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1.1. Intro ducti on. An equation involving partial differential coefl icien
of a func tion of two or more variables is known as a partial diffe renti al
t"QUa -
s, it is
tion. If a partial diffrrcntial equation contains nth and lower deriv ative
said to be of nth order . The degre e of such equation is the great est expo
of first
of the highest order. Further, such equation will be called Jin ear if, it is
rs or
degree in the dependent variable and its partial derivatives (i.e. , powe
absen t).
products of the dependen t variable and its partial derivatives must be
An equation which is not linear is called a a_on-linear d-rtTerential equa tion.
When we_consider the case of two in<!ependent variables we usual ly as-
sume them to be .r and y and assume z to be the dependent varia ble. We adop
the following notations throughout the study ofpartiaJ differential equati~ns
oz oz &z irz Erz
p = ox 'q = O}' ' r =_ox2 ' s = . oxoy ' I= oy2 .
. , xn
In case the re arc n independent variables, we take them to be x 1, x 2 ..•.
use the
and : is then regarded as the depen dent variables. In this case w e
foll owing notations :
p 1 = oz/3x 1, p 2 = ozlox 2 , ····· ·,Pn = azlox

Sometimes the partial diffem tiations are also denot e4 by maki ng use
suffixes. Thus we write .

= au = au a2u , u.ry .-- axay

-- ax2 :,',~
ux ox , Uy c!y , u.u and so on.
1.2. Orig in of Parti al Diffe rentia l Equations. \Ve shall now exam
the interesting ~uestion of how partial differential equations arise . We
that. such equat.ions can be formed by the el imination of arbitr ary cons or
b ctions. ·
ar 1traty fun
1.2 (a). Rule L Deriv ation ·or a parti al differential equa t·100 b y th e
. • · f . _
eI1mrnat10n o arbit rary constants.
Consider an equation F(x y a b) - o
.. . I )
, ,-, ' - '
e arbitr ary constants · Let z be regarded. fi ti. f
where a and b denot• bl · · · - as unc on o two
ind d l )with r _ t toxa nd ._
, . ep~n entva na esxa ndy. Diffcrentiating( · espec Y par
hally m tum, we get
aF aF 8F ; oF
ax + P oz = 0 and rll, -+. q ~ = 0. ••• (2)
Y.J' ~
l.illt'tl i' r ar(itJ / n w ,·rt•fl lla l fr1 1u1tio 1t.\' n/ ( ),
d, .,, ( Jn1 •
ol ( 1J11 nd ( / ). Wt·
Elim inati ng 1wo ronstonts ti and b from 1tu ~·e c<p1. tl i()r,~
sh:,11oht,lin ltn c1.1uation of the fom1 .' ( \)
) \, )' ..
1 -- ,

/,) , .. 0,
/ ,, '

whidl is partial difTcrcntiaJ equation of the nrst order:.

In a similar manner it cnn be shown thut if tlum.: arc more
orbit nuy 1.:on•
procedure of elim i-
st:tnl.;; thnn the numbetofindcp¢ndcnt variables, th~ 11bovc
onk r than lhe fir.~1.
nation wiJI givt rise to p~trtiol differential cquutions of highi:r
Examples of Typt,'-- ) based on Ri•lc I of Art 1.2 ( a)
' "L( ;\ Filtd a partial clijf
equation· l~t· elimi11atillJ!, u (Jlld h ./i·o:11
IY;\ '\!)'
the equation z ~ ax+ bl'+ a + b. ·
1 + b2• .. .(I)
Sol. Give n . z :--, a.r + by + a
Differentiating ( l} partially with respect to x andy, we gee
Bz/Bx ,a and 8zlay c:~ b.

arbitrary co n~
Substituting these values of a and b in (I) we src that the
st~ints a and b arc efiminatcd and we obtain,
z :::: x(azl8x) + y(ozliJy) + (ozlf Jx/ + (Bz/Dy/,
\vhich is the required partial differential equation .
Ex. 2. Eliminate ti and bfro m·z = a.x +(I ·-· a)y + b.
Sol. Try yourself. [Ans . (<}::!Dx) + (Dzl cy) =-· l .J
Ex. 3. Eliminate J and b from az + b := a2x + y. ..

Sol. Try yourself. [Ans. (D::.lox) (a::/ t'J_ll) = I.]

