Colombo Seminar Medicina Alternativa

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at the

Medicina Alternativa



The 49th World Congress of Integrated Medicines was held on Nov 12, 13 14, 2010, in
Colombo, Sri Lanka. It was organized by Medicina Alternativa International & the Open
International University for Complimentary Medicines. The objective of Medicina Alternativa
and The open International University for Complementary Medicines is to achieve Holistic
Health Care through the integration of medicines worldwide to meet the needs of the public.

More than 700 delegates from over 100 countries attended this prestigious conference. All
political systems and governments with the dawn of the new millennium have made a sincere
commitment to make health care and health education available to all irrespective of ethnicity,
religion and political color. Thus, the open International University of natural, traditional and
complementary Medicines, has explored the importance of natural, traditional and
complementary medicines for health-care (including evidence based healing methods,
including, spiritual healing.
This International Organization was formed in 1962 congruent to the policy objectives of the
World Health Organization. In 1962 The WHO and UNICEF sponsored an International
Conference in USSR at Alma Ata, at the University of Kazakhstan. At this conference the Alma
Ata Declaration defined a global strategy for public health and preventive medicine which
epitomized as "Health for all by 2000 A.D." This strategy entails the use of all available healing
methods both Orthodox and Traditional and Medicina Alternativa was formed as an
international society under the guidelines of the World Health Organization, and registered
under the legal enactments of USSR in Alma Ata in 1962. It was hoped that this goal be well
underway by the year 2000, as this year marks the way for people to begin a new holistic
approach to life..

This institution and its affiliates are known to be international organizations that have been
recognized by the United Nations Charter of the University of Peace by the U.N. General
Assembly Resolution No. 35/55/5/XII/1980. As these institutions are international
organizations, they claim no affiliation with any government. Over 165,000 students from over
120 countries have been taught complementary medicine to date. OIUCM with the affiliation of
Medicina Alternativa International Institute, an international organization have instituted
training, symposiums and world congresses in five continents and over hundred & twenty
countries in the past few decades.

Message from His Excellency the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

With the dawn of the new Millennium, the human race has to make a commitment to make
available health care and health education for all. Farsighted initiatives have enabled the field
of medicine to embrace the concept of Holistic Medicine…….. Mahinda Rajapaksa

Message from the Ex United Nations Secretary General

The challenge to stand up against poverty has captured the imagination of people around the
world. We are standing up for the Millennium Development Goals; we are standing up to hold
leaders to their promises; we are standing up because until we meet the Goals, we will not give
up'' Kofi A-Annan
Sahaja Yoga Presentation

Paper on Effects of Sahaja Yoga on Reduction of Stress and Stress Related Diseases was
presented at the prestigious Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall by Prof Dr.
Sandeep Rai, Director Research & Development at the International Sahaja Yoga Research &
Health Centre, Mumbai & Professor & Unit Head, Postgraduate Dept of Medicine at the MGM
Institute of Medical Sciences, Mumbai, India.
In his presentation the pioneering researches on Sahaja Yoga from Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi
carried out under the guidance of Late Prof U. C Rai, along with some new researches carried out at
the International Sahaja Yoga Research & Health Centre (Vashi Hospital), in last 5 years were presented
to an audience of over 700 Doctors from around 100 countries.

