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Nephrology Reviews 2010; volume 2:e3

Pulmonary hypertension is prevalent in catheter and arterio-venous access

Anna R. Hemnes,1 Devi Chittineni,2 Brad C. Astor,3 Paul M. Hassoun,4 Mohamed G. Atta2
Division of Allergy, Pulmonary, and Critical Care Medicine, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN;
Division of Nephrology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD; 3Welch Center for Prevention,
Epidemiology and Clinical Research, Department of Epidemiology, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore,
MD; 4Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA

similar in the two groups (30% in the PH vs. in overflow-induced PH.8 Furthermore, proce-
Abstract 33% in the no-PH group). PH patients were dures such as access thrombectomy may pre-
more likely to have extended hemodialysis dispose to small pulmonary emboli causing
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been vintage (52.6±58.2 vs. 31.0±33.7 months, elevated pulmonary pressures.10 Lastly, under-
described in patients undergoing hemodialy- P<0.05). Advanced left heart disease was not lying diseases such as scleroderma or sys-
sis and proposed to arise from overflow in more prevalent in patients with PH although temic lupus erythematosis may alter suscepti-
arterio-venous grafts or fistulae. Whether PH they were more likely to have right atrial and bility to the factors described above or direct-
is prevalent in patients undergoing catheter- right ventricular enlargement (P<0.05). ly affect the pulmonary vasculature.
based dialysis is unknown. Patients undergo- Mean serum phosphate was lower in the PH Previous studies of PH and end-stage renal
ing hemodialysis with an echocardiogram in group (4.7±1.4 vs. 5.5±1.8 mg/dL, P<0.05). disease (ESRD) have been unable to deter-
two urban dialysis centers over a four-year On multivariate analysis, lower phosphate mine the relative contribution of metabolic
period were included. Demographic data, levels were associated with higher risk of PH. derangement and increased flow as they have
comorbidities, dialysis access, laboratory and We concluded that PH is prevalent in included patients with surgical arterio-
echocardiographic data were collected. A right hemodialysis regardless of access type and venous fistulae exclusively.5,6,8 Our dialysis
ventricular systolic pressure of ≥45 mmHg may be because of disordered calcium and population included a substantial population
defined PH. Forty out of ninety-one (44%) phosphate metabolism. of patients undergoing catheter-based
patients met the criteria for PH. The preva- hemodialysis and we had observed that a
lence of catheter-based hemodialysis was number of them had pulmonary vascular dis-
ease. The prevalence of PH in patients with
Correspondence: Anna Hemnes, T1218 MCN Introduction catheter-based dialysis is unknown thus far.
Vanderbilt University, 1161 21st Ave South, We hypothesize that PH is prevalent in
Nashville, TN 37205, USA. Cardiovascular disease is a well-recognized patients with ESRD undergoing hemodialysis
E-mail: and important source of mortality in patients regardless of access route and, therefore, that
with chronic kidney disease.1-3 Thus, despite PH is not solely a result of chronic overflow
Key words: chronic kidney disease, echocardiog- advances in the care of patients undergoing associated with arterio-venous shunt.
raphy, hemodialysis, pulmonary hypertension. renal replacement treatment, mortality
remains unacceptably elevated, highlighting
Contributions: ARH study planning, data genera-
the potential for advancing cardiovascular
tion, data analysis, manuscript preparation; DC
care of patients with chronic kidney disease.4
Materials and Methods
study planning, data generation; BCA statistical
analysis; PMH study planning, critical manuscript Aside from coronary artery disease, other
forms of cardiovascular disease are also
Patient selection
review; MGA study planning, data generation, man-
uscript preparation, critical manuscript review. prevalent in chronic kidney disease. All patients aged 18 years or older undergo-
Pulmonary hypertension (PH) has been ing hemodialysis from August 2001 to June
Conflict of interest: the authors report no con- described in patients undergoing renal 2005 at two centers associated with our insti-
flicts of interest. replacement with hemodialysis through an tution, and who also had echocardiography for
arterio-venous graft or fistula,5,6 where pul- clinical indications (including evaluation of
Received for publication: 3 October 2009. monary vascular disease may be multifactori- left or right heart function, concern for valvu-
Revision received: 21 December 2009. al.7,8 Chronic volume overload can predispose lar heart disease, preoperative evaluation),
Accepted for publication: 22 January 2010. were identified. Charts were analyzed for
to pulmonary venous hypertension. Alterna-
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons tively, metabolic derangements associated demographic characteristics, data obtained
Attribution 3.0 License (by-nc 3.0) with chronic kidney disease may affect the from echocardiography, laboratory results
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy pulmonary vasculature directly or indirectly. obtained within three months of the time of
Alterations in calcium and phosphate absorp- the echocardiogram, and route of dialysis
©Copyright A.R. Hemnes 2010 tion and excretion may result in metastatic from the dialysis record. There were no exclu-
Licensee PAGEPress, Italy sion criteria. An Institutional Review Board
pulmonary artery calcification.9 Others have
Nephrology Reviews 2010; 2:e3
shown that chronically increased blood flow approval was obtained from Johns Hopkins
from arterio-venous fistulae or grafts results Hospital for this study.

