An MRI Investigation Into The Function of The

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SPINE Volume 31, Number 6, pp E175–E178

©2006, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.

An MRI Investigation Into the Function of the

Transversus Abdominis Muscle During “Drawing-In”
of the Abdominal Wall

Julie Hides, PhD,* Stephen Wilson, PhD,† Warren Stanton, PhD,* Shaun McMahon, PhD,‡
Heidi Keto, BPhty,* Katie McMahon, PhD,§ Martina Bryant, B App Sc,§
and Carolyn Richardson, PhD*

Study Design. An operator blinded dual modality trial 1.54 ⫾ 0.38 cm for the left side and 1.48 ⫾ 0.35 cm for the
of measurement of the abdominal muscles during “draw- right side. Ultrasound measurements of muscle thickness
ing-in” of the abdominal wall. of both transversus abdominis and the internal oblique,
Objectives. 1) To investigate, using magnetic reso- as well as fascial slide, correlated with measures obtained
nance imaging (MRI), the function of the transversus using MRI (interclass correlations from 0.78 to 0.95).
abdominis muscle bilaterally during a drawing-in of the Conclusions. The MRI results demonstrated that during
abdominal wall. 2) To validate the use of real-time ultra- a drawing-in action, the transversus abdominis contracts
sound imaging as a measure of the deep abdominal mus- bilaterally to form a musculofascial band that appears to
cle during a drawing-in of the abdominal wall. tighten (like a corset) and most likely improves the stabili-
Summary of Background Data. Previous research has zation of the lumbopelvic region. Real-time ultrasound im-
implicated the deep abdominal muscle, transversus ab- aging can also be used to measure changes in the transver-
dominis, in the support and protection of the spine and sus abdominis during the draw-in maneuver.
provided evidence that training this muscle is important Key words: transversus abdominis, abdominal mus-
in the rehabilitation of low back pain. One of the most cles, lumbopelvic stabilization, magnetic resonance imag-
important actions of the transversus abdominis is to ing, real-time ultrasound imaging. Spine 2006;31:E175–E178
“draw-in” the abdominal wall, and this action has been
shown to stiffen the sacroiliac joints. It is hypothesized
that in response to a draw in, the transversus abdominis Over the last 10 years, low back pain researchers have
muscle forms a deep musculofascial “corset” and that shown an increasing interest in the function of the ab-
MRI could be used to view this corset and verify its mech- dominal muscle synergists in the protection of the lum-
anism of action on the lumbopelvic region.
bopelvic region. Recently, researchers have focused on
Methods. Thirteen healthy asymptomatic male elite
cricket players aged 21.3 ⫾ 2.1 years were imaged using the role of the transversus abdominis muscle as it is the
MRI and ultrasound imaging as they drew in their abdomi- only muscle that consistently attaches into the thoraco-
nal walls. Measurements of the thickness of the transversus lumbar fascia, a structure considered to assist in the sup-
abdominis and internal oblique muscles and the slide of the port of the lumbar spine.1 In 1997, Hodges and Richard-
anterior abdominal fascia were measured using both MRI
son2 studied the role of transversus abdominis in the
and ultrasound. Measurement of the whole abdominal
cross-sectional area (CSA) was conducted using MRI. stabilization of the lumbar spine from a motor control
Results. Results of the MRI demonstrated that, as a perspective and demonstrated an independence of action
result of draw-in, there was a significant increase in thick- of the transversus abdominis muscle in normal subjects
ness of the transversus abdominis (P ⬍ 0.001) and the relative to the other abdominal muscles and differences
internal oblique muscles (P ⬍ 0.001). There was a signif-
in this control between subjects with and without a his-
icant decrease in the CSA of the trunk (P ⬍ 0.001). The
mean slide (⫾SD) of the anterior abdominal fascia was tory of low back pain.
Clinical muscle testing of the transversus abdominis
muscle has been based on its anatomic structure and
horizontal fiber arrangement. Two muscle tests include
From the *School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (Division of
Physiotherapy), †School of IT and Electrical Engineering, and §Centre observation of the abdominal wall during either a cogni-
for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, University of Queensland, Brisbane, tive “drawing-in” of the abdominal wall,3 or by using
Australia; and ‡Commonwealth Bank Cricket Academy, Brisbane, automatic responses of the muscle to expiration.4 The
Acknowledgment date: February 11, 2005. First revision date: May 25, action of the bilateral muscle bellies of transversus abdo-
2005. Second revision date: July 28, 2005. Acceptance date: August 2, minis can be viewed using real-time ultrasound.5 Each
2005. muscle belly thickens as well as shortens in length during
Supported by Cricket Australia Sports Science Medicine Research Pro-
gram. this action, to give the appearance of a deep muscle “cor-
The manuscript submitted does not contain information about medical set.” A recent randomized controlled trial showed that
device(s)/drug(s). using ultrasound imaging to provide feedback of trans-
Other funds were received in support of this work. No benefits in any
form have been or will be received from a commercial party related versus abdominis muscle activation was superior to clin-
directly or indirectly to the subject of this manuscript. ical instruction alone in normal subjects.6 Clinical trials
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Julie Hides, PhD, Di- that have focused on re-educating transversus abdominis
vision of Physiotherapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 4072. E-mail: j.hides@ muscle function through its “draw-in” action have been successful in decreasing lumbopelvic pain.7–9

