Kallisti 09 - Song and Dance

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Song and DancePreamble

This is not one of my normal short stories. To be frank, very little happens in
it, but I just had to write it. It does, though, give some indication of the
relationships which exist between several of the characters I�ve written about
in the past. I also felt in a musical mood at the time of writing this!
ATP 7/6/91
Song and Dance
Andrew Prentis
� June 1991
"I always knew Kallisti was a very pretty girl, but is it my imagination or is
she even more gorgeous than before?" Hawkeye, the premier Knight of the Black
Rose stood by the tall window overlooking the Temple of Carina in Zethus. For
once, he was not wearing his customary black armour, but wore a pale blue tabard
over his ceremonial uniform.
Deldus, standing by his side, dressed in the deep blue ceremonial robes of a
Mage, laughed. "Truly old friend, she is ravishing isn't she?" he spoke with
pride as they watched the object of their discussion glide across the dancefloor
accompanied by the eldest son of the Bragorian ambassador to Zethus. Kallisti
wore a gown of purest white - her favourite colour, and wore her hair loose to
fall in soft curls about her shoulders and down her back. She danced gracefully
and was obviously enjoying herself. Whenever she smiled, it seemed as though the
whole room lit up. The young man she danced with was obviously smitten and could
barely draw his eyes away from her to watch where he was going.
"You are a lucky man." Hawkeye slapped the slim mage's shoulder. Deldus stumbled
forward as if the blow had knocked him of balance.
"Sir Knight, please remember that us poor mages so not have the strength of you
mighty-thewed warriors!" he replied. Hawkeye smiled. The two of them had been
friends for a long time. Deldus, although he appeared to be in his early
thirties, was closer to three times that age. Hawkeye was in his mid-forties,
and the shots of grey in his short dark hair were testament to that. Age had not
affected either man's faculties one bit. Hawkeye was regarded as the most
accomplished knight on active duty, whilst Deldus was seen as a very powerful
mage as well as a diplomat and, when the need arose, an efficient spy and agent
of the Order of the Black Rose.
The dance finished with all the dancers clapping the small orchestra. The party
was being held in one of the enormous staterooms of the Grand Palace, which
housed the council chambers and main administrative offices of the Order. The
occasion was to entertain the ambassador and his retinue from Bragor, a large
kingdom to the north west of Mardona. As the dancers separated, Kallisti was
almost immediately surrounded by admirers, all viewing for the next dance.
Kallisti laughed, but declined their invitations, making her way toward Deldus
and Hawkeye instead.
"Well my love, you seem to have made a number of conquests today." Deldus
greeted her with a glass of cool wine. Kallisti gratefully accepted it and
kissed his cheek. She raised her eyes heavenwards.
"My feet are killing me. Do you think I could borrow some of your armour Hawkeye
- these Bragorian's seem to think that they should dance on MY feet!"
"Ah my poor darling, would you, like me to kiss them better for you?" Deldus put
his arm round her.
"You'd like that wouldn't you?" she winked at Hawkeye, "Grovelling at my feet -
I suppose that's all you're good for!"
"Ow!" Hawkeye winced. Kallisti laughed and wriggled out of Deldus' grasp before
he had the chance to retaliate.
"Just you wait young lady, just you wait!" Deldus wagged his finger. Kallisti's
eyes widened.
"Oh but I can't." she whispered sexily, moving close to him again, before
sticking her tongue in his ear. "Hawkeye, as the noblest man here, would you,
dance with me?" she said.
"I would be honoured my lady." he bowed and offered her his arm. Lifting her
chin regally, she took it, but spoiled the graceful effect by turning back to
Deldus and blowing a raspberry. He burst out laughing.
