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Arranged by: Jovel C.


People vs Alejandro drugs is proof that the transaction or sale

G.R No. 176350, August 10, 2011 actually took place, coupled with the
presentation in court of evidence of the
FACTS: corpus delicti, i.e., the body or substance of
the crime that establishes that a crime has
The RTC found the appellant John-John actually been committed, as shown by
Alejandro for violating RA 9165 or the presenting the object of the illegal
Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of transaction.
2002. It was alleged that he sold shabu to
undercover police on September 1, 2002. The In prosecutions involving narcotics, the
appellant appealed the case in the Court of narcotic substance itself constitutes the
Appeals but the appellant court affirmed the corpus delicti of the offense and proof of its
decision of the lower court stating that the existence is vital to sustain a judgment of
defense already admitted the admissibility of conviction beyond reasonable doubt.
certain evidences against the appellant and
further stated that, in the absence of any To remove any doubt or uncertainty on the
motive to do otherwise, the police officers are identity and integrity of the seized drug, the
presumed to have performed their duties in a evidence must definitely show that the illegal
regular manner. Thus, the appellant raised drug presented in court is the very same illicit
the matter to the SC claiming that the RTC drug actually recovered from the appellant;
erred in convicting him because the otherwise, the prosecution for drug pushing
prosecution failed to prove that the integrity under R.A. No. 9165 fails.
of the seized item, with police having failed
to mark and photograph the seized item, The presumption of regularity obtains only
therefore, his guilt was not proven to be when there is no deviation from the regular
beyond reasonable doubt. performance of duty. Where the official act in
question is irregular on its face, no
ISSUE: presumption of regularity can arise.—In
convicting the appellant of the crime
WON, the prosecution was able to prove the charged, both the RTC and the CA relied on
appellants guilt beyond reasonable doubt the evidentiary presumption that official
duties have been regularly performed.
However, this presumption is not conclusive
RULING: and cannot, by itself, overcome the
constitutional presumption of innocence.
NO, the prosecution was not able to prove the The presumption of regularity, it must be
appellants guilt beyond reasonable doubt. emphasized, obtains only when there is no
deviation from the regular performance of
If the prosecution fails to meet the required duty. Where the official act in question is
quantum of evidence, the defense does not irregular on its face, no presumption of
even need to present any evidence in its regularity can arise.
behalf; the presumption of innocence
prevails and the accused should be
acquitted.—The burden lies on the G.R. No. 188694 February 12,
prosecution to overcome such presumption 2014
of innocence by presenting the quantum of
evidence required. In doing so, the RICARDO L. ATIENZA AND ALFREDO
prosecution must rest its case on its own A. CASTRO, Petitioners,
merits and cannot merely rely on the vs.
weakness of the defense. If the prosecution PEOPLE OF THE
fails to meet the required quantum of PHILIPPINES, Respondent.
evidence, the defense does not even need to
present any evidence in its behalf; the FACTS:
presumption of innocence prevails and the
accused should be acquitted.
⚫ Atienza and Castro (petitioners) are
employees of the CA, particularly
The elements necessary for the prosecution
assigned to its Budget Division.
of illegal sale of drugs under Section 5 of R.A. ⚫
On March 20, 1995, Atibula, Records
No. 9165 are: (1) the identity of the buyer and
Officer I and Custodian of the CA
the seller, the object and the consideration;
Original Decisions in the CA Reporter’s
and (2) the delivery of the thing sold and the
Division, was invited by Castro to attend
payment therefor. What is material in the
Atienza’s birthday party where he was
prosecution for illegal sale of dangerous

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

introduced to a certain Dario and asked ⚫ After investigation, the charges

him to assist the latter in searching for involving the pertinent provisions of
the CA decision in the case entitled RAs 3019 and 6713 were dismissed for
"Mateo Fernando v. Heirs of D. Tuason, insufficiency of evidence, but it was
Inc.". contrarily determined that there existed
⚫ Thereafter, Atibula returned to the office probable cause to charge Atienza,
– followed by Dario – and searched for Castro, and Dario for the crimes of
the aforementioned decision. As Dario Robbery under Article 299(a)(1) of the
was scanning through the said volume, RPC, as amended, and of Falsification of
Atibula observed that he was comparing Public Document under Article 172(1) in
its pages to the discolored papers he was relation to Article 171(6) of the same
holding. code.
⚫ On March 24, 1995, Dario requested ⚫ The RTC found petitioners guilty beyond
Atibula to insert a Decision dated reasonable doubt of the crimes of
September 26, 1968 in one of the Robbery under Article 299(a)(1) of the
volumes of the CA Original Decisions. RPC and Falsification of Public
However, Atibula refused and Document under Article 172(1) in
immediately left. relation to Article 171(6) of the RPC, and
⚫ Atienza offered Atibula the amount of sentenced them to each suffer: (a) the
₱50,000.00 in exchange for Volume indeterminate penalty of six (6) months
260, which the latter turned down. and one (1) day, as minimum, to two (2)
⚫ Disturbed by the situation, Atibula years and four (4) months of prision
reported the incident to Atty. correccional, as maximum, for the first
Macapagal. crime; and (b) the penalty of six (6)
⚫ On May 9, 1995, Atibula discovered that months and one (1) day, as minimum, to
Volume 266 covering the period from six (6) years of prision correccional, as
January 28 to February 12, 1969 was maximum, and a fine of ₱5,000.00 for
missing. On May 18, 1995, a certain the second crime.
Nelson de Castro, Clerk IV detailed at ⚫ In convicting petitioners, the RTC found
the CA Reporter’s Division, handed to that "the evidence x x x of the
Atibula a bag containing a gift-wrapped prosecution is replete with situations
package which turned out to be the and/or events to prove [petitioners’]
missing Volume 266. He claimed that it guilt," namely: (a) Atienza requested
was Castro who asked him to deliver the Atibula to take out Volumes 260, 265
said package to Atibula. and 267 of the CA Original Decisions
⚫ Atibula compared the contents of from the CA Reporter’s Division, which
Volume 266 with the index of the the latter rejected despite offer of
decisions and noticed that there were remuneration; (b) Volume 266 was
two new documents inserted therein. subsequently discovered to be missing;
⚫ Laboratory analysis and comparative (c) access to the missing volume appears
examination conducted by the NBI to have been acquired by entering
showed that: (a) Volume 266 had indeed through an opening in the premises of
been altered; and (b) the signatures of the CA’s Reporter’s Division because the
the CA Justices in the subject resolution air conditioning unit occupying the
and decision (questioned signatures) space thereat was taken out for repair
and their standard/sample signatures earlier; (d) Castro returned Volume 266
"were not written by one and the same after its loss; (e) Volume 266 bore
person," leading to the conclusion that badges of tampering evidenced by the
the questioned signatures were "non-continuity of the front and the back
forgeries. cover flaps x x x and the pages of the
⚫ Consequently, a criminal complaint was book/volume differences in the cutting
filed by the NBI and the Fact-Finding marks on the sides of the volume and the
and Intelligence Bureau of the Office of presence of artificial aging on [its]
the Ombudsman against Atienza, sides"; and (f) two (2) new documents
Castro, and Dario before the Evaluation which materially amended the original
and Preliminary Investigation Bureau of decision and resolution in the Fernando
the OMB charging them for the case were inserted in the said volume.
following crimes: (a) Falsification of Aggrieved, petitioners appealed their
Public Document; (b) violation of conviction to the CA.
Section 3(a) of Republic Act No. (RA) ⚫ The CA affirmed the RTC’s judgment of
3019, as amended; and (c) violation of conviction in toto. It held that while
Section 8 of RA 6713. there is no direct evidence showing that
the petitioners committed the crimes

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

charged, the testimonies of Atibula and which the main fact in issue may be inferred
NBI Agent Atty. Daganzo with respect to based on reason and common experience. It
what had transpired before and after is sufficient for conviction if: (a) there is
Volume 266 was taken from its shelf, more than one circumstance; (b) the facts
when viewed together with the other from which the inferences are derived are
circumstances in the case, constitute proven; and (c) the combination of all the
circumstantial evidence which circumstances is such as to produce a
sufficiently point to the guilt of conviction beyond reasonable doubt. To
petitioners. In addition, it found that uphold a conviction based on circumstantial
Atienza’s defenses were self-serving evidence, it is essential that the
negative evidence which cannot circumstantial evidence presented must
outweigh the circumstantial evidence constitute an unbroken chain which leads
clearly establishing his participation. one to a fair and reasonable conclusion
pointing to the accused, to the exclusion of
ISSUE: the others, as the guilty person. Stated
Whether or not the RTC had jurisdiction to differently, the test to determine whether or
take cognizance of the falsification case. not the circumstantial evidence on record is
sufficient to convict the accused is that the
RULING: series of circumstances duly proven must be
consistent with each other and that each and
No. The RTC did not have jurisdiction to take every circumstance must be consistent with
cognizance of the falsification case since the accused’s guilt and inconsistent with his
Falsification of Public Document under innocence.
Article 172(1) of the RPC, which is
punishable by prision correccional in its Applying these principles to the facts that
medium and maximum periods (or appear on record, the Court finds that no
imprisonment for 2 years, 4 months and 1 sufficient circumstantial evidence was
day to 6 years91) and a fine of not more than presented in this case to establish the
₱5,000.00, falls within the exclusive elements of Robbery under Article
jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Courts, 299(a)(1) of the RPC and Falsification of
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Public Documents under Article 172(1) in
Trial Courts pursuant to Section 32(2) of relation to Article 171(6) of the same code, or
Batas Pambansa Bilang 129, otherwise of petitioners’ supposed conspiracy therefor.
known as the "Judiciary Reorganization Act
of 1980," as amended by RA 7691. While The Constitution mandates that an accused
petitioners raised this jurisdictional shall be presumed innocent until the
defect for the first time in the present contrary is proven beyond reasonable doubt.
petition, they are not precluded from The burden lies on the prosecution to
questioning the same. Indeed, jurisdiction overcome such presumption of innocence,
over the subject matter is conferred only by failing which, the presumption of innocence
the Constitution or the law and cannot be prevails and the accused should be
acquired through a waiver or enlarged by the acquitted. This, despite the fact that his
omission of the parties or conferred by the innocence may be doubted, for a criminal
acquiescence of the court. The rule is well- conviction rests on the strength of the
settled that lack of jurisdiction over the evidence of the prosecution and not on the
subject matter may be raised at any stage of weakness or even absence of defense. If the
the proceedings. Hence, questions of inculpatory facts and circumstances are
jurisdiction may be cognizable even if raised capable of two or more explanations, one of
for the first time on appeal. which is consistent with the innocence of the
accused and the other consistent with his
guilt, then the evidence does not fulfill the
test of moral certainty and is not sufficient to
Whether or not petitioners’ conviction for the support a conviction, as in this case. Courts
crimes of Robbery and Falsification of Public should be guided by the principle that it
Document should be upheld on account of would be better to set free ten men who
the circumstantial evidence in this case might be probably guilty of the crime charged
proving their guilt beyond reasonable doubt. than to convict one innocent man for a crime
he did not commit.
The petition is meritorious.
Accordingly, there being no circumstantial
Circumstantial evidence consists of proof of evidence sufficient to support a conviction,
collateral facts and circumstances from the Court hereby acquits petitioners, without
prejudice, however, to any subsequent
Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

finding on their administrative liability in counsel de officio in the name of Atty.

connection with the incidents in this case. Nicanor Lonzame. However, for one reason
or another, Atty. Lonzame ceased to appear
for and in behalf of the accused-appellant.

