WEG12017 - Paranoia - Alice Through The Mirrorshades

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by Edward Holme

Douglas "Kowboy" Kaufman

Temporal Theory / Editing & Development

Sharon "Xado" Wyckoff

Hardware / Graphics

Bret "Mesmer" Blevins

Packaging I Cover Art

Valerie "Hypno" Valusek

Software / Interior lIIustrations

The Paranoid Consortium: Warren Cochran, Eric

Nussberger, Bill Owen III, and Monty Watson
Dead in the Gutter I Playtesters
A heavily mutated version of this adventure was playtested
a NanCon '89. ,
Daniel Scott Palter, lisa and Mike Pondsmith
Special thanks from the Author to

The Computer
Temporal Transfer Theory

A Stupid Poem at the Start of the Book

(another feeble attempt at Paranoia cul-

All through the golden afternoon

(Or so 'twas said they thoughtl,
Some guys whose oars, beyond all doubt,
Were in the water not:
Three game designers made pretense
Twisted wand'rings to plol.
West End Games
RD 3 Box 2345 Ah, Cruel Three! In such an hour,
Honesdale, PA 18431 Obsessed with chrome and leather,
To beg a story line too weak
To hold the tiniest feather!
Publisher: Daniel Scott Pillter • Associate Publisher: Richard Hawran Yet what can simple taste prevail
Assistant Publisher: Denise D. Pillter • EditO!"ial DirectO!": Bill Slavicsek Against three pens togetherf
AssociateEditOfS:GregGon!en, Douglas Kaufman. EditOfS:Jonatha(;,u-
pian, Michael Stem,c. J. Tramontana • Art Director: Stephen Crane Imperious President Flashes forth
Graphic Artists: RosaNl J. Billdari, Bernadette G. Cahill, Jacqueline M. His edict ~to create it!"
EVilrt5, Cilthlee1l Hunter, Sharon Wy<:koff • ProductiOfl Manager: Steve Droll Frelance makes his tiny brain
Porpora • Sates Director: Martin Wixted. Sales Manager: Fitl:roy Bon- With bad taste saturate it
terre· Sales Assistants: Tony DeCosmo. Maria ICammeier • Special While Editor adjusts the tale-
Projects Man;lger: Ronald Seiden. Treasurer: Janet Riceto
How oft he doth berate it!

*, .... ~nd Cl19S9 w..... End G~mes. All Rights R~. P;lr;lnoia ~nd Alice Through the M;rrorshades~re West End's names for its scienee fanLlsy game ~nd adventure.

Introduction: What's Going

On Here?
like always, except for one annoying little ture (and the rest of the series) the feckless
Fear and Ignorance bit of trivia. Just one little problem. Troubleshooters will be the screaming
The Computer is dead. passengers of the infamous Transdimen-
We're not going to tell you. How did this come about, you askl sional CoIlapsatroo, which will hurdethem
What's thall You're Ultraviolet clear- Those of you who purchased The Ice- with all the finesse of a gorilla handling
ance? Oh, yes sir, sir, we'd just love to man Retumet.h already know; The Iceman luggage hither and yon through time to
explain it to your most noble self, sir, ex- Rerurneth is unofficially pan zero of Vul- somewhen completely alien to the charac-
cept ... what the heck. ture Warriors ofDimension X. Sort of like a ters. Well, not completely alien; all the
DEATH TO THE COMPUTER! DOWN pilot film. For those of you traitorous skin- strangers pointing weapons at them are
WITH SECURITY RFGULATfONSI FREE· flints who didn't buy it, here's a basic sure to make the characters feel more at
DOM TO THE PEOPLEl summary: home, if not completely comfortable.
Ahem. In game terms, these alternate times are
This is yet another of the fabulously The PCs die repeatedly imd make The no less than (gasp!) other popular science
mind-mangling line of Paranoia adven- Compt.lter crash. fantasy roleplaying systems! This adven-
tures, brought to you by those selfless yet ture welds Paranoia with R. Talsorian
cruel High Programmers al West End Ch, sorry, uh- Games' noted Cyberpunk system. Boy, thb
Games. But before you read on, be warned: is starting to sound like a professional
this adventure is more than a collection of The typinJly ha~ess Troubleshooten wrestling match~Jn this comer ...
bad jokes and fool puns. II's more than a get o ~ to dispose of some tra.sh,
brutal 40 pages of cheap tricks to whimsi- thereby getly hiling in their duty to keep
cally vaporize characten, more than a con- ill ructor from overloilding. So About This Book •••
voluted web of obscurity to frustrate your Running biIIck to the glowing scene of
players, and much much more than a simple 80Jnd within these covers you'll find
the crime, they discover ill cryogenic cap- EVERYTHING necessa.ryto run this adven-
excursion into the world of gibbering Para- sule contilining none other than ill High ture (aside from copies of Paranoia and
noia ... ProgriImmer from the Put. Amazingly, Cyberpunk, players, dice, chairs, a tabk,
For this adventure is part one of ... the ~asmiII fireb;all hal thawed him out and a few other misceHany). The first thing
perfectly. He's IlOt burnt in the slightest. you should do (after tearing off the ceflo-
-> VULTURE WARRIORS <- Well, l1liIybe he's a little half-bilked ... phane, which you, in all probability, have
-> Of DIMENSION X <- After ill triill for sabotilge, the Trou- already done) is to brutally rip out the
bleshooters are sentenced to capitill pun- pullout pages in the center of the book.
ishment by vidshow, but the High Pro- Ooooh, what's !haH You don't want to
A Paranoia Campaign? grammer from the Past helps them ~pe
That's right, 0 loyal and mercilcssgamc- (via supersonic transbot) to Des MOines.
master! This adventure is the start of a grand Blithely unillwillre of the complete lack of
culture in the town, the Team re<:oven the Pannoidof_
Paranoi.l epic, an ongoing mission to ex· Just as an utde.bar, 'He'd like to point
plore strange new twists of the imagi nation, High Programmer's very old pt.lnch cards,
getting them hopelessly muddled in the out that tf you're a frustrated GM whose
a spacey opc!"atic tale sweeping across two players; ale ~ too smart 10 aUow them-
ccoturies and The Computefonly KNOWS cliche confusion.
Retuming to Alpha Com~e)(, they infil- setves the unendurable agony of play-
how many dead Troubleshooters. And this, ing In ill game of Pdrd~ pos.ses.o;ion of
Alice Throush the Mirrorshades, is the first tr'illte CPU sector where they try to help the
High Progr'illnvner from the Put reboot this adventure giYes you an 0ICe in the
01 several installments of a certifiably in- whok-. .IusI 80 out cmd buy C yf:lerpunk
sane serial adventure, whichsu~seseven Our Friend. They fail. M;,erabty.
and suder in your cultured p1ayM with
Michener novels forsweepingscenery, fore- a Jew innoct"Ol seWon:s of wanlon vii>
shadowing, tasteless stereotyping, and So The Computer's down.ISfl't that spe-
countless plot twistings. ciall Alpha Complex is a changed place. lence and tutred. Get them enthused.
ttelp them build nifty characlK!t. Giw

How changedl We've thought of that,
too. It is just for this occilSion that 'He them a Iiew~.
• Did You Say, "'Two Centuries?" Then. when your surprise will be ~
released the Cr.JSh COU~ Manual, ~-hich
Yep. But only one of the centuries hap- tal, run IhK adventure. Yes.. indeed. \!Me
is a 96-pageexcursion into complete chaos
pens in this book. You're just gonna have to h.aYe prov1ded for that. Pbyf!f'S un be
based on the now-valid assumption that
wait for Part Two to find out where and evf>«ponb. ' - '..... T ~
when the next batch of sluff occurs. This The Big C goes down for the last time.
ef'S as NPCs. Theworki"RSofthts will be
time we're serious. We're keeping it secret. deL1Ued in ~ like thrs one. Of
• What's Dimension X? coune, you'll have to sacrifICe sud!
This adventure, as well as others of the thinKS u dM" mission briefing, but thM
series, occurs in Dimension X, named for you'll gtottowarch your players Swe.ttiS
Setting the Stage
the ancient mathematical definition, ~)( it slowly dawns on them what son of
This adventure begins in the Alpha equals the Unknown:
Complex the PCs all know and hale, just nightmare they've gotten into.
Unknown? You betl During this adven-


those pages are desisned for! Or have you

CylIerpunIdns . forgonen the Cyberpunk axiom;
When in thr penona of an o"jPC In the Getting Cyberpunk ... or Vice Versa
The Future 15 Di~.
Cyb«punk wOOd, two wlient points
need your continued i1ltenhon kif thr Some of you may already have piayet'
proper 5U!ipe'rtSion of d~ief, First is charaet~ that you want to use in this
• The Adventure Book adventure, from either of the two systems.
physical attitude and body ~f'l8lUMl'" The adventure is wrinen assuming you'll
Get a pair of mi~. and pop To cover that eventuality, as well as the
run it as a Paranoia adventure; however, more enticing possibilities of playing Pilra-
them on wheikoe- speaking ~ a cy- sidebars at various points throughout the
berpunk. And strut. Sneer. Put your feet noiawith Cyberpunk mechanics and other
text will detail the Cyberpunk universe, such insanity, here's how to get from one
on the tab'e. Spike your hair, Act like explain relations between mechanics, ()(
John Tmooh.i. but abrasive iMl@ad of system to the other.
describe how to run things from a Cy-
sappy. Tum the collar up on your shirt. berpunkstandpoinl. Even if you're going to
or IJft SOIl1l" spiked wristbands. look the just use Paranoia rules, you should read • Paranoid Cyberpunks
part and act the part. these sidebars, as they will include back- In order to change a cyberpunk over to
Second, and perNps mote impor- ground and eltplanationsthat will not be in the Paranoia system, make the following
tant, is sJa~. Evt!fY cyberpunk talks like the main teltt. And, as this is indeed a conversions. If the cyberpunk protests, beat
a Silic:on Valley Girl trying tosound like bridging scenario, it will be written in the the crud out of him. Ain't no hotshot char-
an air traffic controller. Every othPrWOfd hard-drivingstyleofcybcrpunk prose. With acter gonna push YOU around... . .
they uner is some cliche. slang.. or TlA incomplete sentences. And streetslang. To First you must translate the PCs statistICS.
(Thnoto-Leuet Acronym). Other popular the max. Take each stat, double it and subtract one.
slang wonIs are simple conlraetlons Slats correspond thusly;
(cants kif short). The Cyberpunk Hand-
• The Player Characters Paranota Cyberpunk
book lists some lotally rad dang. plus Six Troubleshooters and six Cyberpunks
hPno'.. 'iOf'OP~,
are included in the pullouts. Your players strength body
should run one group, and theothershould
To the fTW( (001 klc:1 endurance body
be NPCs. I suppD§e that you could let a agility move aUw
-boy /-girl /-jock I --si"'" / playerlakeoveran 'PCifall hisdonesdie,
fI.olOWdldNdl dexterity ""lex",
Of maybe you'll deliberately blend players
downtimed (injUlftfl moxie intelligence
broo."CeTl the groups. What a horrifying
hNdfiRt lquiddyl chulZpah oool
thought. meett. apt. tech. ability
in your face ,.,.,;,e!l
pow« luck
• The Pullout Pages
damage the paper you sperll good money This includes hypercool gizmos like Next. double all skills.
onl Don't be a wimp! C'mon, that's what equipment lists, maps, and assorted other

Paranoid Cyberpunks and f'unk Troubleshooters.


Attractiveness? Compared to cyber-

• Punk Troubleshooters • Background
If you want to make a Troubleshooter punks, TroubleshOOlers are small, sexless,
After The Computer crashed, the High
into a cyberpunk, the first thing you'll have emaciated wimps with skin the color and
Programmers found themselves with noth-
to do is get him a new hair stylist and complexion of soggy Wonder bread. They
ing to program. Unemployed.
wardrobe. look like squishy nocturnal pre-adolescent
Worse yet, itwasquickly discovered that
salamanders in comparison to even with-
A Paranoia PC's stat values are cut in there was a certain social stigma (read:
drawn cyberpunks like Netrunners. And
half, rounding fractions up (minimum value Mbounly") attached to having been one of
they have no style whatsoever. Give the
oftwo}. Theonlyunusual stat is endurance. The Computer's chosen elite; the more an
Troubleshooters a two. Maybe a three. Or
This is translated to body type, regardless of Ultraviolet had abused his position, the
maybe a one.
the charader's body stat. Plus, if you have higher the stigma. And we're not talking
On the olher hand, the average Trou-
a character that's really into melee weap- simple things like Fizz-Whizz in the show-
bleshooter has been in more gunfights than
ons, let him translate his agility to reflexes. erheads, here.
the typical cyberpunk has seen on TV. All
Fearing Ihe appearance of a low clear-
Troubleshooters have a Combat Effective-
C yberpoIitan ance mob offering free chainsaw haircuts,
ness Modifier of zero {OJ. If you've got a
Once you've gol: the basics of Cyber- a group of High Programmers wracked
really aggressive player, maybe you should their brains (before someone else did) for a
mastering down pat, you can start prac- give him a positive CEM.
way out of their predicament. The conver-
ticing being a REAL cybefpunk. This A Troubleshooter's empathy stat de-
means you've got to be multilingual, Of sation went somelhing like this:
pends on what Secrel Society he's joined.
act least be able to fake it convincingly. The more pro-Computer or technology the
All good cyberpunks talk in a potpourri HP *1: So that's it. We've tried every-
society is, the lower the PC's empathy.
of languages, although the eXira linguis- Conversely, the morethe PC's society seeks
tics seem to usually be mere chrome- HP '2: Yep. Our gruel is cooked. We're
naturalism (no matter how tw"isted their
all going to die.
flash, but no substance, as is typical fof idea of it may be), the higher the PC's
HP,3:And our clearance is useless now.
cyberpunks. In other words, you've got empathy. Here are some guidelines:
to learn to say banal and useless things HP *4: Worse yet, we'll never beable to
in foreign dialects.
order pizza again.
Emp. secret Society
HP '2: We're all going to die.
You got to berate the coffee in Na-
vaho, sing Samantha Fox in Swahili, tell HP '4: (sigh) If only we could have
1 Corpore Metal, First Church
stopped the Crash before il happened.
poor jokes in Outer Mongolian, and say 3 Pro Tech, Computer Phreaks
HP *2: We're all going to die.
really pompous thinKS in fluent Texan. 5 Iliuminali, Anli-Mutanl
To be really really cyberpunk, you must HP '1: Wait!! What was that you just
7 Death Leopard, Mystics
demonstrate proficiency in swearing in 9 Sierra Club, Franknstn Des!.
HP '4: About stopping the Crash before
over 40 langu.lgc5 (this shows you got
some kinda class). So here's some inter- it happened?
Next, halve all skill numbers.
national expressions of various kinds fOf HP '1: No, you mentioned pizza! We
could use the Transdimensional Collap-
you to study instead of your linear alge- • Armor and Weapons satron to order out for pizza from last year!
bra hool€"Nork. Don't expecl any fancy math formulas to ,
convert these back and forth. Just use
yes/no: da/nyet, oui/non, ja/nein, hail • The Plan
common sense. lord knows your players They finally agreed that the best solutioo
ie, si/no never do. For example, Paranoia's auto-
Hello (greeting your nexi victim): bon was to send some Troubleshoolers back
matic slugthrowers are about like modern
soir, hola, guten tag, .lhdr.nliye, ko- through time to assassinate Clem ~ Alice-
M-16s, in Cyberpunkterminology. Thusan
nichiwa Unger, Ihe pre-Oops High Programmer
M-16 damages on column 9, and a laser
Goodbye (said to bleeding acquain- (from The Iceman Rerurneth) who caused
pistol (column 8) would do about 506 this whole mess to begin with. Thedecision
lances): adios, auf wiedersehen, do damage in Cyberpunk.
svedoniya, joi ging to trust Troubleshooters with this sensitive
Money (a basic cyberpunk concept): task clearly shows how desperate these
• Setting the Tone people were for hot pizza.
dinero, geld, quatloons Cyberpunk roleplaying requires a sound
Buddy: muchacho, mein schmerz, The High Programmers conducted a
track, such as good, hard punk rock or search ofthe surviving Iibrary records, which
pung yao, tovarich heavy metal, to really set the mood. Noth-
How areyoo?: Wie gehts?Quetal? Ni showed that Alice (as he then referred to
ing in Paranoia roleplaying iscver remotely himself) lived during The Age of Peace,
hao rna? that tasteful (which really says something
Good grief!: Oy vay! Hai chihuahua! from about 2079 to about 2097 . Thcywere
about Paranoia culture). unable to trace any information about his
Ach du licher! For this session, dig out the wors!. Grab
Garbage: caca, sheisl, rnerde childhood.
your Dr. Demento stuff. And som.e di~o After Alice's gradualion in 2095, there
Freethe Howells!: Pulu si bagoomba! trash. Spike Jones. The Dcvo E-Z Llstenmg
Sneezes from around Ihe world: were only sporadic traces of his where-
Disk. Flipper. Get somesitcomthemesongs. abouts until early 2097, when a good photo
Achtung! Au jus! Tai chi! And play them all at 45 rpm. of him appeared in a magazine. Thus the
Of course, the ideal is to speak in as High Programmers chose this as lhetimelo
many languages as possible in a single atlempl the assassination, as it was cor-
senlence. How's this fOf a greeting: About This Adventure rectly surmised Alice entered cryogen~
"Paranoia is important in a Cyberpunk suspension shortly afterwards. Theasteroid
Konidtiwa, mon tovaridt! W.. pilUl run.~ had such a profound impact on everyone's
- Welcome to Night City, page 6 life ...
The High Programmers then got hold of
the Transdimensional Collapsatron, which


was first encountered in Orcbusters(in The its brain has been used for hyperdimen- and have clone replacements be verbatim
Computer Always Shoors Twice). Acquir- sional mathematical algorithms that there's swapped with the dead Troubleshooter's
ing the device is an adventure in itself no room left for a complex personality. The body.
(written by none other than Yours Truly), TC is always spunky, chipper, and full of For security reasons (like having a clone
and is outlined on page 81 of the Crash goOO cheer. It hates for people to get upset, suddenly appear in different clothes might
Course Manual. and will often bend or fabricate truth to be a bad thing if someone were working
avoid antagonizing someone. under cover), no clothing or equipment
The NPCs (Non-Player Cyberpunks): would be transported; only organic matter.
• Dramatis Personae There are six Cyberpunk NPCs provided in Thus, for example, the replacement clone
Clem Unger, aka '"Alice.... : Clem, aka this package, so that the players will not be might find himself lying on the pavement
Alice, aka That jerkface who crashed The at a total loss for guides, advisors, etc. Each right behind a steamroller while the High
Computer, is the High Programmer from is equipped with an obnoxious personality, Programmers back in Alpha Complex re-
the Past first encountered in The Iceman so as to better annoy the players. But if, by ceive a very flat casualty. Please note that if
Retumeth. Heistheonewhotriedtoreboot some fluke, one of the NPes becomes a Troubleshooter gets fatally killed on top
The Computer, causing Its crash. He isalso either popular or useful, draw on one of the of a tall building, it is universally consid-
one of the original Computer program- cornerstone philosophies of Cyberpunk ered very cruel to teleport in the replace-
mers. He is a very skilled hacker, and likes gamemastering: ment when the late Troubleshooter is fail-
to spend his free time readingfantasybooks. ing past the fortieth floor. No one should
His favorite author is lewis Carroll, and Why not just go ahead and waste 'ernJ ever do things like that. At least that's what
thus Clem chose "Alice'" as his Netrunning my players said after I did it.
nickname. Small, yet wimpy, Clem looks Oh, yeah, one last thing. This design
like a stereotypical nightmare computer Schroedinger's Troubleshooters limitation prevents the players from calling
ne<d. in extra clones for added firepower. The
Cindy-U-BAK-S and the High Pro- Being a short treatise on time travel and
Transdimensional Collapsatron has hold of
other niceties.
grammers: Cindy-U is the mouthpiece of six space-time traces, one for each Trou-
the High Programmers' Self-preservation bleshooter, and swaps out dones to each
Council (HiPSiC). She is autocratic and • Design Limitations trace. It's sort of like having six fishing lines
sometimes severe, always demanding per-
fection from her employees. Yet cl all the
High Programmers who survived the Crash,
The Transdimensional Collapsatron can
transport any thing to any time in any
dimension. The only catch is that once the
Transdimensional ColJapsatron does so,
that sink away out of sight into the turbulent

she is the most reasonable and fair. She

realizes that her future depends on the the turbulence of the passage disrupts the
Troubleshooters, and if they succeed, they fabric of space-time so badly that it cannot
will indeed find themselves amply re- recalcu late the hypermechan ical equations Here's an overview or what's to come:
warded. to do so again to a temporally similar era. Episode One: The Troubleshooter
The Transdimensional Collapsatron: The Too much spatio-temlX'ral eddying. Anthology: The Troubleshooters are as-
TC is that science fiction staple, a simple, In other words, the Transdimensional sembled for their mission, allowed to start
innocent self-aware time-space-alternate- Collapsatron can send anyone anywhere, hating each other, and sent into the past.
universe teleportation device. So much of anywhen, but it can't do so twice. That's Episode Two: The Past Is Disposable:
why it's so important the Pes succeed: they The Troubleshooters play dodge ball with
won't get a second chance. Ever. Dodges, Fords, and Mitsubishis, meet six
unlikely Cyberpunk NPCs, and learn to
Afraid of Crashlns1
If you jusl want to ram your ,"ayers • If You've Got the Time, We've deal with basic problems like How to Enter
through this adw!nture without worry- a Bar Without Gelling Shot.
Got the fear Episode Three: Desperately Seeking
ing about crashes, you can do that. too. Unknown to everyone (except the High
Having The Compulrr crash is nol Alice: The PCs hunt for clues as to Alice's
Programmers) the Transdimensional Col- whereabouts, travel across the country to
eYential to this adYenture, but It does lapsatron monitors everyone on the team
add a lot more emotion and continuity. the armpit of America, and break into his
constantly. It knows where they are, what former residence.
K you just want to use thil adventure as they say, and how healthy they are. It does
a start or e'W!n a stand-alone, it's no Episode Four: Go Ask Alice: They then
not know what they're thinking, nor does it head to his place of employment. They are
protdem. necessarily give the High Programmers
The Pes can be sent on their missions offered a job. A hose job. He's gone, but
complete or even completely truthful re- they get a device that belongs to him.
bv some High Programmers who haYe
been branded as lrailoB, and these guys
wanl to chanae the past kJ saw their
"""'. Episode Five: A Run in Their Stalkings:
The Pes jump brainfirst into the Net. They
• Rebooting Troubleshooters go crazy trying to cope with a program
own lido,. In this event. their as5igned You know, done replacements. Yes,
victim hal been traclced down as the based on Alice in Wonderland.
clones do get replaced in this adventure. Episode Six: Ice Scream Clones: They
Hq,h ............ from the Pa>! (HPP) But there is (as always) a catch.
n!tP'OOSibie fat whatever subsystems have a snowball fight in a cryogenics ware-
See, when the High Programmers dis- house, trash the place, and damage The
haw tar'fll*'d the High ProgramrneB in covered the Transdimensional Col lap-
the pn!'5eRt fat tenninalion. Killing the Computer'sembryonic self. They still don't
satron's tendency to create spatia-tempo- kill Alice.
HPP rerncM!S the tubsv*ms and S8\It'S ral eddies whenever it passed, they real-
abe lrailors, and significantly :MeIls the Epilogue: Das 1st Alice: Time to pack up
ized that the only way they'd be able to and head for home. No? What do you
Pes' credit lines. send replacement clones with any speed
You'll ha\Ie to ..Iter a few of the read- mean, Mcontinued next week?'"
would be to have the Collapsatron stay in
akJuds, t:M the changes you'll need 10 constant contact with each Team member
make will be obvious.


