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226V3L come EN User marca 1 Customer care ard warrarty 27 Trovb eshoot rg & FAQs 32 PHILIPS Table of Contents 1. Important. 11. Safety precautors ard mairtenarce 4.2. Notational Bescr ptions. 2 Disposal of product and packing materia 2. Setting up the monitor. 4 21. nstallaton, 4 22. Operating the monitor. 5 3 Remove Base Stand ard Base. = 3. Image Optimization. Eo, 41. SmrartCortrast. 9 3.2. Philips SmartContro’ Lite. 9 4, Technical Specifications _ 4.1 Resolution & Preset Modes. 19 5. Power Managemen 6. Regulatory Information 7. Customer care and warrant.. 71. Fhilps Fat Fare! Monitors Px! Defect Foiicy. 7 72 Customer Care & Warranty 2 8. Troubleshooting & FAQs 81 Troubleshootrg 82 Gereral FAQs: 41. |mportant This electronic user's guide is irtended for anyone who Uses the Philps monitor Take tme to read this user marual before you use your mon tor it cortans important information and notes regarding operating your mor tor The Philps guarartee applies provided the product s handled properly for ts intended use, n accordance wth ts operating irstructions and Upon presentation of the original invoice or cash receipt, indicating the date of purchase. dealer's name and mode! and producton number of the product 11 Safety precautions and mainte- nance Q Warnings Use of contro's.adjustrrerts or procedures other than those specfed in ths documertat on ray resuit in exposure to shock electrical hazards andlor mechanical hazards Read and follow these instructions when connecting and using your computer monitor Operation + Please Keep the moritor out of direct sunlight, very strong bright ights and away from ary other heat source. Lengthy exposure to this type of ervronment may resuit in discoloration and damage to the monitor + Remove any object that could fal into vertation holes or prevent proper cooing of the moritor’s electronics. + Do rot block the ventilation holes on the cabinet, + When positioning the monitor, make sure the power plug and outlet are easly ac- cessble. + fturring off the moritor by detaching the power cable or DC power cord, wait for 6 seconds before attaching the power cable or CC power cord for normal operation + Please use approved power cord provided by Prilps al the time. fyour power cord s mssing please contact wth your local service center. (Flease refer to Customer Care Consumer information Center) + Corot subject the monitor to severe vibration or high mpact conditions during operation. + Dorot knock or drop the monitor durrg operation or transportat'on, Maintenance + To protect your mon tor from possbie damage, do rot put excessive pressure on the LCD panel. When moving your mon tor grasp the frame to ft do rot lft the mon tor by placing your and or fingers on the LCD pane! + Unpiug the moritor if you are not gong to use it for an extensive perod of time. + Unplug the monitor if you reed to clean it with a sightiy damp cloth. The screen may tbe wiped wth a dry cloth wher the power s off However, never use organic sovert, such as. alcoho), or ammoria-based liquids to Cean your mon tor: + To avoid the risk of shock or permanent damage to the set, do rot expose the moritor to dust, rain, water, or excessive moisture ervironmert + ifyourmoritor gets wet, wipe it wth dry cloth as soon as possbe. + ifforeigr substance or water gets in your moritor please turn the power off mmed- ately and d scornect the power cord Then, remove the foregn substance or water, and send itto the manterance center + Co not store or use the mon'tor in loca- ‘tors exposed to heat direct sunight or extreme cold + In order to mantan the best performance of your mon tor ard use it for a onger lfe- time, please use the mon tor in a location ‘that fals wthin the following terrperature ard humidity ranges. + Temperature: 0-40°C 32-95°F + Fumdity: 20-80% RE + IMPORTANT: Aiways activate a moving screen saver program when you leave your mon tor unattended. Aiways activate a periodic screen refresh application fyour monitor will dspiay unchanging static content. Uninterrupted d spiay of stil or static images over an extended period may cause "burn in’, also known as “after-imagirg” or “ghost imaging’ on your screen "Burn-in, "after-imaging’, or "ghost immag- rg’ sa wel-krowr phenomenon in LCC pane’ technology. in most cases, the “burned in” or “after-imaging” or "ghost raging" wil disappear gradvaly over a period of time after the power has been switched off, @ Warning Severe" burn-in" or‘afterimage’ or"ghost rrage’ symptoms will not dsappear ard carrot be repared The damage mertioned above s net covered under your warranty Service +The casing cover should be opened orly by quafied service personnel + there is any reed for ary document for repair of integration, please contact with your local service center, (please refer to the chapter of "Consumer information Center") + For transportation information, please refer to "Technical Specficatons* + Do ret leave your monitor in a carftrurk under direct sun light. © Note Consulta service teckrician fthe mor tor does rot operate rormraly or you are rot sure ‘what procedure to take when the operating rstructons gver in ths marual have been folowed. 12. Notational Descriptions ‘The followng subsectors describe notational conventions used in this document. Notes, Cautions and Warnings ‘Throughout this guide, blocks of text may be accompanied by an cor ard printed in bod or talc type. These blocks contar rotes cautions ‘or warnings They are used as fol ows: © Note This con indicates important information and tips that help you make better use of your computer system @ Caution Ths con indicates nforaton that tells you how to avod ether potential darrage to hardware or loss of data Q Warning Ths con indicates the potertal for bod iy harm and tels you how to avod the problem Some warnings may appear in aterrate formats ard may rot be accorrpar ed by an icon. n such cases the spectic presentation of the warring is rardated by the relevant reguiatory authonty.

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