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Sustainable Business Strategy

Sustainable Business Strategy Response Report


Business Case for Change

Business Case for Change

1.0 Course Introduction
1.0.2 Welcome to Sustainable Business Strategy

M1_Shared_Introduce Yourself


First, get to know everyone in your cohort better by sharing a little about yourself. Why are you taking this
course? What are you hoping to learn?

Your Response


Submitted February 06, 2022 at 06:17 PM ET

M1_Team_Keeps You Up at 4am


Take a moment to reflect and answer the following questions with your team: What problems keep you up
at 4 AM? Is there anything you are currently doing, or wish you could do to help solve these problems?

(Note: these answers will only be shared with your team members)

Your Response

no there is no problem

Submitted February 08, 2022 at 04:04 PM ET

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Business Case for Change

1.1 Lipton Tea

1.1.1 Lipton & Their Commitment to Sustainable Tea

How Did Unilever Train and Certify Half a Million Farmers?


It’s clear how this sustainable tea initiative would benefit Unilever and Lipton. What are the potential
benefits or downsides for smallholder farmers?

Your Response

the benefits are that they would have knowledge and best experience of farming and they can also teach
other farmers and share their knowledge

Submitted February 08, 2022 at 05:15 PM ET

1.1.2 What's the Business Model?

M1_Shared_Lipton Business Model Suggestion


What should Lipton do to offset these additional costs?

Your Response


Submitted February 08, 2022 at 05:26 PM ET

M1_Shared_What Persuades You To Buy Sustainable?


Would this ad persuade you to buy Lipton’s tea over other brands? Why or why not?

Do you think these kinds of ads change people’s willingness to buy sustainable products? Do they make
you more likely to buy something that’s sustainably branded?

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Business Case for Change

Your Response

yes, ill buy the Lipton's tea over the other brands

Submitted February 08, 2022 at 05:33 PM ET

Translating "Brand Love" to Profits


Why was Unilever so reluctant to raise prices? What were the risks inherent in doing so?

Your Response

Unilever is particularly affected by rising oil prices as packaging and transport are two substantial areas of
cost for the business.

Submitted February 08, 2022 at 06:05 PM ET

1.2 Business Models

1.2.1 Walmart

M1_Shared_Walmart Response to Criticism


If you were Doug, receiving this criticism, how would you respond? What would you do?

Your Response

if I was Doug I would i would improve the environment and social

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 03:25 PM ET

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Business Case for Change

1.2.2 Greening Walmart - The Business Case

M1_Shared_Walmart Business Case for Sustainability


Walmart’s goals would clearly require a significant investment of time and money. What were its leaders
trying to do? What was the underlying business case for their actions?

Your Response

yes doing this investment of time and money to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is very good idea

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 03:32 PM ET

1.2.3 The Current Energy System

M1_Numeric_Electric Bill WTP


The average monthly retail electricity bill in Massachusetts is $94. If that were the amount you were paying
each month, how much more (in dollars) would you be willing to pay to ensure that you were buying
“green” or fossil fuel free energy? (Enter the additional amount you would be willing to pay.)



Bin Minimum Bin Maximum Bin Total

None 10 153

10 20 68

20 40 52

40 60 29

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Business Case for Change

Bin Minimum Bin Maximum Bin Total

60 80 4

80 100 50

100 None 30

1.2.4 Transatomic: Bringing Nuclear Power to the Forefront

M1_Shared_Transatomic Business Model


It’s clear that a viable nuclear energy business could be highly profitable. How should we think about its
case in terms of the “business model” diagrams we have been developing? What is its business model?

Your Response

It describes how the organization creates, delivers, and capture value in economic, social, cultural or other
context. It is also called as buisness model inovation

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 04:04 PM ET

1.3 Jumping the S Curve and Dealing with Uncertainty

1.3.1 Business Lifecycles

An Industry Disrupted


Why do you think it’s so hard for well-established firms to grasp that the world is changing? What gets in
the way of doing new things? 

Your Response

yes it is so hard to well established firms to grasp and the world is deffinately changing

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 04:36 PM ET

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Business Case for Change

1.3.2 Sources of Uncertainty

M1_Shared_CLP Scenario Analysis


Why do you think CLP might have made this decision? What major uncertainties might it have been
hedging against?

Your Response

since it might have been hedging against major uncertainties like depletion of resources. And in asia code
is stuff that is easily available and is cheap so id they use any other method it might as well become costly

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 04:45 PM ET

1.3.3 Investing in Uncertainty

M1_Shared_Uncertainties of Unilever Sustainability Commitment


What were the major uncertainties that Paul was betting against when he made this commitment? (Another
way of thinking about this question is to ask yourself: What would have to change in the world for Paul’s
strategy to be a smash hit success?)

Your Response

They thought that they have a high probability and acted accordingly in time rather than living discussion
in the future which would be taken in the rash manner. he was betting sustainability through Unliever
products and they had huge success in it

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 04:53 PM ET

Revisiting Lipton Tea


Given the scenario analysis above, why might it be the case that Lipton Tea’s commitment to sustainability
proved to be successful in the long run?

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Business Case for Change

Your Response

People are more accepting towards the sustainable products. i think they cared for their customers as
much and hence did a lot of experimentation and worked on strategies.

Submitted February 09, 2022 at 04:57 PM ET

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