Episode One: The

Troubleshooter Anthology
~Cyberpunk is important in a Paranoia defying any reasonable social structure.
Team Spirits
run.~ None of you know about the others' exis-
- Alice Through the Mirrorshades, page 6
To plagiarize - cr, quote from Cy~ •
berpunk, tence. Proof positive that ignorance is hi. .

" A Team in groupof peopIewho are For WiJlt-R-JON-I:

Episode Summary alreHy"throwntoptherbyF*inlOlnt Walt-R, yoo're sitting in a bar called the
The players get assembled, meet each way which forcn them to cooperate. Vodka'Oa. To you, the clump of insensate
other, and get transported to the Days of They don't .... tv _ ".. dancers overcrowding the floor is just a
Past Future (from their perspective). (but ....) group doY' cw H little too thick to join. Besides, you're
dies.'" hunting, and W!ee-ZL is the name of your
Don't you just 10\0"e the way those Huntingl Yeah, for work. Your drink is
A Little More Background
guys think? Especially the part about eating a hole in your empty stomach. And
Once the High Programmers reached dying! So yes, the PCs don't have gobs tugging at the back of your brain is this
their concensus, there remained only the of reasons to kill each other, 00 secret nagging unease that needs a name ..• W!
task of assembling a team of Troubles hoot- missions and all that stuff. Instead, they're ee-ZL, that's its name.
ers willing and able to achieve the impos- given dashing personalities - nail~ Then a busin~ acquaintance of yours
sible. This posed a bit of a problem, since on-the-chalkboard here. If they role- walks in, the blood of innocent peop'e
any team 'willing' to go back in time would play, they'll want to kill each other dripping from his hands, as usual. Abe-R-
obviously be too stupid or unstable to be worse than ever. AZO-4: dressed in oversized boots, flared
'able' to complete the mission. Likewise, pants, sash, vest, waistcOilt, puffy. shirt,
any capable Troubleshooters wouldn't be "Tfqt's the Cybrrpunltway.'" and babushka, he looks almost tolerable
caught dead in a time machine, at least not when he doesn't have his mouth open to
since The Computer bought the dome. show off his glowing neon teeth.
After some more debate, it was decided literature used to bring together thoroughly "Tovarich!" he says, giving you a huK
to keep the Team in the dark about the implausible situations. And go ahead and and a sloppy kiss, "Am I having a job for
actual nature of the mission until they had read everything to the whole group; death- you! Is worth plenty rubles!'"
arrived in the past. This of course negated less humor like this should be shared. You .,vnile slightly. Somewhere in the
the requirement that the Troubleshooters First make sure everyone has read his or back of you mind, a steel guitar plays. No,
be 'willing: and the job of recruiting able- her background, then read out loud to it's that pesky W!ee-ZL again. II's twang-
bodied suckers became much easier. everyone: ing your hair.
The High Programmers searched the
surviving library records, consulted the Each of you has been living your own For Rude-Y-RKR-3:
grapevine, and selected a set of Trouble- lives since Your Friend and Mine did the Your irnrTMH'lal soul has already expended
shooters with widely varying (read: se- friendliest thing you can remember: die. two bodies, both while eating. II was pfOba-
verely antagonistic) experiences, bel iefs, Yep. Since the Crash, life has been, well, bly the unnatural colorings added to the
personalities, etc., believing that this vari· pretty wretched, but at least it's a wretch- food vat slime, so now you have this fearof
ety would help the Team cope with the edness born of self·determination, or dyeing.
unknown hazards (read: certain death) something like that. You're whiling away the hours at the
awaiting them in the murky past. You're all scattered hither and thither SpaceTime Donut Shoppe, slugging bad
about the complex, killing time (and the some alcohol and ramming down somt
• Encounter One: No Mission occasional mutant) in one of the incred- chips, waiting for someone to ask you to
Alert ible multitude of clubs which have sprung dance.
Each Troubleshooter had to be sum- up everywhere, in proportions brazenly You get a note from a friend! agent of
moned individually, there being no more yours, "Numb'" Ralph-R-ZZZ, asking you
Computer or complex-wide PA system. to meet him in the disco. Good old Ralph-
Couriers of various types (keyed to each Even Less Mission Briefinz: R. A teeny bopper, but he ..1W<lys has his
Troubleshooter's psychological profile) For those of you planning on using eyes on the numbers - for a cut, ofcoune.
were sent to visit each PC. Cyberpunk PCs (pregenerated or other- There he is. He's waving to YOll- over
Read the following boldface paragraphs wise), go check out the sidebars in Epi- there in the corner, his surt'bOilrd hairdo
for each of your players in whatever order sode Two. BUI go ahead and read this silhouetted by the white light. "I know
you like. This creates a converging story stuff; it'll give you ideas for the PilranoiiJ some stuzzy rich guy looking for workers,"
plot, a very useful device in cyberpunk NPU. he says, "and you're one of the natural

F<x William-C-BSN-2: "ViolenceJ hcitemenU CombaU band's broken up fOf" good. I mean really
You're sitting blandly in a bleillk little Money? Bloodshed?" you stammer eagerly. broken up. The drummer broke his arms
ho'e-in-fhe..w.t1llistening to everyone else "Nah. Betterthan lhilt. FilIme, kid. Prime when that ~e broke his fall, the bassist
Whbout artifJCial intelligence, bot brains, time 00 all the pirate sblttons." He's Bot broke his back when he broke the window
tul"bohiloding. ilInd a bunch of other tedt- you now. by flyins through it, the keyboard player's
nial stuff. One group in the comer is got a broken heilrt because she: broke a nail
SWtin&a spIintenociety called the NewRo- For Greg-B-£AR-J: when she: broke rhythm during the last
A'WItia. Milybe you'll join. It'd be differ- You love your life in R&D. In recent breakdance song ... seems like everyone
ent beinS ill NewRorn4tnnt'. weeks you hil.ve risen far ilIbove the lesser broke something when theflght broke out.
But this A'WI Willks in, casually shred- intelligences who surround you. All those And no money. Yep. You're broke. Your
ding the doonna.n. He's small, ilInd very sim~etons are now realizinB your obvi- fa« is breaking out. And your stolen shoes
orientilli. He weillrs ill hideously ugly tourist ously superior intellect. hurt - get thts - because they, of all
shirt ilInd baggy shorts. He appears to hilove You've been trying to deve~ intelli- things, are NOT broken in.
ill monofilillment wire ilIttiloched to his am- gent, seU...ware jail cells for the inarcera- Maybe it's time to break away.
era insteilld of ill strap. tion ofheretics and saboteurs. You're taking And this guy happens by, dressed in
He walks up to you alld boWl politely. a much Ilt'eded breather at the froot gate what looks like a big snarl of loose thread.
"Please come with me." when Cardinal Rich-I-LEU approaches. He leaves a trail of hypodermics and empty
"How 'bout you close your eyes while I "There has been much concern amongst pill bottles wherever he goes. His skin
count to five and decider' you ask agily. our brethren that your research is a little looks like he swan-dived into an artist's
'"Ifyou refuse," he says with a smile, "I'll ... unorthodox," hesays venomously. "It is palate. He has no hair. He must've worked
cut you before you can count zero." said you would bring hell upon the prison- for Power Services. He smiles at you, and
ers." signal, for you to follow him.
"You're just jealous!" you snap. "You From thil.t point on, everything starts to
For BfOOSl-R-LNG-I: and your f~e minds, you realize you're break your way.
Anow you to introduce yourself. You outclassed! And you're WRONG about
call yourself Broost-R sirwhen you're being my ails! It's a brilliant idea! lust think of
f~1. You think you're the toughest punk it, we-" • Encounter Two: Flash in the
to ever reach sixteen. Pfly your reputation "Brother Greg-B tw thrice denied the Cam
isn'l as big as your~, Of" you migttt have wisdom of the Cardinal," says Rich-I-LEU, Who knows these days what your clones
found some higher-paying work. and suddenly you find yourself excom- may be up to before they actually show up
You're sitting in a cheilP bar tallcins to muniated, without food, money. '?f shei- at the mission site? Allow plenty of time for
yourself moot yourself (very favorably, I l .... personal activity, and when !he crew of
might add), and whether you should bike "Greg-B-EAR, just who I WilS looking motleys is assemWed. read this:
that bit part in the new slasher flick, Frida- for," says a passer-by. "Need a shot in the
Y·THE-13. You're nol sure you like the arm? I've ~ot a job for you." A short while later, you each find your-
phrase 'M part! self in a dank white room in a wretched
Then your agent ails you 00 the vid For Shirl-Y-JON-2: portion of the complex. At one end of the
phone. "Kid, baby, hilve I found the job for You've just finished your last: gig. The room is a large desk with a computer
you!" console, and the video screens 0f1 the walls
show nothing but static. A large security
cam with coaxial laser dangles, powerless,
from the ceiling.
Gathered in the room with you are five
of the weirdest, seediest, down-right least
appealing people you've ever met (the
other PCs). Sneers flybadand forth across
the room.
Then a High Programmer walks in the
room in soiled white robes. She', flanked
by sever..1 others of nr10us dearanCfl.
They all arry impressive weapons. Vam-
pire bots quietly but effectively seal all the
exits. The High Prog~mer looks you all
over before she sits behind the desk.
Suddenly the screens all flicker to life,
displayin~ the messillge "TRAITOR
ALERT!!" The big am swings around to
face you. "There you ..re, friend Trou-
bleshooters!" says The Computer pieD-
antly. "You haW' ten seconds to ex~ain
your treason. What are you doing here?"
The laser cannon starts Wilrming up.

let the PCs panic and such. then have

The Computer start sputtering down: "Very
Failure to accept a mission is still dangerol.ls. good, citizen. Report for summary hOi fun
consumption. That is incorrect. The correct


Not Me!
What's that? SonleOne doesn't want
to go? Doh, that's not good. The Com-
puter doesn't like disobedient TrOll -
yeah, no Computer. Well fine. If
there's no Big C, then there's street
gangs. Muggers. Assassins. Random
-_ Equipment Exploined
As far as the PCs can tell, these aresix
small beads with a loop of plastic .11-
tached. A small tag accompanying one
reads "'place in car." Once ensconced,
the auditrons act as highly effective
though they reftect like crazy. looks
totally cool. Any comptaints about visi·
bility to the CoIIapsatron will be mel
with, "'Just give your eyes some tnon!
time to adjusC
violence, courtcsy Death Leopard. Turn earphones. ThePlllIollleo
the player's role-playing cyberpunk Whal the PCs don't know is that the Each at the three bottles is filled with
novel into a short story. To wit: full name of these items is Transdimen- a differenc type of pill. One set is red,
"'Ye.;",ir, stubborn player. Your done sian.,1 Auditrons. These "Ire the method one yellow, and one blue.
gets mugged. You lose your gun and all by which the Collapsatron communi- The red pills are concentrated radi0-
your money. But ,lt least you'l"(> <,till cates with the Troubleshool:ers while active isotopes. These haW' been plO-
alive. (exaggerated look of innocence) they are in the past. videdto help PCsget 'rad.' The PC take
Nooo, this has absolutely nothing to do The G""'" one roll for damage on column seven,
with the fact that you won't accept the These are actually aerials for the but after that increase his attractiveness
mission. Trust me, I'm a gamemasler. transdimensional auditJOns (the earpiece due to th.1t funky gIow".
It's my job to be impartial. You just live communicators). They are hermetically The blue pills are Hypoehermia pills.
in a tough city. Gouna take the mission sealed black gloves with antenna wires Use these if 'fOUr Pes have trouble being
now? No? (roll and ignore dice) Gosh, running along the backs of the fingers 'cool.' The PC rolls on column fIVe for
look if there isn't another mob of Death with a ground wire running along the damdge, but the pills provKle three lev·
leopards headed your way ..." thumb. Whenever you feel like it, have e1s of protation from F attacks.
the Transdimensional Collapsatron try Theyellow pills are industrial sttengIh
to talk., but come in all full of static and muscle relaxants. They help Pes 'aet
spellingof'treason' isM-d-k.... Then all hard to hear. Then the Pes will have to slack.' Subtract three c~umns from
the screens read "TILT.... put on the gloves, stick their thumbs in melee attacks made by the PC, and two
Remember, TheComputerreally is dead, their ears, and waggle their finger5 until columns from melee auaeks made 011
though occasional energy flares or capaci-
tor dumps can cause brief flashbacks like
this one. So the High Programmer waits
the reception improves. Note that these
positions must be maintaillCd to keep
talking, even if they're in a firefight or
........ .......-
the Pc.

This has also been provided, though

patiently, and perhaps has some fun talking meeting the President. no one in Alpha Complex knows wNt
back to The Computer. When all is calm, Oh, and feel free to ask yGur players the sluff is really used for; beca~ of
she waves a hand and says: to demonstrate. Verbal descriptions are that they thought nol:hing of including
so hard to follow, sometimes. such common cyberpunk era accouter-
"Probably another life-support system Covert Eyeweat ments as velvet manacles, full masks,
shut down and dumped its capacitor onto ~It's cool to bump into things?"" chastity belts. and assorted other potra-
the mainframe. Happens all the time. Just "You don't move, you just hang phcmalia.
ignore it." around" A 8M Labeled "Ammo'"
- Calvin and Hobbes Unfortunately for the PCs, this actu-
• Encounter Three: Do This Mirrorshades are the foremost item ally contains 4000 snapshots of Alice.
on any cyberpunk's inventory. Sadly, About the only damage these can do is
Yesterday papercuts (1).
these replicas are made from I't!a! mir-
Continue right along:
rors. They are completely opaque,
"Well. Greetings, Troubleshooters. I am
Cindy-U-BAk-S, and it was I who selected
you for this mission. impact the years to come. ber. In addition, everyone will be pro-
"'Needless to say, politics have become "I need you to assassinate this person moted two security dearances whe -ah,
quite complicated since the Crash. One before he - before he completes his plans. if ever The Computer comes back online.
person in particular has - ah, is planning Given the time he - ah, well, as it stands, "Do you have any questionsl" •
to cause the complete destruction of life as he is not expecting an action of this sort.
we know it. Although he's not much of a Surprise is on your side. If they don't, they deserve whatever
leader, his life's work strongly - ah, will "We have arranged the Trans - ah, the comes after. Cindy-U will answer all rea-
transit authority for you to his approxi- sonablequestions. And, yes, shewill nego-
Do We Know Alicel mate location. Be warned, though, that tiate on payment and/or bonuses, even to
Some of the players might know the your target lives in a strange dome. Rest incredible extremes. Why? Because her life
man in the picture as Clem Unger, but assured that we will be in constant com- is in their hands. They are the best she could
don't tell them unless they are playing a munication with you." She hands every- find. And beingthe most honest and straight-
PCwhosurvived ThelcemanRetumeth. one a small device that looks like a high- forward High Programmer still alive, she
If they are playing Iceman survivors, tech hearing aid. will pay, but they'd better do everything
then they know Alice's real name. In "'If you successfully complete this mis- just right.
other words, they know more than the sion, you will be allowed to keep the If the players insist on it, she will even
Ifigh Programmers. This is a very rare mission equipment, and we will pay you give them money up front, or gel extra
situation, and must be savored while it two thousand credits apiece plus another equipment for them, though she has al-
lasts. thousand to whoever the Team votes was ready been generous in that regard (see
the most influential and successful mem- Mission Equipment sidebar). Whcnevcrthe
players are through, she says:


"Here is your target's picture. He is There's no sound. No lurch. No smoke speak with you. They also monitor yoor
known only as 'Alice.' Now please be so or oyerloads. No noise except this rather vital signs, and can allow you to speak with
kind as to step into the vehicle, and we will high-pitched keening. Finally the autocar me. If you have something to say to me,
send you back - oyer to him." starts vibrating, however much that may drum out this code (tap out an inane little
reassure you. Looking out, you can readily rhythm) on your stomach a few times, and
Giyeyourplayersplayingaidversion 1.1 see that the autocar is not moving at all. I'll tune in.
(PA V) as the PCs enter the vehicle. Then suddenly there's a sickening sensa- "You will presently stop in the year
The vehicle looks like a standard au- tion as the autocar abruptly drops through 2097 AD, which is just a little bit before
tocar. It looks like one for the simple fact the floor at mach 2. Preyiously eaten meals, the start ofAlpha Complex. In otherwords,
that it is one. But under the hood, you ain't however, remain stationary. it's the Year of Our Computer minus 1. se.-
gonna find no 800 horsebot engine; you'll Looking outside, you see Cindy-U walk- curity clearances are not valid yet. In fact,
find instead an inductor array designed to ing away from the car ... backwards. You lots of things are different, so if you gotta
focus the effect of the Transdimensional see yourselyes at the briefing, then being break a rule, don't sweat it.
Coilapsatron to include only the vehicle ushered out ... walking backwards. Then "This is an era that has become s0me-
and its occupants. the surrounding universe dissolyes to a what of a myth in our time. This is the era
In the back scat of the car is a box labeled vertigo-inducing slate grey. The falling that the Romantics study, the era the Si-
"'Mission Equipment.- The contents are sensation subsides as your ears pop. erra Club longs for. Rumors say that the
discussed in a sidebar around here some- Those of you who have your hearing Old Reckoning wa§ a time of plenty. Per-
where. Give your players PAY 1.2 when- aids on can hear a cheery voice coming sonally, I believe it, because even the con-
ever they look at the box. oyer the tinny speaker. "Hi guys," it says. temporary name for thi§ period was beau-
"I'm the Transdimensional Coliapsatron, tiful."
• Encounter Four: Leave the and Cindy-U-BAK-5 asked me to finish Suddenly another lurch, and you find
Driving to Us your mission briefing for her. yourselves on an eleyated street. It's dark,
When everyone's piled in the car, who- "You are now heading backwards and foul-smelling drops of water shower
ever jumped into the front seat can see a throughtimeatapproximatelyooehundred on the pavement and drum on the car.
small screen on the dash that reads"' Au- negative years per minute. I hope you re- Sirens and other noises rend the air. Glar-
topilot Engaged. Course Preset. Push Start alize how difficult this makes it for me to ingbillboardsassault your eyes. A f1ybot of
to Begin." The start button is where the talk to you. But don't worry - your mis- some sort cruises by, searchlights and Ioud-
ignition switch is on most cars~ When sion has not been changed. Yoo are still §peaken shredding the night. Lying at the
someone gets the gumption to push it, a assigned to kill Alice, who Iassure you will side ofthe road you see a corpse. Someone's
sign on the dashboard flashes "'Place Au- have very a serious impact on t~. years to rifling its )M)Ckets.
come. . "Welcome," says the Transdimensional
ditrons in Ears." When at least one PC has
complied, read: "The transdimensional auditrons, you Collapsatron in its cheery voice, "to the
know, the ear pieces, will allow me to Age of Peace."


Episode Two: The Past is

healthy. But then, neither is sitting in a The Samurai goes into a tumbling spin and
stalled car in the middleof the fr€e\vay. But explodes about a mile down the road.
Death in the Fast Lane whenever someone first opens a door, Quickly ask who does what, because
The Pes are tossed negligently into the ZZOOOOOMMM! HONK! WHAM! A the Samurai is followed almost immedi-
past. They must abandon their vehicle im- Suzuki Samurai zips by at about 200 kph, ately by a motorcyclist who, since it's rain-
mediately. They shoot some trouble, dodge neatly ripping the door clean off its hinges. ing, loses control of his bike. Anyone look;
traffic, and meet their NPC guides in the ing back sees the following:
hostile world of Cyberpunk. And, if your
Is the Suzuld _ ,
gamemastering is up!o l>3r, they'll be ready Looking back in horror, you see an-
to lynch you at the drop of a hal. So watch Well, yes. See, insKfetheSuzuki M!re other light approaching rapidly, with a
your back. Trust no one! Keep your laser a group of ~Ievet covert apms from doppler-shifted horn squealing nasally in
handy! Samurai Serurity CotpoIation ('"Sam- mechanical terror. Quick,. what do yoo
faction ~ ••• with our lives.·) dol
who were en route to rendenous with
Hello on Wheels some hirelings in The Combat Zone. Hope they duck, because a hapless
Samurai Security (SSO of course uses cyclist is about to soar through the cabin of
The Pes are in an autocar, right? The only the Suzuki Samurai to drive around the car, leaving his bike mangled on the
High Programmers want this mission to be - Image, you know. That's why so back bumper. Anyone in the center of the
covert, right? And where's a more natural
place for a car to be than on a road? Say, an
nYrIY sse worb!rs end up guararReing car who doesn't duck gets hiton column 2
their work. ~y, when they say, of the collision chart, possibly getting car-
eight-lane overpass on the American Auto- '"I'm going for a spin: they mean it. So ried with the biker through the front wind·
bahn? And we all know Troubleshooters theseSSC agentsspinout. wipeout, and shield. Well, partway through; the safety
live life in the fast lane bk>w up like they were in a '76 Pinto. glass keeps anyone from flying all the way
Ashes to crashel. out.
I can hear vou thinking to yourself, So Now comes the mostdevastatinglydense
• Encounter One: Road Rash why the !>is deal abou1 a couple of sse high-speed traffic ever to plague a freeway.
Behavior peons? WeU, go read the sidebar on Your players are going to be scrambling
Describe to the players where the Pes page 13. back and forth trying to evade the cars and
find themselves - sitting in their autocar, trucks w~ile trying to get themselves and
watching someone loot an unidentifiable
corpse. Nothing else in thc autocar but the
equipment and the acrid smell of Hoi Fun.
Sitting in the middleof a wide road, with
tall buildings all around. And a looter, who
coincidentally happens to be a very hungry
person. Of course, hunger doesn't prevent
him from talking with the Pes:

PC: Hey, you! With the friend!

