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Unit 5 Control Room

Trombay Thermal Power Station
I/C: 5511 / 5512

From: Rohit K
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 9:48 PM
To: Srinivasan V


Q. Why Steam Turbine runs at 3000 rpm?
Ans: Because synchronous speed of steam turbine is =120f /P= 3000rpm.
         N= Synchronous speed.
          f=frequency =50 Hz.
          P= No of poles=2.

Types of compounding:
1. Tandem compounding.
2. Cross Compounding.
                 In tandem compounding alternator coupled with same shaft, more than one
cylinder is present.
                  In Cross compounding more than one alternator is present, cylinder may be
more than one.

LMW Turbine and KWU Turbine Basic Diagram:

Advantage of multi -Cylinder:

1. It provides sufficient number of bearings.
2. Mechanical and maintenance advantages achieved by multi cylinder.
3. Proper Thrust balancing.
4. Scope for reheating.
5. When only one number of cylinders used cylinder become bulky and weighty. As a
result sagging occurs in turbine shaft.

Q.Two turbines having different generating capacity, what is the main difference
between twos?
Ans: Only energy introduced to the turbine are different.
       110 MW: (Less steam injected).
       210 MW: (more steam injected).
Main three factors works on it: pressure, temperature, quantity.
                         In the pressure, temperature kept constant, only for different steam flow
rates are the different MW generation.(110 MW, 210 MW).

Why more numbers of stages utilized?

Answer: For single stage, speed of turbine very high.
When no of stages increases, speed decreases gradually.


At the starting operation, Excitation current is zero i.e. no opposition of poles.

          More Excitation means more steam input because more resistance towards poles
over come acceleration force by prime mover.

Q. Why axial Trust arise?

Axial thrust is arising due to axial flow of steam in steam turbine.
Each an every blade has produced some thrust. A huge cumulative axial thrust is
developed in Turbine.
Resultant thrust is removed by thrust bearing arrangement.
Major thrust is balanced by counter flow arrangement in HP, IP, and LP Turbine.

Thrust Bearing: Thrust carrying bearing.

Journal Bearing: Load carrying bearing.

Thrust bearing arrangement:

Residual (Remaining) thrust present in toward direction of shaft, because area of blades is
in increasing order. (Pressure reduces as well as specific volume increases).

Q. What is fouling?
When static part and rotating part touches it is called Fouling.
Fouling in Turbine causes the turbine blade failure.

Q. Why Thrust Pads are should be softer than collar in Thrust Bearing?
Thrust pads are easy to replace from the system.
Difference in LMW AND KWU Turbine:
1 All Journal and Thrust bearings are One journal cum thrust bearing is
separate. present.
2 No of bearing: (2n+1), n= no of No of bearing: (n+1)
3 Cross over present. Cross across present.
4 Bulky, bigger in size. Less in weight and portable.
5 Safety factors more. Safety factors less.
6 Russian made.(OLD) Germany made. (Modern).
7 Flange and stud heating are used. Flange and stud heating not used.
8 HP, IP are single flow. Only HP turbine is single flow.
Only LP Turbine is double flow. IP and LP turbine are single flow.

ANCHORING: It means fixing of total foundation of the system. In turbine total load
of cylinders and casing are carrying by leg to foundation.
Aim: 1.Coupling should be fixed in its position.
         2. Generator magnetic centre is always unaltered.
Metallurgy of stator and rotor are changes with increase in temperature.
      When rotor expanded it moves towards to Generator and disturbs the magnetic
center. Keeping this in mind Anchoring is introduced.

 Metallic plate is known as PAD, paws are moves through pad.

 Position of anchor point is in below of LP turbine.
 Total expansion of casing known as overall expansion.
 Semi-flexible coupling are present in between LPT and generator.
Q. Why TG floor are made of in certain height (generally first floor)?
Ans: Various arrangements like condenser, steam extraction, heaters, turbine supports are
placed below the turbine. So these are occupy a large space, so turbine floor is made of a
certain height.

Q. Why Condenser are placed below the LP Turbine only, never below of IPT and
Ans:  After working of IPT and LPT some available energy remains in the system which
are finally comes for re-generation in condenser through LPT. Final available energy is
totally utilized in condenser i.e. below LPT.

