NEMP Threat To Electronics 2009 01 27 DR DC Pande

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Pande DC
Electronics & Radar Development Establishment
CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore

Abstract Under the proper circumstances a significant

portion of the energy released during a nuclear
detonation (~ 4x1012J/kT) appears as an NEMP
Nuclear ElectroMagnetic Pulse (NEMP) (.001% i.e. 4x107J/kT). The spectral content of this
threat to electronics is well recognised from the time of pulse contains the frequencies or wavelengths of many
the 1.4 Mega ton exoatmospheric nuclear weapon of our commercial radio and military electronic
detonation – STARFISH in July 1962. What makes systems.
NEMP so important that all electronic designers are
always concerned about this subtle threat? An attempt NEMP effects depend on several factors
has been made to bring out those features of NEMP in among which are the weapon, the burst location, and
this paper. The paper discusses the generation the point of observation with respect to the burst
mechanisms of NEMP from surface, mid-altitude and location. In this article we will be concerned with the
exoatmospheric bursts, the amplitude, time domain surface, mid altitude and the exoatmospheric (or high
and frequency domain characteristics of these pulses altitude) burst. Emphasis will be placed on the
and spatial coverage of NEMP in various locations of exoatmospheric burst because it has two unique
the burst. The NEMP spectrum comparison has been properties, which are of crucial significance.
carried out with other natural & man-made
electromagnetic environment. The System Generated These unique properties are its extreme area
EMP (SGEMP), Internal EMP (IEMP), Magneto of coverage, NEMP being capable of disrupting
Hydro Dynamic EMP (MHD-EMP) and Dispersed electrical and electronic systems as far as 5,000 km
EMP (D-EMP) have also been discussed. The threat from the site of the detonation; and the fact that NEMP
scenario has been shown how the surface burst, can cause severe disruption and sometimes damage
exoatmospheric and system generated EMP will effect when other prompt weapon effects, such as nuclear
the electronics. radiation effects on electronics, blast, thermal effects,
dust, debris and biological effects are all absent. This
1. Introduction means that a high-yield nuclear weapon, burst above
the atmosphere, could be used to knock out improperly
Everyone is aware of major effects of a designed electrical and electronic systems over a large
nuclear weapon; these are light flash, blast, thermal area of the earth’s surface without doing any other
radiation, blast, atmospheric disturbances, fall out and significant damage. The range of coverage of NEMP
initial nuclear radiation (INR). The INR results in is diminished if the weapon is detonated within the
Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics (TREE) and atmosphere.
Nuclear ElectroMagnetic Pulse (NEMP), which is the
subject of this article. An idea of the magnitude of the NEMP threat
can be realized by comparing its electric field
Planners now consider NEMP as a possible amplitude with the electric fields produced by man-
threat to many sophisticated military and civilian made sources as shown in Fig. 1. A typical high-level
systems. How this has come about will be discussed in NEMP
very brief here.
Sources NEMP Nearby Radar Nearby Metropolitan City
exoatmospheric Communication

EM Field Intensity 50,000 V/m 200 V/m 50 V/m 0.1 V/m

Fig. 1: Comparison of EM Field Intensity From Various Sources

pulse could have an intensity of 50 kV/m. This is 250 NEMP has been recognised as a potential
times more intense than a radar beam of sufficient threat to our electronic and electrical systems since the
power to cause biological damage such as blindness or 1960’s. It happened one July evening during an atomic
sterilization. It is five million times as intense as test in 1962. A rocket lifted off from Johnston. Atoll, a
fields created by sources in a typical metropolitan area. speck in the Pacific 800 miles southwest of Hawaii. At