G.R. No. 120420 April 21, 1999 ISSUE: Whether or not accused-appellant
was properly and effectively accorded his
PEOPLE OF THE right to counsel.
PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,
vs. HELD: The Supreme Court ruled in the
RUFINO MIRANDILLA negative. The right to counsel must be more
BERMAS, accused-appellant than just the presence of a lawyer in the
courtroom or the mere propounding of
CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO standard questions and objections. The right
COUNSEL; The right to counsel means to counsel means that the accused is amply
that the accused is amply accorded accorded legal assistance extended by a
legal assistance extended by a counsel counsel who commits himself to the case for
who commits himself to the case for the defense and acts accordingly. The right
the defense and acts accordingly. The assumes an active involvement by the lawyer
right assumes an active involvement in the proceeding particularly at the trial of
by the lawyer in the proceeding the case, his bearing constantly in mind of
particularly at the trial of the case, his the basic rights of the accused, his being well-
bearing constantly in mind of the basic versed on the case, and his knowing the
rights of the accused, his being well- fundamental procedures, essential laws and
versed on the case, and his knowing existing jurisprudence. In the case at bar,
the fundamental procedures, essential accused-appellant has not properly and
laws and existing jurisprudence. effectively been accorded the right to
counsel. The right to counsel proceeds from
FACTS: the fundamental principle of due process
which basically means that a person must be
heard before being condemned. The due
Rufino Mirandilla Bermas was charged with
process requirement is a part of a person's
the crime of rape committed against his
basic rights; it is not a mere formality that
daughter Manuela Bermas. On the basis of
may be dispensed with or performed
the evidence of the prosecution, the Regional
perfunctorily. [Peop1e vs. Bermas; G. R.
Trial Court of Paranaque rendered its
No. 120420; April21, 1999; EN BANC--
decision finding the accused guilty of rape
- Vitug, J.]
and sentenced him to suffer the extreme
penalty of death. Hence, this automatic
review. In this instant appeal, the defense
alleged that the accused was denied of his
constitutional right to effective and vigilant PEOPLE OF THE
counsel. It appeared that on the day PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
scheduled for his arraignment, the accused vs.
was brought before the trial court without ARTURO LARA y ORBISTA, Accused-
counsel. The court thereupon assigned Atty. Appellant.
Rosa Elmira C. Villamin of the Public G.R. No. 199877 August 13, 2012
Attorney's Office to be the counsel de officio. FACTS
Thereafter, the complainant testified on An Information was filed against Lara with
direct examination with hardly any robbery with homicide. The prosecution
participation by defense counsel, who presented three (3) witnesses: Enrique
inexplicably later waived the cross- Sumulong (Sumulong), SPO1 Bernard Cruz
examination and then asked the court that (SPO1 Cruz) and PO3 Efren Calix (PO3
she be relieved of her duty as counsel de Calix).
officio. Consequently, Atty. Roberto Gomez Sumulong, the accounting staff of San
was appointed the new counsel de officio. Sebastian Allied Services testified that: May
While Atty. Gomez was ultimately allowed to 31, 2001, 9:00 in the morning, he withdrew
cross-examine the complainant, it should be the amount of ₱ 230,000.00 from the
quite evident, however, that he barely had Metrobank to defray the salaries of the
time to prepare therefor. Moreover, on the employees of San Sebastian and was
scheduled reception of the defense evidence, accompanied by Virgilio Manacob, Jeff Atie,
Atty. Gomez failed to appear. Hence, the Joselito Bautista and left the bank after the
court was constrained to appoint another transactions. Around 10:30 AM at the

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

intersection of Mercedes and Market they were told that he will be subjected to an
Avenues, Pasig City, Lara suddenly appeared inquest.
at the front passenger side of the pick-up and The RTC rejected Lara’s defense of alibi and
pointed a gun at him stating, "Akin na ang convicted Lara of robbery with homicide. On
pera, iyong bag, nasaan? Bautista shouted, appeal The CA found that Lara’s alibi failed
"Wag mong ibigay” to convince. The CA affirmed Lara’s
Sumulong threw the bag in Bautista’s conviction.
direction Bautista alighted from the car and
ran. Lara ran after him while firing his gun. ISSUES
Sumulong called the office of San Sebastian
to relay the incident. But, Bautista was shot a. whether the identification made by
and the bag was taken away from him. On Sumulong, Atie and Manacob in the police
June 7, 2001, Sumulong saw Lara walking line-up is inadmissible because Lara stood
along in Pasig City. He alerted the police and therein without the assistance of counsel;
Lara was thereafter arrested.
b. whether Lara’s supposedly illegal arrest
SPO1 Cruz testified that: June 7, 2001, may be raised for the first time on appeal for
Sumulong went to the police station and the purpose of nullifying his conviction;
informed him that he saw Lara walking. Four
(4) police officers and Sumulong went to Dr. c. whether there is sufficient evidence to
Pilapil Street where they saw Lara, they convict Lara; and
approached Lara and invited him for
questioning. Lara was positively identified by
d. whether Lara’s alibi can be given credence
Sumulong and his two companions.
so as to exonerate him from the crime
PO3 Calix testified that: May 31, 2001, he was
informed of a robbery that took place at the
corner of Mercedes and Market Avenues,
Pasig City. Together with three (3) other RULING
police officers, proceeded to the crime scene, I
upon arriving one of the police officers who
were able to respond ahead of them and Jurisdiction over the person of the accused
handed to him eleven (11) pieces of empty may be acquired through compulsory
shells and six (6) deformed slugs of a 9mm process such as a warrant of arrest or
pistol. As part of his investigation, he through his voluntary appearance, such as
interviewed Sumulong, Atie, Manacob at the when he surrenders to the police or to the
police station. Before Bautista died, he was court.19 Any objection to the arrest or
able to interview Bautista at the hospital. acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of
In his defense, Lara testified that: on May 31, the accused must be made before he enters
2001, he was at his house, digging a sewer his plea, otherwise the objection is deemed
trench and his brother, was constructing a waived. An accused submits to the
comfort room. They were working from 8:00 jurisdiction of the trial court upon entering a
AM until 3:00 PM. on June 7, 2001, around plea and participating actively in the trial and
7:00 PM, he was at the house of one of his this precludes him invoking any
cousins, police officers arrived and asked irregularities that may have attended his
him if he was Arturo Lara. He confirmed that arrest.
he was Arturo Lara, the police officers asked
him to go with them to the Barangay Hall. Furthermore, the illegal arrest of an accused
While inside the patrol car, one of the is not a sufficient ground to reverse and set
policemen said, "You are lucky, we were able aside a conviction that was arrived upon a
to caught you in your house, if in another complaint duly filed and a trial conducted
place we will kill you". He was brought to the without error. As Section 9, Rule 117 of the
police station and not the barangay hall as he Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure
was earlier told where he was investigated for provides:
robbery with homicide; when he told the
police that he was at home when the subject Sec. 9. Failure to move to quash or to allege
incident took place, the police challenged any ground therefor. — The failure of the
him to produce witnesses; Lara witnesses accused to assert any ground of a motion to
arrived at the station, one of the police quash before he pleads to the complaint or
officers told them to come back the following information, either because he did not file a
day. He was at the police line-up holding a motion to quash or failed to allege the same
name plate, a police officer told Sumulong in said motion, shall be deemed a waiver of
and Atie, "Ituru nyo na yan at uuwi na tayo"; any objections except those based on the
Lara witnesses arrived the following day,

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

grounds provided for in paragraphs (a), (b), at the back of the pick-up; (d) when Bautista
(g) and (i) of Section 3 of this Rule. got hold of the bag, he alighted and ran
towards the back of the pick-up; (e) Lara ran
II after Bautista and while doing so, fired his
Contrary to Lara’s claim, that he was not gun at Bautista’s direction; (f) Bautista
provided with counsel when he was placed in sustained several gunshot wounds; and (g)
a police line-up did not invalidate the Bautista’s blood was on the crime scene and
proceedings leading to his conviction. That empty shells were recovered therefrom.
he stood at the police line-up without the
assistance of counsel did not render In this case, Lara’s intent to gain is proven by
Sumulong’s identification of Lara Sumulong’s positive narration that it was
inadmissible. The right to counsel is deemed Lara who pointed the gun at him and
to have arisen at the precise moment demanded that the bag containing the money
custodial investigation begins and being be turned over to him. That Lara resorted to
made to stand in a police line-up is not the violence in order to actualize his intent to
starting point or a part of custodial gain is proven by Sumulong’s testimony that
investigation. he saw Lara fire the gun at the direction of
III Bautista, who was running away from the
pick-up in order to prevent Lara from taking
It is well-settled is the rule that direct possession of the money.
evidence of the commission of the crime is
not the only matrix wherefrom a trial court IV
may draw its conclusion and finding of guilt.
Even in the absence of direct evidence, In view of Sumulong’s positive identification
conviction can be had if the established of Lara, the CA was correct in denying Lara’s
circumstances constitute an unbroken chain, alibi outright. It is well-settled that positive
consistent with each other and to the identification prevails over alibi, which is
hypothesis that the accused is guilty, to the inherently a weak defense. Such is the rule,
exclusion of all other hypothesis that he is for as a defense, alibi is easy to concoct, and
not. difficult to disapprove.

