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CSI Thsttute d olegal_Otuciege




ubmilcd b, Dobmited by
Sherontha RB
CUTemya Mits Ko No S1.

Aesetant Rofiessor 8BA &d8.

C61 Ingtitve o legal étvciey
Cuenvvtrva kovDwy ávodvala.

Date: Page No.:

hbe o Conlenta

Talble of Cayes 3
Tntiodvction h

3. eop raewok on ute loknten in hbo

d. Cybe Defamation.

S Kobemy and NUvey

6 ooli ity
7 Conduion Pa h
8b ogsapk.
Date .Page No.: 3

Toble of Cases No
kalandi laran denka ¥ duk of oaly R

Rejiv dinesh adkami oug PA depomloP 13

Codkar V ont Mngi Paj vadlkvi

3 R.
dtd V Cgush Kawatra.

Date: Page No.:_

Tha 7outh and development of dethnology have brovght a
ovld. The nkemet has macle many thins |
diostit chavge in e
forr ensier for all of us trovgh. Vrio ug dotal netwolking

gfie. Wheter it iy communl tatton or CICCess irfovmohen,

heye things have become a piece of tkeb tov all of uy.
tociliñey may dometime eod mid uge also
But hege
emlnatke. wfovmation ough
A usep on publsh and dig
ie, Wetamation. had become a
Theye ocial nebvoshing
With Ko Tive d do-ailed tends of htn
obet of (onen.

ifovmaten pltturey 0 Certuin doelal neto

PNey gncl onmenting on hem have incvmsed. tho Tok of
| Cher detamation

he tovm ybey Deumdion" busically means publighny of

tyberapate hat
olge hobament about an in didluad in
Con injore deamean te Yeputaton af hat diviedua|
Trh, debmation on be tonlemplakd o both divi ndnd
Ctrmin al ofence
Date _Page No. S

Xegdl tvd mewoyk ovM wbe o/elawton nydlidl

Delamalion an be udevdtbod os the Wnopgul and intrtional publicaton |
ormebirq erer in to writn or otl fom akout a pevdon. b bam his
Teptudion in he doiety. br a ptudemeut b be tonsideel au detomatory
he oloumg ewyentdal elemen must be tathiled.
Thee mut le a pobication of te delamdtry sidemeu, whith ans
oming he krmudedke ofa tad poty
The ludtment mupt vekr only to ha plairtif-
.The Shrdonent mut be detamatoy n nabve.

4pesof deaoion
erumahon an be bhdsaied io tuo cattpoies that ave
- A huktment That iy deturmatoy and i pubished in a

riten om.

larde A detamatony faktment oken hut mean a

Veibal tom of obekamation.
Thus o fondamental diyriton. bl L% pe *o.
medum in whidh Hay ve express ed thut iw. one erpretd

Date Page No.:h_

in a witen tom while the othei in oval fosm.


Ihe widely uped doctol media. broupht a evolotom not only in e

holon dpheve hut akfo a Otross he moild .Ie Yemokable growth
of to einet har tovideddpeope wth a plotfom. to Cpeyy
erpeyy Hey
Gphniand, thoght, and felngs hiagh andou foOTm of palicatdong
Nonethelesy, te mye faresibiltq ond puliaton n thig opine
nd has Ceaktd geveral pke. ay hepe digital platfom tve pane
bbe exploitel by ndcupulouy Zritmet wep in te hame of teedo
of dpeech od enpredwion.Thoe thip hat kd to. omeyoud. ayes.
of oybes 0ebmadtion

ybel detomutn. id a rew ontept. but te toditonal defnton of

cdetumatien njy Guved to ta Yeptuton a peison n ho
es of a nd. peeon. and hiy mjUryan be done b venbad al
wysen ommonication. Or hraugh digns and Vlble. Yepieyenkotion. Kell
okukonent mut eki tb to plantt and o hlertonm. Muyt be
towa Yepotttn f tha pefgon aguingt whom tho dtukmett
oN been mode

