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Oil was discovered in Bahrain in 1932

British directorates in Bahrain included

The Political Resident.

The Political Agent.

The Military Bases.

The Portuguese changed the name of the southern tip of Africa

1521 Campaign Led by Antonio Correia with the Participation of the Hormuzese.
This campaign was successful for them after defeating the Juboorids.

Bahrain became a British protectorate from 1880

As per the Constitution of 2002, the National Assembly is the name of both
chambers of the Bahraini Parliament when setting in a joint session. 

On June 19, 1973, the first Bahraini Constitution was announced,

Among the most positive developments brought by the reform project for the civil
society are the establishment of

Political Organizations

Trade Unions

Isa bin Ali achievements:

reforming, and the organization of local administrations.

courts reform

Britain used 1820 treaty to

prohibit the emergence of any power that can change the situations in the Gulf
opposed to the British interests,

interfere in the internal affairs of Bahrain.

Shaikh Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa (1942-1961),

the message sent, by the Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) with Al Aa`la Al
Hadhrami, to Bahrain’s ruler Al Mondher Bin Sawa Al Tamimi

Sustainability , Fairness and competitiveness

Then came the Uyunids who ruled Bahrain for 155 years (1077-1232),

Qarmatians (who ruled Bahrain from 899 until they defeated by the Abbasids in

Bahrain signed treaties after Britain used military power

Portugueses Motives

A. Economic Motives: to reach India.

B. Religious Motives: to promote Christianity.

C. Political Motives: to build an Empire. 

The British motives behind controlling the Arabian Gulf were:

• To encounter the Ottoman’s control of the trade route through the Red Sea.

• To block the way of other European powers (the Dutch, the French, and the
Russians) when
they penetrate the Gulf region.

the Omanis attacked Bahrain, in 1802, claiming that Al Khalifa did not pay fees
when their ships sail from India to Bahrain via Muscat.

98.4% of the voters were in favour of the Charter

During the Abbasid Period (who were ruling the Islamic world), Bahrain was ruled
by the Salgarids, and Bani A`amer Bin Rabia`a (Usfoorid and Juboorid Dynasties

Bahrain independence 1971

Bahrain was the centre of Dilmun Civilization

Bahrain Islam by 7th century

Major achievents of King Hamad taking all the abovemetioned steps

Vasco da Gama reached India, to be the first European reaching this country by

Dilmun trade route between Mesopotamia and Indus Valley

Al Khalifa established Zubara town in 1762

Gulf federation was failed, due to some main differences, such as:

• Determining the constitutional form of the federation. • The problem of choosing

the federal capital.

• The issue of Iranian claims to Bahrain.

Political Adviser to assist the ruler.

• Charles Belgrave served this position
➢There were several reasons behind the British withdrawal from gulf:

A. The Communist Competition in Europe,

B. Deterioration of the British Local Economy.

C. National Political Movements in the Arab World.

It was called “the Land of Immortality” because of rich palm tree fields

• 1783, Shaikh Ahmad Bin Mohamed Al Khalifa forces reached Bahrain without

Shaikh Isa Bin Salman Al Khalifa died in 1999, then, Shaikh Hamad Bin Isa Al Khalifa assumed

Ahmad Bin Mohamed Al Khalifa the first ruler of Al Khalifa to rule Bahrain.

February 14, 2002, King announced the transformation of Bahrain into a

Constitutional Monarchy

Almost 5000 years ago, Bahrain was the center of Dilmun civilization, Oil also, played a major role in

oil discovery transforming the Bahraini economy, from depending primarily on pearling

The three main families within Al Utoob alliance, Al Subah, Al Khalifa and Aljalahma

Iran accepts the Security Council’s decision of May 1970 regarding the self-determination of Bahrain”

In addition to the two-chambers parliamentary system, the constitution includes also the hereditary

Constitutional Monarchy system.

The Consultative (Shura) Council: worth noting that the chosen members should be competent and


the first population census in Bahrain was carried out in 1941.

Salman Bin Hamad Al Khalifa (1942-1961), who established the Administrative Council and issued the

Labour law.

Arab started shifting to the Modern Ages at the beginning of the 18

in 1602, the Bahrainis managed to oust the Portuguese.

Isa bin Ali 1869 - 1932

the charter includes justice is the basis of governing, and forming a parliament consisting of two

Portuguese collapse

• long distance between Lisbon and its colonies.

• th
emergence of competing European powers at the beginning of the 16
century (Holland, Britain and France). 

In 323 BC, the name of Bahrain was changed to Tylus

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