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ABSTRACT or very small. Few side effects have been reported after
oral intake of lanthanum carbonate as a drug. Gastro-
Lanthanum (La) is a nonessential element. In its pure intestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, vomiting,
form, it is a rather soft, silvery-white metal, which tar- and abdominal pain may occur. Myalgia, hypoten-
nishes rapidly in air. Its atomic weight is 138.9055 and sion, and occasional cases of mental confusion have
its atomic number is 57. Rare earth elements includ- also been reported. Therapeutic administration of lan-
ing La are relatively abundant in the Earth’s crust, but thanum salt will interact with the absorption of some
finding them where they can be economically mined other drugs, since the lanthanum cation can react with
and processed presents a challenge. China is presumed anionic forms of some compounds such as tetracy-
to be responsible for over 95% of the world’s mine clines and quinolones.
production. The chemistry of La primarily concerns
its formation of the ionic +3 oxidation state. Lantha-
num oxide improves the alkali resistance of glass: it is 1  PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES
used in making special optical glasses, such as infra-
red-absorbing glass, as well as camera and telescope Lanthanum, La [Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
lenses, because of the high refractive index and the low number 7439-91-0] in pure form is a rather soft, silvery-
dispersion of rare earth glass. Small amounts of lantha- white metal, which tarnishes rapidly in air. Its atomic
num added to steel improve its malleability. weight is 138.9055; atomic number, 57; and density at
Microelement fertilizers with lanthanum as a main 20°C, 6.17 g/cm3. The melting point of La is 920°C and
component have been used in Chinese plant produc- its boiling point is 3420°C. La has two stable isotopes,
tion for about 30 years to improve yield and quality. In 138La and 139La, with natural abundances of 0.09% and

the general population the mean dietary intake of La 99.91%, respectively.

and lanthanides is estimated to be below 150 μg, which The chemistry of La primarily concerns the forma-
is less than 5% of the estimated acceptable daily intake. tion of the predominant +3 oxidation state. Lantha-
Lanthanum in drinking water samples is reported to num oxide, La2O3 (CAS number 1312-81-8) can be
be below 10 μg/L. Lanthanum carbonate as a drug was prepared directly from the element. When water is
approved for human use by the U.S. Food and Drug added to La2O3 it “slakes” like lime, with the evolu-
Administration in 2004 and by the European Union tion of much heat and a hissing sound. Dissolution
in 2006 to reduce serum phosphate levels in chronic of the oxide or hydroxide, La(OH)3 (CAS number
kidney failure. For its administration to patients with 14507-19-8) in the appropriate acid provides the most
end-stage renal failure, the lanthanum salt is given convenient method for producing the salts of the col-
in the form of chewable tablets, at a maximal dose of orless, diamagnetic La3+ ions. With the exception of
3000 mg per day. The absorption of La salts from the lanthanum fluoride, LaF3 (CAS number 13709-38-1),
gut, as well as from the lungs, of humans is negligible the halides are very water soluble and deliquescent.

Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals 4E 903 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
904 Richard P. Wedeen, Balazs Berlinger, and Jan Aaseth