Date Page No. 1

On to othe hand, Cyhei Delumatilon. invilvoy detuming a penyon. thag

a ew and f more eftehe. method uh oy tho uye of modesn
dectonlt devices. t vekee tb to plbishng of defumatoy matesad
geint om pewon n (yipgoce oy uth te help of Compokv
ha Tnenet a perion publiehr oy korel of detomatny otoaktrmert.
Cqomyt ony otiei pervon on a Webte. or dendly E-rails oxtulmhnd
debmatovy mudeial to het peydon to Whom ta fukement hay bern
mole oulol tontumount to uber deti mation.

rodemp_ard iaoeg_in ybe befamation

O hemendouly intvesie deperdesy on o Isone for ka ove.
of eood netuunilnq tles ove. Ciecukecl. ever legok veues in to
CBundkay Intu Comlext of defawpmatim, Aa bigest ivvue con be
out ta uho as enclecl to hom 0ur repU-|
gostg pedon
taon s. u ard prry who bo Yecd tio detomatoy Ptatner
O bwhen it Conme b web Payey dck av blg oY otev
Medi tty Mtld nq newcapery or moga zines, his becse
blogge1 may
may be fovnepcrentk May doode hep Ho nome
iderdtite. aneleyd tb pset emgobwi. Thuy Tis hay 6e vey
kocrckbdeenmMe e peson. ho had potyhed ho tecement |
tapecey on.dovneone bo
Date Page No.:_8


Jh mdla,o peson an be mode ldle tor defsmtion both undey Gvil

and dimim louw

)Tndian enal ode

Oet hea of rlon enal tode Saup whak "whoever

bY wo«du ehe
epoken o inkended to be veod of by vlgnd. and vidual Teprey endate
makey o7 poblbehey any imputuction areming Ony paw on nerndirg
hm or knouln on hoving Tegon b believe Hat pvdh mputation
Mill km o segutction of fuh penvon is daid, exept b ho auses,
hesein ale ercephe d detume that peseon.

ec Soo of piovidey fa ponishment where in any pesion kelel

iable undey gection. diq will be pubishade wth impriyonment d"
& yty me oy both

oec d61 deals wih foyen. nyone treabtp a alee document oi

oke autovrty hlth i kavmy ta Teputtien f o peron. a punih
mert of hiy ofento tan xen o opto to
yeco»y anod tine.
Date: Page No.:_

er. So3 of J dealy with ho offence of smncul intmidestcn by ye

of elechonic heah to damage ones Yeputution h odoodey

.nhamation khnalogy Att, dooo

ooe 66h, neton tahnology At do00 -T bw hue been

OAuk doun epveme tot in te Heay oos. 7a gtoction def
purkgsh ment Yov soring offensive mesoped trogh a compont,mobile
or tbliek. tne ho govevnment dld not Clexi, the vod ofenoe"
k ovecnmen taytel ig as a tool verey tsed om o tpech
odoisdois o whole deledtion toy 9unahed by e Ugpreme (og.
f o peu on hoz bren detamed h tybexspace, he tavn make a (ompla-|
nt subei Cime mveshigoton cell. t d a unlt. of he cime
hwestiq ution epovtment.

What is Odmisibie in ovt as Evkkene?

) Ary cebronc vevd pinled on a akE ecodecd oped in.

Opial o mognetc meca dhall be considered aj a cocwrment and

@hall ke odmsaible. by out

|8) Onltne dhaoly ane alvo admisuibe.

Date Page No.: 0

eciant mols are alpo akmisible


MC tdV. Joesh. Kuctva

mcPneumoldey CTndh) At d.v. bsh Kuodra ho vepututn.

of a
oipotde uay being debmd by an emplbyee of ta plih
Compony byending deroqatony, detamatony Obd teme, Emaily ohbytone,
wolam, iy and abuve enale b k employesd are aleo b
difkovent dubsidlones of o yaid.
ompame all ovev o wodd.wth
ha aim to defsme the. tmpwmg anod i. Managinq Witecot. lva
Hon be Oadee of delki hiyh out pussel an ex-prabe an imkeim.
onathon obieving Thuk a ptma toce. (ase had been made out by
% plantift

|Longeçoentlu Pe odelhi hh Cooté veoteusreol ho oleendant hom.