After a brief consultation with the leader of the orchestra, Kallisti rejoined
Hawkeye on the dancefloor. The music when it started was a slow minuet, an old
tune, heavy with resonances of noble emotions held in check by the stately
progression of the dance. Hawkeye bowed, cocking his eyebrow at her choice of
dance, before leading Kallisti into the first steps of the dance. At first they
were the only couple on the dancefloor, following the steps of a dance hundreds
of years old. A few courageous couples joined them eventually, copying the
famous knight and his beautiful companion. Conversations in the room hushed as
many eyes in the room followed the pair who seemed so perfectly matched in the
dance, moving around each other, stepping together and then apart, Hawkeye's
tabard billowing as he turned, Kallisti's hair floating as she spun.
The music and dance finished with Kallisti curtseying to her knight who bowed
low. There was a polite scattering of applause from the approving audience.
Hawkeye offered Kallisti his hand which she accepted and smiling they returned
to where Deldus stood, goggle-eyed and speechless.
"Where did you learn that dance?" he asked, hugging her. Kallisti sighed.
"I don't know - I remember hearing the tune some time ago and thought what a
wonderful dance tune it was. The steps..." she frowned, "I just knew them." She
turned to Hawkeye. "You knew the dance?"
"Yes, my mother taught it to my sister and myself when we were children. She had
seen it when she was a girl and was taught how to do it, but never had the
chance to dance it because of my father." Hawkeye's expression darkened. "It was
good to have the chance to do it, and with such an exquisite partner as well!"
he kissed Kallisti's hand.
"Oh my, you'll turn a girl's head, O handsome knight!" Kallisti fluttered her
eyelashes at him.
"You're eyesight hasn't improved then!" Hawkeye smiled. His looks had earned him
his nickname which he used in preference to his real title. His curved nose and
dark eyes shadowed by thickset brows gave him a constantly brooding look, and
his taciturn nature often discomforted those about him.
"I think your adoring public needs you." Deldus said, indicating the cluster of
young men to one side of the dancefloor who kept glancing in her direction
surreptitiously. Kallisti sighed.
"A woman's work is never done!" she sighed theatrically and left them again.
"Well my lord, I did not know you could dance like that." Hawkeye turned to the
newcomer, an attractive red-headed woman wearing the formal leather armour of a
knight's squire.
"Suzannah! I didn't realise Arron was here." Hawkeye replied cooly.
"We are and he was most impressed by your hidden talents. I wish I'd known, I
would have asked you for a dance myself - are you by any chance free for the
next one?" she asked. The armour could not hide Suzannah's trim and desirable
"No, but I'm sorry that I must decline your delightful offer. I do not normally
dance, this was a unique occasion - one for your diary Deldus?" The mage nodded,
his eyes not leaving Suzannah. She sighed theatrically.
"Oh well, another time perhaps. If you will excuse me, I must return to my
Lord." she emphasized the last word as she bowed and departed.
"Yeow, I didn't realise she had such a large chip on her shoulder." Deldus noted
as she walked away.
"She gets it from Arron. You know how he feels about my refusal of the Lordship.
He seemed to take it as a personal affront that I did not want the post. What he
has never realised is that I would be hopeless at it - he is ideally suited to
the role. He loves all that ritual and solemnity, and enjoys all the politicking
that goes on. It would bore me to tears! I think I'm much better suited to what
is out there," he gestured out of the window towards the misty peaks of the
Kiril Mountains in the distance, "doing the job I was trained for rather than
playing games with the Council and the rest."
"I know what you mean. There are times when I just have to get away from all
those fawning sycophants and get some clean air into my lungs." Deldus nodded.
"I think your presence is required." Hawkeye gestured to where Kallisti was
waving to him.
"Now what?" Deldus made his way to her side. "What's the matter?" he asked her.
"They want me to sing. Would you do the honours..." she nodded toward the harp
by the side of the orchestra. Deldus scowled.
"Do you know haw few people know that Deldus the Mage and Delius the Sagabard
are the same person? Would you want me to announce to this group that they are
one and the same?" he took her arm and led her out of earshot.
"Please darling - you wouldn't be giving anything away,just showing that the
wonderful Deldus has a few more talents hidden up his voluminous sleeves. Go on
my love, please?" she pleaded, fluttering her eyelashes and playing up to him
"Alright." deldus sighed resignedly. "What do you want to do?"
