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FRANZ KAFKA The Complete Stories Nahum N, Glatzer John Updike a \aitt rest aan Kare ft a he ae hey do od wee wot poping tra ar a ae si cl Heong oe i he ipa fons Iadooce ben ahs youth os pare pr ‘weaken phe was sl ding on when he pi be ‘ent clings ato bs comig wich would xy cover She ne of A fall eed in alow woke: "Deat pens, 1 taveawys loved yu al be me” andl inal ep. ‘chs mamens sn onending sex of rate wa fo gsng vere ge Tramiel by Wits ond Bon Mr The Metamorphosis 1 ‘As onncon sansa awoke one morning from onesty dream be found hime eanformed in his bed io « gigantic. le teasing on fs hard vt were sm-plated, back sd when Ie feds bea «lite he could see his domelite brown bly ‘ded ino sll ached egress on cop of hich che bd git tonld hardly heep in poston and was abou side of com fey, Hit oomerous lg, whieh were pisfly cin compared {othe of is ull waved ballon befor i eye. ‘What has appentd tome? he choughe Ie was a0 dream. His soon arpa human Brom, nly aie fo ily gut Terwren the four fae walls Above the ble on which cl Aron of coh samples ws tapacked and prea out—Sana trora conmerchltsveler hang the picture which he hed fe Tendy cur ou of an Shatrated magus snd pr ino «prey a feame showed lay, wth for ep on and «far Sng upright and holding out o che spectra a huge fr mull imothih the whole of bt forearm had ranshed! "Gaegors cys tuned net fo the window, and the overcst sky—one could fear raindrops beating onthe window guer— imide him quite melancholy. What abot soning lex longer tod forget all this nonsense, he chooge, bu could not be done, for he wes acetone’ cep om ight sie and in his present condon he cou poe cum hmnself over. However vo- Eni forced howl oward argh side vay called on tohistack gai, He ied a lee + banded anes suring is sto Keep from scing hit sruggling legs and ony dested Shen he bean to fel nhs sie fab ll ache he had never enced before. ‘Oh God, he thoghe whe an exheoing jb I've picked on! “Traveling out day iy day ones much more feng work [01 vol Faas Karna ‘han dong che cera busines inthe ofc, and on top of that there he woubeofconane even, of worying about tain ‘omsecons the bed and ivegelr mea, casual sequananess thot are always new and aver become intimate fends. The dei take al He fet a dghe kching op on is belly; dowly ses himself on his back nearer othe op ofthe be So ha he old it is head moe ely denied the hing pace which ‘eas suzounded by many smal wie spots the nature of wich fb could wor uademtand and made to touch i with a ep, bat drew the Jeg back immediately, for the contac made 3 cold shiver rin ebrough him. "He da down asin inc hit former poion. Ths geting wp cely be though kes one quite pt. A ma needs isle ‘ther commerce ike hare wore. For isance, when 1 cs lack othe hotel af « moraing owe up the orders f0t there other are ony sng down co the Breakfast. Lec me Jax ey the with my chef, TW be sacked onthe poe. Anyhow, thst might be ite «goed thing forme, who can el? I dt Iver Bld aly hand Beas of my parents have given 20- ‘ies Tong apo, fave gone wo the cnt and tod i exacly ‘stat hia f nT wood Kaock fi endays frm hs A! [er quse wy of cong, 0, thissitng on high at desk sd eking dowa to employer, epectly when they have © ‘ome quite near becane the chilis hatd of hearing, Well, ther tl hope; once Uwe sted enough money 0 pay back my parent det oie should ke anor five ox years ' do ie without fal Tea myalfeompleely lose then or the moment though Pd Bewerget up, aace my tain goes sve 5 He loked tthe slr clack king on the chet. Heavenly ater! he thought. Te was half-pst Bx o'eock and the hands svar qily moving on ws even pst the also, i was [Jeting on foward 2 quarter co seve. Had the alam clock noe fone off From ce bed one coal se ha it ha been propely Set forfour o'dock, of