a point in space 248 miles above the earth, the rocket • Analysis of NEMP coupling to electronic &
turned into a ball of nuclear fire. “All of sudden a weapon systems
greenish – white light flash lit up all of Hawaii” • Assessment of system vulnerability &
recalled a witness. “ The sky started turning pink, then incorporation of protection technique
orange, then red. The heavens were filled with a • Development of appropriate tests, sensors &
ghastly light. Not just the heavens inspired awe that simulation facilities
evening. Something so unexpected happened that • Identification of systems to be protected and
today, two decades later, military planners still ponder NEMP hardness maintained
its dark implications for the fighting of the nuclear
war. A second or so after the flash, the Hawaiian To understand how to protect our systems
island were plagued by problem with things electrical. requires some understanding of the NEMP generation
In widely separated parts of Oahu, 300 streetlights mechanisms and characteristics, the susceptibility
winked out, their fuses blown, Burglar alarms started characteristics of electrical and electronic systems, and
ringing and power lines went dead. Honolulu the various means to counter the NEMP effects.
headlines the next day attributed the breakdown to a
nuclear “Shock Wave”. The nuclear weapon was a 1.4
Mton and known as STARFISH. The Nuclear Pulse 3. Generation & Characteristics
That Can Paralyze a Nation – Dr William J Broad
(Science 83). Three basic weapon detonation locations are
of interest; the surface burst (0 - 2 km), the mid
Recently two factors have greatly increased altitude burst (2 - 40 km) and the exoatmospheric burst
the significance of this threat: (> 40 km). While the basic mechanism is the same, the
atmospheric density results in significantly different
a. Increased sophistication in nuclear strategy interaction and source region characteristics. The
and weapons. NEMP environment is classified as the deposition
region and radiation region. In the deposition region
b. Increased susceptibility of electronic systems known also as close-in source region other than non-
due to the broad introduction of radiating electromagnetic field the other ionising
semiconductors and newer electronic radiations such as α, β, γ, X-ray and neutrons are
technologies and the ever-greater dependence present. In radiation region only the plane uniform
on complex operational hardware. electromagnetic transient field is only available.

The results developed from laboratory NEMP

sensitivity tests on components and electromagnetic
3.1 NEMP Generation
coupling analysis further confirm the experimental
The basic mechanism for NEMP generation is
data collected on electronic 7 electrical damage during
the nuclear detonations. The situation has changed so electron scattering due to the collision of the prompt γ
much that the central issue today is NEMP with the molecules of the media exposed to the γ flux.
PROTECTION. When the collision is with air molecules of the
atmosphere resulting in a radiated wave, we have the
• how to protect your system against the classic NEMP. Collisions of the γ flux or X-rays with
potentially-massive disruptive logic upset a system enclosure (such as a satellite system), results
type effects of NEMP -- such as locking out in an NEMP which is termed close-in or source region
the launch control or missile guidance NEMP. A simple mechanism of NEMP generation is
subsystems during a critical period, etc; -- shown in Fig. 2. The NEMP generation from surface,
mid-altitude and exoatmospheric bursts is shown in
• how to protect your system against the Fig. 3.
sometime capricious-type NEMP permanent
damage – such as destroying the front ends of The collision between the γ flux and the air
HF communications receivers. molecules results in electrons being scattered in
approximately the same direction as the γ. The result
is a charge separation, positively charged centre due to
the parent molecules and a negatively charged electron
2. Technical Activities cloud. This separation of charges, occurring on a
wholesale basis, creates intense source region electric
The technical activities in the field of NEMP and magnetic fields. This build-up of fields is
can be classified in the following areas: ultimately limited by secondary conduction electrons,
which flow back to the positively charged region and
• NEMP characterisation (types of detonation tend to neutralise it. These source region fields are
& environment it generates) non-radiating fields.

Nuclear Prompt γ Energy Compton
Energy Nuclear Burst
4 * 1012 J/kT 4 * 109 J/kT Scattering

Fission Asymmetry
Energy Interaction NE M P

4 * 107 J/kT
Fig. 2: NEMP Generation Mechanism

During a nuclear weapon is detonated within

To produce a radiated electromagnetic field the atmosphere, the γ can travel only relatively short
the proper conditions of asymmetry or interaction with distances between collisions and total absorption. This
the earth’s geomagnetic field must exist. These confines the γ (and therefore the source region) to a
conditions exist for both the high altitude and surface volume perhaps 6 km or so in diameter. Increase in
burst, but the dominant phenomena is different from weapon yield has relatively little effect upon the size of
different burst locations.

nuclear weapons effects.

On the other hand, if the weapon is detonated

outside the atmosphere, usually termed
exoatmospheric burst, the γ rays can travel many miles
without encountering an air molecule. Thus, if a large-
yield weapon is detonated just above the ionosphere,
the source region can be about 1,600 km in diameter
and about 20 km thick. The extent of the
electromagnetic fields radiated onto the earth’s surface
is greatly augmented by the very large size of this
source region.

