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ABSTRACT Recent reviews on aluminum were written by

Krewski et al. (2007), Riihimäki and Aitio (2012),
Aluminum is ubiquitous in the environment. Its ­Willhite et al. (2012), DECOS (2010), and NEG (2011).
proportion of the Earth’s crust is about 8%. Alumi-
num can be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract
and from the lungs. Excretion is mainly through the 1  PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
kidneys, probably as aluminum citrate. Aluminum is
a well-known neurotoxicant. Significant accumulation Aluminum (Al): atomic weight, 26.98; atomic num-
in the human body has been related to the presence of ber, 13; density, 2.7 g/cm3; melting point, 660.4°C; boil-
aluminum in dialysis fluids and the concomitant intake ing point, about 2400°C; Chemical Abstracts Service
of aluminum-containing drugs by those with signifi- no., 7429-90-5.
cant renal impairment and to occupational exposure Pure aluminum is a light ductile metal with a den-
in some industrial settings. Accumulation in patients sity approximately one-third that of iron. Aluminum is
with renal impairment has resulted in dialysis enceph- a good conductor of heat and electricity, and it is easy
alopathy that was often fatal; this problem is now well to weld. These properties make it especially suitable
recognized and usually avoided. Neurotoxic effects for industrial purposes. When aluminum is exposed
have been observed in welders with aluminum urine to air or water, a thin film of oxide (about 4-nm thick)
concentrations around 100 μg/L. The upper reference is formed on the surface, creating a protective coating
limit among nonexposed individuals is 16 μg/L urine. that is resistant to corrosion. By further forced elec-
There is no consensus on whether human studies pro- trolytic oxidation, also called anodizing, this coating
vide sufficient evidence for an association between can be made thicker to increase corrosion resistance.
aluminum and Alzheimer disease. Aluminum is often used in alloys with copper, magne-
Occupational exposure to aluminum powder has sium, manganese, and zinc.
resulted in pulmonary fibrosis. Aluminum is the third most abundant element in
Asthma has been associated with the inhalation of the Earth’s crust and constitutes about 8% by mass.
aluminum sulfate, aluminum fluoride, and potassium Aluminum hydroxide oxide, also known as aluminum
aluminum tetrafluoride, and exposure to the complex oxyhydroxide [AlO(OH)], is found in one of two well-
environment in potrooms during electrolytic alumi- defined crystalline phases, also known as the minerals
num production. boehmite and diaspore. These minerals are important
Cancer and ischemic heart disease have been observed constituents of the aluminum ore, bauxite.
among aluminum production workers. However, it is The chemical form (chemical speciation) has a great
unlikely that aluminum is the cause of these diseases. influence on aluminum toxicokinetics and toxicody-
Reproductive and developmental toxicity are pre- namics. As with most metals, soluble forms of alumi-
sented in Chapter 20. num are better absorbed, and consequently a larger

Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals 4E 549 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
550 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

proportion is distributed to target organs. In the absence Bauxite is the most commercially important form of
of associating ligands, aluminum, as the hydroxide, is weathered igneous minerals that contain aluminum.
least soluble at pH 6.2 (Harris et al., 1996). The rate con- It is abundant in the Earth’s crust in large areas of the
stant for water and ligand exchange with aluminum is world. The Bayer process of obtaining aluminum oxide
slower than for most metals (Burgess, 1992). (alumina) from bauxite was invented in the 1880s and
remains the most economical means of doing so. In 1886,
Héroult from France and Hall from the United States
simultaneously and independently invented an electro-
lytic process for aluminum production. The Hall-Héroult
process still forms the basis of aluminum production.
Because of the ubiquitous distribution of aluminum
They discovered that molten aluminum was produced
in nature, contamination may be a serious problem
when an electric current was passed through a bath of
during sampling and sample preparation. In the 1970s,
molten cryolite (Na3AlF6) containing dissolved alumina.
reported “normal” values of aluminum in serum or
The presence of cryolite in the Hall-Héroult process
plasma were around 100 μg/L, which was a reflection
enables electrolysis to proceed at a temperature < 1000°C
of contamination (Versieck and Cornelis, 1980).
(Abramson et al., 1989), which is lower than the melting
In 1994, we reported a case of aluminosis, an alu-
point of alumina (around 2000°C). A modern aluminum
minum-induced condition that was first recognized in
smelter contains a series of reduction cells or a potline.
1946. Many years after exposure, the patient developed
There are two types of pots: prebaked and Söderberg.
dementia with motor disturbances. His cerebrospi-
In prebaked pots, anodes are prepared in a carbon plant
nal fluid aluminum level was 259 μg/L (Sjögren et al.,
from calcined petroleum pitch and coal pitch. This mix-
1994). When he died in 1998, cerebrospinal fluid con-
ture is baked in solid blocks and subsequently attached
tained 7 μg Al/L, which is normal. The first reported
to conductive rods and inserted into the pots. In the
high concentration of aluminum was most probably
Söderberg process, the carbon paste is dropped into a
caused by contamination during sampling or storage
steel casing hanging above the pot and baked in situ.
(Sjögren et al., 1999). This case illustrates the impor-
Enormous quantities of energy are necessary
tance of avoiding contamination.
for the electrolytic reduction of aluminum, almost
Instrumental methods most commonly applied to
16,500 kWh/ton. Because of this fact, aluminum plants
the determination of aluminum, i.e. 27Al (the stable iso-
are usually located close to relatively cheap power
tope), include inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-atomic
sources (e.g. in the vicinity of hydroelectric power
emission spectroscopy and the more sensitive ICP-mass
plants). In the beginning, aluminum production was
spectrometry (MS) and graphite furnace atomic absorp-
very modest, but it increased rapidly in the twenti-
tion spectroscopy (WHO/IPCS, 1997). Around 1990, the
eth century, especially after World War II. The annual
application of accelerator MS as an analytical tool (devel-
aluminum production in 2012 was 48 million metric
oped in the mid-1980s) to quantify 26Al, a rare radioactive
tons (International Aluminium Institute, 2013). Recy-
aluminum isotope with a ∼730,000 year half-life, greatly
cling and remelting aluminum requires only 5% of the
improved the possibility of studying the biokinetics and
energy needed for primary electrolytic production.
bioavailability of human-relevant exposures. With this
Aluminum and its alloys are used in airplanes, trains,
technique, the detection limits were lowered and prob-
trucks, and cars, the construction industry, and food
lems with endogenous aluminum and contamination
preparation and storage. Aluminum powders are used
from the surroundings were avoided (Priest, 2004).
in paints, explosives, and fireworks.
Certified reference materials for aluminum are avail-
The adjuvant effect of aluminum compounds in
able in some useful matrices but are generally lacking
vaccines was first described by Glenny and cowork-
in mammalian tissue, including brain (Yokel, 2004).
ers (1926). They investigated the immunogenicity
In vivo assessment of aluminum in human bone
of various diphtheria toxoid precipitates, including
has been performed by neutron activation analysis
those precipitated by addition of potassium alum
(Aslam et al., 2009), but this approach needs further
[KAl(SO4)2•12H2O]. Alum precipitates led to a signifi-
cant increase in the toxoid-induced immune response.
Vaccines prepared by this method are referred to as
3  PRODUCTION AND USE alum-precipitated vaccines. Another such procedure is
antigen adsorption onto preformed aluminum hydrox-
In 1825, the Danish chemist Örsted produced minute ide hydrated gels. Such gels can be preformed in a
quantities of aluminum metal by reacting dilute potas- standardized way, and they adsorb protein antigens
sium amalgam with anhydrous aluminum chloride. from an aqueous solution. These vaccines are called
26 Aluminum 551

