Redecision Some Examples - Goulding

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Transactional Analysis Journal

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Redecision: Some Examples

Mary McClure Goulding & Robert L. Goulding

To cite this article: Mary McClure Goulding & Robert L. Goulding (1978) Redecision: Some
Examples, Transactional Analysis Journal, 8:2, 132-135, DOI: 10.1177/036215377800800208

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Some Examples
Mary McClure Goulding
Robert L. Goulding
In TA literature there are conflicting Peter is a good, quiet, conforming man,
explanations of the structural and func- not yet a soarer, whose contract goal is to
tional theories of the Child ego state. The expand the range of feelings he permits
three-part structural system contains the himself.
early, primitive Child (C I), the Little Pro- Peter: "I have thought about feelings.
fessor whose thinking is unprejudiced but There was the occasion when I went to
limited and distorted (AI)' and the archaic Canada during the war. I was in boarding
introjects (P 1)' The two parts of the school and they sent for me. When I reached
functional system are described as Free home my bags were packed. I was being
and Adapted. Within the functional system sent from England to Vancouver. I didn't
we see structure. ill the Ad apted--Gffild, see my parents for six years."
(rebelling or conforming) C I pressures ~ Mary: "Keep it in the present tense. In
dormant or ignored, ~ __!~~ and ~ order to help patients get into Child ego
decides m response-to internal or external states, we encourage them to work in the
parents. In the Free Child, P ~ressures are present tense; otherwise we are listening to
dormant, C I isacti'l~ and- A;-isrree- to an Adult tell about experiences, and the
receive data: and Jiiake decisions without patient doesn't get into a Child state. Be
interll:~I~rIJ.~1PareQtpr~ssures, - there at home, before you left for Van-
-Decisions in response to real or fantasied couver. OK?"
injunctions curtail freedom and therefore Peter: (Nods.)
are made by the Adapted Child. With t~ Mary: "How old are you?"
adaptation the injunction is locked into P 1. Peter: "I am 13. I don't want to leave."
until the person redecides. Early decisions Mary: "Be there. See your home. Let
are not thought out logically, of course. yourself know your feelings."
We have two mallards on our pond who Peter: "I don't want to leave. I am also
were raised by awkward, white ducks who excited. I'm excited about the idea of travel.
couldn't fly higher than eight feet. The Canada. I am not worried about dangers. I
grown mallards still flop around like white am in the sitting room. We're having tea.
ducks, even though the white ducks are And my mother's there, and my father.
long dead and many pairs of wild mallards And my feeling changes. I am sad. I am
have lived with them briefly. In much the sad at leaving, and at leaving my friends
same way people flop around in one or from boarding school. I'm upset and I
another area of life. They usually don't nearly cry. My mother sees me nearly cry-
change by getting Adult facts. ing and runs out of the room. My father
Change by decisiotl. sf tbe A dapted Child says, 'You've upset your mother.' I am
in response to a therapist's Parent simply terribly ashamed. "
gIVes anew, altIiough perha~s less dan~ Bob: "Be 13, but with what you now
ous, straigIit]acket. Redecision is madeby know about feelings. Talk to your father."
t~ Peter: "I see mother is upset. We are a
The following are examples of redecisions close family. She is about to cry. She's-
made by the Little Professor in the Free she's been taught not to cry. We don't. We
Child ego state: are not a very emotional family."
132 Transactional Analysis Journal