In the case of the symmetric interaction the

net current is zero this results in no radiation. While in
case of asymmetry interaction the net current is not
Fig. 4: zero and this current radiates the EM field. This is
this intense field (or “source region”), and thus the shown in Fig. 4. In case of surface burst the air-earth
NEMP effects of an intra-atmospheric burst must be interface is the cause of asymmetry, in case of
considered within the context of other close-by prompt

Radial Shell of
Electric J

E - (b)

(a) (c)


Fig. 5: (a) Charge Separation Model Non-radiating E-Field in Deposition Region, (b) & (c) Dipole Model for Radiating E-
Field in Surface & Mid-altitude bursts respectively, (d) Compton Electrons Deflection by Geomagnetic Field (e) Indicating
Current Elements due to Geomagnetic Turning and their Addition in Phase to give a large Outgoing Wave

mid-altitude burst the gradient of air density with b. Electric Dipole Model
altitude results in asymmetry. Space -Air interface is c. Phased Magnetic Dipole Array Model
the cause of asymmetry in exoatmospheric detonation.
3.2 NEMP Characteristics
The following three different models have
been used in estimating the NEMP field from surface
burst, mid altitude burst and exoatmospheric burst as The spectrum and waveform of NEMP differ
shown in Fig. 5: from those of any other natural or commonly used
man-made sources. The spectrum is broad and extends
a. Charge Separation Model

from extremely low frequencies to the low end of the
UHF band.

In the case of the near surface (0-2 km) burst

within the deposition (source) region, non-radiating
electric fields on the order of ≥ 100 kV/m with rise
time ~ 50 ns are realized. Outside the deposition
region, a radiating EM wave is realized. The fields of
this radiating wave at a distance of 10 km from the
burst location are quite comparable to the close-by
fields of the lightning stroke. That is, rise times of
approximately 1 to 5 μs and peak amplitude of 1 kV/m
Fig. 6(c): Radiated NEMP Energy vs Frequency for
electric field. These fields fall off as 1/R (R being the
Surface Burst
distance from the burst point) with distance from the
burst. These fields are essentially vertical polarized
electric fields. The time domain characteristics of non- In the exo-atmospheric burst case, the fields
radiating and radiating NEMP fields are depicted in radiated onto the earth’s surface are of the order of 50
Fig. 6(a) & (b). The energy spectrum for radiated kV/m electric field with rise times ~ 2 ns and duration
NEMP field is shown in Fig. 6(c). The characteristics of 100 ns. The time and frequency domain
of mid-altitude burst radiated NEMP is similar to that characteristics of exo-atmospheric burst are shown in
of surface burst except with reduced magnitude. Fig. 7(a). The energy distribution is shown in Fig. 7(b).

The time waveform indicated a higher

amplitude and much faster rise time than, for example,
the fields generated by a nearby lightning stroke,
especially in the case of exoatmospheric burst. A
comparison of the waveform and spectrum of the high
altitude burst and the induction fields of a lightning
stroke are shown in the figure. Although a lightning
stroke can have a fast rise time, low energy precursor
before the main stroke, the main stroke is a high
amplitude (100 kV/m or greater), 1 to 5 μs rise time
and 100’s of μs fall time. An enormous amount of
energy is contained in the main stroke. The induction
field, however, which is of concern to systems nearby
Fig. 6(a): Generalized Time Waveforms of Radial
a lightning discharge is on the order of 1 kV/m electric
Electric field (Er) & Azimuthal Magnetic Field (Bϕ)
field. This induction field is non-radiating and
therefore a localized field. A comparison of frequency
spectrum of power, lightning, communication and
radar with NEMP is given in Fig. 8.

The time domain characteristics of various

electromagnetic threats to electronics by Lightning
EMP (LEMP), Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), High
Power Microwave (HPM) Weapon, Ultra Wide Band
Systems & their corresponding spectrum
characteristics are depicted in Fig. 9(a) & (b)
respectively. The detailed description is not given here,
as the figures are self-explanatory.

NEMP is sufficiently different from any other

Fig. 6(b): Generalized Time Waveforms of Surface Burst electromagnetic environment usually encountered that
Radiated Electric field (Eθ) protection practices and components for non-NEMP
environments -- EMI, lightning, radar, etc., are not
directly applicable for NEMP problems.

