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ABSTRACT from inhalation of Zn oxide fume. Exposure to highly

toxic Zn chloride fume can occur in industry, and from
Zinc (Zn) is ubiquitous, essential for life, and toxic the use of smoke bombs for crowd control.
in excess. When diets provide adequate amounts of
bioavailable Zn and intakes of other nutrients are also
adequate homeostasis is maintained. When the con- 1  IDENTITY AND PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL
sumption of bioavailable Zn is insufficient, the risk of PROPERTIES
deficiency increases. The worldwide prevalence of this
phenomenon is at least 20%. Excessive consumption The properties of zinc [Zn; Chemical Abstracts Ser-
of bioavailable Zn and of exposure to Zn-containing vice (CAS) No. 7440-66-6] include atomic weight, 65.38;
chemicals increase the risk of toxicity. The prevalence atomic number, 30; valence, 2; density, 7.13 g/cm3;
of the former is unknown. The latter typically occurs in Mohs’ hardness, 2.5; melting point, 419.5°C; boiling
association with industry; the likelihood is decreased point, 908°C; and electrical conductivity, 28.3% of the
by the use of appropriate precautions. Low available international annealed copper standard. Crystalline
Zn in soil is common and if unmitigated decreases Zn is a bluish-white metal with a distorted hexagonal
agricultural production. Populations at risk of Zn defi- close-packed structure. There are five stable isotopes,
ciency are also at risk of other deficiencies. Diets based 64Zn (49%), 66Zn (28%), 68Zn (19%), 67Zn (4.1%), and

on cereal and legume products are rich in phytate and 70Zn (0.62%), and 19 known radioactive isotopes. The

other indigestible zinc-binding ligands, and diets based half-life of 65Zn is 243.8 days and that of 69Zn is 13.8 h
on plant products that are low in Zn, such as roots, (Simon-Hettich et al., 2001; Choudhury et al., 2005).
tubers, and highly milled rice, are the major causes of Zinc reacts with oxygen to form Zn oxide (ZnO; CAS
human Zn deficiency. Although Zn in animal flesh is No. 1314-13-2), chlorine to form Zn chloride (ZnCl2; CAS
highly bioavailable, indigestible Zn-binding ligands in No. 7646-85-7), and sulfur to form Zn sulfide (ZnS; CAS
diets suppress its availability. The physiological conse- No. 1314-98-3). In biological systems it is redox neutral
quences of Zn deficiency involve all systems. (Maret 2013). It is stable in dry air, but in moist air it is
Zinc toxicity is most common after habitual excessive coated with Zn oxide or basic carbonate. It is ampho-
consumption of Zn-containing dietary supplements. teric and forms stable salts that are nonconducting, non-
Bioavailability of dietary copper (Cu) is suppressed, magnetic, and white or colorless, except for those with
resulting in deficiency. Inadvertent consumption of Zn- a chromophore group such as zinc chromate (ZnCrO4;
rich dental products over time, and the chronic pica of CAS No. 13530-65-9). At midrange pH, it forms hydrox-
articles composed of Zn also cause Cu deficiency. Acute ides [Zn(OH)2; CAS No. 20427-58-1] that have low solu-
gastrointestinal illness can occur after consumption of bility in water, whereas at the extremes of pH solubility
Zn-contaminated food or drink. Zinc toxicity associ- is increased, releasing Zn ions at low pH and zincate
ated with industry includes flu-like metal fume fever [tetrahydroxozincate ion, Zn(OH)42−] at high pH.

Handbook on the Toxicology of Metals 4E 1369 Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1370 Harold H. Sandstead

2  ANALYTICAL METHODS 3.2.1 Atmosphere

Atmospheric Zn is mostly found in aerosols in the
Zinc is ubiquitous; special care is required to avoid
oxidized form. Zinc-containing particles up to 5 mm
contamination. The preparation of solid environmen-
in diameter occur in industrial areas (Nriagu 1980).
tal samples may involve microwave-assisted mineral-
Naturally occurring Zn from windborne dust, fires,
ization with concentrated acids. Water samples may
and volcanic emissions is about 45,000 tons/year
require solvent extraction in the presence of complex-
(Nriagu 1989).
ing agents and chelating resin separation to preconcen-
trate Zn (Simon-Hettich et al., 2001).
Element-specific instrumental techniques accurately 3.2.2 Water
measure Zn concentrations of 0.006 μg/L in water and In water, zinc is typically present in particles
0.01 mg/kg in solid samples (Simon-Hettich et al., greater than 450 nm as a simple hydrated metal ion
2001). Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) [e.g. Zn(H2O)62+], simple inorganic complexes [e.g.
has a detection limit of about 5 μg/L and an optimal Zn(H2O)5Cl+], simple organic complexes (e.g. Zn
concentration range of 50-2000 μg/L. Other methods citrate; CAS No. 546-46-3), stable inorganic com-
include atomic emission spectrometry (AES), X-ray plexes (e.g. Zn sulfide), stable organic complexes (e.g.
fluorescence, inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-AES, Zn humate), adsorbed on inorganic colloids to form
inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP- for example Zn+2Fe2O3, and adsorbed on organic col-
MS), polarography, anodic stripping voltammetry, and loids to form for example Zn+2-humic acid ­(Florence
neutron activation analysis. ICP-AES and ICP-MS are 1980). The pH of most freshwaters facilitates the
more sensitive than FAAS, and ICP-MS enables iso- adsorption of Zn onto particulates. In sediment, Zn is
tope ratio analysis. Specific fluorophores facilitate the both suspended and in the sediment bed. Zinc binds
observation of labile intra- and extracellular Zn ions to organic material, especially when the pH exceeds
(Thompson 2005). 6.5. Zinc also adsorbs to kaolinite and illite clay as
hydroxy species in increasing amounts up to pH 10.5
(Farrah and Pickering 1977). Organic matter is oxi-
3  SOURCES OF HUMAN AND dized as it sediments, and because oxygen and nitrate
ENVIRONMENTAL EXPOSURE are limited, sulfate is the predominant terminal elec-
tron acceptor, thus forming Zn sulfide, which has low
3.1  Commercial Uses solubility (Allen 1993).
In surface waters, natural Zn concentrations are
Fifty-five Zn-containing minerals are known
usually less than 10 μg/L, while in groundwater con-
(Choudhury et al., 2005). Commercially, sphalerite
centrations may be about 10-40 μg/L (Elinder 1986).
(Zn sulfide; CAS No. 1314-98-3) is the most important
Zn ore, and Zn oxide (CAS No. 1314-13-2) is the most
common Zn compound used in industry. From 2009 3.2.3 Soil
to 2013, the world production of Zn metal increased Zinc concentrations in soils are influenced to a large
from 11,281,000 to 13,138,000 tonnes (International degree by the weathering of rock, of which about 75%
Lead Zinc Study Group, 2013). Zinc is used as a pro- are sedimentary (Alloway 2008). In many places, drift
tective coating for other metals, in dye casting and the deposits of sand, gravel, and other forms derived from
construction industry, in noncorrosive alloys, and in rock cover the underlying rock and are the parental
brass. Zinc oxide is used in the manufacture of rubber substances of agricultural soils. Weathering releases
and white pigment. Inorganic Zn compounds are used about 915,000 tons/year of water-soluble compounds
in automotive equipment, storage and dry cell batter- of Zn. Soil conditions that underlie Zn deficiency
ies, and dental, medical, and household applications. include low total Zn in sandy soils and weathered acid
Organic Zn compounds are used as fungicides, topical tropical soils; neutral or alkaline soils, as in calcareous
antibiotics, and lubricants (Simon-Hettich et al., 2001). or heavily limed soils; soils rich in sodium chloride;
organic soils, as in peat or muck; a high phosphate
content; waterlogged soils, as in rice paddies; and high
3.2  General Environment
concentrations of magnesium and/or bicarbonate in
Zinc is the 25th most abundant element, accounting soils or irrigation water.
for about 0.02% by weight of the Earth’s crust (Simon- Humid, hot conditions increase weathering in the
Hettich et al., 2001). The average Zn content of rock in tropics, resulting in the formation of acidic soils low
the Earth’s crust is 78 mg/kg (Alloway 2008). in Zn (Alloway 2008). The problem is worldwide.
61 Zinc 1371