 DE is the difference of expansion between the rotor and casing.
 Rotor is expanded more than stator.
 The surface area to expose to steam is more for rotor than stator.
 Rotor is total surrounded by steam.
 Mass of rotor is less than mass of casing.
Positive Expansion: If the expansion of rotor is more than that of casing the DE is
Negative expansion: If the contraction of rotor is more than that of casing the DE is
known as negative expansion.
    At the shorting of operation, only rotor expansion occurs, automatically DE
become positive.
At the time of tripping DE is negative due to contraction.
DE is an unavoidable phenomenon but keep it to permissible limit.
Different manufacturer have the different DE value.
Maximum permissible limit is 2.5mm to 3.5mm.

Single casing:
Double casings:
 DE reduced.
 Static parts are in inner casing.
 It is use in high temperature operation.
 For HPT casing and some stages of IPT is double casing, either we go for Flange
and Stud Heating.

LMW casing is split up casing.

KWU turbine is barrel casing.


To arrest the first growth of positive expansion Flange and Stud heating is used.
To arrest negative expansion rotor heating is used.


 When +De exceeds 1, start STUD and FLANGE heating.
 Pre-tempered and stress tightening is done by STUD hole. When steam starts
entering to steam turbine, stud and casing temperature both are increase, huge
thermal stress is developed. For avoid this stud hole is made.
 Flange and Stud heating providing only when +DE arise.

Rotor: When a shaft is associated with some disc, it is called as rotor.

Disc may be two types:

 Inbuilt:  Disc and shaft are along manufactured by forging.
Built-up: Made up separately by quenching.
Q. Why rotor made of solid but having a small boroscopic hole?
Ans: For strengthening the rotor made of solid.
 Boroscopic hole is made for seeing the homogeneity of metallurgy.
 Mass become less.
 Temperature distribution is good.

Having uniform curvature is called impulse blading.
No pressure drops, only velocity drops.
Aim of impulse blade to grow the kinetic energy (1/2mv2).

In Reaction turbine pressure energy reduces and velocity of the outlet of the blade
gradually increases (goes up to around 2 Mac number i.e. around 680m/sec
Turbine blades are distribution is leveled in specification.
Q. What is the function of shroud?
 Ans: Just cover the tip of the blade to avoid accident. First effect will come on the
 Total numbers of blades are depends on the diameter of rotor.
 One row contains many blades (160-170 nos.)
 By concept of double flow length of blades reduces (theoretically 50%).

Q. What is diapharm?
Diapharm is nothing but a holder of the nozzle only.
It is resting on the slot providing in the casing.
One row of blade, one row of nozzle, and one rows of diapharm are placed
Diapharms are thin sheets of divergent convergent manner.

Q. What are the constituents of blade?

Ans: Mo-Cr-Va alloy steel.
Mo: Low co-efficient of expansion.
 Cr: For rigidity and strength.
Va: High temperature resistance.

Almost like human chest.
Many numbers of nozzles are placed on the steam chest. Through steam chest steam is
uniformly distributed. These are two types: Full arc. Half arc.

CRITICAL SPEED: The speed at which the natural frequency of vibration of machine
queenside with the dynamic frequency due to speed, a resonance occur due to this. The
speed at which the resonance of vibration occurs is called critical speed.
       Once the position of dynamic and natural frequency is in same phase, the resonance
occurs and critical speed comes.
Vibration occurs, damage found.
Critical speed range passed very fast.


 Before start rolling, man power should be ready.

 Generator will filled up with H2. At first air from generator purged by CO2 gas
and finally CO2 purged by H2 gas and hydrogen filled up to the generator.

 Before purging operation Gland Sealing should be done.

 At that time boiler totally oil supported because load fluctuate instantly.

 ESP will not in service, as system is oil supported, brunt oil sticks the ESP walls.
 Then we have to go for rolling that mean turbine speed will increase gradually.

 Raise the turbine speed gradually up to 500 rpm, then wait for little time for
SHOCKING (shocking gives differential expansion less). Shocking time here
around 1 to 1 and ½ hours. When positive differential expansion exceeds 1, start
FLANGE and STUD heating. Then again check the Turbo-supervisory

 If Turbo-supervisory parameters are in permissible limit, go for further raise of

speed up to 1200 rpm. Again hold for some time. Here shocking time is less.

 Again check Turbo-supervisory parameters. Then speed rises very fast for
overcoming the critical speed of turbine. Speed raise up to around 2900 rpm-2900
rpm (Just below the synchronous speed).