Under Section 4, Rule 133 of the Revised Moreover, in order for the defense of alibi to
Rules on Criminal Procedure, circumstantial prosper, it is not enough to prove that the
evidence sufficed to convict upon the accused was somewhere else when the
concurrence of the following requisites: (a) offense was committed, but it must likewise
there is more than one circumstance; (b) the be demonstrated that he was so far away that
facts from which the inferences are derived it was not possible for him to have been
are proven; and (c) the combination of all the physically present at the place of the crime or
circumstances is such as to produce a its immediate vicinity at the time of its
conviction beyond reasonable doubt. commission. Due to its doubtful nature, alibi
must be supported by clear and convincing
It is not only by direct evidence that an proof.
accused may be convicted of the crime for
which he is charged. Resort to circumstantial In this case, the proximity of Lara’s house at
evidence is essential since to insist on direct the scene of the crime wholly negates his
testimony would, in many cases, result in alibi. Assuming as true Lara’s claim and that
setting felons free and denying proper of his witnesses that he was digging a sewer
protection to the community.25 trench on the day of the incident, it is
possible that his witnesses may not have
As the CA correctly ruled, the following noticed him leaving and returning given that
circumstances established by the evidence the distance between his house and the place
for the prosecution strongly indicate Lara’s where the subject incident took place can be
guilt: (a) while the vehicle Sumulong, Atie, negotiated, even by walking, in just a matter
Manacob and Bautista were riding was at the of minutes. Simply put, Lara and his
intersection of Mercedes and Market witnesses failed to prove that it is well-nigh
Avenues, he appeared at the front passenger impossible for him to be at the scene of the
side thereof armed with a gun; (b) while crime.
pointing the gun at Sumulong who was at the
front passenger seat, Lara demanded that The Court denied the appeal. The decision of
Sumulong give him the bag containing the the CA is affirmed in all respects.
money; (c) instead of giving the bag to Lara,
Sumulong gave it to Bautista who was seated

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

JEFFREY MIGUEL y REMEGIO vs. The RTC found petitioner guilty beyond
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES reasonable doubt of the crime charged and
G.R. No. 227038 found that Bahoyo and Velasquez conducted
July 31, 2017 a valid warrantless arrest.
Aggrieved, petitioner appealed to the CA.
The Facts
The CA Ruling
The prosecution alleged that at around 12:45 The CA affirmed petitioner's conviction. It
in the morning of May 24, 2010, a Bantay also held that the search made on petitioner
Bayan operative of Barangay San Antonio which yielded the seized marijuana was
Village, Makati City named Reynaldo Bahoyo validly made as it was done incidental to his
was doing his rounds when he purportedly arrest for exhibiting his private parts on
received a report of a man showing off his public. As such, said seized marijuana is
private parts at Kaong Street. Bahoyo and admissible in evidence and, thus, sufficient
Velasquez then went to the said street and to convict him for the crime charged. The CA
saw a visibly intoxicated person, which they likewise held that the rule on chain of
later identified as herein petitioner, custody was duly complied with and, thus,
urinating and displaying his private parts the integrity and evidentiary value of the
while standing in front of a gate enclosing an seized drugs were not compromised.
empty lot.
Undaunted, petitioner moved for
Bahoyo and Velasquez approached reconsideration, which was, however, denied
petitioner and asked him where he lived, and in a Resolution. Hence, this petition.
the latter answered Kaong Street. Bahoyo
then said that he also lived in the same street The Issue Before the Court
but petitioner looked unfamiliar to him, so he WON the arrest and search of Bahoyo and
asked for an identification card, but Velasquez were validly made
petitioner failed to produce one. BB
Velasquez then repeated the request for an
identification card, but instead, petitioner The Court's Ruling
emptied his pockets, revealing a pack of
cigarettes containing one (1) stick of cigarette The petition lacks merit. Petitioner’s
and two (2) pieces of rolled paper containing conviction must be set aside.
dried marijuana leaves, among others. This
prompted Bahoyo and Velasquez to seize the It is worth noting that his arresting
foregoing items, take petitioner to the police officers, i.e., Bahoyo and Velasquez, are
station, and turn him, as well as the seized mere Bantay Bayan operatives of Makati
items, over to SP03 Rafael Castillo. SP03 City. Strictly speaking, they are not
Castillo then inventoried, marked, and government agents like the Philippine
photographed the seized items, all in the National Police (PNP) or the National
presence of Bahoyo and Velasquez, and Bureau of Investigation in charge of law
thereafter, prepared an inventory report and enforcement; but rather, they are civilian
a request for qualitative examination of the volunteers who act as "force multipliers" to
seized two (2) pieces of rolled paper and for assist the aforesaid law enforcement
petitioner to undergo drug testing. After agencies in maintaining peace and security
examination, it was confirmed that the within their designated areas.
aforesaid rolled paper contained marijuana
and that petitioner was positive for the Particularly, jurisprudence described the
presence of methamphetamine but negative nature of Bantay Bayan as "a group of male
for THC-metabolites, both dangerous drugs. residents living in the area organized for the
purpose of keeping peace in their
An Information was then filed before the community, which is an accredited auxiliary
RTC, charging petitioner of illegal possession of the x x x PNP."
of dangerous drugs, defined and penalized
under Section 11, Article II of Republic Act In the case of Dela Cruz v. People, the Court
No. (RA) 9165, otherwise known as the thoroughly discussed that while the Bill of
"Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of Rights under Article III of the 1987
2002”. Constitution generally cannot be invoked
against the acts of private individuals, the
same may nevertheless be applicable if such
The RTC Ruling individuals act under the color of a state-
related function.

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

Section 5. Arrest without warrant;

In People v. Malngan, barangay tanod and when lawful. - A peace officer or a
the Barangay Chairman were deemed as law private person may, without a
enforcement officers for purposes of warrant arrest a person:
applying Article III of the Constitution. (a) When, in his presence, the
In People v. Lauga, the court held that person to be arrested has
a "bantav bayan," in relation to the committed, is actually
authority to conduct a custodial investigation committing, or is attempting
under Article III, Section 12 of the to commit an offense;
Constitution, "has the color of a state-related (b) When an offense has just
function and objective insofar as the been committed and he has
entitlement of a suspect to his constitutional probable cause to believe
rights." based on personal knowledge
of facts or circumstances that
In this light, the Court was convinced that the the person to be arrested has
acts of the Bantay Bayan - or any barangay- committed it; and
based or other volunteer organizations in the (c) When the person to be
nature of watch groups - relating to the arrested is a prisoner who has
preservation of peace and order in their escaped from a penal
respective areas have the color of a state- establishment or place where
related function. As such, they should be he is serving final judgment or
deemed as law enforcement authorities for is temporarily confined while
the purpose of applying the Bill of Rights his case is pending, or has
under Article III of the 1987 Constitution to escaped while being
them. transferred from one
confinement to another.
Having established that the Bill of Rights
may be applied to the Bantay In cases falling under paragraphs (a) and (b)
Bayan operatives who arrested and above, the person arrested without a warrant
subsequently searched petitioner, the Court shall be forthwith delivered to the nearest
then determined whether such arrest police station or jail and shall be proceeded
and search were validly made. against in accordance with Section 7 of Rule
"Section 2, Article III of the 1987
Constitution mandates that a search and The aforementioned provision identifies
seizure must be carried out through or on the three (3) instances when warrantless arrests
strength of a judicial warrant predicated may be lawfully effected. These are: (a) an
upon the existence of probable cause, absent arrest of a suspect in flagrante
which, such search and seizure becomes delicto; (b) an arrest of a suspect where,
"unreasonable" within the meaning of said based on personal knowledge of the arresting
constitutional provision. Evidence obtained officer, there is probable cause that said
from unreasonable searches and suspect was the perpetrator of a crime which
seizures shall be inadmissible in had just been committed; and (c) an arrest of
evidence for any purpose in any a prisoner who has escaped from custody
proceeding. In other words, evidence serving final judgment or temporarily
obtained and confiscated are deemed tainted confined during the pendency of his case or
and should be excluded for being the has escaped while being transferred from one
proverbial fruit of a poisonous tree. confinement to another.

One of the recognized exceptions to the need In warrantless arrests made pursuant to
of a warrant before a search may be effected Section 5 (a), Rule 113, two (2) elements must
is a search incidental to a lawful arrest. In concur, namely: (a) the person to be arrested
this instance, the law requires that must execute an overt act indicating that he
there first be a lawful arrest before a has just committed, is actually committing,
search can be made and the process or is attempting to commit a crime; and
cannot be reversed. A lawful arrest may (b) such overt act is done in the presence or
be effected with or without a warrant. With within the view of the arresting officer. On
respect to the latter, the parameters of the other hand, Section 5 (b), Rule 113
Section 5, Rule 113 of the Revised requires for its application that at the time of
Rules of Criminal Procedure should - as the arrest, an offense had in fact just been
a general rule - be complied with: committed and the arresting officer had
personal knowledge of facts indicating that
the accused had committed it.32