· Ex ./' Eliminate arbitrary constants from z :-: (x - a)2 ~-(y - b )2 to form
the partial differential equation .
IBan glor c 95)
z = (x - a}1 + (y - b/. ...(1)
Sol. Given .
Differentiating (I) partially with respect to a anti b, we
8z!8x =2(x - a) and azloy = ~(y - b).
Squatring and adding these equations, we have
(OZ/8x)1 + (0.!°()2 = 4(x ~ a)2 + 4(v ; b)2 = 4 ((x ~ a)2
t (y - b}1]

or · (oz/ox) +-(dzli)y) = 4z, ltsing ( l ).

E~. 5. Form par~ial differential equation s by l!liminating arbitrary con -
,. ·
stants from the followmg relations _:.
, (a) z a(x +~): b. . ( b) z = ax + by + ab .
. (c) z - ax_+ a y + b. (d) z = (x + a) (y + b).
Sol. (a) Given . z = a(x + y) + b ·
... ( 1)
Differentiating (I) partially with resp ect t d
ox an y. we get
. .iJzliJx == a and oz(oy = a .
.. EJ~minating ~ betwe~n these, · oz/ox =ozloy,
which is the reqmred partial different j~I equation.
Linear Partiai Di}Jercntial Equation s of Order One 3
(b} Given z = a · + by+ ab. ... (I)
DifTcrcntiating ( l) partially with respect to x and y, we get
oz/8:c = a and ozloy = ~- .. ... (2)
Substituti ng the values of a and b from (2) in (I), we get
l == x(J:/dx) + y(dzldy) + (dz/dr)(v :/dy),

wh ic h is the requ ired partial differential equation.

(c: ) Try yourself. (Ans. azloy = 2y(<3z/8x) .]
(d) Try yourself. ·[Ans. z,= (8z/oy) (8zlox).'J
Ex. 6. Eliminate a and b from z =<Hey+ ( l/2)a e2Y + b ...
Sol. Given z = axe\·.+ .(1!2)a e + b.
2 ... (1)
Differentiating (I) partially with respect to x and y, we get
a:1a:c = aev ... (2)
· Bzloy = .ax/·+ a e2Y = x(ae'') + (ae"/. . .. (3)
Substituting the values of ae" from (2) in (3), we get
. 2
B:loy = x(8:lox) + (Bz/8x) .
Ex. 7(a). Form 1he partial differential equation by eliminati pg hand k
_ji-om the cquation ·(x - 1,)2 + (y-k}2_+ z2 = "A. . -
2 ·
Sol. Given · (x-h) 2 +(y - k)2+z2="A. . . .
. .. (l)
Di ffcrcntiating (I) partially with respect to x·and y. we get
2(x - h) + 2z(az!ax) =0 or (x- h) = -z(8~!8x) ... (2)
an<l 2(y -- k) + 2z(uz/8y) = 0 or (y- k) = -z(8zloy) . ... (3)
Substitut ing the values of (x - h) an<l (y- k) from (2) and (3) in (I) gives
2 2
z\ ozlox) + z\azloy) + z2 = "A. or z2[(8z/ax) + (8zlcy}2 + I]=,/·,
2 2

which is the required partial differential equation.

Ex. 7(b ). Find the differenti al equatiqn of all spheres of radius A., hav-
ing centre in the xy-plane . , (I.A.S~-1996}
Sol. From the coordinate geometry of.three-dimensions, the equation of
any sp~ere of radius A, having centre (h, k, 0) in the xy-plane is given by
(.r- h)2 + (y- k)2 + (z- of= A. or (x .- h) + (y- k)2 + z2 =·,._2, ... (1)
2 2

where h and k are arbitray constants. ·

Now, proceed exactly_ in th~ame way as in Ex. 7(a).
Ex. 8. Form the differenti al equation by eliminati ng a and b.from
, z = (,i +a)(./+ b). . . (I.A.S. 1997)
2 2
So L Givrn z = (x + a) (,v + b). . .. (1)
Differentiatin g ( 1) partially with respect to x and y; we get
.... ') 2 b · 2 . ·
o::lc;x :;= -t(V + ) or (y + D) = ( l /2t") ( 8zl8x) ....(2) • J