Voltage, Frequency, Phase are should be matched.

 Frequency matched means frequency of the generator is maintained slightly more

than grid system.
 Our intention to rotate synchroscope in clockwise direction.
 Voltage matching is done by with phase matching. If phase matched then voltage
also automatically matched in the synchroscope.
 Phase sequence matched at 12 O’clock perfectly only. (At only 12 O’clock
perfect phase matching achieved).
 After matching voltage, frequency and phase we have to inform to control room.
 Generator circuit breaker is open by moving the GB switch in clockwise
direction. This operation done just before zero (or 12 O’clock position).
 GB operation is more stable at +/-30degree operation.


 Turbine inner metal casing temperature is 350C.
 Rotor heating surface is in action.
 HP/LP Bypass pressure maintained 6 ata, not 1ata.( In case of cold start up it is
 Steam admission done through IP not HP.
 Keeping the HP/LP bypass system in active condition.( In cold start up HP/LP
bypass initially close, after some time bypass system started).
 Initial opening of IV by 5 mm of Load changer movement.
 Steam entering at first at 6 ata ( its high enough, so turbine start roll again)
 Check the turbine supervisory parameters at 500 rpm. Give some time for socking
(Here socking time is very very less, only 5 to10 minutes.)
 Because inner casing temperature is already 350C, so no chance for +DE in to the
 Next procedures are same as before.

Heat Loss=Heat Gain.

Where: hf=Evaporation of heat.
    Ws= weight of steam water.
    Ww= weight of water.
     S= specific heat.
Water required for 210MW:
Ww=70×Ws=70×10= 700 T/hour.
 Before charging condenser CT basin have to be filled.
 Without charging condenser we can light up the boiler (condenser charged at
least 1 our before the light up.)
 Churning of condenser means follow of water through condenser tubes or
CW basin, top of the CT fan.
 Permit to work system already achieved.
 Churning of generator (Generator filling done before at least 6 hours. H2 gas
has to be filled.)
(Cooling Water Pump: Mix flow pump, head developed is less, high
discharge pump). Height of cooling tower is around 10 m.
How far: Depending on discharge pressure and friction loss.)

 Discharge pressure (2.5-3 kg/cm2).

 72΄΄ diameter pipe line is used for 210 MW units.

(Q. Why DISCHARGE VALVE is Butterfly valve?

Ans: Discharge valves are handled high quantity of water. Thrust is high. It is
very difficult to operate any valve.)

 Normally this butterfly system is oil power package system.

(Why discharge valve is close at the time of starting?
Ans: To avoid high starting current (6 to 7 time’s high normal current) it burns
the motor.)
 In any high capacity motor to keep the starting current in to limit.
 In CF pump, it helps to create pressure head initially.
 Between clinker grinder fluid coupling is present.
 Clinker grinder motor (reverse) motor.

(Q.Where Fluid coupling are used?

      At the jamming position (where motor try to rotate but not able to rotate)
 It protects the motor at the jamming operation (with 2%slip).
 Fluid coupling (clinker grinder motor).
 Coal crushes (sized).

Q. How CHARNING EFFECT helps operate to valve?

Ans: Temperature increase, it fuses the fusible plug, oil comes, fluid coupling
Opening and closing of butterfly valve operation done by OIL PWER PAKAGE.
            ANS: Removal of oil from the impeller of pump is called Priming.
 Pressure type lubrication.
 Force type lubrication.
 Oil bath and ring type of lubrication.
Start cooling water pump and see adequate pressure has developed.
Water cooling do not put before of motor. We give the cooling supply.
If we give the cooling water before staring a motor, IR value goes decreases. At the
starting time we have to achieve otherwise change of damage motor.
(IR value is improved by absorption of moisture).


Starting condition: before starting a pump, 10% opening maintained of solenoid. A
pressure is developed below the bobbin and contact made, a pump started.
Closing command: Butterfly valve is nota control valve. It is either full open or full close.
  At closing also, 90% close condition the butterfly valve. The motor gets closing contact
and finally motor trips. So, reverse flow is not permissible.

Q. In any pumping device, there must be a non returning valve, why?

Ans: In absence of NRV others pumps will be trip for tripping of one pump.
         In case of BFP absence of NRV causes total water back flow from the de-aerator to
BFP. Finally there will not be any water in de-aerator.

