Environmental Preservation in The Perspective of Islam (Ahmad Hanafi Nurmawansyah 192904 3C)

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Environmental Preservation in the Perspective of Islam

First off all lets pray and thanks to our god, Allah swt who has giving us some mercies and
blessing until we can still alive in this world by healthy condition and in good situation.

And dont fotget our greeting to our prophet Muhammad saw to has guided us from the
dsrkness to the brightness till we we can differentiate the good things and the bad one.

In this speech I would like to deliver my speech under the title " Environmental preservation
in the perspective of Islam"

Planet Earth, where human beings around the world live, is currently experiencing an
alarming rate of destruction. Weather patterns are increasingly irregular, forest destruction is
getting out of control, natural disasters are becoming more frequent, and there are many signs
of natural damage happening around us.

Generally, the environmental problems that humankind today are caused by two things. First,
because natural events are events that must occur as a dynamic process of nature itself.
Second, as a result of human actions. From these two causes, it turns out that humans are the
main actors and contributors of all natural damage that occurs. It is ironic that the
devastating damage to the environment is being done by creatures who are supposed to act as
protectors and custodians of this planet.

Greed and selfishness help encourage people to do things that ultimately destroy nature such
as deforestation, mining activities that exceed the limit, and excessive energy consumption
and so on. Many of us only measure personal comfort with no impact on the environment
around us and the global environment as a whole.

Then, we are all responsible for what is on this planet. Each of our actions as individuals will
eventually become a powerful force that has a positive or negative impact on the integrity of
our only home.

Islam is a religion that pays great attention to balance and environmental sustainability.
Many verses of the Qur’an and as-Sunnah discuss the environment. The Qur'an's messages
regarding the environment are very clear and prospective. In the view of Islam, humans are
the best creatures among all of God's creations (QS. 95: 4; 17:70), who are appointed caliphs
(QS. 2:30), and hold the responsibility for the organization of the earth and prosper it (QS.
When the Caliph was on earth, man was ordered to him and ordered damage in the future,
"And do not damage (face) the earth. Indeed, Allah does not like those who are corrupt
”(QS. 28:77).

The earth and all the contents in addition it were essentially created by Allah for humans (QS.
2: 29). Everything that humans desire in the heavens and the earth, land and oceans, rivers,
sun and moon, night and day, plants and fruits, reptiles and livestock are all created for
(Surah 6: 141).

In addition to the concept of practicing kabativity to the environment presented in the Qur’an,
Rasulullah SAW provided an example to practice it in everyday life. This can be seen from
the attention of the Prophet's hadiths, such as the hadiths about the praise and forgiveness of
Allah to people who are off the road; Distractions from the path are almsgiving, distractions
from the path are a part of faith, and distractions from the path are good works.

In addition, the Prophet forbade environmental damage, very small and trivial acts such as
removing (human) feces in places that can disturb humans. Abu Hurairah narrated that the
Prophet said, "Beware of two kinds of curses". The friend asked, "Is that prayer, O
Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet said, "that is a person who throws his desire in the middle
of the road or in a place of shelter". In another hadith it is added by throwing the urge away
at the place of the air source.

Rasulullah is also very concerned about the preservation of animals, crossing the narrated in
the hadith narrated by Abu Daud. Rasulullah admonished a friend who on the way took a
baby bird from its nest. Because the child was taken, the mother bird continued to follow
where the rombogan walked. Seeing this, the Messenger of Allah said, "Who has bothered
this mother bird and took her child?" Return the chicks to their mother!".

From the information above, it is clear that the rules of the Islamic religion protect the
environment. All these rules prevent humans from avoiding the disaster that befell him.
Islam provides clear assistance that natural resources are the carrying capacity for human life
that must be properly protected. Because if not, then a series of natural disasters such as
floods, landslides, fires, drought and various other natural disasters will be the consequences.

"It has been seen that the damage on land and at sea has been caused by the actions of human
hands, Allah wants them to feel some of their deeds, so that they will return to the right path"
(Surah 30:41).
Based on the verses of the Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet above, then in the mainstay
of the verses of nature and the environment, humans carry three mandates from Allah.

First, al-intifa ', namely Allah allows mankind to take advantage of and make the best use of
natural products for the sake of prosperity and benefit. Second, al-i'tibar, namely humans are
required to always stop and know the secret behind Allah's creation while being able to take
lessons from various natural occurrences and events. Third, al-islah which must be obliged to
continue to maintain and incorporate environmental sustainability.

Allah SWT has provided facilities for the carrying capacity of the environment for human
life. Therefore, in the perspective of Islamic law it can be stated that the legal status of
environmental preservation is mandatory for every individual. Thus, humans are required to
always get used to being no longer friendly to the environment.

Maybe that all enough from my speech, hopefully you all can take the good things and throw
the bad things from my speech. Thank you

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