Low Zn status is a major cause of low seed production ZnOH+ is the major form; and above pH 9.11, zinc-
(cereals, legumes, nuts). Hidden Zn deficiency, before ates [Zn(OH)4]2− are soluble (Kiekens, 1995). Low
signs of illness appear, is believed to account for a molecular weight organic acids that bind Zn are also
decrease of about 20% in worldwide plant production an important source.
(Alloway 2008). Plants extract Zn ion from the soil by adsorption
(Alloway, 2008). Low pH increases cation exchange,
and high pH increases chemisorption and complex-
4  ENVIRONMENTAL TRANSPORT, ation to organic ligands. In clay, both reversible Zn ion
DISTRIBUTION, AND TRANSFORMATION exchange and irreversible sorption to the mineral lat-
tice occur. The latter involves fixation of Zn in a hydro-
4.1 Air lyzed form and precipitation as Zn hydroxide. As a
result, Zn is less available to plants.
Zinc adsorbed onto small-diameter particles of low In limestone-based soils, Zn chemisorbs onto
density can be transported in the air over great dis- calcium carbonate to form the highly stable Zn
tances (Han et al., 2002). There is no evidence of harm hydroxycarbonate that suppresses Zn availability to
from fallout at current levels. For example, fallout over plants. At pH 8 and above, iron oxides precipitate
oceans provides Zn to sea creatures. Deposition in the and coat carbonate minerals that firmly bind Zn.
Greenland snow records the anthropogenic use of Zn. Zinc coprecipitates with iron and manganese oxides,
For example, Zn fallout increased fivefold from 1800 and with franklinite. In addition, reducing condi-
to the 1960s, then decreased by about 40% by the 1990s tions that form Zn sulfide decrease the availability
(Boutron 1995). Total worldwide emissions in the of zinc to plants.
1980s of about 132,000 tons/year (Nriagu and Pacyna Zinc in industrial wastewaters tends to precipitate
1988) decreased to about 52,000 tons/year in the 1990s as Zn hydroxide. At pH 9.5, the lowest soluble Zn
(Pacyna and Pacyna 2001). concentration is about 0.25 mg/L (Patterson et al.,
1977). During chemical extraction and acidification
4.2  Water and Sediment of sewage sludge, organic and some insoluble inor-
ganic forms of zinc associate with the tetrasodium
In 1983-1984, the estimated total anthropogenic pyrophosphate fraction that accounts for 18-52% of
emissions into aquatic environments were 77,000- total Zn. Zinc mobilization begins at pH 6.0, and
375,000 tons/year. Emissions later decreased in most is extracted by pH 2.0. Zinc is more easily
some countries. For example, in the USA discharges extracted from raw sludge than from dried forms
into surface water were about 386 tons in 1988, and of activated and digested sludge. Mobilization of
about 30 tons in 1993. In addition, findings from Zn from liquid sludge begins at pH 4.0 (Rudd et al.,
Canada illustrate the effects of mining: active and 1988) and increases when sludge is added to a clay
inactive mines resulted in high concentrations of loam or a sandy loam soil, but is less effective in the
Zn, 900 mg/L, in acidic mine tailing ponds (Simon- presence of clay (Sanders et al., 1987).
Hettich et al., 2001).

4.4 Biotransformation
4.3 Soil
The turnover of Zn in biosphere is essential for life.
Soil factors that affect plant nutrition include total Zinc enters the human food chain directly through
Zn, pH, organic matter, limestone (CAS No. 1317- the consumption of plants and indirectly through
65-3), redox conditions, microbes in the rhizosphere, the consumption of animal products. Worldwide,
soil moisture, other trace elements, and the amount many soils are low in available Zn and Zn deficiency
of phosphorus and other nutrients (Adriano, 1986). in plants is common (Alloway 2008). Mitigation is
Zinc is present in five pools: water soluble; bound a major challenge. Industrial fallout has little effect.
to soil particles by an electrical charge; bound to Zinc toxicity toward plants is infrequent. In ani-
organic ligands; poorly exchangeable bound to clay mals, the Zn content is controlled within a homeo-
and insoluble metal oxides; and in weathering min- static range by an array of importing, exporting, and
erals (Alloway, 2008). The amphoteric nature of Zn retention mechanisms (Maret 2013). The risk of Zn
makes it poorly available at intermediate pH but deficiency is low among free-ranging animals, but
highly available at extremes of pH. Under normal is increased among herbivores when their range is
conditions, a small proportion of Zn is in solution. constrained (Nielsen, 2012). The risk of human Zn
Below pH 7.7, Zn ions predominate; above pH 7.7, deficiency is discussed below.
1372 Harold H. Sandstead

5  ENVIRONMENTAL LEVELS AND HUMAN The zinc content of soils is affected by weathering
EXPOSURE and varies widely. Average concentrations of noncon-
taminated soils were reported to be 40-90 mg/kg, with
5.1 Air a range of 1-2000 mg/kg (Adriano 1986). Discharges
from industrial sources also contribute to local and
Zinc concentrations are usually highest in urban more distant Zn concentrations in the soil. High con-
and industrial areas (Simon-Hettich et al., 2001). Back- centrations damage susceptible plants (­Shuman et al.,
ground concentrations may range from 10 to 300 ng/ 2001; Palazzo et al., 2003). Zinc in sewage sludge is
m3. In European rural areas and cities, zinc levels of available to plants and inhibits their uptake of cad-
0.4-300 ng/m3 and 10-2400  ng/m3, respectively, are mium (Chaney 1988). Zinc in composted sewage
reported. Indoor urban air Zn concentrations are about sludge ranges from 101 to 49,000 mg/kg dry weight,
0.1-1.0 μg/m3. with a mean of about 1700 mg/kg (Chaney 1983). Soil
Zn is introduced into the human food chain through
5.2 Water (1) plants and (2) animals that consume plants. The
bioavailability of Zn from food and the metabolic pro-
Human consumption of Zn from drinking water is cesses that facilitate Zn status are unrelated to soil Zn
usually negligible. For example, the estimated world- levels.
wide Zn content of fresh clean water and drinking Certain clays consumed during geophagia adsorb
water in 1992 (Zuurdeeg 1992) was 3.25 μg/L (range Zn from the alkaline chyme of the small intestine and
0.64-16.6). On the other hand, acid corrosion of galva- thus contribute to Zn deficiency (Halsted et al., 1972;
nized pipes was observed to result in concentrations Çavdar et al., 1983).
of 2 mg/L in standing water over a period of several
hours (Schroeder et al., 1967).
5.4 Diet
The Zn content of foods varies widely (Table 1).
5.3 Soil
Reported Zn intakes in several industrialized coun-
Worldwide, mining and smelting discharge about tries and in India vary widely, from 3.1 to 18.6 mg
1-3 million tons of mostly nondispersed Zn onto ­(Campbell-Brown et al., 1985; Simon-Hettich et al., 2001).
land. In addition, fertilizer and atmospheric fall- A national survey in the United States found the Zn
out account for about 689-2054 × 103 tons/year, and intakes shown in Table 2. For comparison, a 2000-2001
­agricultural and animal wastes, sewer sludge, and survey of British adults, aged 19-64 years, found mean
fly ash contribute 640-1914 × 103 tons/year (Simon-­ Zn intakes of 10.7 ± 5.75 mg in men and 7.9 ± 3.54 mg
Hettich et al., 2001). The major impacts are local. in women (Office for National ­ Statistics, 2002). In
Worldwide, these sources have little impact on addition, a survey of boys and girls aged 15-18 years
Zn-deficient soils, except where Zn fertilizers are
­ found Zn intakes similar to those of adults, although
applied (Alloway 2008). 11-14-year-old boys and girls had intakes of 7.7 mg