Bob: "That is the understatment of the Bob: "No, don't talk to mother. Just be
generations! " that kid."
Peter: "Yes. [Long pause.] Perhaps George: "I'd like some, too."
my father wanted to cry, too." (Pause.) Bob: "Say more."
Mary: "Where are you?" George: "I'd like to be more with the
Peter: "I am applying this to other situa- other kids. I'd like to be accepted-"
tions in the here and now. " Mary: "You're getting off the track.
He did not want to work further. The Start with 'I'm not ashamed. I am
next day Peter reported that, following curious.' "
his work, he walked alone in the hills and George: "I'm not ashamed. I'm adven-
"cried a bit. Of course, that is not like you turesome. I like to explore. I want to ex-
who are willing to cry in public. It may not plore the outdoors."
seem a big step to you. To me it is a giant Bob: "I want to explore your tit." (Whole
step. It is the first time in my memory I group laughs.)
have cried." George (laughing): "Yeah. 'I want to ex-
The above example illustrates that re- plore that tit.' Sure. That fits. Hmmmm."
decisions are not necessarily splashy, and Mary: "Any more you need to do?"
do not all have to occur in the therapy George (still laughing): "I'm not ashamed.
room. Peter completed his redecision alone I'll be a great explorer of tits, unashamed-
in the hills. If he had been urged or bullied ly." (Group applauds.)
into moving faster than his own pace, he'd After this session he began practicing
have made the decision from his Adapted his redecision, by asking unapologetically
Child, and then perhaps have felt emo- for what he wanted. He got artichokes,
tionally "raped." (Respect for the patient spare ribs, and chocolate cake from the
is the quality that differentiates "therapist" chef for dinner. For some people a redeci-
from' 'the rapist.' ') sion is so strongly felt that they change
George's contract goal is to ask without almost spontaneously. For others, a period
embarrassment for what he wants. We ex- of practice and reinforcement in ongoing
plore what he wants in his current life, groups is necessary.
and how he manages not to assert himself The following example shows how diffi-
to get it. Then we work with an early scene: cult it is to keep participants from over-
Mother is nursing his sister. George asks adaptation and the consequent loss of the
if he can have some too, and Mother shames opportunity to make Free Child redecisions:
him. He is stuck in the scene. He doesn't Ann: "I need to be told when I'm dis-
imagine how anyone could feel anything counting my abilities. Could I have a con-
but shame. tract with the group that whenever anyone
Bob (getting two chairs): "In this chair hears me discounting-"
say, 'I'm ashamed.' " Mary: "Nope."
George: "Talking to mother?" Ann: "What?"
Bob: "No. You aren't talking to mother. Mary: "No way."
Say 'I'm ashamed,' and take that side of Ann: "Oh. I'm sorry. I just thought it
you, the ashamed side." might be helpful."
George: "I am ashamed. I shouldn't Mary: "Hey, guess what. I'm stuck. I
ask for-to be nursed. I am too old. I don't want you turning the group members
shouldn't ask. I am not good enough. I into parents who'll watch you and point
am too big. I don't need it any more." out your baddies. And yet, right now, I am
(These, of course, were some of his early a parent pointing out your baddie in asking
decisions made at age three, when his sister for that. Where do you and I go from here?"
was newly born.) Ann: "I don't know."
Bob: "Now sit in the other chair and Mary: "Me neither."
be the natural kid who asks for a natural In vocabulary, voice tone, and body
thing. Not ashamed. A healthy kid. " posture, Mary continues to work with her,
George: "I'd like some, too, Mother." primarily in Adult-monitored Child, never
Vol. 8, No.2, April 1978 133

from Parent. The patient then plays Mary's (at a time when she was punishing herself)
role, is her own therapist, and eventually for not allowing herself to be punished by
discovers the thrill of autonomy. She does others.
not need a new set of parents. Another example:
Sometimes refusal to adapt in therapy Joe: "I find myself hypercritical of
may be in the service of the Free Child, and myself in the job situation. Maybe I'm on
the unsuspecting therapist, in parenting, a 'Don't succeed' trip. But I think it's more
may punish the rebellion and discourage a 'Don't feel like you succeed.' "
the patient's free spirit. For example, Joy (We ask the facts about his job and his
told of a workshop in which she had re- performance on it. He has a good job and
fused to do what was expected of her as a does it well.)
patient, and the entire group, including Mary: "Like your job?"
the therapist, had wanted to punish her. Joe: "I would if I'd get off this thing I
Bob: "Who'd that therapist remind you do to myself."
of?" Mary: "Let's hear how you do it."
Joy: "I don't know what you mean." Joe: "You can't do this job. It's too de-
Mary: "Close your eyes. You are being manding. You're not creative. You're just
told you don't do it right. You are told stumbling along."
that you are making everyone uncom- He fights back halfheartedly. We do
fortable. Stay with the scene until you know some body work with him, to let him ex-
who that therapist reminds you of." perience and change his shallow breathing
Joy (after weeping): "My father spanked and muscle tension. Then he dialogues
me because I forgot my lines in a school between his right fist and his leg-stroking
play. And all the kids hated me." left hand. Later:
Bob: "Congratulations." Joe (talking from his clenched fist):
Joy: "What?" "Why the hell don't I get off myself?"
Bob: "Congratulations for not letting Bob: "Answer that."
that therapist punish you. For not letting Joe: "I feel I don't know how. It's so
him do what your father did." much a part of me. I don't know how. I'd
Joy (laughing spontaneously-the first like to feel successful without having to
non-depressed sound she has made all pull the rug out-"
week): "I am rather gutsy at times." Mary: "When were you successful as a
Bob: "Congratulations for protecting kid?"
yourself. " Joe: "I don't know. 1- [Pause.] I led
We set up a dialogue between her gutsy the Little League in batting."
self and her depressed self, and she learned Mary: "Did you feel successful?"
that her depressed self was also very Joe: "As a batter?"
frightened. She then offered herself pro- Mary: "Yeah."
tection from her gutsy side. With her deci- Joe: "Not particularly."
sion to protect herself, she redecided to Mary: "I imagine you struck out once."
live and not to let anyone harm her. During (Laughter)
the next few days she easily understood Joe: "I told myself a lot of my hits should
and discarded the Kick Me game she had have been caught."
used in the previous workshop, and, as a (Loud laughter.)
child, when she had forgotten her lines. It Bob: "That's not funny."
is always easier to give up games after a Joe: "That's-that's what I thought.
redecision. Jesus Christ, what a stupid thought. But I
A year later she attended an advanced felt that way."
workshop and reported that Bob's "Con- Bob: "What do you suppose would happen
gratulations" had made a life or death if you let yourself be proud of you?"
difference for her; she had been contem- Joe: "I'd be stuck up."
plating suicide because she had felt she was Bob: "Maybe."
in the same old place, until she was stroked Joe: "I'd be proud and vain. Yeah, that
134 Transactional Analysis Journal

