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NICHOLAS CABASILAS A COMMENTARY ON THE DIVINE LITURGY J. M. HUSSEY P. A. MeNULTY Wis an Tedaedon by R. M, FRENCH S:PC:K Papi to ‘Monat {i Ty Cah pin Le shot aia ONC tow, ‘The gh et of ce eyo Gage ‘uote paelp iPlih Pon d Sine St paca o Mi oy ace a8 © 796 260776 CONTENTS occa aeaee rrornesis_ 1 The general sgieance ofthe suciice 2 Why the alge ave not placed upon the 44 The ablaons are dedicated to God as fist feos of human hfe 4 Why should” 'we off the fine fits of trum? 45 Why all de bead is not offered, but only a pute 6, Why he pric mars the bread with the sn iat Poon — 7 Tec ie Lona 1 Ceremonle performed withthe bread 5 Win or ema do thin ‘memory ot him? | to, The word of the oflexing after the com Thenoration, The ofering of the gifs ‘oth n thanking and i uppication st, The Teas’ why the gif are covered, and the words wh aresald 12, The opening dexclogy 15, The tenia ofthe prayer for Go's meroy ter cre pt 14, The commeadon 1S Of he antiphonary chants and thir aecom- anying prayers 16, Asay of de gene sigan of he 1p. The meaning of heft sntiphon 1 The meaning ofthe singing a he prophecies eben fh 1g: The meaning of tis ied antpbon 28 The showing ofthe Gn ap the Teagon 11. The prayer which acompanies the Tis athe sated scelamatons en 22, The readings from Scripture, thelr order and meaning 2g. The payin which fallow the Gospel ‘run tavunoy oF tie rATt¥FO (1) 24 The bearing of the offering othe altar 22, The prayers which follow the tranterence of the eleagy, andthe exhortations ef he ret to the congregation 26, The conftaon of fh the exhortations of the pret te) We “BIG, aed thee repel 27. The consecration of the offerings, and the hanlogving which precedes 28, The angi sf oar ith concerning. thee ‘nyse 29, The ecm certain Latne made of, and refutation of thee oo: That he at heh the ccs fend inthe ame wy a8 by a 4, Why, during” the ‘eomecrtion, “the pie tok not the Son butte Fae 42, Of the series full and what acrid. THE Lironey o” tmz rasraren (3) $5: The pay afer he cif, Why the pen Conners the saat sod” cpt the all-holy Virgin here a 4. Wi the pf Bis ev Kiel and for the yap andthe intros heh, ert the lt pray ss: The Pry ane boing of te Fike "acompanyig Fes and Fea the tang pe a a 4 The prociamation ofthe pret to the people Won he evar the bly frag, an Lee! The meaning ofthe pouring of warm water u Tnoiewhe 2. How the ly mysteit represent the Ghucch Jp. OF the summoning of the flu 0 Com ‘punicn andthe sclamation ofthe ‘Sere Gir when they are shown to them 40. The pests prayer fr the thal who have 48 Thanking and dxology 42. Whether the fitfol departed are eanctfed by the oly oferng te ving are 44. That sneteation i ought eh im the oslo te eommaniant 4: The mediation of Chast. SE TGTSictineaton works more perfoly for the departed 48. Why the holy offerings are aways aceptabe 10 Gea 47 The sesare in which the holy ofrngs ae copie (8. Why wervenerste and booour th sins by ‘acini he win manana he A Nemoraton of she mits tn the tury i a prayer to Gol on thir beh 0. Hby many tines the commemeraton ofthe inthe ace andthe” renee etme thee omtematons ‘51, Why the priest ell the acrloce a “reason ie servces st. Why emetic is ale the Bachar ‘3: Thanksgiving afer the communion, and the eing prayers 5, 16. 2 ng 9 FOREWORD Rear bl a ee ei Slum yeni nc ecbpal LS a ea eS ) fe eas ss Spat te RINGS Scie ae Sat eeucopay beet ue hewn ty ot SOUUM.S ityl g ce ‘by civil war between the Cantacuzenes and the Palacologans. NATE RSIS AS let Ne ie ete cnet i tac sped \ near ian etic oy Sree a ees [seta a Seta hk Seale | eat ac ang ete ERLNATIOG Get eer onl a we i or cee ee te ge ee ttt nn th te dod se Rec er i ange ee {ay Co det ye ‘lagu tp oe cet een tad te rs ihn SUNPRE B SS SS at wh ie eT a ee an Sle tla EE alo ‘cee as at a me et Ja ee ah ven ee Cnt “ai ee, See Te a clones cgi bbe bana at (/‘ontrovesnlise an hioran. ‘This wat no new idea, Half (( saten' yeas entire tad planned to retire to 3 monastery \ Thiet special intern tp sendere ofthis book, for prt of \ the plan was chac Nichola Cabaslsshauld be one of two ) fends wham the Easperor wished to accompany him, be / cause oftheir very great wisdom andthe chastity of thei ves / ‘etic unmasried sate ‘The project came to nothing 3 the {/ time. Nor it it Known whether or not Cabasllat went with { the'Empeor when he did in fac enter religion after hit abdication atthe cd of 1354. On the ocason of Matthew CCantacunenus’s elevation in igg4 Nicholas Caballas pro: | nounced a eulogy upon itm which has survived. But the Patrlaeh of Conantinople, whose name wat Callies, Fe | tase to consecrate Matthew, and asa resul was deposed, | When the bishops asembled to coo new Patriarchy | submited three names tothe Emperor. Two ofthe cand ‘Stes were the Metopolitame of Heracles and Philadephia, nd the third was Nichole Cabos, who, the Emperor tl i was alla lyr, The Espero choice, however, did ‘ot fall upon his personal rend and Philotheus of Heracea ‘became the new Patragch. ‘There i nothing to show that Callas ever stained high eclsastealofee, nor indeed that he was ever ordained sal The view a one Ue widely Feld that be stceede his uncle Nile Cabana Are | Uitop of Thesslonta ino longer acexpted! Unt evidence tothecontaty is dicoverd it most be simed that Cabal remained s lyin? If ths tao, ici one more lustration of the face thatthe lay cheolgian is much more commen in -Eawem than in Western Christendom, ‘NiholasCabasilas ved in times not oly of oii strife ‘but also of theological contrvery: Beside he petal dite pte with Reme the Orthodox Church ll was profondly Aiturbed and divided bythe question of "Planian”. To the ‘Orthdox, the Chrisian par excellence was the smonk, and mong the monks the mote revered were the “hyehass” Seg HG, ake ice ond thai Liter im ta tet a ink ts oO he