A Root: B Seed

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9 B

1 The drawing shows a new plant starting to grow.

a Which structure does the new plant grow from? Tick one box.

A root

B seed

C fruit

D stem

[1 mark]

b The new plant has a root. A plant uses roots to absorb water. State two other functions
of roots.

Absorbs minerals

Some plant roots absorb oxygen

[2 marks]

c A new plant only starts to grow if the resources it needs come from the surroundings.
State one resource, apart from water, that all new plants need to start to grow.

Carbon Dioxide –
[1 mark]

d Explain why the plant needs the resource you identified for part c.

For Photosynthesis
[1 mark]
9 B
2 There are different varieties of apple tree. The varieties
produce apples with different characteristics.
Suggest two characteristics a farmer may want apples to have.
Any sensible answers

[2 marks]
3 Plants need light for the process shown in the word equation.
gas X + water  glucose + gas Y
a Name this process.

[1 mark]
b State where this process happens.

Leaf cell
[1 mark]

c Gas X is needed for this process. What is gas X? Tick one box.

A hydrogen

B oxygen

C nitrogen

D carbon dioxide

[1 mark]

d Gas Y is produced in this process. What is gas Y? Tick one box.

A hydrogen

B oxygen

C nitrogen

D carbon dioxide

[1 mark]
9 B
e List the organs the water travels through to get to the part of the plant where this process happens.
List the organs in the correct order, starting where water enters the plant.

Root hait, root cells, stem, leaf

[1 mark]

4 Look at the food web below.

濾(梇 䢈 )瓰㻉2 ᠍萏 ֠萑‫ﺘ‬옕ꀁ؅葞 ֠葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀HȀȀ⤀퀀쥬㌾ Ā Ȁ

ഀഀༀࢄᄇ预ᗾ‫׆‬Ā‫܈‬帆ࢄ怇预濾(梇 䢈 ()檠㻉4 0᠍萏ࡰ萑‫ﺘ‬옕瀁؈葞ࡰ葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀H̀⠀Ѐ⤀
퀀쥶㔾 %1% ȀȀ ഀԘༀ Which organisms will a herbicide kill
immediately? Tick one box.

A the mice

B the grasshoppers

C the bugs

D the weeds

[1 mark]

濾(梇 䢈 )瓰㻉2 ᠍萏 ֠萑‫ﺘ‬옕ꀁ؅葞 ֠葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀HȀȀ⤀퀀쥬㌾ Ā Ȁ ഀഀༀࢄᄇ预ᗾ‫׆‬Ā‫܈‬帆ࢄ怇预濾(梇

䢈 ()檠㻉4 1᠍萏ࡰ萑‫ﺘ‬옕瀁؈葞ࡰ葠‫ﺘ‬⡯蜀h 蠀H̀⠀Ѐ⤀퀀쥶㔾 %1% ȀȀ ഀԘༀExplain the
effect of a herbicide on the number of herbivores.

It will decrease because the source of their food decreases.

[1 mark]
9 B
5 Gareth knows that plants use a sugar called glucose to release energy. Gareth wants to find
out how glucose solution affects plant growth.
He chooses six plants and pours a different concentration of glucose solution over each plant.
The graph shows his results.

Concentration of glucose solution (%)

f What relationship is shown in the graph?

Complete the sentence.
As the concentration of the glucose solution increases, the height of the plant decreases
[1 mark]

g What will the height of the plant be if it was given:

 10% glucose solution:__________33mm________
 30 % glucose solution: _________15mm__________[1 mark]

h Name the process plants use to release energy from glucose.

[1 mark]

i In the space below, write the word equation to summarise the process of releasing energy
from glucose.
Glucose + Oxygen ------- Carbon dioxide + Water [1 mark]
9 B
6 Hydrogencarbonate indicator can be used to show changes in the concentration of carbon
dioxide in a solution.
The indicator is red in distilled water.
The indicator goes purple if the water loses carbon dioxide.
The indicator goes yellow if the water gains more carbon dioxide.
This experiment is set up and left for 2 days.

a What colour would you expect to see in tube A after 2 days? Tick one box.

A red

B purple

C yellow

D blue

[1 mark]
b Explain why the indicator would be this colour.

Because of more carbon dioxide

[2 marks]

c Name the clear liquid used to test for carbon dioxide.

Lime water
[1 mark]

d Describe what happens to this liquid if carbon dioxide is bubbled through it.

Turns to cloudy
[1 mark]
9 B
7 The drawing on the right shows a plant called Marimo
weed. Marimo weed is a ball of green cells.
During the day, a gas collects inside the ball of cells
and causes the ball to float higher in the water.

j Name the substance that makes these cells green.

