INEFOP en Coursera: Programa 21: Introducción A La Programación, Testing e IT

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INEFOP en Coursera: Programa 21: Introducción a la programación, testing e IT

Nombre del Idioma del Cursos con Nivel de

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curso curso subtitulos dificultad

Thanks to a growing number of software programs, it seems as if

anyone can make a webpage. But what if you actually want to
understand how the page was created? There are great textbooks
and online resources for learning web design, but most of those
resources require some background knowledge. This course is
designed to help the novice who wants to gain confidence and
knowledge. We will explore the theory (what actually happens
when you click on a link on a webpage?), the practical (what do I
need to know to make my own page?), and the overlooked (I have
a page, what do I do now?). Throughout the course there will be a
strong emphasis on adhering to syntactic standards for validation
and semantic standards to promote wide accessibility for users
with disabilities. The textbook we use is available online, “The
Missing Link: An Introduction to Web Development and
Introduction University of
Programming” by Michael Mendez from Inglés SI Principiante
to HTML5 Michigan
\n\nThis course will appeal to a wide variety of people, but
specifically those who would like a step-by-step description of the
basics. There are no prerequisites for this course and it is
assumed that students have no prior programming skills or IT
experience. The course will culminate in a small final project that
will require the completion of a very simple page with links and
images. The focus of this course is on the basics, not appearance.
You can see a sample final page at http://intro- \n\nThis is the first course in the
Web Design For Everybody specialization. Subsequent courses
focus on the marketable skills of styling the page with CSS3,
adding interactivity with JavaScript and enhancing the styling with
responsive design. You can see a sample site for the capstone
course at

The web today is almost unrecognizable from the early days of

white pages with lists of blue links. Now, sites are designed with
complex layouts, unique fonts, and customized color schemes.
This course will show you the basics of Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS3). The emphasis will be on learning how to write CSS rules,
how to test code, and how to establish good programming habits.
\n\nWhen done correctly, the styling of a webpage can take
enhance your page. When done incorrectly the result can be
worse than no styling at all. To ensure that your sites do not put
Introduction up barriers for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities, University of
Inglés SI Principiante
to CSS3 you will learn how to evaluate pages using the standardized POUR Michigan
accessibility guidelines. Upon completion of the course, learners
will be able to sketch a design for a given HTML page. Using that
design they will use CSS to implement the design by adding fonts,
colors, and layouts. \n\nThis is the second course in the Web
Design For Everybody specialization. Subsequent courses focus
on adding interaction with JavaScript and enhancing the styling
with responsive design.\n\nIt will be difficult to complete this
course if you do not have access to a laptop or desktop computer
for the homework.

It used to be the case that everyone viewed webpages on about the same size
screen. But with the explosion of the use of smartphones to access the Internet, the
landscape of design has completely changed. People viewing your site will now
expect that it will perform regardless of the platform (smartphone, tablet, laptop, or
desktop computer). This ability to respond to any platform is called responsive
Advanced design.\n\nThis course will expand upon the basic knowledge of CSS3 to include
topics such as wireframes, fluid design, media queries, and the use of existing
Styling with University of
styling paradigms such as Bootstrap. After the course, learners will be able to:\n** Inglés SI Principiante
Responsive Explain the mobile-first paradigm and the importance of wireframes in the design Michigan
Design phase\n** Create sites that behave across a range of platforms\n** Utilize existing
design frameworks such as Bootstrap\n\nThis is the fourth course in the Web
Design For Everybody specialization. A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is
expected when you enroll in this class. Additional courses focus on adding
interactivity with the JavaScript Programming Language and completing a capstone
In this course, you'll walk through installation steps for installing a
text editor, installing MAMP or XAMPP (or equivalent) and
creating a MySql Database. You'll learn about single table queries
Structured University of
and the basic syntax of the SQL language, as well as database Inglés SI Principiante
Query Michigan
design with multiple tables, foreign keys, and the JOIN operation.
Lastly, you'll learn to model many-to-many relationships like those
needed to represent users, roles, and courses.