aluminum-adsorbed vaccines. Aluminum hydroxide Europe, China, and Japan (Yokel, 2012). The aluminum
[Al(OH)3] and aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) are now content of food is highly variable: it is generally low in
the most commonly used adjuvants and have almost fresh meat and fish, higher in vegetables and grains,
completely replaced the alum precipitation method in and high in spices (Yokel, 2013). Although the quanti-
vaccine preparation (Lindblad, 2004). Their safety has ties of spices and herbs used in foods is generally very
been questioned by some (Shaw et al., 2013), but alter- small, a diet high in spicy foods may be high in alumi-
natives are not likely to replace aluminum adjuvants in num. Baking powder containing aluminum additives is
the near future (Baylor et al., 2002; Mitkus et al., 2011). extremely high in aluminum, providing more than 2 g
Some aluminum-containing drugs, such as alumi- of aluminum per 100 g. The most commonly used foods
num hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, and sucralfate that may contain substantial amounts of aluminum-
(a sucrose sulfate-aluminum complex), have been used containing food additives (other than baking powder)
as antacids for “heartburn” and dyspepsia, and to treat are processed cheese, cake mixes, frozen dough, pan-
ulcers (Krewski et al., 2007; American Pharmacists cake mixes, and pickled vegetables (Saiyed and Yokel,
Association, 2012). Aluminum tends to cause constipa- 2005). Concentrations of aluminum in tea leaves and tea
tion by decreasing smooth muscle tone, so is often used powder can be quite high, around 1 g/kg. The concen-
with magnesium, an osmotic purgative. Aluminum tration in tea was 0.7-5.9 mg/L (Fung et al., 2009). Tea
salts have been used as phosphate binders (Krewski and aluminum utensils were estimated to increase alu-
et al., 2007). A 1% solution of alum is used as an intra- minum in the diet by approximately 4 and 2 mg per day,
vesical irrigant to treat urinary bladder hemorrhage respectively (Jorhem and Haegglund, 1992).
(Phelps et al., 1999). Aluminum salts are used topi- Beverages from aluminum cans generally contained
cally in antiperspirants; for hyperhidrosis; in products higher levels of aluminum than beverages from glass
for inflammatory conditions of the skin, such as ath- bottles. Non-cola and cola soft drinks averaged 900 and
lete’s foot (tinea pedis), as astringent and antibacterial 660 μg/L from cans and 150 and 240 μg/L from glass
agents; and as a protectant against irritation of the ano- bottles, respectively, whereas beer in cans or bottles
rectal area (American Pharmacists Association, 2012). averaged about 160 μg/L. However, the highest con-
Aluminum silicate functions as an abrasive, anticak- centration in a non-cola soft drink packaged in a can
ing agent, a bulking agent, and an opacifying agent in was reported to be 10,000 μg/L (Duggan et al., 1992).
cosmetics. Magnesium aluminum silicate is also used The contribution of aluminum from drinking water
as a viscosity-increasing agent in aqueous cosmetics. is about 100 μg/day (Yokel and McNamara, 2001).
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Air aluminum concentrations vary between 20 and
(FDA), it was used in 629 cosmetic formulations in 500 ng/m3 in rural settings and 1000 and 6000 ng/m3 in
1998 (Elmore, 2003). urban settings. Humans exposed to ambient aluminum
The use of aluminum-containing food additives is concentrations of 2000 ng/m3 and particle size < 5 μm
approved by many governments (Yokel, 2012). Com- and who have a normal ventilatory volume of 20 m3/day
mon uses include acidic sodium aluminum phosphate would inhale 40 μg aluminum/day (WHO/IPCS, 1997).
(SALP) as a leavening agent in baked goods, basic SALP Occupational exposure to aluminum particles
as an emulsifying agent in cheese, and sodium alumi- reached 100 mg/m3 during the production of
nosilicate as an anticaking agent in salt and powder stamped aluminum powder in the 1950s (Mitchell
artificial dairy creamer. These are major contributors et al., 1961). However, in the 1990s reported levels
to dietary aluminum intake. The Food and Agricul- were 5-21 mg/m3 during the production of alumi-
ture Organization of the United Nations and the World num powder and 1-4 mg/m3 during the production
Health Organization established a provisional tolerable of aluminum paste (Letzel et al., 1996). Aluminum
weekly intake of 2 mg/kg body weight that applies to welding (Figure 1) produces levels of 0.2-5 mg/m3
all aluminum compounds in food (FAO/WHO, 2011). (Sjögren et al., 1988). In summary, powder produc-
Substantial amounts of aluminum salts are commonly tion and aluminum welding are generally associated
used as flocculants in the treatment of drinking water. with the highest occupational aluminum exposure.

5.1 Absorption
The usual primary source of aluminum for the There have been several studies in animals and
human is food. Daily median aluminum intake was 8.5, humans dosed with 27Al using atomic absorption spec-
3.6, 9.5, and 9 mg for adults in the USA and Canada, troscopic analysis, and in the last 20 years dosed with
552 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

TABLE 1  High, Intermediate, and Low Aluminum

Exposures Based on Urine Levels in Different
Industry Source

High aluminum exposure (urine concentrations often

above 100 μg/L)
Aluminum powder production Iregren et al., 2001; Letzel et al.,
1996 and 2000
Welding Buchta et al., 2005; Kallio et al.,
1999; Kiesswetter et al., 2007;
Sjögren et al., 1985
Cryolite production Grandjean et al., 1990