Looter: He's mine! 1popped him, Iget to
scarf him!
PC: {Holds up picture) Have you seen
this man?
Looter:(noticing Pes' renee armor) Well
crash my brain! Savvy those threads! What

sort of posers are you? Trix kids?
PC: Look, just tell us where we can find

Looter: Need some VO? I got a sister-

Looter: (leers) 1 copy. I got a brother-
PC: That's it! Talkor die, Commie scum!
(gets oul)

Uh-oh, is someone leaving the safe

confines of the autocar? That's bad. Exiting Welcome to the Age of Peace.
a car in the middle of the freeway is not

their gear to the safety of the shoulder. expressway. It's elevated because iI's pass-
.More on that in a minute. ing right through the middle of The Combat
Oh, by the way, if the Team driver
Throweverything at your players. Have Zone.
tries to escape this whole scene by
a Cadillac clip the fender of the autocar, The Combat Zone is probably the last
pushing the Start Button in the autocar
sending it spinning down the road, spilling place theTroublcshootcrs want to go. Sadly,
and time-te!eportingout of trouble, then
Troubleshooters right and left. Bring on they have little control of their destination
the Transdimensional CoIlapsatron aut0-
Mack trucks which have lockccl up their because they are now in freefall. Of COUr5C,
matically sends the Team back again to
brakes and skid inexorably forward. Maybe some canny player may deduce that his
their proprogrammeddestination (thafs
a PC gets bumped and ends up in the teammates have all, shall we say, taken a
what the Start button does) and every-
vehicle's driver's seat. A Trauma Team AV- dive. Such a player might elect to stay on
4 ambulance shows up for the cyclist the freeway. That's when you send the
one is caught in a closed loop in time.
Send in a new batch of clooes.ln a new
whenever people start shooting. A cop car truck with the placard OVERSIZE LOAD.
autocar. And this time the traffic is
pulls up to write the res a citation for So the Pes fall, jump, or drop off the
driving without a licence plate or inspec- free>.vay some fifteen meters before they
tion sticker, blocking traffic, manslaughter, land. Have everyone make an easy roll Harlem in New York City, Houston's Fifth
failing to travel the minimum speed, and against their power - if they make it, or if Ward, Los Angeles' East Side, or (get this)
probably resisting arrest. A truck full of they had time to make a calculated jump, The Combat Zone in Boston. (Them Yan-
methanol jackknifes. they land on something relatively soft, say kees are so unoriginal!)
And don't just be concerned with the a shop awning, the top of a convertible, a The Combat Zone is where the law-
Pes' lives. No, they have equipment, too. A rubbish pile, or a pedestrian. Subtract five breakers go (Le., it's very crowded). It's
whole box of mission equipment that gets from the damage roll. where the drug dealers hang out; where
strewn across the road when their autocar Feel free to break any equipment you those trying to escape hide. Policedo NOT
gets hit. The Looter starts loading his pock- want to. But don't break the communica- go into TheCombat Zone if they value their
ets. Someone barely make a dodge or get tors orthe lasers; they'll need 'em. Desper- pension.
bumped? Maybe they drop their lasers! ately. life in The Combat Zone is a minute-to-
After all, it's raining, so things are slippery. minute struggle for survival. Everyone car-
• Encounter Three: No-Clone's ries some sort of weapon, because savage
• Encounter Two: Fall from Grace Land gunfights are the norm. 'Friend' is what you
And when the frantic Troubleshooters The players are now irrevocably in The call your next victim. Anything can be had
finally get their gear and their quivering Combat Zone. For those of you who don't in The Combat Zone - for a price.
bodies out of traffic and leap nimbly over own a copy of Cyberpunk (shame shamel, Holographic marquees and billboards
the railing and onto the shoulder ... well, The Combat Zone is such a bad place to be slash the dark drizzly sky. Architechtural
there's no shoulder. This is an elevated that it merits Capital Letters. It's sort of like nightmares rise purposefully from the

Game Sluff
H......y from Hell
Map: Pull out the Mirrorshades Map make a dexterity roll. maybe they can Armor. Leather (12l
(PAV 2.1). Notice that there are sevet'"al grab something on the run ... Agil: 16 SIr: 16 [)ex: 16 Chz: 16
lanes fof your Troubleshooters to die in. Mototqdei: Impact (41) 10 TKtics: Keep the traffIC rolling down
Notice that there are many cul-out Crush Equipment (91) _5 the road. Always have a vehicle in almost
counters to roll down the road ovet"-or Armor: Really Nifty Glaze Job (0) every lane. When a PC misses a roll,
rather, 'af them. Notice the sidef"ail is Avoid Wrecking after don'tnecessa.rilymakehirngethit;other
clearly and happily nwked to afford the Manslaughter 2 ~Its can be even more entertaining.
greatest assurance 01 safety. FOf more Dodse: easy Duck: difficult Jump: Make him leap out of the way in the
on jumping OYer the railing read En· nannal wrongdirection. Make him s1ipand fall.
coun1ef Two. Have the car careen down the road with
There are a lot of vt"hicles on the road. <An: Impact (1 01) 15 the unfortunate hanging on to the radio
Have several approaching at all times, Crush Equipment (121) 9 antenna. Then t~ players are forced to
p.ably at least one In every lane. Armor: Glossy 8c:xfywofk (L316) further endanger themselves to rectify
They can zoom aklng at speeds up to 10 Avoid Wrecking after the situation!
~pertum.Theycan change tanes Manslaughter 11 Also, p1e~ remember this is Para-
10 awid (or strike) character'S. Pes can
dodge, dud. under. or jump <M!f cars.
r::::;:r:oormal Duck: tough Jump: noia, not Th.It Other Car Wargamt" l1Il.
Break the rules at least as often as you
Each type of vehicle has stats listed break PU.
below, as well as the difficufty Pes Truc:b: Impact {121l 17 P.S. Ordinarily, Cyberpunk Pes start
might have in dodging (leaping 10 the Crush Equipment (171) 14 play in the next encounter, but if you'~
side ol the vehicle), ducking (diving Armor: Juggernaut Steel Chassis hit-and-running this Of a similar situ-
underneath), and jumping (over the top (P418) ation with Cyberpunk rules, just have
of) them. Dodging mils against agility, Avoid Wrecking after each type of vehicle do a certain num-
dudting requires chutzpah, and jump- Manslaughter 19 ber of dice at damage, say 206 fOf
ing U5eS stmlgth. DocIp;e: easy Duck: normal lump: cycles, 306 for sports cars, and 506 for
The PCs can move two squares per difficult truck!.. Maybe a bit more. Throw in a
tum, but must stop for one complete few skill conversions, and voila! Instant
tum if they want to pick up a dropped The looter: scavenger elClraordinaire roadburgers!
itlem, shoot at an obnoxious driver, or Weapon:Mac-1O(12Pl_ 13
perform any similar action. Well, if they


Startms witb CybeTpunk Pes

If you would rather run the adventure
with Cyberpunk Pes, you'll obviously
not be able 10 use the mission briefing to
start things off.
Instead, jusl have the players get
conlacted by a fixer or something.. offer-
ing a conlract from a major security firm
(like Arasakal offering beaucoups of
bucks to help locate and eliminatt' a
certain Netrunner.
While lhe Pes are wailing at the
appointed rendezvous, describe 10 them
all the noise they hear up on the express-
way. Police and Trauma Team copters
arrive. Gunshots fly. Maybe some blood-
spattered cars jump the rail and come
careening down, exploding in midair
and showering the streets with burning
gasohol. Then (hopefully righl after
someone says 'they'd better get here
soon'), the Troubleshooters jump off the
When gaming in Ihis manner, the
Troubleshoolers (thoughl to be Arasaka
operatives), speak with a slight accent Pedestrians have the risht of way.
and always acI very cool, efficient, and
fearless. Have them cornt' across as
people who have redl power. Actually, regulation haircuts by letting their hairgrow Cyberpunk: {to friend} Mutant-trader?
they act this way because there's no all the way pasl their ears, to cyberpunks Query, bra, some kind of slave dealer?
Compuler breathing down the back of they're light years behind. In the Combat Cyberpunk's Friend: Probability 90+.
their neck. Zone, everyone sports mohawks. Spikes. Download those gl ilZ threads - they gottum
If asked about the uproar 00 the over- Whorls. Electric hair. Bald folks wear plexi- wampum.
pass, lhey say, -Just a little dis-Iraction. glas skull inlays to show offlheircybernetic Cyberpunk: (walks toward Team) Yo!
Nothing we couldn'l handle.· The flames brainwork. Tattoos to the max. Brushed Decoboyll gol a sistCi" who-
of lhe burning cars lighl up the nighl. chrome and phosphorescent jewelry. PC: Back off, Commie!
There. ThaI oughllo put lhe fear of God And cyberware. Everyone looks like they Cy~rpunk's Friend: Commie? We be
inlo your lay!!:rs. belong to Corpore Melal. Treason City. anarchists. (sneers) These decoboys are
And in atlthis wierd ambience, the PCs FBI. 1 say we gut-shoot 'em.
cracked pavement to stab inlothe polluted have gOUa find a placc to stay.
stratosphere. Crowds. Cars.
And lots of noises pierce the nighl.
Gunshots echo from alleys, counterpoi nted • Encounter Four: If 1knew You
Were Comin' I'd a-Made You PC: Eep! Surrounded by Corpore Metal-
by the screams of lhe injured and the sirens lies! Er, ah - ROBOTS RULE! I WISH I
of the paramedics and police. Turbo en- Fry WAS A ROBOTI
gines rev, sending rubber or steel tires Once the Troubleshooters have gath- Cyberpunk: You're misfiled, robojock.
spinning across the asphalt and maybe a ered their wits and their equipment, read The Robots' turf ends at 42nd slreet. This
few pedestrians. Music blares in glorious the following: here's Sadislic Sadie territory.
surround sound from passing ghetto blas-
Another Cyberpunk: C'mon, gangsis-
ters. Water droplets continue to drizzle on ters! We got us some robodweebs! I say we
Now if someone would just paint it up your face and gear. From up on the road- gut-shoot 'em.
like a rainbow, the Troubleshooters would way above you, you hear a familiar voice
feel rightat home. Wcll, actually, things are yell, "If any of them are f1atlined, I saw Are they in trouble? Are they stupified? •
a lot less restrained than the Pes might be them first! They're mine!" Then rcad:
used to. Anybody can do anything they Strangely dressed people stand in scat-
wanl, wear anything they want, say any- tered groups all around you, most of them You notice a tall woman sauntering
thing they want. Surc, you might get beat staring quite openly. what do you do? toward you, with several other scruffy
up for it, but there's still no Digital Dictator. characters (nOfl-player type) in tow. She's
Dress will probably be lhe first thing the In The Combat Zone, anyone who dressed in black, except for a pink-and-
Pes will noticc about the natives them- dresses so ... shall we say. 'boldly' is either purple polka-dot shirt. She swaggers up
selves. Leather, gloss plastic, and spikes are very crazy or very powerful. That's why and stares at you through her reflective
the rule of the day. The neon jumpsuits everyone is staring. Give the players a few glasses.
favored by your run-of-Ihe-mill Alpha Citi- minutes to quail and/or alienate the locals, Her companions stare at the assembled
zen will stand out like- well, neon down such as: crowd through a variety of gunsights and
herc, as will the tasteless cut of the clothes. laserscopes. The crowd dissipates.
Grooming is next on the list. Although PC: Jeez, look al all those mutant trai-
many post-crash citizens may rebel againsl tors!


"'It's about time you vultures showed which in turn explain painfully obviously
up,'" she saY" "'Let's boot upa bar and you
• The Sidebar on Page 13
why Ihey're aUlhors and not songwrilers. Ah, now things begin 10 fall in place.
can download who you want us to help Here's some examples. Feel free to sing The group of cyberpunks we meet here
you find." them at the top of your lungs while your are supposed 10 meet Ihe Samurai Secu-
She turns and strides toward a brightly players are trying to talk: rityCorporalion'sdogs. Tragically, them
lit neon facade, her compatriots in tow.
guys arc now wcll-doll(' hoi dogs on tnc
Are you going to follow, or are you going Jocko Repo expressway. BUlthat'sokay,lhe PCsare
to wait until the crowd comes backl They tell us Ihal/ We losl our soul here in their stead. The PCs need more
'Cause we don'l keep / Our bodies help anyway.
Vultures? No, they're Troubleshoolers! whole Well, Samurai Securityhad hiredthcse
Actually, Millie (the woman who's speak- I think that all/ Such talk is droll street kids as guides 10 help them find
ing) always calls Corporate types vulturcs Are we not men? We are repo! someone who was a 'security breach.'
or maggots or something. Are we nol men? R-E-P.Q! This suspect is a Nelrunner who lives in
Just a coincidence: Chip It The Combat Zone.
So anyway, these folks will provide aid Load Ihal clip / Give Ihe cops Ihe slip Since the hit squad hit the guardrail,
and gu idance forthe Troubleshooters. Whyf Grab your armor jack/Shool 'em in the this Netrunner has gotten off scolt free.
Garbledcommunicalions, misunderstand- back Whereas hewould have died in the next
ings, you know: Ihe usual Paranoia fare. For When your brain is not that fast week, he instead will continue 10 live,
a more delailed explanation, read the side- You must chip it
ba,. survive the planeloid striking the Earth,
You're never gonna last and be a major delrimenlal factor in tnc
Unless you chip il development of The Computer io the
You're gonna have a blast early ears of Alpha Complex.
The Obligatory Dance Club Scene When you chip it
This wouldn't be a Irue cyberpunk bridge I said chip il/ Chip your brain • Encounter Five: Barroom
if it didn't include a trashy dive with a nifty Rev it up / Go insane Sounds like ao explosion, doesn't ill
name and gobs of Iiquor bottles 10 shoot up. Think fasler / Fix your head As the players follow Millie into the bar,
I mean really, Ihis is Slreel cullure here! Pay to improve ii/Or else you're dead conlinue Ihe readaloud:
So chip it / Chip it gooc!!
• Some Lyrics .. You follow Millie and the others into
Every Cyberpunk aUlhor, deep down There. Now you know why r'lI never be the bar, which, you note, is called the Cne
inside, really wants to bea rock star. That's a rock slar either. Sigh. Inn. It's located in a bunker-like basement.
why they all wrilesome lyrics in each book,

The denizens of the Combat Zone.

·~itis. -Ed.


View m"" the fdtle. f'd8"
2:'"'rf )'OO're goins to blow it, make sure
~ look lilreyvu planned it lh.Jt way."
When portrayins the CyberpunJrs,
remember that sIyte and attitude are
eYt'fYlhingtothem. They'realwayscool
and set"iou5. Deadpan. It's sodally ac-
ceptableto Ret cha.insawed to shreds, as
long as you hteed with style and class-
just like you planned it that way.

Chandeliers and ceiling fans mix the funny-

smelling smoke. Strobes and lasers flare
from the walls.
There's a group of people on a low stage
to your left. A sign above them identifies
them as The Ex-Authors. They've got wires
dangling between them and their equip-
ment,<tnd are makinga lot of noise, which,
il5 you seem to recall, is called 'music: A visit to PLe.
Millie leads you all to a table, and
ushers you to sit. With twelve of you, it's
rather crowded, but there are no other
open tables. Most of the other people in • Encounter Six: Haywired press his advantage with SSe. 11(' "nows
the bar seem to be taking bets on how What's this? Another implausible coin- that if he can get the Pes to go to PI C for
IJKIch destruction something called 'the cidencer Sure, why nolr their cybernetics, he can pretty well get
asteroid' will cause. PLC is indeed the low-budget way to get them to take all the risks during the whole
outfitted, especially in a cyberpunk world. adventure. Plus the owner of PLC will give
ow's a good time to have a rather long PLC stands for Preowned legal Cybernet- him a kickback for the extra llU~iness.
discussion between the PCs and the Cy- ics; they're a second-hand store. They're a (Notice how some things remain con~tant,
berpunk NPCs. First, it's as good a time as second-rate second-hand store. They sell even after hundreds of years?)
any to introduce the NPCs in character. junk. As the group enters PLC, Kontract
Second, you can develop the miscom- Cy,berjunk. immediately goes over to the front de~k and
munication between the Pes and NPCs. Why' did Kontract offer to bring the arranges for everything to be purch,N..'<l on
Third, and perhaps most important, you Troubleshooters here? Well, he's a Fixer SSC c\lmpany credit. No sweat there. SSC
can illustrate how deep over their heads the (that's 'middleman' to you and me), and it has got a credit linea mile wide. If a PC asks
Troubleshooters arc. didn't take him long to figure out the PCs how his equipment will be paid for . .l clerk
They got no food. No shelter. No clues. were a couple chips short of a full board. informs them that their automated,ll (ount-
No nothing, except lasers and a few clones. Given below-aver.age clients, Kontract ing program will charge SSC for their gear.
On the other hand, by the end of the is trying to figure out just how much he can Not in so lTlany words, though. lle'lI say
conversation, the NPCsshould believe the something like ~Oh, I don't know ... I'm
Pes are a strike team of elite ~Trouble­ A1pho Comple. Eronomla sure the computer will take care of t'very-
shooters" from Samurai Security Corpor- The player.; are strutting around Night thing.'"
ation, operating under gu idance from SSC's City with a bunch of gizmos from the Let the PCs really deck themsel\'e~ out.
AI (The Computer) or CEOs (High Pro- future. Of course, everyone thinks these Anything they want. And by the WdV. de-
grammers). Everything the players say will guys areextrcmely dense Ara-saka goons spite the name, this store sells lots at illegal
be misinterpreted in this light. Even talking (probably some big Corp's nephews), so stuff, too. After all, this is The Combat lone.
into thin air (to the Transdimensional Col- their gear is looked on as ~state-of-thc-­ PlC regularly gets covert shipments of ille-
lapsatron) will be interpreted as pertaining art." Alpha Complexers instead use the gal arms - and legs.
to advanced SSC cybernetics. term '"experimental."- Play up the nifty stuff all this cyb('rgear
Then, when introductions are at a close Anyway, the cyberpunks (especially can do: lift cars, hear conversdtions f.ar
and it's time to get the sphere rolling again, Kontract) will try to talk the players out away, put crosshairs in your field of \ ISlon,
move 'em out. (Optional encounter here oflheir high-tech gear. Useful pitches to leap small buildings with a single hound ...
include drunk patrons, a free-for-all bar use are the "1'11 wear your reflec and act you know the drill.
fight (with prizes) and wet T-shirt contests.) as decoy"" and the ~that laser will attr.act Plus they really look cool. Chromc_ Gloss
Outside, the rain has picked up a bit. too much attention for espionage woric~ black. Counterfeit designer labels.
And have Kontractoroneofthcother NPes routines. Of course, the players are nevcr told the
pipe up with, They'll try to trade or rip off the Pes. exact limitations or capabilities ot their
If you succeed, then great! If you fail, equipment. Maybe someone's fingers
.. ~ moi, bilte, but from what I keep needling the players to sell their ratchet like a lawn chair; they can't ~"(tcnd
viddied in there, you're not going to B6 popguns. Eventually they'll relent just back out until they have clenched fully into
your amigo with what little equipment you for a little peace and quiet. a fist. This can be a bother if you lN' the
have. How about a side trip to PLC, nehf hand to open a doorknob, 'CU7 either the
Get you geared up re.al bueno!"

they'd fail their mission. Or just knock 'em PC: Ugh! What's that?
CIone~ out and have it done. NPC: Just a roach. There's kind of a lot
Transdimensionally collapsing re-
placement clones fof cyborg PCs giving After all that, it's time to start looking of them, but they're not very well organ-
you a bit of a problem?
after a few other essentials. First is money. ized. I mean, you'll never catch them read-
Remember that for the sake of unob- The easiest way to get money in Cy- ing Proust or anything.
trusiveness, the Transdimensional Col- berpunk is to roll a few street people. GM: A mangy, orange-haired mutant
lapsatron has been programmed 10 swap Another option is to get a cash advance with fangs appears at the window and
out only the deceased clone's body; the against the sse account. This is what Kon- howls.
clone's gear, weapons, and in fact all tract will suggest if the players don't get any PC: Reading what AAAUGHI What's
irw.nimate objects remain unmolesced. better ideas. that?
In other words, the TC swaps out or- NPC: Oh, that's a tomcat. We let him
ganic matlef fof organic matlef. • Encounter Seven: The Bare hang around because he eats lhe roaches
Thus, when a replacemenI clone is Necessities that get bigger than four inches.
zapped in for a late Troubleshooter with Food GM: You hear a scrabbling noise up-
a cyberarm, the replacement clone's "Here comes a taste of the City. In your stairs.
Mm. ~Ving nothing organic to replace, face .... PC: Eeep! What's that noise up there?
rem.uns in Alpha Complex, finding it- - Welcome to Night City, p. 31 NPC: Oh, just a herd of rhinos. They
setf suddenty anached to a stiff. This look a lot smaller in real life. The floor's
sM's the hapless ann a few seconds of Most Alpha Complexers are used to not plenty strong enough to hold.
life to mike some lJSUre appropriate to having to chew their food. Alpha Complex
its displeasure, food seems to slither down of its own By now, the players are probably all
Mean'while. the replacement clone accord, but it's so bland that no one reatly stari ng at your cherubic countenance, trying
is, qulle unawares, suddenty possessed minds. In light of this, steak bars arc defi- to read your mischeviousexpression. Surely,
fA~. Im.18il1l" the Six Million nitely out for dining. In fact, most food you're just pulling their leg.
Dollar Man for8etting hisbionicstrength, would be considered too textured or tasty Then, in the middle of the night, have a
then SW;dliRB at a mosquito. Eccch. to the average Alpha Complexer. Besides, rhino crash through the ceiling and crush
that stuff used to be living ... someone. That'll show 'em!
But perhaps your Pes are daring. let Clothing
knob or the arm has got to be relf\.oved. Or NPC: Now let's get you some new
maybe there's a drill located in the index them sample the local cuisine. Then give
them indigestion, cramps, richter scale bor- clothes.
finger (don't pick your nose) or a small PCs: (in unison) Whyr
explosive in the big loeon a cyberleg (don't borygmy, and extreme irregularily. Have
them belch uncontrollably. NPC: (long pause, waves hand in resig-
tap dance).
Eventually they'll find a McDougall's nation) Nevermind.
Then, fully equipped with the latest in
used cybernetic gear, the Troubleshooters and everything will be all right.
Shelter Actually, the Troubleshooters are pro-
can be walking human tanks _ without
Given the level of prcsclYation (let alone bably too fashion-unconsious to worry
development) in Alpha Complex Housing, about clothing. All their lives they've lived
Ever know anything without a warranty with neon-colored jumpsuits and tasteless
to last more than a few hoursr Same goes. there's really only one thing the Trouble-
shooters won't fed comfortable about in tailoring. I think their aesthetic sense has
A PC intending to shake someone'shand long been atrophied.
might instead find himseif lending a hand. whatever shelter they find in Night City; all
the organic life. So the players probably won't bother
A cyberoptic eye might try to look into the changing their clothes. They'll persist in
back of its owner's skull. Cyberaudio ears The cyberpunks believe the Trouble-
shooters are used to living in beautiful wearing their ugly accoutrements. And
might start squealing with feedback or pretty soon, so will some of the cyberpunks
picking up radio transmissions. A cyberleg sanitized corporate condos, so they'll tease
the PCs about their not-quite-human room- they pass on the streets, who consider the
might develop a knee-jerk reflex. Or maybe
mates. This works better than expected, style to be so tasteless as to be avant garde.
nothi ng near that serious. Just a little squeak.
due to the PCs extremely limited knowl- Then it becomes a full-blown fad, until.
Maybe a loose washer, or a little dribbling when the asteroid strikes Planet Earth (Day
oil. MOon't worry;'" (c1aller) "it's probably edgeof zoology. Your players, on the other
hand, will never be sure if you're pulling 1 of The Computer), everyone is wearing
nothing. Nothing at all:
their leg, or just being a really weird GM: them.
Or, if your players are balking at
Just a little bit of tailor trivia there.
cyborging, have the Transdimensional Col-
lapsatron suggest that NOT cyborging GM: A two-inch long, six-legged brown Now on to the next Episode.
, would blow their cover in this era, and thing scuttles across the fiOOf.