Lanthanum sulfate, La2(SO4)3 (CAS number 10099-60-2) bastnäsite and monazite. Bastnäsite deposits in China
and nitrate, La(NO3)3 (CAS number 10099-59-9) are and the United States constitute the largest percentage
known to exist, and they decompose to La2O3 on heat- of the world’s REE economic resources, while monazite
ing. Reaction of La with hydrogen produces highly deposits in Australia, Brazil, China, India, Malaysia,
conducting material with the composition LaH2 (CAS South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and the United States
number 13823-36-4). Further H2 can be absorbed caus- constitute the second largest segment. The Mountain
ing loss of electrical conductivity until material with Pass rare earth mine in California was once the largest
the limiting composition LaH3 (CAS number 13864- rare earth supplier in the world. Throughout the 1990s,
01-2) is produced. Another example of the “divalent” however, China’s mine production grew very rapidly
state of La, which is probably analogous to the dihy- and in 2009 China was believed to be responsible for
dride, is LaI2 (CAS number 13813-22-4) (Greenwood over 95% of the world’s mine production (Hedrick,
and Earnshaw, 1984). Lanthanum nitrate and sulfate 2010). The United States Geological Survey reports
are soluble, and carbonate, phosphate, and hydroxide that significant exploration and new mining activity
are insoluble in water (Möller, 1963). is expected from Canada and Australia (Cordier and
Hedrick, 2010). La is usually associated with lighter or
“cerium group” lanthanides in monazite, MPO4, and
2  METHODS AND PROBLEMS OF bastnäsite, MCO3F (M represents La, Ce, and Nd). In
ANALYSIS La (and lanthanides) production, the minerals are con-
centrated by processes such as flotation to increase the
Nowadays, inductively coupled plasma mass spec- lanthanide oxide content from about 7-10% to 60%. The
trometry (ICP-MS) is the analytical technique most method of extraction depends on the particular min-
commonly used for the determination of lantha- eral involved. Digestion with sulfuric acid or sodium
num—usually together with other rare earth elements hydroxide and acid leaching with dilute hydrochloric
(REEs)—from biological samples, like human blood, acid are used to extract the mixture of metal salts from
serum, or tissues (Rodushkin et al., 2000; Rodushkin monazite and bastnäsite, respectively. Until around
and Axelsson, 2000; Engström et al., 2004; Fujimori 1950, most separation of these mixtures revolved
et al., 1999; Inagaki and Haraguchi, 2000; Li et al., around hundreds of tedious fractional crystallizations
2001). While double-focusing sector field ICP-MS of compounds like bromates, double sulfates, or dou-
is sensitive enough for the measurement of the very ble nitrates. Ion exchange methods, a spin-off from the
low levels of lanthanum and REEs in these kinds of Manhattan project, greatly simplified the separation:
samples (Rodushkin et al., 2000; Rodushkin and Axels- the mixed lanthanide compounds were loaded on to a
son, 2000; Engström et al., 2004), use of the quadrupole cation exchange resin and then eluted with a suitable
ICP-MS technique with a preconcentration procedure complexing agent like ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
is often required (Fujimori et al., 1999; Inagaki and (known as EDTA). Since the 1960s, solvent extraction
Haraguchi, 2000; Li et al., 2001). Ion chromatography has been the favored process, employing complexing
(IC) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emis- agents like tributylphosphate or di(2-ethylhexyl)phos-
sion spectrometry (ICP-AES) has been used for the phoric acid in a covalent solvent such as kerosene.
determination of lanthanum in biological samples Free La metal can be prepared by reduction of LaF3 or
(Dybczynski et al., 2007; Qin et al., 1996), and zero and lanthanum chloride (LaCl3) with metallic calcium at
first derivative spectrophotometry have been used 1450°C in an argon atmosphere (Cotton, 1991).
for the determination of lanthanum in human blood
serum (Chamsaz et al., 2005), but the application of the
latter techniques compared to ICP-MS is negligible. 3.2 Uses
China is the dominant consumer of lanthanum and
lanthanides, using the elements mainly in manufactur-
ing electronics products for domestic and export mar-
kets. Japan and the United States were the second and
3.1 Production
third largest consumers of rare earth materials in 2009
Lanthanum is always found together with other (Cordier and Hedrick, 2010). In 2008 approximately
REEs; taken together as a group, these elements are 30% of the total amount of REEs used was lanthanum.
often called lanthanides. REEs are relatively abundant As REE congeners, La compounds are used as catalysts
in the Earth’s crust, but finding them where they can for fluid cracking in petroleum refining and automo-
be economically mined and processed presents a chal- bile catalytic converters. In the glass industry, La and
lenge. World resources are contained primarily in other REE compounds are used as additives to glass to
42 Lanthanum 905