For charging any system, close drain, open vent first.

For Boiler drum operation, bottom ring headers are close, open drum vents.
For condenser operation: Close water box drain. Open outlet air side vent.


Keep watch the basin level (Generally basin level decreases with starting of pump).
Operation Step:
1. Total system is known as charging of condenser. (it is the first job of starting
operation of a turbine).
2. Second operation is to start transfer pump of DM water (for condenser level
3. Put the turbine in barring gear (Interlock: Until and unless charge the condenser,
we can not made the turbine in barring gear)

MFR: (Master Fuel Relay)

Reset (Open all trip valve, LOTV, MOTV etc)
Then only we go for start the light up boiler.
Condenser are also charged condition, with turbine is in barring gear.
Till turbine temperature is below 200C, then turbine kept in barring gear (For avoid
sagging and bending effect of turbine).

Q. During start up why Turbine is in barring gear?

Ans: Moisture released to sink by thermo-syphonic effect.

Q. Which system should charged before putting turbine in to barring gear?

Ans. Lubrication system (oil cooler, service water pump started. Service water
pressure takes suction from cooling water pump as increase pressure 2-2.5 kg/cm2.

Q. Why turbine put on barring gear before rolling or before steam entering to
turbine at least 1 hour before?
Ans: check the straightness or other words eccentricity of turbine have to be checked.

ECCENTRICITY: It is the measurement of the shifting of centre of gravity of the

rotor from the axis of rotation.
Effect of eccentricity: Rotor are placed inside the close system, how can you
understand eccentricity has changes?
Ans: By measurement of vibration.
Vibration is less means eccentricity less.
Vibration more means eccentricity is more.
Reason of vibration: If shaft is bending, vibration amplitude is more. its due to high
Dynamic vibration: Due to rotation/ due to eccentricity.
Balancing of turbine:
Static balancing
Dynamic balancing
           These is use only rotating machine (dynamic rotation) when ever any question
comes on rotation, both balancing are used.
            Static Balancing: distribution of weight statically.
Air cooling zone: Area surrounding air takes line. These zones are condensates
maximum amount of moisture.

Exhaust hood:

Ring spray is used for maintain exhaust hood temperature, by spraying cooling water.
Exhaust hood temperature: Normal exhaust hood temperature from exhaust hood
remains around 45C.
Q. If exhaust hood temperature increases, what happens?
Ans: Major part of LPT bearing is covers with exhaust hood. By conduction heat
transfer method bearing temperature increases, viscosity of oil for bearing will
decreases. Bearing temperature is here some permissible limit.
          One thermocouple present for measuring the temperature.

SUB-COOLING: It is a loss in condenser. Only one objects to extract latent heat

from condensate from condenser at corresponding vapour pressure.


 It is mainly 3-stage main stage ejector which is generally used in Thermal Power
 We are sucking air from condenser and released to air.
 In the throat of the divergent-convergent nozzle pressure is reduced. As a
result velocity increases up to 660 m/sec or 2 Mac no.
 As a result it sucks air or steam through throat. Again lower portion made
divergent, to increase the pressure energy as a consequent decrease the
enormous velocity (almost equal to MAC no velocity) which is not
 When question of differential pressure comes, there must be a U loop, because
loop provides sealing advantage.
                 So air and steam mix never come to vacuum portion (i.e. toward
 Steam can dumped through to STD (steam through of device) only when
steam temperature achieved 540mm Hg and above.
 Vacuum building is very very important for turbine start up.
 Charge your starting ejector. All the time steam valve open first.

Q. Why always steam valves are open before air valve?

Ans: If we open atmospheric air valve first then air will ingress in to the turbine. So open
always steam side valve.
Q. What is the first operation of vacuum building?
Ans:  Close the vacuum breaker.
Establish the water sealing.
Q. Why turbines have to killed vacuum at the closing time?
In vacuum condition no air resistance exist in the system. So turbine can move very
     If vacuum killed, air resistance increased in the system. The turbine rotation de-
accelerates gradually and finally turbine shaft stopped from rotation.