byte Stent. op er 10. eden je ny he sone iy ei { wo ved lone ech a ison reueat practising inedible | bers nd ipending ne paper an the nee | Bee omen, fhe rth cena tae ‘clits of oun Aton eld tse the cima of cco | concemplcon we he won af the divine Tigh, which wat Srohing lem than the pre ewence of Co, he unread \ Tighe wich stone on fount Taber the Tranatigoration tour Lord. Ths dating was sail as aspermeas by 3 alavan monk named fara Bue i own a abe de fender inthe celebrated Gregory Paflanas (hence the name Tlumien), who worked guts cheno sheoy for i and {eves fly accepted lal a the Connell 0 t Sophia in"gph Palmar the immediate pede of Nios Gants inthe rchiepscyal se of Theale. The Emperor John Canacasenar appre Plamen tc the ‘ont ions apd presided tthe Cuneo 5 Sophia ‘And war hee thatthe spats of Nl Cabs Jay But the view tae he caged sides during the contr: clsyand wos sats Rese set ob ashes Sue to conf with another Cabanas Te may beaded Shae Niue was Nino Cabal uncle ote mater Side, The name ys tditingulsed ene fe was bone by tore tan one of our autor cena and he et |, Sng preted oe known ye Ha athe ay name | sem Chamcton and Nila sometimes seed ty ‘mney topeter. Ni he weeded 1985 \ yas ther hs sppetitment te ‘Thowcaien, whoo sree | Ring een abt to uke pose ef is ace He wrote a wor en the Prenat Hay Spe whch nephew ica eed wih pret of his om ‘Niches Cates woes number ef works, icading omic nd ves of eins se of which ave ren etd Bar is fame rat tnly sponte tur work, One le Commentary onthe iene Liturgy an the oe The Life Se Chet "Po hater in sever asks snd st forth the dono he we fo x ent Cag in i AE te ANE i “AE 6 sunt naptatin dee Dine Lie Gow cob Maetga S supernatural life of the Chinn ia terms ofthe Pasline faneepion of the Chureh atthe ody of Chri. The ton ‘with Christ is real and cloe, mediated by the grace of the Seraments acazpted and mae frital by the sooperton stmen. Both that and the Commentary onthe Divine Liturgy have len jus hel in high esteem, ot only among the wes fellow Orthodox but inthe West lo nd that i spite a he ‘ait atin polemie in chapters ag an goof the retent book Salvlle inthe introduction to his French tataation pub Tehe in 149 refers to the se made fit and the high vale tached to bythe Council of Trent, English renders a, to whom Profesor J. M. Hoey and Miss PA, MeNulty now make this work of Cabasllas available forthe Bt te? wll lendosse the view thatthe thenlogicil perception, the eta ing. and deep piety ofthe Cnmmentary om the Divine Liturgy val prove af mach vale tall who desire to enrich there Understanding of the meeting of heaven and earth i the frat act of Christian worship. Temay be of interes to add here a moders western writer's sccount of the impeesion made upon him by porte of CGatailas in the Church of the Protton oa, MU Ath ima bouleversé, anti ext supgestf de ete mystique de In transiguration et de Is lumitte de"Thabor; ex Vinge de Nicol Cabasias, le grand evivain mystique. Avcan ennnage du Greco watisin, je cos, J eetie plénitde {pirtuelle Rerement un arte fe disposant que new ‘He morale et une palit, ns séuat a suggees avec une tele intent Tidal une te exclsivement conser 4 Ia recherche veeue de Diew. Cate image snoublable ext toate pénéée d'une grvité sushumalne, mals elle et aust tm Prdgnée dune pas, d'une joes dela de toate intelligence fC de tout concept. Pour comprendre Time profonde de Fath. faut longuementeontemper cet exe émacie dé une vie mystique qui Vinonde de TEAC Nad E2 pene elie No As, agi INTRODUCTION Introduction and the Protheis (Commentary. Chapters 1-11) Readers of Cabasila’s Commentary wil follow his thought mote easly If they bear in mind the sequence of events in the celebration ofthe Divine Liturgy ia Orthodox church Buca word must Bs be ssid abow the arrangement of the eastern end of the building. In an Orthodox church the ‘Setuary i separated from the rest of the church by 4 steen, falled the constas. 1 stretches the fll width ofthe Boldin ‘fom wall to wall, bt ie height vats in diferent church, Te'may even reach the roland thus cutoff completely the Jaa few fet ofthe exstera end ofthe bullding Tes, however, allay perced by dice dour. There are doable daos inthe entre, known at the Royl Doors, which open upon the aly table (here isin theory only one ly table in any one chur, fd only aac on any given day may the Lisngybeelered at though the st prt of tis theory not always obeved). ‘Tere 2 door on the right as one Laces ent ue its 80 particular sigalfcanes in the course of the Litutgy. The forresponding door on the let however, i imporant for i leads into the Prods, where the et part of the Liturgy takes place. Thus the spice Bend the fenoxat i divided nua three pars each of which may end in an ape etch has its door communicating with the rest ofthe cc, and of ‘course they communicate with ech other, ‘The dove into the Prothesis it opened from time o time a the Litory proceeds, and the deacon (or the pies if there i na deace)emerged tovecite the tanies and lead the prayers of the worshippers. I isopened ao for the two “entanced-the Liale Entance before the reading ofthe Epistle and Gospel, andthe Great Enuance when the besd and the wine sve brought to the lar On bath these eccsons = proceson comes out frm the Prothss, tars If tough the church, and pases through the iconowas spain bythe central double Goon “There ot so hgh a the opening in shih they ing nd the pace above them can be opened or dosed by the Stang of carn The Divine Litrgy, celtated by the Ontodox chore, divided int thee parte Theft pst elled the Protests and tes place inthe chapel of hat ame. Te ieerclre,vablydsdac from theater to pats othe cory, which are maida the bly table, and between which {Bere no such viable breaks Thy ae the uray ofthe {Gaeciumens and the Litngy ofthe Ft. In Cabssia’ ommenary het