Intermediate aluminum exposure (urine concentrations

FIGURE 1  Metal inert gas welding of aluminum. sometimes above 100 μg/L)
Electrolytic production Röllin et al., 1996
26Al using accelerator mass spectrometric analysis, to Corundum production Valentin et al., 1976
estimate the percentage of aluminum absorbed from Low aluminum exposure (urine concentrations seldom
drinking water. The results suggest that ∼0.3% is orally above 100 μg/L)
absorbed (Priest et al., 1998; Stauber et al., 1999; Yokel Electrolytic production with Röllin et al., 2001
­improved technology
et al., 2001). On the basis of daily aluminum dietary
Aluminum sulfate production Riihimäki et al., 2008; Sjögren
consumption and urinary aluminum excretion, the oral et al., 1983
bioavailability of aluminum from the diet has been esti- Grinding Elinder and Sjögren, 1990;
mated to be 0.1-0.3% (Ganrot, 1986; Priest, 1993; Nieboer Harwerth et al., 1987
et al., 1995). Animal studies have investigated the bio- Melting and foundry Elinder and Sjögren, 1990;
Sinczuk-Walczak et al., 2003
availability of 26Al that was incorporated into two FDA-
Optoelectronic industry Liao et al., 2004
approved food additives, acidic and basic SALP, which
were then incorporated into a cracker and a processed aAluminum levels in urine are normally below 16 μg/L.
cheese, respectively. The bioavailability was ∼0.1% from
the cracker, and ∼0.1-0.3% from the cheese (Yokel and
Florence, 2006; Yokel, et al., 2008). It was ∼0.35% from welding fume for 1 day and excreted 0.1-0.3% of the
tea (Yokel and Florence, 2008). Several studies demon- inhaled aluminum during the following 2 days (Sjögren
strated increased aluminum absorption when taken et al., 1985). Daily urinary aluminum excretion by alu-
with citrate (Krewski et al., 2007). Aluminum hydrox- minum welders, who may have been approaching a
ide is still used as an antacid and a phosphate binder. steady state for their lung aluminum burden, averaged
The recommended dose can deliver up to 1.6 g alu- 0.1 mg. Calculated daily aluminum lung deposition
minum per day. Thus, absorption from this dose may was estimated to be 4.2 mg, suggesting ∼2.4% absorp-
exceed 1 mg/day (Yokel and McNamara, 2001). The tion (Sjögren et al., 1997). Results from workers exposed
site of aluminum absorption is the upper intestine. The to ∼0.2-0.5 mg soluble Al/m3 in the air suggest ∼2%
mechanisms of gastrointestinal aluminum absorption absorption (Pierre et al., 1995). Estimated aluminum
are suggested to include passive (diffusion) and active absorption was similar in workers in another study
(carrier--mediated and vesicular) transport across (Gitelman et al., 1995). In an experiment, a solution of
intestinal cells and paracellular diffusion between these aluminum nitrate (containing 26Al) was dispersed to
cells. There is evidence for an energy-dependent com- produce an aerosol, which was dried and calcined in a
ponent of aluminum uptake. Aluminum absorption is furnace. The resultant oxide particles had a mean aero-
enhanced by processes that mediate calcium uptake. dynamic diameter of 1.2 μm; these were inhaled by two
Citrate may enhance aluminum absorption through subjects and 26Al levels were determined in their urine.
the paracellular pathway by increasing permeabil- Measurements were made at different times after inha-
ity between cells (Provan and Yokel, 1988; Whitehead lation. Aluminum excretion ceased 900 days after expo-
et al., 1997; Zhou and Yokel, 2005). sure. The calculated fraction of the respiratory deposit
Aluminum-containing welding fume consists of par- of aluminum that was transferred to the blood was 1.9%
ticles smaller than 1 μm (Ulfvarson, 1981). Aluminum (Priest, 2004). Despite this relatively low absorption,
flake powders vary from 5-200 μm in diameter and from occupational exposure to small sparsely water-soluble
0.05-1 μm in thickness (Ljunggren et al., 1991). Volun- aluminum-containing particles has resulted in increased
teers previously unexposed to welding fume inhaled aluminum concentrations in urine (Table 1).
26 Aluminum 553

Salts of aluminum such as chlorohydrate are exten- is through the blood-brain barrier. It has been suggested
sively used as antiperspirants. The estimated dermal that brain aluminum influx occurs through transferrin
absorption of aluminum from this compound is about receptor-mediated endocytosis of aluminum bound to
0.01% (Flarend et al., 2001). Some results suggest that transferrin (Roskams and Connor, 1990) and transferrin-
aluminum might be absorbed from the nasal cavity independent mechanisms of aluminum citrate influx
directly into the brain through the olfactory neurons. involving cystine/glutamate transporter system Xc-
The extent of absorption by this route is unknown (Nagasawa et al., 2005; Yokel, 2006). There is also evi-
(Yokel, 2000). dence of carrier-mediated efflux of aluminum from the
brain, probably as aluminum citrate (Yokel, 2006).
5.2 Distribution
5.3 Excretion
After absorption, aluminum is distributed by the
blood to different organs and the fetus (Yumoto et al., Urine accounts for more than 95% of aluminum
2010). Conflicting results have been presented regarding excretion. Reduced renal function markedly increases
the distribution of aluminum in blood between plasma the risk of aluminum accumulation. Biliary aluminum
and erythrocytes. The percentage in erythrocytes has accounts for less than 2% of the elimination. Chelators
varied from 10 to 90% in different studies (Riihimäki can increase aluminum clearance, and citrate seems
and Aitio, 2012). In plasma, about 90% of aluminum to act as a chelator (Yokel, 2002). Renal clearance of
is bound to transferrin, while the remainder is mainly aluminum may be in the form of citrate (Yokel and
bound to citrate (Yokel and McNamara, 2001). The total McNamara, 2001). Aluminum was also found in
aluminum body burden of normal human is estimated human breast milk (mean, 24 μg/L; range, 7-42 μg/L)
to be 30-50 mg. The skeleton contains about 50% and the (Fernández-Lorenzo et al., 1999).
lungs 25% of the body burden (Priest, 2004; Yokel and After intravenous injection of aluminum citrate, the
McNamara, 2001). In persons occupationally subject half-lives for blood and trabecular and cortical bone
to long-term exposure to small sparsely water-soluble were about 1 h, 1.4 years, and 29 years, respectively.
aluminum-containing particles, e.g. aluminum-welding Thus, a fraction of aluminum is retained in the body
fume, the content of aluminum in the lungs can be con- for decades (Priest, 2004).
siderably higher and the concentration of aluminum in
urine remains elevated many years after occupational
5.4  Biological Monitoring
exposure ceases (Riihimäki et al. 2008, Riihimäki and
Aitio, 2012). Postmortem examination of two weld- The chemical speciation of aluminum has a great
ers exposed to aluminum-containing welding fume for influence on its toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics,
more than 20 years revealed extremely high numbers of which consequently affects the methods used to per-
inorganic particles in the lungs, most of them containing form meaningful biological monitoring.
aluminum (Hull and Abraham, 2002). The lung burden Clinical studies of chronic uremic patients have pro-
was increased 158 times among rabbits inhaling alumi- vided evidence for relationships between serum levels
num oxide 0.56 mg/m3 for 5 months (8 h per day, 5 days of soluble aluminum and the occurrence of the dialysis
per week) (Röllin et al., 1991). On the other hand, in per- encephalopathy syndrome. A baseline level below 20 μg
sons exposed for many years to soluble aluminum salts, aluminum per liter serum has been recommended for
e.g. aluminum sulfate with particle size of 1-10 μm, there patients (National Kidney Foundation, 2003).
was no or only a small increase in urinary aluminum Among occupationally exposed workers, inhalation
concentration after an exposure-free period. These find- of small, sparsely water-soluble, aluminum particles
ings indicate that this type of exposure does not result results in their retention in the lungs. Some of this alu-
in an increased lung burden (Riihimäki et al., 2008). The minum is released into the blood and distributed to
aluminum content in bone, brain, and other organs, as organs, including bone and brain, and excreted in the
well as serum, increased with age (Zapatero et al., 1995; urine. Neurotoxicity is the critical effect of exposure to
Hellström et al., 2005; Markesbery et al., 1984; Roider sparsely water-soluble aluminum compounds. Effects
and Drasch, 1999). The brain has lower concentrations have been observed in welders with urine concentra-
than many other tissues (Priest, 2004; Krewski et al., tions of aluminum around 100 μg/L. The primary objec-
2007). Increased brain aluminum is seen in patients with tive of aluminum biomonitoring is to prevent harmful
dialysis encephalopathy (Alfrey and Froment, 1990). accumulation in the target organ. Biomonitoring can be
Studies of Alzheimer disease (AD) victims inconsistently used in the production or use of powders and weld-
show elevated brain aluminum levels (Krewski et al., ing or plasma cutting operations (Riihimäki and Aitio,
2007). The primary site of aluminum entry to the brain 2012). The highest aluminum exposures on the basis
554 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

