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Background of the study:

In the period of time, the introduction of modern technological gadgets to the
people has a strong impact especially to the youths. We can now access almost any
message through the cyberspace, anywhere in the world. Access to message has
easier than ever before and locations around the planetary area unit deed closer
virtually. People are depending on these hi-tech gadgets that, without these, they
cannot think a step forward in the direction of their growth. Gadgets is the effect of
creative thinking and innovations of human race. However, “ there can be a negative
side resulting from inappropriate or overuse of gadget, and that negative side can have
serious and long term consequences” (DeLoatch, 2015).

Most of the young respondents are using gadget too much, these are the
people that usually using their gadget for the whole time. There is some things that can
help to the people, especially to the youths that are already get addicted and abuse to
gadgets. Lot of percentages, a high percentages who are usually using their gadgets.
People are no longer considering their health but focusing on their own gadgets.

There is also specifically in the Indian population; considering that

Smartphone's, globally occupy more than 50% of mobile phones market and more
precise quantification of the associated problems is important to facilitate understanding
in this field. (San Jeev Davey and Anuradha Davey, 2014). There are very bad effects
of these devices on youth’s health. Their brain’s thinner skin, tissues and bones allow
them to absorb the radiation twice than the grown-ups. (D Singh, G Tilak, 2019)

Some people are cannot eat in the right time and they lost their weight, others
are getting obese because some are eating when they are lying on their bed or in a
sofa. According to Mission, that one of the concerns of that the health officials are now
address. “We can address this problem if there is intervention during the first two years
of the child’s life”. In Central Visayas, 3% of children are weighty and obese, based on
NNC data collection as of 2016.

On a 2015 written report from activity investigating business firm youngster

mode, children age 5 to 16 spend a normal of six and a half hours in advanced of
projection screen, that includes watching television, playing game consoles and the
utilization of another ambulant disposition. It is natural for the children nowadays using
of the gadgets that lasts for half an hour. Digital devices such as computer, phones and
tablets causes “digital eye strain”, a physical discomfort felt after using screen gadgets
longer than 2 hours. This is suffered by both the children and adults. If we are using
gadgets usually to screen gadgets for longer than 2 hours, we may feel difficulties from
our eyes. Symptoms including headaches, dry and itchy eyes and increased light.

In these study can conclude that gadget addiction has many bad impacts for
the youths especially for their health. People must use their gadgets in the right time
and not for all the time, so that they can eta in the right time, sleep in the right time that
can avoid bad effects for their health. Parent’s should guide their children on how to use
their own gadget so that they will not get addicted to it that can also affect for their own

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