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Office Administration School Based Assessment

Topic: Accounts and Financial Services

Year of Examination: 2021

Subject: Office Administration

Candidate Name: Schinell Robinson

Candidate Number:1003671451

School: Irwin High School

Teacher: Mrs. Looney- Williams

Table of Contents

Title …………………………………………………………………………………….…..1

Aims …………………………………………………………………..…..………………..2

Functions of the Department ……………………… ……………..………..…………………3

Letter …………………………………..………………………..……………………...……4-5


Rules and regulations…………………………………………………………………….…..11-12


Office equipment………………………………………….…………………………….…..16



Title:: An Investigation in the Financial and Accounts Management at

the National Commercial Bank.

Year of Examination: 2021

Subject: Office Administration

Candidate Name: Schinell Robinson

Candidate Number:

School: Irwin High School

Teacher: Mrs. Looney- Williams


Aims of This Assessment

At the end of this project I hope to accomplish:

 The different types of resources used in the accounts office

 How to prepare simple documents used in the accounts office

 Also, to investigate the duties and attributes of a clerk in the accounts office

Functions of the Department

The main functions of the Accounts and Financial Office are:

 Preparation of payrolls

 Credit control and collection of accounts

 Preparation of accounts for audit

 Credit and Debit notes


Letter of Correspondence

Schinell Robinson

Lapland District Catadupa p.o St. James

June 6 2020

Accounts / Financial

Manager N.C.B Bank

Montego Bay

St James

Dear sir /madam

My name is Schinell Robinson, I am an eleventh grader from the Irwin High School in Montego

Bay, St. James. I will be among the students sitting the Office Administration Caribbean

Examination Council exam in June. I am preparing for my exam in June and part of my exam

grade is an assessment. An assessment which inquires me to do an investigation in an

organization, I chose your organization to carry out my investigation.

I am asking for your permission to visit your organization, to do an investigation in the accounts

and financial service department at a later date chosen by you. I would love to receive some

knowledge and understanding of the resources used in the accounts office in your organization

and also the procedures of making and receiving payments through your organization, which

requires me to drop by your organization to do an investigation.


Your services will be greatly appreciated if you accept me. I will only look at things and ask

questions related to the aims of my assessment that is listed above. I hope to hear from you

again. You can contact me at 1(876) 593-0646 or email me at

Yours truly

SCINELL Robinson


In the investigation carried out at the National Commercial Bank a primary source of

information, observation and also an questionare was conducted.

Primary Source

Primary Sources are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, from people who had a direct

connection with it. Primary sources can include: Texts of laws and
Advantages of Disadvantages of
other original documents. Newspaper reports, by reporters who
using primary using a primary
witnessed an event or who quote people who did Primary Source.
source source

It’s easier to Some documents

use and it were unreached

gives due to

evidence and confidentiality


related to


This method was used as a research in the form of questions that aims to collect information

from the workers. Where a written set of questions some with answers that the workers can

easily select and others that they can write their own opinion or their own understanding of what

was being asked. Questions on the sheet were based only on the aims of this assessment. This

document was issued to 10 persons working in and around the financial and accounts

management department only.

Please I’m asking to take the time out of your busy schedule to answer the following questions below on the topic
Accounts and Financial Services in doing this you will help me to obtain the necessary information needed for
completion of my Office Administration School Based Assessment. NO PERSONAL INFORMATION 9
NEEDED. Please aim to answer all questions. Tick the answer options below and write where necessary. NB:
questions can only contain one answer.

1. What are the duties of a clerk in the accounts office?

i. Reconciling Account
ii. Preparation of payroll
iii. Maintaining mailing list
A. I., ii only
B. Ii, iii only
C. I only
D. Ii only
E. All of the above

2. Does the attribute of a clerk matter? Why?

3. Which is an example of a simple documents prepared in the accounts office?
a) Payroll
b) Travelers check
c) Minute sheet
How are simple documents prepared in the accounts offices?
4. What are the roles and functions of the accounts office?
This method was needed to closely observe how the workers in the accounts management

department did their jobs respectively. I only observed what was related to my aims and

objective. This observation was only conducted in the Financial and Accounts Management


Qestions Asked

1. What are the attributes and duties of a clerk in the accounts office?

2. How are simple documents prepared in the accounts office?

3. What are the roles and functions of the accounts office?

4. Who is responsible for preparing payrolls?

5. What are the different types of accounts ?

Schedule of activities

Date Activity Comments

November 10 , 2020 Prepare letter of This was easy because I
correspondence to send out already wrote the letter I only
to the organization checked for errors.
November 11, 2020 Prepare questionnaire I typed up a questionnaire
and printed up a few for hand
out for future activities
November 12, 2020 Send letter to the I emailed the letter due to
organization the ongoing crisis.
December 3, 2020 Got permission from the I prepared all that was
manager to visit the needed for my project.