Episode Three: Desperately

Seeking Alice
Iceman Retumeth, he's not listed, f()( the the Team all sorts of grief. tfthey try politely
simple fad that he doesn't live in this town. asking the FBI, it'll give you a chance to
Epidose Summary No one recognizes the photo. The police reuse the debdefing from the People's
The Players begin searching for their will get suspK:iow of any inquiries and give Glorious Revolutionary Adventure.
quarry. They find a teooous lead, and man-
age to locate his residence and place of .e-eSlulf MaNa: ~ ~ Ii-
woB:. Geez, sounds pretty easy, <k!esn't ill
Harryiol' .... LibnriM "'...... a :
~ YNh, ir's the small Me, depid. W .. ~ineaun (Pl1t
ing the currenr prriodiak room in the ] shotse6
Background and Explanoria library, a CRIIlpftt, cube-like litdto."
Remember why the High Programmers paded floor 10 ceiling with neal buI
chose to send the Troubleshoolers bade to poorty sorted magazire (see PAV 1.1). . . Wet: Ca,,-k1r uninkltisml
this particular time? Forgo«en why !he PCs
have Alice's pidure?
Now !Jet three decks of urds, each
~ in order. SId the three decks
W OL"'! Cald!o Prod 1 - 10)
A liltleearlier this year (May 2097). Clem (l'1lJn'lbered 1 - 3, bottom 10 top). Place
the cards randomly in twenty prildets in
Unger, alias 'Alice: managed to make a " ' - ' : SIieet ~11l4P2L1)
signifiCant breakthrough in heuriSlic pro-
gramming for the complex Alpha comput-
the six by six grid (the map is obviously
kJosmall for the cards - jUSl use that as
ladies: 1lIp. RoboI will a"""m.. _.... "'v
ignore the Pes and continue to g 1
ers put out by JCN Uumbo Computer Net- a n*rence for the p1ayersl. Tht- cards thiflRS. Each round, roll a 020 for which
woB:, his company). This acheivement put represent various issuesolthefollowing stacks it picks up (it will take the lop ten
him in the news, and hisphotowas splashed magazines: cams only), and 206 to detrrmine the
all over the place. Hence the Pes' photo. Deck , Clubs: Popu/df C ~ cell the stacks are moved to liar in-
He slililingers in the news as his heuris- Deck 1 Diamonds: Better I Iomes and stance, a roll of 1,2 is the second reI
tic routines are continually upgraded and Mine/ields 0Vf'f from the left on the lop).
his research team continues to improve the ~k 1 Hearts: Pldyborg This means that occasionally it will
programs. DKk 1 Spades: RevoIurioNry Com- dump a big HEAVY stack of magazine.
Thus, in this brief window, when panic munist Worlret" on a PC sitting on the area intended for
over the asteroid impinges on securitY,the Deck 2 Clubs: SoJoofFortune same. Therobotal50th~bigwatbof
players will have a chance to assassinate Deck 2 Oidmonds: Cybcrpsycholosy rot to the front doof for disposal (when-
Alice, yet will not do itsoearly as to imperil Today ever it delivers a stack to an already
the developing programming of The Com- Deck 2 I iearts: Bus;/lf"SS Hourly occupied ceU, take the bottom card of
puter. Pretty spiffy, huh? Those High Pro- [)e(:k 2 Spades: Nernmnins for Chil· that (J¥k ..nd ditch it. If the seven of
grammers aren't as stul>id as they look- dren hearts goes ... too bad. The Pes have
er' will look, are they - er, will they be? Deck 3 Clubs: Ass.1ssin's Homejouf. blown it).
001 If the Pes topple a high stack, the
• Encounter One: No News Is Bad Deck 3 D'monds: Mother City Nt.>ws roboc. will go over and prod the offend-
News Deck 3 Hearts: PhMmacoIosist's ....,. ins vandal, but will not move any
magazines that round.
AtfirstthePesareontheirown. Theycan
try whatever they want. They can try all
Deck 3 Spades: Advilnct':S in Blri· And whenever the PG think they'~
mail figured out which stack the key issue oi •
sorts of things, but they won't succeed. The
phone book doesn't list nicknames. Even if The specifIC issue the Troubfeshooters Busines5 Hourly is in, the robot moves it
the Pes know Clem's full name from The need is in the stack represented by the and slaCks more stuff on it
De<:!c 2 seven of hearts. Marian will not intervene unleu the •
Agility rulls are requirm to f1'lO'Ve Pes destroy a magazine, damage the
without slipping and toppling ~­ bot.. ()( make a lot of noise. In thee
The Librory zines (divide agiltry by the number of cases, she'll just let fly on full-auto,
Tht! library ;s a ~ 5IrUctUre squares IfIO'o'ed in the round). Oex rolls probably perforating !he issue they need
thankfully oubide The Cormar Zone. are needed lOt shifting mag;&Zines with- with biS hok!s.
Getting thefe miShC be quite a task in out spillif'lH them (divide dex by stacks And every few mil"lUles, a cOUl*
itself, as most tnts il"lSfdt. The Combat - cafds - shifted). Strength rolls are hundred more magazines fall through a
Zone (whtofe the Pes staItIOlre d9dlier necessary for removing fellow Pes from trapdoor in the ceilins. (Any character
ttwt most 01 the louis he",e"lbe the 'zineslides caused by previotnJy failed in a trap door area has 10 nwke an agility
movie HNvy~m. agility and dex rolls. roll to avoid being burK!d.)

PC#l: Walt-R-JON-2 Bad:ground: You tnought being ill Vuhurecraft named "W/re-Zt" sortoffollows you around. You
pilol would give you the machismo and warrior- pretend it's a secret ....'Capon. Now all you need is a
Secret Society: Romantics really macho ten-gallon hat.
sadistic pipedream you'd sought for all your life. It
Secret Society bnl:: 3
frustrated you that all you did was fly unimportant
memos, orders, and other molil back and forth at GD;l1 in Life: Learn moreabout theGood 01' Days.
Mutlnl Power(s): controlled !>pCt->ds through controlled airspace. Find a big hat. Be violent. Get in bar fights.
But even that was denied you when you Wen! Challenge people to quick-dra~. Kill wimps.
transferred to the Troubleshooters. Talk about ill Don't eat quiche,
~rl No lxJnch of cowards! So you joined the Romantics,
hoping their back-to-basics sensibil ilies might lead Description: Standing 1.8 meters (6' )") in height,
TroubleshooterTeam: None you to your dream. It was better than Armed Forces you are rather sizable considefing the standard of
training; they at Ieasllaught you how 10 swagger, malnutrition in this c-ra. For some reason thateven
how to spit tobacco, and many othet ways to be- you can't remember, you once decided to super-
tOyilllies: have like that pinnacle of violence incarnate, the glue chips and buttons and things to your skull.
pseudo-mythical Texan. But it wasn't enough. Your hair is cut snort to betlt,.'f display this fetish,
Freelance Trouble- They were still too wimpy for yom ideals. eltcept for a 'pony' tai Iwhich eltpresses itself down
"-~ You did research on your own, once stealing a your spine.
copyofTrueGrit from the Romantics' libraI)'. Then You dress in various cowboy chic; some of it is
Assassin came the Crash. Hoo-wee, wkat fun! It was like liberated from BLACK GULCH (tm), the rest is
one big wild bar fight! Since then, you've had much higher quality. You really want tofind a ten-
nothing to do with any of your old acquaintances; gallon hat, which is difficult in an all·metric world.
ill5tead you became a hired gun, or, as you refer to You make a habit of speaking in a thick Texan
yourself, a ·gunslinger.· Andan innocuousscrubot drawl (·Howdy, y'aIW).

PC#2: Broost-R-LNG-l Background: The Crash came on your sixteenth really did a good thing tkat time!"}, a habit made all
annocyde day. You were supposed to be pro- the more annoying by your tendency to talk about
Secret Society: None yourself constantly. Since the Crash, you've eked
moled from Junior Citizen to full citizenship. Then
Seem Society Rolnk: 0
you could be a Troubleshooter, just like you al- out a living in gladiatorial combat.
ways wanted.
Mutilnl Power{s): Always wanted to be a Troubleshooter, and Coal in life: Kilt enough people (bystanders and
shoot and zap aod punch and knee the Commie teammates included) so that everyone looks on
Sleeperf No
, mutantswine. But when The BigCwentdown, you
didn't get your new papers. Didn't stop you, though.
you as the best. Never give an inch to anyone.
Nuke the Commies. Maybe get some babes.
You went right on out and killed a Commie and
TroubIeshooterTeam: None took his jumpsuit and declared your,;elf Red clear- Description: Short and stocky, you wear riot armor
ance. And oow, since you never go! yOur papers, stolen from Internal Se1:urity. like all teenagers,
you refer to yourself as "The Unofficial Kid,· and you have little concep\ of personal hygiene, and as
loyalties: pretend you're the best and baddest Troublesllooter a result, yourskin looks tanned and your short hair
in existence, a fantasy reinforced by the faet tkat is spiked with accumulated grease. You strut and
Self, self. self, flO! you actually have a pair of mirrorshades. sneer and are violent and in all ways act like an
necessarily in that You also have an annoying habit of speaking egocentric teeny·bopper.
order. about yourself in the third person (·Broost-R baby
junior Trouble-

PC#3: William-G-BSN-3 Background: For years you labored in CPU, faith- NightSector, you call it now. How good did you
fu Ily serving The Computer with the otherdisciples have to be to be saved, anyway? This whole situ·
Secret Society: FCCCP
of the First Church. Then you were promoted tothe ation has burned you out; nowadays you don't do
Secret Society Rank: 1
Troubleshooters, a tribulation placed upon you no much but kill time and wait for the end.
doubt to test your faith in God.
Mutant Power(s): You remained a model citizen, and your faith COiII in life: Well, it may be blasphemous to say
Machine Empathy and devotion to TheComputer never wavered, not so, but wouldn't it be nice to get revenge on The
even when your first two clones were martyred by Computer for hosing such a loyal and faithful
S1eeperl No the Commie heathen. Sure, maybe you weren't servant as yourself?
c1ean.od for f)fOgramming, but you ....'Cre just tl)'ing
TroubinhooterTe~: None to help. Description: Although all your life you seem to
Your life remained centered on The Computc-r. kave been surrounded by colorful and unusual
The Computer was the reason for your eltistence. people, you have always been preternaturally
Then came the Rapture. The Computer left this bland. Nottootall, kind of thin, mediocre hair, and
mortal coil. So did all the saints, precious few now tkat there are no more dress codes, you've
Who cares, anymore? though there were (in fact, you koow of none so proven yourself an untalented dresser. Before the
far). You figured you'd also disappear during the Rapture, you at least had enthusiasm and dev0-
Rapture. But no, tl('''l~ you are, stuck with the rest of tion. Now you're bland and depressed. A boring
the slime in this sprawling city of darkness. burnout.
FDnMI' service Group:
PC#l : Security Cleillrance:
N.me 'Then:.Iohn·R·wtT-2 Prinlt: Red PbyflN;une:
Armed Forces
NMnt Now: Walt-R-JON-l Public: Red
Attrilutes Jlnd Skills
p~ Equipment

"""'"" +1
Chutz~ 11 J) Skill !We _ _ J

Medw\ial (I) SIcilI Bat _ _ 2
Vehicle Op. & Maint..
""""'' ' ' '-'
NNgilhyde vesI iind ~
Cony 55 kg
Intlm~tion 10 Kevlar undershin

Mo<ho 2
Dellterity (II) Skill
Projectile Weapons
__ 2
Mollie (0) Skill . . .
Old Reckonins Cuhures _ _ 9
.... ""'"
Two s1ugthrowers, 1 reload each

Heavy boots (+ 1 damage roll in

, Agility (12) Skill But J
lilseJ Weapons 10
Vehicle Aimed Weapons _ _ 12
P~""r(10) melee combat)
Spurs which jingle jangle jingle
Unarmed 8 Chewing tobacco (actually
Spit fiberglass inwlatioo)
" Canteen full of hard liquor

N ....... T,..
D~ ..
. .... bperi-
Damage Stiltus C~ib

Slugthrowers 8 P 9 ~-1!!-
........ 10
-1- 8 50
-- - ...
N ~ ilnd Kevt.r
hi. .

Fortner" 5efvke Group:

PC#2: 5KurityOfo~:
Priv.llte: InlTared l'1ayer N.lme:
NillM Then: Ferd-NAN-l None
NillM Now: Broost-R-lNG-l Public: Red

Attributes ~md Skills

Personal Equipment
Chuupllh (12) Skill J •• Nunchaku
Strength (19) Billie _ _ Moxie (9) Skill Bilie 2
Damage +2 Coo 10 Biochemial Therapy 10 Hand mirror
Mirrorshadeli (scriillched lenses)
60"" InretTOgiltion
Electric.ll Engineet'ing
• Red IntSec armor
Endu~(1n Video Production 17 Make-up for close-ups
1 Duttrity (6) §lilt S - _ _ _ 1 Toothbrush iilnd tooth polish
Pet ral (dead)
Laser Weiilpons S POWffcn
Asility (14) Skill S - _ _ J Sma.ltinny ~ p1ii1}'e1'
Ur\iilrmed 10 MedwOOlI (13) Skill S - (Mourt """"1
Indelible rTYrter
GreNd "• ..


N....... Type
0 -..
...... Ex"'"
D~SQtU5 Crmits

- -
" --1 10
Am"" lUting
Red Laser S - L- 8 50
-- - -00- IntSec Red L412Pl

fonner 5ervke Group:

PC#3: Security durance:
N_ Then: Rob-R-HLN·3
N_ Now: \Villiiilm-G·8SN·3
CPU I'riv.ate: Red
l'ublk: Green

Attributes;and SIUIk
Pt'ntJolW ~ipment
a- 81.nd"""'-'
Strength cal Chutz~ ('I Skin S - _ _ 2 Mox", (1815ki11 s An old print of Mary. Mother d
".."... 0 8ool:1icking 11 Security 8 God (the MoniiIliY) •
Co"" fast Talk 12 P'rogrilmming 10

EnduriiInCe (10)
'S ""

Spurious logic
DeX'terity (16) Skill B_ _ _ 4
1. Data Search
Data Aniillysis ,.
Some blolnd riltions
Anti-depressants ii1nd other dru~
Green myliilr refIec
laser pislol with lh~ Green
Laser Weapons 14
Agility (7) Skill Bue 2 Neurowhip
Unarmed 7 Mechanical (18) Skill BiilIie _ 5
Neurowhip 12

...... bperi•
DiilmiI~ StilllU5 Crftfits

. ,.,.

Neurowhip 12 , 10 - - ...

G..... ""'" 14
- -1 - 8
-- - ...
--- """'"
Green mylar refIec l4P3APl
PAY 1.1
PAV 2.2 Cutout Section

l ~~
• ~~ Wide load

.. .. ,..
"• ;t4
PAV 2. 1 Highway from Hell
-e.../ Side rail~ '---" "- :>-
Looter stlrts here

.. Troubleshooters start here

• II PA 1.2 MIssion Equipment

• I 6 Auditrons
• I 6 Pair loves with wires I·
, 6 Sets covert "Yewear La
•I Bott es ills R , e Iowan r;
• I 1 Guffel ba I•
I_•.JI~_1 "Ir.oubJeshoot I,ade.£ack" ~. "Back of cutouts"
-I 6 laser barrels (one each, appropriate I• (Or a perfect place to spend 3.5 seconds.)
• I c earance) I
• I 6 elld Reckoning-srdearm (to b etcrrned) •
• I 6-Digital Chronograph I 1
___ 0 1/" I

::, I:'.
PAY 3.1 The LibrC!ry
PAY 4.1 The JeN Offices
Front Door
Entrance 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 [ rIi"
@ 2
• 0, -I:

D 3
I • • ;=l It
@ @ 4
• ••
l:I L
• .... ~ · r: • 01.-

0 @ @ @

6 I
U ...

f.i \

DO @ ° Trap door location

o o

g CD
ouu.",,",uoo"o",o;;;o0""u """
- "~
- -.
NPC fl, Type:
Str.12 Wt IS
AfJ:IS [)n:IO
rootless strretc.hildrffi in r>.ilIht City, and
<lOt 01 ~ lew Vrbo, by M h ~ .md WI).
MIIIlf' dresses mostly in bliKk to .Kc.~ her p.1le
c~"kJn_ Her shaAAv !w;, is ;n doI'k and
. F{\" ...1
Gkm I.ather SUII (I1l2l
Sharpf'llUlg kit /or her toes
Mol:!10..:18 ning. hr.; carved out your 0V0-T1 nKhI' In the Slret'f gloMy as her leather pants, j<K:kel, and (open-
""inj.;l loti: ~rOtet.JbIe WD-40
Solo Apt: 7 Pow: 10
Url<I,mro 13 IWllChbladfos in,,,, ~wiltlyourbolreholnch. WeH,feilUyyou lMdyoor
th.ln your hand!:. Yoo <Wl' ~y
dot shirt. Her 81- are there jU'lt 10 tool<; nifty.
Hiilnd mirror

lOt"$ mort" SrnJm lunc::hooK to carry
Millie Megabucks r~TOllk 12
Cylonfoc:ilk: tnlolid punk vain, .. OO ~tomake yourself.H aacliwoyel She ha!; th,S deltJ!;lon they make twr ~ terri- everything in
(Millime-G·ABX) Psychesl:an IS
Survtval 19 g l _ ..ith roving rW unllwbleaspossibl.. VOl/spend hours in front fyinS·
figh!. oIlhe mirror wolldll8 on your ~ and your

Str: 12 End: 16 BOIclwound: Joe Silverfinger earned his nick· Description: Overdressed asperthenorm in the Equipment:

"", 'R;Hi' h'i' i"

Agi:15 ~I: 10 name from his hand, which is poliWed chrome. music biz, Joe's most attractive aspect is his Axe guitar (1 01)

Walkman wi casselle of his own

NPC 412: ~~nd. The rest is nothing but stagey strulling

Type: Mol: 4 Chu: 15
Rockcrboy Api: 7 Pow: 10 sical \>,,~lt
.a lse
hyp",,~"",""I. music

""". PC ~~ ~~ :Jfl.~ bi,

Joe Silverfinger
Unarmed 14
Primitive Melee
Weapons 10
mUSical , .~
:hf'stale Ji
o\-u tes it
a ~~. is~' .
e. hi
~n y
'pretentiously modulates

his voice with
nelic vocal cords, much to everyone's
Small amp and speaker
One bimbo groupie

Play Guitar 5 (16) and V(lJlboJl Joe's Il)Usic is typical angry ponk, amounting to
Oratory 16 -oc'Slroy everything (as Iongas you don't destroy
Survival 17 me & my music):

NPC '3, l,....

SIr: 19 EM: 16
....: 2 CIlIIt: 10
Aft: 11 Pow: 10
1KIIpwnd: Ia:"",iro ~ lIP il1 thE> YOlHlfjflt
but ~ child of a nolNd family. l"twy h.Ad
hef outfllk'd WI1h ol mwrtgIHl port. oJnd hiit'd
out for their own profit.
DeM;,lptlun:: Franlwnstem's monster w;th E.... IUN:
SmartgUn wilh lots of ammo
Body Mm(lf (P312)
Teddy bedr w:th the head
LnamlI!d 14
lntim!tf;dWo 17
Interf~ pfUItS for One doly Janpiro forgot to 80 home. Since ~n
she Iws man~ to ebo out .. llvlIlg ~ .. hif"l'd
gun, and has even ffi<I~ to Sil¥e e<'lOllgh to
pulled 06

Ptojeetlle W ~ 6
(19) buy herself a cyberleg Ur»onu~y, sht icf·
lIftS thai hEor cyber\<eg is a !oI ~ than re
meal \<eg.

St.: 6 End: 9 Badwoond: Nort is one of Night City's ubiqui- Description: Nort affects the manner and dress Equipment:
Type: Asi: 10 ~I: 14 tous cylx.·rrletic hackl'fs, He is small. weak, and of a very chivalric World War I pilot _ he refers Backpack that hangs low on
NPC 414: Mol: 18 Ou: 9 Cybernetics: pallid from having spent so much time in front of to himself as a Cyberspace Flying Ace. He's got the bull
Apt: 17 Pow: 10 IJO plugs for running a vidscreen instead of go!ng out and gelling shot the scarf, funny hat, gassll'S, cracked leather Portable cyberdeck

Nort Unarmed £> Dodge 15

,he No<
800stL>d RefleJlL'S
.- iacket, ar.d a backpack that looks kind of like a Change of clothes
Bootlicking 12 Con 16 Nort seL"ffiS to have trouble gelling women, so parachute. He's had a lillie £rrol Flynn mous- Bottle of red wine
(Noe-R-Tnl Projectile Weapons 7 he's buill this fantasy world in I'o-tJich he's pat- tache tattooed on his upper lip. Checkered tablecloth
terne<! himself after last century's pilots. When Small pistol (6P)
Survival 14

combat erupts, Nort dodges until thinBS get leather flight jacket (11)
really desperate.