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

In both instances, the officer's personal G.R. No. 159450 March 30, 2011
knowledge of the fact of the commission of an FACTS
offense is essential. Under Section 5 (a), Rule Among the six tellers in the Angeles City
113 of the Revised Rules of Criminal main branch of Prudential Bank, accused-
Procedure, the officer himself witnesses the appellant (hereafter "appellant") was the
crime; while in Section 5 (b) of the same, he only teller assigned to handle dollar deposits
knows for a fact that a crime has just been and withdrawals.
committed." An internal spot-audit team headed by
Prudential Bank’s senior audit examiner
On the basis of the testimonies, the Court inventoried the cash accountabilities of the
was inclined to believe that at around past 12 said branch by manually counting the money
o'clock in the early morning of May 24, 2010, in each of the tellers’ cash boxes. While the
petitioner went out to the street to urinate books of the branch showed that appellant
when the Bantay Bayan operatives chanced had a cash accountability of $15,040.52, the
upon him. The latter then approached and money in her cash box was only $5,040.52
questioned petitioner, and thereafter, went The appellant explained that there was a
on to search his person, which purportedly withdrawal of $10,000.00 Appellant then
yielded the marijuana seized from him. presented to senior auditor a withdrawal
Verily, the prosecution's claim that petitioner memo showing a withdrawal of $10,000.00
was showing off his private parts was belied from Dollar Savings Account of Adoracion
by the aforesaid testimonies. Clearly, these Tayag and her co-signatory, Apolinario
circumstances do not justify the conduct of Tayag.
an in flagrante delicto arrest, considering The appellant showed the aforesaid
that there was no overt act constituting a withdrawal memo to the branch cashier.
crime committed by petitioner in the Noticing that the said withdrawal memo did
presence or within the view of the arresting not contain the required signatures of two
officer. Neither do these circumstances bank officers.
necessitate a "hot pursuit" warrantless arrest Meanwhile, The Bank’s senior auditor
as the arresting Bantay Bayan operatives do checked the account ledger and found a "hold
not have any personal knowledge of facts that jacket" indicating that no withdrawal from
petitioner had just committed an offense. the said account should be allowed to reduce
its balance below $35,000.00. The supposed
More importantly, the Court simply finds withdrawal of $10,000.00 had reduced the
highly implausible the prosecution's claim account balance to $26,077.51.
that a valid warrantless arrest was made on From the account ledger, the senior auditor
petitioner on account of the alleged public also discovered that a deposit of $10,000.00
display of his private parts because if it was found the deposit memo on file. Thereafter,
indeed the case, then the proper charge Frias compared the signature on the
should have been filed against him. However, withdrawal memo with the specimen
records are bereft of any showing that such signatures of the depositors in their
charge was filed aside from the criminal signature card. Finding a "big difference" in
charge for illegal possession of dangerous the signatures, he referred the matter to the
drugs - thereby strengthening the view that branch manager.
no prior arrest was made on petitioner which The branch manager asked to explain, then
led to a search incidental thereto. As stressed appellant reiterated that the withdrawal was
earlier, there must first be a lawful arrest made after the cut-off time. Doubting her
before a search can be made and that such explanation, the senior auditor conducted
process cannot be reversed. another cash count. At that time, appellant’s
accountability based on the books of the bank
All told, the Bantay Bayan operatives was $21,778.86, but the money in her cash
conducted an illegal search on the person of box was only $11,778.86, thus, short of
petitioner. Consequently, the marijuana US$10,000.00.
purportedly seized from him on account of The next day, January 4, 1996, appellant told
such search is rendered inadmissible in the branch manager that she gave the
evidence. Since the confiscated marijuana is $10,000.00 to a person on December 29,
the very corpus delicti of the crime charged, 1995 because her family was being
petitioner was acquitted and exonerated threatened.
from criminal liability. The appellant wrote a letter to the bank
PEOPLE OF THE President, The appellant apologized and
PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee, explained her shortage of $10,000.00 and
vs. another shortage of P2.2 Million which the
OLIVIA ALETH GARCIA audit team had also discovered.
CRISTOBAL, Accused-Appellant.

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

The depositor Apolinario Tayag denied to have waived her right to present
withdrawing $10,000.00 from the date evidence
recorded, when he was in Baguio City that
time. The CA did not thereby err. The rule
The appellant counsel filed a Demurrer to in point is Section 15, Rule 119, of the Revised
Evidence and Motion to Defer Defense Rules of Court, viz:
Evidence,5 praying for the dismissal of the
charge on the ground that the evidence of the Section 15. Demurrer to evidence. – After the
State did not suffice to establish her guilt prosecution has rested its case, the court may
beyond reasonable doubt. dismiss the case on the ground of
The RTC denied the Demurrer to Evidence insufficiency of evidence: (1) on its own
and Motion to Defer Defense Evidence and initiative after giving the prosecution an
deemed the case submitted for decision on opportunity to be heard; or (2) on motion of
the basis that her filing her demurrer to the accused filed with prior leave of court.
evidence without express leave of court as
required by Section 15, Rule 119, of the Rules If the court denies the motion for dismissal,
of Court had waived her right to present the accused may adduce evidence in his
evidence. defense. When the accused files such motion
The accused appealed, but the CA affirmed to dismiss without express leave of court, he
her conviction modifying the penalty. waives the right to present evidence and
ISSUE submits the case for judgment on the basis of
the evidence for the prosecution.
(a) Whether the information filed against the
accused was fatally defective; Under the rule, the RTC properly declared
the accused to have waived her right to
(b) Whether the RTC correctly found that the present evidence because she did not obtain
accused had waived her right to present the express leave of court for her demurrer to
evidence in her defense; and evidence, thereby reflecting her voluntary
and knowing waiver of her right to present
(c) Whether the extrajudicial admission of evidence. The RTC did not need to inquire
taking the amount involved contained in the into the voluntariness and intelligence of the
letter of the accused to the President of waiver, for her opting to file her demurrer to
Prudential Bank was admissible under the evidence without first obtaining express
rules and jurisprudence. leave of court effectively waived her right to
present her evidence.
I Henceforth, to protect the constitutional
There is no question about the right to due process of every accused in
findings of fact being based on the evidence a capital offense and to avoid any confusion
adduced by the Prosecution. The decisions of about the proper steps to be taken when a
both lower courts are remarkable for their trial court comes face to face with an accused
thoroughness and completeness. In fact, the or his counsel who wants to waive his client’s
accused did not impugn the findings of fact, right to present evidence and be heard, it
and confined herself only to the validity of shall be the unequivocal duty of the trial
the information and the legality of her letter court to observe, as a prerequisite to the
due to its being held admissible as evidence validity of such waiver, a procedure akin to a
against her. Although she decried her failure "searching inquiry" as specified in People v.
to present her evidence on account of her Aranzado when an accused pleads guilty,
having demurred without express leave of particularly –
court, that, too, was not an obstacle to the
correctness of the findings of fact against her. 1. The trial court shall hear both the
The main purpose of requiring the prosecution and the accused with their
various elements of a crime to be set forth in respective counsel on the desire or
the information is to enable the accused to manifestation of the accused to waive the
adequately prepare her defense.12 As to the right to present evidence and be heard.
sufficiency of the allegation of the time or
date of the commission of the offense, 2. The trial court shall ensure the attendance
Section 6 and Section 11, Rule 110 of the of the prosecution and especially the accused
Revised Rules of Court. with their respective counsel in the hearing
II which must be recorded. Their presence
CA and RTC did not err in must be duly entered in the minutes of the
deeming petitioner proceedings.

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

3. During the hearing, it shall be the task of The letter was not an extrajudicial
the trial court to – confession whose validity depended on its
being executed with the assistance of counsel
a. ask the defense counsel a series of question and its being under oath, but a voluntary
to determine whether he had conferred with party admission under Section 26, Rule 130
and completely explained to the accused that of the Rules of Court that was admissible
he had the right to present evidence and be against her. An admission, if voluntary, is
heard as well as its meaning and admissible against the admitter for the
consequences, together with the significance reason that it is fair to presume that the
and outcome of the waiver of such right. If admission corresponds with the truth, and it
the lawyer for the accused has not done so, is the admitter’s fault if the admission does
the trial court shall give the latter enough not. By virtue of its being made by the party
time to fulfill this professional obligation. himself, an admission is competent primary
evidence against the admitter.
b. inquire from the defense counsel with
conformity of the accused whether he wants Worth pointing out is that the letter was not
to present evidence or submit a a confession due to its not expressly
memorandum elucidating on the acknowledging the guilt of the accused for
contradictions and insufficiency of the qualified theft. Under Section 30, Rule 130 of
prosecution evidence, if any, or in default the Rules of Court, a confession is a
theory, file a demurrer to evidence with prior declaration of an accused acknowledging
leave of court, if he so believes that the guilt for the offense charged, or for any
prosecution evidence is so weak that it need offense necessarily included therein.
not even be rebutted. If there is a desire to do
so, the trial court shall give the defense Nonetheless, there was no need for a counsel
enough time to this purpose. to have assisted the accused when she wrote
the letter because she spontaneously made it
c. elicit information about the personality while not under custodial investigation. Her
profile of the accused, such as his age, socio- insistence on the assistance of a counsel
economic status, and educational might be valid and better appreciated had
background, which may serve as a she made the letter while under arrest, or
trustworthy index of his capacity to give a during custodial investigation, or under
free and informed waiver. coercion by the investigating authorities of
the Government. The distinction of her
d. all questions posed to the accused should situation from that of a person arrested or
be in a language known and understood by detained and under custodial investigation
the latter, hence, the record must state the for the commission of an offense derived
language used for this purpose as well as from the clear intent of insulating the latter
reflect the corresponding translation thereof from police coercion or intimidation
in English. underlying Section 12 of Article III (Bill of
Rights) of the 1987 Constitution
The accused and her counsel should not have
ignored the potentially prejudicial The Supreme Court held that in such a case,
consequence of the filing of a demurrer to the accused should be meted the penalty
evidence without the leave of court required of reclusion perpetua for forty years with the
in Section 15, Rule 119, of the Revised Rules accessory penalties of death under Article 40
of Court. They were well aware of the risk of of the Revised Penal Code.
a denial of the demurrer being high, for by The SC denied the petition for review on
demurring the accused impliedly admitted certiorari, and affirm the decision of the CA
the facts adduced by the State and the proper
inferences therefrom. We cannot step in now JANET LIM NAPOLES v.
to alleviate her self-inflicted plight, for which SANDIGANBAYAN (THIRD
she had no one to blame but herself; DIVISION)
otherwise, we may unduly diminish the G.R. No. 224162
essence of the rule that gave her the February 6, 2018
alternative option to waive presenting her REYES, JR., J.:
own evidence.
III 1. On December 20, 2017, petitioner
Petitioner’s handwritten letter Janet Lim Napoles (Napoles) filed a
is admissible in evidence motion for the reconsideration of the
Court's Decision dated November 7,
2017. (The Issue of the case on
Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