TABLE 1  Zinc Content of Foods Commonly Consumed in the United States, per Common Measure
> 15 mg 5-10 mg 4-5 mg 3-4 mg 2-3 mg 1-2 mg < 1 mg

Oyster Beef Beef liver Lamb Lamb Pork loin Chicken breast
Peanut Butter Crunch® Lamb Beef Pork Pork Chicken dark meat Chicken liver

Product 19® Duck Lamb Veal Lobster Swordfish Salmon

Total® King Crab Pork Turkey dark meat Clams Shrimp Tuna
Wheaties® Captain Crunch ® Blue Crab Yogurt Mushroom Other finfish
Quaker Oats ® Rice Chex ® Skim milk White wheat flour Vegetables
Corn Chex ® White beans Navy beans White rice
Cheerios ® Chick peas Black beans Eggs
Whole-wheat flour Lentils Pinto beans Tofu
Corn meal All Bran ® Cheddar cheese
Nuts Blue cheese
Cottage cheese

Source: Anon (2002).

61 Zinc 1373

TABLE 2  Median Zinc Intake of Participants in NHANES-III

White Hispanic Black

n Median n Median n Median

2-11 m 241 5.59 89 6.32 78 6.28
1-2 y 202 6.67 186 5.81 182 6.74
3-5 y 219 7.28 281 7.80 210 8.13
6-11 y 252 9.02 344 9.27 239 9.17
12-15 y 98 11.62 129 10.48 95 8.91
16-19 y 112 13.43 139 12.04 103 12.28
20-29 y 216 13.14 349 13.27 245 12.90
30-39 y 271 13.88 225 13.19 213 10.77
40-49 y 243 12.25 181 12.35 178 10.55
50-59 y 251 12.27 96 9.73 105 8.40
60-69 y 247 11.52 152 8.71 141 8.77
70-79 y 285 10.34 60 8.13 93 7.84
80 y + 250 9.06 19 7.74 21 7.04

2-11 m 232 5.55 74 5.89 84 5.80
1-2 y 222 5.65 216 5.72 173 5.69
3-5 y 206 6.48 328 6.79 244 7.47
6-11 y 259 7.70 383 8.07 213 8.12
12-15 y 123 8.07 140 8.65 96 8.53
16-19 y 133 8.38 131 8.62 114 9.37
20-29 y 244 8.41 317 8.80 254 8.86
30-39 y 279 8.78 247 8.39 241 7.55
40-49 y 224 8.55 185 7.80 160 7.16
50-59 y 221 7.94 100 8.13 125 7.01
60-69 y 246 7.71 153 6.80 148 6.93
70-79 y 253 7.18 51 6.42 93 6.37
80 y + 251 6.59 23 5.26 35 5.92

m, months; NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; y, years

Source: Alaimo et al. (1994).

and 6.7 mg, respectively (Thane et al., 2004). However, is 0.5 mg/cup (175 g) (Gibson and Ferguson 2008).
the Zn c­ ontent of food is only part of the story. Phytate Legumes are usually richer than refined cereals in
and other indigestible Zn-binding ligands bind Zn, thus Zn. For example, the Zn content of beans ranges from
preventing its absorption (Hunt et al., 2008; Hambidge 1.9 mg/cup (172 g) in cooked mature black beans to
et al., 2010). There is no evidence that humans adapt 2.5 mg/cup (164 g) in boiled chickpeas.
to the various indigestible Zn-binding ligands in their The removal of indigestible plant ligands by mill-
diets (Brune et al., 1989; Hunt et al., 2008). ing and/or fermentation improves Zn bioavailability
(Sandstrom and Sandberg 1992; Larsson et al., 1996),
5.4.1 Plants but milling also removes Zn. Current knowledge sug-
Cereals and legumes are the major sources of dietary gests phytate:Zn molar ratios of less than 5 are usu-
Zn for the world’s poor (Gibson 1994). As affluence ally associated with higher intestinal absorption of Zn,
increases, omnivorous diets become possible; in these, and that ratios greater than 15 are usually associated
cereals and legumes become less important sources of with low Zn absorption (Hunt et al., 2008). Indigestible
Zn. In the USA, cereals and legumes are reported to Zn-binding ligands in the diet are excreted in the feces
provide about 30% of dietary Zn (Walsh et al., 1994). (Dintzis et al., 1985).
Milling decreases the Zn content of cereal-derived
5.4.2  Flesh Foods
foods (Table 1). For example, the Zn content of yellow
whole-grain cornmeal is 2.2 mg/cup (122 g) and that of Animal flesh is the best source of readily bioavail-
yellow degermed corn meal is 1.0 mg/cup (138 g); the able Zn. In the United States, meat provides about
Zn content of cooked long-grain brown rice is 1.2 mg/ 50% of dietary zinc (Walsh et al., 1994). Red meat is
cup (195 g), and that of cooked long-grain white rice the richest common source (Table 1). The preferential
1374 Harold H. Sandstead

consumption of poultry, finfish, and dairy prod- other uses of Zn compounds (Simon-Hettich et al.,
ucts instead of red meat decreases Zn intake and can 2001). Toxicity from Zn oxide and Zn chloride are of
increase the risk of Zn deficiency (Sandstead et al., the greatest concern.
1982). High dietary phytate and other indigestible Zn-
binding ligands in food prevent the absorption of Zn
from animal flesh (Hunt et al., 2008). 6  BIOLOGICAL MONITORING

5.4.3  Dairy Products

6.1  Diet History
The collection of dietary information is an inva-
Cow milk provides about 20% of the daily Zn
sive process that depends on the respondent’s mem-
intake in the USA (Walsh et al., 1994). Adult absorp-
ory, willingness, and ability to provide information
tion of a 65Zn tracer added to cow’s milk was 28%,
concerning the highly personal body function, i.e.
compared to 41% from human milk and 14% from
soy formula (Sandstrom et al., 1983). The low absorp-
As far as Zn is concerned, history identifies the
tion of Zn from soy formula is related to its phytate
foods available for consumption and the frequency
and amounts eaten. Collection of the latter data may be
difficult. Quantitative data allows the use of published
5.4.4  Nutritional Supplements food composition data to estimate the amount of sub-
stances in foods that are of interest with respect to Zn.
The U.S. Food and Drug Agency classifies nutri-
Unfortunately, information concerning ­ Zn-binding
tional supplements as food. A national survey during
ligands in foods is limited.
2001-2006 of 18,758 subjects more than 1 year of age
When the collection of quantitative data is precluded
found that consumption of nutrition supplements is
or unnecessary, the frequency of consumption of spe-
common among children aged 1-5 years, older adults,
cific foods in the common cuisine provides useful data.
and persons with higher education and income levels.
This approach identified correlations between the fre-
About 50% of the population and 70% of adults aged 71
quency of red meat consumption and Fe nutriture in
years and older are consumers of dietary supplements,
women (Worthington-Roberts et al., 1988). These find-
and about 33% take multimicronutrient mixtures (Bai-
ings were confirmed by a second study (Yokoi et al.,
ley et al., 2011b). It has been suggested that among men
2003, 2007): red meat intake was found to correlate sig-
and women more than 60 years old the Zn status of
nificantly with the size of the rapidly exchangeable Zn
35-41% and 36-45%, respectively, might be improved
pool; and sources of wheat bran correlated negatively
by supplements (Ervin and Kennedy-Stephenson,
with the size of the Zn pool.
2002). In contrast, only 6% of young Germans aged
Diet history can also identify excess Zn consump-
2-18 years reported consuming supplemental minerals
tion in supplements, beverages, and other foods.
(Sichert-Hellert and Kersting, 2004).
Current guidelines suggest that daily Zn intakes
greater than 40 mg in adults increase the risk of Cu defi- 6.2  Physical Signs
ciency (Food and Nutrition Board 2006). Risk is higher
among the elderly: among persons aged less than 71 The physical signs of Zn deficiency, other than
years, 11% of men and 7% and women exceeded the retarded growth and delayed development in chil-
guideline, while 16% and 11% of men and women dren, become increasingly evident with the passage of
older than 71 years exceeded the guideline (Bailey time. Chemical and functional effects precede obvious
et al., 2011a). Although not specified, the guideline physical signs such as acrodermatitis (Kay et al., 1976;
must apply to persons consuming omnivorous diets Arakawa et al., 1976; Neldner et al., 1978) and demen-
that are low in indigestible Zn-binding ligands; diets tia (Henkin et al., 1975).
rich in indigestible Zn-binding ligands suppress Zn The prevalence of chronic Zn toxicity from diet
absorption (Hunt et al., 2008). supplements or the pica of Zn-rich substances, e.g.
the U.S. 1 cent coin, is unknown. Physical findings
may include myeloneuropathy resembling that of
5.5  Work Environment vitamin B12 deficiency (Kumar et al., 2005). Cardiac
arrhythmias also occur in human Cu deficiency
5.5.1 Inhalation
(Klevay et al., 1984; Reiser et al., 1985), a finding
Exposure to metallic Zn and Zn compounds occurs confirmed in both experimental and farm animals
during Zn mining, smelting, and welding, as well as (Klevay, 2000).
61 Zinc 1375