ehapeet 3 genera survey by way of Ittrodecea, chapers t to 11 det with the Protas chapters eto ag comment onthe Liturgy af the Catec ‘ene the vest ofthe boat, fiom chaptet og 10 the ed, fs concerned wid the Liangy of the Faith Tn the flowing ansges te chapter numbersof Casas CCommentery ne sted in racket a the rlevant place “Te numbering ofthe Palos in the Greek teat accord ing to he Septuagint. Inthe trstaon they are numbered soning toe Authorsed Veron ofthe Old Tenament “The tunlaton of the biblal references ithe txt ao {follows the Authored Version, le for the mk of clariy ina partir context set trtlaton of Cabal ‘quotation preferable, The Prothesis, “This par ofthe sevice i the preparation of she bread and wine which te t be taken tothe aly table, and i done ‘with much more clsborace detail than in the West The Prothei i pertorned by the minister alone and the general ‘congregation wil noc ordinarily stcmble wnt he begining ofthe Liturgy of the Catechumens, Went'ces Enain noun af cvteeast scan hr tay a sn the oon ‘rae pxoruasis A Alter the clergy have si an alce of preparation, vested, anid washed thet hands, with the presrbed payee they ‘nter dhe Prathesis! to prepare the offerings (cs and “The celebrant takes in his lt had one ofthe al eave of bread and in his ight han the lance, with whieh peo- ‘reds to separate from he la Ut part of which setae. with the monograa and which alone wil Ic xP NRA later be consecrated at the altar (5-8). He sgn it with the sign ofthe Cres and pierces these oft with the lance, And the deacon pours we and water into the chalice (ce. 6 and 8). All these symbole ations are accompanied by words from ve fileythird chapter of the prophet. Ish and announced by the threefold repetition of the words "ne: mmembrance of Our Lord, God, and Saviour Jet Chit” (ce-7 and g) Cabasit comments on chi it his seventh chapter and again inthe nih although chy are pronownced {ns of al before de ncslons into the Bren are made Before proceeding further in descibing the Poepaation, ic must be dearly stad thatthe piece of read Bearing the am snd parse from thereto the lol the only ‘bread which wil be consecrated. Ter elled the Lamb othe Seal. The ret ofthe bread wl Be we follows, Fist a pice i cat out in honour ofthe Bleed Visgin ‘Mary, an this is placed atthe right side ofthe Lamb. Then ‘thre vows ofthe smal pices each are pt onthe other side of the Lamb in honour 6f the apse, ins, and martyrs nd fn font ofthe Lamb are aranged to on pieces for the living and the dead whom i i propre to commetnorate ‘the communion of the people. What remain of the lat oF loaves of oblation becomes the antidoron at the ed of the “The pen is covered with the Star or aster (a metal rot an gga oth ol ti prt ot rh an of he vce a feet tines ain nee ‘ nwrsopuorion 1. tly Table 2.Tible oP Prethesis 3. Teonostas 4 Roxl Doors Pith of the Entrances which the ends of the arms are bent downward, so thatthe ‘til i eld up from tovehing the breads on the paten) and Wel (en). Phe alice irae yeild: and over a lager ‘ellie uid co cover them both "The elements prepare are cented and let on dhe eable cf the Prothsis The priest enters the ala and sands before the boly table and the Liturgy of dhe atechumens begins. The Liturgy ofthe Caechumens (Commentary, Chapters 12-28) “This pant le service old Brae the Cac sncns i thoae who were preping for Bupa, were allo to be prewat at it They Were dismised before the Great Entrance and the beginning of the Liturgy of the Faithful "That isto sy they mere permitted to har te preliminary Peosruem reas ‘ux uizuaey oy ue caruonvwens —§ prayers anthems, and ltanis and the reading of te Epitle Ed Gospel. But ot un after Baptism might they hese the tolemn recitation ofthe Cros of wine the leriag of the Holy Mytrien ‘The deacon ahs for the blening and the pris repli ese be the Kingdom ofthe Father and of the Soa and of the Holy Gt, now and fr ever and from all Ages to all ‘Ages. Alnen” (© 1. This [s fallowed by the Great Lit ‘which i ng by dhe deacon (if there ie ane) on the penple's Side ofthe ienaxtas, standing before the Royal Doss (e2), "The response after each petition i, "Lord, Have merey™ (eigh The Litany ia los: ‘Deacon: Tn peace let us beseech the Lond Choirs Lard have mercy. Deacon: For the peace om shove and the salvation of out foul let us beseech the Lord Choir: Lord, have mere. Deacon: For the peace ofthe whole worl, forthe ability ff the Haly Churches of Gad and forthe union of AI lee us beseech the Lar Choir: Lord, have mex. Deacon: For this Hay Houseand for done that enter it with faith, reverence andthe fear of Ged let us beseech the Lard Choirs Lord have mercy. Deacon: For our Aschbihop (name), the loyal presytes, the diaconate in Chat, and forall the Eergy and the peopl, fetus beseech the Lord Ohoir: Lord, have mere. Deacon: For thi ety afr ever ity an land and forthe ‘ital win dvll nthe, let us breech the Lad Choirs Lord have mete. Deacon: For scaotable weather, fof the abundance of the fruits of the cath and for peaceful times, let ut breech the Lord, Choirs Lord have mercy. Deacon: For those tat travel by land or by water, forthe 5 awraopueriow sick for these that aller, for captives and for tie ‘alatlon let ur beset the Lot Choirs Lord have mere Deacon: For ur deliverance from all ibulston, wrth, danger and nee, les exec the Lond Choir: Lon, have merey. Deacon: Sucour, save, clot, sn protect us, 0 God, with Thy Bou = Te lors wih the word: “Commemorating. our. most holy, pure, bleed and flovied Lady, Mother of God and Ever Virgin Mary, with 21 the Sunt et ws omomend ourever and one nother and ur whee to Chris, our Cod fe 19). “The next part ofthe srice ots ofthe three Antiphons, ‘ach followed by short versicies and responses and the Lie Etany (vic repeats the lst petition and the commenor: tion af the Grete Litany) actompanied