2 /
and c::! 2y = 2y(./ + a) or (x + a)= ( l /2y) (8zloy). · ... (3)
Linear Partial Differential Equations of Order One
Substituti ng the values of(v2 + b) an~ (i + a) from (2) and {3) in (I ) gives
z = (lily) (.oz/~v){ l/2x) (azJax) or 4.ryz = (ozl8x )(oxloy) ,
which the required partial differential equation.
Ex~ .9. Form partial differential equation by elir11 inali1Jg constant A and
p from z =Ad" sin px. ·
Sol. .Given z = A I'' sin px. ... ( l)
Differentiating (1) partially with respect to x and t, we get
8z/8x = . Ap ii' cos px ... (2)
and &lot = Ape' smpx. ...(3)
Differentiating (2)and (3) partial!y with respect tox and·! respectively gives
o,..Jzlox2 = -Ap 2 I't •smpx. ... ( 4)
and frzlot 2 = Ap2 sin px. I'' ••.( 5)
Adding (4) and (5),. irzloi + itzlot = 0,
· ,vhich is the required partial differential ~quation.
Ex. 10. Find the differential equation of the set of al~ rig ht circular
cones whose tLres coincide 1vith-z-£Lrfr. II.A.S. 1998)
Sol. The general equation of the set of alJ right circular cone:, whose axes
>incide with z-axis, having semi vertical angle ex and verte~ at (O,· O, c) is
_1ven by ·
x + y 2 = (z-c) 2 tan 2 a, ... ( l)
in which both the constants c and a are arbitrary .
. ·Differentiating (I) partially, w.r.t. x and y, we get
2x=2(z-c)(az I at) tan 2 a and 2y=2(z-c)(8z I 0 -' ) tan L a
2 ' . ,
⇒ y ( z - c) { oz I ox) tan a= .xy and f ( z - c) ( oz I_cy ) tan,. a = xy

⇒ y(z-c)(oz I ax) ian 2 a=x.( z-c)(8z I oy) tan 2 a

· So ~ z I ax)=x(Bz I oy), which is the required equation . ·
E ~ Eliminate a, b and c from z = a(x + >) + .b(x - y) + abJ + c.
, (I.A.S. 1998)
SoJ. Try you:self. . [Ans. 4(azl8t) ~ (oz/?t) 2 - (8z .'cy)2.]
E.x._.12. Shqw that the differential equation ofall cones -. vhich ha ve their
vertex at the ori.gin is px + qy = z. Verify that yz + z.r + x:i· = O is a surface
satisfying the ahoi·e equ_alion. [I.A.S. 1979 j
Sol. The equation of any cone with origin is
2 2 2 ··
ax + by + cz -+ 2/y z + 2gz.x + 2/zxy = O, · ...( l)
Lillcar />artir,I niffi:rcrvit1/ Equatlon.r ofOrder One
1,11 c·•t·er~. o·rr . . ( . , an d
wh1..·r1: '' h r r"
• •
,,, 1
· ,.,
h !\M'n
...,. ,.,
u .[ 1 acrcntmung l) parttally w.r.t. '.x

~ b) lorn , Wt.: h ttV• ~ (noth1t1g lh:it p t i):Jux and q = ozlo

; ••
1 y)

2a.r + 2c:.p ➔ 2/yp + 2g(px + t) + 2hy = O

or ax + 6:: + hy + p (cz + g:< +fv) == 0 ... (2)
and 2hy + 2czq + 2/{yq + ;) + 2gxq + 2Jz:c ::: O
by +ft + In ➔ q(cz + fy + gx) = 0. ... (3)
Multipl~in g (2) by ..t and (3) by y and add ing, we
+ qy) = 0.
(ux ~ by ➔ g::x + fy: + 2hxy) .+ (cz + fv + gx) (px