Thanks to a growing number of software programs, it seems as if

anyone can make a webpage. But what if you actually want to
understand how the page was created? There are great textbooks
and online resources for learning web design, but most of those
resources require some background knowledge. This course is
designed to help the novice who wants to gain confidence and
knowledge. We will explore the theory (what actually happens
when you click on a link on a webpage?), the practical (what do I
need to know to make my own page?), and the overlooked (I have
a page, what do I do now?). Throughout the course there will be a
strong emphasis on adhering to syntactic standards for validation
and semantic standards to promote wide accessibility for users
with disabilities. The textbook we use is available online, “The
Missing Link: An Introduction to Web Development and
Introduction University of
Programming” by Michael Mendez from Inglés SI Principiante
to HTML5 Michigan
\n\nThis course will appeal to a wide variety of people, but
specifically those who would like a step-by-step description of the
basics. There are no prerequisites for this course and it is
assumed that students have no prior programming skills or IT
experience. The course will culminate in a small final project that
will require the completion of a very simple page with links and
images. The focus of this course is on the basics, not appearance.
You can see a sample final page at http://intro- \n\nThis is the first course in the
Web Design For Everybody specialization. Subsequent courses
focus on the marketable skills of styling the page with CSS3,
adding interactivity with JavaScript and enhancing the styling with
responsive design. You can see a sample site for the capstone
course at

The web today is almost unrecognizable from the early days of

white pages with lists of blue links. Now, sites are designed with
complex layouts, unique fonts, and customized color schemes.
This course will show you the basics of Cascading Style Sheets
(CSS3). The emphasis will be on learning how to write CSS rules,
how to test code, and how to establish good programming habits.
\n\nWhen done correctly, the styling of a webpage can take
enhance your page. When done incorrectly the result can be
worse than no styling at all. To ensure that your sites do not put
Introduction up barriers for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities, University of
Inglés SI Principiante
to CSS3 you will learn how to evaluate pages using the standardized POUR Michigan
accessibility guidelines. Upon completion of the course, learners
will be able to sketch a design for a given HTML page. Using that
design they will use CSS to implement the design by adding fonts,
colors, and layouts. \n\nThis is the second course in the Web
Design For Everybody specialization. Subsequent courses focus
on adding interaction with JavaScript and enhancing the styling
with responsive design.\n\nIt will be difficult to complete this
course if you do not have access to a laptop or desktop computer
for the homework.

It used to be the case that everyone viewed webpages on about the same size
screen. But with the explosion of the use of smartphones to access the Internet, the
landscape of design has completely changed. People viewing your site will now
expect that it will perform regardless of the platform (smartphone, tablet, laptop, or
desktop computer). This ability to respond to any platform is called responsive
Advanced design.\n\nThis course will expand upon the basic knowledge of CSS3 to include
topics such as wireframes, fluid design, media queries, and the use of existing
Styling with University of
styling paradigms such as Bootstrap. After the course, learners will be able to:\n** Inglés SI Principiante
Responsive Explain the mobile-first paradigm and the importance of wireframes in the design Michigan
Design phase\n** Create sites that behave across a range of platforms\n** Utilize existing
design frameworks such as Bootstrap\n\nThis is the fourth course in the Web
Design For Everybody specialization. A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is
expected when you enroll in this class. Additional courses focus on adding
interactivity with the JavaScript Programming Language and completing a capstone
Learn how to analyze data using Python. This course will take you
from the basics of Python to exploring many different types of
data. You will learn how to prepare data for analysis, perform
simple statistical analysis, create meaningful data visualizations,
predict future trends from data, and more!\n\nTopics
covered:\n\n1) Importing Datasets\n2) Cleaning the Data\n3) Data
frame manipulation\n4) Summarizing the Data\n5) Building
machine learning Regression models\n6) Building data
pipelines\n\n Data Analysis with Python will be delivered through
Data lecture, lab, and assignments. It includes following parts:\n\nData
Analysis Analysis libraries: will learn to use Pandas, Numpy and Scipy Inglés SI IBM Principiante
with Python libraries to work with a sample dataset. We will introduce you to
pandas, an open-source library, and we will use it to load,
manipulate, analyze, and visualize cool datasets. Then we will
introduce you to another open-source library, scikit-learn, and we
will use some of its machine learning algorithms to build smart
models and make cool predictions.\n\nIf you choose to take this
course and earn the Coursera course certificate, you will also earn
an IBM digital badge. \n\nLIMITED TIME OFFER: Subscription is
only $39 USD per month for access to graded materials and a