FIGURE 2  Concentrations of aluminum in air and urine in a welder exposed to aluminum-welding fumes for 20 years.

of urine levels have been reported among welders because of contamination risks. Aluminum contamina-
and aluminum powder production workers (Table 1). tion can derive from airborne particles, reagents, and
A welder exposed to aluminum for 20 years had an labware that comes into contact with the sample. Plasma
average urine aluminum level of 300 μg/L (Figure 2). aluminum of occupationally nonexposed humans was
Furthermore, linear relationships have been observed most often < 5 μg/L (House, 1992; Liao et al., 2004)
between the air concentration of aluminum and the uri- and sometimes as low as 1 μg/L (Razniewska and
nary concentration at the end of a work shift in both Trzcinka-Ochocka, 2003). In Finland, the upper refer-
welders (Sjögren et al., 1988) and electrolytic produc- ence limit among nonexposed humans was 2.7 μg/L
tion workers (Pierre et al., 1995). (0.1 μmol/L) in serum and 16 μg/L (0.6 μmol/L) in
Soluble aluminum compounds do not accumulate urine (Kallio et al., 1999; Valkonen and Aitio, 1997).
in the lungs, as indicated by the fact that urine con- A biological exposure limit has been established in
centrations decrease to low levels after exposure-free Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2013,
periods (Riihimäki et al., 2008). Biological monitoring heading 8 “Guidelines”).
can help to identify exposed individuals and describe
transient exposures but cannot predict health effects 6 EFFECTS
because no information exists regarding cognitive dis-
turbances among workers exposed to these soluble
6.1  Gastrointestinal Symptoms
aluminum compounds (Riihimäki and Aitio, 2012).
Accurate measurements of aluminum in human On 6 July, 1988, at the Lowermoor Water Treatment
biological fluids such as blood and urine are difficult Works near Camelford, Cornwall, England, 20 tons
26 Aluminum 555

of 8% aluminum sulfate solution were inadvertently occasionally in conjunction with coughing. X-ray of the
deposited directly into the chlorine contact tank rather lungs revealed fibrosis accompanied by atrophy and
than into the storage tank. The domestic water supplies secondary emphysema (Edling, 1961). Pneumothorax
of an estimated 20,000 people in the area were affected. was a typical complication. The fibrosis, also known as
The pH plunged to as low as 3 and aluminum rose to aluminosis, could progress rapidly and in severe cases
as high as 109 mg/L at one location. Several symptoms lead to death within a few years of onset (Ahlmark
were reported just after the incident, including gas- et al., 1960; Swensson et al., 1962). No clear lowest
trointestinal disturbances, rashes, and mouth ulcers. observed adverse effect level could be estimated.
Later, continuing or new symptoms were described, Cases of fibrosis occurred after exposure to 4-50 mg
including gastrointestinal disorders, joint and muscle aluminum/m3 (Hunter et al., 1944; McLaughlin et al.,
pains, memory loss, and hypersensitivity. However, 1962; Mitchell et al., 1961; Swensson et al., 1962).
the role of aluminum in producing these symptoms is Between 1960 and 1989, only a few individuals
unclear. A summary of the Lowermoor Incident Health were compensated because of lung disease induced
Advisory Group reports and some dissenting opinions by aluminum dust in Germany, and in the begin-
have been published (Khanna, 2005). ning of the 1990s some further cases of fibrosis were
reported (Kraus et al., 2000). A 40-year-old worker was
employed as a stamper for 14 years in a plant produc-
6.2  Restrictive Pulmonary Disease
ing aluminum powder. He was exposed to high levels
Exposure to aluminum-containing minerals such as of aluminum and had a urine concentration of 400 μg
bauxite and corundum is often accompanied by silica. aluminum per liter. He also had signs of pulmonary
This combined exposure may lead to the development fibrosis on high-resolution computed tomography and
of fibrosis of the lung, Shaver disease (Shaver and a vital capacity of 58% of expected (Kraus et al., 2000).
­Riddell, 1947). In 2006 a study investigated the lungs of 62 aluminum
German, Swedish, and British occupational health powder-exposed workers using high-resolution com-
studies have shown that stamped aluminum powder, puted tomography. Ill-defined centrilobular nodular
even in the absence of silica, causes lung fibrosis. Such opacities were found in 15 workers. These workers had
cases of severe lung fibrosis were reported from Ger- higher urine levels of aluminum compared with work-
many during the 1930s and 1940s (Doese, 1938; Koelsch, ers without opacities. Ten of the workers with opaci-
1942; Meyer and Kasper, 1942), and later from Sweden ties had urine concentrations above 200 μg/L. Thus, it
(Ahlmark et al., 1960; Swensson et al., 1962) and Eng- seems that early stage aluminum-induced pneumoco-
land (Jordan, 1961; McLaughlin et al., 1962; Mitchell niosis is not yet eradicated (Kraus et al., 2006). Alumi-
et al., 1961). Similar cases have been reported only rarely num powder has also been associated with a case of
from North America (Gross et al., 1973). Stamped alu- sarcoid-like lung granulomatosis (De Vuyst et al., 1987).
minum powder is produced by crushing and grinding In North America, exposure to McIntyre powder,
hard unmelted aluminum metal. This aluminum pow- consisting of finely ground aluminum and aluminum
der is mainly used in the manufacture of pyrotechnical oxides, was used as a prophylactic (Denny et al., 1939;
products but is also used in the production of some alu- Godin, 1955) and in the treatment of silicosis (­Crombie
minum dyes. Ninety-five percent of stamped aluminum et al., 1944). A similar regimen was also applied to min-
powder particles are smaller than 5 μm. Stamped alumi- ers in Australia (Peters, et al., 2013). A comprehensive
num powder has a rather large surface area because of evaluation of the studies that used inhalation of alumi-
the flake-like form of the particles. The powder reacts num particles in the treatment of silicosis has, however,
with water to form hydrogen and aluminum hydrox- resulted in total rejection of this form of treatment. The
ide (Corrin, 1963). Granular aluminum particles, which British Medical Research Council concurred with this
are manufactured from melted aluminum, display a evaluation and recommended that aluminum powder
more regular particle structure and are not as reactive should not be used in the treatment or prevention of
as stamped aluminum powder (Corrin, 1963). Different silicosis (Kennedy, 1956). Despite this recommenda-
types of lubricating agents, generally stearin or mineral tion, aluminum powder was used as a prophylactic
oils, are used in the production of the powder. Cases of agent until 1979 in the mines in northern Ontario, Can-
lung fibrosis were first reported from industries using ada (Rifat et al., 1990).
mineral oil. Cases of the disease have, however, been Aluminum grinding and polishing have sometimes
reported from at least one industry where only stearin been associated with an extremely dusty work environ-
was used (McLaughlin et al., 1962). ment. One case of pulmonary fibrosis (De Vuyst et al.,
The first signs of lung fibrosis caused by stamped alu- 1986) and one case of alveolar proteinosis (Miller et al.,
minum powder exposure were respiratory problems, 1984) have been reported after long-term exposure.
556 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