couse ms have gone off. Yes but ts ic pole to oxp qiedy theoagh thar exespliing noise? Waly fe bad noe spe qlety, yet apparney all he more ‘Tue Meraqonsuosis to soundly for that, Bat what was he wo do now? The nex tain ‘went a seven o'clock; to extch that he would need eo harry ike mad and his ‘weren't even packed up, and he himself ‘ast feeling pareulaly fresh and aeive. And even if be did atc the erain he wouldn'e avoid a cow with the chief, since che firm's poreer would have been waiting forthe five ofeock tain and would have long since reported his fallaze eo coro up. The porcer wat a creature of che chit spneess and stupid. Well, [apposng he were co say he was sick? Bat chr would be mos lanplessan and would look suspicious, since during his five year! temployment he bad not been il once. The chet himself would be are to come withthe sick-insurance doctor, would eeproach ils parent with thle son’ laxnes, and would cut all excuses hott by referring to the insurance doctor, who of course re garded all mankind as pecfecly healthy mlingerers, And would bi be to far wrong on this occasion? Gregor realy felt quite well spee from » drowsines thar was orerly superflacs after toch long sleep and e was even unusually hangry. ‘Asall this was cunning through his mind ac cop speed withoot his being able to decide to leave his bed—the alarm clock: bad jose src a quarter to svenchere came 2 cacious tap at the ‘door behind the head of fis bed. “Geego,” sudo voice=it was his mother's—"iee a quarter co seven. Hadn't you 2 «rain to “catch?” That geile voice! Gregor bad shock 2s he beard his ‘own voice answering hes, unmistakably his own voice, it was true, but with a persitent horrible cwitering squeak behind it like an undercone, which lft che words in thet clear shape only forthe fst moment snd then rose up everberating around chem to desroy thei sense 90 that one could not be sure one had heard chem sightly. Gregor wanted co answer at length and ex~ pln everything, bu in the eireunscances he confined himself to Sig" each you, Mt gsing up mow” The n door berween them mist have Kepr the change in his voice from being nosiceable outside, for his mother conrented Iheelf wich chis statement and shuffled away, Yee this brief ex change of words had made the other members of the fam aware that Gregor was sll in the house, a they ad not ex (or Brass Karka fe do te Enocking, ged, yer wth his Bit. “Geego, Gregor” be alld, aren ea rep Goes Coe oct eee yeti Eigen, rr ope A ea ist pe eae ae sepia alah Mallya Soest aa neon Sige ome ae pee ec fake care er ar ne ee, am re ee Renn i wae rg Soe ed ore lt ed rig al or eb ee se snes oases seh oe aan eae a ee, eae on doen ge nae ecstacy core eerie cr md py cel soe oa, cies aera ree come gr geen Phy Aloe A eve eed sealer ager at eens sa Serer deans a a Te onl Sais aE to in ee eset eee aa Cpe eel bere fori Seer peta ene eh i ce po Sia hope ace eal ances keke Ce ae areee Sig edge nena ec lea Tee seme rae a rr Seer es oto LE RUPSME RES oe et eee ‘Tue Meranconsuosis Is} and of which he cold form a0 eer concen, proved too Ea oor sd oy nd wen Sy, so Avid wich annoyance he gered hi forester et chrst orice, be hd mal te colin sal bonged evil pu the lowe en of be bod, nd he singing pase {i afotned ham hs posal her past of Bly Ws drthe mace prosbiy the mo se So he red ge the top pc of Hime tf, ad ca siouly moved bes head coward he edge of che bed, That Sy enough aod dp ia breath nd heb of Ki todya a slowly fled he mover of ead Sel thon ly goths ea ee ve theca he bed he tov sned wo goon advanciog, fo er fhe le heel fall Ins wey ik would ke ace 0 hep bi head from bing Shed Sad wa ci fe ax mre conmconme mv precy sows he wold raters 8 Tov when ats» sepaton ofthese eos he ly in i ferme! poston ap ighig, and watched Tile lege Srogling agin ech chee