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Beautiful Agony

“Brian!” I exclaimed, jumping off with one of my feet and trying to pull my shoe.
“Have you seen Rocky? I haven’t heard−”

I stopped abruptly when I was close enough to see his face as he stood on the front
door of our shared apartment. His eyes held such sadness, mixed with fear and guilt.
“I think you better follow me outside,” was all I could hear. As I walked to his car, I
could see at its trunk a glint of blood?! I barely registered it.

All my focus narrowed to that creature inside – the one without whom I could not
bear to smile in this world. “This can’t be real,” I thought. But as I reached out and
ran my hand along to its bloody mouth, broken leg, and lifeless eyes, I couldn’t deny
the truth. The best friend I loved and cared for since kitten for years was dead.
Something between a sob and a scream ripping from my throat, “AKHH!” I couldn’t
care less about the sunken eyes around me. The sky changed, swept me up into its

“Care to explain?” I demanded barely audible, sounding like a whisper. The silence
was heavy after I finished. When I quieted my whimper, Brian told me what had

My mind shifted through a fog, trying to process his words. “You think I’ll buy that?”
I hissed, “you threw the cat away from our 7th floor apartment because the cat was
curious about your document? Have you lost your mind?!”

“I was depressed, please Isabel forgive m−” I made my way to the car and slammed
the door on his face, ignoring my boyfriend’s plead. I drove off to the near secluded
This was it. I was going to put him in the ground. I would never hear his soft growls
as I pet his head, or purrs as he welcomed me home after a long day, or witness one
of those rare occasions where he would curl up on my chest when I watched movies.
Never again would he bring me a giant dead dove as a gift or rub against my leg
lovingly. So many things, now gone.

With the same gentleness, I carried him out to that cold, unfeeling grave and buried
him. “I’ll miss you...” I trailed off.

The truth is, I had no boyfriend. My remorse created him to take the blame. By
accident, I threw out the feline because it ruined the hard work I prepared for
months. Curiosity killed the beautiful cat indeed.

Creator: Bunga Wati

Editor: Jessy Aidina Septiany

Word counts: 425


1. AKHH: scream of pain

2. the sunken eyes: the look of sadness and pity
3. swept me up into its darkness: feeling one’s anxiety arouse
4. My mind shifted through a fog: blurry and unsound state of mind
5. Curiosity killed the cat: being too curious could lead to danger

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