 In modern practice, starting ejector start first( starting ejector start sucking void
and air from the system), when pressure developed up to 50 mm of Hg , then
gland sealing comes in to action.
 Both the side of main ejector charged, other wise vacuum will not developed
 Pressure now developed 540 mm of Hg column.
 Start the HP/LP bypass system.
Q. Why HP evaporation line comes in to action at the starting condition?
Ans: At the starting condition, we have maintained vacuum in the HPT.
               Initially IPT becomes vacuum because cross over present over it.
But for initially vacuum pulling in HPT one line (connection) is required known as
HP Evaporation line.

Q. Why drum vents are placed before MSV?

Ans: Accumulation of condensed water is dripped here before staring. (Before
starting pipe lines remain cold, easily remaining steam condensed, and this condensed
water drained by drain valve.)
       Any how water practice should not permissible to turbine. For this reason drain
valves are always placed before MSV.
 During cold start up , LP Bypass pressure maintained at 1 ata only.
 Maintain the HP bypass pressure at 1 ata by sliding control.
 Spray is needed in LP and HP bypass system, because temperature is below
200C before entering condenser.
 200C water is needed for HP cylinder heating purpose also.
 170-200C steam taken from PRDS for gland sealing.

Q. Why pressure is developed gradually?

Ans: From ESV to control valve one loop is present. At starting condition some
moisture is present in the loop system. If huge amount of steam is entering to the
turbine with moisture, it corrodes the turbine blades. So initially control valves are
open partially/ crack.

 For providing leak of steam to the system at close condition a integrated hole is
present in the control sheet.
 Only control valve no2 and 4 have such provision.
 The leakage steam passes through turbine always (having pressure 1 ata) and also
bypasses at 1 ata pressure. Turbine rotor not able to rotate by this 1 ata pressure.


To avoid the saturation of steam, huge amount of steam have to vent out to the
atmosphere. That is a huge loss. LP/HP bypass can overcome this problem.
MSV: main steam stop valve.
HPQCV: high pressure quick closing valve.( this is start very slowly but quick
IV: Intersecting valve.
STOP VALVE: either full open or full close valve. No partial operation.
CONTROL VALVE: partial Operation.
Various valve: 4 nos of control valves present before HP Turbine inlet.
                              4 nos of control valves present before IP turbine inlet.
2 nos of MSV, 2 nos of ESV present before HPT.
2 nos of IV present before IPT.
 ESV and MSV both are stop valves.
Q. Why ESV is very fast closing valve?
Ans: Generator breaker open, one signal goes to ESV (Governing system), turbine trips.
         Until, unless more steam input with out proper excitation (resistance force), huge
speed occur, causes turbine damage.
              So ESV, IV has such characteristics, very very fast acting characteristics.
HP Bypass:
1. To establish flow at the out let of the SH for raising boiler parameters during start up.

2. To maintain or control steam pressure at preset value in main steam line during start
3. To control the steam temperature down steam of HP bypass or the preset value.
4. To warm up the steam lines.
5. To dump steam from the boiler from the boiler in to condenser in case of the GB
LP Bypass:
1. Control the steam pressure after re-heater.
2. Establish flow of steam from re-heat lines to opening of HP bypass valve.
3. Release the steam entrapped in HPT and re-heater circuit in case of generator
circuit breaker open.
 LP/HP bypass system operation started after pressure raising 10-15
kg/cm2. Entrapped air removed.

(What is HP/LP Bypass?

Ans: The following mentioned points are the main points are the main
1. Quick matching of steam parameters with out any loss of steam.
2. Warming of steam line quick.
3. Steam flow in SH and RH get established without any overheating.
4. Quick restart of hot turbine becomes possible.
5. Safety valve of boiler rarely blows.
6. No make up water increase due to dumping of steam to condenser.)
HP Bypass: 35 kg/cm2, 340C.
LP bypass: 6 Kg/cm2, 200C.
If there is no vacuum in condenser HP/ LP Bypass will not act.
Inter Lock: 1. Generator circuit breaker is open.
3. Vacuum too low (below 500 mm of H2O).
4. HP valve opening less than 2%.
5. Temperature too high LP bypass down steam.)

 Why pressure maintained 2kg/cm2, Why not less than that ?


 Condenser must be in vacuum condition in case of HP/LP bypass system.
 Condenser must be charged condition and some vacuum have developed by
 Condensation itself create vacuum. Automatically it sucks steam from LP
Turbine. So no need of ejector. But there is some problem.
 When vacuum created, air try to enter the condenser system, air come into
condenser some what amount that is dangerous.