- ( CZ + jy:: ➔ g(Z) ➔ ( CZ +fy + gx) (px

+ qy) = 0, by ( I)
(cz + h· + gx) (px + qy - z) = O or px +
qy- z = 0, ...(4)
whi ch is required differe ntia l eq uation.
Gi ven surface is y z + zx + .xy = O ... (5)
tum, we get
Differentiating (5) partially w.r.t. 'x ' and 'y' by
.. .(6)
YP + px + z + y = 0 and z + qy + xq + x ~ O
y), q = - (z + x)l(x + y) .
Sol ving (6) and p and q, p =-= - (z + y)l(x +
y +yz +zx ) = 0,b y(5 )
px ➔ qy - z = x(z +y) y(z+ x) _ z = 2(x
x+ y x+y x+ y
tlcn cc (5) is a surface satisfying (4).
ing a, b, c,from
Ex. 13. F(°nd a partial differential equation by eliminat
2 2 2 2 2 2
x la + y lb + z le = J. 2 2 2
2 2
/a +y /b + z2ic = l. ... ( 1)
Sol. Gi~ en
y, we get
Di ffcrcntiating ( 1) partialJy with respect to x and
2x 2z - az= 0 or cx+ 2 2 az .. .(2)
+ a z- = O
2a 2
C OX . 8x
2y 2x oz 2 2 oz
+ z ay == 0. ...(3)
and 2 + 2 oy = 0 or c y b
respect toy , we ~nd
Diffctentiafing (2) with respect to x and (3) with

C2 +
2 + a2z &z2 = 0

c2 + b2(az)
2 + biz cf~
= 0. ... (5)

2 a2z at ...(6)
Fro m (2),. c = - - ox·
Putti ng this value of c2 in (4) and dividfug by a2,
we obtain

oz (oz
.--;: -+ )i +zEJ2z O or zxa21+joz. )2 -zeaxz
&y A\OX
=O. ...(7)
- -2 = .
xox ox iJx 2

Similarly, from (3) and (5), , 2

rJ-z ,{
zy oy +-'\
in) -z ayoz .-- O· ... (8) I
(7) and .(8) .are two possible fonns of the required
equ atio ns.
6 linear Partial D~/Jerential Equatio ns o_(Ord cr One

Eliminatc the arbitrary .· d' d · b . k tf from the foll mi. ing cqu:-i-
constants m 1catc m ra~ c
tions and form correspo nding part j~l differential cquat!ons. _.. ~ 1 --2~ ;") ~ _
' _ A yr . (p d A)· . [Ans. odc:c +
1. z - c sm px, an . - , u ~l, et - 0.J
2 z = A e-p 1 cos px·, (p and A) [.'\n~. (;;:/[:x· = c:lvt]
3: z = a/+ b/; (a, b). [An s. x(oz!Dx ) + y(c.:10') = 3z .]
4. 4z = [ax+ (yla) + bJ1 ~ (a, b). [Ans.;; = (<:t~ic:x )(c:/cy) .]
. •· by""., + cz 2 = I , ( a. b , _
5 ax 2 + .
c) . [Ans. (uzic:c)(a zlcy) + z(itzlcxcJ·) = O.]
6 (a). 2z= (ax+ y}1 + b, (a, b) (:"-.':igpur 9 61
[An~. x(czla.'<) + y(?:·1Z~r) = (c:.1cJ/ ]
(b). 2z =·x2Ja2 +y2/b2. (a, b} . [Nagpur 95}
7. z = ax l + bxy + cyl , (a, b, c)
(Ans. X 2(oz/ox)
"' 2 ...J. ., 1
+ 2.ry(o zlo:cay) + y·(ozlo 2
y ) = 2z.)
. 2 3 · 3 ,
8. .z = 4X + by + ab, (a, b)
' fAns. 9x2~v2z = 6x\,2(azlox) + 9-l/(ozloy) + 4::-(o.:lcx)(o::-/c:v),]
9. ax2 +by"+ z" = l, (a, b) {Nagpur 961
' 1
10• e z-{x2ly)_-Q."C-+!
!_(a b)
( ,.:. ·~ (
[Ans..x - + 2y ·-:·- = ,2! z -X- .]
-2 , •
y y ex · oy \ y
,· 11. z =ax+ by+ cxy, (a , b, c)
[Ans. z = x(oz!ox) + y(ozloy).:. X){cl:Jox iJ·} or irz/8.x1 = 0 or clz!D/ = 0.]
12. Find the differential equation of the family of spheres of radius 4 with cen -
[Ans. (x - y}1[(Dz/8x) 2 + (czlcy)2 + 1J = l 6(cz/clx - uzlC),°)2 .]
. Rule II. Derivat ion of partial differen tial equatio n by th e
elim1 ation of arbitra ry function ♦ from the equatiu n ¢(u, v) = 0, where u
and v are function·s of X;, y and z. (Ka npur 8 9 ; ·l\1ccrut 95!
Pr·oof Given cp(u, v) -~ 0. . .. (I)
\Ve treat z as depende nt variable and x and y as indepen dent vari:ibles so
that oz/ox=p. ozloy = q, aylax = 0, oxlfJy = 0.
Differentiating ( l) partially with respect to i, we get •
a~ ( au ox + Oll ay + au az ) + oq, ( &v §_x + CV oy + uv a: ) = o
au ax ax oy ax az ax 0V a:c iJx cy ox oz ox
or ' a$ ( au + au ) a~ ( av av ) 0 ·
au ax p az ,+ irv ax + p oz =
or : ;: = -(~+pt)/(!;+p~~) . (3)
Similarly, d ifferen tiating ( l) partially.w.r.t. 'y' , we get