absorb ultraviolet light; alter the refractive index and eggs were 28.9, 1.1, and 28.7 μg/kg, respectively. The
colorizing or decolorizing; and as components of spin- dietary intake was calculated only for total rare earth
ning glass polishing powders. Lanthanum is added oxides (REOs). The mean dietary intake of total REOs
in small quantities to aluminum, iron, steel, or other for an average Chinese adult was 133 μg, which was
host metals to improve selected physical properties of only 3% of the estimated acceptable daily intake of
the resulting alloys. La is added as a ferroalloy, master REOs. There are also few reports of investigations of
alloy, mischmetal (a mix of mostly cerium and lantha- lanthanum in drinking water samples. La concentra-
num oxides), or as pure metal. La compounds are used tions between 8 ng/L and 8.7 μg/L were reported from
in phosphors in cathode ray tube displays, fluores- 18 groundwater and two surface water stations in the
cent lamps, and in other applications that require the Netherlands in a Dutch study (de Boer et al., 1996). As
production of colored light. There is also an increas- to the presence of La and other REEs in groundwater,
ing application of lanthanum in the high-technology two origins were considered: (1) REEs already present
industry. It is added to some ceramic glazes for color in the soil may dissolve in groundwater and (2) REEs
control in electronic applications, and La is used in deposited onto the surface may migrate into ground-
larger amounts in the negative electrodes of some water. Lower concentration levels (0.1-100 ng/L) were
types of nickel-metal-hydride rechargeable batteries, found in groundwater from different Alpine aquifers
where the principal function of La is to store hydrogen. (Biddau et al., 2009).
In the rare earth-Ni battery class, the main REE used
is lanthanum or cerium, with small amounts of other
4.2  Water, Soil, and Ambient Air
REEs (Goonan, 2011). Some lanthanum compounds are
used in water treatment. Lanthanum hydroxide can be Lanthanum and other REEs were investigated in
used for defluoridation (Na and Park, 2010) or for the rivers, estuaries, and costal seas in a study that deter-
removal of arsenate from aqueous solutions (Tokunaga mined lanthanum in the range of 20-600, 5-200, and
et al., 1997). 5-40 ng/L in different rivers, their estuaries, and costal
Lanthanum carbonate (Fosrenol, from Shire Phar- seas, respectively (Elderfield et al., 1990). Slightly lower
maceuticals) was approved for human use by the U.S. levels (3-100 ng/L) were reported by other authors in
Food and Drug Administration in 2004 and by the Chinese and South Korean rivers (Han and Liu, 2007;
European Union in 2006 to reduce serum phosphate Ryu et al., 2007). An inverse correlation between the
levels in chronic kidney failure (Finn, 2006). concentration of both La and total RREs and pH was
found in river water (Goldstein and Jacobsen, 1988).
The same concentration levels of La were reported in
the oceans as were determined in costal seas, with an
increasing concentration profile with increasing depth
(Elderfield and Greaves, 1982; Sotto and Nozaki, 1999).
4.1  Food and Daily Intake
La and other REE contents in the soils of different
It is quite difficult to estimate the daily intake of countries have been determined in multiple studies
lanthanum from food because only a few studies have (Diatloff et al., 1996; Yoshida et al., 1998; Wyttenbach
reported concentrations of lanthanum and other REEs et al., 1998; Ran and Liu, 1999). The concentration of La
in foodstuffs. There have been, however, some investi- in Australian (Diatloff et al., 1996), Japanese (Yoshida
gations in China (Sun et al., 1994; Zhou and Liu, 1997; et al., 1998), Swiss (Wyttenbach et al., 1998), and Chi-
Zhang et al., 2007; Jiang et al., 2012) in which REEs nese (Ran and Liu, 1999) soils varied within a range of
were directly applied to plants. Microelement fertil- 1-50 μg/g, quite close to the value (32 μg/g) found in
izers with lanthanum and cerium as their main com- the upper continental crust (Wedepohl, 1995). La con-
ponents have been used in Chinese plant production centration can be increased by pollution from industry
for about 30 years to improve yield and quality (Pang and agriculture, usually through the addition of sew-
et al., 2002). Based upon their performance-enhancing age sludge, mining waste, and factory effluent (Jones,
properties, REEs have also been applied in animal hus- 1997). Many phosphate fertilizers, if derived from apa-
bandry in China and they may also be of interest as tite, contain appreciable amounts of REEs; this may
new, safe, and inexpensive performance enhancers in influence the La concentration in soils (Wyttenbach
Western countries (He and Rambeck, 2000; He et al., et al., 1998). Regarding the use of REE-containing fer-
2001; He et al., 2010). According to a recent Chinese tilizers, it has been stated by Tyler (2004) that even if
study (Jiang et al., 2012), the average, median, and all REEs end up and remain in the soil, thousands of
90th percentile concentrations of La in cereals, fresh years are needed to double the natural total soil pool at
vegetables, fresh aquatic products, fresh meats, and the recommended rates of application. REEs supplied
906 Richard P. Wedeen, Balazs Berlinger, and Jan Aaseth