In a factory producing aluminum oxide abrasives

6.3  Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
employing about 1000 workers, nine had abnormal
chest X-rays. The mean exposure duration was 25 years. In 1936, asthma was described among Norwegian
In each of three lung biopsies, interstitial fibrosis with workers in electrolytic aluminum production (Frostad,
honeycombing was found, along with an absence of 1936). This is often called potroom asthma. Symptoms
asbestos bodies and silicotic nodules. The authors con- of asthma, airflow limitation, and increased bronchial
cluded that aluminum oxide dust was the most likely responsiveness have been described in aluminum
cause, although mixed dust exposure may explain the smelters around the world. The most likely causes are
findings (Jederlinic et al., 1990). irritant airborne particulates and fumes containing
Long-term exposure to aluminum-welding fume cryolite, gaseous hydrogen fluoride, and other agents
in some case reports has been associated with chronic that may be adsorbed onto aluminum (WHO/IPCS,
interstitial pneumonia (Herbert et al., 1982), pulmonary 1997). In a cross-sectional study of 1760 Norwegian
granulomas (Chen et al., 1978), and pulmonary fibrosis potroom workers, 11% reported work-related asth-
(Hull and Abraham, 2002; Vallyathan et al., 1982). matic symptoms (Kongerud et al., 1990). A relationship
However, in a group of 64 aluminum-exposed welders between the levels of fluoride exposure and work-
with exposure duration between 1 and 24 years, no signs related asthmatic symptoms was also observed among
of pulmonary fibrosis were observed (Sjögren and such workers (Kongerud and Samuelsen, 1991). In a
Ulfvarson, 1985). cross-sectional study comprising 1615 male employees
Aluminum-containing fibers have been detected in of two Australian aluminum smelters, after adjusting
lung parenchyma and bronchial alveolar lavage fluid for smoking and age, workers with a cumulative expo-
in aluminum smelter workers, despite a nonexposure sure of fluoride > 0.16 mg/m3-years or inspirable dust
period of several years (Voisin et al., 1996). Small opaci- > 2.9 mg/m3-years were two to four times more likely
ties or accentuations of the bronchopulmonary mark- to report work-related wheezing and chest tightness
ings on chest X-ray were more common (29%) among than were unexposed subjects. The effect of these two
119 potroom workers exposed for more than 10 years exposure types could not be separated because there
from two plants in northern Italy compared with 15% was only one subject with work-related chest tightness
for a similarly sized referent group of unexposed clerical and no subjects with work-related wheezing who were
and maintenance workers from the same factories. Signs exposed to fluoride without being exposed to inspir-
of pneumoconiosis were more common among long- able dust (Fritschi et al., 2003).
term than short-term exposed workers (Saia et al., 1981). The production of aluminum fluoride and alu-
In a cross-sectional study, 670 aluminum workers minum sulfate has been associated with reversible
from Alabama were compared with 659 pipe fitters. bronchial obstruction or asthma (Simonsson et al.,
Both groups were asbestos exposed. Irregular opacities 1985). In 1975 and 1976, six and seven cases of asthma,
observed on X-rays were more common among alumi- respectively, occurred in a Swedish plant producing
num workers (21 vs. 15%) and pleural abnormalities aluminum fluoride. The number of exposed workers
less common (2 vs. 12%) than in referents. These find- was 35-40 and the mean concentration of aluminum
ings suggest an influence of particles or fibers other fluoride during this 2-year period was 3-6 mg/m3. In
than asbestos (Kilburn and Warshaw, 1992). Some 1977, environmental improvements were made and
cases of pulmonary fibrosis have also been reported exposure was reduced to 0.4-1.0 mg/m3. During the
after long-term exposure during electrolytic aluminum years 1978-1982, only two cases of asthma occurred
production (Akira, 1995; Al-Masalkhi and Walton, (­Simonsson et al., 1985).
1994; Gaffuri et al., 1985; Gilks and Churg, 1987). During 1971-1980, an average of 37 workers produced
To conclude, exposure to high levels of small par- aluminum sulfate in a Swedish plant. Four workers
ticles of aluminum powder has caused pulmonary developed short-lasting asthma, mainly in connection
fibrosis, also called aluminosis. Sometimes mixed with heavy dust exposure during rinsing and repair
dust exposure can explain pulmonary fibrosis among work. The mean aluminum sulfate concentrations var-
exposed workers. It is not clear whether these workers ied between 0.2 and 4 mg/m3 (Simonsson et al., 1985).
were very sensitive or susceptible to particle exposure Potassium aluminum tetrafluoride is sometimes
or whether they belonged to a small fraction of heavily used as a flux for aluminum soldering. Exposure to this
exposed workers. Aluminum-containing fibers have flux has been associated with asthma and bronchial
been detected in lung parenchyma and bronchial alve- hyperreactivity (Hjortsberg et al., 1986, 1994; Larsson
olar lavage fluid in aluminum smelter workers; how- et al., 2007).
ever, it is not clear whether these fibers play a causal One case of asthma related to aluminum welding has
role in the development of pulmonary fibrosis. been reported. Challenge exposure to aluminum welding
26 Aluminum 557

with flux-coated electrodes and electrodes without flux affected patients. Serum aluminum > 80 μg/L has been
elicited marked asthmatic reactions. However, mild steel associated with dialysis encephalopathy (Nieboer
welding did not cause a significant bronchial response et al., 1995). Many outbreaks of encephalopathy have
(Vandenplas et al., 1998). Exposure to aluminum pow- been described in association with the use of dialysis
der has been observed to cause asthma in a worker after fluids containing aluminum levels > 200 μg/L (WHO/
mixing aluminum and minimal amounts of cement IPCS, 1997). Today, aluminum exposure of dialysis
powders to make safes in a closed room. He reacted patients is minimized because dialysis fluid water is
with a decreased forced expiratory volume in 1 second monitored at most dialysis centers and the aluminum
(FEV1) after inhalation of aluminum powder or alumi- level is kept to < 10 μg/L. However, accidents happen,
num chloride but not after inhalation of lactose powder causing occasional incidences of aluminum-associated
(Park et al., 1996). A 46-year-old smoker had a cough and dialysis encephalopathy (de Wolff et al., 2002) and ele-
chest tightness starting 3 h after arriving at work. He had vated aluminum without symptoms (CDC, 2008).
worked as a caster of molten aluminum for 19 years. The
challenge test showed a biphasic reaction to aluminum
6.4.2  Other Medical Aluminum Exposures
chloride, with a 28% immediate fall in FEV1 and a 34%
late fall in FEV1 after 7 h (Burge et al., 2000). There have been several reports describing alumi-
In a historical cohort study comprising 5627 men num accumulation and toxicity in patients without
who had worked in two Norwegian aluminum plants, chronic renal failure. These include preterm infants
an increased number of deaths from chronic obstruc- largely fed intravenously, patients on parenteral nutri-
tive lung diseases (bronchitis, emphysema, and asthma) tion, patients with severe burns, patients undergoing
related to fluoride exposure (Romundstad et al., 2000). cranial bone reconstruction, and patients receiving
In conclusion, potroom asthma is a well-known alum irrigation of the urinary bladder.
disease associated with complex exposure in the pot- Premature infants with gestational ages of less than
rooms of the aluminum electrolytic production indus- 34 weeks were assigned to receive either standard or
try. Exposure to several other aluminum salts such aluminum-depleted intravenous-feeding solutions.
as aluminum fluoride, aluminum sulfate, and potas- When tested 18 months later, those who received more
sium aluminum tetrafluoride has also been associated aluminum exposure had impaired neurological devel-
with asthma. In some case reports, aluminum-welding opment (Bishop et al., 1997).
fume, foundry fume, aluminum powder, and alumi- A cement containing calcium aluminum fluorosili-
num chloride were also linked to asthma. cate has been used as a bone reconstruction material in
neurosurgical operations. In five reported cases, symp-
toms and signs of encephalopathy developed, including
6.4  Central Nervous System seizures. The concentrations of aluminum in the cere-
brospinal fluid were typically > 100 μg/L (Renard et al.,
6.4.1  Dialysis Encephalopathy
1994). Two of the five patients died from brain failure
Dialysis encephalopathy is a complication of pro- with persistent convulsions (Hantson et al., 1994) and
longed hemodialysis that was first described in 1972 a third from septic complications (Reusche et al., 2001).
(Alfrey et al., 1976). The main symptoms are speech Intravesical alum instillation is a treatment for hem-
disorder followed by the development of dementia, orrhagic cystitis. This treatment has resulted in acute
myoclonus, and local seizures. The mean duration aluminum intoxication among patients with some
of dialysis was 48 months; dialysis fluids were made degree of renal insufficiency (Phelps et al., 1999).
from untreated tap water (WHO/IPCS, 1997). Death
occurred within 12 months of symptom onset, and
6.4.3  Neurobehavioral Effects of Occupational
recovery was unusual (Bugiani and Ghetti, 1990).
Aluminum Exposure
Between 1968 and 1976, 55 patients with dialysis
encephalopathy were identified from six dialysis cen- Several studies of welders have been performed
ters in the United States. The overall attack rate of dial- in Finland to assess the potential of occupational alu-
ysis encephalopathy was 4%. Encephalopathy was the minum exposure to produce adverse neurobehavioral
cause of death in most cases (Schreeder et al., 1983). effects. The first, comprising 17 participants, did not use
Dialysis encephalopathy was related to the presence a control group but instead compared data from sub-
of aluminum in dialysis fluids and the concomitant groups of welders with differing exposures. Dose-effect
intake of aluminum-containing drugs used to decrease relationships were found between aluminum levels in
serum phosphate levels. Elevated aluminum was serum and urine and performance on four tests of mem-
found in the brain, muscle, and other tissues of the ory function (symbol learning, memory for designs, digit
558 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

