAKKA BOY OS StL Ue eae ened plan, no matter how questionably sane it seems. Cn eee eae ace CO ae eee ea Sa ema AME © Shokka pistol 6 4% i X Fists 52 SE 1 Got a Plan, Ladz: Once per Turning Point, during this operatve's activation, it can perform a mission or Pick Up action for one less AP (toa minimum of OAP). ‘Stun, MW2 Rng @ ‘UNIQUE ACTIONS Listen n (1AP); Select one friendly KOMMANDO® operative within ‘@ of and Visibe to this operative, Add 1 tits APL. This operative ‘cannot perform this action ifitis within Engagement Rango of an enemy operative. | KOMNMANDO®, ORK, , COMMS BOY Dg ‘Burma Boye are pyromaniacs all, obsessed with raging infernos - the bigger and hotter the better. Those of the Kommandos display an extraordinary patience, Te te ee aed with their burnas even more satisfying. MAME A BSS OD on ! © Burma Soran nae ng @, Torrent : % Fists 3 uw 34 * : ABILITIES ‘UNIQUE ACTIONS | KONIMANDO®, ORK, , BURNA BOY LULA CTL Rising from hidden locations, Kammando Rokkit Boyz fire rockets at bunkers, fuel silos, ammo dumps or even into the midst of an unsuspecting enemy - all with a broad 4 ee ge © Rokkit launcha AP Splash 1 X Fists Se : : Boom Bay: Each time tis operative performs a Shoot action during its activation, inthe Roll Attack Dice step of that action’s shooting attack, ifithas not moved during that activation, you can, re-rall any or all of your attack dice. eee SAY NK SOUVSVIVO - OONVAWON Vv SOUVIVIVG - OONVWINON SOT For Grots to last long in the brutal reality of Ork society, Pee Naa ‘NAME A oBS/WS % Grot choppa eae ABILITIES Sneaky Zogger: This operative cannot have an Engage order. In addition, this operative is always treated as having a Conceal order, regardless of any other rulas (eg. Vantage Point) Dede ed eee ee) Grappling Hook (1AP}: Select a point on a torrin feature that is Visible to this operative (teat that point as an intended target), Perform a free Normal Move action with this operative, maving in «single straight line with an unlimited Movement as though it can FLY. It must finish that move within ofthat point. KOMMANDO®, ORK, , KOMMANDO GROT OY The sneakiest of sneaky gits, Kommando Nobs are both ‘brutal and cunning enough to boss about the most Ce a ee a AME A BSS 0 © Slugga 4 4 Oe % Big choppa 4 % Power klaw 43 5 “ABILITIES Get it Dun: Each time this operative is activated, you can select, ‘one friendly KOMMANDO® operative within @? of and Visible tot. {Add 1 to the selected operatives APL Brutal - KOMMANDO®, ORK, , KOMMANDO NOB Bomb squigs are among the most dangerous oftheir kind. In addition to being voracious predators, os the Ce ete ecog eee ea Cee Ree esd AME A ss 0 © Dynamite % Vicious bite “Bomb Squig: This operative can perform a Shoot action with this, Weapon if itis within Engagement Range ofan enemy operative, When this operative performs @ Shoot action and selects this ranged weapon, make a shooting attack against each other ‘operative Visible to and within oft (even ifit has friendly ‘operatives within ts Engagement Range) with this weapon: each of them isa valid target and cannot be in Cover. Afterall of those shooting attacks have been made, this operative is incapacitated and donot roll for its BOOM! ability. This operative ‘eannot make a shooting attack with this weapon by performing an Overwatch actin, ORK, , BOMB SQUIG battle they race for the foe, blowing up enemy troops and 3 2 1 OF sv 3 6+ 6 st ! API, Bomb Squig* P2 ‘BOOM!: If this operative is incapacitated, rol one DE: on a3, it ‘makes a shooting attack using its dynamite, Stoopid: This operative cannot perform mission actions, cannot perform the Pick Up action and cannot heve a Conceal order. t Cennot be equipped with equipment. n narrative play, it cannot ain (or loso) experience and automatically passes Casualty tess, SOWVIVIVO - CONVO an | PUTTER LOT a CO ec TN KOMMANDO GROT operatives) can be equipped with Se ee ee eee cd Oe CREME oc entny of two times, and each operative can be equipped with no De ee cs dn Be aR es Rue CM CULO cea Ay SLUGGA C2EP] Reon one ee cro the battle (see the Komando Boy datacard, page 60). HARPOON* [3EP] The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon Ce eT LE a) Rng ® Stun SLEDGEHAMMER* C3EP] ae sco a ad Sledgehammer a ad a Sc] aac a la] The