This course will introduce you to Amazon Web Services (AWS)

core services and infrastructure. Through demonstrations you'll
learn how to use and configure AWS services to deploy and host
a cloud-native application. \n\nEarly in the course, your AWS
instructors will discuss how the AWS cloud infrastructure is built,
walk you through Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)
and Amazon Lightsail compute services. They'll also introduce you
to networking on AWS, including how to set up Amazon Virtual
Public Cloud (VPC) and different cloud storage options, including
Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS), Amazon Simple Storage
Service (S3) and Amazon Elastic File Service (EFS). Later in the
course you'll learn about AWS Database services, such as
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) and Amazon
Fundamental Amazon Web
DynomoDB. Your instructors will also walk you through how to Inglés SI Principiante
s: Going Services
monitor and scale you application on AWS using Amazon
CloudWatch and Amazon EC2 Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) and
Auto Scaling. Lastly, you'll learn about security on AWS, as well
as how to manage costs when using the AWS cloud platform.
\n\nIn this course, you won't be required to complete hands-on
exercises, but we strongly suggest you take advantage of the
AWS Free Tier to follow along as the instructors demonstrate the
AWS services. Class forums will also allow you to ask questions
and interact with AWS training instructors. After completing this
course, you'll have the basic fundamentals to get started on AWS.
\n\nThis course has been developed by AWS, and is delivered by
AWS technical instructors who teach cloud computing courses
around the globe.

Want to make sense of the volumes of data you have collected?

Need to incorporate data-driven decisions into your process? This
course provides an overview of machine learning techniques to
explore, analyze, and leverage data. You will be introduced to
tools and algorithms you can use to create machine learning
models that learn from data, and to scale those models up to big
data problems.\n\nAt the end of the course, you will be able University of
to:\n•\tDesign an approach to leverage data using the steps in the Inglés SI California San Principiante
With Big
machine learning process.\n•\tApply machine learning techniques Diego
to explore and prepare data for modeling.\n•\tIdentify the type of
machine learning problem in order to apply the appropriate set of
techniques.\n•\tConstruct models that learn from data using widely
available open source tools.\n•\tAnalyze big data problems using
scalable machine learning algorithms on Spark.\n\nSoftware
Requirements: \nCloudera VM, KNIME, Spark
Este curso te dará ágil acceso a los conceptos del paradigma de
programación orientado a objetos, utilizando el lenguaje de
programación Python en su versión 3.0. \n\nUna vez termines
este curso, tendrás conocimiento tanto para el diseño de
programas con objetos como para diagramar UML; lo que te
Programació permitirá diseñar y construir sistemas con objetos, modelando
n Orientada cualquier aspecto de la realidad que desees. Además podrá hacer Universidad
Español NO Avanzado
a Objetos sistemas de calidad realizando pruebas automáticas del sistema y Austral
con Python reestructuraciones del mismo . \n\nAquí también podrás conocer
cómo documentar el software y buenas prácticas de diseño.
Además, conocerás las ventajas de realizar pruebas automáticas
del software y la técnica de programación Test Driven
Development (TDD), la cual te será muy útil para hacer sistemas
de calidad.
Este curso te permitirá conocer qué son las bases de datos
relacionales y aprender a trabajar con ellas. El lenguaje SQL que
es utilizado en las bases de datos relacionales para trabajar en la
definición de los datos y en la manipulación de los mismos será
uno de los temas que abordarás.\nLuego, emprenderás el trabajo
con base de datos y cómo hacerlo desde Python. En primer lugar
utilizando la librería sqlite3, que forma parte de la biblioteca
Manejo de
estándar de Python. Esta librería se conecta directamente a la
bases de Universidad
base de datos y puede ejecutar consultas con SQL desde Español NO Avanzado
datos con Austral
Python. En segundo lugar, utilizarás la librería SQLAlchemy para
poder tener un mapeo los modelos de nuestro sistema con la
base de datos. Esta librería proporciona un mecanismo para
realizar este mapeo de forma automática. De esta manera no
hace falta estar escribiendo consultas SQL y hacer todo el mapeo
manualmente.\n\nUna vez que completes este curso, podrás
diseñar y construir sistemas que persistan los datos de su
sistema en una base de datos relacional.

Este curso te dará ágil acceso a las estructuras de datos

principales del lenguaje de programación Python en su versión
3.0. \nUna vez que termines este curso tendrás un conocimiento
general de Python, que te permitirá realizar programas que
trabajen con muchos datos tomados desde archivos de la
computadora. Aquí podrás conocer cómo utilizar las estructuras
de datos integradas en Python, como las listas, los diccionarios y Universidad
de datos en Español NO Avanzado
las tuplas. Además entenderás cómo trabajar con archivos y el Austral
manejo de excepciones. \n\nComo se trata del segundo curso
dentro de un programa especializado, se requiere tener
conocimientos de los conceptos básicos de programación y saber
escribir y ejecutar scripts de Python.\nEste curso cubrirá las
secciones 6-9 del libro de texto “El Tutorial de Python” de Guido
Van Rossum, el creador de Python.