"How about 'Carina's Tears'?" Kallisti said after a moments thought. Deldus
nodded, but pursed his lips in surprise at her choice. He sat down behind the
harp and spent a few seconds testing its tuning. The noise in the room had built
up since the orchestra had stopped playing, and few people in the room outside
this immediate group paid much attention to what was going on. Waiters and
waitresses circulated with trays of food and drinks, and there were several
clusters of people involved in animated conversations.
At Deldus' nod, Kallisti cleared her throat and the performance began. Deldus
started with a quiet sequence of chords, sustaining the last one so that the
sound echoed and faded. Kallisti smiled - he was using magic to enhance the
sounds, introducing a false echo and in certain places building up the sound
with a low background of choral voices. At his cue, Kallisti began to sing. Her
voice was clear and rich in vocal tone. It was one of the few things her father
had done for her - singing lessons when she was young. She had always loved to
sing and her association with Deldus over the past couple of years had allowed
her to learn new songs and indulge her hobby.
This song was one Deldus, or rather his alter-ego Delius, had taught her. It was
an old song rarely sing in recent times, concerning the goddess Carina and her
search for the one perfect mortal man to become her consort. It follows her
adventures in trying to find him through many long years, undergoing hardships
seldom imagined by the gods before finally tracking him down in a remote village
in the Vista Highlands to the south. By the time she reaches him, though, he is
an old man on his deathbed, with his wife, children and grandchildren gathered
about him. When he sees Carina he mistakes her for his wife, as she had looked
almost exactly the same when they first married all those years before. Carina
is heartbroken at the discovery, but is touched by the deep love he shares with
his wife. As he dies, she promises him a special place in the afterlife to await
the reunion with his beloved wife.
Carina, though, is devastated by her loss and cannot stop her tears from
falling. A god's tears are magical, though, and wherever they fall up springs a
rose bush. But these are no ordinary roses. The booms are black to show the
sorrow Carina feels. Thus were born the black roses which symbolise Carina and
are the emblem of the Order of the Black Rose.
As Kallisti's voice filled the stateroom, aided by Deldus' magical chorus, all
eyes were drawn toward her and all conversations petered out. The whole room was
spellbound. Kallisti did not seem to be singing about Carina, she seemed to
become Carina, singing her own story. She seemed to glow with an inner light and
her voice stirred all who heard it with the power it held.
Everyone thrilled with her triumph at finding the object of her quest, but were
crushed when the truth was revealed. All were moved by the noble gesture and
there was barely a cheek dry in the room as Carina's tears bore forth the
precious black roses. Kallisti was openly weeping as she sang. Deldus hardly
needed to assist her in the end, her voice alone was filled with the power to
entrance the whole room.
As the song ended and the last chords of the music hung in the still air, a
breathless silence filled the room. Kallisti looked to Deldus, her eyes
"Did we do well my Mage?" her voice came to his quietly, yet it was not
Kallisti's voice alone.
"Goddess!" Deldus breathed, suddenly aware of the miraculous presence. From the
corner of his eye, he saw Hawkeye's expression of awe and adoration as the
knight sank to his knees, also aware of the presence of his goddess.
The silence was broken by a shout of approval and applause as the spell was
lifted from Kallisti's audience. Kallisti, or was it Carina, smiled at both
Deldus and Hawkeye before the glow changed. Kallisti took Deldus' hands and
hugged him.
"She's gone." she whispered as they embraced. Hawkeye pushed his way through the
crowd that had gathered at the foot of the small stage and sank to his knee
again before her. Kallisti pulled him to his feet again and kissed him. "She
sends you her love Sir Camellard and reminds you that she is still by your side
and in your heart."
"My Lady, I thank thee." Hawkeye gazed at her in wonder.
"Well gentleman, I think we've caused enough of a stir her for today, I suggest
you might care to escort me away from the party now - otherwise I might get
mobbed!" She linked arms with both men and they made their way across the room.

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