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Using Multimedia

Resources in Oral
Module in English 7
Third Quarter Module 1 Week 1



Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

What’s In

What words represent these images? What do they have in common?

Aside from being sources of information, a book, a newspaper, and a website
(referring to the images presented above) usually contain texts, graphics, and
images. These three elements are examples of media formats that usually go
together and make an information source more pleasant to browse. Apart from these
three, a website may also offer videos and audio-based materials that a website
visitor can watch and listen to. When more than one of these media formats are
combined, they are now referred to as multimedia resources.
In the second quarter, you studied a topic that deals with these things. To
recall, these are called information sources. As the term suggests, these are used to
provide facts or information that you may need as you gather data about a certain
topic you are researching for.

What’s New

Activity 1: We Mean the Same

Select five words that are synonymous to the word TELL. Write these words on your
answer sheet.

What is It
To emphasize what was stated in the What’s In section, when texts, graphics,
images, audios, diagrams, and videos are combined with one another, the result is
multimedia. When you use multimedia to reinforce what you are talking about, then
these become multimedia resources. To clarify however, it is not necessary that all
these media formats be present altogether, but two or more combined can already
be referred to as such.
Here are some general multimedia resources which you can find in print
materials like books and newspapers, and digital form such as those found on the
Multimedia Resource Description
This is a collection of
images, graphics, and

texts. It gives an easy-

to-understand illustration
of a topic.

The sample infographic

on the left combines
illustrations to texts that
describes COVID
symptoms and suggests
ways to minimize being
infected by the virus.

A slideshow
presentation is a series
Slideshow Presentation

of text, images, or even

listening materials and
videos. It offers a
broader range or
multimedia formats that
can be used.

On the left is a series of

slides about the
Scientific Method using
texts, images, and a
video presentation.

A video clip refers to
Video clips moving pictures
accompanied by sound.
This is enriched with
other media formats
such as texts, images,
and other types of

The instructional video above features a voice over narration about the
features of a website.

A multimedia webpage

contains sound, video,

animation, text, and/or
images. It uses these
components to convey
certain information to the
viewer of a website.

The webpage of this

grammar website on the
left features group of
texts, graphics, and a
video clip.

These multimedia resources are useful when you tell someone about
something. Looking back at the correct answers from the activity on the What’s New
section of this module, telling may refer to the following: narrate events, recount
facts, explain ideas, instruct, and inform.

Study this given situation:

Your Araling Panlipunan teacher tells you to report about the ancient
civilizations in Asia. To present this topic, you need to narrate significant events that
happened during these times and support these with facts about the lives of the
people during those times. But the simple act of orally recounting information about
your topic maybe boring and may lack appeal. To enhance your report, take
advantage of using multimedia resources as you make connections between what
you are orally presenting and the resources you use that contain images, texts, and
videos. You may show a video that chronicles the Mesopotamia, Sumer, and China
civilizations. You can even make your own infographic material highlighting important
events in a form of a timeline coupled with short descriptive texts.

Knowing how to appropriately use multimedia resources leads to greater
understanding of what you would like to talk about and serves to hold the attention of
your listeners as well.

What’s More
Activity 2: The Media in Me
Here is a screenshot (at the time of writing) of the website homepage of the
Department of Health. Take time to study the contents of the webpage in relation to
the different media formats used.

Comprehension Check

Answer these questions with reference to the Department of Health webpage. Write
your answers on your answer sheet.

1. What formats of media are used? Name two.

2. How does the font style of the texts, “MAARI MO NANG MAGAMIT ANG
VIBER STICKERS! Bida ang Solusyon sa COVID-19”, contribute to the feel
of the webpage? Is it appealing to you as a reader? Explain your answer in
one or two sentences by commenting on how the words were written.
3. Which format of media makes the biggest impact? Is it the text or the image?
Justify your choice in one or two sentences.