SIr. I:> fad: 8 ..........: Howie~ orll' of tIw ~ bteo!d of D...tI ......': Shan, soocty, and loudmouthed, Eqll,.,.(:
~: 10 On: 11 Corpor*'" the Pre.ldokscen: Urt»n ~ Hov.-k> always ~ In Iailor-madt> bu!ii~ Bulk>lproof vesllP4AP2)
NPC '5, Type: Mn:20 0.: 16 SIOOIII, oft collled the puppie. But a puppy he wits, In ~ ~ power fa!ohiQn. Hr.. twit' IS .... i«!(~
Corpotate A9i: 8 r-: 10 Accounl;ns and Mek ain'l; Ill!' ~hedhls position by ruthle'S&ly btK.k- always IlYWNl.:culate, and hl\..noes UfO iIIlways Smallll.lbnuchnwogun {121'l

Howie Sir
Motiv,1\1(lt'l 17
I"hc.*«raphlc memotY
l'Ilolili~ YOlJF\It Urt»n ~ k .
Ewryonecalb him l-"kMie !Hr. tiQw'd he~ up
JPiffy shined. He ~ a mct' r;llill(o.ll. 001 he
seems to .... ~ loY hiscomp.ilny modit ro!fdl!tll-
RAM chtpli here! Some sly '(Uflpie "*f mOl he COfIkIn't IJp ~hidlt}.Thlsm.llc.shtmkJo(hvw~
(How·Y~SIR) Spurious logic I J
on d stfft'( Wi~ Il!'em. Away Howiolo Wl'nI. Now lhfo subjed of monry LOfnl'!I up_
Prutedlle We0JP0n5 10
11'&11 fiN!fI(t' 19 -vont'~ hopi~ .... dis bl!fon> he WIses lIP'

Sir: 10 End: 10 Background: Never had anything toaffer, your- Description: !Contract looks just likeanygreasy, Equipmenl:
Agi: 14 ~x: 7 self. So you made your living connecting those squeaky convi<:Ior private eye. He'sgot a b3ggy little black book
NPC 6: Type: Mol: 16 Chu: 19 CyIM!rnftics: who did. Always taking your finder's (('C. Now trenchcoat, rolling tennis shoes, lumpy hat worn 8rass knuckles (91)
Fixer ApI: 11 Pow: 10 Bazooka bellygun that you're fairly well established, you prefer to iaurltily over his balding pate, and bad meath. Pack of cigarettes
(ret:oiIlL"SS, 13Ap) be called !Connie; makes you seem less money- But he knows where to sniff out motlL'Y. Ltke this Chewing gum
Unarmed 6
ForgL'r)' 17 BribLory 19
Cyber-audio eOlrs grubbing. And you bought yourself a bazooka job for sse ... LightL'f
(Konl-R·ACT) bellygun; a rccoillL'Ss rifle that goes strait\ht Can of snuff
Field Weapons t 4
through your chubby middle. tf someone hassle Forgery pape!" and pens
SU..... ival 17
you, you just open up your trenchcoat and give
him a flash. Love those explosions.
Former Service Group: Security Clearilln«:
imt Then: Gertrude-1-RKR-2 Privale: Indigo Plilyer Name:
NloIM Now: Rude-Y·RKR·2
Technical Services Public: Yellow

A"ributes " Sltilh P~I Equipment

A bag of chips lCruncheelyme
Strensth (i) Chutzpah (16) Skin Bue _ _ 4 M«N.nical (" Skill b$e _ _ ,
Do_ 0 Bribery 11 Robol Repair and Main!. _ _ "
Clam digger
Co"" 25 kg MoIivalion 12
H.1ppiness cloak
Dexterity (11) Skill ~

__ )
Moxk- (4) SkUI
13 .""""
One bottle of fermented SCOl:cn

Asi1ity (7) Skill But , laser Weapons

• Power (9)
tape (a favorite vice)
Cased Mr. Frosl-Y instant ice
UN"",,, 4
PrimrtJve Melee Weapons __ 7 A bunch of explosives
User Pistol with one Yellow
W._ """
N...... T",. ...•...
o.m..... ....... ......"',
'-'pori- D~Sbltus Crrdits
C10m Dip
Yellow L_

-- I

-l -
-- - -
• --- -""""-
L2 (All colors)

fonnrt' Srrvicr Group: Security Ounnct:

~'Thm: Agnes-B-Mll-3 Private: alue PbyffN.Imf':
N¥ne Now: Shiri·Y·,ION·J
Power Services l"ubIic: Yellow

AttriJutes Met Sldn, Pet"SONl Equipment

Strensth (I) Chutzp;ilh (17) Skill !We _ _ 4 Mechl.nta.l (1) Skill B_ _ _ , Unruned gurtharp

25 kg
,Oratory •
12 Moxie (12) Skill Sue )
Vial of happy pills
One Blue laser barrel (no gun)

EndurMCe (10) • BiochemiaJ Therapy _ _ _ ,.

Energy Pistol
Spool of wire
Yellow reflec
Mod>o 0 Dexterity (14) Skill Sue _ _ ) Power ('JI
laser We.apons 7 le.athet j.ackel:
A.&ility (1S) SkiIlIWe _ _ _ 4 Energy Weapons 11
A bunch of safety pins
Primitive Melee •
PI.ay Guith.arp 5

Slcill D.lImage Range Expeti· D.lImage Sl.lltus Credits

We.llpon Number .. Typ' R.lIting ment.llil
Energy Pistol
Blue laser
• 50
--- ~ A~, R.lIting
---l 8 50
-- - -00- leather &
Yellow Ref1ec

Former Service Croup:

PC*6: $Kurily ClearOince:
N.lIIM Then: Inna·U-EAR·) Head of R& D. EAR Sector PrivOIte: Ultraviolel Player NOIme:
N;une Now: Greg·B-EAR·) Public: Blue

A.ttributes and Skills

Persoml Equipment
Strenst h (') Chutzpah (12) SkilllWe _ _ ) Moxie (1') Skill 8... _ _ _ 5 Conductor's baton
25 kg
FiI5l T.lIlk

EngineerillB (all sorts)

,. Shabby lab }ackee
laser pistol
Endur.ww:e ('J) Dexterity (10) Skill EWe _ _ , One Ulu.llVlolel: Barrel with one
Mod>o 0 lilser Weapons
Project:ile We.apons •• Power {161
""" ""
Azility (1 t I Skin a- __ )
• ~ ('J) Skill hw _ _ ,

"" Guo
UItriIvioIeI: lMer


- ...... .......

• --- ---

- - - --""-
DiImiISt Stalus Credits

11 PI
PC.4: Rude-Y-RKR-2 Bqround: Boy, wen." you relieved when The help all humans achieve the SoftWhere, whether
Secret Soddy: Sierra Club Computer died! You go! 10 do everything you they like it or not. .Ioining them was lhe besl: thing
seem Soddy bnIo:: 7 wanted; shorten your name from Gertrude. eat to that h;tppened to you since The Big C cr.shed.

excess, stop working in thai horTible Ixlt factory,
and hang out with your fellow Sierra Clubbers ~ in life: Find the SoftV'lhere, and convince
~ Pcnftr(,): (what few remained after lhe 5ec:rt1 Socidy Wars). others to Pin you. At the very least, get evef)'OOe 10
Actually, you were.JI second-rate member until reted machines.
""'" """"
you met 4Comcobb4 Anne-R·SON. She was ill
giver, definitely not one of tnose people who
always says, -gimmie gimmie gimmie!W like you,
Decripdon: Your obesity is aU the more noc:ic~
due to your habit of walking around in v.lrious
TrouWahooterTum: None Corncobb belieY\'d in the basic immonality oflhe states of undreM. You do we.lr your ·happiness
human soul, but she took il one $Iep further. cloook,· though, a ragged Cilpe :leWn of KJ"ilIpS of
She (and her di5dplesJ explained to you how reflec of all coIoB.
TheComputer, and in fact ilIll machines, ause im. You tQve long. white hair, and are typiCillly
mortal humans to die. Hard ilIngles, ~rp noises, drunk. You often rept'iIl youBelf, PI of like a
Siefril Club harsh 1igtUlg. all mannerd roughnel5wotk COUl'ller closed loop. Thanks to your ~physical bt-lids,
to the 5Ohnes!i 01 humaos. They believe there is OJ you iIre e~ly m i ~ {·If we could enter
p1acefar. farawaylorwas illons.longago1)whete the SoftWhere, we'd live forever'1,.lnd ITQfI)'think
humans liYe forever - <II place oIwb(1e chiffon _ you're ill CClrp(n Metallic.
the SoftINhere. They have outliped a program to
food Villi worlcers
(they suw'v you with

PC.S: Shirl-Y-)ON-3 ~ : You never liked working in Power ~ blood, same music, same hangooIers. And
Servias. You never liked bei"8 ill TroubIeshooIer. the band is breaki"J up. M<1ybe it's lime lor ill
You never liked The Computer. Too much b0re- cNinge. Break some newgroundfortheg,1J'@.Do
dom. Too much OOcbtiIIbbing. Notenough parties. something really radicilii.
ReiIII parties, with loud music, booze 'Iii you barf,
ilnd a good fJee.b·allto set your fillCe punched GNI in l.ft: Do somrthing really r..dial.
out. No wonder you joined Death leopard.
Now thai The Computer's gone, you've been Description: You wear as little as possible, olnd
earning a living playing in sleuy clubs with your what you do wear i§ fashion.ably r.ltty. You like
band, Rode;n' SHarp. Sure, YOU'III! Jost two roadies IeiIIIhet" and rags iIInd chains,.nd you'd be attrac-
T~T_:None trying to perfect an electric harp, but you've got tive if you hilldn't ~ved your he.ld and §pI.nered
good sound. And the fans are greill! They pass out yourself with indelible neon ink.
on the dilOCe floor and throw chairs around the You habituallyc.any your 'guitharp: a CfO§5 be-
loyatt6es: room and even spit at you if you're doing a good tween a harp .nd a guitar, which you play con-
gig. SI.lntly. Not fhat you're any good ...
Death leopard But evenlUilllly it all started 10 seem kind of
boring in iis own predictilble way. Same br.lwls,
The b.lnd (Rock;n'
SHa~ ,

PC.6: Greg-B-EAR-3 &l.cksround: You never had much respecl for corpuscular orclJeSlra. You could say you're rather
OI:her people. That, combined with your biochemi- infected with your work.
Seem: SocIety: EugeneciS15
cal research, combined with your connection with
Seem: Society Rri: 10 GNI in life: To prove to those in R&D that you are
the EugeneciSl§, placed you in a position of power

as one of The Computer's High Programmers. every bit.H good a§ you think you are, so you can
MuWIt f'ower(s): work unmole§led in the R&D labs iIInd (k.Jnge the
While in that lofty pl)§ition, you indulged your IilSle
Polymorphi§l1l for mu!iic. world. Getting The Computer back i~'t even that
Precognition You left it all behind you when the Crash oc- important.
Energy Field cuned. To avoid persecution, you changed your
No name and be<:ame a full-time R&D researcher. Dftcription: You look exactly like Jeff Goldblum
Priest,. they call you now, but your job i§ still 10 in The Fly. That ought 10 scare the pants off your
Troubleshooter Tum: None §earch for Truth. YWIII! also manilged lOenhilnce fellow players. As you are wch a menlililyoriented
your O'A'n IftJt;I.nt abilities 10 a gre.ll tIegreot via the penon, simple phy§iciIIl things often eK.ilpe you.
Loplttei: EugeneciSl§. Thirlg§ like buttoning your jacke!: up waighl.
At R&D, you have focu§ed your c:omidefable Combing your hair. Dodging gunfire.
R&D Priests attention on (ilimong ot/'lef" things) bioklgical ex- When you're not ot!lerwi§e occupied, you tend
periments, trying 10 develop. among Olher thing§, ill 10 WilI11! your baton.
EAA Se<to<
tf asked, the High Programmers suggest Don't worry; lTIOfe locarne. But nowwe've vending machine, and is folded in such a
(via the TraO$dimensional CoIlapsatroo) that got to let them make some Pfogress. So let way that you can get no information from
the Pes go to the library and look up the them retum to The Combat ZOne and, if the accompanying; story. What do you dol
June 8, 1600 hf1 issue of Business Hourly lhey've got the key issue, read:
Nope. Sorry, none of the cyberpunks
• Encounter Two: Sssh! Back in the marginal safety of The have got any coinage to put in the machine.
When the players get 10 Ihe good part of Combat Zone, you reunite with your aides, In fact, they're all broke. Why do you think
town and entcrthe library, read this alood: and settle down to read the Business Hourly they look this job with Samur<ti Security,
article. anyway? As I sec it, the players have three
'The library,' whatever that archaic The magazine is already rotting, and the choices:
nvne might mean, is a ponderous struc- pervasive acid rain i5 doing it no good. The They can llanhandle. This is not very
ture made of a thide and solid material tattered page with the article has a few likely to succeed, as no one in The Combat
quite unlike the glossy sluff used to con- bullet holes in it. Fortunately, the most Zone has any mQrIey, and no one outside
Itroct all the other buildings in thisarta Of' interesting section is mostly inGlct. the Zone will give any to some poorly.
the flimsy material used bade in Alpha ....... efforts of Clem Unget'" and his pr0- dressed street urchins. Besides, I do believe
Complex. gramming team. Mr. Ungff, Of" 'Alice,' as panhandling is against city ordinance, so
Inside the front doors, you find yourself he is known to his Netrunning comrades, some vigilante is probably going to shoot
in a small, thickly armored foyer. A win- was unavail~e at his Honescble, PA resi- the perpetrators, if the police don't get 'em
dow to your right is labeled . . GUN CHECK dence. When called al his offia, his RCl't- first.
ROOM..... tary said Ungff has no worries about his They can attempt to break into the vend-
safety during the upcoming asteroid Itrike ing machine. This is a daring choice, as
Make the players give up most of their and plans on contirMling hi5 heuristic pro- vending machines in TheCombat Zone are
weapons and armor before they enter (the gramming..... well protected (see also -fully armed'")
library has been plagued by vandals lately). against theft. Drum up some outrageous
11 they give up all the'Ir equ'lpment, well, ~OO\~ 4~\\:\'t-1..\'c4\S wi........~ 'jW.ooi'l\'i, -Q"m\(n
'iI..:ats ~~ ~\'!!G \<y; t~ tMoCt\ix\e,
that's their problem. Meanwhile, the cy- impact of the rogue planetoid, and its pro- its weapons, and its automated fire control
berpunks wait outside. jected impact on world business. The pic- system and go after it.
Inside the library, the Pes can easily find ture is not very bright. They can steal some money. NOW
the periodicals room. This room is\stuffed they're Ihinking cyberpunk. Stealing is fast,
with all the glossy ~icks that have been effective, exciting. and much less likely to
published in the last two weeks. They're Choices, choices gamer police inlerlerencethan, say, double-
made of such cheap material that most are parking. Hey come on, Night City police
tfthe PCs run right off to Honesdale, pick
already starting 10 rot. Everything that was are smart guys. Would YOU intercede if
up the adventure at Encounter Seven.
published before the start ofJune is already two (or more) felons were having a 9mm
If they try to find out where JC 's offices
50 out-of-date that it has been disposed 0( are, they can do so with another trip to lhe discussion?
in the kx:al toxic waste landfill and golf- library if nothing clse. There, they find that
There's also this librarian living (sort of)
JCN has major branch offices in all 50 • Encounter Five: Read All About
states, sometimes several inonestale. There It
in the library. She's a disciplinarian as well are Pennsylvania offKes in Dallas, PA, Pitts- The vending machine apparently leaked,
as a libertarian, and as an octogenarian she burgh, PA, and Philadelphia, PA. Jaunting and let the papers get sagged up by the
doesn't like for people to trash one of the off to either of the latter two means improv ubiquilous rain. Scanning the moistened
last vestiges of her Arcadian good old days. on your part - you can use EncounterOne article, the playcf1 can glean the following;
And, of course, given the \IOlume of in Episode Four as a guideline, but Clem is
garbage that comes and goes through this simply no! there. Truly brilliant PCs will go " ... offices located in Dallas. Unget',
room, lhere's a prototype robol in here to to Dallas (which is near Honesdale), in who prefers to be called 'Alice' instead of
sort the stuff and scoop out the rotted ones which case you can skip to Encounter One Clem, has worked with ICN ever since h's
at the bottom. in Episode Four; since so few Pes are truly graduatton. Unger was curiously not at his
If asked, the librarian will be happy to brilliant, this should be a rare case. residence, met a barrie!' prevented this
helpthe PCs locate Business Hourly, towit: Most likelyof all is thatyourPCs feel they reporter from entering his office fOf a
don't have enough information. This is personal interview, but Unger's secretary
In response to your query, the aged quite wise of them. To reward their wis- said his productivity has not been ham-
WOf1W1 behind the desk gestures with her dom, run the following encounler. pered by approach of the asteroid .......
machinez:un to a small door on the far
wall. A sign ovet' the door reads 'Current Also point out that another article calChes
Periodicals.' • Encounter Four: Diving for
Cover the eyes of the Cyberpunk NPCs. II stales
Inside the room are stacks and slacks of that the EuroSpace Agency has tried and
glossy R\OlIgazines, neatly arranged. looks When the Pes run out of ways to find
Clem -Alice'" Unger's office address (espe- failed to destroy the rogue planetoid. It's
sort of like a miniature Alpha Complex gonna hit in only about four days, you
sky-line, even down to the subtle shifting cially if lhey really blew il in the library and
got no info at all), have everyone makc a know ....
and swaying of the buildings.
A small bot crawls among the 5Glcla of roll againsllheir moxie. Whoever makes it
magazines, carefully rearranging them in notices Alice's picture on the front page of
some incomprehensible onJer. the Night City Screamsheet, the local pa- This Segment Is Over
per. Read; So why are you bothering 10 read thisl
• Encounter Three: Read Me Everyone else is already in the next en-
Okay, they've suffered enough for ROW. !he
picture is small, but recot!,niz~y counter. I keep Iellin' ya, things move fast
Ahce. Unfortunate'y, the paper is inside a around here.


or even steal a Maserati ("Mad Max"). Or


You move through the tiny hamlet, choIc:-

they can go on a stratospheric hop with ing on the noxious fumes belching from
-Up! Orbital Air ("Alien") to get there real qUick. the gargantuan WEG Corporation fKtory
Did you noticP ttY!: l'1l"ither artk~ No matter which way they go,there's sure and shoe shop in the city center. The town
mentioned ttY!: JCN WA located in to be a way to slow them down ("Raid on might be pretty, but for the thick layer of
o.Iloas, Pennsylv~~ Mad not Dallas, Entebbe," "The Hitcher,""TheTexasChain- soot and pernsive smell of sweat socb.
he.>d 10 0.11os. T..... ....,..II_.
If anyone me 10 jump the gun ~

not live 10 regret il. If they truck f:Nf!'( to

saw Massacre") en route.
Now's also your chance to horrify them
with what the USA is like in the year 2097.
Have them pass through all the great
Alice's apartment is on the fourth Roof
of a ramshackle building that openly defJe'S
the law ofgravity. The building was appar-
ently built using non-fudide;m geometry.
lnILls t~ [ncounler Six for some American tourist showpieces. Judging by the number of people in the
tr~ tipsl, they Qn check ~ phone Mount Saint Heiens: Oops! Bad idea! area, irs a crowded plaa.
din!coy. Theyc.. _~amen.They There it goes again! All that subsurface From what you an tell, Alia's apart-
un l<lIke 1.nl·minut~uidfd-IOUrs­ injection of hazardous waste has 0verpres- ment in unoccupied.
while-ifHlill-iruct. ThPy can bNI up sured it. and it'sbkM-ing up again, spewing
1_ ...... They un do _!hey toxic lava everywhere and reawakening For once, their observations are correct.
want They find ;l gianI ICN corpor-ation Cyber-zilla. This is due mainly to the fact that Alice has
officr. oilnd ewn <lIf1 U....., lisWd in theo Mount Rushmore: President Barbarino moved away to prepare for California ayo-
oftice directory. ClementIne U.....,. No
Meanwbile. at we.1I know, rhe Aw-!
has been added, the first US President to
wear mirrorshades and listen to the Sex
Pistols. The entire mountain has been
genesis. If the Team goes knocking on
Alice's door, every other door in the hall-
way opens up, and various hausfraus and
oi PNce";j ~ time. There ¥e painted and graffitoed. $4.95 to add your junkies and prostitutes and grubby children
~ in .lbuNbnce. And crooked own per500al touch. stare openly at the Pes until they get un-
corpor'* officials. And g,Jf18S. The Mississippi Oeltl Mudfbt: Despite comfortable and leave.
W~ time, w.med dones. all the silt that's been accumulating, the The players now have two choices; they
Mighty Mel rolls ever on. Fifty miles wide ca.n break in, or they can stake the place
• Encounter Six: Planes, Trains, and three inches deep, irs treacherous out. If they break in, skip to Encounter
crossing. Beware the delta pirates in their Nine, bekJw. PersonallY,1 prefer1he stake-
and Cybermobiles airboats. out; ii's classier.
Now that the PCs have at least a teouous
grip on Alice's location, they can begin
pursuit. This means going to Honesdale, • Encounter Seven: Honesdale • Encounter Eight: Stakeout
Pennsylvania, which is a good 2500 miles Hose The landlord across the street will charge
distant (a little less from Texas). How to get If the Troubleshooters go to Honesdale, the Troubleshooters a paltry fortune to use
there? they don't really have a hard time finding the condemned apartment directly across
First, they'vegot to get some nlOfe money. Clem 'Alice' Unger's address. It's listed in from Alice's place. The floorboards are
They can either flip burgers for minimum the phooe"book, and it's right in the middle cracked, broken, or missing. as is most of
wage until the asteroid hits, or they can do of the seediest slums in the polluted little the exterior wall. Piping and wiring dangle
something fun. burg. Natch. into the room.
Once they have the dough, they can By the by, if your players are infinitely Of course, there's lots to do all night.
either buy round-trip tickets ("Airport '77~), clever, their characters may skip Hones- People enter and leave Alice's building
Amtrak passes (any Wild West flick), or buy dale completely and go to Dallas. Bravi·! constantly. Every passing cyberpunk tries
Go to Episode Four. Otherwise, read: to rob, scam, assassinate, or evangelize the
Troubleshooters, as they are obviously not
locals. And at about two in the morning, the
municipal work crew finally arrives to
demolish the building the Troubleshooters
are in.
While their world crumbles about them,
a light finally flicks on in Alice's apartment.