Acute alimentary Zn toxicity is an unusual event 6.4  White Blood Cell Zinc
associated with drinking an acidic liquid such as lem-
Leukocyte and lymphocyte Zn concentrations more
onade that has been exposed to a galvanized container.
strongly reflect Zn status compared to plasma Zn
Signs and symptoms can include severe abdominal
(Prasad et al., 1978; Meadows et al., 1983). However,
distress and vomiting.
their isolation and analysis is technically demanding
The inhalation of Zn oxide fume by welders and
(Milne et al., 1985).
others working in conditions in which Zn is heated to a
high temperature results in a characteristic acute respi-
ratory illness of short duration with fever and flu-like 6.5  Hair Zinc
symptoms; it is associated with tolerance to continued
Low hair Zn concentrations were found in
exposure and reoccurs after later reexposure. A sec-
­n-deficient stunted Egyptian farm boys (Strain
ond, potentially lethal respiratory illness occurs after
et al., 1966). In addition, low hair Zn concentrations
exposure to Zn chloride, usually from smoke bombs
were associated with reduced growth in children
designed for crowd control. In this case, respiratory
­(Hambidge et al., 1972; Ferguson et al., 1993; Cavan
distress is very severe.
et al., 1993). In contrast, premenopausal women with a
low rapidly exchangeable tissue Zn pool (Yokoi et al.,
6.3  Plasma/Serum Zinc 2003) did not display a decrease in hair Zn. In addi-
tion, the 6-7-year-old low-income Mexican-American
The concentration of the plasma Zn pool is about
children at risk of Zn deficiency had normal hair Zn,
1 mg/L (Wastney et al., 1986). Zinc functions within
while showing a significantly greater improvement in
cells; however, its status is not well reflected by
cell-mediated-immune functions after treatment with
plasma Zn (Lukaski and Penland, 1996). For exam-
Zn and a broad mixture of micronutrients than after
ple, although plasma Zn decreased substantially
treatment with other micronutrients alone (Sandstead
during chronic severe Zn deficiency (Pekarek et al.,
et al., 2008). Thus, the finding of low hair Zn concentra-
1979), it did not consistently decrease during preg-
tions can be useful diagnostically, but normal concen-
nancy in women whose offspring were affected
trations of hair Zn do not rule out Zn deficiency.
by fetal stunting, even though maternal leukocyte
Hair Zn is not commonly measured to ascertain
and muscle Zn levels were significantly decreased
excessive Zn exposure. During treatment for Zn defi-
(Meadows et al., 1981). In addition, 6-7-year-old
ciency, increases in the hair Zn concentration may
low-income Mexican-American children at risk of
occur (Pekarek et al., 1979).
Zn deficiency had normal concentrations of plasma
and hair Zn; however, their cell-mediated immune
functions improved significantly, compared to con- 6.6  Urine Zinc
trols, after treatment with Zn and a broad mixture
The daily urinary Zn excretion is about 7 mmol
of other micronutrients. Controls treated only with
(0.5 mg) (Milne et al., 1983). Losses increase dur-
other micronutrients showed significant improve-
ing catabolism (Cuthbertson et al., 1972), hemolysis
ment in some functions but not others (Sandstead
(Prasad et al., 1975), cirrhosis (Vallee, et al., 1959), and
et al., 2008).
diabetes mellitus (Cunningham et al., 1994). High Zn
The empirical lower limit of normal fasting plasma
exposure increased urinary Zn (Fuortes and Schenck,
Zn is 10.7 mmol/L (700 mg/L) (Pilch and Senti 1985).
2000; Main et al., 1982). Urinary Zn decreases during
Zinc kinetics of 33 premenopausal women not tak-
Zn deficiency (Prasad et al., 1963a). Experimental Zn
ing oral contraceptives confirmed this estimate (Yokoi
deficiency in men decreased urinary Zn to less than
et al., 2003). Men are reported to have higher concen-
150 mg daily, while plasma Zn remained greater than
trations of plasma Zn compared to premenopausal
700 mg/L (10.7 mmol/L) (Baer and King 1984).
women, infants, children, and the aged (Hotz et al.,
2003). Plasma Zn has a circadian rhythm: concentra-
tions are higher in the morning. In addition, concentra-
tions decrease after meals, but increase after exercise;
Zn deficiency blunts the postexercise increase (Lukaski
7.1  Biological Importance of Zinc
et al., 1984). Oral daily administration of 400 or 800 μg
folate also reduced the postexercise increase in plasma Zinc is essential for most, if not all physiological
Zn (Milne et al., 1990). functions (Maret, 2013). Zinc status (Figure 1) is affected
In toxicity, plasma Zn may or may not increase by economics, availability of foods, choice, excessive
(Kumar and Jazieh, 2001). exposure, and other factors that affect homeostasis
1376 Harold H. Sandstead

stunting and hypogonadism, first described in Iranian

Percent of population at risk

Percent of population at risk

100 100
and Egyptian farmers, is associated with endocrine
functions consistent with hypopituitarism (Sandstead,
of deficiency