more wy than eve if he were pmble an oo way of binging ay erro chi ab Ey ccfesion eld te pun Ge as impose to Say etd hehe oe ete on wa ey. For he alist hope of geting say roe Ache sme Sie id oe foogerocomd nel Gc tt col Felecon the cols posible, was mich beer than deperee Fesale inch one fc is ye sharply a eon the window ba, ante the prope of dhe tvnig fog wich malfiod even she tes ade of the tow Sece rong him lle enargemene nd confor, “Seren Sock aad" he eid final when the arm dock chimed aguin, “Seven o'clock: already and sil such a thick fog.” ‘And for litle while be lay quie, breaching Tightly, a if per things to their aps eyeing ch compe open oer ellcodsormlcondison Bar ten be sd to hal: "Before sues gare pase seven |x be qe oto ts be, wou fal. Anyov, by She tne someone wl have come fim the ace to ke or me : Fane Rares sce it open before seven” And best hime to rocking Kis ‘whale tndy at once in colar rythm, with the iden of Singing ie ot of the bed I ie tipped Nmself os in thar way ie could leep fis head from injury by Uféag tat an soe dagle when be fl. Hs back eed c be utd and was Dot Iaty to ler fom «fl onthe cape is gg wory wae the loo era he would nec be able to help making, which would probably ease antes rero,beking al te door. ‘Bl, he must ake the ‘When he war alendy fal out ofthe bode new method vrs more gue dan a ffre,fr be needed only to teh Naf across by eocking to and foi sue im How simple ir would be if be could get bap, Two ssong people te thought of his ache and the evant ge —sould be apy sf te they woud only have co rw thei arms under Be con- ‘er back fever bim out fee bed, bend dowa wih eee burden, td hen be pent enogh oer enn image ove on” {che door where ir was o be hoped Hs eg would chen nd thee proper fonction. Well, jgiotng the fae tat che doors ‘vere al locked eit e ely to el for help Tn spite of is tibery be could naesuppen ase ahe very Se of "re ha goes far tat he cold barely Keep bis eqliclam when he rocked himself tongy, and he woud have to nerve af ery acon for the fal decon ues in fre mine? tine i would be quater pa scven—whea te fom doorbell fang, "That's someine from te ofc” he aid co him and {slo rgd whe i ie legs oly jgged abou lth Fixer. For a momen everyting mayed gow. “Theyre noe geing © oper the don” id Croor to hime ening ‘Ens bnd of iationa hope, Bur then of conte the even trent awa 0 dhe doot with ber henry cea and opened “Gregor needed only oar the ist good moraing of te vstor ‘o now ined who iewas~sbe ee cer Ringel. What Sa tobe comderioed to work for sim where the salle ion at once give Hae 0 the graven sic! Were all Employes ina bey oehing tat scoundrels was there not Sinong them one gl loyal devoted man who, had he wad ‘Tae Metamonsuosis bss) ‘aly an hour oF 30 of the firms kime in & morning, was 90 tor Inenred by conscience sco be driven out of his mind and 2c- tually icapable of leaving his bed? Wouldn't really have been snffcent co send an apprentice to inguire—if any inquiry were ‘necosiry at all—did the chief clerk himself have co come and hus indiate eo the entre family, an innocent fail, that this rspicious circumstance could be investigated by no one lest versed in affairs chan himself? And mate ehrough che agitation ‘oosed by these reflections than through any ace of will Gregor ‘pring hinslf out of bed wich ail his strength. There was lood ‘hump, bot i was noc really eas, Es fall was broken to some ‘extent by the carpet, his bac, to, was les if than he chought, tod there was merely a dull tod, not 0 very saring. Only fe fad. aot feed his head carefully enough and had hit it; Sued and abe zo heer in pu into, “That was someting falling down in there” sid the chet clerk inthe next soom tothe left. Gregor tied suppose © himself that something ike whar bad happened co him todny right eomeday