:;: = -(:+q:)/(:+qt ) (4j

Eliminating 4>with the help of (3) and (4), we get

(:+p: )/(~;+ p:~) = (: +q: )/(:, +q :~)

Linear Partial Differential Equations of Order One ·7

or (~+q~~)(:f+p~:)= (:+p!)(: +q::)

or Pp+ Qq = R; · .. .(5)
cu C:' ~ au av.' Q = Cli cJV - OU CV R = OU ov - Du CP .

where .p =.
cy c: o: 0' oz ax ax oz , ax ay ay ax
Thus we obtain a linear partial diffcrntial -equation of first order an<l of
first degree in p and q.
Notc. If the given equation between x, y, z contains two arbitrary func-
tions, then in-general, their elimination gives rise to equations of higher order.
~ Examples ofTypc-2 based on Rule II of Art. 1.2 (b)
_ EX\Jb For,n-a partial diJ)erential equation by eliminating the arbitrary
function $from ~(x + y + z, x2 + y 2 :.... z2) = 0. ,Whal is the order of this partial
differential equation? · ' (P.C.S. (UP) 93}
Sol. ·Given - .q,(x + y + z, x2 + y - z2) . = 0.
· '> 2 2
L et u =· x + y + .t and v =:= x- + y - z . ... (2) .
Then (1) becomes· ~(u, ii) = 0. . .. (3)
Differentiating (3) w.r.t., 'x' partially, we get
~4> (au+ p au)+ 84> (av+ p cru) = 0. ... (4)
ax oz av ax . az .
OU au av- av·. du av
From (2), -a = 1, -:.-- = I. - = 2.x, -a = -2z, cy = 1, ay = 2Y· ...
-~ 8:X7

From (4) and (5), (8~/au)(l + p) + 2(8~/ov)(x - pz) = 0
or (a~,a~}/(8$/ov) = -2(x_~ pz)/(1 + p). ... (6)
Again, differentiating (3) w.r.t., 'y' part~ally, we get