Fig. 7 (a): Time & Frequency Domain Characteristics of
Exo-atmospheric Burst
Fig. 9(b): Frequency Domain Characteristics of various
Electromagnetic Threat Environments

3.3 NEMP Spatial Distribution

In case of surface burst NEMP the spatial

variation of the radial electric field component (Er) is
confined to deposition region and it depends upon the
yield of the weapon. The radiated field is ~ 10 kV/m at
the boundary of the deposition region and falls 1/R
times as shown in Fig. 6(b). NEMP peak values on the
ground from 100 kT contact surface burst is shown in
Fig. 10. The NEMP radiated field variation for a 20 kT
Fig. 7(b): Radiated vs Frequency for Exo-atmospheric nuclear detonation for the height of burst (HoB) at
ground zero and 500 m along with the coverage of
other nuclear effects are shown in Fig. 11(a) & (b)

In case of mid-altitude detonation the NEMP

field at the deposition region boundary is ~ 1 kV/m
and falls off 1/R times there after.

Fig. 8: A comparison of frequency spectrum of EMP,

Lightning, Power, Communications & Radar

Fig. 10: NEMP peak values on the ground from a 100 kT

contact surface explosion

Fig. 9(a): Time Domain Characteristics of various

Electromagnetic Threat Environments

These fields are not uniform in amplitude or
waveform over the entire area but depend on burst
location and the earth’s geomagnetic field. It should
also be recognized that no other weapons effects
accompany the NEMP from an exoatmospheric burst.
Therefore this burst is known as EMP-Baum.

Fig. 11(a): 20 kT Surface Burst (HoB ground zero)

Fig. 11(b): 20 kT Surface Burst (HoB 500 m)

The NEMP field from exoatmospheric burst Fig. 13: NEMP Coverage for 100 & 200 km HoB
coverage is an extremely large on the surface of earth
in contrast to the localized nature of surface burst and
lightning. The estimation of the NEMP wave coverage
on the earth’s surface can be made from the Fig. 12. 4. Other Types NEMP
For a burst over the India, the fields on the surface are
predominantly horizontally polarized E-fields. Since 4.1 System Generated EMP (SGEMP)
the burst location is outside the ionosphere, the line-of-
sight tangent radius to the earth’s surface limits the The SGEMP results from an interaction
coverage on the earth’s surface. Fig.13 shows the between the emitted photons and the material
approximate coverage on the earth for a 100 km (small comprising the system enclosure. In case of Surface
circle) and 200 km (large circle) HoB over the central burst the SGEMP is concerned for the equipment
India. present in deposition or source region while for an exo-
⎛ Re ⎞ atmospheric burst the photons interaction with the
RT = ReCos −1⎜⎜ ⎟ km

⎝ e
R + HoB ⎠ satellites.
2πRe 2 HoB
AT = km 2 The photons incident on enclosure scatters
Re + HoB
electrons into outside of the enclosure. These electrons
in turn, generate EM fields, which can couple to
internal cables and circuitry in the same manner as EM
wave. The SGEMP fields and voltages depend on the
cavity dimensions and photon dose rate. The γ-dose
rate is very important in case of surface burst and
space systems will be exposed to x-ray fluence. The
field can reach ≥ 10 kV/m. SGEMP fields must be
considered in a tactical system interaction and coupling
analysis. The SGEMP generation is depicted in Fig.

Fig. 12: NEMP Coverage from an Exoatmospheric Burst

4.2 Internal EMP (IEMP) field. These electric field observed at the earth’s
surface, are weak (10’s of V/m), but they occur over
The IEMP also known as “Compton long time (100’s of seconds). MHD-EMP covers large
Charging” results from the direct impingement of geographical areas (~100’s of km). Because of long
energetic photons on cables, etc. resulting in the time history, these fields contain only extremely low
ejection of Compton electrons from cable. These frequency components and in many situations can be
exciting electrons leave a net charge on the cable, considered dc field. Hence, MHD-EMP fields are of
resulting in induced currents. possible significance only for long electrical lines (>
10 km) such as long communication lines. There are
two hypothetical models for MHD-EMP generation are
proposed namely (a) rising fireball or magnetic bubble
model (b) beta tube currents model.

5. Threat Scenarios

As shown in Fig. 15 during ground based

nuclear detonations, cases were recorded where the
oscilloscope were put out of action, the protective units
were burned out, the capacitors and communication
lines isolations were punctured, the semiconductor
apparatus and electromagnetic relays were put out of