E176 Spine • Volume 31 • Number 6 • 2006

Three recent studies have found real-time ultrasound

imaging to be reliable for assessment of changes in thick-
ness of the abdominal muscles when they contract.10 –12
Other studies have related these thickness measures to
levels of muscle activation using fine wire EMG assess-
ments.13,14 Hodges et al13 showed that, for low level
isometric contactions, muscle thickness correlated with
EMG activity for transversus abdominis and internal
oblique but not for the external oblique muscle.
While ultrasound imaging has been successfully used
to measure the abdominal muscles, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) is considered a “gold standard” for view-
ing these muscles in cross section, both at rest and during
the draw-in maneuver. Ultrasound imaging, despite a
limited field of view, may be more practical and just as
accurate. It is much less expensive; transversus abdomi-
nis muscle thickness is well visualized and correlates well
with fine-wire EMG.14
The aims of this study were to observe and assess the
pattern of activation of the muscles of the anterolateral
abdominal wall during the draw-in action, through the
use of MRI, and to validate real-time ultrasound mea-
sures obtained from the same subjects repeating the

Materials and Methods

This study involved MRI and ultrasound measures of abdom-
inal muscle function conducted on an eligible sample of 26 elite
cricketers attending a cricket academy. Thirteen subjects were Figure 1. a, MRI of the deep musculofascial corset at rest, showing
thickness measurements of the transversus abdominis (䡺) and inter-
recruited into the study and 13 subjects were excluded due to a
nal oblique muscles (䡺 䡺), and the cross-sectional area of the trunk
history of low back pain. The mean age of the participants was (outlined). b, MRI of the deep musculofascial corset taken during the
21.3 ⫾ 2.1 years, mean height was 174 ⫾ 5.8 cm, and weight abdominal draw-in action, showing the thickness measurements of
was 75.8 ⫾ 6.3 kg. This study was approved by the Human the transversus abdominis (䡺) and internal oblique muscles (䡺 䡺)
Research Ethics Committee at the University of Queensland, and the cross-sectional area of the trunk (outlined).
Brisbane, Australia. Subjects were instructed on the muscle test
(drawing-in action) of the transversus abdominis muscle before
undergoing MRI and ultrasound imaging. MRI imaging and
1b). The cine series was commenced before the initiation of a
ultrasound imaging were performed in a hospital setting, on the
contraction to ensure complete temporal coverage of the
same day. Subjects were assessed first using MRI and then with
ultrasound imaging. maneuver.
Ultrasound Assessment. A Toshiba Aplio SSA770 (Nasu,
