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“Tourism is Mexico’s passport to the future”. Felipe Calderón, President of Mexico.

Tourism Driver

Monterrey, with a population of 3.9 millions, gets 375,000 international visitors a year
(1 per each 10 citizen). Cities which are develop towards tourism get more international
visitors than its population.

Barcelona, with population and economics similar to Monterrey, receives 4.7 million of
international tourists per year. (1.5 times its population and 12.5 times more visitors
than Monterrey).

One extraordinary "amazing data" the most visited museum in Barcelona is the museum
in the Camp Nou Stadium.

Our vision is that Monterrey International Stadium, due to its daring engineering,
spectacular location, design, integration and its own theme park, dedicated to soccer,
will become our main appeal to attract national and international tourism, not only
during soccer matches or special events, but 365 days, all year around.

Tourists from all over the world taking pictures at Monterrey will be a daily thing.

Monterrey has a historic opportunity to drive up its tourism attraction.

Monterrey location makes it very attractive for the gigantic United States market.

}Monterrey has direct flights from the main United Status airports, so it is very easy for
any American citizen to visit our city.
Monterrey has a great opportunity to attract visitors from the big rich Texas state.

It is the time to turn around the tendency of Monterrey People to go shopping to Texas.
It is time to make Texans come to Monterrey on the weekend.

The starting goal of having more than one million international visitors a year by having
a global icon and a soccer theme park, it is very solid and makes total sense.

Economic Benefit

According to data from the Tourism Secretary and The Bank of Mexico, foreign each
tourist represents an income in foreign currency of $751 USD. If Monterrey could get at
least the half of international visitors that Barcelona has; this will represent a generation
of 1,765 million USD a year; or 5.8 times 8 (a year) the investment on the Monterrey
International Stadium.

Social Development

“A stadium represents the pride and ambition of a nation”. The Stadium, Architecture for the
New Global Culture.

Monterrey International Stadium is a matter of pride for all Mexicans.

It is our most visible model of sustainable development and our best example of what
we can achieve if we join as mexicans in a common vision for a better future.
It is as well, a very clear message to the World that in Mexico we are willing to compete
and win in the most demanding international context.

The Mexico We Want

“Stadiums represent the proud and aspirations of a country”. Rod Sheard. The Stadium,
Architecture for the New Global Culture.

Monterrey International Stadium has been designed as a symbol of the aspirations of all
the Mexicans contained in Mexico’s Vision 2030 “The Mexico We Want” presented by
President Felipe Calderon in October 2006, in which stand out the following postulates::

Toward the 2030, the Mexicans look at Mexico as a country (…)

… with a highly competitive economy

… creating enough and well paid jobs

… with sustainable development in which there is a culture of respect and preservation

of the environment

… which has a leadership in Latin America and maintains an active exterior policy that
promotes development, stability and international security.

Goals of Vision 2030 to which Monterrey International Stadium directly

contributes are:
 46 million of international tourists visiting us each year and generating an
annual income oof $ 39 billion dollars for the country.
 Generation of 900,000 jobs annually.
 Mexico will be in the 20% of the highest qualified countries in the Index of
Infrastructure of the World Economic Forum.
 Mexico will be in the 20% of countries best evaluated in terms of improved
 Reaching a GDP per capita of $ 29,000.
 Commitment with the environmental sustainability and responsible use of
natural resources. That 100% of wastewater will be treated.
 Being in the 20% of better countries evaluated as for its participation in the
international politics.
 Improving our international presence and to participate with leadership in the
construction of the world order.

“A Stadium has to achieve all the criteria standards of sustainable development. Its design and
development have to be based in the latest economic, social and environmental standards”.
Jacques Rogge, President of the International Olympic.

Monterrey International Stadium will be a world example of sustainable development; defined

by The World Committee for Environment and Development of the United Nations as "satisfy
all the needs of present generations without compromising the possibilities of future
generations to achieve their own"

The stadium is located in the crossroad of economic, social and ecologic development.
Energy Generation

To generate energy close to where it is needed or decentralize energy produces less carbon
dioxide emissions; it is cleaner, more economical, and safer than energy generated in
centralized electric plants, which are the ones we regularly use.