was pretty strong. 'Do not speak highly of all who are not actively psychotic. A more
yourself.' Probably 'Do not even think important question is: Which therapists
highly of yourself.' My parents didn't think should use redecision therapy? The system
highly of themselves. 'You've got to be looks deceptively easy, but it can be used in
special and deny it the whole time.' " un constructive and even dangerous ways.
Mary: "Are you willing to go back in To practice successfully, the therapist needs
time? Be there in your Little League days? to know psychopathology, and needs to be
Willing to be proud and vain?" trained in gestalt techniques as well as in
Joe: "Vh huh." transactional analysis. Since redecisions are
Mary (standing): "Stand up and be the made by the Free Child, the technique is
Little League batter. Be-what are you, not appropriate in adaptive or psycho-
11 or 12?" analytic groups.
Joe (hanging his head): "I guess about
10 maybe." Mary McClure Goulding, MSW, and
Mary: "Ten. Hey, you were young to Robert L. Goulding, MD, are Clinical
lead the league." Teaching Members of the ITAA, and co-
Joe: "I was. [Holds head up.] It was the directors of the Western Institute for Group
first year I was in the league. I batted left- and Family Therapy, Watsonville, Califor-
handed." nia. They are cowinners of the Eric Berne
Bob: "Be there. Put your body and all Memorial Scientific Award of 1975 for
of you into being proud. " their work on injunctions and Child
Joe: "I'm glad. I almost never strike out. redecisions.
I can hit-I wasn't-I'm not a power hitter.
I can really hit singles. And I-it was great."
Bob: "I'm great." BIBLIOGRAPHY
Goulding, R.L., & Goulding, M.M. Inductions,
Joe: "That's something new. I'm great. decisions, and redecisions. Transactional Analysis
I've never said that. I'm great. Wow! I am Journal, 1976,6(1),41-48.
great! Yeah. I made my team come in first Helman, D.N., & Austin, V. The Little Professor's
in the league. They couldn't have done it mythology. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1977,
without me. [He looks energized, and is 7(3),209-216.
smiling excitedly. His body is congruent, Holloway, W.H. Beyond permission. Transactional
his voice has deepened] I hit the ball right Analysis Journal, 1974,4(2), 15-17.
between right and center!" Joines, V.S. Differentiating structural and functional.
Transactional Analysis Journal, 1976, 6(4), 377·380.
(Everybody applauds.) McNeel, J. Redecisions in psychotherapy. Unpublished
Who should be treated with redecision doctoral dissertation, California School of Pro-
therapy? We have used it successfully with fessional Psychology, S.F., 1975.

The Journal is slightly under 88 pages this time so that more abstracts and
articles may be printed in the July issue.

Vol. 8, No.2, April 1978 135

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