by a prayer Sd secredy bythe priest ‘The second of thee rapes tthe familiar Prayer of St Chrysostom inthe Angin Bok of Coramon Prayer Crome Ge po hr lh vi a ole (cc, 16) and then Upon each Antipbon spartely ‘The Antipons vary withthe fens! Teeth ordinary Suaay ones which are deal with hve 1. Pan "eis. gon thing to cone unto the Lora {sing patent hy ame, © Mont High o tel of Thy loving Kinde esi nthe morning Sed of Thy Truth nthe nigh earn (e7) Pugs, "The Lond ft King. and th pur on lotoos apparel, the Lord Bch pt on Hs appl and fred Himself wih strengt, He ath made the Univers sre tha eto be moved”) 8 Pag. “Olome le ursng uno the Lyd, et ox hey sehen the ong of ut Sabation Let tome before His price with thanking sad Show oasches lin Him wih palin For he ged h r the eu Aiphone sow ong ine ‘ux tiruRY o7 ri earronvaent Lord isa great God anda great King over al the earl” 19. ‘Ater the Antphons, che Lite Entrance takes place The sminsters pss though dhe Prothesis and out athe font of the fenostas carrying the Book of the Camel to the Raya Dot Aftera shart pause for cerain prayers, the proceson pases though the gates, the Book being cared left and ten placed onthe Holy Table (20) “Then the Trieagion i ng in hs for: “Holy God, Holy and Strong, Holy and Immoral, ave rmerey upon i ihre. ‘Glory be tothe Father and to the Son and tothe Holy Ghost: Bots now sn for ever nd fom ll Ages to all Age, Amen Holy and immortal, have merey upon ws Deacon: Leer, Choirs Holy God, Holy and Strong, Holy Ive mercy upom ws (20) Meanie the piety seerely Q Holy God, Who rere among Thy Ssints fed bythe Cherubimn ad praed by the Seraphim with ‘Thrice ly Voice, and worshipped by al the Host of Heaven; ‘Thos who has oughtall ingot of nothings into beings ‘Thou Who hast created man in Thine lange and Likenest ind at adorned him wit al Thy favours: Thow Who give to the supplant wisdom and prudence and dost not neglect the sinner but haw set forth the way of repentance nto ‘alvation; ‘Thou Who hast accounted bs, Thy humble and tmvorehy servants, worthy to stand at hi time Before the loryof Thy Holy Altar ad to bring to Thee met adoration Sind pre: do Tho, Maser, accept even from the moth {ir sianen, the Theeehaly Hymn and vse us ia Thy Righteous; forgive wa all ur tranagresinyvlntary and fnwoluntary, sanctify ou sols and bodies and grant tha we ‘may worshp Thee in holies all the days of ox ies through the imereesions of Thy Holy Mother and all the Sint, who from the beginning of ime have please Thee: for Tho, our fn Catal day hie poe came Delt he Tigo, 8 awrnopuorton God, at Holy and to Thee we aribe glory, to the Father fnd tothe Son and tothe Holy Ghos, now and forever ad {oma all Ages tall Ages Amen” (20). ‘Before the reading of dhe Eps which now follows the deacon makes two exclamation, "Let ue atend” and "Wie dome a2). The Episle (called the “Apostle” in the ‘Orthod: rt) then read by the reader. The priest grees him with peace aid hen blases the reader ofthe Gospel. ‘Turning cowards the people he cies, "Widow, sand and atend. Let as ear the Haty Gospel, Peace be with you." ‘The deacon then singe the Govpel of the tay (e33). He reasons the book to the priest. and dhe doors ae closed, "The deacon tesune is pstion before Uh dors ad sags the Litany: Deacon: Let otal say with our whale soul and with our whole mind fetus, Choir: Lord have mercy. Deacon: O Lard Almighty, God of our fathers, we pray "Thee, hea and have merc, Choirs Lord, have mercy. Deacon: Have merey upon us, © Ged, according to Thy rent merey: we pray The, ear and have meey choir: Lordy have mercy Deacon: Agaia, we pay for godly and Orthodox Christians, Choirs Lord, have mere. Deacon: At, we pay for our Archbishop (name) and out ‘whole Brotherhood ia Christ Choire Lord, have merey. ‘Deacons ein, we pay fr the blewed and ever memorable {under af this Holy Church, and for all our fathers and brethren tt fave fallen aslep before ‘seand fe herein godly rs, snd forthe Ontbodox crerysire, Choirs Lor have ere. Deacon: Again, we pray lor grace, life, pene, helt, sla ‘on, protection, forpvenes and the temiion of Sins Yor Thy servants, for all pious and Orthodox (Chris who dell and ae to be found ia his un uruxoy of Tun carsonumant 9g ‘dy, and forthe wasdens and brethren of thi Holy Church. Choir: Lord have mere. Deacon: Agu, we pray for thre who labour and bring forth fruit i his Holy and venerable Church, the ‘workers, the singers, andthe people here presen {ht look for Thine abundant and geet snc. Choire Land, have merey (3) ‘The pris sms a secret payer eoncleding slo with the Doxslgy: "For Thou, O Gedy ar merciful and ful of om pasion, and to Thee we ascribe glory, to the Father and to te Son and to che Holy Ghost, now aad forever aad foun IT Ages to all Ages" Chait Amen “The Liturgy of the Faithful is sbost to begin, and in ancien days the Catechumens were dismissed at thi pint Ser prayer ad been lfered for them (23) Im madera times tho present may all be asamed che baptized, nd the Liany ofthe Catechumens and the words of dismal ‘eiresed to them, though sll in the tet ofthe Litrgy, re ‘ually sd inaudsly Two other prayer allow in whch che priest rays for hinset and his fellow ministers and all the sroshippers(c 3) ‘The Liturgy of the Faithful (9) (Commentary, Chapters 24-32) ‘The Litway of the Fathfol begins with the two sore lanes which precede the Great Eates, and opens with the words "All ve who are the Faithful, gsi and gu in pace let us beseech the Lord” The Great Entrance ithe Proossion, which, fllowing the amie’ puth a4 the Litle arance brings the scred veicls containing the prepared ‘read and wine from the Ciapel of the Prothess othe ‘Alar (@ 24) This is done with all pousble solenity and sternly isthe mose noticable part of the whole service, ‘While the Procession is arsalling in the Prothessthe Chit Bt