Monterrey International Stadium will generate and use energy from renewable sources:

Solar Energy. Our country has one of the greatest solar ratios in the world, with a 5 KW per
square meter daily. Monterrey International Stadium will emulate the actions of Stade de
Suisse, in Berna, Switzerland and will have solar energy generation install on the roof.

Geothermic Energy. Rod Sheard, Monterrey International Stadium main architech, has
proposed using geothermic energy, that is obtained from Earth's internal heat.

Wind Power. Another iniciative in discussion is conecting Monterrey International Stadium

with the new plant of wind power at Santa Catarina, Nuevo León.

Energy Efficiency

Half of the carbon dioxide emissions are generated by buildings. Monterrey International
Stadium is designed to reduce to the maximum the amount of energy used to build it and
operate it. To achieve it the design is considering lights, natural ventilation, temperature and
analysis of long term cost.

Water Conservation

The roof of Monterrey International Stadium will save the water rain, which will be
used for toilets and watering the grass, just as it is done in The Manchester United
Stadium and The Sidney Olympic Stadium (Telstra Stadium).

Residual waters will be treated and recycled.

“The crucial factors to design a stadium in the XXI century will be potential for urban
regeneration and the role of an icon stadium in the marketing and positioning of the global
city”. Rod Sheard, Senior Principal HOK.

Monterrey International Stadium is the masterpiece of Rod Sheard, the best stadium architect
in the World.

His design proposal is based in a rehilete, symbol of Mexican festivities

The outside texture of the stadium resembles a basket knitted by native Mexicans: This evokes
the roots of our pre Hispanic culture.

Rehilete and basket are built by eight overlap flowing leaves which symbolize the fans
movement when they cheer up using the "Ola Mexicana (the wave", which was sent all over
the World in 1984 in the University Stadium in an exhibition game between Mexico and

The facade of the stadium can display lights in white for International Events, green for
Mexican team games and yellow for Tigres games.

The stadium built on a circular bridge over the Santa Catarina River symbolizes the vision of a
country to improve sports and economy.

Rod Sheard

Monterrey International Stadium is a Project of Rod Sheard, Senior Principal of Populous and
considered a worldwide authority in stadium development.
Rod Sheard, Australian living in London is a member of The Royal Institute of British Architects.
He was director and main share holder of LOBB Sports Architecture until its merge with HOK in
1998 to form HOK Sports (now Populous), the leading company in sport infrastructure design
in the World. Among Rod Sheard`s projects are Sydney Olympic Stadium, Emirates Stadium,
and the New Wembley Stadium, which is considered "The Soccer Cathedral".

In 2007, Rod Sheard received a request from us:

We head an investor group who intends to build an International Stadium in Monterrey,

Mexico, to be Latin America’s best and a venue in the World’s Top Five. We are
planning that this stadium will act as a catalyst of Monterrey´s city regeneration and
boost its image in the world in the same way that the Guggenheim Museum has done for
Bilbao in the past ten years.

We would like you to accept our invitation to join us. We believe that we must retain
your services in order to make this project happen at the world-class excellence level
that is our only acceptable target.

We believe that Monterrey’s decision regarding its new Stadium will determine the
destiny of the City, Mexico, and even Latin America as a player in the world leagues of
international event hosting. That is why this project demands that only the best make up
its team. That is why we need you.

“If you believe or not that you can do it, you are totally right”. Henry Ford.

Monterrey International Stadium engineer daring vision, besides providing the perfect location
and being a union symbol; offers the amazing aspiration and world recognition to the Project,
just as happened to the Burj Al Arab Dubai Hotel, Arab Emirates, which was built on an
artificial island on the Persian Gulf.
Today Dubai with a population of 1.2 million is in the World 7th place as tourism attraction
with a ratio of 6.1 million visitors a year. This is 5 times its population.