[page 12] [Nephrology Reviews 2009; 1:e3]


Hemodialysis protocol Table 1. Characteristics of patients by dialysis access.

Hemodialysis procedure was conducted Catheter AV graft or fistula P
thrice weekly and all patients received ery- (n=29) (n=62)
thropoietin treatment to maintain hematocrit
Age (years) 54±15 51±14 0.5
values in the range of 33-36%.
Gender (female/male) 9/20 33/29 0.05*
Clinical data HD vintage (months) 46.3±68.3 37.8±33.7 0.4
Demographic information including age, HIV positive (%) 16 21 0.6*
gender, and ethnicity was recorded. In addi- RVSP (mmHg) 41.3±17.7 44.3±15.9 0.4
tion, underlying cause of ESRD, length of time Calcium (mg/dL) 11.2±11.2 9.1±0.9 0.2
on dialysis, and medical comorbidities were Phosphate (mg/dL) 4.6±5.6 4.7±5.7 0.9
extracted. Laboratory data including BUN, cre-
iPTH (pg/mL) 312.8±323.2 468.3±662.4 0.3
atinine, serum calcium, phosphate, albumin,
hematocrit, and intact parathyroid hormone Hct (%) 33.6±6.1 33.9±5.3 0.8
(PTH) were recorded. Data are presented as mean±SD unless otherwise noted. T-test used unless otherwise noted (*c2 test). HD, hemodialysis; RVSP, right ven-
tricular systolic pressure; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone; Hct, hematocrit.