happen to the chief clerk; one really could not ‘deny che it was posable. Bar aif in Brasque reply to thi ap position che chief clerk cook couple of firm seps in the fhex-doot room and his petet leather boots ereaked, From the figbtchand room his seer was whispering to inform bim ofthe situation: “Gregor, che chief clerk's eee.” “TInow,” mutered ‘Geegor co himelf, bat he dave dare to make Ais voice load ‘enough for hs stereo ear it "*Gregor,” sid his father now from the leftshand roam, “the chief clerk has come and wans to know why you didnt catch the ealy usin. We dont now what to say to im. Besides, he ‘wants to alk to you in person. So open the door, plese. He will be good enough to exease the uneidines of your room.” “Good smomning, Mr. Sams," the chief clerk was cling amiably mean While. "He's not well" sid his mother o the visor, while his facher wat all speaking through the door, “he's not well, ie, boieve me. What else would make him miss 2 tra! The boy thinks aboat nothing bur bis work, I aks tne aimst eros he ‘way he never goes out in the evenings; he’s been here the lst {61 Brave Karna igh days and has seayed ar home every single evening. He jose, So shore quietly atthe able sending @ newspaper of looking radwey timenbles, The only amorement he ger = ding feeework: For instance, he speat evo or tree evenings ceusing ou a file picture fame; you would be surprised to see Ihow prety i ss hanging in hit room; youl se iin 3 minate ‘when Gregor opens the dooe. I mas ym glad you've come, sin we should never have got bm ro unlock the door By our. selves; he's so obainase, and Yim sure he's unwell, thoogh he ‘would’ have co be 0 his morning.” “Vim jee coming” sid Gregor slowly and carefully, not moving an inch fr feat of lo- ing one word ofthe conversation," ca think of any other ex- planscon, madame” sd the chief clerk, “T hope its aothing Serious Although on the othe hand T must say thar we men of business—foreunately or unforcunatel)-—very often simply have to ignore any sigh indiposin, since busines mus be attended to." “Well ean the chief clerk come in now?” asked Gregor's Father imptinely, again KaoeKing on the door. "No," said Gregor. Inthe lf-hend room 2 psnfal sence followed this reluslin the righthand room hs ser begat sb. ‘Why did’ hse join the oxhes? She was probably newly ‘ou of ed and hada’e even begun eo pat an her cloches yet. ‘Wall, why was she crying? Beeause he woulda’ ge up and let che chit clerk in, Because he was in danger of losing his jb, nd hectus the chief woul begia danning his parens again fo the ‘old debs? Surely these were things one didnt need to worry tour for the present. Gregor was sil st home and notin the lense inking of desecng the family. Ac che moment, ue, be vas lying on che carpet and noone who Knew the condition he ‘vat in could seronsly expect im eo adm the chief clerk But For such s mall dscoureay, which could plausibly be explained sway somehow lute on, Gregor sould hardly be dimised on the spor And i eemed to Gregor that would be mach more sensible wo leave him in peace for che present than to toable him with teas and entrees. Sil, of course, heir uneereingy ‘bewildered them ll nd excused thee behave. “Mr, Sama,” the chief clerk called now in louder voice, ‘Tae Meraqonswosis tn “ha the maser wth you? Hie you a, busing youl in yout room gringo yet aad fr aniwer cxang your guration af safety rosie sod ngitng-t tenon tony in paing-noglcng your tines da in fn incredible fahion 1a spestng her nee mame of Your pero and of your ei an Fb you gue sly to gte fre sn inmedite snd rece expattin. Vou amazes O° tae me I shougit you were «gol, dopenible psn, sad tow als onee you sam bet on suing + ial eh Eon of yours. The ch di han tome ely the morning + Jonbl eplnaon for your dinppsrnce—wsh reference 0 ‘Seah payne eae rere