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Woodcarver's Tools Scope

Shaping and forming wood, you can carve wood and morph it The scope of the project effects the length of time to carve out
into shapes useful for not only combat but art as well. the shape in wood. The scope represents the size of your
creations and there are three categories for the scope:
Minute, Substantial or Immense.
Woodcarver's Tools Minute projects require at least 5 minutes to carve plus the
Woodcarvers's tools consist of a carving knife, a gouge, a amount of time it requires for the detail of the project. A
small mallet, and a small saw. minute project is something small enough to fit or be handled
easily with a single hand. This includes things like figurines,
Your tools weigh 5 lbs and costs 2 gp. arrow shafts or objects that weigh below 2 lbs.
Substantial projects require at least 1 hour plus the
Woodcarving amount of time it requires for the detail of the project. A
Carving wood into beautiful art or deadly weapons requires substantial project is something large size that can easily be
that you have materials present, because your expertise and handled with two hands, a shield or objects that weigh below
tools are designed for wood, you must have wood handy. 30 lbs.
There are some types of wood, like hardwoods or magically Immense projects require at least 8 hours to create plus
enhanced wood, that might be more difficult to craft or have the amount of time it requires for the detail of the project. An
special properties you can impart into your projects. immense project could be a throne, a pulpit, a wooden wall or
When carving; you must succeed on a Dexterity anything that requires a lot of effort to move or multiple
(Woodcarver's Tools) check, and you can add your proficiency people to move about.
bonus if you are proficient with the tools. All times represent the minimum time to create projects of
its scope, and at the DM's discretion may take longer.
Creating your Project
Creating the Project
Woodcarving can be a very short process if you are crafting a After the project is completed or 8 hours of work has been
simple statue that fits in your palm or it can be a week long finished, whichever comes first, the crafter must succeed on a
endeavor to create beautiful designs on a man-sized totem. To Dexterity (Woodcarver's Tools) check, adding their proficiency
carve wood, you must spend at least 10 minutes, or more bonus if they are proficient in the tool. On a success, they
depending on the project. A small wooden figure of a horse make progress on their creation or the project is finished and
may only take a skilled carver 10 minutes, while a throne fit ready to be used or adored. On a fail of 10 or less, they make
for a king may require several weeks or months. no progress on the project, on a fail of 11 or more, they have
Most simple projects require up to an hour to comple, the broken or damaged the project in such a way as to decrease
more elaborate the design, or the size required, the longer the its value or must start over again on the project.
piece takes to complete per the DM's discretion. Examples The DC for carving a project is dependent on the Detail
are given below. and Scope of the project, DC starts at 8 plus the detail and
Carving wood can be defined into 2 broad categories, scope bonuses. A Vaguely detailed project adds +1, Lightly
detailed and scope. detailed +3, and Heavily detailed +6. A Minute scope adds +1,
Detailed Substantial scope +3, and Immense scope adds +6.
The detail of your carvings effects the length of time to The DM may decide that certain details or sizes may raise
complete your project. There are three categories for your or lower the DC, or adjust how often or how little you need to
projects: Vaguely, Lightly or Heavily detailed. roll on a project. If you are creating a massive and immense
Vaguely detailed projects require at least 5 minutes to work throne, making a check every 8 hours maybe too much and
an appropriately sized piece of wood plus the time it requires you only need to make a check every 24 hours or so on it. The
for the scope of the project. A vaguely detailed project consists number of checks required is only a recommendation.
of arrow shafts, a door wedge or other basic shapes. Limited Tools
Lightly detailed projects require at least 1 hour plus the To make the tools easy to carry around on your travels, you
time it requires for the scope of the project. Lightly detailed have very few tools and may not be able to work on projects of
projects consists of multiple basic shapes combined to create Immense size due to your tools and how heavy an object like
figurines or slightly complicated designs like creating figurine that could be to carry.
of a horse but not showing any details like fur, hooves or If you have access to a workshop with a full set of carving
similar. tools, the DM may decide that on all checks you have
Heavily detailed projects require at least 8 hours to carve advantage when carving projects or that it takes you a shorter
plus the time it requires for the scope of the project. Heavily time as you aren't limited by your tools.
detailed projects consists of carved patterns or intricate
shapes, like feathers on a bird or adding in the wrinkles on a
wooden face.
All times represent the minimum for each project, and at
the DM's discretion may take longer.