November 7, 2017 was whether or it speculate on the ultimate outcome of the

not the Sandiganbayan gravely criminal charge. The Court has judiciously
abused its discretion amounting to explained in Atty. Serapio v.
lack or excess of jurisdiction in Sandiganbayan the difference between
issuing its assailed Resolutions the preliminary determination of the
denying Napoles’ application for guilt of the accused in a petition for
bail. The Court there held no because bail, and the proceedings during the
the prosecution bears the burden of trial proper, viz.:
proving that evidence of Napoles’ It must be borne in mind that in Ocampo vs.
guilt of the crime is strong as she was Bernabe, the Court held that in a petition for
charged with plunder. This is in bail hearing, the court is to conduct only a
regards with the PDAF Scam). summary hearing, meaning such brief and
speedy method of receiving and considering
2. The Court denied Napoles' the evidence of guilt as is practicable and
application for bail, there being no consistent with the purpose of the hearing
grave abuse of discretion amounting which is merely to determine the weight of
to lack or excess of jurisdiction on the evidence for purposes of bail. The court does
part of the Sandiganbayan. not try the merits or enter into any inquiry as
3. Napoles now invokes the ruling to the weight that ought to be given to the
in Macapagal-Arroyo v. evidence against the accused, nor will it
People, which was promulgated on speculate on the outcome of the trial or on
July 19, 2016. The Court in that case what further evidence may be offered
reversed the Sandiganbayan's denial therein. It may confine itself to receiving
of the demurrer to evidence in the such evidence as has reference to substantial
plunder case against former matters, avoiding unnecessary thoroughness
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in the examination and cross-examination of
(GMA) based on the prosecution's witnesses, and reducing to a reasonable
failure to specify the identity of the minimum the amount of corroboration
main plunderer, for whose benefit the particularly on details that are not essential
ill-gotten wealth was amassed, to the purpose of the hearing.
accumulated, and acquired. The Court has previously discussed in the
According to Napoles, the ruling Decision dated November 7, 2017 that the
in Macapagal-Arroyo should have trial court is required to conduct a
been applied to her case. hearing on the petition for bail
whenever the accused is charged with
ISSUE a capital offense. While mandatory, the
WON the ruling in Macapal-Arroyo should hearing may be summary and the trial
be applied in this case- to consider the court may deny the bail application on
demurrer to evidence filed by Napoles. the basis of evidence less than that
RULING necessary to establish the guilt of an
NO. accused beyond reasonable doubt. In
The Court finds this argument this hearing, the trial court's inquiry is
unmeritorious. limited to whether there is evident proof that
In a demurrer to evidence, as in the case the accused is guilty of the offense charged.
of Macapagal-Arroyo, the accused imposes This standard of proof is clearly
a challenge on the sufficiency of the different from that applied in a
prosecution's entire evidence. This involves demurrer to evidence, which
a determination of whether the evidence measures the prosecution's entire
presented by the prosecution has established evidence against the required moral
the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable certainty for the conviction of the
doubt. Should the trial court find the accused.
prosecution's evidence insufficient in The distinction between the required
this regard, the grant of the demurrer standards of proof precludes the application
to evidence is equivalent to the of Macapagal-Arroyo to the present case.
acquittal of the accused. The Sandiganbayan's denial of the demurrer
The stage at which the accused may demur to to evidence in Macapagal-Arroyo was
the sufficiency of the prosecution's evidence annulled based on the paucity of the evidence
is during the trial on the merits itself- of the prosecution, which failed to
particularly, after the prosecution has rested prove beyond reasonable doubt that former
its case. This should be distinguished President GMA was the mastermind of the
from the hearing for the petition for conspiracy to commit plunder. In other
bail, in which the trial court does not sit to words, there was a final determination of
try the merits of the main case. Neither does

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

former President GMA's innocence of the If leave of court is granted, the accused shall
crime charged. file the demurrer to evidence within a non-
This is not the case for Napoles. The extendible period of ten (10) days from
issue that the Court resolved in its Decision notice. The prosecution may oppose the
dated November 7, 2017 was whether the demurrer to evidence within a similar period
Sandiganbayan gravely abused its discretion from its receipt.
in denying Napoles' application for bail. This
involved a preliminary determination of her The order denying the motion for leave of
eligibility to provisional liberty. court to file demurrer to evidence or the
The resolution of this issue does not involve demurrer itself shall not be reviewable by
an inquiry as to whether there was proof appeal or by certiorari before judgment.
beyond reasonable doubt that Napoles, or
her co-accused as the case may be, was the
main plunderer for whose benefit the ill-
gotten wealth was amassed or accumulated.
These are matters of defense best left to the
discretion of the Sandiganbayan in the Domingo Neypes v CA
resolution of the criminal case. It was G.R. No. 41524 September 14, 2005
sufficient that the denial of her bail
application was based on evidence FACTS:
establishing a great presumption of guilt on
the part of Napoles. Petitioners filed an action for annulment of
Lastly, the other issues raised in Napoles' judgment and titles of land and/or
Motion for Reconsideration merely reconveyance and/or reversion with
reiterated the earlier arguments that this preliminary injunction before the RTC
Court has already resolved. For this reason, against the private respondents. Later, in an
the reconsideration of the Court's earlier order, the trial court dismissed petitioners’
Decision is unwarranted under the complaint on the ground that the action had
circumstances. already prescribed. Petitioners allegedly
WHEREFORE, the Court resolves received a copy of the order of dismissal on
to DENY the present Motion for March 3, 1998 and, on the 15th day thereafter
Reconsideration. or on March 18, 1998, filed a motion for
______________________________ reconsideration. On July 1, 1998, the trial
______________________________ court issued another order dismissing the
_________________ motion for reconsideration which petitioners
Sec. 23, Rule 119 of the Rules of Court received on July 22, 1998. Five days later, on
July 27, 1998, petitioners filed a notice of
Section 23. Demurrer to evidence. — appeal and paid the appeal fees on August 3,
After the prosecution rests its case, the court 1998.
may dismiss the action on the ground of
insufficiency of evidence (1) on its own
initiative after giving the prosecution the On August 4, 1998, the court a quo denied the
opportunity to be heard or (2) upon notice of appeal, holding that it was filed
demurrer to evidence filed by the accused eight days late. This was received by
with or without leave of court. petitioners on July 31, 1998. Petitioners filed
a motion for reconsideration but this too was
If the court denies the demurrer to evidence denied in an order dated September 3, 1998.
filed with leave of court, the accused may Via a petition for certiorari and mandamus
adduce evidence in his defense. When the under Rule 65, petitioners assailed the
demurrer to evidence is filed without leave of dismissal of the notice of appeal before the
court, the accused waives the right to present CA. In the appellate court, petitioners
evidence and submits the case for judgment claimed that they had seasonably filed their
on the basis of the evidence for the notice of appeal. They argued that the 15-day
prosecution. (15a) reglementary period to appeal started to run
only on July 22, 1998 since this was the day
The motion for leave of court to file demurrer they received the final order of the trial court
to evidence shall specifically state its grounds denying their motion for reconsideration.
and shall be filed within a non-extendible When they filed their notice of appeal on July
period of five (5) days after the prosecution 27, 1998, only five days had elapsed and they
rests its case. The prosecution may oppose were well within the reglementary period for
the motion within a non-extendible period of appeal. On September 16, 1999, the CA
five (5) days from its receipt. dismissed the petition. It ruled that the 15-
day period to appeal should have been

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

reckoned from March 3, 1998 or the day they period of 15 days within which to file the
received the February 12, 1998 order notice of appeal in the RTC, counted from
dismissing their complaint. According to the receipt of the order dismissing a motion for a
appellate court, the order was the “final new trial or motion for reconsideration.
order” appealable under the Rules. Henceforth, this “fresh period rule” shall also
apply to Rule 40, Rule 42, Rule 43 and Rule
45. The new rule aims to regiment or make
the appeal period uniform, to be counted
from receipt of the order denying the motion
(1) Whether or not receipt of a final order for new trial, motion for reconsideration
triggers the start of the 15-day reglmentary (whether full or partial) or any final order or
period to appeal, the February 12, 1998 order resolution.
dismissing the complaint or the July 1, 1998
order dismissing the Motion for
The SC thus held that petitioners seasonably
filed their notice of appeal within the fresh
period of 15 days, counted from July 22, 1998
(2) Whether or not petitioners file their (the date of receipt of notice denying their
notice of appeal on time. motion for reconsideration). This
pronouncement is not inconsistent with Rule
RULING: 41, Section 3 of the Rules which states that
the appeal shall be taken within 15 days from
notice of judgment or final order appealed
(1) The July 1, 1998 order dismissing the from. The use of the disjunctive word “or”
motion for reconsideration should be signifies disassociation and independence of
deemed as the final order. In the case of one thing from another. It should, as a rule,
Quelnan v. VHF Philippines, Inc., the trial be construed in the sense in which it
court declared petitioner non-suited and ordinarily implies. Hence, the use of “or” in
accordingly dismissed his complaint. Upon the above provision supposes that the notice
receipt of the order of dismissal, he filed an of appeal may be filed within 15 days from the
omnibus motion to set it aside. When the notice of judgment or within 15 days from
omnibus motion was filed, 12 days of the 15- notice of the “final order,” which we already
day period to appeal the order had lapsed. He determined to refer to the July 1, 1998 order
later on received another order, this time denying the motion for a new trial or
dismissing his omnibus motion. He then reconsideration.
filed his notice of appeal. But this was
likewise dismissed ― for having been filed
out of time. The court a quo ruled that Neither does this new rule run counter to the
petitioner should have appealed within 15 spirit of Section 39 of BP 129 which
days after the dismissal of his complaint shortened the appeal period from 30 days to
since this was the final order that was 15 days to hasten the disposition of cases. The
appealable under the Rules. The SC reversed original period of appeal (in this case March
the trial court and declared that it was the 3-18, 1998) remains and the requirement for
denial of the motion for reconsideration of an strict compliance still applies. The fresh
order of dismissal of a complaint which period of 15 days becomes significant only
constituted the final order as it was what when a party opts to file a motion for new
ended the issues raised there. This trial or motion for reconsideration. In this
pronouncement was reiterated in the more manner, the trial court which rendered the
recent case of Apuyan v. Haldeman et al. assailed decision is given another
where the SC again considered the order opportunity to review the case and, in the
denying petitioner’s motion for process, minimize and/or rectify any error of
reconsideration as the final order which judgment. While we aim to resolve cases with
finally disposed of the issues involved in the dispatch and to have judgments of courts
case. Based on the aforementioned cases, the become final at some definite time, we
SC sustained petitioners’ view that the order likewise aspire to deliver justice fairly.
dated July 1, 1998 denying their motion for
reconsideration was the final order To recapitulate, a party litigant may either
contemplated in the Rules. file his notice of appeal within 15 days from
receipt of the RTC’s decision or file it within
(2) YES. To standardize the appeal periods 15 days from receipt of the order (the “final
provided in the Rules and to afford litigants order”) denying his motion for new trial or
fair opportunity to appeal their cases, the motion for reconsideration. Obviously, the
Court deems it practical to allow a fresh new 15-day period may be availed of only if
either motion is filed; otherwise, the decision
Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