&p(au +q au)+ a~(av +q av\= o

au av az av av a}')
or (8~/au)(t + q) + 2(~/ov)(v- zq) _:.. o, by (5)
(8q>/ou)/(8(p/av) == ,- 2(y- qz)/( 1 + q). ...(7)
: . · from (6) and (7) by eliminating~, we obtain .
-· (x - pz)/(1 +p)=(v-qz)/(.1 +q) or (l +q)(x.:..pz)==(l +p)(y-
or (y + z)p - (x + z)q = x - y, . _
which is the desired partial differential equation of first order.
4r) Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary ·
t X· (bl · · 2 2 2
;unctwnffrom the equation x + y + z =f(x · + y + z ).
2 2
Sol. Given · x + y + z. = f(x _+ y +z~). · ...(1)
Differe.ntiating partially w.r.t. 'x' and 'y', ( l) gives
~ 2
l + p = f '(x2 + y + z2).(2x + 2zp). ...(2)
. 2 2 2 ...(3)
and l + q = f '(x + y + z ).(2y~+ 2zq).
2 2 2 b ·
Eliminating/ '(x _+ y + z) from (2) and (3), we o tam
8 lin~ar Partial Differential Equation~ bf Order C'ne
(I 1- p )/(2x + 2zp) = (1 + q)l ('l.y+ 2zq) or (I+ p) (y + zq) = (l + q) (x+ zp)
or (y - z)p + (z - x)q = x - y.
Ex. 3. Eliminale the a,-bilml)'fimc_r~·ons/ and F from y =f(x - at)+ F(x + at).
Sol Given y ~ /{:x
- at)+ F(x + at). .. .(I)
From (l)l oylox = /'(x - at)+ F'(x + al)
and frylox2 = f"(x - at)+ F"(x + at). ...(2)
Also, &y/81= f'(x - at) . (-a)+ F'(x + at) . (a)
and fry/at = f"(x - at) . (-a)1 + F"(x +at). (a)2
or iry/ar = a 2[f "(x - at)+ F"(x + at)]. ...(3)
Then, (2) and (3) ⇒ fry/ar =a2(fry!&:2). .
Ex. 4. Eliminate arbitntry function /from
(1) z =flx 2 - y 2). fBanglore 95)
(ii) Z =/{...? + y ). (Meerut 95]
Sol. ( i) Given 2 2
z = f(x -y ). ...( l)
Differenti ating ( l) partially with respect to x and y, we get
8zlox = f'(x 2 - y 2) . 2t so thatf'(x 2 -· y)
= (1/2l")(az/8x) ...(2)
2 2 2
and azloy = f'(x - y ).(-:-2y) so thatf'(x - y) = -(l/2y)(8z/8y) . .. .(3)

Eliminat ing/ '(x2 - y 2 ) between (2) and (3), we have •

. I
2x ax
=- 1
2y ay
or oz Ya~:~ +x ~ . = 0.
~ .
(ii) Proceed as in part (1). [Ans. y(8z/8x) - x(ozlay) = O]
Ex. 5. Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the function j
from(,) z = f(ylx) . (ii) z = xn f(ylx) .
Sol. Given z = f(ylx) . ... ( l) I

Different iating ( l) partially with respect to x and y, we get

oz/ax= f'(ylx). (-ylx 2 ) . or f'(ylx) = -(x2/y) (oz/ax) ... (2)
. and , · &lay= f'(ylx). ( 1-/x) or f'(y/x) = x(ozlay}. ...(3)
Eliminat ing/ '(ylx) between (2) and (3), we have
- --:::ix-
oz oz or
oz ck
x - +~ =O.
y ox oy ax oy
which is the _required partial differential equation.
(ii) Given z = xn f(y!x) . ... (1)
Different iating (I) partially with respect to x and y, we get
oz/ox= n x" - •f(ylx) + x" f'(ylx}. (-ylx 2 ) ...(2)
and oz/oy = ~" f'(y/x) .( 1/x). ...(3)
Multiplying both sides of (2) by x, we have
x(az/ox) == n x"j(ylx)- ~" - I f'(ylx). ...(4)
linear Partial D{!fert.<nticl Equations of Ordi!r 011 t1 9
~ ful tiplying both stdcs of(-') by v. we hove
J~C:/0 ·) a It f.,,t .. ·, /'('l.f.t)
A<lt.ling (4 ) and (:i}, x({i:/iit) + ) ~o=lc)y) .., 11 .t."/(yl t)
or e.
.. · . x(,•;;c ·r ) + l~ct:10,•) r x.: by ( I) 1

• . Et. 6 Form t1 rn11rt~~{ 1/ d11/>

ff( \
,, •n·tW ./ <!,JUQl1Qi1
· · b)-' C t 111w11.1/11tx fht·1r.1mr 1icm ql
from Ix ' ,y ➔• n: = •Ht" -t- y 4

+ .z· ).
Sol. Given A(r.: + ) :i + .... 2) .
. + n::
/;r, + nt}' 0
'f · ... ( I )
Di fferent iating ( l ) p~1rtially with rcs~t to x and y. we get
I + n(itlc.t } = cf(.i + _y2 + i ). {2t: + 2..-,u:Jax)} .. .(2)
and m + r.(tYoy) = +•(i + y + z2) . {2y + 2:(&;:-/0 ,}} . ... (3)
Dividing (2) by (3 ). ♦ 'Cr2 + ./ + z2) is eliminated and we get
I +n (mlfu) 2 ~t + z (cr-/o:c )}
m+n (&/cy·) = 2 {l·+ z (ct/ey)}
or (ny - m:)(czlcx) + (I= - 1tt) ( ~ ) = m.x - ly ,
which is the required partial differential equation.
x. 7 • F orm partial difjaential equation by elim inalingfunction f from
==Y + "2J ( 1/x + log y). [Meerut 19991 .
SoL, .
yourself (Ans.. x\ozliJx) + y(ozloy) = 2y ]
·Ex .8 Forni .a partial differenlia/ equation by eliminating thefanction f

