Speaking Skills - Hypothetical Situations

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Speaking Skills - Hypothetical Situations

This speaking activity can be used with high intermediate to advanced level adult students. In the
practice stage set up the scene and ask or present your students the following situations and have
them comment.

A tradition in your spouse’s family dictates that your first-born son should carry the grandfather’s
name. Do you break the tradition?

You’re married but not longer in love with your spouse. You have two small children. You’ve fallen
deeply in love with another person who wants you to get a divorce. Do you?

You’re a female secretary. Your boss gives you a holiday gift that is sexually suggestive. Do you
return the gift to him?

You have to go to court on a drunk driving charge. Do you tell your boss the truth about why you
need to take time off from work?

Someone you love very deeply dumped you and married somebody else. Two years later you learn
that their marriage ended in divorce. Your former lover calls you and wants to get together. Do
you see him/her?

After lunch with co-workers, someone suggests splitting the bill equally. You had the least
expensive meal. At the risk of appearing cheap, do you insist on separate cheques?

Your brother is a real playboy. He’s setting up a young woman, whom you know casually, for a big
disappointment. She asks you if you brother loves her. Do you tell her the truth?

You’re at a wedding reception. Your spouse, who had a few drinks, is dancing much too close with
your best friend. Do you cut in and break it up?

Would you lie to your psychiatrist?

You’re driving a car at night. The car behind you is blinding you with its high beams. Finally, the car
passes you and is in front of you. Do you turn your high beams on?

Your father is having an affair. Your mother is unaware of it. Do you tell her?
Your boss constantly asks you to do non-work relates chores like shopping for family gifts and
picking up dry cleaning. Do you voice your opposition?

Your company decides to initiate a voluntary drug-testing program for its employees. Do you
support it?

You’re going to night school to get your university degree. You flunked English Literature last
semester and must take the course again. You have the chance to buy a term paper for this course
from an honor student. Do you do it?

You’re sitting at a bar and begin speaking to the person next to you. You have an enjoyable
conversation and promise to call for a date. When the person gets up to leave, you realise that
he/she is physically handicapped. Do you still call for the date?

The airlines have overbooked you flight. Anyone who gives up their seat and takes a later flight will
get £500. Your ticket is paid for by your company. Would you pocket the £500 for you own and
delay your business appointment?

You own a restaurant and serve rolls with every meal. Often the rolls are returned to the kitchen
seemingly untouched. Would you serve them again?

You are at a black tie affair. The socialite hostess compliments you on your gown and asks where
you bought it. You bought it second-hand at a local charity shop. Would you tell her the truth?

A friend surprises you with an expensive Christmas gift. You did not intend on exchanging presents
with this person. Do you now buy an equally expensive gift for your friend?

A brown-wrapped package stamped “Sexually Explicit Material” is delivered to your house and
addressed to your spouse. Your spouse is not at home. Would you open it up without your
spouse’s permission?

You and your close friend are attracted to the same person. This new prospect asks you if your
friend is seeing anyone. Do you lie and say “yes”?

Your infant cries in the middle of the night. Do you sometimes pretend you’re asleep so that your
spouse will get up and take care of the baby?
You’re amazed how low the electric bills are at your new condominium. Later you discover why –
your washer and drier outlets are hooked up to your neighbour’s system rather than your own. Do
you tell your neighbour?

You and your spouse are planning to separate. Your spouse develops an illness, becomes an invalid
and requires constant care. Do you still file for separation and leave?

Your teenage daughter asks if you and your spouse slept together before getting married. You did.
Do you answer truthfully?

You’re in a bar. It’s dark and crowded. You light up a cigarette and accidentally burn the suit jacket
of the guy in front of you. Do you tell him?

You’re an off-duty police officer at a party where a group is doing drugs. Do you arrest them?

An old vagrant is suffering a heart attack and needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. You know how.
Do you administer it?

You’re a policeman. You pull over a car that’s speeding in a school zone. The driver is the
neighbour’s son. Do you let him off with only a verbal warning?

You discover that you were invited to your cousin’s wedding only because other guest cancelled
out. Do you still go?

You’re always been attracted to your best friend’s lover. They just broke up! Would you ask your
best friend’s ex-lover out on a date?

A friend borrows £100 from you. Several months pass and the debt is not repaid. Do you ask the
friend for the money?

Just as your son starts his first year in university, he tells you that his girlfriend is pregnant and he’s
the father. Your son loves her and wants to marry her. Do you discourage him from marrying her?

Your nine-year-old still wets the bed on occasion and is embarrassed by it. He’s invited to a sleep-
over at a friend’s house. Would you mention it to the friend’s parents?

Note: You can change or re-word these questions or situations to adapt to your student´s level.

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