What I Have Learned
Activity 3: In Summary
To check your understanding of the lesson, fill in the blanks with the appropriate
words as you complete the ideas presented in the paragraph. Choose your answers
from the words found on the textbox and write them on your answer sheet.



Multimedia is a term referring to combined media 1._____________. It is a resource

that combines texts, still 2.______________, audio, and 3.______________. An
example of a multimedia resource is a 4.______________. It is made up of series of
slides which may contain texts, images, and even videos depending on what a
person wants to place. Another multimedia resource is a 5.________________. This
is accessed using the internet. It also contains different media formats.

What I Can Do
Activity 4: My Personal Recount
A personal recount is a narration of
an event or an experience that a speaker was
personally involved in.
In your Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao
class, you were asked to record a personal
recount of an unforgettable experience when
you were in the elementary grades. As an
additional requirement, you are to supplement
your narration with a multimedia resource. In
this case, come up with an infographic
poster that will serve to support your oral
report. Use a short-sized bond paper to
accomplish this task. Feel free to use any
drawing materials at your disposal.
Be guided with the rubric in the
creation of your infographic material.

My Personal Recount about



Excellent Good Needs

Text element of Texts used are Texts used are Texts used lacks
the multimedia appropriately styled appropriately used appeal and impact.
resource and greatly but visual appeal.
enhances the visual
appeal of the poster. (5-7 pts) (1-4 pts)
(8-10 pts)
Illustrations/ All Some Most
Images illustrations/images illustrations/images illustrations/images
elements of the appropriately do not appropriately do not serve their
multimedia support the topic at support the topic at purpose of
resource hand and include a hand and lack supporting the
variety of types of variety of image topic at hand and
images. types. lack variety of
image types.
(8-10 pts) (5-7 pts) (1-4 pts)
Infographic Design elements Design Incomplete
Design (Layout) contribute to the elements do not infographic;
clear communication interfere with the missing design
of information about communication of elements
the topic. information about
the topic.
(8-10 pts) (5-7 pts) (1-4 pts)

Multiple Choice: Select the best answer to each description by writing the letter of your choice
on your answer sheet.

1. This is an information source usually in print form containing news articles.

A. book B. newspaper C. podcast D. website
2. This is an information source that needs internet access.
A. book B. newspaper C. podcast D. website
3. It is a word synonymous to the word tell.
A. create B. cover C. entertain D. narrate
4. This is a definition of multimedia. A. It uses one media format.
B. It uses more than one media format.
C. It uses a book and a magazine combined.
D. It uses a website and a podcast combined.
5. It is a collection of text, images, and graphics that gives an easy-to-understand
illustration of a topic.

A. infographic B. slideshow C. video clips D. webpage
6. This is a multimedia resource made up of series of slides.
A. infographic B. slideshow C. video clips D. webpage
7. It refers to moving pictures usually accompanied by an audio element.
A. infographic B. slideshow C. video clips D. webpage
8. This is an online multimedia resource where almost all types of media formats are
integrated such as text, images, animations, and videos.
A. infographic B. slideshow C. video clips D. webpage
9-10. Choose two reasons why multimedia resources are appropriate supplementary
materials in the delivery of an oral presentation. A. It lengthens the duration of your talk.
B. It helps to hold the attention of your listeners.
C. It provides additional information about your topic.
D. It leads to greater understanding of what you are talking about.

True or False: Write the word TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if it is not
11. A material containing purely text element is considered to be multimedia.
12. Multimedia resources should integrate all formats of media.
13. A personal account is a narration of an event personally experienced by a
14. Giving of instructions and explaining ideas can be understood better when
supplemented with multimedia resources.
15. Recounting facts can be considered an oral presentation.

Additional Activity

Task: My Social Media is Multimedia

Do you have a social media account? If none, then ask a family member who has one, and
answer these questions. Do not forget to write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. What is your (or your family member’s) social media platform?
2. What media formats are integrated in that social media account?
3. Were there times that you made use of your social media account when narrating a
personal or a factual situation? Provide a couple of sentences to describe how it was

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