This was followed by slides which briefly depicted H.H Shri Mataji’s contribution to medical science and
world peace , which has made Her be regarded as possibly the most reputed spiritual scientist the world
has ever seen in recent times.
This Session was chaired by Eminent Professor, Dr. Sir, John Hopson, from UK, who himself is an
authority on “stress”. He is a grand master and Ecumenical Medical Humanitarian Order of the Knights
of St. John of Jerusalem Knights of charity. In the previous session he himself spoke on Physiology of
Stress and was deeply interested in this subject.
He was also one of the chief organizers of this prestigious Conference. In his message to the delegates
he said that, it is a time during which knights and Dames of Charity can reaffirm their understanding of
his message, a plea for the unity and tolerance of all faith and followings.
The others who Co-chaired the Session were Prof. Dr. Sir P.I.Peter (India), Prof Jagar Bin Lassa an
Eminent Educationist for Malaysia, Prof Dr. Sir Mark Dallamore an Expert in Complimentary Medicine
from Greece.
After the presentation Prof Sandeep Rai with the permission of the Chair initiated for Self Realization
Programme, which of course was not scheduled on the agenda or attached to this Scientific
Presentation. But it all happened as if with an inexplicable spontaneity by the grace of Shri Mataji as the
Chairman readily agreed for the same as he granted Dr. Rai with a ‘go ahead’ signal. The entire milieu
suddenly transformed so disciplined as if Mother’s full attention was prevailing there and everything
was happening by itself. By the holy grace of Shri Mataji hundreds of Doctors in the audience received
their Realization
Next day a special work-shop was conducted jointly by Dr. Sandeep Rai and Dr Madhur Rai, Chief
Medical Officer & CEO at the International Sahaja Yoga Research & Health Centre, Navi Mumbai.
In the beginning of the presentation, an introduction on Sahaja Yoga and its founder H.H.Shri Matjai
Nirmala Devi was briefed by Prof Dr Sandeep Rai.
The extraordinary work and achievement done by Shri Mataji over the last 40 years towards the spiritual
awakening of the entire humanity across the globe was highlighted .Slides depicting the significant
global work of H.H. Shri Mataji and various academic honors conferred upon Her by several world
organizations, dignitaries including the Presidents, Prime Ministers and Governors from all across the
globe, left the audience spell-bound and speechless.
It was followed by a talk by Dr. Madhur Rai on subtle system, Kundalini energy and various chakras and
their qualities. This session was chaired by Prof Dr. Sir Georgios Angelinakis and co-chaired by Prof.M.
Canthapo, Dr. Saifuddin Abu Baker , Prof Dame Depy Rizou & Dr. Sashikant Seth.
Dr. Madhur Rai later initiated the self Realization process to an interested international audience who by
Shri Mataji’s grace received their Self Realization.
After the Realization Programme many Doctors wanted to experience the Realization process again but
due to paucity of time it was not possible. However those who were very keen and expressed their
ardent desire were escorted to another adjacent Hall and the Self Realization process was again initiated
by Dr Madhur Rai.
It was no less than miracle, as if it was like a dream – showers of Mothers blessings were endless and till
then were not enough probably. Prof. Dr. Sandeep Rai was further requested by the Head of the
Chinese delegation and one of the chief organizers to kindly chair the one of the session for the Chinese
delegation. Needless to mention that the Chinese Delegation was the largest and became very popular
participant in the Conference. They had been in fact the main participants for many years in this
International Medical conference. It was a matter of great prestige to chair a session for five
internationally acclaimed speakers of Chinese Medicine. It is very subtle though but a fact that ever
increasing number of visiting yogis from China and Hong Kong to the Vashi Health Centre these days, it is
really difficult to assess the entire subtlety and the divine plans working behind.
The Conference concluded with hosting of a banquet in honour of the delegates and visiting dignitaries
in the conference. During the course of dinner the Secretary General and the Chairperson especially
sought a meeting with Prof Dr Sandeep Rai. He was very impressed by the philosophy behind Sahaja
Yoga. Subsequently, expressing his gratitude to him during the course of his discussion he offered Prof
Rai a Honorary position of Professor ,among other distinguished Professors at the prestigious Open
International University for Complimentary Medicines , Colombo . Dr. Rai was especially invited to guide
their students seeking PhD. Later he also offered research collaboration with the International Sahaja
Yoga Research & Health Centre, Mumbai on Sahaja Yoga.
Later in the day Dr. Sandeep Rai and Dr. Madhur Rai were welcome in the small but dedicated collective
of Sri Lanka in a specially organized programme for new comers. Dr. Rai in his address to the small
Sahaja gathering committed that yogis at International Sahaja Yoga Research & Health Centre, Navi
Mumbai, henceforth would extend all help in whatever required in all possible manner to help establish
Sahaja Yoga in Sri Lanka. Although Shri Mataji is the Doer, yet it is an earnest and pure desire and prayer
at Her Holy Feet to ensure spread of Sahaja Yoga and Mother’s holy message in Sri Lanka in every
possible way.

Throughout the Conference Mothers holy attention could tangibly be felt. It is needless to mention that
it was only due to Mother’s blessings the medical delegates from India were extended the prime slots
to deliberate and make their presentation that was not in the Schedule, Interestingly the doctor’s
presentations on Sahaja Yoga attracted the maximum audience. It was like auto-driven magic when one
was given to witness a lot of things being worked out on the spot without much effort.
Photograph at the seaside after the conference. Vibrations!!!!

It could tangibly be felt as if Shri Mataji Herself was driving the entire event through the media of Her
Divine instruments. A lot of interactions took place in the conference and had ended with meaningful
discussions on this unique discovery with several doctors across the World. The topics revolved mainly
around the medical aspects of Sahaja Yoga. Interactions on the subject of Sahaja Yoga brought forth
several results oriented researches conducted in this field and benefits derived out of this unique
meditation technique that no more was a myth but a proven science. They were all impressed by the
vastness of the subtle knowledge on the various plexuses and their subtle functions. Subsequently they
expressed their keen desire in learning more about Sahaja Yoga. It was indeed a very good beginning
where professionals from medical science expressed their desire to learn about Sahaja Yoga as they can
prove to be very effective instruments in spreading this divine knowledge wherever they travel.

By the blessings of Shri Mataji, support from several yogis from India and abroad rendered this Divine
mission a great success in Colombo. Besides, the yogis from India, USA and Malaysia who had been
working towards spread of Sahaja Yoga in Sri Lanka extended all necessary facilities to reach the existing
collective of Sahaja yogis of Sri Lanka and share Mother’s message amongst them. It was entirely Shri
Mataji’s driven mission. Their visit to the local collective in Sri Lanka helped them to establish and instill
confidence for Sahaja Yoga in them. Dr. Rai while addressing the collective on behalf of Vashi Health
Centre gave commitments to extend all kinds of support in future for the spread of Sahaja Yoga in Sri
Lanka in whatever way they could.

On behalf of the world Sahaja collective we offer our millions of Pranam at Her Holy feet of our most
holy Mother Shri Mataji and express our heartfelt gratitude for granting this unique opportunity to carry
forward Her divine message to seekers in Sri Lanka.

Jai Shri Mataji

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