mel loud inthe Rola Ordos Cth ‘agin to sing the Cherubic Hymn (hich strangely enough Gaal des not mention} Ie sa fllowe: "We, who mys tally vepesent dhe Cherabim, sing the thee holy hymn 0 the lifegiving Trinicy. Lets put vay all early cre thac we may recive the King of Al, visibly ewreed by the Angelic Hows, Aleta ‘When the Choir teacher the words “King of AU" x pause fig made and the Procasion tikes place efre i pases tivough the Royal Door halts and ings to prayer a tmade, Then the Choi nih the Cherubie Hymna when he Proceaion fas entered the Sancwary and the Holy Gifts ate laid upon the At. ‘Alter the pret and deacon have ina lw voice asked each ter for their prayers and responded (cay) the deacon fomes out and sanding before’ the Royal Doors sys this shor Litany Deacon’ Let us complete oor sappliaton to the Lord Choir Lord mae merey Deacon: Forte Precious Gifts tht have been st forth, let ‘urbesech the Lor, Choir: Lewd have mere. Deacon: For this Holy Howse and for those that enter it With ith reverence andthe feat of God, Tet ut beseech the Lord Choirs Loved, have merey. Deacon: For our deliverance from all teibulaion, wrath, danger and necesiy, let us beseech the Lord Choirs Lord have mery (e25. 23 ao hist in whic the rope “Gra hi Deacon: Saccou, ave, comfort and protect us, 0 God, with thy favour, For this whole day, that i may be perfect, oly, praceful and sine, Tet us entree the Lord Choir: Grant this O Lae Deacon: For an. Angel of pace, a fithfal Guide, a Guar. dian ef our soul and’ bodies, le ur enteat the Lore Choirs Grane this, O Lord Deacon: For forgiveness and remision af ou sins and tas ieaions, le ux entrest the Lot Choirs Grant this, O Lon. Deacon: For thowe things that are ood and protble for our souls and for the peace ofthe World, Tet us fentreat the Lord Choir: Grane this, O Lard Deacons “That ie remainder of our ives may be passed in peace and penitence, let ws entreat the Lard, ‘choirs Grane thi O Lard Deacons "That ihe end of our lives may be Chritan, wh: ‘ov torment Blames and peaceful, and that we ‘ay haves god defence before the fart Judy smentSeae of Cha, let us entrest, Choirs Grane this, O Lord Deacon: Commemorating our most holy, pure, lesa, snd longed Lady, Mocherof God and Ever Virgin ‘Mary with ll he Saints, Tet ws commend ourselves, tau one another and on hole life to Chris ot Goa. Choirs To'Thee, O Lard Priest ‘Through the mercies of Thine Only:begoten Son, sith Whom ‘Thow are glorfed, together with Thine AILHoly, righteous and Hlegiving Spe, rowan forever and fom all Ages to ail Age. choirs Aan Then: Priest: Peace be with you. Choir: And with thy Sie Priests Let ue love ene another that we may with one sated conf — Choir: The Father, Son and Holy Ghost, Tent consubs stant and undivided (62) ‘The Creed follows (alwags without the words “and the Son” ater "Who procedeth from the Father"), but fas the ‘deacon erie loud "The deors, the doors with widom let ts atend” 20), and immediatly alter the Creed: Deacon: Let ws and wel: let us sand with fears Jet us tend, that we may ofer the Holy Oblaton In re Choir: mercy of peace, a sacrifice of praise. Dries: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ ad the lve of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy {Ghost be with yo al. Choirs And wih hy spire (e 20). “The Ansphiora, or Canon ofthe Mase now begins withthe ‘Suraum Corde, Priests Lecus ie up our bears Chit; We lit them up unto the Lord (26, lst pasa ep). PrictsLetvngve thanks unto the Lor Choir: Iclsmeeeand right (© 27). Priets (cre) Tels mect snd Hight wo praise Thee, to lly Thee to Bis Thee to give thanks o Thee, to wonhip ‘Thee, i all paces of Thy dominion {or Thou art God inefable, incomprehensible, in Vinble,inconesiable, exiting slvays as Tho dost ‘exit, Thou and’ Thin onyegorten Son and Thy Holy Spin. Thow hie brought us om nothing ‘hes int eng, and when we Fell away ids raise ti up again, and ‘Tho ceneth not unl Thou Isat dane everything, to brig ws to Heaven, and ‘confer ono Thy Kengom to cme. For all Use things we give thank to'Thee sind to Thine only bgoten Son and to Thy Holy Spee, fora he things we Know and donot kaw forthe ven and the unseen benehts wbich we enjoy. We fender thanks to ‘The alo for is Service whieh Thou flow deign to receive at our Hands chough Thou fart surrounded by thouwands of Azchangels and tens of thousands of Angel by the Cherubim and Seraphim that are singed, Full of eyes and oar [lott on this wings (loud) singing, eying, sou: ing and saying the tum yo hor Pri: Chor Choir Pri how Pritt crue LITvROY oF tHE ra:rureL 13 “Holy hol, holy, Lard God of Sabaat, heaven and ‘arth are fll of Thy Glory. Hosina inthe High (St Bleed fa He that cometh in de mame of the ord, Hosanna in the highest. Geers) We also, O meseifal Mase, with these Celestial Powers ery and say: Holy art Thou and ‘AUtHaly, Thow snd ‘Thine ony gotten Son and ‘Thy Holy Spirit Holy sre Thou and All Holy and sublime 8 Ty Glory: Thou Who dito love Thy ‘orld that ‘Thou gavest Thine aly-begotten Som {hat whow believeth gn Him should aot peri Du have evrasting Life. And when He had come fd ha lle lt tae war needed for usin the ‘Sine night in whieh He was betrayed, or rather in'which He gave Himself p for the Life ofthe ‘World (91), He wok bread in His hoy, pare and Dlameles Hands, and when He fd given thanks ind blewed and hallowed, He brake and aye it {to His oly Disciples tnd Apotlessaying {eloud) ‘Take, ext: This my ody which is broken for you, for the remision of sins ‘Amen (beret) Likewise after Supper the Cup, sing: (eioud) Drink ye al of lee This My Blood othe New Testament, Which is shed fof you and for ‘any forthe emision of sins (secret) Commemorating this command of our Saviour and all dae yas endured for our sake, the {Grom the Grave, the Resurrection after three dy, the Ascension ito