of deficiency
2013). Other endocrine abnormalities include reversible
50 Acceptable range of
exposure or intake
inactivation of thymulin in blood plasma (Dardenne
et al., 1984), impaired function of insulin receptors (Roth
and Kirchgessner, 1994; Maret, 2008), and suppressed
activity of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) (Roth and
A B Kirchgessner, 1994). It is not surprising therefore that Zn
Total exposure or intake WHO 97575
status affects most aspects of health (Maret and Sand-
FIGURE 1  Zinc Nutriture Model. Percentage of population stead, 2006). While very severe Zn deficiency causes
subjected to deficiency and toxicity effects according to exposure/ death, less severe deficiency suppresses resistance to
intake. As intake drops below A, risk for deficiency increases; at ex- oxidative stress and inflammation (Bao et al., 2010), tis-
tremely low exposures or intakes, all subjects will manifest deficien-
cy. As exposure or intakes increase beyond B, a progressively larger
sue repair (Sandstead et al., 1970), immunity and resis-
proportion of subjects will exhibit effects of toxicity. tance to infections (Fraker and King 2004; Sandstead
et al., 2008), reproduction (Apgar, 1985), fetal growth
and development (Scholl et al., 1993; Goldenberg et al.,
(Sandstead, 1991, 2011). Deviations from adequate 1995; Velie et al., 1999), child and adolescent growth
status increase the risk of deficiency or excess. Zinc (Brown et al., 2002; Sandstead, 2013), brain develop-
adequacy is most likely when a wide variety of foods ment (Dvergsten et al., 1983, 1984; Dvergsten, 1984),
are consumed in an omnivorous diet, when factors that cognition (Halas et al., 1986; Sandstead et al., 1998), and
interfere with absorption and/or retention are absent, behavior (Halas and Sandstead, 1975; Halas et al., 1977).
and when there is no excess. Groups at greatest risk are low-income children (Sand-
In contrast to other transition elements, Zn is redox stead et al., 1998, 2008), premenopausal women (Yokoi
neutral and readily binds to proteins with appropri- et al., 2007), pregnant women (and fetuses) (Cherry
ate amino acid motifs. More than 3000 proteins are et al., 1989; Goldenberg et al., 1995), and the elderly
known to have such signatures (Andreini et al., 2006). (Sandstead et al., 1982).
These include 933 enzymes, 957 transcription factors,
221 signaling proteins, 141 transport/storage proteins,
7.2  Body Composition
53 proteins with structural metal sites, 19 proteins
involved in DNA repair, replication, and translation, The Zn content of a “standard” 70-kg adult male is
427 Zn finger proteins of unknown function, and about 2.5 g: about 60% is in muscle, 30% in bone, 8%
456 other proteins of unknown function. Zinc binds in skin and hair, 5% in liver, 3% in the gastrointestinal
to the only known eukaryotic Zn ion sensor, metal tract and pancreas, and < 1% in other cells and blood
regulatory transcription factor 1/metal-response plasma (Wastney et al., 1986). Soft tissue Zn (mg/g
element-binding transcription factor-1 (MTF-1) that fresh tissue) ranges from about 12 in the adrenal glands
controls the gene expression of Zn storage proteins. to 102 in the prostate (Tipton and Cook 1963). Zinc is
These 60-68 amino acid thioneins include 20-21 cys- partially redistributed through cell turnover. Zinc is
teines that constitute seven metal-binding sites with lost in intestinal, pancreatic, renal, and skin secretions,
different affinities for Zn and other divalent metals. and in skin cells and hair.
Metallothioneins are redox active: oxidation of sul-
fur releases Zn and other metals, while reduction of
7.3 Absorption
dithiols facilitates the binding of Zn and other diva-
lent metals. In addition, certain proteins transiently Zinc absorption is an active process facilitated by
bind picogram amounts of Zn ions. This “free” Zn has zinc transporter ZIP4 (encoded by SLC39A4/ZIP4)
signaling and messaging functions (Haase and Maret in the enterocyte apical membrane (Cousins 2010). In
2005; Haase and Rink 2011). Zn deficiency, the expression of ZIP4 and other ZIP
Zinc functions in concert with other micronutrients. family genes is increased. When high amounts of Zn
For example, Zn has several roles in the methionine are present in intestinal chime, enterocytes control
cycle/transsulfuration pathway that also requires folate, the amount, about 5-6 mg daily, available for trans-
riboflavin, pyridoxine, cobalamine, choline/betaine fer into the body (Beiseigel et al., 2009; Hambidge
and methionine for the production of S-adenosyl methi- et al., 2010). Intracellular transporters, such as zinc
onine (Maret and Sandstead, 2008). Another example is transporter 7 (ZnT7), mediate the movement of Zn
the effect of Zn on endocrine function. Zinc-responsive among compartments. Zinc induces the synthesis of
61 Zinc 1377

metallothionein, a cysteine-rich protein that binds 7.4 Excretion

or releases Zn depending on redox conditions. Zinc
Zinc is primarily excreted in the feces. Zinc in pan-
bound to metallothionein is not available for entry
creatic and intestinal secretions varies from 7 mmol
to the body and is returned to intestinal chime as
(0.5 mg) to greater than 45 mmol (3 mg) daily, and can
enterocytes turnover. Zinc released from metallo-
exceed dietary zinc (Sandstrom, 1997). Some secreted
thionein or other compartments into the cytosol
Zn is reabsorbed by the jejunum, ileum, and colon.
that is transported to the basolateral membrane
Zinc deprivation increases the percentage absorption
protein ZnT1 is then transported into the interstitial
and decreases fecal losses (Milne et al., 1983; Krebs and
fluid of the intestine from which it enters the portal
Hambidge, 2001).
Sweat Zn reflects the Zn status (Milne et al., 1983).
Zinc absorption occurs throughout the small intes-
The Zn content of whole-body sweat of men living
tine and is greatest in the duodenum (Solomons, 1982).
in an air-conditioned environment and fed 8.3 mg Zn
In addition, the colon absorbs zinc (Sandstrom et al.,
daily in an omnivorous diet was about 0.49 mg daily.
1986). Fasting humans may absorb 60-70% of a tracer
The amount decreased to about 0.24 mg daily when the
dose of Zn in water (Sandstrom, 1997). Absorption
diet provided 3.6 mg Zn daily, and increased to about
from mixed omnivorous western diets is about 20-30%
0.62 mg daily when the diet provided 33.7 mg Zn daily.
(Hunt et al., 1995; Gallaher et al., 1988) (Table 3). Foods
Thus, sweat Zn can affect Zn balance.
rich in indigestible Zn-binding ligands have long been
known to suppress Zn absorption (Reinhold, 1971;
Reinhold et al., 1974; Sandstead, 1973; Committee,
7.5  Zinc Requirements
1973; Ismail-Beigi et al., 1977). It is now well estab-
lished that phytate-rich foods decrease the availability Absolute Zn requirement is related to anabolic reten-
of Zn from omnivorous diets (Hunt et al., 2008), and tion, and losses. Factorial estimates based on such data
that the daily dietary Zn requirement may double with by a World Health Organization (WHO) committee
each addtional 1000 mg dietary phytate (Hambidge and others are shown in Table 3. Included are amounts
et al., 2010). of zinc required relative to bioavailability using a coef-
Diseases that cause intestinal malabsorption ficient of variation (CV) of the absolute requirement of
increase the risk of zinc deficiency (McClain et al., 15% (the actual CV is unknown).
1985). In addition, a rare autosomal recessive muta- Substances that facilitate or inhibit Zn absorption
tion of ZIP4 (Wang et al., 2002) causes acrodermatitis determine dietary requirements. Facilitators include
enteropathica, a lethal illness of infants that begins animal proteins. In contrast, indigestible Zn-binding
after weaning from breast milk (Neldner et al., 1978). plant ligands and nonenzymatic browning ligands are

TABLE 3  Comparison of Factorial Estimates of Adult Zinc Requirements

Absolute needa Need if 20%
Source Group (mg/d) availableb 1.3c × 20% available Need if 30% available 1.3 × 30% available

WHO (Committee, Adults 2.2 11.0 14.3 7.3 9.5

Kingd (King and Adults 2.5 12.5 16.3 8.3 10.8
Turnlund, 1989)
UK (Anon, 1991) Men 2.2 11.0 14.3 7.3 9.5
Women 1.7 8.3 10.8 5.5 7.2
Canada (Committee, Men 2.1 10.5 13.7 7.0 9.1
1990) Women 1.8 9.0 11.7 6.0 7.8

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimate was based on the assumption that the Zn concentration of fat-free tissue is 30 μg/g, equiva-
lent to 2.0 g total Zn in soft tissue of a man or 1.2 g total Zn in soft tissue of a woman, as determined from a 40K-derived body cell mass. Bone
Zn was not included in the calculation because bone Zn is relatively sequestered from the exchangeable Zn pool. The Zn content of sweat was
based on a surface loss of 1 mg/L. The urinary excretion of Zn was based on reported normal levels.
aMinimal need = factorially calculated “absolute” requirement.
bAvailable = amount of zinc (mg/day) that is “bioavailable” (i.e. absorbed and used by the body each day).
c1.3 = the amount of zinc bioavailable plus two 15% coefficients of variation (2 × 15 = 30%) of the amount bioavailable.
dBased on more recent data than the WHO estimate.