from z = · /{ax - by).
Sol. Given z == e'i.~ + b>·j{ax - by). · .. .(I)
Differentiating (I) partially with respect to x and y, \VC get
(oz/ox) = eax + b_\ af'(ax - by) + a e(il + by /{ax - by) ... (2)
and {Mcy) = eax + by {- b / '(ax - by) } + b ef;U + by /{ax - by). . .. (3 )
Multiplying (2) by band (3) by a and add ing, we get
b(azl&) + a(&/oy) = 2ab ear + by / (ax - by) or b{&ar) + a(az/cy) = 2abz , by ( l)
Ex. 9. Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary
f unction 4> from z = elf}' 4>(x - y ). ·
Sol Try yourself. [Ans. vzlw: + &Joy = nz]
Ex; 1O. Form a partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary
functio ns f and Ffrom z =./{x + iy) + F(x - iy ), where P= - l .
(Nagpur 96; Kanpur 91 1

Sol. Given
z = J(x + iy) + F(x - iy ). . .. (1 )
D ifferentiating (I) partial ly with respect to x and y, we get
m/ox = /'(x + iy) + F'(x - iy) ...(2)
. fJ:JiJy = if'(x + iy) - iF'(x - iy). ... (3)
Differentiating (2) '!.fld (3) partially w. r.t. x and y respectively,
ctzlai = /"(x + iy) + F"(x - iy) ... (4) '
lo Linear Partial Di fft-rcntial Equations
of Ordt•r Ott e
and tirr.Jf), 2 =- ;'Jr'(x + iy ) + i2F"(.t
- iy ) • - {f" (.t + iy) + F"(x + iy))
. ...(S)
Addin g (4) and (S). {rzloi + crzJoy 2
= 0, wh ich is the required equ ation.
Ex. 11. Form partial d{(Jcn."ntial (~quation by
eliminatin g arbitraryfihzc-
tio ns f an d gfrom z ~ j{: i - y) + g(i
+ J;). . INagpur 96 ; l.A.S. 1996)
Sol. Given z = f{ i - y) + g(x + y).
Di fferentiatin g ( l) partially with res ...( 1)
pect to x and y , we get
a:/ & c 2.:ef '(..-l' -y) + 2xg'(x 2 + y) =
2x if' (.i - y) + g' (i + y)}. ...(2)
and c;/oy = -/ '(x - y) + g'(x2 +
Di ffe ren tia tin g (2) and (3) w.r.t. ...(3)
x an dy respectiyely, we get
iiz1ai = 2{/'(x2 -y ) + g' (i + y)} + 4x1 if"(x2 - y) +
g' '(i + y)} ... (4)
and U-z/oy2 = / ''( i - y) + ~(
i + y). ...(5)
Ag ain . (2) ⇒ f'( i - y) ~ g'(x2-+
y) = (l/ 2t} (oz/flx).
Su bst itu tin g the values of / "( i - ... (6)
y) + g 11 (x 2 + _y) an df (x2 - y) + g'(i +
~. fro m( ~) and (6) in (4), we have y)