span, and associative learning) (­Hänninen et al., 1994). was analyzed separately, significant correlations were
The mean level of aluminum in urine was 75 μg/L. The found between increasing exposure duration in years
second study (Akila et al., 1999) involved 51 aluminum and poorer performance on the tremor test. There was
welders and 28 controls, who were divided into three also a significant relation in the welders between lon-
groups according to the levels of aluminum in urine. ger reaction times and higher levels of aluminum in
The low-exposure group had a mean concentration of the air. The median urine aluminum for this group was
12 μg/L, the medium-exposed group had 60 μg/L, and 41 μg/L, and the range was 19-129 μg/L.
the high-exposure group had 269 μg/L. Dose-related Two German longitudinal studies of aluminum
impaired performance attributed to aluminum was welders were performed in the automobile industry
found on the digit symbol, synonyms, embedded fig- and in the train body and truck trailer industry. One
ures, memory for designs, and block design tests. A study involved 98 aluminum welders from the auto
third article from this research team reported on the industry and 50 nonexposed auto assembly workers
same worker groups, with the addition of further weld- (Buchta et al., 2003; Kiesswetter et al., 2009). The alu-
ers (Riihimäki et al., 2000). Welders were assigned to one minum welders and assembly workers were compara-
of three groups according to a combined measure of alu- ble regarding gender (male), age, education, physical
minum in the serum and urine to provide an indication work load, and social environment. Four years later,
of aluminum body burden. The three groups contained 92 aluminum welders and 50 controls participated.
25, 29, and 30 workers. The median urinary aluminum Three repeated measurements at 2-year intervals were
levels were 11, 49, and 192 μg/L, respectively. Significant performed during this 4-year period; they included
group differences were found with respect to symptoms symptom questionnaires and psychometric measure-
of fatigue, memory and concentration, and emotional ments. The median postshift urinary aluminum con-
lability. Six out of 18 psychological tests of memory and centrations were 48, 40, and 16 μg/L, respectively, and
concentration also showed significant group differences, the corresponding plasma concentrations were 8, 4,
with lower performance in the highly exposed groups. and 4 μg/L, respectively. The mean reaction time was
Furthermore, there were electroencephalography (EEG) slower in welders compared with assembly workers.
differences among the exposure groups. A number of The urine concentration of aluminum significantly
subjects in the exposed groups exhibited mild or mod- positively correlated with the reaction time (Buchta
erate diffuse or epileptiform abnormalities. To evaluate et al., 2003). At the end of the 4-year period, no sig-
dose-response relationships, the prevalence of find- nificant differences regarding neurobehavioral perfor-
ings in six critical domains (symptoms, visual accuracy, mance could be observed between the exposed and
attention, verbal, visuospatial memory, and EEG) was nonexposed groups (Kiesswetter et al., 2009). A second
examined. The proportion of deviant findings in these study compared 44 aluminum welders in the train
domains was between 15 and 20%. A plot of the number body and truck trailer industry with 37 nonexposed
of deviant findings against the measure of aluminum production workers (Buchta et al., 2005; Kiesswetter
body burden, derived from serum and urine aluminum et al., 2007). The number of participants decreased to
concentrations, suggested a critical aluminum level of 33 welders and 26 controls after 2 years and to 20 weld-
110-160 μg/L in urine. ers and 12 controls after 4 years. The median postshift
A Swedish study compared 38 aluminum weld- urinary aluminum concentrations were 130, 146, and
ers with a control group of 39 steel welders (Sjögren 94 μg/L, and the corresponding plasma concentrations
et al., 1996). The median employment time as alumi- were 12, 14, and 13 μg/L, respectively. Welders showed
num welders was 15 years. Aluminum welders per- significantly poorer performance in symbol-digit sub-
formed less well than the reference group in four tests stitution, block design, and, to some extent, in switch-
of motor function: finger tapping, two tasks of the ing attention, but not in reaction time. The reaction
Luria-Nebraska battery, and a pegboard test. For the time of welders improved between the first and second
former three tests, this effect was dose-related and was examination (Buchta et al., 2005). At the third examina-
observed in a subgroup of 19 highly exposed weld- tion, the mean exposure time for welders was 15 years.
ers who had a median urine concentration of 59 μg There was no difference between welders and controls
aluminum/L. In five of the 19 welders, the urine alu- regarding neurobehavioral performance and no rela-
minum exceeded 100 μg/L. tion between biomonitoring markers and performance
A Norwegian study compared a group of 20 alumi- variables (Kiesswetter et al., 2007). The lack of observ-
num welders with a reference group of construction able effects in these two longitudinal German stud-
workers (Bast-Pettersen et al., 2000). The welders per- ies may be explained by the short follow-up period
formed better than the construction workers in sev- (4 years), a rather low exposure (Buchta et al., 2003;
eral tests. However, when performance of the welders Kiesswetter et al., 2009), and a substantial proportion
26 Aluminum 559