• Encounter Nine: I'll Huff and I'll

Naw that the Pes know someone's home,
they can try an assassination. Unfortu-
nately, the person inside is the landlord of
the building, who, after having drunk gobs
of beer, has finally entered Alice's apart-
ment to prep it for the next tenant. (If the
Pes broke in without a stakeout. the land-
lord arrives in the mKidle of it.)
This is a bad neighborhood, and the
landlord carries protection. He's also been
playlesling roJe-playing games for most of
the evening, 50 if the Pes break in after
seeing the light go on, whether through the
door (strength roll or sprain your knee) or


Religion and .... ~ Plane- Game Sluff The C\'berDunb in CGmbot
toid The Leanins Tenement of Havingsix NPc guides with six Trou-
Actually, there are a foe 01 people who bJeshooters makesquile a gang, doesn't
cope with the crisis religiously, in one Map: None given. It's a cramped it? Are you wonied that the extended
bm or.another. Some think the rogue boarding house. Oividethe room you're twelve-man team will be an uMtot>-
pI.lnetoid is another catastrophe a la playing in into eight room~ and three pable cybernetic war machinel
Noah's flood, which is doubly befiev~ corridors with pieces of masking tape or A few words might be in order 10
~since no one has seen a rainbow in somedting. make sure this doesn't happen.
over twenty years due to the smog. The undlord: Drunken h~ck·n· First, in combat, have thecybe--punks
Others think it's a test of mankind's Zen be incredible cowank. Whyl They're
ootlook. ~-
WeIpOII: Shotgun (151') 6 ",1"8 paid ""'""""*' bv sse "" If1e
The reactions of these ~ are Armor: Drunken Stupor (AII2) purpose (so they believe) of helping
likewise varied. Some folks think it's thesemoroniccorporateflunkies- - the
simply ~ Day, and so blithely The San ffandIco Asen: Corporate Troubleshook!n. They most certainly
80 about their business and try to act ninja want to preserve 1Mi, semi-mechanical
holy. O!:hers await the rapture, and the W~: Shuriken (51) 10 hides to enjoy the fruits of their labors.
SOfJnef the better. Still others think the Katana (1 01) 1S Se<ond, .......- lhat cybe<punb
rapture came and went but nobody ArMor: Bushido (AII1) don't get clones. Once they're dead,
qualified. that's all we wrote ..• so bkJw one of
Actually, e'<'eryone's wrong. The T1le T-.II: Indentured game de- them away fight oif the bat jUSl to prove
planetoid was fired from a gargantuan si~ ~nd shoe salesmen your point.
Schmegegi inlerstellar turbomagnetic W~: Big Guns (T 2p) -4 Third, all of the cyberpunks are vjo.
mass accelerator rifle as part of their Baseball Bats (91) _ _7 lentandobnoxious.lfyou still think the
certbJries-1oog plan to Get Our WOIllefl. Armor: lealher (I1P1) group's too large, have two (or morel of
Don't believe me? Well, the real reason them set into an argument. Somebody
for the p!anetotd will be revea~ later Tactio: The landlord shoots at any- will expire in shaft order.
on in the VuIIuft W...... oIlJnen. one in the room. The ninja attack the Fourth, cyberpunks can run out of
.... Xseries. Not now. Sony. I saw"t'hat Pes and anyone else close. The tenants ammo, trip and faU, or set an important
happenedtomykx:Jse.lippedco-worteet- attack everyone. call on the ceUular phone - any time
in More Songs t\boot Food Vats,. so I'm you need them to.
not Iellin'. In summary, ~ the Cyberpunk
NPCs loiter, dawdle, ~void confronta·
tions, and die quickly. If the players
the window (which pulls out of its sill and a bunch of jealous programmers working want to keep their guides, they'll have
plummets to the street, column 2 oftne falls for various EuroCorp competitors, and to pull their own weight, or more so.
chart), they are greeted by a shotgun blast. they've been staking out Alice's place just
If instead they knock, (or have broken in like the PCs have. So, whenever it looks like
earlier and are now trying to hide in the everything will be peacably resolved (or
closet) the landlord (a 60's throwback) opens whenever the bullets start flying), have the that Alice worked for JCN down in Dallas,
the door. Read the players ·the following opposition crash the party. PA. No matter how many people the Trou·
description: And, if that'snotexcitingenough for you, bleshooters shoot, that's all they know.
anyone of the tenants might have a per-
The door swings partway open to reveal sonal vendetta to settle ballistically with
a face that looks like it's been carved out of the landlord. Throw in as many as you like. • Encounter Eleven: On the Metro
wax. The nose is very big and is a distinctly Make it a block partyl Do your Pes need a little more abuse?
different color than the rest of the face, Are there still more than three Cyberpunk
and a mat of long straggly hair obscures his NPCs? Are you more sadistic than the
features. He seems to be trying to hide the • Encounter Ten: Well Excuuse average bear? Do you just have this thing
fact that he has a gun. Me for subwaysl
"May I help you?" he croaks. His voice After the gunfight is over and the land- If your answer to any of these questions
sounds very strange. lord lies dead in the hall, a check of 10 or is yes, then you might want to have a few
auempt to remove his masklike face will subway encounters on the way to Dallas.
As he knows absolutely nothing of Alice prove conclusively that this is indeed the First your players walk down the street
(other than he was always on time with wrong guy. Don't feel bad, though, he and into a Subway Sandwich Shop. ('Scuse
ren!), the landlord truthfully answers any really was quite a schlep. me.)
questions the Pes have. Given the circum- Then the players have got a few minutes Uh-oh. No subway tokens? Noallendant
stances, the piayers'll think he's lying (before the police and ambulance arrive) to to sell them? Anyone want to jump the
through his teeth. Hopefully, they'll come talk to the not-so-innocent bystanders to turnstile?
to the conclusion that the landlord is Alice figure out what happened to Alice. This Then on the subway itself, some yokel~
in disguise. may involve some simple intimidation, the from the Fightin' Texas Aggie Liberation
Gosh, that'd be pretty boring if that was summary execution of a liule old lady with Front hijack the tram and order the con-
all there was to it, don't you think? Relax, a frying pan, and maybe some bribery, but ductor to fly it to the North Pole.
folks, because there's a strike team hired by they can find out from some of the tenants Then maybe they make it to Dallas, and
the next episode.

"This is the plural of the single male applause -Bravo.- This is sexist, but educational, so we hope you'll forgive the sexism.


Episode Four: Go Ask Alice

the vision of new beauty rising from the jumpsuits they're probably still wearing are
rubble; the vision which in recent years has the latcst fad, even in a boondocks place
Summary brought in billions ofdollars in revenue: the like Dallas, PA, wncre the nearest 'culture'
The players go to the lCN office. They so-called Alpha Cities. Each, of course, run is the aforementioned stinky hamlet to the
meet JCN's avant garde computer person- by one of their complex Alpha computers. northeast. Lastly, in this time of panic and
ality program. After a brief runaround, they Since JCN has made major league mega- chaos, anyone who acts like they know
find Alice's office. Although he is not there, bucks building giant domed cities across what they're doing is left alone to complete
they find a tool that will help them locate the planet, one might expect that they'd their task, so being brazen is also a plus.
him. This is called 'being strung along.' begin to feel a little paranoid about the Of course, if the players seem hesitant or
other industrial giants. The Age of Peace is confused, the guards arc likely to ask for
a turbo-powered busi ness world, and when papers, [0 badges, or what have you. They
What's New .. JCN some measly U.S. Company suddenly might ask what their security clearance is.
Jumbo Com_ _ " " been begins to rival the ominous EuroCorps, that I'm sorry, 'Red' is an invalid answer. The
top dog ever since Heuristic: AniflCial company had better start fearing hostile correct response would be 'Wombat.'
logician Corporation's latesl model takeovers - with stocks and bombs.
g1itched on a Jupiter probe mission. like Yes, ICN has a very tight security system.
their late competitors, teN designs Fortunately for the players, things aren't as • Encounter Two: Just Biz
megabrains 10 handle infinitely com- tight as they should be - there's so many Check it out, dude. We even have a map
plex control systems;things that can, fOf" people trying to tend to last minute busi- for you, shoWing the important stuff inside
example, run all the public works fOf" ness before the planetoid strikes that some the JCN Sector HQ: PAV 4.1. The Pes can
major melropoli. things just sort of slip through the cracks. go anywhere they want in the place. Not to
HALCOfJl went under because their Things like Troubleshooters. say it'll be easy ...
systems had a few obvious glik:hes. 1: The Board Room
ICN's glitches are much more subtle. A This is a bad placeto enter; you could get
N Imperfections in their personality • Encounter One: Getting In - To board to death in here. FRED 209 (a very
simulators. Probably nothingthatwoukl TroUble big bot) stands guard here while all the
have any noticable effect. unless there Read the following as the I'Cs approach organic types plan out how they'll duck
were some majOf" sort of disaster. the JCN dome: and COV€( against the planetoid. [nciden-
like an asteroid hiDing the Earth. tally, as a direct result of its experience
Yes,)eN designed the computer sys- The rain is getting heavier, and the smell during the Big Oops, this robot will end up
tems that even now are networking the and color are getting stronger. As you walk founding Corpore Metal.
cities of the workl beneath their geo- the potholed street, you see a glistening If the players blunder in the door, FRED
desic domes: dome rising from the midst of the geomet- 209 whirls with startling speed and bel-
ric wreckage. As you approach you see lows:
"'ALPHA aTY: the ~ liB a Si1- two guards flanking an entrance. Over the
ver Linirts-" door-way hangs a sign that reads ",eN "YOU HAVE EXCEEDED YOUR SECU-
Every so often a group of people runs SECONDS TO ClEAR THE PREMISES!"
into or out of the dome. Some are wearing
very bright clothes under their raincoats. I think the song and dance is pretty clear,
Prolotypo The guards eye you as you approach, as except that if FRED 209 ever reaches zero
Dallas, PA is an old-fashioned town; so does a camera over the door. What do you on his countdown, he says, NI AM NOW
old-fashioned that it doesn't even have a dol AUTHORIZED TO TERMINATE YOUR
geodesic dome to prevent all the colonial
mansions from being eaten away by the Entering the JCN Sector HQ is not as A Rore Opportunity
acid rain. The town looks like a pot-holed formidable a task as it may seem. Actually, Once the players realize just who this
net of narrow streets enmeshing squared- it ought to be rather easy. All the characters ComputeJ system is, remind them that
off piles of rotlen lumber, with a small have to do is properly identify themselves now's their chance to talk back to The
dome rising amid the wreckage in the center and walk on in. Computer's embryonic self. They can
of the town. What?!? even spit and swear at it. Personally, I
Property values here are negligible, as Well, JCN actually has 'troubleshooters,' wouldn't recommend it, because the
the stench emanating from Honesc!aleover- software and hardware experts whom they memory of such an affront, no maltef
powers even the overpopulation of the Age send out to correct bugs and solve net- haw deeply buried in the silicon sub-
of Peace as far as land prices are con- working problems and such. So identifying conscious, is bound to tum up C'VClltu-
cerned. That's why ICN chose this desolate themselves as a 'Troubleshooter Team' is ally, say about two or three hundred
spot to erect an office-building sized ex- actually a smart thing to do. Second, (al- years from now ...
omlJlt: uf t/lt:ir futur!:: IIl\::lrUlJUfildll vbilHl; though the I'Cs don't know il yet) the neon

EMPLOYMENn~ before he opens fire.
If the PCs ~mehow survive, or just move
fast, they can get all sorts of incompre-
hensible documentation in here, as well as
kill a lot of execs.
2: The Break Room
Lots of people here, eating and drinking.
Enterprising PCs can start quite a fcx:xJ fight.
Thecyberpunks will break into the vending
machines, all of which arc filled with junk
food that Alpha Complexers would find
quitc palatable (gag).
3: The lab
This room is densely packed with glass-
ware, chemicals, electronics, etc. Ifthe PCs
make a few engineering rolls, they can put
together a new device. Or maybe they find
one, just lying there ...
Feel free to have a Mr. Wizard-style tech
bumbling around.
4: The CPU
This is where the computer resides. Not
much else of interest, except a box labeled
~IN CASE OF F1RE~ with an axe in it ...
s: security Room
This is a small, cluttered room, where
You have exceeded your security clearance!
JCN's security guards hang out and goofoff.
Reuse the guards from the front door.
Inside, the PCs can find a map of the
building. plus they can check the monitors self, in spite of the chaos around her. See, a story on ~Night City's Neon Jumpsuits:
of all the security cams in the building for she was hired expressly for her ability to Trouble-free Fashion.~
wandering FREDs. stall visitors indefinitely. The TroublC9hoot- The Troubleshooters will just have to
6: The Sex Kitten's Office ers will probably have to kill her to get into wait. And wait. Bruno reads and types.
I'm afraid we're not allowed to print the the office, although some sinister manjpu- People come and go to Alice'soffice, Bruno
sort of stuff that might go on in here. Has
lations might also succeed. But probably admitting them with a simple (but obnox-
everyone been keeping up with their hor- not: ious) nod. Make sure the players notice
mone suppressants? this. Stress this point. figure out an obnox-
7: The President's Office PC: We're here to see Clem-U. ious way to nod and do it a lot. It's a bona
Think Ultraviolet. Nothing in here at all, Bruno: Do you have an apl)()intment fide Major Episode Hint.
except the President. He sits behind his with Mr. Unger? The clock starts ticking around to closing
huge (but empty) desk playing tiddlywinks. PCs: (in unison} No. Yes! time. Havethe Transdimensional Collapsa-
He has a wet bar, and he might make a Bruno: We can fit you in at 4:37 August tron ask for a progress report. Your players
good hostage, but there is absolutely noth- 5th. are gonna have to do something ...
ing of intellectual worth in the room. PCs: But that's after the planetoid hits! Since roost players (and cyberpu nks) seem
8: Other Offices Bruno: Yes, I'm sorry for that incon- to favor persuading bystanders with lethal
Mostly vacated in light of the impending venience. Mr. Unger could have seen you force, there's yet another game stuff box
Big Oops. on August 3rd, but this situation has im- nearby.
9: Clem's Office posed considerable hardships on his time.
See below: PCs: But this is urgent! (drawslascr) Ah, • Encounter Four: Alice Oops
see, we had orders from, ah, Smith-U, to Only when the players burst through the
give Clem-U these ah, prototype laser sig- door and liberally hose down the entire
• Encounter Three: Clem Unger's nalling devices, for, ah, further testing. office with large-bore weapons-fire will
Office FRED 209: (approaching from down the they find that Alice is indeed not in. It is in
Clem's secretary Bruno (short for Brun- hall) PLEASE LOWER YOUR WEAPON! fact immediately apparent that he has not
hilde) is her absolute normal unflustered YOU HAVE TWENTY SECONDS TO been in for a day or two. This should
COMPLY! assuage any feelings of guilt the players
GomoSlulf might have for brutally cudgeling a little old
Bruno will never teU the Pes that Alice is lying secretary.
IIIopc Colos not in, because that fact is considered Top
M.p: None given. It's a front door to On the other hand, their effort has not
Secret, as is his current location. She'll just been totally wasted. Therc are still some
a building. say things like Mile's not seeing anyone right

SoMe ~ Some guards items in Alice's office. True, everything of
now. ~ She'll ask the Pes to take a seat in the importance has been taken out of Alice's
Weapoa: Riot SMGs (P6 plus waiting area, and will serve them coffee.
stun) 15 office and computer files (I ike the complete
tea, or something. (Feeling mean? I hear
.v-: Riot sear (I3P2F2) Mickey finns are popular in The Age of
program for the Alpha computer system),
Do ........'". possible 10 but there arc a few scraps and obsolete
, . .the playen, SQUirm until they blow Peace.) Then she sits back and reads the notes that might nonetheless be of interest
style section, which the Pes might flote hii~ to the time-traveling Troubleshooter.


GMwSlulf door. Yeah, I know it doesn't help the

Mop:-_.""'.. .""'-
No AppMwbiitid Nee e

area on the building map,


Inano: Deceptionisl rt"et!'Ptionist.

ewn remetllber lb. from the newspa-
per artide).
The rom. field k ~ In • <>be<.
situation, but it's still 'of interest to the time-
traveling Troubleshooter.'
There's a JCN brochure (small thrice-
folded affair) which details JCN's begin~
WNpOft: .4<t magnum w/ g1aser netic switch Instalkld In Bruno', skull; nings in V\lV\fIJI California, where they
...... she nodo her head, • tIvow. lhe helped rebuild and reprogram SAC/No-
slu8'OSP> 7
Annor: GIos5leathet' (UI2) switch which deactivates the force flekf RAD. The brochure goes on to explain the

_ .....Some...-._
The do5k (Al12)

"'" front doo< guank .. . - .

Ie<.lew seconclo. _ nlfty, huh.
Klhe foro! foeld ..... da__ equal
to dwee kill resutts in a single round, il
continued improvements in the system
which have culminated in the current
complex Alpha computer system for Alpha
_arilygoes_. Cities. Aha! The true beginnings of The •
FlED 209: Thts time it un be'5lDpped T_llNnohidesbohindlhedeoll. Computer! Hmm ... could be importantl
W..-= MiniSuns (18Pl_18 occaslonally talOns ... _ .. ..,."... And finally, there's a small VCR·like
""-' Combat _ (AIM) one. Have security (IUMk show up as device on his desk. It's labeled "'property of
neces5iUY, and a FRED 209 01 two if Clem Unger.... If there are any surviving
l'ho _ _ I n . ~ . th.......11y need - . . lljI. And be Cyberpunk NPCs, one will immediately
no one would haw just a plain Iltde okt sure 10 remind the players that with all grab the object, exclaiming ~Aha! His
the shooting and shoutins. Alice II 11ft cyberdeck!'" Think this might be the due
Iady~lndelond""","""''''''' that helps the luckless Troubleshooters find
and coffree breaks. No way, W, AJice to be taking~, if not ~ &DOd
hkescape. their quarry?
inst.1Ikod a force field In front of his door
Sure hope so, because about the time
they look it over, everyone hears three or
There's a list of NThings To Do,w all of There's a receipt from a travel~agency four basso voices approaching, bellowing
which have been marked off. One entry in voucher showing Clem Unger bought a something about trespassing in a private
the list is "'pack essentials for cryo.w sub-orbital shuttle trip (first class) to Orbital office. let's see, with four FREDs allowing
There's a teN envelope marked "'Unger, Air's California spaceport. The flight left twenty seconds ·.grace time apiece, the
Troubleshooters should have another min-
Clem/Relocation Orders/TopSccret. wIt's twenty minutes ago.
empty. There's the latest holographic Playboy ute or so to make good their escape, right?
centerfold hung on the back of his office Belter make that spurious logic roll if you
want to make it to the next episode ....


Episode Five: A Run In
Their Stalkings
·Avast, ye scurvy Corporate swabsl Pre- we've given you a sidebar with a brief There are several commercially avail-
pare to be boarded!· - Oliver wendell explanation. able interface programs, all using well-
)on6 The Team will be using Alice's own wom diches. DiscoRunner and Silicon Val
cybernetic interface deck (cyberdeck) with are particularly tasteless examples at this
hisveryownpipe-dreamhand-programmed type.
Overview fantasy-gratification interface program. let's Alice instead chose to program his own
see here ... Cyberpunk View From the interface, which hehasnamedWonderNet.
In this chapter, the players finally track
Edge, page 29 ... It is heavily patterned after lewis urroll's
down Alice. The hunt occurs in that most
generic yet inhospitable cyberpunk envi-
Alicebooks, and therefore relies heavily on
"'It's oftm cb~erous to use another fractals and random number generators.
ronment. the direct computer interface
man's interlace Cilrelessly - one man's If you haven't read the AficeOOoks{which
known as The Net. Don't know what The
normalcy may be: your nightmare." you really should, you uncuhured yuppie),
Net isr Better go grab that copy of Cyber-
then gamemaster WooderNet as you would
punk, cheapskate! But to tide you over, on, I love it so. a dream.
Things change, without warning and
without logic. Scenes shift, items change
Ready or Net, Here They Come into other items, events backtrack or com-
pletely change context. So be realty silly.
Once the beleaguered time travellers
Don't worry about consistency.
have gonen themselves out of the .teN
building. it's time to continue looking for But give at least a casual nod 10 fairness.
theelusive Alice. Continuing to poke around
in the flesh wilt take a long time indeed, • Encounler One: Net Now
certainly IT'lOl1! time than remains before Drag them back across the continent in
Day One of The Computer. Thus Non (or, much thesame brutal manner in which you
if he's been fragged, one of theother NPCs) IetthemtraveltotheEastCoast. Then,once
suggests going back to his pad in Night City sequestered in the home at one of the
to get near where Alice is, and then using Cyberpunk NPCs, read:
AI ice's Very Own Cyberdeck 10 Irad down
his secret location. Nort's Rat is ~ small, cramped ~ff~jr
t~roughlr filled with precarious pilK of
high-tech lunk. He ushen everyone in, and
• Electric Avenue
clears a few plaCK 10 sit.
Some words about Alice's deck and in-
terface program might now be in order.
While he gives the players Ihe following
Alice is a very skilled Netrunner. The
lecture, Ihe other cyberpunks place elec-
device Nort is now holding in his lap is a
trode patches on the Troubleshooters'
multiple interface deck which Alice affec-
temples and bring them each a glass of
tionately dubbed "'the Six-Shooter.· Alice
Gatorade (and maybe some illicit br0wn-
designed the decJc to accepI: multiple Net-
ies, if you're feeling malicious).
runners 50 he COO 1d work with the rest ofhis
programming team. Most of theothef team
"This lw1dy little device will be: ~ big
members are now very slightly insane (see
~Jp in tracking down your ~ny. I can
Cyberpunk quote above).
The deck is remarkable because, in lPve yoo ~ start, but after lhal you're on
addition 10 its capacity, it does not require
"Yoor man took ~ suborbiul shuttle to
cybernetic I,K) plugs to beoperated. Simple
Orbit~1 Air's local facility, which is pretty
probes attached to Ihe user's temples are
sufficient - Ihe deck reads the user's easy to find. lust head 001 to the LADA
interchange, then go long distance to Los
thoughts by resistivity assimilation. And it
never ever malfunctions. Not like the last
model he tested, which charbroiled a "'Once in los Angeles, it should be ~
cinch to Ioc~te Orbital Air. Maybe you'll
Weefle-runner named Wilson. Nope, this
one's perfectly safe. see Alice on one of the GlmerilS, Of' maybe:
As mentioned in Cyberpunk{and also in he left ~ tr~il yoo can f~low.1 don't know
the sidebar above), a cyberded: needs an what ICN's SKUrity procedures ~re.
interlace program, by which it translates "'If you gd slude. jusl come on No. MId
infom~tion into ~ inpuL
maybe ~ can ~p you out.


Spurloo-. ..... Spurloo-.