Japan) apparatus was used. A linear transducer with a fre-
Procedures quency of 7.5 MHz was used. Subjects were positioned in su-
pine lying as conducted for the MRI examination. A transverse
MRI Assessment. Subjects were first screened for contrain-
image of the anterolateral abdominal wall was obtained just
dications to MRI by a medical practitioner. Subjects were po-
inferior to the level of the umbilicus for left and right sides.
sitioned in supine lying with their hips and knees resting on a
Subjects were asked to perform the drawing-in action of the
foam wedge. While lying in the scanner, subjects were in-
abdominal wall, and ultrasound images were obtained at rest
structed on the muscle contraction required. They were asked
and on contraction, one side at a time (Figure 2).
to draw in the abdominal wall without moving the spine. The
cross-sectional area (CSA) of the deep musculofascial system
was measured first at rest and then in the contracted state. A 1.5 Measurements. Images from MRI and ultrasound assess-
Tesla Siemens Sonata MR system was used. A True FISP se- ments were saved onto CD for later analysis using a measure-
quence using 14 ⫻ 7 mm contiguous slices centered on L3–L4 ment software package on a laptop computer. Measurements
disc was used for static images. A cine sequence of one 7 mm on MRI included (Figure 1):
slice was taken during a contraction at a frame rate of 500
milliseconds for 7 seconds. Thickness of transversus abdominis and internal oblique at
Rest images were performed in a breath-hold at midex- rest (left and right)
piration (Figure 1a). Contraction images were commenced af- Thickness of transversus abdominis and internal oblique on
ter vocal initiation of the contraction by the operator (Figure contraction (left and right)
“Drawing-In” of the Abdominal Wall • Hides et al E177

Table 1. Measurements of Thickness of the Transversus

Abdominis (TrA), Internal Oblique (IO), Slide of the
Transversus Abdominis Fascia, and Trunk Cross-sectional
Area (CSA) Obtained by Ultrasound Imaging and MRI
Left Right

Relaxed Contracted Relaxed Contracted

TrA thickness (cm)

MRI 0.71 ⫾ 0.16 1.08 ⫾ 0.25 0.68 ⫾ 0.17 1.04 ⫾ 0.27
Ultrasound 0.70 ⫾ 0.15 1.05 ⫾ 0.17 0.68 ⫾ 0.17 1.00 ⫾ 0.25
IO thickness (cm)
MRI 1.71 ⫾ 0.24 2.04 ⫾ 0.36 1.57 ⫾ 0.20 1.94 ⫾ 0.35
Ultrasound 1.65 ⫾ 0.24 1.93 ⫾ 0.32 1.54 ⫾ 0.18 1.89 ⫾ 0.30
TrA slide (cm)
MRI 0 1.54 ⫾ 0.38 0 1.48 ⫾ 0.35
Ultrasound 0 1.55 ⫾ 0.40 0 1.51 ⫾ 0.44
Values are mean ⫾ SD.

and slide of the transversus abdominis fascia was determined

by the interclass correlation (ICCs, Model 3) of the scores for
each muscle (transversus abdominis and internal oblique) in
each condition (relaxed and contracted) and for each side (left
and right).