Woodcarver's Tools - By Dump Stat Adventures | Find more content at | v. 1.03
Searching for Materials Softwood
Before you can begin a project, you must first acquire your Softwood is the typical wood used by most woodcarvers for
materials before you can begin. To create your project, you their projects, it is cheap and easy to come by. It has an AC of
must find a suitable chunk of wood that is approximately the 10 and 5 Hit Points per inch of thickness.
same size as the project you wish to create. You can always Softwood breeds include Birch, Fir, Teak, and Walnut.
take wood away from a chunk, it is much harder to laminate Hardwood
additional material on to make it larger. Hardwood is a common type of wood that is harder than
Unless you have some other means of gathering your regular wood, make it ideal for long lasting designs and even
material, you must journey through forests searching for the for weapons. If a weapon is made out of hardwood, it deals +1
right chunks to use in your projects. The DC is dependent on damage on top of its normal damage. It has an AC of 10 and
the type of forests around you and the size of the project. 10 Hit Points per inch of thickness.
A few examples are provided on the next page. Hardwood breeds include Mahogany, Oak, and Pine.
Exotic Materials Petrified Wood
Not all wood is the same, and certain materials, like This wood has been petrified, either by a basilisk, somehow,
hardwood, have special properties that is added to the project. or through a long process of fossilization. Due to how hard it
A few examples are provided below. is, when wielded as a weapon, and when you score a critical
Searching for Materials Example DCs hit with it, it deals one additional die of damage, do not double
that die. It has an AC of 15 and 3 Hit Points per inch of
DC Density/Type of Forest Scope of Project thickness due to its brittleness.
Extremely Dense,
5 Minute Dragon Burned
Lots of Trees
Thinning Forest,
When a forest scoured by dragon fire, some trees are so
Mostly New Growth
Minute enveloped in heat that some of the magic of the dragon's
breath doesn't destroy it but rather infuses the wood with fire.
Forest Dying to Disease,
Minute When wielded as a weapon, this magical wood deals fire
Mostly Saplings damage instead of its normal damage type. It has an AC and
Extremely Dense, Hit Points of its origianl breed of wood but gains no other
Lots of Trees
Substantial benefits from that breed.
Thinning Forest,
13 Substantial
Mostly New Growth Example Projects
Forest Dying to Disease, Number
15 Substantial Time to of
Mostly Saplings
Project Detailed Scope Carve DC Checks
Extremely Dense,
15 Immense Arrow Vaguely Minute 10 min. 10 1
Lots of Trees
Thinning Forest, 16+
18 Immense Temple Pulpit Heavily Immense 20 2+
Mostly New Growth hours
Forest Dying to Disease, Quarterstaff Vaguely Substantial 1 hour 12 1
20 Immense
Mostly Saplings
Shield Vaguely Substantial 1 hour 12 1
The quality of the forest and the scope of the project can Figurine of a
Lightly Minute 1 hour 12 1
make it very difficult to find the right size of wood needed for horse
your projects. There is the potential that you can buy the Owl Statue Heavily Substantial 9 hours 17 2
required chunk of wood in town with the following example
prices provided. Intricate
Heavily Minute 8 hours 15 1
Material Pricing Small Carving 10
Vaguely Minute 10 1
Type of Wood Weight Cost Board minutes
Softwood 1 lb 2 cp Throne for
Heavily Minute 8 hours 15 1
a Sprite
Hardwood 1 lb 1 gp
Petrified Wood 1 lb 2 gp
Dragon Burned 1 lb 5 pp

Woodcarver's Tools - By Dump Stat Adventures | Find more content at | v. 1.03

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