Fake - Fake Money Fake Teachers Fake Assets Robert Kiyosaki Book Novel by WWW - Indianpdf.com - Download PDF Online Free 11 20

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This book, Fake, was completed in April 2018—and being edited

for release in the Fall of 2018.

On May 28, 2018, I was walking past a newsstand, scanning rows

and rows of magazines that were calling out, “Look at me!” “Pick me up!”
“Buy me!” “Read me!”

Obviously, the magazines with pretty women and fast cars on the
covers spoke to me the most loudly. Yet, it was a rather bland cover of
Time magazine that grabbed me by the collar and said, You must read me.
The headline on the cover shouted:

How My Generation Broke America

That magazine article—and the impact it had on me—delayed the

publication of this book.

The Last Piece of the Puzzle

Have you ever worked on a giant 1,000-piece puzzle? Have you

ever spent hours, sometimes days, sometimes weeks, slowly searching
through the thousand pieces, until you finally find the one you’re looking
for, the one that makes the puzzle complete?

That article in Time was my last piece of my 1,000-piece puzzle. A

puzzle that would create a picture of past, present, and future. Fake need-
ed to include the Time magazine article. And that meant Fake had to be

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FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets

The Elites

The May 28, 2018, Time magazine article written by Steven Brill
is about academic elites. Brill himself is an academic elite who attended
Deerfield Academy, an elite private prep school in Massachusetts, then
graduated from Yale University and Yale Law School.

Quoting Steven Brill from the article:

As my generation of [Baby Boomer] achievers graduated from

elite universities and moved into the professional world, their personal successes
often had serous societal consequences.

Translation: The elites got greedy taking care of themselves, at the ex-
pense of others.

They… created an economy built on deals that moved assets

around instead of building new ones.

Translation: The elites focused on making themselves rich, rather than

creating new businesses, new products, more jobs, and rebuilding the U.S. econ-

They created exotic, and risky, financial instruments, including

derivatives and credit default swaps, that produced sugar highs of immediate
profits but separated those taking the risks from those who would bear the con-

Translation: The elites created fake assets that made themselves and
their friends rich and ripped off everyone else. When the elites failed, they were
paid bonuses. Mom, Pop, and their kids would pay for the elite’s failures via
higher taxes and inflation.

The First Piece of the Puzzle

Brill’s article was the last piece of my puzzle. The first piece of puzzle
was reading Grunch of Giants, published in 1983.

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Grunch, which is an acronym for Gross Universal Cash Heist, was

written by Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, best known as a futurist and inven-
tor of the geodesic dome.

The U.S. Pavilion at Expo 67

In 1967, I hitchhiked from New York City to Montreal to visit

Expo 67: Man and His World, promoted (as previous ones had been) as
“The World’s Fair of the Future,” in Canada. The U.S. Pavilion at the
World’s Fair was Fuller’s geodesic dome.

Although I did not get to meet Fuller in Montreal, I had the good
fortune to study with him
several times in 1981, ’82, and ’83.
Pictured here are Fuller and me
at an event called “The Future of
Business,” a week-long event held
in Kirkwood, California, near Lake
Tahoe, in 1981. For me, each event
with Fuller was transformational
and life changing.

Singer John Denver called Full-

er the “grandfather of the future” in

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FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets

his song “What One Man Can Do,” which is dedicated to this great man.

Fuller passed on July 1, 1983, approximately three weeks after the

last time I studied with him. I remember that I immediately got a copy
of his book Grunch of Giants and read it. Fuller was saying many of the
same things my rich dad had been teaching his son and me. Grunch is the
story of how the ultra-rich “rip off” the world. Grunch was the first piece
of my new 1,000-piece puzzle.

Between 1983 and 2018, I studied, read, and attended seminars,

listening and learning from anyone who I suspected had pieces of the
Grunch puzzle.

In Part Two of this book, Fake Teachers, I will list some of the real
teachers I met, read, and studied—real teachers who had pieces of the

On May 28, 2018, 35 years after reading Grunch, I came across

that Time magazine with Brill’s article—which was, for me, the last piece
of my 1,000-piece puzzle. Brill verified most of Fuller’s concerns and
predictions in Grunch.

Fuller was a futurist. Many of his predictions and concerns in

Grunch are coming true today, which is why Brill’s article is “right on

Although Brill’s article delayed the release of this book, I am grate-

ful to him for disclosing his insights, insights from a world that only a few
know exist—the world of America’s best, brightest, and smartest academ-
ic elites.

In case you are wondering, a few of the more famous “elites” are:
1. President Bill Clinton
2. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton
3. President Barack Obama
4. President George H. W. Bush
5. President George W. Bush
6. Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Ben Bernanke

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7. Federal Reserve Bank Chairwoman Janet Yellen

8. Senator Mitt Romney

There are many other elites throughout the world who are running the

Not a Conspiracy of Bad People

I am not saying these elites are bad people (although some may be) or
are part of a conspiracy. Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I trust most of
these people are good people, doing what they think is “right.” The problem is,
because they are so smart, they often lack a self-introspection button, causing
them to keep doing what they think is right, even though what they are doing is
destroying the lives of billions of innocent people.