Heaven, che Enthvonement a the ght hand of dhe Father, and the second and ‘loriows Coming ayn, {eloud) Thine ova of Thine own we offer to Thee, Inalland for al ‘We pralie Thee, we bess Thee, we give thanks ‘0 Thee, O Lord and we pray to Thee, O our Goi. Uecrett) Again we elfe 10 Thee this seasanable and Bloodless Service, and we ask and pray and a mirgoneerton supple: send down Thy Hy Spice upon ox aatlupon thse Gitahere preemies Deacon: Mase, comecrat the Holy Brea Pst!” Ande tS he Press Baty of Thy Descon: ‘hme Maser omerate the Holy Cup ‘rit: Ned hat which in Cop the Precious Blo ay Cha Descon: ‘Amen Maer comecrte bth the Hoy ‘Thing coger. ‘rit: Changing (hea by Thy Holy Spi Descon: moe Ren Amen, YY In the Orthodox view the words “changing them by thy Holy Spit" complete the conerston, fv capac 26-30 Cables considers the rounds for beck in the Consecr. tion, and the criticisms by "certain Latins” of the Esser form of Consecration, to which critics he repli, ‘The Liturgy of the Faithful (9) (Commentary, Chapters 33-11) Here flows silently a prayer for shone who will communi gate, commemorating the min and. concluding” sow “specially for our tt holy pire, blew and gle ath, Mother of Gol and Ever Vinge Mary Choirs tei very mect to blew Thee, she everblened and rin pre Vingn and Mother of ur Go ‘Thee hat at more Honourable nan the Chain and incamparably more plaiows than the Sen Bima witha sot ay ia bee Gl tha a The ey th Mh a emg Pris Gere) Por bly John the Rapti, Prophet nad Frenne, ore ely, levis, and honsrable Apes, for Sin (of he day) hone metory we ler, and forall "Thy St by whose sp {ton do Tho, O God, vst we minal sao Chin Priests Choir ofall those who suber inthe hope ofa reruree: om wo eveasing le (He commemorates whom he will) Give them re, O God, where the ight Gf Thy countenance shineth.Furcher, we enreat ‘Thee '0 Lord, be minal of every Bishopric of te Orthodox, that they may teach ‘Thy Truth sight, ofall ecclesia rules, ofthe diaconte {in Christ, and of ll ceil and monaste orders. Foreher, we ofr to Thee this reaonabe service forthe World, forthe iy, Catholic and Apostolic (Chere for dhe living in purty and temperance, for our moe faithful and Christan Kings, and fo their whole court and army. Giveo them, O Lan, peace in thelr Kingdom, at we al may have tanguility in theca, and may passa peacefl fe all piety and temperance: 7 {aloud} above al, be minal, O Lord af our Arce bishop (neme): guard hi for Thy Holy Churches fn pace, with safety, honout, hele and length of days to teach aright the Word of Thy Truth. ‘And of those whom each of us hath in ming, and ‘fall men and women ‘And ofall men and women (39) (Gere Be mil, O Lord ofthe ity in which ‘wetojout and of every cy and land of the fail ‘who dell i chem. Be mindful, O Lord, of those that travel by land or by water, of the sick, of those that ser, of qptives and of their salvation, Bie minds, O Lard of thse that serve and bring forth fruit in Thy Holy Churches and of dose who member the por, and upan all of ws send down, Thy Mercs, (aloud) and grant that with one mouth and one Tear we may pris ad glory ‘Thy sublime and swondoss Name ofthe Father and ofthe Son and Uf the Holy Ghost, now and forever and from all, ‘Ages to all Age, ‘Amen ($4) 6 wraooverion Priest: And the mercies of Almighty God snd of our Seviour Jesus Chvst shal be with you a COhoirs Aad wich thy spin “Then follows the longer Litany by the deacon beginning: Deacon: ‘Being mind of alee Sains, gun ad again in pase lets beserh the Lard Choirs Kova, tave ery. Deacon: For these Precious Gifts which have been browght Inand hallowed, let us beth the Lord. Choirs Lord, have mercy. Deacon: "That our mercial God, Who recivth Them at His holy and heavenly and eres! Alt 4 weetacented, spirtal sour, may. agin sed ‘down wponusdlvine grace and the gto the ly Spirit le us beseech Chore Lord tave merey. Deacon: For our dliverince fom al tribulation, wrath, danger and neces, let ws beseech the Lord hire Lord have mere. Deacon: Succout, sve, confor’ ad protect ws, 0 God with ‘Thy favour. For thin whole day, that ie may be peet, bly, peel and sine, let us enteat the Lord choir: Grane hig © Lord Deacon: Foran Angel of Peace, x fthl guide» guardian four souls and bodies, lt us ene the Lod Ghoir: Grant this, O Lod ‘Deacon: Fotforgvenest and reninion of our sos and was resins Tet sentra the Lond Choirs Grane this, 0 Lar Deacon: For thse things that ate good and profitable for jour souls and for the peace ofthe Word let us Eten the Lord Choirs Grant ahs, © Lord Deacon: "That the remainder of ou ives may be pase in pence and peitene Tet us eteat the Lad. oir: Gram this O Lona ‘rae LivoRoy op THE ratrnreE 7 Deacon: “That the end fo lives maybe Chitin, wit at torment, amelew and pene and tat we say havea good Selene bre the fel tment of Chit let ur engeat Choirs Gran thin O Lan ‘Deacon: Lat us who ave etree forthe unity of she ith and for the fllowaip ofthe Holy Chor, ‘ommend oanelverand one strand ob wl Iie Cut our Co. Choir: "To Thee, O Lord (39) ‘The priest then ofr silent prayer ending sou wih: through eGo and mares competion of Thine ‘ony begun on, ith hoor Th at lorie with Thine SULkae righteous ted Klogving Spine now and for eet nd om ll Ages wall Ags" Choir Ame “The Celerant introdce the Paterno. Pret Ad den O Maser, wrt id anes and ‘without condamaton to dary el pen The, the Heavenly God as Father and ty ‘Reader: Our Father, which at nese, talloed be Thy rues Thy Bingo comes Thy wil be done can ann een: Civ ei ayo daly ‘ead And forgive tour eps, at we orgie ‘hem ar raps gst or lead fo tempaton bat deliver fee Pret: For hive the Kinglom ad the ower andthe fly othe Father and ofthe Son ate fhe ly ete now and forever and om all Age ta Ase chon Men, Phot: Bene be with oo. Chow And wi ty sit Decco: Lt beat heads Before the Lan Choir’ ‘To