Este curso te dará ágil acceso a los conceptos básicos de

programación utilizando el lenguaje de programación Python en
su versión 3.0. Python tiene una sintaxis sencilla y compacta.
Esto te permitirá aplicar rápidamente los conceptos aprendidos en
los distintos aspectos de tu vida.\n\nUna vez que completes este
curso, podrás construir pequeños programas que te ayuden en tu
a la Universidad
trabajo y estarás preparado para tomar cursos de programación Español NO Avanzado
programació Austral
más avanzados. \n\nEl curso no requiere conocimientos previos
n con Python
de programación y utiliza sólo matemática básica. Cualquier
persona con un manejo de informática moderado podrá ser capaz
de dominar los materiales que se presentarán. \n\nUtilizaremos
como bibliografía el libro “El Tutorial de Python” de Guido Van
Rossum, el creador de Python.
If you want to take your website to the next level, the ability to
incorporate interactivity is a must. But adding some of these
types of capabilities requires a stronger programming language
than HTML5 or CSS3, and JavaScript can provide just what you
need. With just a basic understanding of the language, you can
create a page that will react to common events such as page
loads, mouse clicks & movements, and even keyboard input.
\n\nThis course will introduce you to the basics of the JavaScript
language. We will cover concepts such as variables, looping,
functions, and even a little bit about debugging tools. You will University of
with Inglés SI Intermedio
understand how the Document Object Model (DOM) is used by Michigan
JavaScript to identify and modify specific parts of your page. After
the course, learners will be able to react to DOM Events and
dynamically alter the contents and style of their page. The class
will culminate in a final project - the creation of an interactive
HTML5 form that accepts and verifies input.\n\nThis is the third
course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. A basic
understanding of HTML and CSS is expected when you enroll in
this class. Additional courses focus on enhancing the styling
with responsive design and completing a capstone project.

After completing this course, you will have an understanding of the fundamental
principles and processes of software testing. You will have actively created test
cases and run them using an automated testing tool. You will being writing and
recognizing good test cases, including input data and expected outcomes.\n\nAfter
completing this course, you will be able to…\n- Describe the difference between
verification and validation.\n- Explain the goal of testing.\n- Use appropriate test
terminology in communication; specifically: test fixture, logical test case, concrete
test case, test script, test oracle, and fault.\n- Describe the motivations for white and
black box testing.\n- Compare and contrast test-first and test-last development
techniques.\n- Measure test adequacy using statement and branch coverage.\n-
Reason about the causes and acceptability of and poor coverage\n- Assess the
Introduction fault-finding effectiveness of a functional test suite using mutation testing.\n-
Critique black-box and white-box testing, describing the benefits and use of each University of
to Software within the greater development effort.\n- Distinguish among the expected-value
Inglés SI Avanzado
Testing (true), heuristic, consistency (as used in A/B regression), and probability test
oracles and select the one best-suited to the testing objective.\n- Craft unit and
integration test cases to detect defects within code and automate these tests using
JUnit. To achieve this, students will employ test doubles to support their tests,
including stubs (for state verification) and mocks (for behavioral verification)
(\n\nThis course is primarily
aimed at those learners interested in any of the following roles: Software Engineer,
Software Engineer in Test, Test Automation Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software
Developer, Programmer, Computer Enthusiast. We expect that you should have an
understanding of the Java programming language (or any similar object-oriented
language and the ability to pick up Java syntax quickly) and some knowledge of the
Software Development Lifecycle.