operative can perform the following action forthe battle: Place the centre of one Smoke token on a point within ©) of this operative. That token creates an area of smoke with a @ radius and unlimited upward height (but not below) measured Seu Ue CRU CURT) Point, an operative isnot Visible if a Cover Line drawn to it crosses an area of smoke. Tis operative can only perform this action once, and cannot perform this action if ti within re eee Roe cucu me crn STUN GRENADE [2EP] Sere Em Select one point on the battlefield within ° of this operative, Roll one D6 for each operative within @ of that point, subtracting 1 from the result if they are not Visible to this Cee eee Ge This operative can only perform this action once, and cannot Poe ee en Coco STIKKBOMB [2EP] ‘The operative is equipped with the following ranged weapon for the battle Wame ABS oD SC oue) ses Rng ©, Blast @, Indirect, 2 eiuTicy DYNAMITE C4EP] The operative is equipped withthe following ranged weapon as Wame ABS oD EUS Cr) | +} Gi ReAiciss = cree a eT CLIMBING ROPE [1EP] The operative gains the following ability fr the battle: Climbing Rope: See ue tat eo feature while climbing, the fist vertical distance of up to 3 @ it travels are counted as @ for that climb. Sea ATs e Sn aes * Each time this operative drops, the intended location can be any vertical distance from the level it occupies. * Each time this operative drops, it counts any vertical Cee nad TAC OPS Ce AE |fyour faction is VETERAN GUARDSMANE, you can use the Veteran Guardsman Tac Ops listed below, as specified in the mission sequence. BOOTS ON THE GROUND Veteran Guardsman - Faction Tac Op 1 You can reveal this Tac Op at the end of any Turing Point. + Atthe end of that Tuming Point, iF there are more friendly ‘operatives than enemy operatives within @ of your drop zone, and there more friendly operatives than enemy ‘operatives within @ of your opponent's drop zone, you score IVP + Ifyou achieve the first condition at the end of any subsequent Turing Points, you score 1VP STAND FAST Veteran Guardsman - Faction Tac Op 2 ‘You can reveal this Tac Op in the Reveal Tac Ops step of any ‘Turning Point + Atthe end of any Tuming Point, if friendly operatives control two or more objective markers, and friendly ‘operatives control more objective markers than enemy ‘operatives do, you score IVP. Ifyou achieve the first condition at the end of any subsequent Turning Points, you score an additional 1VP RTS Te Veteran Guardsman - Faction Tac Op 3 Reveal this Tac Op at the end of the battle, * fore friendly operatives were incapacitated than enemy operatives, but you scored more victory points from the mission objective, you score 2VPs. = KOMMANDO if your faction is KOMMANDO®, you can use the Kommando Tac Ops lsted below, as specified in the mission sequence. K CRT Kommando - Faction Tac Op 1 ‘You can reveal this Tac Op in the Target Reveal step ofthe fist ‘Turning Point. Your opponent selects one terrain feature that includes any parts with the Heavy trait to be their bulwark WHT = * Ifa friendly operative performs the Blow It Up! action, you score 2VPs, Friendly operatives can perform the following mission action: Sd SUL - SMIWVLI0 Ea ao ‘An operative can perform this action while within 4 of your ‘opponent's bulwark, An operative cannot perform this action while within ©) of enemy operatives. Other than a Dash action, an operative cannot perform any other action during an activation in which it would perform this action. SHOKK_TAKTIKS Kommando - Faction Tac Op 2 Reveal this Tac Op at the end of the first Turing Point. ‘+ If any enemy operatives were incapacitated during the frst Turing Point, you score IVP. _~ = ‘atthe end of the second Turning Point, if friendly ‘operatives control more objective markers than enemy operatives control, you score IVP. GET STUCK IN! Kommando - Faction Tac Op 3 ‘You can reveal this Tac Op in the Reveal Tac Ops step of any ‘Turning Point * Atthe end of any Turning Point (excluding the fourth), if three or mote friendly operatives are within @ of your ‘opponent's drop zone, you score IVP. * Ifyou achieve the fist condition at the end of any subsequent Turning Points (excluding the fourth), you score 1VP

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