Source: Sandstead and Smith (1996)

1378 Harold H. Sandstead

of high importance: they suppress Zn absorption irre- (Lykken et al., 1983; Lykken 1983); Table 4 shows rep-
spective of facilitators of Zn absorption (Hunt et al., resentative data.
2008), and there is no evidence that humans adapt to Requirements were also estimated using stable Zn
them (Brune et al., 1989; Hunt et al., 2008). Current evi- isotopes. Fractional retention of the orally admin-
dence suggests that phytate is the major Zn-binding istered stable isotope 67Zn was measured relative
ligand in diets (Hambidge et al., 2010). to urinary excretion of intravenously administered
Zn requirements from experimental diets were stable isotope 70Zn (Krebs and Hambidge, 2001). The
estimated using radioactive isotopic zinc tracers: the data were used to derive Dietary Reference Intakes
net retention of orally administered 65Zn by whole- for zinc (Table 5), using a CV of 10% for the esti-
body counting over a period of days was determined mated average requirement (Food and Nutrition
and the log-transformed data regressed to baseline Board 2006).

TABLE 4  Fractional Zn Absorption from Total Diets, as Measured by Isotopic Techniques

Zn absorption,
Subjects Isotopes Diets Zn content μmol (mg) Phytate/Zn molar ratio % (± SD)

Young adults (Petterson Radioactive High fiber 163 (10.7) 7 27 ± 6

et al., 1994)
Young women (Knudsen Stable isotope Habitual 124 (8.1) 10 34 ± 9
et al., 1995) Radioisotope Lacto-ovo-vegetarian 139 (9.1) 14 26 ± 5
Omnivorous 169 (11.1) 5 33
Women (20-42y) (Hunt Radioisotope Vegetarian 169 (11.1) 5 33
et al., 1998)
Postmenopausal women Radioisotope “Low meat” 102 (6.7) 30 ± 4.6
(Hunt et al., 1995) “High meat” 198 (13.0) 28 ± 4.6

Source: Committee (2001).

TABLE 5  Dietary Reference Values for Zinc (mg/day)

United Kingdom
(Department of Health, 1991) European DRI (Commission
U.S. RDAa (Food and WHO DRI of the European Communities,
LNRI EAR RNI Nutrition Board, 2006) (Committee, 1996) 1993)

0-3 months 2.6 3.3 4.0 2.0 – –
4-6 months 2.6 3.3 4.0 3.0 – –
7-12 months 3.0 3.8 5.0 3.0 5.6 4.0
1-3 y 3.0 3.8 5.0 3.0 5.5 4.0
4-6 y 4.0 5.0 6.5 5.0 6.5 6.0
7-10 y 4.0 5.4 7.0 8.0 7.5 7.0

11-14 y 5.3 7.0 9.0 8.0 12.1 9.0
15-18 y 5.5 7.3 9.5 11.0 13.1 9.5
19-50+ y 5.5 7.3 9.5 11.0 9.4 9.5

11-14 y 5.3 7.0 9.0 8.0 10.3 9.0
15-18 y 4.0 5.5 7.0 9.0 10.2 7.0
19-50+ y 4.0 5.5 7.0 8.0 6.5 7.1
Pregnancy – – 11.0 7.3-13.3 – –

0-4 months – – – 12.0 12.7 + 5.0
4+ months – – – 12 11.7 + 5.0

DRI, Dietary Reference Intake; EAR, estimated average requirement; LNRI, lower reference nutrient intake; RDA, recommended daily allow-
ance; RNI, recommended nutrient intake.
aAge groups of the RDA do not coincide exactly with the age groups of the other standards.
61 Zinc 1379

to the risk: erythrocytes are rich in Zn (Migasena et al.,

7.6  Zinc Deficiency
1984). In this regard, it is of interest that stunting and
Food balance data from the United Nations Food and retarded cognition have long been associated with
Agriculture Organization suggest that the worldwide hookworm infection (Dock and Bass, 1910; Lemann,
prevalence of Zn deficiency is at least 20% (Wuehler et al., 1910; Waite, J. and Nelson, I. 1919). Risk also increases
2005). Low income results in a dependency on foods when there are excessive losses of Zn in the urine from
derived from cereals, legumes, and other plants that are hemolysis of erythrocytes (Prasad, 2002), or chronic
rich in indigestible Zn-binding ligands or a dependency bleeding from schistosomiasis (Prasad et al., 1963b)
on highly refined cereal products such as polished rice and menorrhagia (Yokoi et al., 2003). Increased uri-
that are low in Zn, and infrequent consumption of ani- nary Zn excretion also occurs in some renal diseases
mal products rich in bioavailable Zn (Sandstead, 2011). ­(Lindeman, 1989), cirrhosis of the liver and alcohol-
Independent of income is personal choice. For example, ism (Vallee et al., 1959), stress (McClain et al., 1993),
in the USA diets designed for elderly were inadequate catabolism (Cuthbertson et al., 1972), and inflamma-
in Zn when white chicken meat and finfish were substi- tion (Goldblum et al., 1987).
tuted for beef and/or beef liver (Sandstead et al., 1982). Other simultaneous micronutrient deficiencies
In addition, when premenopausal U.S. women chose decrease the efficacy of Zn treatment (Sandstead,
diets low in red meat and consumed foods rich in wheat 1999). For example, treatment of Chinese children with
bran the size of the rapidly exchangeable tissue Zn pool Zn and a broad mixture of micronutrients was more
decreased (Yokoi et al., 2003, 2007), and when pregnant efficacious than the micronutrients alone or Zn alone
women in the USA selected diets likely to be low in bio- for growth and neuropsychological functions (Sand-
available Zn the risk of fetal malformations increased stead et al., 1998).
(Velie et al., 1999).
Zn deficiency suppresses many functions: cell-
mediated immunity (Sandstead et al., 2008), pre- 7.7  Zinc Toxicity
vention of peroxidation (Bao et al., 2010), neuro-
7.7.1  Dietary and Supplement Intake
psychological performance (Sandstead, 2012), nerve
conduction (Yokoi et al., 2003), fetal development The risk of Zn toxicity and resulting Cu deficiency
(Velie et al., 1999), fetal growth (Goldenberg et al., increases when the consumption of Zn and Cu is not
1995) and development (Cherry et al., 1989), child proportionate (Sandstead, 1995). The likely mecha-
growth (Walravens et al., 1983; Sandstead et al., nism involves Zn-induced synthesis of metallothio-
1998), wound healing (Savlov et al., 1962; Nielsen and nein that has a high-binding affinity for Cu. Copper
Jemec, 1968; Larson et al., 1970), and various endo- bound to metallothionein is returned to the intestinal
crine functions (Sandstead, 2013; Haase and Maret, chyme with the turnover of enterocytes. Examples of
2005; Dardenne et al., 1982). As the severity of defi- the “tolerable upper limit” of Zn consumption sug-
ciency increases, functions are increasingly deranged gested by the U.S. Institute of Medicine of the National
and physical signs become evident. For example, Academies are 4 mg in youngest infants, 12 mg in chil-
patches of hyperkeratotic dermatitis evolve into dren ages 4-8 years, 34 mg in adolescents (14-18 years),
generalized acrodermatitis (Kay et al., 1976). Bilat- and 40 mg for persons aged 19 years and older (Food
eral angular oral fissures and inflammation of lips and Nutrition Board, 2006).
(cheilosis) occur, and lingual papillae may become Relationships between dietary Zn and Cu in an
atrophic. Hair becomes highly pluckable and alope- omnivorous experimental diet are shown in Table 6. The
cia is evident; the texture, sheen, and pigment of hair copper requirement correlates directly with dietary Zn
becomes abnormal. In very severe deficiency ataxia, and inversely with dietary protein (­Sandstead, 1982).
disorientation and psychosis are evident (Henkin Under moderate conditions, Cu loss in sweat increases
et al., 1975). the Cu requirement to about 0.34 mg daily (Jacob et al.,
Conditioned or secondary Zn deficiency is caused 1981). Thus, the Cu requirement is likely to be greater
by many illnesses (Sandstead et al., 1976; McClain, than the 0.90 mg daily recommended for adults by
Kasarskis and Allen, 1985). Failure of absorption and/ the U.S. Academy of Medicine (Food and Nutrition
or increased gastrointestinal losses of Zn from Crohn Board 2006). Findings cited in Table 7 indicate some
disease, gluten enteropathy, cystic fibrosis, and other of the effects of Cu deficiency induced by excess Zn
malabsorption syndromes increase the risk of defi- consumption. Not listed is myelopathy (Kumar et al.,
ciency. In populations at risk of dietary Zn deficiency, 2004). It appears that a dietary Zn:Cu molar ratio
such as Egyptian farmers (Sandstead, 2013), it is likely greater than 18 over an extended period is potentially
that chronic intestinal bleeding from hookworm adds harmful (Sandstead, 1995).
1380 Harold H. Sandstead

