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Today I am going to speak on the topic- Discipline.

D Discipline is an act of rules and regulation which we follow from our childhood till the end of our
lifeIt is something that keeps you under control. It is of two types. One is ‘induced discipline’ and
second is ‘self-discipline’.

Induced discipline is the one that is taught by others or that comes from outside. For example, in
schools, we maintain discipline by following certain rules. Such as we cannot talk during assembly.
We focus on prayers and other announcements. We obey these rules taught by our teachers.

Self Discipline is something which we learn by ourselves and it comes from within. We set our own
rules which we think are good. For example, waking up early in the morning seven days a week to
study or to offer prayers to god. Here, there is no outside pressure. We have set this rule for

Induced discipline is usually followed in a group and comparatively easy to maintain. But self-
discipline requires motivation and support of others to maintain because there is no external
pressure to follow your own rules.

The discipline of both kinds is important in life as it helps us to achieve success in life. It helps us to
focus on our goals. For example, if we wake up early, study properly, eat on time and exercise daily,
it will keep us healthy, fit and focussed. This way we can achieve our goals easily.

Discipline helps us to train our minds and body. It impacts a person’s personality positively. It helps a
person to get a lot of opportunities in the professional area as a disciplined person is considered
hardworking too.

Our lives are incomplete without discipline. Hence, it is one of the key elements of our lives. It may
look difficult to make it a part of our lives but gives a lot of benefits once we adopt it.

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