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Mehdi Brothers Middle School Grade MS4 …….

Duration :1H

Second Term English Exam

Malala Yousafzai was born in 1997 in Mingora, Pakistan. Many Pakistani girls
didn’t attend school. However, Malala’s father who run a school for girls could. She
loved school and had a big dream of becoming a doctor, a teacher or a politician. Her
father told her that with good education, she could do anything.
In 2007, the Taliban took control over the region where Malala lived and imposed strict
laws. They closed schools for girls, and women were no longer allowed to vote or go to
At the age of 12, Malala wrote a blog for the BBC about the destruction and closure of
more than 100 girls’ schools in Pakistan. She became fearless and began speaking up
in public against Taliban.
The New York Times made a documentary about her; she gave interviews in print and
on television and became famous. Despite the Taliban threats to kill her, Malala
courageously continued to fight for the rights of girls and women to receive an
On October 9th, 2012, Malala was shot, in the neck and head, by Taliban gunmen on
her way home from school in Pakistan. She was seriously injured and was taken to
hospital in Pakistan and then to England. There, she luckily recovered and could
Malala is still an activist for girls’ education around the world. She says that education
is the only answer to poverty. Without education there are no dreams for the future.

Part one: (14 pts)

Reading Comprehension: ( 7 pts)

Task 01: Answer the following questions (3 pts)

1- What was Malala’s dream when she was a child?

2- Did all Pakistani girls attend school?
3- What do the words in bold in the text refer to?

Task 02 : Read the text and write “true” or “false” (2pts)

1- Malala wrote a blog for the BBC, at the age of thirteen. ……………..
2- Taliban closed all the girls’ school. …………….

Task 03: Lexis (2pts)

a)Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following words:

Popular = ………… Live = …………….

b)Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following words:

Fearful ≠ …………… Wealth ≠ …………...

Mastery of Language: ( 7 pts )

Task 01: Fill in the gaps with (Whereas/ Like / Unlike). (3 pts )

……………. the majority of children in the world, Yara Jouda is a refugee. She lived in a refugee
camp ……………… free children lived in a warm home surrounded by their families. Yara Jouda
…………….. all the Palestinian children, wanted to be free and to live in peace.

Task 02: Put the verbs between brackets ( ) in the right form. (2pts)

I remember when I was six, my father took me to school. While we (to walk) ………. and
chatting, I (to see) ………. my teacher for the first time. He (to come) to see us when we (to sit)
………… in the park.

Task 03: Put these words in the right column. (2pts)

Player / tower / royal / fire

/ ɑʊə/ /ɑɪə/ /eɪə/ /Ɔɪə/

Part two : I learn to integrate ( 6 pts)

Like Malala, Yara Jouda went through difficult life. Use the information below and write a short
paragraph about Yara jouda’s life experience, childhood and her dream to become a messenger
of Palestinian children. (Use the PAST SIMPLE)

Age: 15 years old.

Current residence: Alnusierat refugee camp in the Gaza strip.

Original hometown: Ashdod.

Political statue: Refugee

Occupation: High School student.

Hobbies: Reading, writing, dancing, listening to music and riding a bike.

Dream job: Become an ambassador of her people.

Childhood dream: Fight the enemy.

Best of Luck

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