ered 0 you recedy—but | alton pledged ny solens word of Konrath col ot be sth mw a seh ey sin | eager ave te sige deseo ake our par sa. Ad your potin iin reves una ae wth tee a of ling yon al thx prat bu ne yom re ang diy dine a0 nelly don' ae why your prem shout icc too, or sometime pst yor wrk as ben oe i fray this tthe seasn of he year or = bse boo, oF con weedng my bore mann ote yu fo ong Hoa ‘scale des ot xt Me, Susans oe “Bg in” cred Grgor bate msl and in hs agion forging everyting ee, “mu going 0 open che door ik ey mine sigh oom an aac of pine fa hop me om ging op. i aig in bo. ot I fea igh aaa Hm tng ott of bed sows Just pve me « momento 0 longet! Ts nor quite ao oat Though. Be Plight, realy. How eg ke that ean sey st on down aly ist nigh Iw gute wel, my parents cn tel yt, oF ‘a dd ve ght premier: I fe howe ee ‘ti, Why cds vert a te ofc! Bo on al SES chic a ladon cn be gu over win mying tte ows. Oh a, do spre my paren Al shot youre Potching me wih sow har no foun noone ee Mord aout Pets you haves kel a he to dees Tein. Anyhow, Ten il exch te ght etdock in, (21 aawe Kara Tm auch ah bese for my few hour? res. Dons let me dein you here, ss Tk be attending to business very sooa, and do be fod coup wel he chi w and 0 make ay exces © ‘And while all cis was eombling our pllamell and Gregor hucly knew wha he was saying, he had reached che chest quite easly, pevhaps beesuse of the prise he had had in bed, and ‘was new uying to lever himlé spright by mes of i. He ‘esos seualy to open the door, seteally co show himself and spel co the che clerk; he was eager find out what the others, ser al thee inence, woald say atthe sight of him. I they ‘were horrid then the resporsblicy was no longer his and he ould say quiet. Bait they tooktt eal, then he had no reason Sither eo be upser, and could realy get to the sation for the tight olelock tain if he hurried, fet be lipped down a few ‘imes from the polished surface of the chest, bu at lengeh with a Jest heave he stood upright; he paid no more aenson «0 the pin in che lower pareof his body, however chey mare. ‘Then fe lot hinge fll agnne the bale ofa nearby chain, and clang swith hi ie legs eo the edges of i. Tha bro him into con ‘rol of himself aguin and he topped speaking, for now he could Ten to what che chin clerk was saying. “Did you understand ¢ word of i” che chief clerk wae sake ing, “surely he ean be trying to make fools of ws?" "Oh dear,” ‘cid his mother, in ears, "perhaps he's renibly il and we're tormenting, him’ Grete! Grete!” she called out thes. "Yes ‘Mother? called his ter from the oter side, They were calling to each other serous Gregor room. "You mse go this minute for che doctor. Gregor iil. Go forthe dacrr, quick. Did you heat how he was speaking?” “That was no human voice," Sid the chief clei ina voice noticeably low beside the shines of the mother's, "Anna! Ana!” his father was elling through the hall wo the iechen, lapping his ands, “ger a locksmith at once!” ‘had the swo girls wer already running through the hall With 2 ith of skies—how could his ser have gor dressed so |GWiekly?—and were tearing the front door open. There was no ss co pre en eee eres Beniens inal ee aaa Se Ss er ane eee me pal ly ere preyed matey otece Sas pares Beer ta rent ven wit Sharpe ere ee ee eee aap peed ere mean eres oe See ernest nares Shyam oes ct ae Sees Som hf al ee ne em Tipeassk eis eauicet rate me ey See aa ae of his lite legs were somewiatsticky-—end rested agains it for Saeeae ere ee cameo ee eae oe EL Saray ceatcrireadiepi acai Sean a acesre oe ere So Pe eee that he was undoabeedy damaging them somewhere, since 2 as my meen en net pg ea Dos fare ob ep ie ee merger emia on oes come Soe ee Patera rine aa fi i eee Peterman brine era Lent Fasoce Karna

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