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1. It refers to all the possible uses, applications, and underlying concepts of psychological and educational tests.

A. Test administration C. Psychological assessment

B. Psychological testing D. Psychological research

2. It is the level of test accessibility which requires the test administrator knowledge of test construction and training in
statistics and psychology. Test administrator must have completed an advanced level course in testing in a
college or university.
A. Level A C. Level C
B. Level B D. Level D

3. A psychological test is a measure

A. attitude and values.
B. motivation and interests.
C. a sample of behavior.
D. whole personality
E. All of the above

4. Which of the ff. is the best application of psychological assessment?

A. clinical settings only.
B. self-administered tests only.
C. employment, clinical, and educational settings only.
D. the use of tests and other tools of evaluation.

5. Testing is to assessment as _____________ is to ________________.

A. blood test; psychological assessment
B. blood test; X-ray
C. CT scan; neuropsychological assessment
D. selection; placement

6. Evaluation, intervention, evaluation, this flow reflects what type of assessment use in educational settings?
A. Collaborative psychological assessment
B. Therapeutic psychological assessment
C. Dynamic assessment
D. Educational assessment

7. In Steps in (Clinical) Psychological Assessment, which of the ff. is the second step?
A. Deciding what is being assessed
B. Collecting assessment data
C. Communicating results
D. Making decisions and judgments
E. Determining the goals of assessment
F. Selecting standards for making

8. Most projective test are in

A. Idiographic Approach
B. Nomothetic Approach
C. Eclectic Approach
D. Morphogenic Approach
9. The term psychometric soundness refers to the
A. the general psychiatric health of an assessee.
B. mental status of an individual during assessment.
C. technical quality of a test or other tool of assessment.
D. competence of a defendant to stand trial.

10. What tool of assessment is useful in learning about the reaction of simulated juries to certain types of evidence?
A. tests
B. case history data
C. portfolio assessment
D. behavioral observation

11. Psychological testing

A. is typically more lengthy than assessment.
B. may be one component of the process of assessment.
C. is characteristically broader in scope than assessment.
D. tends to be less accurate than assessment.

12. The term psychometrics

A. was derived from the Latin for "to confuse and befuddle."
B. is used to refer collectively to test catalogues, manuals, and reports.
C. may be defined as the science of psychological measurement.
D. All of these

13. An individual being evaluated for employment as a police officer is asked to put himself in the place of an arresting
officer who has just been threatened by a suspect. This sort of evaluation is BEST described as
A. role play.
B. portfolio analysis.
C. case history.
D. behavioral observation.

14. compared to one-on-one and face-to-face assessments, a disadvantage of CAPA is that it typically deprives the
assessor of the opportunity to
A. make certain that test forms are kept secure.
B. observe the testtaker's test-taking behavior.
C. conduct a post-test interview with the testtaker
D. tailor the test's content to the responses.

15. In everyday practice, responsibility for appropriate test administration, scoring, and interpretation lies with:
A. test users.
B. test developers.
C. elected representatives.
D. test publishers.

16. Which of the following would serve as the BEST source of information about trends in psychological testing and
A. test critiques
B. journal articles
C. test manuals
17. The ff. is correct about testing EXCEPT?
A. It is subjective
B. It is Standardized Uniformity in the administration and
interpretation of results.
C. Tests are samples of behavior since it does not measure
the totality of person’s characteristic.
D. Test should be valid-accurate and Test should be reliable-consistent
E. Projective Techniques & psychometric tests were different from each other but still complementing to each

18. Which of the ff. is an Aptitude Test?

C. 16 PF

19. Edward Kellog Strong is known to what type of test?

A. Aptitude test
B. Values test
C. Temperament test
D. Interest test

20. Driving ability test would fall under

A. Norm-Referenced Test
B. Criterion-Referenced Test
C. Ipsative score test
D. All of the above

21. Board exam in psychometrician would fall under what Five Basic Uses of Testing?
A. Classification
B. Diagnosis and Treatment
C. Planning
D. Program Evaluation
E. Research

22. Refer to the adaptation of a test, procedure, or situation, or the substitution of one test foranother— are essential
to make the assessment more suitable for an assessee with exceptional needs
A. Acculturation
B. Accommodation
C. Adaptation
D. Assimilation

23. An index, usually expressed as a proportion, of the extent to which a particular trait, behavior, characteristic, or
attribute exists in a population
A. Hit rate
B. Base rate
C. Miss rate
D. Fatality rate
24. The extent to which a test incorporates the vocabulary, concepts, traditions, knowledge, and feelings, associated
with particular culture
A. Culture adaptation
B. Acculturation
C. Culture Loadings
D. Factor Loadings

25. In which setting where psychologist usually focuses on the quality of life?
A. Military
B. Geriatrics
C. Educational
D. Business
E. Counseling

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