After completing this course, learners will have an understanding

of a variety of black-box and white-box testing techniques. The
learner will have put this understanding into practice, creating
effective sets of test cases (called a test suite) to properly
exercise software for defect finding. The learner will have
examined requirements for testability, created an oracle for
automated testing, assessed fault-finding effectiveness of test
suites, and generated inputs using a variety of
techniques.\n\nAfter completing this course, you will be able to:\n-
evaluate testability of requirements\n- define testable units within
a program specification\n- apply black-box test input selection
methods - specifically boundary-value analysis, fuzzing, and
random selection - and select the method most-suited to achieve
the given testing objective\n- assess the fault-finding effectiveness University of
and White- Inglés SI Avanzado
of a functional test suite using mutation testing\n- use category Minnesota
box Testing
partitioning to develop automated functional tests (with Cucumber)
based on a given software specification\n- create an expected-
value oracle from a program description to use within the
generated tests\n\nIn order to do well in this course, you should
have experience with an OOP language (like Java), have an IDE
installed (e.g., Eclipse), and be familiar with testing terminology
(see Intro to Software Testing course within this specialization). we
also expect a familiarity with the Software Development Lifecycle
and the context in which the testing stage sits.\n\nThis course is
primarily aimed at those learners interested in any of the following
roles: Software Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Test
Automation Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software Developer,
Programmer, Computer Enthusiast.
This course introduces state-of-the-art techniques for automated analysis.
Automated analysis encompasses both approaches to automatically generate a
very large number of tests to check whether programs meet requirements, and also
means by which it is possible to *prove* that software meets requirements and that
it is free from certain commonly-occurring defects, such as divide-by-zero,
overflow/underflow, deadlock, race-condition freedom, buffer/array overflow,
uncaught exceptions, and several other commonly-occurring bugs that can lead to
program failures or security problems. The learner will become familiar with the
fundamental theory and applications of such approaches, and apply a variety of
automated analysis techniques on example programs.\n\nAfter completing this
course, a learner will be able to:\n- Understand the foundations of automated
verification: randomization and symbolic representations\n- Distinguish the
strengths and weaknesses of random testing, symbolic analysis, static analysis, and
Introduction model checking\n- Use a variety of state-of-the-art static analysis and automated
to testing tools for automated verification\n- Create executable requirements as an University of
oracle suitable for automated testing and symbolic analysis\n- Understand how the
Inglés SI Avanzado
Automated Minnesota
Analysis choice of oracle affects fault-finding for automated analysis strategies.\n- Use
automated testing to achieve full mutation coverage\n- Create a test plan that
utilizes both manually-written tests and automated tests towards maximizing rigor,
minimizing effort and time, and minimizing test costs.\n\nThis course is intended for
learners interested in understanding the principles of automation and the
application of tools \n for analysis and testing of software This knowledge would
benefit several typical roles: Software Engineer, Software Engineer in Test, Test
Automation Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Software Developer, Programmer,
Computer Enthusiast. We expect that you have some familiarity with the Software
development Life-Cycle, an understanding of the fundamentals of software testing,
similar to what is covered in the Introduction to Software Testing and Black-box and
White-Box Testing Courses. \n\nFamiliarity with an object-oriented language such
as Java or ability to pick-up Java syntax quickly to write and modify code, and
willingness to use tools and IDEs are assumed.

Modern applications that we build invariably have touch-points

with its users through web-based and mobile platforms. Users
interact with the software through these interfaces and the
experiences those interfaces provide have a strong influence on
the perceived quality of the software. \n\nThe pace at which
Web and modern applications deploy new versions and features call for
Mobile careful prioritization of testing effort and rapid execution through University of
Inglés SI Intermedio
Testing with automation. Techniques and methods for testing of such Minnesota
Selenium applications will be the focus of this course. We will cover key
concepts relevant to testing of web and mobile platforms,
underlying techniques and the use of Selenium as a framework for
automating testing of such applications.\n\nThe learner will gain a
solid foundation in web and mobile testing principles and the
ability to use a testing framework to automate test execution.
In this course, we'll look at the JavaScript language, and how it
supports the Object-Oriented pattern, with a focus on the unique
aspect of how JavaScript approaches OO. We'll explore a brief
introduction to the jQuery library, which is widely used to do in-
browser manipulation of the Document Object Model (DOM) and
event handling. You'll also learn more about JavaScript Object University of
jQuery, and Inglés SI Avanzado
Notation (JSON), which is commonly used as a syntax to Michigan
exchange data between code running on the server (i.e. in PHP)
and code running in the browser (JavaScript/jQuery).\n\nIt is
assumed that learners have already taken the Building Web
Applications and Building Database Applications in PHP courses
in this specialization.

If you want to take your website to the next level, the ability to
incorporate interactivity is a must. But adding some of these
types of capabilities requires a stronger programming language
than HTML5 or CSS3, and JavaScript can provide just what you
need. With just a basic understanding of the language, you can
create a page that will react to common events such as page
loads, mouse clicks & movements, and even keyboard input.
\n\nThis course will introduce you to the basics of the JavaScript
language. We will cover concepts such as variables, looping,
functions, and even a little bit about debugging tools. You will University of
with Inglés SI Intermedio
understand how the Document Object Model (DOM) is used by Michigan
JavaScript to identify and modify specific parts of your page. After
the course, learners will be able to react to DOM Events and
dynamically alter the contents and style of their page. The class
will culminate in a final project - the creation of an interactive
HTML5 form that accepts and verifies input.\n\nThis is the third
course in the Web Design For Everybody specialization. A basic
understanding of HTML and CSS is expected when you enroll in
this class. Additional courses focus on enhancing the styling
with responsive design and completing a capstone project.

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