of nonparticipating welders at follow-up (Buchta et al., the concentration of aluminum is generally higher in
2005; Kiesswetter et al., 2007). the brains of patients with AD than in other patients
There have been two studies of psychometric per- at autopsy (Crapper et al., 1973). Some investigations
formance by workers exposed to aluminum powder. found higher levels of aluminum and some did not
Neither study reported any differences compared (Krewski et al., 2007).
with referents. A German study was composed of 32 The results of several epidemiological studies sug-
exposed subjects with a mean urinary aluminum of gest a small increased risk of dementing illnesses,
110 μg/L (Letzel et al., 2000). A Swedish study con- including AD, for people living in areas of higher com-
tained 16 subjects with a mean urinary aluminum of pared to lower water aluminum concentrations. How-
83 μg/L (Iregren et al., 2001). In contrast, a study of ever, there are also several reports of no associations
Canadian miners who had inhaled aluminum powder (Krewski et al., 2007).
as a prophylactic against silicosis reported a higher The inconsistent findings from autopsy and from epi-
proportion of workers with impaired cognitive func- demiological studies of water aluminum contribute to
tions among those being treated for longer periods the controversy surrounding the role of aluminum in the
(Rifat et al., 1990). However, neither blood nor urine etiology of AD. Even if aluminum is elevated in AD brain,
concentrations of aluminum was reported. it does not prove a cause-effect relationship because AD
A meta-analysis included nine studies containing may produce changes in cells or cell debris that more
449 aluminum-exposed welders, aluminum foundry effectively bind aluminum. Epidemiological studies have
workers, or electrolytic production workers and 315 not observed a relationship between occupational alumi-
controls. The mean concentration of urinary alumi- num exposure and AD (Santibanez et al., 2007).
num among the exposed groups varied between 13 In summary there is no consensus on whether, col-
and 133  μg/L in the different investigations. Nine lectively, the human studies provide sufficient evi-
overall effect sizes indicated inferior performance of dence of an association between aluminum and AD
the exposed group. A significant overall effect size (Frisardi et al., 2010; Santibanez et al., 2007; DECOS
was obtained for the digit symbol test, which mea- 2010; NEG 2011).
sures speed-related components of cognitive and
motor performance. The individual results of this
6.5 Bone
test also suggested an exposure-response relationship
­(Meyer-Baron et al., 2007). Clinical and experimental research has shown that
In summary, neurotoxic effects have been observed high doses of aluminum inhibit bone remodeling. Alu-
in welders with urine concentrations of aluminum of minum can slow osteoblast and osteoclast activities,
around 100 μg/L compared with welders with lower and produces osteomalacia and an adynamic bone dis-
levels. The consistency among these observations is ease (Jeffery et al., 1996).
probably explained by the fact that the welders were A survey of 1293 patients from 18 dialysis centers in
compared with other types of welders, i.e. they are the United Kingdom showed a correlation between dial-
similar in most respects except for aluminum exposure. ysate aluminum concentration and the incidence of frac-
It should be emphasized that it is unknown whether turing dialysis osteodystrophy (Parkinson et al., 1979).
these effects are reversible. Most studies of exposed Serum aluminum of > 30 μg/L has been associated
groups other than welders compare one occupational with dialysis-associated bone diseases (Nieboer et al.,
group with another occupational group. Comparison 1995). Bone biopsy is needed for definitive diagnosis.
of workers with different training and occupations Persons without renal failure who take several
may well bias the results, especially when psychologi- grams of aluminum per day as antacids on a long-
cal outcome variables are used. term basis may have osteomalacia. This is attribut-
able to phosphate imbalance secondary to aluminum
intake (Insogna et al., 1980; Woodson, 1998). A marked
6.4.4  Alzheimer Disease
decrease in gastrointestinal phosphate absorption can
AD is a progressive deterioration of brain function, be observed after a rather small antacid dose (Spencer
initially characterized by cognitive deficits, with loss of et al., 1982). An increased risk for vertebral fractures
recent memory and language ability and impairment was observed among women over 65 years of age with
of orientation, problem solving, and abstract thinking. a weekly use of aluminum-containing antacids (Nevitt
The typical neuropathological signs of the disease are et al., 2005).
neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques. Premature infants with gestational ages of less than
A large number of studies have been performed 34 weeks were assigned to receive either standard or
in an attempt to replicate the first observation that aluminum-depleted intravenous-feeding solutions
560 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

(Bishop et al., 1997). When studied 15 years later, the 6.9  Ischemic Heart Disease
preterm infants exposed to standard intravenous-
Australian gold miners who inhaled aluminum
feeding solutions had lower hip bone mineral content
powder in order to prevent silicosis had a slightly
(Fewtrell et al., 2009). Some patients with severe burns
increased cardiovascular mortality compared to other
experienced reduced bone formation that was at least
gold miners (hazard ratio, 1.02 per year of exposure;
partially attributed to aluminum from human serum
95% confidence interval, 1.00-1.04) (Peters et al., 2013).
albumin, calcium gluconate, and other sources (Klein
Some studies of aluminum production workers
et al., 1994).
have reported an increased risk of ischemic heart
Thirty-two aluminum powder-producing workers
disease (Rønneberg, 1995; Thériault et al., 1988).
were compared with 29 nonexposed workers from the
This effect might be explained by possible asso-
same factory. Lumbar spine bone density did not differ
ciation between exposure to air pollutants and the
between the groups. The median preshift urine alumi-
occurrence of ischemic heart disease mediated by an
num of exposed workers was 110 μg/L and of referents
inflammatory response that increases blood coagula-
was 7 μg/L (Schmid et al., 1995).
tion (Sjögren, 2004). It is unlikely that aluminum per
se is responsible for this effect, but is more likely that
6.6  Hematopoietic Tissue it is due to air pollutants in general. Slightly higher
levels of fibrinogen were observed among aluminum
Some patients receiving dialysis treatment may
smelter workers at Söderberg pots exposed to high
develop hypochromic, microcytic anemia. This anemia
levels of air pollutants compared with those work-
is caused by aluminum and does not respond to iron
ing with prebaked electrodes and exposed to lower
therapy (Jeffery et al., 1996).
levels of air pollutants (Sjögren et al., 2002). A high
plasma fibrinogen level is an established risk factor
6.7 Skin for coronary heart disease (Danesh et al., 1998). Fur-
thermore, cumulative benzo(a)pyrene exposure was
Applications of 2 g magnesium aluminum silicate
associated with ischemic heart disease mortality in
to human skin onto a 6-cm2 (1-square inch) area daily
the highest exposure category among Canadian alu-
for 1 week did not cause any observable effects. When
minum production workers using Söderberg pots
tested on rabbits, magnesium aluminum silicate was
(Friesen et al., 2010).
regarded as a weak primary skin irritant (Elmore, 2003).