TABLE 6  Copper Requirement (mg/day) of Adult Men Fed Mixed Diets of Common Foods Providing Four Levels of
Protein and Zinca,b
Protein, g 40 60 80 100

5 mg Zn 1.0 (0.73-1.28)c [6.7-3.8]d 0.95 (0.67-1.23) [7.3-3.9] 0.89 (0.61-1.17) [7.9-4.2] 0.83 (0.55-1.11) [8.9-4.4]
10 mg Zn 1.26 (0.98-1.54) [9.9-6.3] 1.20 (0.92-1.48) [10.6-6.6] 1.14 (0.86-1.42) [11.3-6.9] 1.08 (0.80-1.36) [12.2-7.2]
15 mg Zn 1.50 (1.22-1.78) [12.0-8.2] 1.45 (1.17-1.67) [12.5-8.8] 1.39 (1.11-1.67) [13.2-8.8] 1.33 (1.05-1.61) [13.9-9.1]
20 mg Zn 1.76 (1.48-2.04) [13.2-9.6] 1.70 (1.42-1.98) [13.7-9.8] 1.64 (1.36-1.92) [14.3-10.2] 1.58 (1.30-1.86) [15.0-10.5]

aCu intake = 0.87 + 0.49 (Cu balance) + 0.05 (Zn intake) − 0.02 (n intake); Intake = requirement when balance is in equilibrium.
bFor total requirement, add 0.34 mg to account for daily surface loss of Cu under moderate environmental conditions (Jacob et al., 1981).
c95% confidence interval.
dZn:Cu molar ratio.

Source: Sandstead (1982)

TABLE 7  Zinc and Copper Intakes, Effects on Copper Nutriture

Time Cu intake Zn intake Zn/Cu
n Gender (days) (mg/day) (mg/day) molar ratio Diet Response Reference

7 F 165 1.25 ± 0.20 ∼15 ∼11.7 Food Nil Johnson et al., 1988

24 M 77 1.03/2850 ∼25 23.7 Food: 20% of 4/24 Abn, ECG, ↓ ESOD Bhathena et al.,
 kcal energy fructose with ↑ fructose, ↓ pl leu- 1986; Holbrook
and met-enkephalins, et al., 1989; Reiser
↑ pl β-endorphins, et al., 1987; Reiser
↑ cholesterol et al., 1985
8 M 105-120 0.89 ± 0.09 19 20.8 Food 1/8 Abn ECG, 5/8 ↓  Klevay et al., 1986;
ESOD, 2/7 ↓ pl Cu, Klevay et al.,
4/8 ↓ RIDCp, 1/8 ↓ 1984; Milne et al.,
 ENZCp, 2/8 ↓ oral 1990
GTT, 1/8 ↑  cholesterol
11 M 42 0.79 ∼14.7 ∼18.1 Food and formula Nil Turnlund et al., 1990
8 F 84 ∼0.70 ∼16 ∼22.3 Food 8/8 ↓ ENZ Cp, ↑  stress BP Lukaski et al., 1988;
Milne et al., 1988
10 M 36 0.6/2500 11.9/2500 19.3 Food ↓ ENZCp, 4/10 ↓ ESOD, Nielsen et al., 1990
 kcal  kcal 4/10 ↓ MNC (Plt) CCO,
4/10 ↑ glutathione
6 M 48 0.6/2500 25.8/2500 41.9 Food, fructose 3/6 Abn ECG, ↓ ESOD, Milne and Nielsen,
 kcal kcal ↓ RIDCp 2003
12 F 105 0.64/2500 12/2500 18.3 Food 3/12 Abn ECG; 10/12 ↓ Plt Milne and Nielsen,
 kcal  kcal CCO, ↓ ESOD, ↓ Plt Cu, 1996
↓ EGPX, ↑ clotting
factors V and VIII
11 M 42 0.38 14.7 37.7 Food and formula ↓ pl Cu, ↓ ENZCp Turnlund et al., 1997
13 F 90 1.0/2000 53 51.6 ↓ Short-term general Penland et al., 1999
kcal recall, ↓ number
sequence recalla

Abn, abnormal; BP, blood pressure; ECG, electrocardiogram; EGPX, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase; ENZCp, enzymatic activity of cerulo-
plasmin; ESOD, erythrocyte superoxide dismutase; Hgb, hemoglobin; MNC (Plt) CCO, monocyte (platelet) cytochrome c oxidase; pl, plasma;
RIDCp, radial immunodiffusion ceruloplasmin.
aContact Penland for more formation.

Source: In part from Milne (1998).

7.7.2  Reference Dose

“tolerable upper limit” for Zn consumption by adults
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency suggested in the USA is 40 mg daily (Food and Nutri-
(­Dourson, 1994) suggested the lowest observed tion Board, 2006).
adverse effect level (LOAEL) for Zn to be 60 mg daily. A A theoretical alternative approach that might be
reference dose (RfD) of 0.33 mg/kg/day (23.1 mg daily useful estimates the LOAEL and the upper limit (UL)
for a 70-kg man) was proposed. For comparison, the for Zn relative to the dietary Zn:Cu molar ratio. Data
61 Zinc 1381