becomes final and executory after the lapse ⚫ This case consists of three consolidated
of the original appeal period provided in Rule
cases (Soliven vs. Makasiar, Beltran vs.
41, Section 3. Petitioners here filed their
notice of appeal on July 27, 1998 or five days Makasiar, and Beltran vs. Executive
from receipt of the order denying their
motion for reconsideration on July 22, 1998.
Hence, the notice of appeal was well within ⚫ Soliven broadcasted the statement that
the fresh appeal period of 15 days, as already
President Aquino hid under her bed
during a coup d' etat. Luis Beltran is
The "Neypes Rule," otherwise known as among the petitioners in this case. He,
the “Fresh Period Rule,” states that “a party
litigant may either file his notice of appeal together with others, was charged
within 15 days from receipt of the Regional with libel by the then president Corazon
Trial Court’s decision or file it within 15 days
from receipt of the order (the "final order") Aquino. Cory herself filed a complaint-
denying his motion for new trial or motion affidavit against him and others. On
for reconsideration.” (Domingo Neypes
versus Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 141524 March 30, 1988, the Secretary of Justice
September 14, 2005) denied petitioners' motion for
reconsideration as well as the second
PURPOSE OF THE RULE motion for reconsideration filed on April
7, 1988. On appeal, the President,
To standardize the appeal periods provided
in the Rules and to afford litigants fair through the Executive Secretary,
opportunity to appeal their cases, the Court affirmed the resolution of the Secretary
deems it practical to allow a fresh period of
15 days within which to file the notice of of Justice on May 2, 1988. The motion
appeal in the Regional Trial Court, counted for reconsideration was denied by the
from receipt of the order dismissing a
motion for a new trial or motion for Executive Secretary on May 16, 1988.
reconsideration. (supra)
⚫ Petitioner Beltran alleged that there was
The raison d’être for the "fresh period rule"
is to standardize the appeal period provided a violation of his constitutional right
in the Rules and do away with the confusion
upon the issuance of a warrant of arrest
as to when the 15-day appeal period should
be counted. Thus, the 15-day period to against him without the personal
appeal is no longer interrupted by the filing
determination by the judge of probable
of a motion for new trial or motion for
reconsideration; litigants today need not cause. He also contends that to allow this
concern themselves with counting the
libel case to proceed would produce a
balance of the 15-day period to appeal since
the 15-day period is now counted from chilling effect” of press freedom. The
receipt of the order dismissing a motion for
petitioner also contends that the
new trial or motion for reconsideration or
any final order or resolution. (Judith Yu president could not file the complaint
versus Hon. Rosa Samson-Tatad, G.R. No.
affidavit herself because this would
170979, 09 Feb. 2011)
defeat her immunity from suit. This case
is a petition for certiorari and
ARREST MAY ISSUE prohibition to review the decision of the
Regional Trial Court of Manila.
Soliven, et. Al., petitioners, vs
Makasiar et. Al. respondents.

G.R. No. 82585 November 14, 1988 ISSUES:

(1) whether or not petitioners were
FACTS: denied due process when
informations for libel were filed

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

against them although the finding of complainant and the witnesses, if any, to
the existence of a prima facie case was determine probable cause.
still under review by the Secretary of
Justice and, subsequently, by the The constitutional provision on the issuance
President; of warrants of arrest reads:

Ruling: No Petitioners were not denied due Art. III, Sec. 2. The right of the people to be
process when informations for libel were secure in their persons, houses, papers and
filed against them although the finding of the effects against unreasonable searches and
existence of a prima facie case was still seizures of whatever nature and for any
under review by the Secretary of Justice and, purpose shall be inviolable, and no search
subsequently, by the President. warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue
except upon probable cause to be determined
As to the first issue, the court ruled that personally by the judge after examination
subsequent events have rendered it moot and nder oath or affirmation of the complainant
academic. On March 30, 1988, the Secretary and the witnesses he may produce, and
of Justice denied petitioners' motion for particularly describing the place to be
reconsideration and upheld the resolution of searched and the persons or things to be
the Undersecretary of Justice sustaining the seized.
City Fiscal's finding of a prima facie case
against petitioners. A second motion for The addition of the word "personally" after
reconsideration filed by petitioner Beltran the word "determined" and the deletion of
was denied by the Secretary of Justice on the grant of authority by the 1973
April 7, 1988. On appeal, the President, Constitution to issue warrants to "other
through the Executive Secretary, affirmed responsible officers as may be authorized by
the resolution of the Secretary of Justice on law," has apparently convinced petitioner
May 2, 1988. The motion for reconsideration Beltran that the Constitution now requires
was denied by the Executive Secretary on the judge to personally examine the
May 16, 1988. With these developments, complainant and his witnesses in his
petitioners' contention that they have been determination of probable cause for the
denied the administrative remedies available issuance of warrants of arrest. This is not an
under the law has lost factual support. accurate interpretation.

Also, with respect to petitioner Beltran, the What the Constitution underscores is the
allegation of denial of due process of law in exclusive and personal responsibility of the
the preliminary investigation is negated by issuing judge to satisfy himself of the
the fact that instead of submitting his existence of probable cause. In satisfying
counter- affidavits, he filed a "Motion to himself of the existence of probable cause for
Declare Proceedings Closed," in effect the issuance of a warrant of arrest, the judge
waiving his right to refute the complaint by is not required to personally examine the
filing counter-affidavits. Due process of law complainant and his witnesses. Following
does not require that the respondent in a established doctrine and procedure, he shall:
criminal case actually file his counter- (1) personally evaluate the report and the
affidavits before the preliminary supporting documents submitted by the
investigation is deemed completed. All that is fiscal regarding the existence of probable
required is that the respondent be given the cause and, on the basis thereof, issue a
opportunity to submit counter-affidavits if warrant of arrest; or (2) if on the basis
he is so minded. thereof he finds no probable cause, he may
disregard the fiscal's report and require the
submission of supporting affidavits of
(2) whether or not the constitutional witnesses to aid him in arriving at a
rights of Beltran were violated when conclusion as to the existence of probable
respondent RTC judge issued a cause.
warrant for his arrest without
personally examining the complainant Sound policy dictates this procedure,
and the witnesses, if any, to determine otherwise judges would be unduly laden with
probable cause; the preliminary examination and
investigation of criminal complaints instead
Ruling: No. The constitutional rights of of concentrating on hearing and deciding
Beltran were not violated when respondent cases filed before their courts.
RTC judge issued a warrant for his arrest
without personally examining the

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

On June 30, 1987, the Supreme Court Petitioner and the DENR, through its
unanimously adopted Circular No. 12, setting Regional Executive Director executed a
down guidelines for the issuance of warrants leasehold agreement i.e., IFPMA No. 21, with
of arrest. The procedure therein provided is a term of 25 years over a parcel of land in
reiterated and clarified in this resolution. Gen. Santos City, South Cotabato, wherein
the coverage area was later on expanded.
It has not been shown that respondent judge Respondent filed a protest against the
has deviated from the prescribed procedure. petitioner before the DENR, praying for the
Thus, with regard to the issuance of the cancellation of IPMA No. 21 on the ground
warrants of arrest, a finding of grave abuse of that a large portion of the land was part of the
discretion amounting to lack or excess of property covered by the consolidated
jurisdiction cannot be sustained. original certificate of title. Furthermore, they
argued that the DENR had no jurisdiction to
enter into the said leasehold agreement
(3) whether or not the President of the because the subject property was no longer
Philippines, under the Constitution, classified as public land.
may initiate criminal proceedings Prior to the filing of the respondent’s protest,
against the petitioners through the the subject property was put under
filing of a complaint-affidavit. investigation through the Task Force
Titulong Malinis of the LRA with a report
Ruling: Yes. The President of the stating that it is a spurious title and that the
Philippines, under the Constitution, may Plan is situated in San Pablo City, Laguna.
initiate criminal proceedings against the However, the said report was set aside by the
petitioners through the filing of a complaint- DOJ, sustaining the validity and the
affidavit. authenticity of the said title. Furthermore,
the DOJ found that the said title existed in
The rationale for the grant to the President of the DENR files; that it was affirmed that the
the privilege of immunity from suit is to said land is located in Buayan, Cotabato; and
assure the exercise of Presidential duties and that the subject property was classified as
functions free from any hindrance or alienable and disposable with no adverse
distraction, considering that being the Chief claim of ownership except that of the
Executive of the Government is a job that, registered owners.
aside from requiring all of the office holder's The DENR conducted its own investigation
time, also demands undivided attention. and found out that the said title was genuine,
and that there were other certificates of title
issued to the heirs of confessor which were all
But this privilege of immunity from suit,
fake and spurious. Thus, the respondent’s
pertains to the President by virtue of the
protest was dismissed for lack of merit.
office and may be invoked only by the holder
On appeal, the OP set aside the DENR’S
of the office; not by any other person in the
decision, upholding the validity and the
President's behalf. Thus, an accused in a
existence of the said title under the torrens
criminal case in which the President is
system, and the OP ruled that the
complainant cannot raise the presidential
respondents have established their
privilege as a defense to prevent the case
ownership of the subject property.
from proceeding against such accused.
The petitioner filed a Petition for Review
with a Prayer for Status Quo Order before the
Moreover, there is nothing in our laws that CA, questioning the OP’s decision,
would prevent the President from waiving manifesting that a petition for annulment of
the privilege. Thus, if so minded the title and reversion of the land was filed
President may shed the protection afforded before the RTC to nullify the respondent’s
by the privilege and submit to the court's title for being fake and spurious. However,
jurisdiction. The choice of whether to the CA denied the motion and the civil case
exercise the privilege or to waive it is solely no. 7711 was dismissed by the RTC, without
the President's prerogative. It is a decision prejudice, for failure or parties to file judicial
that cannot be assumed and imposed by any affidavits.
other person The Republic re-filed the petition for
annulment of titles before the RTC. With
that, the petitioner now argues that the CA
ALSONS vs. HEIRS OF CONFESOR erred in not considering that the issue of
G.R. No. 215671, September 19, 2018 whether or not to cancel IFPMA no. 21 is
dependent solely on the outcome of the civil
FACTS: case.