6.8  Allergic Effects 6.10  Carcinogenic Effects

Allergic contact dermatitis from aluminum is rare. Most animal studies have failed to demonstrate carci-
Two routes of sensitization have been described: alu- nogenicity attributable to aluminum powder or to sev-
minum can be administered onto the surface of the eral aluminum compounds (Léonard and Gerber, 1988).
skin in antiperspirants, medicaments, or the aluminum The German Commission for the Investigation of
disk used in routine patch testing (Finn Chamber); or Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the Work
injected in aluminum-adsorbed vaccines, hyposensiti- Area classifies aluminum oxide (fibrous dust) as a
zation extracts, and other forms. The risk of sensitiza- category 2 carcinogen because of the unequivocally
tion is higher from the latter route (Peters et al., 1998). positive results of intrapleural injections in animals
Cutaneous granulomas after immunization may take (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2013).
some years to heal or decrease (Kaaber et al., 1992). In 1987, the International Agency for Research on
Itching nodules were found in 645 children out of Cancer (IARC) concluded that there is sufficient evi-
76,000 vaccinees (0.8%) after subcutaneous and intra- dence that certain exposures occurring during alumi-
muscular injections. A majority of the affected chil- num production cause cancer of the lung and bladder
dren (75%) had symptoms after a median duration of (Group 1, occupational exposures during aluminum
4 years, and 77% of the children with nodules showed production are carcinogenic to humans). Pitch volatiles
contact hypersensitivity to aluminum (Bergfors et al., have fairly consistently been suggested in epidemiolog-
2003). Sensitization has also occurred after aluminum ical studies as possible causative agents (IARC, 1987).
particles were accidentally impelled into the skin from Synthetic abrasive materials containing aluminum
a compressed air pistol (Peters et al., 1998). Tattooing oxide, silicon carbide, and different additives have
with aluminum silicate to create blepharopigmenta- been used for more than 70 years (Wegman and Eisen,
tion has resulted in a delayed hypersensitivity granu- 1981). Exposure to these compounds occurs during
lomatous reaction (Schwarze et al., 2000). production and when they are used for metal grinding
26 Aluminum 561

and polishing. An increased risk of stomach cancer TABLE 2  Occupational Exposure Limits for Aluminum
has been observed in two studies (Järvholm et al., in Some Countries Expressed as Time-Weighted Averages
1982; Wegman and Eisen, 1981), and an increased risk Form of Country or TWA
of lung cancer has been observed in one (Siemiatycki aluminum organization (mg/m3) Source
et al., 1989). It is difficult to assess the impact of alu-
minum oxide as a cause of cancer during occupational Metal dust NIOSH 10 NIOSH, 2012
Sweden 5 Swedish Work
exposure to synthetic abrasives. Thus, further studies
are needed to explore whether components in syn- Authority, 2011
thetic abrasive materials are carcinogenic. Respirable metal ACGIH 1 ACGIH, 2013
dust Germany 1.5 Deutsche Forsc-
schaft, 2013
Sweden 2 Swedish Work
Aluminum phosphide is used as a fumigant to Environment
protect stored grain from insects and rodents. In the Authority, 2011
presence of moisture, aluminum phosphide releases Pyro powder NIOSH 5 NIOSH, 2012
(as Al)
phosphine, which is highly toxic. Since being first
Welding fume NIOSH 5 NIOSH, 2012
reported in India, aluminum phosphide poisoning is (as Al)
now recognized as one of the most common causes of Soluble salts NIOSH 2 NIOSH, 2012
poisoning among agricultural pesticides. Survival is (as Al) Sweden 1 Swedish Work
unlikely if more than 1.5 g is ingested. However, the Environment
Authority, 2011
case fatality ratio has declined since the early 2000s
Potassium alumi- Sweden 0.4 Swedish Work
due to improved intensive care (Gurjar et al., 2011). num tetrafluo- Environment
ride (inhalable) Authority, 2011

8 GUIDELINES ACGIH, American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien-

ists; NIOSH, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Aluminum is used as a coagulant in water treat- (USA); TWA, time-weighted average.
ment. According to the World Health Organization,
a health-based guideline value cannot be derived. It has been recommended in the Association for the
However, practical levels based on optimization of Advancement of Medical Instrumentation standards
the coagulation process in drinking-water plants that aluminum in dialysis water should be < 10 μg/L
using aluminum-based coagulants have been derived: (Vlchek et al. 1991; Willhite et al., 2012), but lower
0.1 mg/L or less in large water treatment facilities, and concentration limits (< 5 and < 2 μg/L) have been sug-
0.2 mg/L or less in small facilities (WHO, 2004). Simi- gested (Rob et al., 2001).
larly, Health ­Canada (2012) established an operational Aluminum compounds are the only adjuvants used
guidance value of < 0.1 mg/L for drinking water from in the manufacture of currently licensed vaccines
treatment plants using aluminum-based coagulants in the United States. Chapter 21 of the U.S. Code of
and < 0.2 mg/L for other types of treatment systems. ­Federal Regulations governs the amount of aluminum
The occupational exposure limits for airborne alumi- permitted in the recommended single human dose
num have been lowered since 2000 in many countries of a ­product. The amount of aluminum is limited to
and current values are presented in Table 2. Occupa- 0.85 mg/dose if the level is assayed or 1.14 mg if deter-
tional biological exposure limits are established in some mined by calculation on the basis of the amount of alu-
countries. Germany has a urinary biological tolerance minum compound added (Baylor et al., 2002).
value for occupational exposure of 60 μg aluminum per The daily intravenous intake of more than 4-5 μg
g creatinine (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 2013). aluminum/kg body weight from total parenteral
This concentration corresponds to approximately nutrition solutions can produce aluminum accumula-
80 μg/L, according to the equation given by Riihimäki tion and central nervous system and bone toxicity. To
and Aitio (2012). As a rough approximation an alu- address this problem, the FDA established a labeling
minum urinary concentration of A μg/L corresponds requirement that the aluminum content of large vol-
to 1.3 × B μg/g creatinine, at the urine relative density ume parenteral drug products used in total parenteral
of 1.021. Riihimäki and Aitio (2012) also proposed an nutrition therapy must not exceed 25 μg/L and the
action limit value of 80 μg/L in a sample collected pre- maximum level of aluminum present at expiry must
shift after 2 days without occupational exposure. be stated on the label of all small volume parenteral
562 Bengt Sjögren, Anders Iregren, Johan Montelius, and Robert A. Yokel

drug products and pharmacy bulk packages used in Denny, J.J., Robson, W.D., Irwin, D.A., 1939. Can. Med. Assoc. J. 40,
the preparation of parenteral nutrition solutions (FDA, 213–228.
Deutsche, Forschungsgemeinschaf, 2013. List of MAK and BAT
2013; Bohrer et al., 2010; Wier and Kuhn, 2012). values 2012. Commission for the Investigation of Health Hazards
of Chemical Compounds in the Work Area. Report No 49.
De Vuyst, P., Dumortier, P., Rickaert, F., et al., 1986. Eur. J. Respir. Dis.
References 68, 131–140.
De Vuyst, P., Dumortier, P., Schandené, L., et al., 1987. Am. Rev.
Abramson, M.J., Wlodarczyk, J.H., Saunders, N.A., et al., 1989. Am. Respir. Dis. 135, 493–497.
Rev. Respir. Dis. 139, 1042–1057. De Wolff, F.A., Berend, K., van der Voet, G.B., 2002. Forensic Sci. Int.
ACGIH (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygien- 128, 41–43.
ists), 2013. Threshold limit values for chemical substances and Doese, M., 1938. Arch. Gewerbepathol. Gewerbehyg. 8, 501–531.
physical agents & Biological exposure indices. Duggan, J.M., Dickeson, J.E., Tynan, P.F., et al., 1992. Med. J. Aust.
Ahlmark, A., Bruce, T., Nyström, Å., 1960. Silicosis and other 156, 604–605.
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