as fertilizers are, however, much more soluble and to hypercalcemia, severe bone disease (renal osteodys-
reactive than the average soil pool and are therefore trophy), and life-threatening vascular, valvular, and
of more environmental interest. The transfer of lantha- other soft tissue calcification (Goodman, 2001). Thera-
num and other REEs from the soil into plant material peutic lowering of serum phosphate levels above 3.5-
is usually low, but extreme accumulators have been 5.5 mg/dL is standard medical practice in advanced
found, e.g. among several species of ferns (Tyler, 2004). renal failure because elevated phosphate levels are
Lanthanum concentrations in ambient air are usu- associated with decreased survival (Block et al., 2004;
ally very low (0.05-30 ng/m3) even in more polluted Kestenbaum et al., 2005; Tentori et al., 2008). Calcium
urban areas (Wang et al., 2000, 2001; Perez et al., 2008; carbonate may be used to reduce phosphate levels in
Moreno et al., 2008). Recent studies have showed that chronic renal failure but has the disadvantage of some-
atmospheric lanthanum and lanthanides can be used times causing hypercalcemia. The usual clinical substi-
as markers for hydrocarbon combustion emissions tutes for calcium carbonate, i.e. lanthanum carbonate
(Moreno et al., 2008; Kulkarni et al., 2007) because or sevelamer, avoid the elevated calcium side effect but
some compounds of these elements are used as cata- are more expensive. However, it should also be taken
lysts in the petroleum refinery industry. into account that the higher the plasma phosphate, the
more rapid is the decline in renal function (Voormolen
et al., 2007). Nevertheless, there is insufficient evidence
4.3  Working Environment that treatment with phosphate binders increases sur-
Lanthanum concentrations in the workplace atmo- vival time (Isakova et al., 2009).
sphere cannot be found in the current literature, Randomized clinical trials have shown that lantha-
although some cases were reported in which lantha- num carbonate effectively and safely reduces serum
num exposure from the working environment may phosphate in patients with advanced renal failure
have occurred (Brune et al., 1980; Gerhardson et al., (Curran and Robinson, 2009; Finn, 2006; Joy and Finn,
1984, Dufresne et al., 1994; Porru et al., 2000). Increased 2003; Sprague et al., 2009a; Wilson et al., 2009). Based
levels of lanthanum were found in the kidney, liver, on the reduction in urinary excretion of phosphate,
and lungs of exposed smelter and refinery workers Sprague et al. (2009b) estimated that lanthanum car-
compared to concentrations in the same tissues of non- bonate therapy reduces phosphate absorption by
exposed referents (Brune et al., 1980; Gerhardson et al., one-third. A randomized, double-blind comparison
1984). High amounts of La were found in the lungs of a of lanthanum carbonate versus calcium carbonate
printer (Dufresne et al., 1994) and a movie projectionist in 259 patients for 8 weeks found a similar efficacy
(Porru et al., 2000): both were exposed to REE-contain- (Shigemetsu, 2008). A multicenter study of dialysis
ing aerosols from cored carbon arc lamps. patients comparing bone histomorphology following
treatment with lanthanum or calcium carbonate after
1 year showed improvements in bone structure with
5  METABOLISM AND METABOLIC lanthanum (D’Haese et al, 2003). Improvement in bone
INTERACTIONS morphology has been seen after 1 and 2 years of lan-
thanum therapy compared to standard therapy with
The absorption of lanthanum salts after oral intake calcium salt in dialysis patients (Malluche et al., 2008).
or inhalation is minimal or negligible. In a comparison study, there was significantly less pro-
Administered orally, lanthanum carbonate is used gression of aortic calcification over 18 months with
as a drug (Fosrenol, Shire Pharmaceuticals) to trap lanthanum carbonate than with calcium carbonate, as
phosphate in the gut in chronic advanced renal fail- assessed by spiral computed tomography (Toussaint
ure. The resulting lanthanum phosphate, like other et al., 2011).
salts of lanthanum, is poorly absorbed in the gastro- Coronary artery disease is a major cause of death in
intestinal tract and excreted in the stool, along with hemodialysis patients. Elevated serum phosphate and
small amounts in bile, and the compound is not accu- the associated raise in fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF-23)
mulated in any organ (Curran and Robinson, 2009); in renal failure suppresses renal 1-α-hydroxyvitamin D,
these characteristics explain the ability of the drug which reduces the ­conversion of 25-hydroxyvitamin D
to reduce phosphate levels in chronic kidney failure. to calcitriol (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol), the active
End-stage renal failure is otherwise characterized by form of vitamin D (Hruska et al., 2008). The resulting
increased serum phosphate levels (Hruska et al., 2008). reduction in active vitamin D, in turn, reduces intestinal
Serum phosphate concentration increases inexorably calcium absorption and lowers serum c­ alcium concen­
as renal failure progresses, leading to the development tration, thereby stimulating the production of para-
of secondary hyperparathyroidism (HPT). HPT leads thyroid hormone (PTH), leading to HPT. Lanthanum
42 Lanthanum 907