Thee 0 Lord fe 30) Deacons Let satin “ty te ct The Saree e twrnopvoriox Priest: “The Holy Thing for thote who ate Hy. Choir: Oneis Holy, One is Lar, Jess Chi, in the glory ‘ol God the Father. Amen 30). Here the Praction takes pace Deacon. lent) Break, Master, the Holy Bread Priet”(ilent "Te Las of God ie broken a dst Due broken but noe sndered, says fed upon and never consumed But sanctifing tho who phe The Lamb (se above.) vided into four pieces and arranged 08 the Pat fs ic NE kA xe! ‘The portion bearing the leters IC is placed in the Chalice, “The ofiiting clergy communicate om that marked. XC. ‘The other two portions are wed for the Communion of the people, Cabasias makes no comment upon the Fraction “Ade watm water poured into the Chalice I called the seis and it sybalis the gift ofthe Holy Spine to the {ale in their Commrnion. Deacon: Fill wp, Master, che Holy Cup. Priei’ Thelin of the Cup, of Fath, and ofthe Holy Ghose Amen Deacon: les, Mater, the warm water Priest” Blend is the ardour of Thy Saints, now and for rer and from ll Age toall Ages Deacon: ‘The ardour of Faith, of the fllnes ofthe Holy Spire Amen (97). ‘The clergy now make thle Communions in beth kinds the clergy have communicated, the remaining Hows re put imo the Challe, the Royal Dots se opened snd the ‘atom and the pres emerge, and thoe who wid fo cam Imumniate are init to draw neat Deacons) With the fear of God, with faith and with love arsine ‘ne Lirunoy oF me varrnron 9 “The deacon sands on the pic's ee anda the communi cantsappraach one by one they whisper their Chtan ames to him an he repeats them tothe pres Each is then com Imunicate,stding wth their bande crsed on their ben inbox kinds together by means of a spoon, with the words: “The ervant of Cd (nae) made prtakr athe pure and hay Body sn Blood othe Ld and Go and Saviour Jos iia fo the remsaon of Kes and nt fe evelashing™ t ‘en all who deve todo vo fave communicated, the priest yx: "O God save ‘Thy people and bless Thine i Keritanee" (cand in modern times the cir sings st this point: “We have sen the true Light, we have recevd the Heavenly Spi we have found the True Fath by nor Shipping the Undivided Trinity: this bath been ou as Yin" Cabaias ds not refer otis anthem, ply hed ‘ot know fe Tnaend he comments po another which hat ‘uappeaed fom the modern Greek Hie but tll hed on the ‘Ruin Liturgy. Tt flows the pris exciamation, "Blend ue Go lye now and forex and throughout a ‘Ages and fll: "Let our emouths be filled with Thy prs, O Lord, that we may extol Thy sory, for that ‘Tho Kaw ieigned to make uw partakers of Toy holy. dine, immortal and lifegving mysteries Exabth us ny sane {Ueaton that all the diy long we may mete upon Thy Fightoustes Aleut, Ali, Ailes" 4) ‘A THEOLOGICAL, PARENTHESIS CCabailav’ comments upon the text of the Liturgy now pane until they are taken up again in chapter 59) which {anuines the subject of chapters 4o and 43 an treats ofthe final prayers ofthe Litrgy. The intervening eleven chapters {igi discuss a number of rleyat theslogiea!quetone sich Sr the manctifying power ofthe holy offerings ad applica tion tothe living snd the dead (ce 42-5), the snworthines ‘of those who ofl, and the mannet of tats acespeance of the Gilt Yee 46, 47) the palpation of the sits in the fering (48-90); and Sally the names “Yeasnable service” and “Eucharist applied to the service (51 and es Thanksgiving and. Closing Prayers (Commentary, Chapter 53) Stand and let ur who have duly received the divine, fly, pure, immortal heavenly, eating and vf Mysteries of Chri, wortily give thanks fimo the Len, Suoamur, sre, comfort and protect wt, 0 God, with Thy favour “Let us who have entreated the Lord hat this wiole diy maybe perfec, holy, peaceful and sine Tes, commend ourselves and one another and ou hoe ite to Christ, our God, Chair: To Thee, O Lord Priest: For Thow att out sanctification and to Thee we sverbe the glory, to the Father and to the Son and {othe Holy Ghost, now and forever and fall Ages toall Ages ‘Aten In peace let us depart Lev or beech the Lord {Lard have mercy OLord, Who Biesest those that bless ‘Te and ‘anctfese thre that pt hei test in Thee, sve ‘Thy people and blew Thine inheritance; protect the while body of Thy Church and sanctify thse ‘who love the beauty of Thy Howse, Do Thow en Gow them with Thy divine Power and forake nat ts who have set our hope in Tihse. Grant peace to Thy world, to Thy Churches, tothe Presthord, {o ow Rules, to the army and to all Thy people. For every good git and every perfect gilt In ftom sbove, and ometh down fro Thee, the Father a lights; and Thee we asrbe glo and aa ‘and wortip, to che Father ad to the Son and t0 the Holy Ghose, now and for ever and tom all ‘Ages wall Age (13). Deseo “The arn sea dered by Cae in ca Choirs Ame, Bebe the Name of he Lord his ite rer ee ace (ar Fries ie © Ch oat Sa Who a Ty te inte othe sw snd the Preps fd at fulfill the penton of te ae Sotho ‘Swap lon hel wih joy td gan now Sno ever and om al Aga oa Agr Ae, Deacon: Uw tc te Lad Gio ard hve mer ‘Plats May th ening othe Lord and Hs mec bays Conk upon os tog ie Ec sod ‘Station: Sow and fr ever aed orm sl Age twat ge lay to Thee © ot Gel and Sr gy Fee Reader: Gly fe the ae, tthe Sn, an tthe Ht Gs both mov ad fr cre tr ‘ecteoll ger Aer Wont ane ey re aly Pater, gee lesing Prints aay. dit at tne Go (ro from the 4c hve ere ope oy row te ntsc Sloe ffs mt pea Hey Mec: ugh the ve of the precious and egiiog Gos Shou the pen of the peciunSpa owe in Heavens tough the spp ot the prow grow Prophet and Torrumer ‘hoki ap ofthe ha gros od fon 210 Aponiaso h holy, iow and torinse Haig of oor iy Tad ly Wes of he em en om at of ed tr he ees ER eee a Boor "Rntidovon meno erly “tld of she gi ana ccd by tg Wee ede ible Common. p te annonce hl loath te roo 8 wllgig Pa he Chars, he ‘Sept Nba ae Wane the moles plc