Transthoracic echocardiography Table 2. Clinical and laboratory data in patients with and without pulmonary hypertension.
Two-dimensional and M-mode transthor-
No-PH (n=51) PH (n=40) All (n=91) P
acic echocardiography was performed on all (no-PH vs. PH)
subjects at a single institution. Echocardiogra-
phy was done for clinical indications and thus Age (years, mean±SD) 50.9±14.7 55.2±14.7 52.8±14.7 0.2*
was not standardized for time from dialysis. Gender (female/male) 32/19 21/19 53/38 0.3
Chamber size, the presence of valvular regur- Race (n)
gitation, and estimated right ventricular sys- African American 45 36 81 0.5
tolic pressure were recorded in all patients White 6 3 9
when possible. PH was defined by a right ven- Other 0 1 1
tricular systolic pressure (RVSP) estimated as Comorbidities (n)
>45 mmHg. In the nine patients in whom tri- Diabetes 16 10 26 0.5
cuspid regurgitation was present but unable Hypertension 45 37 82 0.5
to be quantified, the RVSP was assumed to be Cause ESRD (n)
20 mmHg if there was no evidence of right Diabetes 3 0 3 0.05
ventricular dilation and right ventricular sys- Hypertension 14 16 30 0.7
tolic function was not noted to be abnormal. If Diabetes + hypertension 8 9 14 0.8
there was no tricuspid regurgitation, RVSP HIV 9 7 16 0.8
FSGS 8 1 9 0.004
was assumed to be 20 mmHg.11-13
Miscellaneous 4 5 9 0.9
Unknown 5 2 7 0.1
Statistical analysis
HD Vintage (month) 31.0±33.7 52.6±58.2 40.6±47.0 0.02*
Unless specified, data are presented as
HIV positive ** (n) 7 9 16 0.8
mean±SD. The c2-test was used to compare
Medication use (%)
differences between populations. The Student B blockers 67 70 68 0.7
t-test was used for analysis of continuous data. ACEI or ARB 61 65 62 0.7
Multivariate logistic regression models were Dialysis access
used to identify independent predictors of PH, AV graft/fistula 34 28 60
adjusting for age, gender, and ethnicity. The Catheter 17 12 25 0.9
statistical packages Graphpad Prism 5.0a and
Stata 9.0 (College Station, TX) were used for c2 test done unless otherwise noted (*t-test used, **data available on 74 patients). PH, pulmonary hypertension; ESRD, end-stage renal dis-
ease; HD, hemodialysis; B blocker, b -blocker; FSGS, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis; ACE, angiotensin II converting enzyme; ARB,
the analysis. A P<0.05 was considered statisti- angiotensin receptor blocker; AV, arterio-venous.
cally significant.
Table 3. Laboratory data (mean±SD).
No PH PH All P

Results Calcium (mg/dL) (n=89) 8.9±1.0 9.1±0.7 9.0±0.9 0.5

Albumin (g/dL) (n=89) 3.4±0.6 3.3±0.6 3.4±0.6 0.8
A total of 91 patients meeting study criteria Corrected Ca (mg/dL) (n=89) 9.5±0.9 9.6±0.7 9.5±0.8 0.2
were identified. The study population had a Phosphate (mg/dL) (n=88) 5.5±1.8 4.7±1.4 5.1±1.6 0.04
mean age of 52.8±14.7 years, and was pre-
Calcium X phosphorous (n=88) 51.5±17.0 45.6±13.4 48.9±15.7 0.08
dominantly female and African American, 58%
and 89%, respectively. The mean dialysis vin- iPTH (pg/mL) (n=71) 359.3±376.0 476.0±732.5 413.6±568.7 0.4
tage was 40.5±47.0 months, with a median of BUN (mg/dL) (n=89) 47.3±17.8 43.5±20.6 45.6±19.0 0.4
24 months and a range of 0-324 months. Creatinine (mg/dL) (n=89) 8.6±2.9 7.2±3.6 8.0±3.2 0.04
Underlying diabetes, hypertension, or both Hct (%) (n=89) 34.4±6.0 33.0±4.8 33.8±5.5 0.2
were the most common causes of ESRD
(49/91, 54%). A significant portion of the total T-test used; iPTH, intact parathyroid hormone; Hct, hematocrit.

[Nephrology Reviews 2010; 2:e3] [page 13]

A.R. Hemnes et al.