December 7, 2020 Went for observations of things It was a busy day at the bank so I
related to topic decided to visit the next day.

December 8, 2020 Observed all that was needed I was asked to send
and hand out questionnaires questionnaires via the Internet.
Had to email the questionnaire

December 17, 2020 Received questionnaire in my Was told to wait another day.
December 18, 2020 Received all questionnaire I had the rest of the
December 21, 2020 Went to give my gratitude to I had to go back another day
the manager because the manager was not
available and was told to do so
through the internet because of
the ongoing pandemic.

December 22, 2020 Thanked the manager for The manager thanked me for
permission in the organization choosing their organization and
wished me well in completion of
my Assessment and exams.

December 22, 2020 Completed criteria 2 and sent to There was mini challenges due
teacher to internet problems but
managed to send it.

Rules and regulations


Corporate disclosure policy

This states that the National Commercial Bank will only retain your personal information as long as it

is necessary, including updating the product or service or as required by law. When we destroy the

information, we will use safeguards to prevent unauthorized parties from gaining access to the information

during the process.


The candidate was aware of this legislation because it was framed in a certificate on the wall in one of the

employees office in the accounts department.

Health and safety

The safety practices that was observed were fire extinguishers were placed at the designated place. They had

fire alarm switch/ buttons, Panic button for robbery or any other emergency. Exit and entrance were clearly

and boldly written. An emergency exit was also present. Due to the ongoing pandemic social distancing, the

sanitization of customer’s hands and temperature testing before gaining access to the organization was also


Staff rule

Authorized participating organized presentations and/or interviews shall be fully Informed by Group

Marketing & Communications about the topics on which they would be Required to concerning NCB’s

business activities might be of interest to the Business community.

This project was completed by a successful investigation in the Financial and Accounts

Management department at the national commercial bank. The national commercial bank limited is

a financial group that focuses on maintaining a profitable organization that provides highly

competitive and innovative services offered to its customers. The candidate aimed to find out

What are the attributes and the duties of a clerk in the accounts office?

Table showing the response rate of the above question also the number of respondents and their


Responses Number of Percentage of

respondents respondents


Reconciling 2 10%


Preparation of 3 15%

pay roll

Maintaining 5 25%

mailing list

All are the 10 50%


The candidate says,s that the attributes that a clerk in the accounts office should have is

Excellent analytical, computational and mathematical abilities, 90% of the respondents


The candidate had an interest in the resources used in the accounts office. The researcher

wanted to find out, What are the different types of resources used in the accounts office? The

responses that were given by the respondents were: calculator, printer, adding machine,

computer software(payroll software, quick book, excel spreadsheet), photocopier, and


The candidate wanted to know how simple documents are prepared in the accounts office. I

found out to prepare simple documents you must record transactions in the accounts office

such as, source documents, general journal, general ledger and trial balance as stated by all


A major challenge I faced while doing this assessment was visiting the organization to carry out

the investigation. Due to the ongoing pandemic, it was very difficult to proceed with most of my

tasks such as issuing out the questionnaire and sending out the letter of correspondent

physically. This problem was resolved by completing most of my tasks through the internet

medium. I visited the company’s website and obtained a email address where I emailed my letter

of correspondence asking permission to investigate the organization. I was asked to send the

questionnaire via the internet.


The assessment was successfully done and all information needed was obtained from the

investigation that was carried out in the financial and accounts management department of the

National Commercial Bank. I would strongly recommend The National Commercial bank to any

one looking for the best financing organization. This is because they are secured and cares for

their customers. The service and expertise is unmatched by any other bank. Their customer

service is excellent and their organization is very oriented. For safer, easier and secured baking,

bank with N.C.B.

Office Equipment

Date Equipment used Purpose

December 8, 2020 Computer To store information, retrieve
data and process information
about employees or work
related information.
December 8, 2020 Adding machine To serve as a mechanical
calculator that is used for
book keeping calculation in
the organization.
December 8, 2020 Photo copier to print important
documents that were needed
in the office
December 8, 2020 Scanner To convert paper documents
to a digital format

Link to the website The Corporate disclosure policy


Please I’m asking to take the time out of your busy schedule to answer the following questions below on the topic
Accounts and Financial Services in doing this you will help me to obtain the necessary information needed
for completion of my Office Administration School Based Assessment. NO PERSONAL INFORMATION
NEEDED. Please aim to answer all questions. Tick[✓] the answer options below and write where necessary.
NB: questions can only contain one answer.

10. What are the duties of a clerk in the accounts office?

iv. Reconciling Account
v. Preparation of payroll
vi. Maintaining mailing list
F. I., ii only
G. Ii, iii only

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