Y~. ~ ilf@ things on the ~
which the Pes track ~ they go, Probkrms can occur when the user
thatlht PC.!> ."lre falling past AU sorts of making itlaughab'y easy to follow them mistel. his Wgl!tordrops the item. Alto,
_<lUff. from them on. thm> is a 0fM' in len c::hMK:e Ih.1I when
RImembet, though, thai all of thK is The cake is an M:tvanced d.tIa SNfCh somt'Oi1P is pepperized, die Pepper
51mpty inll'fpretive, and that it has been subroutine, MId if ~albM:d give the program W111 reu.in Ihe ~ at its
i..1efPl'@ted through the eyes of a pn:> brave 0fW' ~ual knowledse d lafL'g victim and srms Kling accordins
grammer mucho loco. Ach, h~! everything in ~jacent areas d the net. to d1f' victim's progranvning or desire.
What is actually happeniRK islht Pes otc:ourse, sometimes che PC might forget The Iatde is essentialty an alarm
ilf@ being ndWofked with lht cybeor-
exactty where he is ... program. When shalLen, it 5UIM"IOf1S
deck, and are being shown a listi"8 of The Mrmhde is ." e'f'askln and every (;oul"llerintrusU1 and anti-piracy
the programs that Alice has~ in thP escape subprogram. When actrvated program within mile. AU 11M" kins's •
deck's considerable ROM. In olher (whipped into a froth 'til it screamsl, it hones and aU the king's men, .lions
WOfds, the ilemsareprowams ltwl Nieto's aswults the assigned target, giving it a with agiOint crowftyingOYefhead, ~
programmlnR tearn has made up fOf use thorough scrub job. Foam spills on the pede Into the area. I hope l'WJYOf'e
in the Net floor, and a veritable cloud of bubbles runs; all the NPC programs MKi Net·
Unfortunately, the Pes haW' no idea surrounds the hapk>ss victim. The effect runners do.
what the programs actually do. De- this has depends on the victim. The led I'aJnIbna;h is a universal
scribe Rlimpses of various items ~ the If used against a trarkingprogram, the Klitch hunter and data repair program. II
Pes fall. Thtoy will nave to make a diffi· mannalade destroys the trace the pr0- tlNls.
cult dE>xtt'rity roll to grab the itl"m they gram uses to track its tarKet. The pr0- Just smear the stuff on any bugs, er·
wan!, but any atlempl will get hold of gram sits there dumbfounded, try.ing to rors, glitches, or other injuries, and it
something. If they bbN the roU, choose rub the bubbkos out of its eves, and the repairsthe~.Kinda goops up the
your favorite. Pes can make a 'clean get·aw,)y.' patient and makes him smell a lime
If used on another NetrUnner, it wipes funny, but who's gonna know?
A __"" ME" out dwo trace connecting his conscious- If somebody bies to srtiNf it on SOITIe-
A CaR "EAT ME" ne5&withhisbody. Urg.And~ oneorsornechingN'sperfKttyhNtthy,
A Jar 01 Mal. ' k ...... "'WHIP don't Iwve clonfrs;. lei the victim by to the P~ifllbrush program sets confused.
ME 'TIL I scaE.AAr find his w,)y back, though; he's sot a few Since it can find no obvious damaee, It
A Oed:
_ 01 _ c.ek minutesbeiorehisbodycroaksforgood. roncludei th.oII the ~ strucIU~ mu!I
The marmalade erases data, and rwoed ~r . .and it will irnproviwo, de--
A ...... makes other oon-<ombatanl programs ~ing on what euctfy it's SUJIIX)SIed
A .......... pr.oldica1ly invisible, buraed as they are to fix.
A_ola... beneath the thick ~. By the way. if The o.a: is an eWbor"ate copy pro-
anyone@flteBOftouehesthesudsiwhich wam. When u~, the tip leavesa
The Iotdetastesex.actty like Bouncy represem.the marmalade program's area dark line whPreYer it moves - through
Bubble Beverage. When drunk. it gives of effect) they also get attacked. the air, on ~ wall. wharever. The user
the user the ch.mn and sex appeal so The Cards arc cheap, easy-to-use can cre<ille' a copy of any program (or in
ofkon pictured in advertising. or at least combat programs. When activated, they fact anythi"8 at all) by tracing the sub-
the cybcmet:ic equivalent 01 same. In sprout little Icgs and arms and wield a ject or drawing it freehand in the air.
other words, all programs and data bih. variety of weapons. I suppo!Je if he was real fast he cookt
encountered wil rcOO§irlPr !he U§f!f to be They u~ually can't make an enemy draw gaping wounds on attacking pr0-
friendly, have the proper passwoni, or program crash in one round, but they grams and the like. If ~ w~11cs
whatever. make up for their W('akness with their through a line in the air, it adheres to
If shaken vigorously and throown, the versatility; they can be used against them, effectively drawing a division
soda can explodes and makM every- anything. Data walls, blc1Ck programs, across their body. Just like mono fila-
thing stkky reverse effem, f'\'efy- felk>w Netrunners ... you name i!, the ment wire. Yuuudc
one's ho<.tile. This item has no t'fkrcton card will hann il. After the combat is
other ~etrunners. over, any aetivatE'd cards cease to exist. And I be(you thought I coukln't fiSUre
The Cab can be swaUowed with There are a limitE'd number of cards out a rattonale for giving the Trou-
ease, despitt' ib size. Remember, this is available. 52 i" usually a good number. blf'Shoolers any experimental de-vices
a constructed reality. If anyone tries to The ~ MIl is a lethal attack in the Set!
break the cake into smallef bytes la program. When thrown at someone or
diffkult task), it explodes, filling the something. they dissol'ol(! - into a cloud
area With waist-high mud{random data) of pepper moles.

"'You dwffbs look a little confused - I sary. They maybea littlemorefamiliarwith

• Encounter Two: Nort's Home the Net. but flOC with this version of it Keep
suppose you only eYer dealt with the
computer one at a time. Boy are you in for System reading:
IOfne excitement! This little jewel is a way The Pes are now inside the Net. We
to directly patch the computer to all six of suggest you start them off fairly notTTlal, St.atic fills your vision. You feel sort of
your brains at once! Everybody hooked then get more dreamlike as things go along. like your innards Iwve been all smushed up
upl Here we go!'" By the way, if you want to send a cyberpunk and shoved into your eal'5. Your toes ex-
in therewith them (or if you're running with plode like firecraders. Then suddenly the
He slaps a red button, and Cyperpunk PCs), no changes are neces- static fades.

It 1

You're bJling. Everyone n'Yke a chutz· etc., then telling }eN so they can send a
fYIh roll to a,void screilllning. Down, down, strike team to waste the bunch.
down. FillSter MId hster. Froildine W...... Once he has heard enough, he sends the
data to JC ' using a messenger program.
Ala loves the sensation of falling. He ~ None BiWn. It's ill three metPr Then he sort of hangs around, usually in·
with fiw Qis met six ~.

made this part reeeeal long. It's kind oi a visibly. When you reach that point in the
pun on down-Ioading.
W... 7 "'e.
You dlinIt IW' could draw lhall
Seemingly friendly
conversation, the characters see this:

We'I, n'Yybe not. Yoo seem to ha:ve The grinning fuzzy be.ast lues ill m0-
ruched - yoo know, terminal vek>city. w....: Un.armed womb.aI ment to yillwn, its mouth opening up 10
But it's $lowet' than you would hillve (111) 19 incredible proporltons, but stilllmiling.
thou&ht. Those of you who illren't screillln- Annot: Write ProIectton (Al1B) A white rabbit hops out, MId stances iIIt
ins can see th.at yoo're falling through ~ Rabbit nleSel" (15) its pocket chronometer. "'Oh deillr, oil
wbat would appear to be a very inconven- O;sappe.ar (I 7) dear," it says, "'how late it's getting! By my
iently.arranged PLe warehouse. It's very Track Pes (18) eillrs iIInd whiskers, I'm late!" It goes run-
• untidy, totally disorg;tnized, and worst of ning round the room several times before
all, ii's about two meters by two meters in disappearing though one of the doors.
area, bot infinitely high, more or less. annoyingly self·assured smile. It stares at
There are item-filled shelves tacked to you unblinkingly, grinning with its pointed
each willll, which, when bumped, send yoo This scene repealS itself every lime Wor-
teeth. cestershire learns something interesting.
tumbling back and forth across the pit, and So what do you dol
ocasionally precipililte a group ricochet. And while you're at it, you ought 10 dig
out PAY 5.1 . It'll help you keep track of the
Eventually, after everyone has done pretty Worcest.enhire will be more than happy players' progress - or lack thereof.
much all they want to do in the fall, it's to talk to the Netnmning Troubleshooters.
spring time. They all land on a big whoopie He'll chat amiably in an outrageous Scot- • Encounter Four: Burning Down
cushion and spring back up in theair a bit tish brogue, all the while asking them the House
A few short bounces later and they're back questions to figure out who they are and The first place our neophyte NelnJnners
on soItwam firma. , what they're up to. When playing the role mustgo is into the local phonelines. Unfor-
of Worcestershire, talk and act very s0- tunately, none of the doorways in this sm.all
ciable and friendly, but always. wear a chamber are labeled. This 'NOU1d not ordi-
• Encounter Three: Chester malevolent grin, Think Jack Nicholson narily pose a problem, but Newt has patched
Minute, Bub playing an insane Montgomery Scott. his cybcnnodem line into every electronic
As important as Alice is, it did not take Worcestershire will also be very free device on the house, so whichever door the
k>ng for someone at,ICN to figure out his with advice (all of which will be wrong), Pes exit by, they inadvertantly blunder into
cyberdeck was in danger of being swiped and will notattack the players. He feels that the various 'rooms' housing the control
by the Troubleshooten. This 'somoooc' is a hecando the most good for JCN byfiguring systems for Nort's electronics, etc. And,
Netrunner who's in charge of computet out who the PCs are, what they're doing, since time in the Net is measured in naoo-
security at ICN. He's a tough dude.
He's so tough that whUe the pla~ were
running amok in ,lCN, he interfaced with
Alice's deck as it lay on the desk and man-
aged to slave his cybermodem trace to the
deck's ROM, thereby effectively trapping
himself in the deck when the players un-
plugged it. {Of course, if someone
unplugged his deck, he'd be freed and the
trace 'NOUld be lost forever.j
Anyway, now that the deck has been
plugged back in, he's again freetoaet. This
man's Netrunningcodename is Worcester-
He's Scottish. He thinks he's a cool cat.
So read:

You ha:ve a very nice spring iIIfter tha:t

Ion& f.all. After booncing ill few times on ill
R.atul«ll aKhion, you find yourwlves in ill
ImiIIlI ch.ambet- me.asuring illbout three
rneterssqu.are. Aboveyou, the supplyshaft
rises to sickening hei&fJts.
Around you, ~ illre six doors, one
eillch in eillch of the five walls. Yes, the
geometry is ill little unusual here.
And sitting upsidedown on a high shelf
you see a small fuuy creature with an Worcesrershiro Worn/lolt /parns somethins int~tin8,


NetrunninI Moi_ll!n
the PCs will encounIer ; Netrunners.
programs. lim. and hardw.are.
Netrunners appear as various hu--

_y.. .
manoid and K'ml-humilnoid forms:
winsed eNes tpixeI-ph(BJ, cen&aun..
the Queen of Hearts, Richatd ixon.
etc. Even Worcetershire WomlNt.
"""hu~ ..
of thP bunch. has humanoid hand. .w:t
staoce (if the Pes ever see him stancil.
Progroilms uwally appear as animals
or oiInimatrd ob;ecb.. "The chPs5 set is oiIn
example of this; other appear.~ for
othK prowamsareAamirqp;, the MM:he-
tin man, Of a walking bottle at beef.
Note ttwt lhe distinction ~ K"lf·
aware PJ081ams and human Net:runners
gets very fuzzy (Worceslershlre
Womb.Jt's courier PJ081~ is ,In ex·
Data appNf'S as various obvklosly
non-Sl"ntientob;ects: tennis boll Is, walk·
ing filing cabinets, sQcb of boob,
polyhedral dic@ ... these do not inltf'aCt
with Netrunnef!o.
HMdware. stuff like CCfrlP'*' sys-
tems. bill~, hard drives. etc.. ap-
Ma Belle. pear as various ;vchita:tural and land-
~aping improbabilities. Mushroom
S«yscrapers. moebius stri~. etc.
seconds. by the time Nort notices what the could grab hold of the doortTame and stretch On the other hanl:t. ~nce the Pes .e
Troubleshooters nave done to his devices, it. As long as the solulK>n is creativeenough, adventurir1R in Wonder'et. any of this
the Net run will already be over. itwotb.. could chaJ\8f' at the drop of. hat.
So the PCs wander off, first down a
passage to all the kitchen appliances, then • Encounter Six: Phone Home ci data; tQey're too stupid to do anything
to a room where they activate every video Opening the door, the players can see but raise an alarm, which will at the very
and phonographic system in the house, that on the other side of the door is a least force the Pes to the back of the queue.
then they overload the light fixlUrCS, and.iet teeming metropolis - the phone lines look On the other hand, it should be pretty easy
all the water lines in reverse. Finally they Iike sidewalks of various widths, and people, to browbcat/bribe/cajole another Netrun·
end up <:It <:I small, unpromising doorway animals, and shapes of every description ner out of a place in line.
which leads to the main phone lines. playas ragtag a game ofcroquet as has ever
been seen. Most seem to be generally PC: Here, hold this item with my name
• Encounter Five: A Small Problem headed in the direction of a central plaza on it, will you please?
The reason the door looks unpromising which dominates thearea. Thecentral plaza NPC: Oh, sure (takes item).
is because it is only about a third of a meter rep.-esents the long distance interchanges. PC: Help! Pirate! He stole my program
(fifteen inches) or so in height. In the plaza sits Ma Bell (or at least her and cut in line! Help!
Here's where things start getting really Net representaion), a figure with the face of NPC: What? Hey, shut up, will you?
weird. The Pes have to shrink themselves a clock and a large bell for a skirt and lots Security Program: Hold it right there,
to get through the door. And no, there are of curls madeout of phone cords. Aclapper brigand!
no bottles of Incredible Shrinking Fluid sways back and forth, occasionally ringing PC: 'Gulp!' Heh, I was just playing
laying around waiting to beconsumed. The thebell and intemJptingherspeech. There's around ... (runs away)
players must think ci their own way to a long queue of people and programs PC: Thank you, officer.
shrink. wailing to access the long distance lines. A
How! lown crier blares "We are sorry. All our
Remember that Alice programmed this circuits are busy. Please 'BOON GGG!" • Encounter Seven: Think King
deck to be as dreamlike as possi~e. He and you will be processed in the order If the player.; cut in or waited their tum,
wanted to make Netrunning really fun. So, received. There's a good Netrunner: they received a pass for the long distance
to shrink, the players should do something The ~ayer.; might opt toeithercut in line access lines and are permitted to pass
silly, dreamlike, orreallyoff-beat. Theycan or perhaps sneak into the loog distance through a doorway behind Ma Bell.
pat each other on the head until they've all circuits. Otherwise they'll just have to role- Sneaking past the fines involves skulking
been mashed down to the proper height. play waiting in a long tine. past Ma Bell and through the doorway
Someone could insult the others to 'cut Cutting will not have much chance of behind her. It's a risky operation, although
them down tosize.' Maybe everyone could success againsl another program or chunk it does save on bills. Why risky? Because
exhale ,cal hardlogel rid of extra air. They the res won't have a pass (unless they


mugged someone), and in the frame di- bnla. Suddenly you ;III stop md ill gi.ant
What's a Weeftef
rectly behind Ma Bell is a regiment of
chesspieceS led by the red king. who
Weefte' i!lo the streetsLang used to
(hold your nose shut)
demands to see the Troubleshooters' pass. "lA!" then curls up and tums into ;I
describe preadolescent Netrunners.
Problem: the red king talks backwards. Where'd the name came from lit CMne
comfy dailir.
This makes things tough even for Pes who
from CyberpunA.. It is also used if a Ne-
do have a pass. Pause for three seconds - anyone who
trunner is obviously ;I neophyte, as is the hasn't already jumped off gelS whisked
case with the Pes.
"Setam, dekcehc eb yam yeht taht ses- away to Saft Lake City. They can easily
QP ruoy yalpsid! Tlah!" jump from their linetotheone headed back
Then: • Encounter Nine: Area Code to LA, although they run the risk of impact-
"'Yalp ro ssap? Evom rooy s'ti! Ecnahc Zooming at the speed of light down a ing an oncoming signal and dopplering
IYI rooy si siht!" transline towards Los Angeles, the Pes themselves to death. Or they could just
An& suddenly approach the division between wait for the next stop.
"Ruof pohsib s'~q ot nWilp! Ti rof area codes. This appears like ... well, just Unfortunately, Salt Lake City has very
dtba uoy! Ev;ank, ti eb os!" read: tight security against Netrunners, and Pes
who pass through there will be stripped ci
If they can defeat or somehow bypass the You've regiIIined your balarM:e itnd some their programs (items) by a jelly roll carry-
guards, the Pescan go through the passage semblance of your dignity. You're zoom- ing a halberd.
behind them to the long distance lines. ing iI10ng thn express lane ilIt speeds which
defy the imagiOilltion, marveling at the • Encounter Eleven: Finding
• Encounter Eight: Disoriented colorful panot"ilIma t1.ashing byon ;III sides.
Orbital Air
Exp"", Everyone give me ill moxie roll.
Finding Orbital Air's California faCility is
Whoever missed the roll is too busy
The long distance access looks like a no big deal, for theyhavea very visible logo
small park with longlinesofstepping stones
gawking at the sheer volume of organic and thcy're very big in the los Angcles
chaos on all sides. The rest of you see that
receding into the distance. A beast with area. However, to make things easier on
you are rapidly ilIppro.aching a huge wall,
heads 00 both ends tugs back and forth newcomers, the local phone company has
made out of gargantuan masonry. You're
against itself, while the heads, as they move installed an information booth right in front
ilIbout to impact - what do you do?
a little forward, loudly shout, "TO $AN ofthe long distance station. Everyone going
fRANCISCO"" and "TO lOS ANGElES,"" into Los Angeles passes right by it. It looks
This wall is a simple gate between area
respectively. All the players have to do is like a handcart the size of a house being
codes on the phone net. Calls (or Netruns)
step on a stone facing the appropriate di- pushed by an old man who walks on his
which aoss the wall get tagged for higher
rection (to LA) and off they go. hands. There is a very big sign on it saying
charges. Calls which try to circumnavigate
Dignity is hard to maintain when sud- ·lnformatiOfl and Crumpets.""
the gate (i.e., avoid a higher bill by going
denly you're accelerated to what seems The players an easily step in, to find
around) get nailed by GTE's black counter-
like JOOO kph. Don't get me wrong; there's themselves in a tidy hut with shelves filled
measures programs.
no inertia in the Net. but the Pes' percep- with little white boxes. Every box has a
So take note ci who panics and who
tions might make them involuntarily fall 00 labe{, and whenever a PC looks at a box,
doesn't. If a player believes the wall is real,
their butts in surprise. Other Netrunners the label changes eve!)' second or50 (scroll-
that pen.on gelS stuck on this side of it.
laugh, and say things like "Weefles wobble ing through the list of options). Patience
Whyl The telephone company detected a
but they don't fall down!"" and ""Get a and intelligent inquiries will get a box
hesitance to increase their bill by exiting
weefle iron!"" containing accurate directions from a very
the area code, and so aborted their prog-
helpful Metro Area Belle, who will in turn
ress. Thosewhochoseto justrideon through
log the charge to Nort's bill. As the fee for
(as well as thoscwho missed the moxie roll)
information is outlandish, this would ordi-
just zoom on. But if anyone jumps off the
narily make Nort furious, but fortunately
expressline, they impact the wall with a
potato-d1ip-<:ommercialcrunch,asthetele- for him he'll be killed by the rogue ~ane­
~ None gi\'ftI. Dis out ;I chess-- loKi before the hi II arrives.
boanl. phone company's deadly security programs
They can also buy some crumpets which
o • eliminate another hacker trying to dodge
........ bce:SixIeen regimenled pro-

W....-=tJn.vmed {lOll 11
ac::cruing Ioog distance fees. Whal else
would you suspect from someone who
eventually wm into sparT0W5 and fly off.
The information, by the way, is to "Take a
jumped off the main, legal phone lioel good Iookal the Orbital Air logo you'll see
"'-or. NonP. in the sky, and go directly away from it·
Tadies: The PC'..s 8l't 10 moYe and Turbochargereplacementclonestocatch
The harder the Pes try to get away from
shoot firsl,. then thfo chessmen moVl". up with everyone who's gone through.
Orbital Air, the closer they get.
Pbyers RliIy only shoal al a piece if ~ How many clones do you think it'll taker
howe a cleM fileId of fire.
E~ round all the chesspieces may • Encounter Ten: The Metroplex
I'tlOYe ac::con::Iing to the standard rules ci
Orbital Air
chess. If they ente' the same square as a Once cveryone is alive and well and Orbital Air is divided into two seclions:
PC they nYY attKk. Ewry piece aYSeS zooming along past the barrier, read: the Corporate Section and the Public Sec-
rncMng if the kina ... killed. tion. The COf'JXIrate Section is an impen-
Oh, and one rnc:ft thlre: all the pawns You're zoomi"3 along beneath giant etrable fortess of malevolent red ruthlessly
hiIve mirrors for hNd$. When a PC croquet hoops, rilpKUy ilppI'OiIchinS an- dominating this section of the Net. If your
loeb • a pawn, ... sees a n!6ection of other huge conglomeration of houses, RawJess oratory fails to convince the Team
his own ~. 1NI oughI to lid 'em 0f'giUlic whizsKfsels, ;md other misa:l- of the futility of entering this area, havt! ill
thinkin'! passing Netrunner carelessly srumble and


Olhe<-,W_ _ lAJopo Ole ,.. anoIhe< cruel

Need something else to spice up the one's reIrioe<-, and suddenly !here's
Netl No problem. There's all sorts of a fite..bfeathing duck in the mi<klle at way 10 tonnent your players. At some

things you can do 10 torment ~r pNy-

W..."ul! liliie W...... can liven

the Team.
PIltyen:: AMlIEEI Shoot it! (SlAM!
point or other you've been \lSina some
program whet'e one SIIlOlII typo in a GO
TO slatement ruined all the work (or
up any encounter, Be sure 10 have him 0 . "-fer. Wait! I'm in the middle! play) you'd done up to then.
appear with UnneMns frequency and eM: You weR! in the middle. You So just walt until something sreat
startling abruptness. All with the should """" ... ducked. happens 10 the ........, and haYelhal
Nicholson grin. particular incident start a dOlled loop.
. -....... _ FIoolioI up I_!he The Video Whiz Kick are anochef The guilty PC repeats the action over
air. Just a lillie bit. They lose traction- such eawtrophe. We've all seen them; and owr, while the others stand around
. -... 10 ...... hold of.
Just a little bit of annoy~ here.
They can swtrn (slowly) or puth each
punb who smell funny andewsathough
they're barety tall enough 10 see the
BJl!ftins bored or maybe a lltde seasick at
F'rinstance, supposeone at the Video
....... around like blll;o.k bollo. Then screen they always score Whiz Kids challenaes a PC to a we5Em-
haYelVaWv · Suddenly. 1,000,000,000,000 video game while style gunfight. They draw and fire, and
HawEWf}' a..eappearance, dribbling hot dog ...... down !he front you (as the Whiz Kkfl roll a twenty, and
shifting rapKfly 10 something entIleIy at their shirt. the stupid p1~ rolls a one!
di#ftIEiIf. Alter all, Alice's lnterfacepro-. If you Cf'0S5 these kids with the super- Well, the Whiz Kid's shot soeswide,
gram will not allow die scene to remain
unchanaed ior rnon!' than a few min- _do"",,,,,,
lwdoen whorun rampant in CybeqxmIc, but the TroubIeshooeer's laser bIasb the
Whiz Kid dead cenIrr, slamming him
Ws. That random number senerator Eight-foot tall pop-bottle-glassed ar- into a wall. He bounte off. coincidc!!n-
really eams its bep. mored video warriors who run around tally right back 10 when> he stood. The
This is especially painful 10 the play- theNetblastingeverythinginslghttrying player has by this time lowered hi$ "'"
ers when they are looking for or chasing to run up a decent score. Super-human arm, so suddenly they find themsetYes
or othefwise intent on a particular ilem. wanTlOf'l8ers with awesome powers of back at the draw. If the player fires
Not only do the SUrrotlndings change, destruction. Sounds a lot like typical again, he must at course roll a one (and
but "'" _ olso chanses. And maybe Vultures, now, doesn't ill you a twenty) so the Whiz Kid bounces
one of the Pes changes appearance, So whenever things: are running a against the wall ._. and back. Repeat this
100. little slow, just have the number as ottro as you Itke. Eventually, to fn!e
304,892,760 appear, floating in the air. himself, the player will have to deliber-
eM: Your eyes get queasy ior a sec- Two minutes and four clones later. the ately miss ...
ond, then everything straightens out number (now 35,096,325) fades from For anoriler use of loops, check out
again. It kJoks like you're inside some- view. .

