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Language A: Language and Literature Internal Assessment

Student Outline Form

Global issue: Politics, Power, and Justice

Power and Justice
The lack of power women have over their bodies.

Texts chosen
Literary work:
The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead

Non-literary text from a body of work:

“Am I Going to Get Raped Checklist” by Liza Donnelly.

Notes for the oral (maximum 10 bullet points):

• Colson Whitehead chose a female character(...)woman who lacks bodily autonomy in the
1800s as well...Whitehead portrays that through these lines, “...intervene.”: imagery. Ignorant
and normalised
• Characterises Blake, ‘mimic’ and repetition to emphasize power. 3) Syntax...The plain and
simple structure of these sentences are deafening as we, as readers, expect to hear more
about it.
• Connecting this extract to the rest of the book, the audience further understands the normality
of this problem that women do not have rights to control their bodies.
• 2: “Women who had lost their children drifted over little by little, to mortify themselves with
possibilities and never-would-bes.” (3)SC: “They’re taking away my babies!” on page 91.
Exclamation demonstrates the terror in her voice.“The syphilis program was one of many
studies and experiments under way at the colored wing of the hospital.” (next point)The Hob
• Whitehead demonstrates that female slaves were raped, Terrace. (NP) Build up and brush past
cora’s feelings

• On the other hand, Donelly exemplifies those emotions of a woman in her cartoon in order for
the audience to be aware of this global issue.
• Title. Composition. Repetition word ‘too’. Questions
• Donelly tends to display the thoughts that females have in many different situations that people
are uncomfortable to believe in. Perspective: 1st POV. Ei. “I can’t decide whether I am going to
be when I grow up--...” “I am supposed to be here.” (women are underrepresented)

Conclusion: matters because they shouldn't be taken advantage of. Stop changing women, change the
system. Cartoons need to be explicit because they don’t have the space.

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