[1 mark]

k What is the function of the green substance in these cells? Tick one box.

A to camouflage the plant

B to trap oxygen

C to trap fish

D to trap light energy

[1 mark]

l Explain why the ball of cells floats higher on a sunny day than on a cloudy day.

It is because of the oxygen gas release during the process photosynthesis.

[2 marks]

8 Turnips are root vegetables. Turnips have been selectively bred from a wild plant called field
mustard. Field mustard plants do not have big, round roots like turnips.

Explain how turnips have been selectively bred from field mustard.

By selecting the desired characteristics (big, round roots) of


Any sensible answers [3 marks]

9 B
Reactivity series:
Sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium, zinc, iron, copper, silver
most reactive least reactive
1- Predict whether each of these reactions will take place. Either write the equation or ‘no reaction’.

Aluminium Oxide + Zinc

No Reaction

No Reaction

No Reaction

Magnesium Nitrate

a. L, M, K, L
b. Basically based on the table, Metal J has reacted more and formed more oxide.
Any sensiblew answer

9 Draw a circle around each metal in the box below. (1 mark)

gold copper hydrogen iron oxygen zinc
10 a Some of the changes listed below are physical changes and some of the changes are
chemical reactions.
combustion melting condensation evaporation
9 B
Write each of the changes listed above in the correct column in the table. (2 marks)
Physical change Chemical reaction

Melting combustion



m Describe two differences between physical changes and chemical reactions. (2 marks)
• Always wear safety glasses.
• Always point the test tube away from any other person in
the lab.
• Heat the test tube being held at an angle so there is a
way for the gases produced to escape safely.
• Heat the test tube at the top of the solution not the
bottom where a gas bubble can cause an explosion.

11 Sam places some iron nails in four test tubes as shown and leaves the test tubes for
1 week.

a. Name the process happening to the iron. (1mark)


b. Write the word equation for this process. (2 marks)

Iron + Water ----Iron hydroxide + Hydrogen

c. In which tubes will the iron rust. (1mark)

Tube 4
d. Iron reacts with hydrochloric acid to form two substances. Write the word equation for
this reaction. (2 marks)
Iron + Hydrochloric Acid -----Iron chloride + Hydrogen
e. Give 2 methods used to protect the iron nail from rusting. (2 marks)

f. Apply Oil. ...

g. Apply a Dry Coating. ...
h. Paint the Metal. ...
i. Store Properly. ...
j. Galvanize. ...
9 B
k. Powder Coating
l. Sacrificial Protection

g. Explain the process of sacrificial protection (2 marks)

The protection of iron or steel against corrosion by using a more reactive metal. A
common form is galvanizing, in which the iron surface is coated with a layer of zinc.

12 The table below shows how four metals react when heated in air.
Metal Reaction when heated in
gold does not change
copper slowly turns black
mercury very slowly forms a red
sodium immediately bursts into

n Explain which of the four metals is the least reactive. (2 marks)

Gold because it is not reacting when heated in the air.

o Give the names of two metals that are more reactive than mercury. (1 mark)
Copper and Sodium
13 Fernando seals 100 cm3 of air in a syringe.

He pushes on the end of the plunger.

p What happens to the volume of air in the syringe? (1 mark)

q State what happens to the pressure of a gas when the: (2 marks)

i temperature increases

ii number of particles in the container increases


14 a Describe the test done to identify the presence of oxygen? (1 mark)

With a glowing splint put it inside the test tube
take a glowing splint and place it in a sample of gas, if it re-ignites the gas is oxygen
9 B

15 a What would you see when a piece of potassium is placed in water? (1 mark)
The metal melts and floats. It moves around very quickly on the surface of the water. The
hydrogen ignites instantly. The metal is also set on fire, with sparks and a lilac flame.

b What would you see when a piece of magnesium is in a Bunsen burner flame? Tick one
box. (1 mark)

A a lilac flame

B an orange flame

C a white flame

D the flame goes out

16 State two methods of extracting metals from their ores. (2 marks)

Method 1 Electrolysis
Method 2 Heating with carbon
Displacement Method

9. Predict whether each of these reactions will take place. Either complete the equation or write
‘no reaction’. (3 marks)
Reactivity Series:
Magnesium, Aluminium, Zinc, Iron, Copper
Most Reactive Least Reactive
a. Zinc + Magnesium Oxide → No Reaction
b. Magnesium + Copper oxide → Magnesium Oxide + Copper
c. Copper + zinc sulfate → No reaction
d. Aluminium + zinc oxide → Aluminium Oxide + Zinc
9 B

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