population, 29/91 (32%), was receiving

hemodialysis through a catheter. Of the
remainder, 41/91 (45%) patients were using a
fistula and 21/91 (23%) had an AV graft. Mean
dialysis vinatage in the group with an AV graft
or fistula was no different from the catheter-
based dialysis group (P=0.24, Table 1). There
were no significant differences between the
AV graft or fistula group and the catheter-
based dialysis group with the exception of
patients with a catheter who were more likely
to be male (P=0.05). Overall, 40/91 (44%)
patients had an RVSP of ≥45mmHg, defining
PH. Clinical and laboratory data of the 91
patients segregated by the presence or
absence of PH are shown in Table 2. There
were no differences in age, gender, or ethnic-
ity in those with or without PH. Both groups
were predominantly female and African
American. All patients with focal segmental
glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) were HIV negative.
Patients with PH were more likely to have
undergone extended hemodialysis with a Figure 1. Echocardiographic data in the groups with and without PH. *P<0.05 No-PH
group vs. PH group. RVSP, right ventricular systolic pressure; LVEF, left ventricular ejec-
mean vintage of 52.6±58.2 months vs. tion fraction.
31.0±33.7 months in those without PH
(P=0.02). However, HIV status and presence
of diabetes or systemic hypertension were not
associated with the presence of PH. Use of b- icantly lower in the group with PH. In multi-
blockers and ACE inhibitors (ACEI) or variate analyses adjusting for age, gender, and
angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB) was ethnicity, the presence of lower phosphate
prevalent and similar in the two groups. In was associated with PH.
those patients without PH, 17/51 patients
(33%) were undergoing dialysis through a
catheter compared to 12/40 patients (30%)
with PH (P=0.9). Discussion
Echocardiographic data of patients with and
without PH are shown in Figure 1. Measures We studied the prevalence of PH in a cohort Figure 2. Right ventricular systolic pres-
of left ventricular function including the pres- of patients undergoing hemodialysis through sure (RVSP) in all patients in different
ence of left ventricular or atrial enlargement an AV graft, fistula, or catheter and found a hemodialysis modalities. There was no sig-
and left ventricular ejection fraction were sim- prevalence of 44% in the group as a whole nificant difference in RVSP by dialysis
ilar in both groups. Mean left ventricular ejec- without a significant difference in prevalence
tion fraction was 55.5±13.4% in the group of PH based on hemodialysis access.
without PH and 50.5±16.7% in the group with Surprisingly, we additionally showed that
PH. Tricuspid regurgitation was more likely to lower phosphate is associated with PH. be implicated in the pathogenesis of PH, at
be present in the group with PH (100% vs. Previous studies have shown a high preva- least in this population. Furthermore, hemo-
84%, P=0.006), but was equally prevalent in lence of PH in patients undergoing hemodial- globin levels were similar in the group with
patients with and without catheter-based ysis via AV graft or fistula.5-8,10,14-16 These studies PH to those without, making anemia an
hemodialysis (93% vs. 89%, P=0.51). have demonstrated potential mechanisms of unlikely cause of overflow-associated PH. All
Consistent with the presence of significant PH by compression of the AV access and show- patients were treated with erythropoietin,
PH and associated right heart dysfunction, ing improvement in PA pressure,5,6 implicating thus this potential growth factor was present
right ventricular and atrial dilation were more several potential vasoactive mediators, such in all patients.
likely to be present in the PH group (33% vs. as endothelin, nitric oxide metabolites, throm- There has been prior investigation into the
16%, P<0.0001, and 53% vs. 16%, P=0.0003). boxane, and markers of calcium homeostasis role of disordered mineral metabolism in
Mean RVSP in patients with a catheter was in the pathogenesis of PH.6-8,14,16 Others have patients with ESRD and PH. This is an attrac-
39.65±16.17 and 45.84±16.30 mmHg in those shown a high prevalence of left ventricular tive hypothesis since extraosseous vascular
with AV graft or fistula, P=0.1 (Figure 2). hypertrophy in the patients with PH and calcification is not infrequent in patients with
The mean phosphate level was lower in ESRD.15 All previous studies, to our knowledge, ESRD. Vascular calcification is associated
those patients with PH than those without have been in patients with surgically created with increased vascular stiffness, leading to
(Table 3). Concomitantly, there was a trend AV access, excluding catheter-based dialysis PH.17,18 Pulmonary artery calcification has not
toward lower serum calcium and phosphate patients. In our study, the prevalence of PH been shown to be associated with PH in this
products (corrected calcium multiplied by was similar in patients undergoing dialysis population,7,16 and our data corroborates this
phosphate) and higher intact PTH levels in through surgically created AV access as finding. However, PTH levels were elevated in
the group with PH, although this did not meet through a catheter (30% and 29%, respective- one cohort of patients with PH and ESRD.6 In
statistical significance. Creatinine was signif- ly). This suggests that overflow is less likely to our study, phosphate levels were lower in the

[page 14] [Nephrology Reviews 2010; 2:e3]


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