PEncineg deroqatoy, detumotovy, Ob4 (ene, volg, hormilatimg Cncd
Obyvlve emadv. erthw to. * plainti fe o tb. i. hyley dtbw dbver
all over lo Luoild mdldegy o. manghg brect. rd May.
ale ond Mketineg Depastnend. tvtbor, Hon'ble Judge dso.
vephoned Ho dekroank tom publishina, unsmitbng O7_ CauMg ]|
Page N o . : L

tbeobighed any Intbvmodon in tho actual world a dyoin

uhlth defumofong oabuytve of Ke
cybestpute M devoatory . OY

plalnbite .



Yeommended to have an independert (yber me

col- whichi ondey Ko Cordel Buseau of uestig aton and it needs
o o be eup on il own to that it comed drectty oncler tha
antad govenmenk and adyo spenticly deol wih her me,
imdudng uber detumotion. heve thold be qer eu puie ttions.
|h eey det of evoy pot: 0f Inla hecded. by hvestiqatiom
Offtey. who Cye ell veved with Qyber low 8oHat B will elp
amto hurle ta. offendo promptig Pumeys phoqramy toold
be intituded by e govenment t enlig
hen people abuut
Gbes cimed and ad about e reacthone ha. thoucl he
taken o poedt hameelved.

Jodidony ton aleo pay dleniticiond rdle. if pecicul cyber

| ONe edtabliehed
ONe and
judlgee th. tpeciadined kechical
Thay pretlde oey hee. CUks do Toye a knowledge
heeot to ksain.
Date Page No. -

Judicto otfiey ,polce peveonned to ete tutey of cybeY oime

expenditiousy ond moe. eftcebvely Infometion and tommuni taten.

ehhology keeps on hangmg and peo ple need to get updated

develepment owe need to amend enitnm lawg to.
Keep pote with echnology ad revent obrh offen(ey hopeming
and oftediny peoplo at

)Kolandi hvan denka . ate. of odigho

tiy a ptitaney v tontincouyJ beiny thlked, qnola ake

adound o kor twav. lae &eaded. ond. abytene mevtagev were.
vent. to He. tuencly by e pit A mophed. nakel piduve
uny alto popked. on ha nlls ot o hoylel uhere do vicbn Stygd
he ot held ta dpit iable. br kiv.otene

)kojiv dineh kad koi hrogh P.A.Deegomala.Couclkari Vs

mt Nilaei Rajv Cadkovi

n.hie tage, afker vegeiving a divoy Ce. kter fom, hor hxtbo
he enoYndlenk fillec dut. Ceainit ohUYhanod to onind
Date: _Page No.: 15

eio mg he oploding vwlaga phtbqaph!. and defaming ket

Thid ofeno hadakeady heen. regisbred. ond muinanente of
RKg s,000 per movth hay been. dahmed by to we. (ispndet

Date Page No.: h

with. qpeak pocwey tomey great vexpongiblit, " . Wt% ho advent

of the intnent aqe. a vte of vkchnobgy Cncl i potentiad mistye.

bth have. becme a on - exouztve dokjetk. The Convëniente in.
ommunicati on. hay meseased. tenendauady Howewr , vuch. tonventame
Comey wa atth e efoteyy trmy of dota Cind. nomtnl
Over e drmet. lo mde it a cot co hovpot tor fhony ybe
rionee amd one of te mast tham Y defomaton. Amagh, Tore
ie lawg, m place whth prohibt people ftom pasting oh-defamot
Onen online, but mout peole. are not owore. of tto ttame oY

Ove bo neghigyent to eale. ta boundorfetNeparting cletoma-


fov onlent ond a nom- deftmatoy onent AE tmey, when

toy dpeech. 9ony ontodity oapeveonsYepotetom t becwmey
pestirenk to ttue bhbh a bspnloy, kost hat hee.
pech. becmes a weqyon im- e hnds of certn people "Loe M
a chre red of a dtem. edecade. Gncd moke people Quwaye
abaut e yher epace and. Ha oyber ethicg.
Date Page No.:_S

. roimelon tdanoloy bu-R Mgneni
. inghal (yber auw ormoton Yethmo bg1, Mavov ullha|
3. htps ideghere. inet.

OuWthe avatable beok pdfs

s.iplesclens blog
. htps Cyer- aw- dedodtion


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