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UX in Motion

GifGun plugin review

Animated GIF files can be a critical part of the UI animation process. Whether you’re using them
directly in your online portfolio, your social media, Dribbble, emailing to your
client/boss/stakeholder, or posting to your team Slack channel, GIFs are a unique format with
several pros. The main advantage is that they auto-play, loop, and can quickly communicate a key
interaction under development in a way that is extremely powerful for selling your ideas. Nearly
all platforms support GIFs.

Unfortunately, After Effects does not let you export GIFs directly.

The most common non-GifGun workflow involves importing video into Photoshop and going
through a lengthy and painful export process that may have to be repeated to optimize for file
size and quality.

GifGun is a one click tool that renders high quality GIFs nearly instantly. Since I adopted it, it
changed my entire process and the quality of my life when I work. Now I can stay in the design
flow and export GIFs as needed without interrupting my process.

Cost: $29.99
Free demo: Yes

Here are my 2 major reasons to adopt GifGun for UI animation.

Because the UI animation workflow depends heavily on versioning and iteration, it is critical to
have a frictionless workflow that lets you generate assets on the fly. Because GifGun is essentially
plug-and-play, you can continue to focus on making great UI animation, rather than spending
hours exporting your assets in Photoshop.

Traditionally, exporting high quality GIFs has been challenging, to say the least. One of the things I
love about GifGun is that the authors basically wrote their own compression engine. It
consistently produces high quality files at a decent file size.
UX in Motion

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