Who Is Grunch?

Grunch and the academic elites are not necessarily the same people.
Fuller did not refer to elites as Grunch. From Fuller’s lectures and books, my
recollection is the elites are puppets, and the people running Grunch are the pup-
peteers. As you know, puppeteers are rarely seen. They prefer to remain behind
the scenes, in the dark. In this book, I will do my best to bring the puppeteers
into the light.

So, on to this revised version of FAKE...

What Is Real... and What Is Fake?

Unless you have been living under a rock, all we hear about today is
“fake this,” and “fake that.” Almost everything we once believed in... is now

President Donald Trump has popularized the term “fake news” in calling
out the media—for a variety of real or perceived reporting issues. In social me-
dia, many people have fake followers. Millions of people spend billions buying
fake Rolexes, fake Louis Vuitton, and fake Versace. And there are even fake
pharmaceutical drugs.

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FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets

On January 17, 2019, Time pointed to the difference between

‘information’ and ‘disinformation’ (aka: fake news) with this quote from
Roger McNamee’s book Zucked, “On Facebook, information and disinfor-
mation look the same; the only difference is that disinformation generates
more revenue, so it gets better treatment.”

This type of disinformation loop feeds what ticks people off... and
keeps them provoked, agitated, and inflamed.

Deep Fake

There is a new technology called “deep fake,” which gives amateur

techies the power to capture the images and voices of famous people to
produce real fake videos. As expected, the most popular use of deep-fake
technology is to take real movie stars and turn them into fake porn stars. A
more dangerous use of deep-fake technology is to have a powerful leader
declaring war on another country.

Simply said, we can no longer believe our eyes and ears.

In today’s world, verification of what is real and what is fake can

mean the difference between wealth or poverty, war or peace, and even
life or death.

What This Book Is About

This book is about three specific fakes:

1. Fake Money: Fake money has the power to make the rich richer
while at the same time make the poor and middle class poorer.

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Changes in Share of Income vs 1979, after taxes and inflation






‘79 ‘83 ‘87 ‘91 ‘95 ‘99 ‘03 ‘07 “THE CRASH” ‘18

2. Fake Teachers: What did school teach you about money? For
most people, the answer is “nothing.” Most teachers are great peo
ple. But, our educational system is broken, obsolete, and fails to
prepare students for the real world.

Instead of guiding students into the light, our education system is

leading millions of young people into financial darkness and the
worst type of debt: student loan debt.

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FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets

Student loan debt is over $1.2 trillion and is the number one asset of the
U.S. government. In the criminal world, this is called extortion.

Definitions of extortion:
1. The act of extorting (using force) to take money or property, esp
the offense committed by an official engaging in such practice;

2. A gross overcharge.

3. Fake Assets: First we need to define and understand the differ

ence between an asset and a liability.


Assets put money in your pocket.
Liabilities take money out of your pocket.

My poor dad always said, “Our house is our biggest asset.” My rich dad
said, “Your house is not an asset—it’s a liability.” Millions of people be-
lieve their house is an asset.

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In 2008, the housing market collapsed. Except for a few cities

like San Francisco, New York, and Honolulu where housing prices have
climbed higher, housing prices in many cities throughout the world have
not yet recovered, as the above chart with data from the IMF illustrates.

Not a Real Estate Crash

The real estate crash was not a real estate crash. It was caused by
fake assets—the same fake assets Brill describes in his article. It’s worth
repeating exactly what he said:

[The elites] created an economy built on deals that moved

assets around instead of building new ones. They created
exotic, and risky, financial instruments, including derivatives and
credit default swaps, that produced sugar highs of immediate
profits but separated those taking the risks from those who would
bear the consequences.

Weapons of Mass Financial Destruction

Warren Buffett calls derivatives “financial weapons of mass de-

He should know. One of his companies rates and insures these de-

In 2008, almost $700 trillion in derivates exploded, nearly bringing

down the world economy.

Many people blamed the “subprime real estate” buyer for the real
estate crash.

The reality was, as Brill confirms, the elites were manufacturing

fake assets called derivatives. That was the real problem.

A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

On the following page you’ll see a chart of 125 years of the Dow
Jones Industrial Average, the stock market.

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FAKE: Fake Money, Fake Teachers, Fake Assets

Bucky Fuller taught us to look at the big picture first, then the small
picture. Unfortunately, most investors start with the small picture and then
go smaller. For example, many investors wake up, check to see if their
one favorite stock is up or down, then go to work. They may be an expert
on, let’s say, Amazon, but often fail to see the bigger picture. One stock
among thousands of stocks in a global market does not give you much
information on the future.

How to See the Future

Dr. Fuller taught his students, “If you want to see the future, you
must start with the biggest picture possible.”

The 125-year chart above points to the value of stepping back to

see a bigger picture, a better perspective that has developed over time.
Much of this book will be developed along the same lines as this 125-year
chart, so you will be better able to see the future from a big picture

Money Is Invisible

Another thing you will learn, in this book, is that money is

invisible. Charts and graphs offer you the ability to see “invisible money”
moving in and out of various markets. In Rich Dad Poor Dad, I wrote


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