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

ISSUE: whatsoever over the subject property and

whether or not the civil case for annulment of thus, do not have the right to demand IFPMA
title and reversion before the RTC constitutes No. 21's cancellation. If the RTC will rule
a at which would operate as a bar to the otherwise and uphold respondents' TCT,
action for the cancellation of IFPMA No. 21. then respondents would have every right to
demand IFPMA No. 21's cancellation.
Thus, applying the wisdom laid by this Court
RULING: in the case of Quiambao, indeed, the
The court found the petition meritorious. cancellation of the IFPMA No. 21 is the
Generally, a prejudicial question comes into logical consequence of the determination of
play only in a situation where a civil action respondents' right over the subject property.
and a criminal action are both pending and Further, to allow the cancellation thereof at
there exists in the former an issue which the instance of the respondents
must be preemptively resolved before the notwithstanding the possibility of finding
criminal action may proceed because the that respondents have no right over the
resolution of the civil action is determinative property subject thereof is a "sheer exercise
juris et de jure of the guilt or innocence of the in futility."
accused in the criminal case. This, however, As the outcome of the civil case is
is not an ironclad rule. It is imperative that determinative of the issue in the case at bar,
we consider the rationale behind the by the dictates of prudence, logic, and
principle of prejudicial question, i.e., to avoid jurisprudence, the proper recourse is to wait
two conflicting decisions. for the resolution of the said civil case.
The earlier case of Quiambao v. Hon. Osorio, Certainly, at this point, delving into the issue
is relevant in the case at bar wherein the on the propriety of IFPMA No. 21's
Court recognized the fact that the cases cancellation is premature.
involved were civil and administrative in
character and thus, technically, there was no
prejudicial question to speak of. In ruling, PEOPLE OF THE
however, the Court also took into PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
consideration the apparent intimate relation vs.
between the two cases in that, the right of ARTURO LARA y ORBISTA, Accused-
private respondents to eject petitioner from Appellant.
the subject property depends primarily on G.R. No. 199877 August 13,
the resolution of the issue of whether 2012
respondents, in the first place, have the right FACTS
to possess the said property, which was the An Information was filed against Lara with
issue pending in the administrative case. robbery with homicide. The prosecution
Here, the two cases involved are the presented three (3) witnesses: Enrique
cancellation of IFPMA No. 21 in the case at Sumulong (Sumulong), SPO1 Bernard Cruz
bar and the cancellation of title and reversion (SPO1 Cruz) and PO3 Efren Calix (PO3
case before the RTC. Calix).
Petitioner cited the pending annulment of Sumulong, the accounting staff of San
title and reversion case before the RTC, Sebastian Allied Services testified that: May
wherein the Republic claims that 31, 2001, 9:00 in the morning, he withdrew
respondents' title is fake and spurious and as the amount of ₱ 230,000.00 from the
such, the subject property remains in the Metrobank to defray the salaries of the
public domain Corollarily, the government employees of San Sebastian and was
claims that it has the right to lease or dispose accompanied by Virgilio Manacob, Jeff Atie,
of the same. Thus, it is petitioner's position Joselito Bautista and left the bank after the
that said civil case between the Republic and transactions. Around 10:30 AM at the
respondents operates as a bar to the action intersection of Mercedes and Market
for cancellation of IFPMA No. 21. Avenues, Pasig City, Lara suddenly appeared
Undeniably, whether or not IFPMA No. 21 at the front passenger side of the pick-up and
should be cancelled at the instance of the pointed a gun at him stating, "Akin na ang
respondents is solely dependent upon the pera, iyong bag, nasaan? Bautista shouted,
determination of whether or not "Wag mong ibigay”
respondents, in the first place, have the right Sumulong threw the bag in Bautista’s
over the subject property. Respondents' right direction Bautista alighted from the car and
in both cases is anchored upon the Transfer ran. Lara ran after him while firing his gun.
Certificate of Title (TCT) that they are Sumulong called the office of San Sebastian
invoking. If the RTC cancels respondents' to relay the incident. But, Bautista was shot
TCT for being fake and spurious, it proceeds and the bag was taken away from him. On
then that respondents do not have any right June 7, 2001, Sumulong saw Lara walking

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

along in Pasig City. He alerted the police and line-up is inadmissible because Lara stood
Lara was thereafter arrested. therein without the assistance of counsel;

SPO1 Cruz testified that: June 7, 2001, b. whether Lara’s supposedly illegal arrest
Sumulong went to the police station and may be raised for the first time on appeal for
informed him that he saw Lara walking. Four the purpose of nullifying his conviction;
(4) police officers and Sumulong went to Dr.
Pilapil Street where they saw Lara, they c. whether there is sufficient evidence to
approached Lara and invited him for convict Lara; and
questioning. Lara was positively identified by
Sumulong and his two companions. d. whether Lara’s alibi can be given credence
PO3 Calix testified that: May 31, 2001, he was so as to exonerate him from the crime
informed of a robbery that took place at the charged.
corner of Mercedes and Market Avenues,
Pasig City. Together with three (3) other
police officers, proceeded to the crime scene,
upon arriving one of the police officers who
were able to respond ahead of them and
handed to him eleven (11) pieces of empty Jurisdiction over the person of the accused
shells and six (6) deformed slugs of a 9mm may be acquired through compulsory
pistol. As part of his investigation, he process such as a warrant of arrest or
interviewed Sumulong, Atie, Manacob at the through his voluntary appearance, such as
police station. Before Bautista died, he was when he surrenders to the police or to the
able to interview Bautista at the hospital. court.19 Any objection to the arrest or
In his defense, Lara testified that: on May 31, acquisition of jurisdiction over the person of
2001, he was at his house, digging a sewer the accused must be made before he enters
trench and his brother, was constructing a his plea, otherwise the objection is deemed
comfort room. They were working from 8:00 waived. An accused submits to the
AM until 3:00 PM. on June 7, 2001, around jurisdiction of the trial court upon entering a
7:00 PM, he was at the house of one of his plea and participating actively in the trial and
cousins, police officers arrived and asked this precludes him invoking any
him if he was Arturo Lara. He confirmed that irregularities that may have attended his
he was Arturo Lara, the police officers asked arrest.
him to go with them to the Barangay Hall.
While inside the patrol car, one of the Furthermore, the illegal arrest of an accused
policemen said, "You are lucky, we were able is not a sufficient ground to reverse and set
to caught you in your house, if in another aside a conviction that was arrived upon a
place we will kill you". He was brought to the complaint duly filed and a trial conducted
police station and not the barangay hall as he without error. As Section 9, Rule 117 of the
was earlier told where he was investigated for Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure
robbery with homicide; when he told the provides:
police that he was at home when the subject
incident took place, the police challenged Sec. 9. Failure to move to quash or to allege
him to produce witnesses; Lara witnesses any ground therefor. — The failure of the
arrived at the station, one of the police accused to assert any ground of a motion to
officers told them to come back the following quash before he pleads to the complaint or
day. He was at the police line-up holding a information, either because he did not file a
name plate, a police officer told Sumulong motion to quash or failed to allege the same
and Atie, "Ituru nyo na yan at uuwi na tayo"; in said motion, shall be deemed a waiver of
Lara witnesses arrived the following day, any objections except those based on the
they were told that he will be subjected to an grounds provided for in paragraphs (a), (b),
inquest. (g) and (i) of Section 3 of this Rule.
The RTC rejected Lara’s defense of alibi and
convicted Lara of robbery with homicide. On II
appeal The CA found that Lara’s alibi failed Contrary to Lara’s claim, that he was not
to convince. The CA affirmed Lara’s provided with counsel when he was placed in
conviction. a police line-up did not invalidate the
proceedings leading to his conviction. That
ISSUES he stood at the police line-up without the
assistance of counsel did not render
a. whether the identification made by Sumulong’s identification of Lara
Sumulong, Atie and Manacob in the police inadmissible. The right to counsel is deemed
to have arisen at the precise moment

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

custodial investigation begins and being be turned over to him. That Lara resorted to
made to stand in a police line-up is not the violence in order to actualize his intent to
starting point or a part of custodial gain is proven by Sumulong’s testimony that
investigation. he saw Lara fire the gun at the direction of
III Bautista, who was running away from the
pick-up in order to prevent Lara from taking
It is well-settled is the rule that direct possession of the money.
evidence of the commission of the crime is
not the only matrix wherefrom a trial court IV
may draw its conclusion and finding of guilt.
Even in the absence of direct evidence, In view of Sumulong’s positive identification
conviction can be had if the established of Lara, the CA was correct in denying Lara’s
circumstances constitute an unbroken chain, alibi outright. It is well-settled that positive
consistent with each other and to the identification prevails over alibi, which is
hypothesis that the accused is guilty, to the inherently a weak defense. Such is the rule,
exclusion of all other hypothesis that he is for as a defense, alibi is easy to concoct, and
not. difficult to disapprove.