stoped relate prove agepe Choire holy and vightous divine ancesirs Joachim and Anna; af Ssint (of the dey) whose memory we ‘clebrate, and of al the Sain, and may Christ Save us through Ti goodnes and compton 8 fer Mercfal God “Through the prayers of our holy Fathers have smerey upon sO Lord Jens Christ, our Gad 33. COMMENTARY ON THE DIVINE LITURGY I INTRODUCTION AND THE PROTHESIS 1. The gener significance ofthe serifce nd Blood: it aim i the ancaieaion of the Gul, who through these myeeries reeie the remision of thet sins and the inbericaoe of the Kingdom of heaven Asa prepare tion for, and contibuton to, this act and this purpose ve fave prayers, pans, nd ending fom Holy Sexipeare in short all the seed ite and forts which are aid nd done before and after the consecration of the elements. While ‘Sue that God feely gives uy all oly things and that we bring him nothing, but that they are absolute grace, he dos nevertheless necasarly require that we ahould be fe to fe ‘xive and to preserve them: and he would not permit those teho were ots disposed to be thus saneiied. Tis in this vray iat he adits Us to Baptism and ConGrmaien; inthis very tht he receives a the divine banquet and lon us (o participate a che solemn table. Christ in his pable of the sower, has ilustrated this way that God has of dealing fith os "A ower went forth” be yy "10 40W""—ot 1 plough the eat, but to sow: thus showing that the work of reparation must be dane by ue Therefore, sine i order tO bun che efecs ofthe divine mysteries we must approach them in a wate of grace and property prepared, fe was neces: fry that thee preparations sbid fad pace in the oder ofthe sacred rte and, infact, they ate found there, There, nde, we see what the prayers sd peains, a8 well asthe Shit. 3 6 comuentany sacred actions and forms which the liturgy contains, an achieve in ws They purify us and make usable tingly 12 fecrive and to preserve holnes, and to remain posed of "They snciy ws in two ways The fee conte in hi that we are helped By dese prayers, palms, and readings ‘The prayers turn us towards God and obtain for ve pardon for our sins the palms make God look favourably upan Us and draw tou that outlowing of mercy which is che resalt ‘f such proptation. "Ofer unto Cod Masksgving™ sys ‘he Peis, "and T will deliver thee, and chou shale glory ‘AS forthe lesions from the Holy Seriptare, which pro the godnes of God and his lve forme, but also the Severity of his justice an julgerent hey inst i our sul {he fearof the Lor, enki in vs lve fx him, and thereby rouse in us great eagernet ad veal forthe oberrance of hit commandments All these things, which make the souls of both priest and people beter and more divine, make thems | AU the reception and presereation of the hay mysteries, hich isthe aim of the leg spec, they pat the priest Ina proper frame of mind for the accomplishment of the sacrifice, which sas hat been sid, the exetil prt ofthe ‘mysagogy This intention can be soen in many parte of the prayers the pet prays tht he be not judged unsorthy to Perform m9 prest aac, but cht he may devote smell fo {he sacrifice wich pure hands a pore heart anda pre tongs ‘Ths ies that we ate alded In the celebration bY the ¥ery Virtue ofthe words themelve, id or ng, “There is mother way in which these forms, ke all Ue ceremonies of the Holy Sarife,sanetfy ws. it condi in {hie that in them Christ and the deeds he accomplished snd the sufferings he endured for our mes are represented. In ‘eed, tr the whole scheme ofthe work of redemption which IsSigned in the pats and readings a inal the actions of the prise throughout che leur; the fret eremoies ofthe sce vert the begining of hiss the nex, he Sequel; and the last, result Tha, shoe who are present av these ceremonies have before thelr eyes all thse divine ermopverton AND THR rROTHESIE a7 things. The consecration ofthe elemente—thescrifc itelt ‘Rfotnmemorte the death, reroreeton and sxcenson af the Sevowr since it taaform these precios gis i the very Body ofthe Lord tat Body which was the ental gure ft allthese matric, whieh wis cucfed, whieh toe from the {ead which ascended Inco heaven, The ceremonies which de the act af sacrifce symbolize the evens which ‘Scie Iflove the eth of Ch: congo rh fit appenrance and hs perfect manifeation ‘Those whi flow te ac ot rie real the promise f the Father"? fs the Saviour himself aed ith tbe desert of the Hoty Spire upon the apts, the conversion ofthe nations thich they Bron about, and thet divine sory. "The Mole celebration ofthe mystery Ike unigue poral ka single boy, which isthe work of he Saviour: pages ‘edo ur ehe several members ofthis body, fom begining {bend in heir oder and banony, Tari wy the ssmody. St wellar he opening chants and before them alle done i the prepartion ofthe oferings.symbolre the frst peta ‘tthe scene of relemption. ‘That which comes ater the farang fom Holy Seriptrer and so on~symbolizs {he period which lows. ‘even it one maintains thatthe seaings and palms serve nother purpose for they were itrodued in over to is fe ul to iruc and to chse God fo lok favourably on ‘fat doesnot mean hath same cetemaney aot tance {age ur Co irtue and ilstate the scheme of CBs re: temptive works Robes full thelr funeon 8 clothes, and fever the body but sometimes, by thei spe, they indieate {he profesion, rank and dignity ofthe wear. The sme ‘Rtewe of tev lug mates Becnine the Holy Sriptares Contain divneynapted words and praie of God, ahd be: ‘use they incite to virtue, they sanctify those who read or ‘amc the, Bur erase’ of he election which hat been ‘nade, se the oder in which che pages ae arranged, they ave inner fonction: they sgnfy the coming of CRriat and bie work, Not only the ean and readings but the very tine themselves have this part to pay ea at its own

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