- 2. - 1 )oz
&z _ ( 2
a2 z =-fr-a +4 3 a2z
2X ~- +4 x2B z
-~. 2 or x -
wh ich is the req uir ed partiai differ
V,Y 2 ax X . ay ,
x - 2
ential equation.
Ex . (i ) Fin d the differential eq~a1io11
of all surfaces of revolution ha v-
; i ng z-a xis~ the axis ofrotation.
. (l.A.S. 1997]
Sol. From coordinate geometry of
three dimensions, equation of any
face of rev olu tio n having as sur-
the axis of rotation ·may be taken as
z = q,[(x2 .+ y2),12],
wh ere ♦ is an arbitrary function. ...(1)
Di ffe ren tat ing ( l) partially with res
pect to x an d y, we get
oz/ox= ♦'[(i + y 2) 112}.( l/2 ) (x2 + if 1n .2x
an d ...(2 )
ozlf)y = 4,' [(i + y 2) 112 ].( l/2 ) (x2 +
lr 'n.2y. ...(3)
Di vid ing (2) by (3) , 01./ox .!
. . az/oy y
or yoz =x oz .
. ax ay
Ex. 13. Obtain the differential equati
on of the surfaces which are the
env elo pes of a one-parameter fam
ily ofplanes. (I.A.S. 1995)
So l Left ~ an exercise.
Ex.14. Form a partial differential equati
on by eliminatin g the arbitrar_
fun cti on s f an d gfr om i = y f(x) _1;1
+ x g(y ). (Kanpu r 901
So l Gi ve n z = y f(x ) + x g(y ).
Di ffe ren tia tin g (l) partially w.r .t. M.( l )
'x' an d 'y' , we ge t
ozlox = y F (x) + g(y )
and ... (2)
azloy = f(x ) + X g'(y). .. .(3)
Differentiating (3) with respect to x,
we ha ve
of Or der On e JI
lin ear Pa rtia l Dif}eremial Equations
~ .._ ... (4)
v :lcxi:y = j'(x ) + g'( \').

· Fro m (2) and (3 ). f(x ) = ..!..(2: - g(:r)}g'(y). = lx [c=

- /(x )]. .
y ax
e· .
Sub stit uting thc; c values in (4 ), we hav

a&a=, =
X '.)
l[ az- g(y)J +l [ OfuV- f(:c)]
y ax X

az oz o: y -iJ: - z, by(
a2z .
or xy a-
if' z -
~ - x -8 +y ~ . - r ~
{xg(y) +y /(x )} o 0XC)' = x-
- \ O,,~ .\: ~ V.)' 1 the arb itra ry

~ - -~X - . Fo rm a par2tial differelllial equation· by elim
[Nagpur 96; 2002)
June/Ion f rom ~(x + y + z2, z2- 2l}·) 2
2 = 0. ·
·· ...(J)
Sol. Giv en «? (x2 +y2 +z2,z - 2ty )= 0. .
2 ...
u = x + y ~ z2 a11d v = z2 - 2xy .
2 (2)
... (3)
Th en, { 1) bec omes ~(u , v ) = 0.
we get
Di ffer enti ating (3) partially w.r t •x •,

aq> U
(O + u
a )+ a~(av+ ov
) = O, ...(4)
au ox p az - av ax p

where p = oz/ax and q = ozli)y.

No w, fro m (2), we have .
ou/i)x = 2x,1ouloy = 2y, Ol;dOZ = 2z, &vlox
= -2y , ovli:)y = -4 i)v/i}z = 2z. ...(5)
+ 2pz ) + (°'/ au) (-2 y + 2pz ),
Us ing (5) , ( 4) reduces to (i)(j)/8u) (2x
... (6)
2(x + pz) (8' /ou ) = 2(y - pz) (Bq>/ov).
'y ' , we get
Ag ain , differentiating (3) partially w.r .t.

i!_t{ ou +q ou)+. m,
aul ay m
(moy' +q avoyJI= 0
) = 0, by (5)
or (o~lou) (2y + 2qz) + (81p/av) (-2 x + 2qz
·. ... (7)
2(y + qz) (i3$ /ou) = 2(.t - qz) (l7$/ov).
Div idi ng ,6) by (7) , (x + pz)l(y +2 qz)
= (y- pz)l(x - qz)
- q)z =y - x.
or pz( y ~ x) - q=(y + x) = y - x or (p

EXERCISE 1 (8) •
ce obtain the partial diff. equations.
Elimina te th~ arbitrary. functions and hen

;:;:;:!t; y).
[An~:U~.:::i2 2
,· 2 2 [Ans. py - q:c = y - x ]
J. z == xy +J..,x + J'. )
[Ans. p:c - 'IY = x - yJ I
z = x + y ~j(xy)
. 4.
z = f(xy /=) ·~ fNagpur 1995}
z =f( x - y)
[An s. px - qy'- O]
[Ans. p + q = OJ
[~ ns. (x - y)>P - (x - ; ~)xq = (x + y): ]
- ., 2
7. z == (x - y ) :\·· + Y )

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