Under Section 4, Rule 133 of the Revised Moreover, in order for the defense of alibi to
Rules on Criminal Procedure, circumstantial prosper, it is not enough to prove that the
evidence sufficed to convict upon the accused was somewhere else when the
concurrence of the following requisites: (a) offense was committed, but it must likewise
there is more than one circumstance; (b) the be demonstrated that he was so far away that
facts from which the inferences are derived it was not possible for him to have been
are proven; and (c) the combination of all the physically present at the place of the crime or
circumstances is such as to produce a its immediate vicinity at the time of its
conviction beyond reasonable doubt. commission. Due to its doubtful nature, alibi
must be supported by clear and convincing
It is not only by direct evidence that an proof.
accused may be convicted of the crime for
which he is charged. Resort to circumstantial In this case, the proximity of Lara’s house at
evidence is essential since to insist on direct the scene of the crime wholly negates his
testimony would, in many cases, result in alibi. Assuming as true Lara’s claim and that
setting felons free and denying proper of his witnesses that he was digging a sewer
protection to the community.25 trench on the day of the incident, it is
possible that his witnesses may not have
As the CA correctly ruled, the following noticed him leaving and returning given that
circumstances established by the evidence the distance between his house and the place
for the prosecution strongly indicate Lara’s where the subject incident took place can be
guilt: (a) while the vehicle Sumulong, Atie, negotiated, even by walking, in just a matter
Manacob and Bautista were riding was at the of minutes. Simply put, Lara and his
intersection of Mercedes and Market witnesses failed to prove that it is well-nigh
Avenues, he appeared at the front passenger impossible for him to be at the scene of the
side thereof armed with a gun; (b) while crime.
pointing the gun at Sumulong who was at the
front passenger seat, Lara demanded that The Court denied the appeal. The decision of
Sumulong give him the bag containing the the CA is affirmed in all respects.
money; (c) instead of giving the bag to Lara,
Sumulong gave it to Bautista who was seated G.R. No. 208001 June 19, 2017
at the back of the pick-up; (d) when Bautista
got hold of the bag, he alighted and ran P/C SUPT. EDWIN A.
towards the back of the pick-up; (e) Lara ran PFLEIDER, Petitioner
after Bautista and while doing so, fired his vs.
gun at Bautista’s direction; (f) Bautista PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,
sustained several gunshot wounds; and (g) Respondent
Bautista’s blood was on the crime scene and
empty shells were recovered therefrom. FACTS:

In this case, Lara’s intent to gain is proven by • An Information for Murder against
Sumulong’s positive narration that it was petitioner and Ryan Bautista was
Lara who pointed the gun at him and filed on April 18, 2011 before the
demanded that the bag containing the money

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

Regional Trial Court (RTC) of personally evaluate the resolution of

Tacloban City. the prosecutor and its supporting
evidence. He may immediately
• On September 15, the above-named dismiss the case if the evidence on
accused, conspiring, confederating record clearly fails to establish
and by offering a price, reward or probable cause. If he finds probable
consideration to Ryan O. Bautista cause, he shall issue a warrant of
and mutually helping one another, arrest, or a commitment order if the
with intent to kill and with the accused has already been arrested
qualifying circumstance of treachery, pursuant to a warrant issued by the
evident premeditation. judge who conducted the
preliminary investigation or when
• Ryan 0. Bautista was armed with an the complaint or information was
unlicensed firearm, did then and filed pursuant to section 7 of this
there, willfully, unlawfully and Rule. In case of doubt on the
feloniously attack, assault and shoot existence of probable cause, the
one Manuel Granados with the use judge may order the prosecutor to
of said unlicensed firearm and present additional evidence within
inflicting upon the said victim fatal five (5) days from notice and the
wounds on different parts of his issue must be resolved by the court
body, which resulted to his untimely within thirty (30) days from the
death, to the damage and prejudice filing of the complaint of
of his heirs. information. 13

• The RTC dismissed the case for lack In this case, the judge of the RTC, not
of probable cause against petitioner finding the existence of probable cause,
outrightly dismissed the case. The
• The CA denied the Motion for contrasting findings of the CA and the RTC
Reconsideration for lack of merit, is well noted and from the very provision of
there being no legal and factual basis the Rules of Court, 14 the remedy, in case of
for the Court to depart from its doubt, is for the judge to order the
earlier ruling. prosecutor to present additional evidence.
Therefore, in the interest of justice, this
ISSUE: Court finds it appropriate to remand the
WON, a probable cause really exists in the case to the trial court for its proper
case against petitioner for murder. disposition, or for a proper determination of
probable cause based on the evidence
RULING: presented by the prosecution. This is not the
first time that this Court has remanded a
NO case to the trial court for it to make a ruling
on whether certain Informations should be
It must be emphasized that this Court is not dismissed or not.
a trier of facts. The determination of
probable cause is and will always entail WHEREFORE, the Petition for Review
a ·review of the facts of the case. The CA, in on Certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of
finding probable cause, did not exactly delve Court, dated July 23, 2013 of petitioner P/C
into the facts of the case but raised Supt. Edwin A. Pfleider (Ret.) is hereby
questions that would entail a more GRANTED-insofar as his prayer to SET
exhaustive review of the said facts. It ruled ASIDE the Decision dated October 23; 2012
that, "Questions remain as to why, among and Resolution dated June 26, 2013, both of
all people, Ryan would implicate Pfelider the Court of Appeals. However, considering
as the inducer and why the other witnesses the demise of P/C Supt. Edwin A. Pfleider,
would associate Pfleider to the instead of remanding the case to the
crime." 12 From this query, the CA has raised Regional Trial Court of Tacloban city for the
doubt. Under the Revised Rules on Criminal determination of probable cause, the
Procedure, criminal action is DISMISSED, there being
no defendant to stand as accused. 16
Section 6. When warrant of arrest
may issue. - (a) By the Regional SO ORDERED
Trial Court. - Within ten (10) days
from the filing of the complaint or
information, the judge shall

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

civil action prior to the criminal

Petitioner, vs. PURIFICACION F. (b) The criminal action for violation
FELIPE, Respondent of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 shall
G.R. No. 199067 November 11, 2013 be deemed to include the
Facts: corresponding civil action. No
Purificacion Felipe was charged with the reservation to file such civil action
violation of BP22. S issued the said check separately shall be allowed.
amounting to P1,020,000 because her son, As can be gleaned from the foregoing, with
Frederick, defaulted with his payment when respect to criminal actions for violation of BP
he bought a Nissan Terrano 4x4 from herein 22, it is explicitly clear that the
petitioner despite several demands. After corresponding civil action is deemed
trial, the MeTC rendered its judgment included and that a reservation to file such
acquitting Purificacion of the charge, but separately is not allowed.
holding her civilly liable to Nissan. She In cases like violation of BP 22, a special law,
appealed to RTC where the court denied the the intent in issuing a check is immaterial.
petition and the MR. The law has made the mere act of issuing a
The CA, before whom the case was elevated bad check malum prohibitum, an act
via a petition for review, granted the petition prescribed by the legislature for being
on May 20, 2009. In so deciding, the CA deemed pernicious and inimical to public
reasoned out that there was no privity of welfare. Considering the rule in mala
contract between Nissan and Purificacion. prohibita cases, the only inquiry is whether
No civil liability could be adjudged against the law has been breached.25 The lower
her because of her acquittal from the courts were unanimous in finding that,
criminal charge. It was Frederick who was indeed. Purificacion issued the bouncing
civilly liable to Nissan. check. Thus, regardless of her intent, she
The CA ruled that Purificacion could not be remains civilly liable because the act or
an accommodation party either because she omission, the making and issuing of the
only came in after Frederick failed to pay the subject check, from which her civil liability
purchase price, or six (6) months after the arises, evidently exists.
execution of the contract between Nissan and
Frederick. Her liability was limited to her act
of issuing a worthless check, but by her If the judgment is conviction of the accused,
acquittal in the criminal charge, there was no then the necessary penalties and civil
more basis for her to be held civilly liable to liabilities arising from the offense or crime
Nissan.12 Purificacion’s act of issuing the shall be imposed. On the contrary, if the
subject check did not, by itself, assume the judgment is of acquittal, then the imposition
civil obligation of Frederick to Nissan or of the civil liability will depend on whether or
automatically made her a party to the not the act or omission from which it might
contract. Nissan filed MR which was denied. arise exists.
Issue: whether or not Purificacion is civilly A person acquitted of a criminal charge,
liable for the issuance of a worthless check however, is not necessarily civilly free
despite her acquittal from the criminal because the quantum of proof required in
charge criminal prosecution (proof beyond
Held: reasonable doubt) is greater than that
YES. required for civil liability (mere
Section 1, Rule 111 of the Rules of Court preponderance of evidence). In order to be
specifically provides that: completely free from civil liability, a person’s
SECTION 1. Institution of criminal acquittal must be based on the fact he did not
and civil actions. — (a) When a commit the offense. If the acquittal is based
criminal action is instituted, the civil merely on reasonable doubt, the accused
action for the recovery of civil may still be held civilly liable since this does
liability arising from the offense not mean he did not commit the act
charged shall be deemed instituted complained of. It may only be that the facts
with the criminal action unless the proved did not constitute the offense
offended party waives the civil action, charged.
reserves the right to institute it The rule is that every act or omission
separately or institutes the civil punishable by law has its accompanying civil
action prior to the criminal action liability. The civil aspect of every criminal
(unless the offended party waives the case is based on the principle that every
civil action, reserves the right to person criminally liable is also civilly
institute it separately or institutes the liable.16 If the accused, however, is not found
to be criminally liable, it does not necessarily

Arranged by: Jovel C. Pascua

mean that he will not likewise be held civilly

liable because extinction of the penal action
does not carry with it the extinction of the
civil action. This rule more specifically
applies when (a) the acquittal is based on
reasonable doubt as only preponderance of
evidence is required; (b) the court declares
that the liability of the accused is only civil;
and (c) the civil liability of the accused does
not arise from or is not based upon the crime
of which the accused was acquitted.18 The
civil action based on the delict is
extinguished if there is a finding in the final
judgment in the criminal action that the act
or omission from which the civil liability may
arise did not exist or where the accused did
not commit the acts or omission imputed to


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