The new Monterrey International Stadium is based, in its structure, on the Mexico Vision 2030
Bridge which is over the Santa Catarina River. It has all the hydrological structures to be the
safest in the city under any whether situation.

This visionary and daring construction joins the group of projects worldwide known as
engineer landmarks such as; the Panama Channel, Hong Kong Airport, or The Mancha Channel
Euro tunnel

To build commercial centers over a bridge is not new. Ponte Vecchio, in Florence, built in 1345,
has always had stores that last until today. One contemporary example is the magnificent
Pavilion Bridge of architecture which won the Pritzker, Zaha Hadid, which is an exhibit pavilion
built over the Ebro River for the Expo Zaragoza 2008 in Spain

Olympic Games

Soccer World Championship

Monterrey International Stadium is an engineer daring project, which combines imagination,
engineering and solid business proposals. This kind of discipline has been successfully
developed by Walt Disney Imagineering to create Disney’s theme parks. This discipline “makes
magic become real” through experts in every area, being conceptual artist, designers,
engineers, financial and legal advisors, etc.

Monterrey International Stadium raises the world standard regarding the attractions in a
stadium by creating the first world under ceiling theme park dedicated to Soccer.

This theme park, with its architecture, engineering, and sustainable development of the
Monterrey International Stadium, added to its integration to the Fundidora Park, Santa Lucía
and Monterrey museums are the columns for promotion of the tourism industry in Nuevo León
and Mexico..

FutboLife ocupa un espacio estimado de 40,000 metros cuadrados climatizados dentro

del Estadio Internacional Monterrey.

Está ubicado en el primer piso del estadio en el hueco de las gradas alrededor de la
cancha de futbol, de la misma forma en que está construido el centro comercial Miracle
Mile Shops del Hotel Planet Hollywood de Las Vegas alrededor de la arena de

El Parque Temático FutboLife cuenta con tres museos de futbol, un área de juegos
interactivos, cines, tiendas y restaurantes temáticos.

 Museo de Cera “Constelación Gol”.

 Museo de Maquetas “Catedrales del Futbol”.
 Museo de Historia y Datos Curiosos e Inverosímiles del Futbol “Mundo de la
 Parque de Juegos Tecnológicos–Interactivos “Manchón Penal”.
 Tour Guiado “detrás del sueño” Estadio Internacional Monterrey “Puente de
Unión Visión México 2030”.
 Salas de Cine
 Tiendas artículos deportivos
 Tiendas otros giros
 Restaurantes temáticos
 Restaurantes varios

The magnificent Monterrey International Stadium will give Tigres and Rayados the opportunity
of become dominant teams in Mexico and great competitors in Latin America.

Monterrey International Stadium. Capacity: 75,000

This great metropolis needs a new stadium with a capacity of 60 or 70 thousand fans in a game
like the one we had today”. Natividad González Parás, Nuevo León Governor. September, 25,

The capacity of a stadium is the most relevant decision when you are planning one. In the
capacity proposal for the Monterrey International Stadium, the following was taken in

Background of actual stadiums in relation to population

Estadio Tecnológico opened in 1950.

Seats Comfort.

100% of seats in the Monterrey International Stadium are made out of plastic with at
least a width of 500 mm and a space between rows of at least 800 mm.

As a reference point; the actual specification in United States is of 450 and 760 mm in
each of the above mentioned categories.

Perfect Visibility

100% of seats in the Monterrey International Stadium are within the maximum required
distance in the field.

The fan seated in the last row, will be less than 190 meters from the farthest away
corner. This will assure a perfect visibility.
The new world tendency has shown the convenience to build stadiums in downtown areas.
This has prove to be the best alternative for access and exit of audiences (a “hub” or network
center is created instead of a funnel), and as driving time is shorter from any point in the city,
the access alternatives to the stadium are better and generally they have a great public
transport infrastructure.

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