English Quest 1 - Explanation and Examples

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English Quest 1

Example Units
The English Quest 1


Introduction to the S.M.A.R.T. teaching approach

All lessons in the English Quest series follow the S.M.A.R.T. teaching approach. This flexible approach to lesson and curriculum planning works
perfectly for your EFL and junior high school English classes.

Example Lesson Framework:

Start the class – let students know it’s their English lesson
tart Let the students know that this is their English class. This could be as simple as doing your greetings in English and taking
the attendance. You could also have a quick fire Q&A session asking about the weather, day, date, etc. consistency is
important as we need to put the students back into ‘English class’ mode.

Motivate the students. Get them ready to learn
otivate A simple review game or short but dynamic vocabulary exercise gets the students’ minds prepared and motivated to study
English. Don’t just focus on getting the students energized. Make this activity related to the day’s lesson target, for
example, reviewing some language we can use to later activate the lesson’s target language.

Activate the lesson’s target language
ctivate Using language from the previous activity it’s time to ‘activate’ the target language for the day’s lesson. To activate
language means building up an image of the particular target language in the students’ minds then adding language to it.
Activation can be as simple of using flashcards and gestures to elicit the target language.

Reinforce the target language
einforce Once the target language has been activated, the ideas need to be reinforced with practice activities. Practice activities
vary from structured and assisted to unstructured and freer. A structured example might be filling in gaps with the correct
verb structure. Freer practice could be using the target language to express your own ideas and experiences.

Test the students’ ability to use the target language
est At the end of the lesson, it is important to test whether students have been able to acquire the language of the lesson, or
at least have a good understanding of it. Testing can come in the form of a quiz, interviews, role plays, etc. In each case
you can make your lesson SMARTER by then Evaluating the students and Reinforcing as required.
The English Quest 1

The English Quest Series - Layout

The first two pages of each unit make up the main part of the

For lower level classes, these two pages will provide most of the
material for the lesson.

 The warm up introduces / reviews key language points.

 The warm up language is used to elicit / activate the key
target language.
 A conversation give students a chance to practice the
language in context.
 An extra practice activity gives more reinforcement of the

At the back of the book, there are two extra pages:

1. Extra Training
Provides a deeper level of
training requiring students
to think critically about the

2. The Treasure
Students test their new
language skill.
The English Quest 1

Example Lesson: English Quest 1

The first two pages set up most of the lesson.
The English Treasure Map
Use the vocabulary students have just
learned with extra flashcards, gestures or
examples to activate the target language.
There are spaces for students to fill in the
key points.

Warm Up

Motivate the students. The Journey

Start with some
vocabulary work. Work as Reinforce the language
a class then students by contextualizing it in a
practice in pairs. Students conversation.
learn with Japanese first,
and later see the
vocabulary in context.
The English Quest 1

At the Back of the Book – Extra Practice & Treasure

The extra activities at the back of the book provide more development with the target language. By incorporating critical
thinking skills, students are encouraged to process the language more deeply, giving them a better understanding of how the
language fits together.

Extra Training

Further practice of the

target language.

This page can be used

for homework, extra in
class practice or save
them up for an end of
term review.

The Treasure

The final activity gives students freer

practice with the target language.
Students personalize the language
through interviews, information gaps,
games and other interactive activities.

A Flexible Text

Depending on the level of the class, the first two main pages
can be enough to give the students practice with the
language. The ‘Treasure’ gives the students freer practice,
but for teachers who have alternative activities they are
comfortable using, having this activity in the back of the text
means alternative activities can be introduced without
affecting the flow of the lesson.
The English Quest 1

At the Very Back of the Book – Question Chest

In each unit, students pick up many new ‘question and answer’ structures. It would be great if students had a place to keep a
record of these questions. This is why a ‘Question Chest’ section has been added to the back of the text.

Question Chest

As you learn new questions, write them down below.

Question Chest

Students can see the number of questions they are able to

answer increase, and this is great for motivation. These
questions can then be used as part of a warm up activity or
in the students’ end of term tests. With a bank of questions
to practice and choose from, testing will be much easier and
much more productive.
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1
The English Quest 1

For more information on the English Quest series and how to order copies for your school, check out the website:


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