In case of exo-atmospheric burst the

communication line damage was observed over 100’s
Fig. 14: System Generated EMP (SGEMP)
of km away from detonation. It has been reported that
all the protective units has been damaged in all rods of
4.3 Dispersed EMP (DEMP) suspended communication lines over a distances of
500 km. The power has been shut down in a hundred
From the exo-atmospheric detonation the km length line. The scenario is shown in Fig. 16. For
NEMP generated at the deposition region (source an exo-atmospheric burst NEMP the effect on ground
region) between 20-40 km can propagate directly to based and aerial objects is depicted in Fig. 17. The
satellite altitudes by line of site propagation or through body current induced on the aircraft can reach as high
the reflection from the earth’s surface. In either case, as several kA. In case of antennas on the ground based
the NEMP propagates through ionosphere. Since system the induce voltage will be 10’s of kV. The
ionosphere is ionised medium, the transmissivity voltage induced on the electrical transmission lines is
characteristics exhibit both attenuation and phase shift, of the order of 100’s of kV. In the shielded cables, the
which are frequency dependent. The result is the induced shield current can be of the order of few kA.
amplitude and spectrum of the exo-atmosphere EMP
drastically modified. For this region, EMP at satellite
altitude is often referred to as Dispersed EMP
(DEMP). A typical DEMP signal resembles as
amplitude modulated swept frequency signal. The
maximum amplitude of DEMP electric field is of the
order of 10’s V/m. The frequency spectrum is ~ 15
MHz to 250 MHz. DEMP environment is relatively
benign as compared to other type of NEMP. It must,
however be considered as interference source since the
impact of any EM source is highly dependent as the
irradiated system characteristics.

4.4 Magneto Hydrodynamic EMP


Hydrodynamic motions in the ionosphere,

caused by an exo-atmosphere nuclear detonation,
generate MHD-EMP. Due to the detonation the
perturbations in the geomagnetic field are induced, and
the time variation of magnetic field generates electric Fig. 15: Ground Surface NEMP Effect

– 100 km d) beyond 100 km. Refer Fig. 18. During the
first part the missile is under action of NEMP emitted
from the source region (deposition region). During the
second part the missile undergoes the interaction with
source region NEMP, SEMP and IEMP. During the
third part of the path, the missile comes into the zone
of plasma oscillations generated by the soft x-rays.
During the fourth part, all the SGEMP are formed over
the missile. As shown in Fig. 18, in first part the
missile body current varies between 1 to5 kA and it is
damped sinusoid. In second part the missile current can
reach 2 to 3 kA as a double exponential. In third part,
missile current can reach 10 to 20 kA current in a
double exponential. In case of fourth part, the current
can go 0.5 to 1 kA having damped sinusoid waveform.

In case of satellites, the SGEMP and IEMP

are the most important threat from a nuclear
detonation. The DEMP magnitude is so small that it
may not be of concern. The SGEMP effect on a
satellite is shown in Fig. 19.

Fig.16: Exo-atmospheric NEMP Effect

Fig.18: Missile NEMP Interaction

Fig.17: NEMP Effect on Ground-based and Aerial For a silo NEMP from exo-atmosphere and
Objects surface nuclear burst are of concern as shown in Fig.
20. In the case of surface burst, the fields formed near
A ballistic missile which is submitted to exo- the silo are of the amplitude in order of 100 kV/m and
atmospheric NEMP, the interaction of the NEMP can 1 kA/m. The fields inside the silo are upto 100’s of
be divided into four parts depending upon the flight kV/m and 100’s of kA/m. The current induced on the
altitude: a) upto 20 km b) from 20 – 60 km c) from 60 outside cable lines are of 100’s kA.

Fig. 20: EMP Effect on a Silo Launcher

Fig. 19: SGEMP Effect on a Satellite

Dr DC Pande: Did his Ph D in 1982 from

5. Conclusion Allahabad University. Since 1981, he is with
LRDE, where he is involved in Design &
In this paper the generation mechanism and Development of Electromagnetic Interference
time/frequency domain characteristics of the different Control Techniques for Ground Based,
Airborne and Ship-borne equipments and
types of NEMP have been discussed. The
systems. Currently he is heading Antenna
characteristics of the NEMP show that it is one of the Division in LRDE. He was awarded the MN
most formidable threats to the modern electronics
Saha Memorial Award of IETE in 1994,
systems. The proliferation of electronics in all walk of
“EMC Engineer of the Year 1998 “ of Society
life has made to address this threat at national level. of EMC Engineers (India) and “Lab Scientist
Few of the situations have also been discussed to of the Year 2003” by DRDO, “DRDO
highlight the level of threat, so that the methodologies Scientist of the Year Award 2005”. Presently
to mitigate the NEMP problem can be designed. he is Scientist ‘G’ & Director Technology at
LRDE, DRDO, Bangalore


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