treatment reduced FGF-23 levels in renal failure compared to other phosphate binders in hemodialy-
stage 3 and increased phosphate excretion as well as sis patients (Hutchison et al., 2009). Side effects on
vitamin D production, thereby reducing the severity
­ bone histological morphology similar to those seen
of HPT (­Gonzalez et al., 2011). HPT promotes vascular with aluminum hydroxide have rarely been observed
calcification by direct effects on smooth muscle cells
­ after long-term use of lanthanum (Brancaccio and
mediated by sodium-dependent phosphate cotrans- Cozzolino, 2007). Cases of myalgia and hypotension
porters and other genetically controlled mechanisms have been reported with lanthanum carbonate treat-
(Giachelli, 2009; Finn and Joy, 2005). However, the role ment (Finn and Joy, 2005; Hutchison, 2008b).
of FGF-23 in HPT and renal osteodystrophy is not fully Occasional case reports of mental confusion associ-
understood (Isakova et al., 2009). ated with lanthanum carbonate use have raised con-
Bone deposition of lanthanum after 2 years of cern about the possibility of adverse cerebral effects,
treatment was low, averaging 1.9 μg/g wet weight but these episodes are difficult to distinguish from
bone, while plasma lanthanum averaged 0.09 ng/mL the array of symptoms commonly seen in end-stage
(Spasovski et al., 2006). renal disease and dialysis patients (Muller et al., 2009).
Many studies have indicated that reducing phos- Adverse effects on cerebral function observed after
phate reduces PTH, which is a surrogate marker for long-term use of lanthanum (Altman et al., 2007) may
clinical outcomes (e.g. death, bone histomorphology, be related to interference of the lanthanium cation with
fractures, and hospitalizations) (Spasovski et al., 2006; GABA receptors, which has been observed in experi-
D’Haese et al., 2003; Sprague et al., 2009a). In a long- mental studies (Boldyreva, 2005). Experiments pur-
term study reported by Hutchison (2008a), PTH levels porting to show cerebral effects in animals have been
averaging less than 408 mmol/L remained relatively met with considerable skepticism with respect to the
constant throughout the lanthanum salt treatment clinical use of sevelamer (Damment et al., 2009).
period. The therapeutic administration of lanthanum inter-
feres with the absorption of some other drugs because
the lanthanum cation can interact, for example, with
6  BIOLOGICAL MONITORING anionic forms of antibiotics such as tetracyclines and
quinolones. The effect of calcium channel blockers
Blood plasma concentrations have been routinely might also be influenced by lanthanum.
used in biological monitoring after exposure to lan- A case report of inhaled lanthanum describes X-ray
thanum salts. Hutchison (2008a) reported 574 mea- dense deposits in the lungs but no discernible adverse
surements in 93 patients given lanthanum carbonate systemic consequences. However, the development of
treatment and followed for up to 6 years; he revealed pneumoconiosis has been suspected after long-term
few cases of plasma lanthanum levels above 2 ng/mL. exposure from occupational environment, although
Only 15 samples had such raised levels, which is com- the occurrence of such cases apparently is extremely
parable to the low levels in plasma found by D’Haese rare (Dufresne et al., 1994).
et al. (2003) and Spasovski et al. (2006).

Acute poisoning from lanthanum salts is extremely
For use as a drug in end-stage renal failure, lantha- rare. However, the side effects of long-term intake in
num carbonate is administered in chewable 500, 750, renal failure patients might necessitate a changed treat-
or 1000 mg tablets, usually three times a day (Hutchi- ment regimen, such as choosing another phosphate
son et al., 2009). In a study in healthy volunteers binder. In particular, the noncalcium-containing syn-
funded by Shire Pharmaceutics, lanthanum carbonate thetic polymer resin, sevelamer (Renagel and Renvela,
decreased phosphorus absorption in a single meal by Genzyme Corporation) is an alternative drug to reduce
45% (Martin et al., 2011). Few side effects have been phosphate absorption. Clinical experience indicates
reported after oral intake of lanthanum carbonate. comparable efficacy between the phosphate binders
Gastrointestinal disturbances such as diarrhea, vom- lanthanum and severlamer (Toussaint et al., 2011).
iting, abdominal pain, constipation, and nausea have Thus, severlamer appears to be the drug of choice if
been noted in some cases, but dose dependency has lanthanum is not well tolerated. There is no efficient
not been observed. A follow-up study for up to 6 years therapeutic chelator to remove excess lanthanum from
showed no increase in adverse events on liver function the body.
908 Richard P. Wedeen, Balazs Berlinger, and Jan Aaseth

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