Analysis of the MRI data revealed that the draw-in ma-
neuver resulted in a significant decrease in the CSA of the
trunk (F ⫽ 221.58, P ⬍ 0.001). The mean CSA of the
trunk at rest was 393.90 ⫾ 29.10 cm2 and this decreased
to 362.61 ⫾ 31.92 cm2. There was a corresponding sig-
nificant increase in thickness of the transversus abdomi-
nis muscle due to the draw-in action as measured by both
MRI (F ⫽ 50.34, P ⬍ 0.001) and ultrasound imaging
Figure 2. a, Ultrasound image of the muscles of the right antero-
lateral abdominal wall at rest showing transversus abdominis (F ⫽ 115.66, P ⬍ 0.001). Similarly, the draw-in maneu-
(TrA), internal oblique (IO), and external oblique (EO) muscles. b, ver resulted in a significant increase in thickness of the
Ultrasound image of the muscles of the right anterolateral abdom- internal oblique muscles for both MRI (F ⫽ 25.42, P ⬍
inal on drawing-in the abdomen, showing the thickness measure- 0.001) and ultrasound imaging (F ⫽ 31.29, P ⬍ 0.001).
ments of the transversus abdominis (䡺) and internal oblique
Descriptive data for transversus abdominis and inter-
muscles (䡺 䡺) and slide measurement (䡺 䡺 䡺). Note the lateral
pull of transversus abdominis (3). nal oblique muscle thickness, slide of transversus abdo-
minis, and trunk CSA is shown in Table 1. Analysis of
variance confirmed that there was not a statistically sig-
Slide of the transversus abdominis fascia (left and right) nificant effect due to left versus right side. The ICCs for
CSA of the trunk at rest measures of muscle thickness and slide obtained by MRI
CSA of the trunk on contraction and ultrasound were in the high range from 0.78 to 0.95
(Table 2).
The same measurements were performed on the ultrasound
images with the exception of the trunk CSA measures (Figure Discussion
2). Measurements conducted on the MRI and ultrasound im-
ages were performed by two independent operators who were This study on normal, pain-free subjects demonstrated
blinded to the others results. Repeatability and reliability of that the action of drawing-in the abdominal wall resulted
linear and CSA measurements obtained using ultrasound and
MRI have been previously reported for the trunk muscles.15,16 Table 2. Interclass Correlations for Transversus
Abdominis and Internal Oblique Muscle Thickness as
Statistical Analysis. Analysis of variance was used to exam- Measured by Ultrasound Imaging and MRI
ine change in the muscle dimensions of thickness (transversus Left Right
abdominis and internal oblique), slide (transversus abdominis),
and trunk CSA. Separate analyses were conducted for the MRI Relaxed Contracted Relaxed Contracted
and the ultrasound imaging variables with repeated measures
of relaxed versus contracted and left versus right for the trans- TrA 0.84 0.85 0.93 0.94
IO 0.91 0.93 0.93 0.95
versus abdominis and internal oblique muscles. Validity of ul-
Slide — 0.91 — 0.78
trasound measures against MRI measures for muscle thickness
E178 Spine • Volume 31 • Number 6 • 2006

in a concentric contraction of the transversus abdominis equipment, Tom Johnsen (Scientific Officer), and Dr.
muscle bilaterally, in conjunction with bilateral slide of Fiona Mack.
the anterior abdominal fascia, an increase in thickness
of the internal oblique muscles, and a decrease in CSA of
the trunk. The shortening of the transversus abdominis Key Points
muscle appears to tension the fascial attachments of the ● Transversus abdominis is important in the support
muscle anteriorly (anterior abdominal fascia) and poste- and protection of the spine, and training this muscle is
riorly (thoracolumbar fascia). Thickening of the internal important in the rehabilitation of low back pain.
oblique muscle as a result of the draw-in maneuver is ● The transversus abdominis muscle forms a deep
consistent with the findings presented by Richardson et musculofascial “corset,” and MRI can be used to
al.17 In this study, contraction of the transversus abdo- view this corset.
minis muscle was accompanied by an increase in EMG ● In asymptomatic subjects, the action of draw-
activity of the oblique abdominal muscles. This would ing-in the abdominal wall resulted in thickening of
suggest that the draw-in action does not activate the the transversus abdominis and internal oblique
transversus abdominis muscle in isolation. muscles, slide of the anterior abdominal fascia, and
MRI is considered a “gold standard” for viewing the a decrease in cross-sectional area of the trunk.
abdominal muscles in cross section, both at rest and dur- ● Measurements made using magnetic resonance
ing the draw-in maneuver. Given the high ICCs and sim- imaging correlated with measurements made using
ilarity in the mean scores in this study, it could be pro- real-time ultrasound imaging.
posed that the variables measured in this investigation
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