touch the red walls. They come alive and and try to enter Orbital Air's Public Section We feignf;(.l sleep so we could catch you in
rip him to shreds, devouring him as his legally, or they can sneak past unobtru- the act!
scream echoes into the nothingness. sively. PC: Hey, we just-
Opposite this titanic obelisk of corporate If the players awaken the guards, they Guard: You should know better than to
death is a small dingy white structure-the will respond very inhospitably, in order to mess with Orbital Air!
Public section. Players are usually all too cover for their slovenliness.
happy to demonstrate the better side of Barring some truly scintillating oration,
valor and go here first. PC: Excuse me . the players now have to roughhouse their
The Public Section is the low security Guard: ... snh< mm? MAUCH! way in.
part of Orbital Air which handles flight PC: May we- If instead the Pes instead choose to sneak
reservations and travel iterneraries (this is Guard: (quickly recovering) Aha! Caught past, an alarm goes off just when they are
what the Troubleshooters are looking for), you! Brigand! Er, I mean, Pirate! fully inside the Publ ic Section's mainframe.
gives information to callers, handles in- PC: Sorry to wake you, but- The guards storm in after them, weapons 01-
flight meals, and other such junk. It's a Guard: Thought you could just sneak in, blazing.
clapboard fortress of paranoid insecurity, ch? We're too alert for you! And, to top it all off, the mainframe
and one of the ways they've secured their PC: But- automatically cuts off its outside line when
computer system is to place two Netrun- Guard: We knew you were criminals! the players enter. The cybercleck portrays
ners on guard at the outside line. So, as the this as the sudden dropping of a portcullis.
players approach the mainfrarne, they'll
find two identical faceless minions barring Orbital AIr Raid • Encounter Thirteen: A-Maze-ing
their way. The Pes are about to go into Orbital The mainframe is, inciclcntally, a piece
Air's mainframe, in an iirtempt to steal of junk. It's real trash. Efficiency is terrible,
• Encounler Twelve: Entering information on Clem's secret location. and there's a lot of bad sectors; sectors
Orbital Air This is data, and all data in the Net is where data or subroutines get ... lost. You
"'Barring~ is of course a relative term, for representedasobjects. TheAgeofPeace may ask, why would a rnegaCorp like
these two guards have been on duty all is a data..bascd world, so all data is Orbital Air have a lousy mainframe? Get
nightand have fallen asleep, which is hardly protected in some manner or other. For- serious.
surprising, considering their meager pay. tunatey, Orbital Air is kind of sloppy Orbital Air is a soulless multi-trillion
The players can either awaken the guards guardingdata that's not ofdircct interest Euro-Dollar corporation. Do you honestly
to them. think they're gonna spend more than a

Inside the bad sectOf is a bunch of stuff. and engulfs his body (without growing in
Fi Ies are scattered about. Geometrk shapes size). The PC disappears ... into a data
(data) and listless animals (dismembered SIOfage subdirectory. Here he can search
programs) fIoal everywhere. And !here's fO( the proper data. Pes who swandive into
one blind female Netrunner who begs the a cup of tea similarly disappear into the
Troubleshooters for help. data sIOfage subdirectory. If the players
This is Meg. a high-school girl trying to figure this outon their own, the Hat doesn't
earn some ~lege money by working for have time fO( any confiscatK>ns.
Orbital Air. Noone told her about the bad The subdirectories look like small pan-
sectors, and she's been lost here for two tries filled with all sorts of items: biscuits,
days, having failed all her moxie rolls ex- donuts, waffle irons, dead fish, raspberry
cept fOf hearing. Her I:xxty, patched into a tarts, and a jarof honey. Sampling a biscuit
• cyberdeck at her work stalion, has accrued (or whatever) gives the PC momentary
dimeon a computer that only handles such quite a bit of overtime, although her bosses knowledge of what data is loaded in that
tripe as lhe travel itinefaries of heads-of- might have a word Of two to say about file. Thus the Pes should all now be biting
state' Read this to the players when Ihey productivity. into donuts, waffle irons, and dead fish,
enter the mainframe 'building:' She knows her way around Orbital Air trying to find the file with Alice's itinerary.
and knows where to find travel itenerary Meanwhile, they stumble across files
You find yourself in a twisting maze of data, and will lead them tothe storage bank containing plans for fusion reactors, ski
hedgtos and rose trees, which go every if they will but free her from this bad sector. catalogs, National Geographic specials, the
which w;ly, seemingly at random. Without This is not necessarily an easy task, as the formula for Coke Classic, and a study on
Wldmarb of any sort, you quickly find Troubleshooters must rely on whatever the true shelf life of Twinkies. The only
younetf lost. The soonds of the pursuing senses they may have to orienteer them- danger is in dipping into the honey jar: that
Netrunnen echo through the park. selves back to a working part of the main- PC should have known better than to in-
WiOdefing aimlessly through the nw.e frame. voke an item from another children's story,
you nolicethilt there are arus in here that Touch is handy for finding such an area, and disappears (is knocked right out of the
... don't exist. They're not bbck, nol pps, for it will feel rough and, well, real. Sight is Net). There's no way he'll catrn back up, so
they just sim~y don't exist. You can't see no big help, since the medium of Nothing- he's out of the rest of the run (don't allow
them, you can'l see through them, noth- ness appears to goon forever, although it is him to give any advice, neither).
ins- Lib sood tute in P~r.moia adven- useful for locating objects and fellow Pes. Finally someone will find the right data:
ture, it simply Isn't There. Programs (items) generally will.QOI work the plate of raspberry tarts. Once the tarts
well in this area, and if they don't Operate, are stolen, alarms once again go off, and
Start leading them randomly through the chances are they'll be permanently ad- oysterscan be heard stampeding ever closef.
maze. Have them make a few choices, roll heredtothatportionof othingness;a toIal Meg leads the Team out of the room and
• few moxie rolls, and make it seem like I"". back into hiding.
you're looking at the map. Place a fewsigns Once they find their way out of the bad When the PCs have time to sit down and
that say, -Important data this way'- Then sector, gelting to the next point on their 'digest' the information conlained in the
have them get spotted by a few anti-in- journey is pretty easy. Meg knoo.or.> some larts, they learn that Alice has transferred to
truder programs, which look like walking shortcuts. a private charter en route to a super-secret
oysters wearing nightcaps. The oysters .lCN facility in San Francisco, with the
pursue, and when the players take the ne"t • Encounter Fifteen: You Stole the cover name of the Cool Cat Inn. Then they
tum they find themselves in a passage that Tarts can head back to the long-distance lines to
dead ends against one of the zones of Nix. Meg leads the Team through the hedge track down their prey.
The players have two choices: they can maze and down a rabbit hole into a strange
stand aocl fight Of they can jump into the lillie room. The room has no walls and no
Nothing. An infinite supply of oysters will ceiling - just six floors, all at right angles. Entering leN Once Again
allend to the first, for it is the second that we Tables and chairs cover each floor, and If the players continue in the Net, they
want them to do. Perhaps in a fit of adven· each table is filled with tea, biscuits, dirty finally arrive at the Cool Cat Inn computer
IUresomeness they did it without being china, kettles, silverware, etc. system, which runs .lCN's San Francisco
chased ... that's just fine. A meter-talltophat (with lillie legs stick- cryo facility. This is where their quarry is
ing out from inside its considerable inte- hidden. Believe it Of not. the information
• Encounter Fourteen: What's a rior) strides over to Meg and starts talking 10 the players have is correct. And complete.
Nice Girl Like You Doing in a her, asking questions about security au- Alice is here. He's hard at worIc in hisoffke.
Bad Sector Like This? thorizations, etc. Meg repl ies quite amiably Unsuspecting. The TroubIeshooter5, though,
When they;ump into the bad sectors (the and casually starts passing cups of tea to all are stuck in the Net.
zoned Nothing) the Troubleshooten imme- the Pes. Anyone who makes an easy moxie If they break out of the Net OIl this point
diately lose all sense of environment. There roll realizes that Meg is stalling for time. and head fOf the real Cool Cat, skip to
is no basis for comparison. Everything is If the players are dense and don't know Episode Six.
one united static sensation. Each PC has to what to do, Meg gets impalient and dumps
make a tough roll against his,'her moxie a cup over a random PC's head (see below • Encounter Sixteen: There's No
(normal difficulty if the PC prepared him- for what happens to that one). The Hal gets
Place like Home
self and chose to jump inlo the Nothing as suspicious al this action, and confiscates all
Getting to the JCN database is simple,
opposed to beingherded in) for each sense, programs (items) born by Ihe other Trou-
even for Troubleshooters. Once inside the
so one player might be able to see, oot not bleshooters.
lCN database, the players will no doubt be
hear, etc. Or does anyone take a sip of tea on his
ownr If so, the cup slips down over his head disturbed by Ihe ambience. See, this here is
the heart of jCN's complex Alpha Com-


puter program, and San Francisco was their Alice. He's silting at his desk in the real ness. He's always been lax about security
prototype system. world, hopelesly beyond their reach. Read: regs, and loves to talk about his work.
Even Alice has to bow to corporate au- But, whenever you figure he's gotten
thority to have this computer system ap- Suddenly, on one of the video screens, tired of entertaining his guests, read this:
pear like the City of the Future in his cyber- yoo find Alice! There's no mistaking it; he
deck. Tell the players (try not to laugh): looks exactly like he does in the photo- Alice laughs as he looks at yoo.
graph you were given. "Yoo're nothing but a pack of cads,'" he
Yoo pass through the doorway and dash He's sitting at a desk, holding a wire Silys, "Who cares foryooJ If any ofyou can
into the hallway beyond. Afew mggering near his left temple. The desk is covered actually harm me, I'll give him sixpence!'"
steps, and you stop, looking about. with varioos papers, disks, etc., and has a
Yoo're home. monitor, keyboard, and other hardware. Allow a brief moment for heated replies.
Green c1e41rance hallway. Quick, what do you dor
Scrubot working the corridor. "Stuff and nonsense!'" he cries. He picb
A brightly lit plaza ahead. 'Quick: they do nothing. There is no up a hand mirror and throws it at yoo - it
Confession booths to either side. way they can harm Alice. They're in the grows to incredible size and hits-
Net, and, unlike what the PCs are used to, Doesn't hit. Passes right around yoo and
Don't even ask what they do. Just watch there aren't any cameras with coaxial la- Alice laughs and the looking glass world
their reactions. They are inside the original sers to fry him with. dissolves and it's no longer Alice, but Nori.
Alpha Computer, which for all the world Alice appears to not be moving. But, if And he's not laughing; he's yelling at yoo.
looks just like ... blech ... home. they look closely, the players can see that "What have you donem'" he shrieks.
After they have stopped panicking and he is very slowly dropping his hand toward And then he screams something about
generally appear like they are about to do a red button. He has just plugged his cyber- interfacing with appliances and control-
something constructive, have a nearby deck into his temple. 'Quick' they now ling climate ... or something to that effect.
speaker boom out the melodious mega- have their last chance to end the Netrun. If It's really hard to undentand what he
phonic message: they don't, Alice turns on his cyberdeck: saying because the stereo is on full blast,
and the refrigerator has exploded and the
"May I be of some assistance, Citizenr'" BAMF! Suddenly, out of nowhere, Alice sink is spraying water everywhere and it's
appears right next to you. He gapes at yoo, really hot and stuffy.
Ooh, Friend Computer is online, trying then out of thin air there appears next to Everyone else in the plue ducks as the
to assist whoever is standing forlornly in the him a disembodied big grin. woofers shatter the windows with har-
entrance gate to the computer system. It's Followed by the rest of Worcestershire monic vibrations.
an automatic response, designed to aid Wombat. "I fearrthese lads an' lassies arre Your chronograpm tell you that the
visiting Netrunners, both employees ofJCN up to noo good, m'lord Alice.... he says. entire run has taken under two minutes.
and outsiders. Probably your players won't
take it too calmly. Here's their big chance to atlacK.Go The abrupt kick out of Cyberspace dis-
Actually, whatever story they give will ahead.·Letthem.lt's only the Net, and they orients the best of Netrunners. Your PCs are
wash with the computer. can't hurt Alice. But let 'em try, just so Alice in especially bad shape. Treat them all as
Whyf Well, security regulations require can laugh it all off. 'wounded' for the rest of the adventure,
that every entering Netrunner be subjected They can ask questions, too, which Alice then go to Episode Six.
to a source check, and when the computer will tend to answer just out of sheer cussed-
traces the Troubleshooters' deck, it dis-
covers that theyare usingAI ice'ssix-shooter.
Ergo, they must be friends or employees. tn
all the chaos, word has not yet corne out
west that the six-shooter has been stolen.
So the players are passed, and are al-
lowed to roam as they please. The com-
puter informs them that further assistance,
should it be needed, maybeobtained from
anyof the black booths, which it refers to as
'concession booths.'
As the players wander about, they pass a
bulletin board. Notes are tacked up there,
and regularly appear and disappear. One
note gives the address of the Cool Cat Inn,
just to make sure the players get that info.
Another is a notice for Alice {among other
employees) to report for cryo ASAP.

• Encounter Seventeen: Alice Out

of Wonderland
Finally, on one of the video screens, the
players find what they've been looking for.
A climactic battle in the Net!


Episode Six: Ice Scream

glistens with the water as the sky overhead
starts dearing. Gome Sluff
Summary Yes, due to some perverse meteorologi- ,,",Cooler
The players zoom over to assassinate cal freak, the endless rain breaks for a few 20 Guards: A bunch of last-ditch rial:
Alice. They cause damage, but Alice has hours, just to give the human race a sneak squad guys hired by.teN to protect Iow-
been moved, so they don't succeed in preview of the asteroid. level personnel.
killing anyone they were supposed to kill. And once the players get inside the 'Frisco WetlpOftf: Sluglhrowers (8P) _ 6
dome, they also notice that Night City's fad Varioos slugthrower types; they all
for ncon jumpsuits has spread like wildfire look different but they all act pretty
Chill Out in this city. much the same as far as the Pes are
With the address they have, they can find concerned,
Now your players have to go half way Armor: light flak vests (P2l
across Cafifornia to get to JeN's cryogenics the JeN cryo station pretty easily. It's right
near the big JeN office skyscraper. Taetk:s: Challenge the Pes 10 imme-
bolthole. Frustrate your players by way- diately show their 10; open fire imme-
laying them with all sorts of adverse hap- diCfreJy when the Pes don't have any.
penings; make them think they'll miss the • Encounter Two: Cool People
The interior of the Cryogenics place is a Run around. Get frozen. Scream and
DEADline. yell and fire automatic weapons.
mess. Therewas not enough time for JeN to
• Encounter One: The Crack of do an adequate job of setting it up; tech·
nicians are scrambling back and forth trying on the far side of the main room, reading
Dome " to jury-rig power systems and repair recal- "'EXECUTIVE STAFF. ~ The interior of this
San Francisco is one of the many cities in citrant un its - they don't want to ~. left out room is crammed with high-class cryo-
North America with a full dome. It is, in of the cold ... . capsules. If they are still being fired upon,
fact, a glistening jewel, faultlessly dean. The interiorof thecryo building is a huge some of the players will undoubtably take
Point this out to the players as they ap- open area with a daustrophobically low cover behind the nearest capsule. The
proach the city: how dean it looks, how it ceiling. A sign indicates that the area is for capsu Ie gets riddled with smal Ical ibre slugs.
"'Junior Executives and Senior Staff. ~ Power Probably the occupant does, too. There's a
Prunins the Pad< cables and tubes of liquid nitrogen slither nameplate on the capsule, saying simply,
Are any of the Cyberpunk NPCs still across the floor. Compressors are scattered ~W.D.~ Make sure to point this out to the
left? Yes? Whal are you, some kind of about the room, as are cryocapsules of players, for posterity's sake.
Wimp? every shape and size, from the Bio-tech- The frantic Troubleshooters can't find
You should only have one or at most nica Eternium series to the Jarvik do-it- Alice's capsule anywhere. More guards
two cyberpunks survive Dallas and yourself kits. arrive, and start closing in. Then someone
Honesdale. Then have one get arrested JCN has paid some security guards finds a computer-printed note. It reads:
iorpreviousfelonywarrants, leavingthe hazard pay to stay unfrozen until the last
pbyers with whoever is weakest in possible moment, in order to deter desper- Memo:
combat for thts episode's assault on the atc people from breaking in and usingJeN To: JCN Personnel
cryogenics facility. cryocapsules. Or, say, Troubleshooterswho From: Cryo Board
Once althe cryo facility, have the last want to assassinate JeN personnel. You Due to unprecedented assassination
of IN! Mohitwkins get seriously injured know, the usual riff-raff. attempts by our competitors on several
- so bad he Of she can bart-ly walk. Probably things will degenerate into a key personnel, JCN is hiring additional
Then, after the Pes predictably fail to fire-and-ice-fight. Use the power cables. security personnel for your safety. In
assassinate Clem, he can trail the team Rupture the liquid nitrogen. Puncture su- addition, personnel suspected of being
like a hurt puppy and inflict them with per-cooled water for a frozcn explosion. targets will be placed in individual her-
all sorts of guilt for abandoning him, Havesemi-frozen 'icemen' stagger around metically sealed tamperproof shelters in
penniless, out of ammo, and injured, in like zombies. Detonate high pressure cryo- secret locations, which nothing short of
the face of the biggest c.atastrophe to hit capsules. Come on, trash the place. the overload on a fusion reactor could
the United SQtes since the debut of Jeez, with all the important people the penetrate, Each cry<Htation's supervisor
Pdranoia. Troubleshooters are inadvertantJy killing, will post a list of transferred personnel.
As the PCs give their repott,d single JeN's never going to be able to repair the Good luck, and stay cool.
tear trickles down his cheek. And as Alpha computer after the Impact ...
they travel through lime to their next Whenever you've had enough fun trash- A few computer-printed names are ap-
destination, he salutes them - with his ing the place, or all the guards buy it, tell the pended. And scrawled in pencil on the very
only uninjured finger. players they can sec a sign over a doorway bottom of the memo is the name: Clem
"'Alice~ Unger.


Epilogue: Das 1st Alice

you have-er, had - that data on theori·

Who ItlWl Slirtvelecl Prunef ginal Alpha Complex computer. they've
Summary The old man is none ocfM.or than Mike decided ('will decide,' to you) to send you
If only they'd known what they were Puddle/o<se. a li"1e further back in time, in hopes that
getting into, the Troubleshooters probably 'Whor you askl you can remedy things there. Or 'then,'
wouldn't have volunteered.
Yeah, well, so does everyOne. righU"
They've been double-crossed, ineptly PuddIekKKe is ... weU, was ... a game Everything starts getting bright red. The
cyborged, shot at, and generally tooled designer. He w.u given cursory notice 'rogue planetoid' is really getting big.
over seven ways from Oneday. And they've for a second-rate science fktion game The Coliapsatron continues: "Oh, yeah,
he wrote back in the late eighties and one thing they said to me. they said, 'Col-
failed their mission.
Do you think the High Programmers are early ninet~. The game, C)"boqc AfN'r- lapsatron, this is really important. Tell the
chi<t.lried In Me _ _ and pol;
just gonna let them come on home? Troublesh -"
tics. And lots of violence, of courw. Cut. The universe melts around you.
Amazingly, PuddIefot8e is • very
• Encounter One: Dome, Death, powetful psychic. Unknown to ewry-
Destruction one, induding hlmsetf, he had the abU-
When the Troubleshooters finally admit ity to both see tnto and alter the future. Alice Well That Ends Well
the inevitable and leave the cryo facility, Then he was sweettalked (·craMly That's the end of the first part of Vulture
read this: bribed") into altow;ng his game to be Warriors of Dimension X. So now we've
bastardized with anodws" second-f'are thoroughly trashed this period of time for
You've managed to make it bad out of sci-fi game. Not knowing his own psy- the Troubleshotcrs. Now we know a liule
the building. Fires are burning out of con- chic pt'OYr'eSS, he b1ames his CI't'atiom more about how Alpha Complex Became
trol, but there's no firemen responding. It for hts currenl tragic stale of affairs. And That Way. Since there's nothing left here,
seems they've abandoned the city to its right in front of the TroubIeshoole's' we've got to send the Troubleshooters a
fate and sought shelter, for now the rogue eyes, he croob after having to bum his little further back in time. Where? (Surely
planetoid (whatever it is) is quite visible in games to stay warm. you mean "'when?W)
the night sky. It looks reassuringly like a Sen"l'!'S him right. He shoulda stud to Well, we're sending them all the way
dome back home. II's glowing a comfort- writing about elves and fairies. back to Twilightcyde 2000, where (when)
able shade of red over the deserted streets. they can hopefully rectify the mess they've
There's a frail old man warming himself made of Alpha Complex.
over a small fire of thin books with black tion them on everything, then the players "Wait!'" Ican hear some of you cry, "I ran
covers. He seems to have a lot of those can hear it repeating the details to the High this adventure with Cyberpunk Pes! What
boob. What little white hair he has stands Programmers. do I do now?" Very astute, all of you.
out against his black and wrinkled skin. The rogue asteroid gets bigger and red- Your PCs can manage to get frozen (or
When he sees you, his eyes bug out and he der while the players await further instruc- find adequate cover) before the planetoid
staggers to his feet. tions. Reassure your players that it's very hits. They awake just after the impact,
"You!" he sputters. "It's all your fault! comforting indeed. when the cryogenics' power fails.
This era - the asteroid - you caused it! FinallytheCollapsatron comes back and ICN's Alpha Complex computer system
I'm broke. and my wife left me for s0me- gives the players an update on their mis- has suffered some damage, and its per-
one with good taste, and all because I let sion. Tragically, the asteroid strikes the sonal ity simulators arcover-stressed, pushed
them do that stupid cross-over!" Earth right as the briefing is finished. beyond design limitations. Riots and panic
You're starting to get a little worried, When they realize their Team has been in the streets, with Alpha Complex's auto-
because you've never seen anyone foam at thoroughly killed, the quick-thinking High mated peacekeeping gear trying to restore
the mouth before. But then, thankfully, he Programmers instruct the Collapsatron to order. Cyberpunks of various gangs and
keels over from a coronary. I guess he retroactively' transport the PCs to their next corporations are trying to do as much
never made enough money to buy himself destination -you know, make'em leave a damage to their opposition as they can
a new heart. few minutes early. That this involves cut- during this brief period of lawlessness, but
ting off the tail end of their briefing is a are forced to go covert as Alpha Complex
necessary sacrifice. regains control.
• Encounter Two: Any Time Now, So what your PCs hear is this: So there you are. Day One of The Com-
Mr. Scott ••• puter. But this time, to pull another quote
Allow (in fact, force) the players to give a "Okay, folks. here's the scoop," says the from the Cyberpunk rules-
full and complete report on everything Collapsatron cheerfully. "Your bosses are
they've done. The Collapsatron will ques- dissatisfied with what you've done. Since Play For Keeps.


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