in Table 6 suggest the LOAEL for Zn to be 13.7 mg separate days, 2.5 or 5 mg/m3 furnace-generated Zn
when Cu intake is 0.83 mg (a Zn:Cu molar ratio of oxide fume in air was administered for 2 h. Mild fever
16.1). This is near to 18, a level suggested to be unde- occurred after both levels of Zn oxide; plasma inter-
sirable ­(Sandstead, 1995). In contrast, when Cu intake leukin-6 (IL-6) was increased 3 and 6 h after exposure
is 1.5 mg Cu and Zn intake is 13.7 mg (a Zn:Cu molar to 5 mg/m3, but tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) did not
ratio of 8.9), the level of Zn is healthful. In the latter increase (Fine et al., 1997). Subjects repeatedly exposed
case, the addition of a Zn supplement of 10 mg would to Zn oxide fume displayed a significant decrease in
increase the Zn:Cu molar ratio to 15.4. both percentage neutrophils and IL-6 concentration in
bronchoalveolar lavage fluid compared with baseline,
7.7.3  Poisoning from Ingestion of Zinc-Contaminated while clinical symptoms were “minimal” (Fine et al.,
Food, Drink, and Other Substances 2000). These findings were interpreted as consistent
with chronically exposed sheet metal workers being
Zinc-contaminated drinks containing up to tolerant to Zn oxide fume at the Occupational Safety
2500 mg/L, at a dose of about 325-650 mg Zn caused and Health Administration (OSHA) permissible expo-
nausea, abdominal cramping, vomiting, tenesmus, sure limit.
and diarrhea with or without bleeding (Brown et al., Although MFF is not usually associated with long-
1964). In contrast, Zn chloride ingestion caused pan- term sequelae, one study suggested that it might be
creatitis and subsequent exocrine insufficiency (McK- associated with occupational asthma (El-Zein et al.,
inney, Brent and Kulig, 1995). Ingestion of more than 2005). In addition, a single report from England associ-
1800 g Zn-containing coins by a mentally ill patient ated aseptic meningitis and pericarditis with a case of
over years resulted in Cu deficiency and high plasma MFF (Hassaballa et al., 2005). Furthermore, an appar-
Zn (Kumar and Jazieh, 2001). ently unique report of 61 Egyptian unprotected work-
ers exposed to Zn oxide fume while dipping articles
7.7.4  Poisoning from Inhalation into molten Zn over a period of years, found three
times as much dyspnea and six times as many muscle  Zinc Oxide Fume cramps and twitches in the workers compared to 51
Metal fume fever (MFF) from the inhalation of Zn administrative personnel (El Safty et al., 2008). Workers
oxide fume is also known as brassfounder’s ague, Zn had lower serum ionized calcium concentrations than
chills, Zn fever, Spelter’s shakes, and metal shakes. controls. The mean serum Zn concentration of workers
According to the Commission for the Investigation was 87.57 ± 42.88 μg/dL, compared to 76.97 ± 14.17 in
of Health Hazards of Chemical Compounds in the administrative personnel. Some workers also had low
Work Area (German Research Foundation, 2002), concentrations of serum Cu and nearly half had hemo-
about 3 million workers worldwide are at risk. The globin concentrations less than 10 g/dL.
illness is an acute, self-limited flu-like illness mani- Consistent with guidance from the International
fested primarily by fever, chills, myalgia, nausea, Labor Organization, Zn oxide fume and dust from Zn
fatigue, and occasional shortness of breath. Appar- mining, smelting, welding, and other activities are reg-
ently less common are a sweet or metallic taste, ulated in many countries at 5-10 mg/m3. Safety guide-
throat pain, thirst, dyspnea, chest pain, and X-ray- lines by the U.S. OSHA are available on the agency
identified lung opacities. The cause is inhalation of website. A 5 mg/m3 8-h TWA exposure is suggested,
finely dispersed particulates that are formed when with a short-term exposure limit of 10 mg/m3, a 5 mg/
Zn oxide is volatilized as nanoparticles of less than m3 10-h TWA limit, and a 15-min ceiling of 15 mg/m3.
1.0 μm aerodynamic diameter (Gordon et al., 1992; The German Research Foundation (2002) also pub-
Gordon and Fine 1993) that, experiments suggest, lished guidelines for Zn oxide fume. In contrast to the
penetrate alveoli and induce inflammation (Fine OSHA, they suggest a TLV of 2 mg/m³ TWA. Other-
et al., 1997; Kim et al., 2010), and also are found in wise, their guidance is similar.
arterial endothelial cells (Gojova et al., 2007). Toler-
ance occurs after repeated exposure and subsides  Zinc Chloride Fume
after 1-2 days when exposure stops; illness recurs Inhalation of Zn chloride fume causes chemical pneu-
with reexposure. monia. Published examples testify to the severity of
Adequacy of guidelines that allow exposures of illness. Two soldiers exposed briefly had minor symp-
5 mg/m3 8-h time-weighted average (TWA) threshold toms for 10 days, and then rapidly deteriorated with
limit value (TLV) for Zn oxide fume was examined severe respiratory distress, pulmonary hypertension,
by the measurement of specific cytokines in blood and death on the 25th and 32nd days (Homma et al.,
and bronchoalveolar lavage in 13 naive subjects. On 1992). Pathology in their lungs included interstitial and
1382 Harold H. Sandstead

intra-alveolar fibrosis, endothelial proliferation, and decrease, and dependence on foods rich in indigest-
vascular occlusions. Thirteen soldiers were exposed ible Zn-binding ligands, or foods low in Zn such as
for no longer than 5-10 min to smoke from smoke roots, tubers, and highly refined cereals such as rice
bombs in the open air or to smoke that entered a house increases. Zn deficiency also occurs among the affluent
(Kofoed-Enevoldsen et al., 1997). At first, there were when dietary choice results in diets limited in bioavail-
few complaints and all were treated intravenously with able Zn. Other persons are at risk because of abnormal
hydrocortisone. The four believed to be exposed for physiology. Judicious use of Zn and other micronutri-
more than 1 min were treated systemically with hydro- ents can benefit such persons.
cortisone for 1 month: during the first 4 weeks their
lung carbon monoxide diffusion capacity decreased 8.2.2  Zinc Excess Status
substantially. Eight or more weeks later they continued  Oral Excess
to complain of respiratory symptoms. Of 20 individuals
with low exposure, most showed pulmonary function The uncontrolled consumption of Zn-containing
consistent with restrictive lung injury (Hsu et al., 2005). supplements increases risk Zn excess. Although about
Three to 21 days after exposure, high-resolution com- 40% of U.S. adults consume over-the-counter dietary
puterized tomography (CT) of the lungs found patchy supplements, the prevalence of Zn excess is unknown.
or diffuse ground-glass opacities with or without con- Metallothionein induced by Zn excess avidly binds to
solidation. In 10 returning patients, pulmonary function Cu. With enterocyte turnover, Cu is returned to the
and CT scans were improved 27-66 days after exposure. intestinal chime. Infrequently, excess Zn is consumed
Guidelines for protection from Zn chloride fume are in Zn-contaminated food or drink, or during pica.
available from the OSHA website.  Inhalation Excess
Zinc oxide inhalation during welding, galvanizing,
8  EFFECTS EVALUATION brass smelting, and other industrial processes causes
MFF, a short-duration, flu-like illness that recurs after
8.1  Homeostatic Model a period of nonexposure and is usually of little appar-
ent consequence. In contrast, Zn chloride inhalation
Zinc is essential and, as shown in Figure 1, may be
causes a destructive, potentially lethal pneumonia.
adequate, deficient, or toxic in nature. In nature, Zn
is obtained from the diet. Homeostasis is maintained
by chemical mechanisms that control the absorption, 8.3  Environmental Risk Assessment for Zn
distribution, and excretion of Zn and other nutrients. Human exposure to excess Zn does not, for prac-
Zinc functions in concert with other nutrients, espe- tical purposes, occur in the natural environmental.
cially when all nutrients are present in proportionate Zinc from anthropogenic sources tends to be limited
amounts. In nature, Zn deficiencies seldom occur alone. to industrial settings, where it may affect workers.
General populations are little affected. Zinc released
8.1.1  Zinc Adequate Status into the environment is diluted, and with time forms
Zinc status is likely to be adequate when diets are insoluble compounds in alkaline environments. Agri-
omnivorous, include a wide variety of foods, and cultural soils are commonly low in available Zn, a
include animal flesh on a frequent basis, and when phenomenon of high importance for plant production
consumption of foods rich in indigestible Zn-binding and for the health of herbivores living in Zn-limited
ligands is limited. The consumption of such diets is areas.
most likely to occur among the affluent. Some affluent
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illness, may benefit from judicious supplementation Adriano, D., 1986. Trace Elements in the Terrestrial Environment,
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