Ejector is introduced to remove the air from the air mixture.

 Charges LP bypass first then HP bypass.
 By condensation steam sucked from LP/HP.


 Steam is uniformly through out the length of condenser.

 STD is a perforated tube, so steam is uniformly distributed through out the length
of condenser.
 STD is direct done direct condensation by CEP water with steam. Remaining
steam which is not condensed goes to condenser.
 So STD placed at front of steam entry.
 HP/LP bypasses capacity 30% of total generation, recently 60-65%.
 HP/LP bypass system are basically throttle valve( pressure is reduced by this


1. De-aerator level normal.
2. Suction valve open.
3. Discharge valve close.
4. Warm up line open.
5. Minimum recirculation line open.
6. Bearing temperature of scoop and pump bearing normal.
7. DE Temperature across pump not more than 8C.
8. DE pressure across oil filters normal.
9. Scoop position minimum.
10.Lub oil cooler duly charged.
11.Motor cooler duly charged.
12.Mechanical seal cooler duly taken in service.
13.Gear box oil level normal.
14.Auxiliary oil pump running with normal lub oil pressure.


1. Level------- De-aerator/ Gear Box.
2. Valve Position--------Recirculation open.
 BLO Open,
 Suction Open,
  Discharge close,
  Oil Cooler Open,
 Scoop Cooler Open,
 Warm up line open.
2. Temperature gauge:
 Differential Temperature across pump.
 Oil Temperature.
 Bearing Temperature.(Max 60C).
3. Scoop Position minimum.


1. To check that warm up line kept shut.
2. To switch on the BFP motor.
To engage scoop to increase oil pressure in hydro-coupling to have gradual
speed of the pump to get required flow from pump.
3. To open discharge valve and to check that recirculation valve has
been closed when flow is more than 30%.
4. To check that auxiliary oil pump has been cut out on Auto mode.
5. No abnormal sound, vibration, bad smell due to burning.


Acceleration torque= Driving Torque-Resistance Torque.
Full Load BFP:
At starting: 600 Amp. Normal: 100 Amp. Acceleration Time:6 sec.
PA Fan acceleration time: 15 sec.

 BFP and Booster Pump are coupled with a single motor.
 Recirculation line: to safeguard of the BFP thermal distortion.
 Temperature increase due to churning effect.


1 Pressure Fuel and Air
2 Steam temperature Spray water/ burner
3 Drum Level control Feed flow, Steam
Flow, drum level (3-
element control).
4 Furnace draft control ID fan inlet vane
5 Mill temperature Control Changing f cold and
Hot damper.

1 Speed Control Regulation of steam
flow by Governor.
2 Gland steam pressure Header. HDR pressure
controller regulates
HDR pressure taken.
3 Oil temperature Control By coil cooler/
regulating cooling
water. (35 C-45C).
4 Hot well Level control Level controller
controls the Hot well
5 PRDS Control Pressure
6 De-aerator level control By make up water
7 De-aerator pressure control Pressure controller.

1 Voltage control Excitation Control
2 Stator current Load Control
3 Field current
4 Power Factor.
6 Frequency
7 Seal oil pressure control
8 H2 pressure Control
9 Stator water Control



 Pre checks before light up the boiler:

1. Ensure that no unwanted material lying over the heating surface of

furnace, SH, RH, Economizer and air heater. External surface should be
free from deposits.

2. To check the boiler mountings or in order- e.g. safety valves (not gauged),
water gauge, Hydra step, Instrument Gauges are in working order.

3. Check that drum air vents are open and all other vents like SH, RH,
Atemperator must be kept open.

4. Ensure that SH, RH header drains are open.

5. All the water side drains to be kept shut.

6. To check stop valves kept shut and its drains before and after kept open.

7. To check the particularly the water wall header/ bottom header drains are
in close condition.

8. To ensure that all shoot blower are kept retracted.

9. To check the steam valves leading to steam coil in air heater which are in
close condition.

10. ESP inlet and outlet dampers are to be kept open.

11. The inspection door, manholes and peepholes are kept open.

12. To ensure lubrication and cooling medium of rotary air heater. Its Electrical
and Pneumatic operation driving machines are ready.

13. Ensure that all auxiliary air and fuel air dampers are in working order.
14. Service water, bearing cooling water and pneumatic air and service air are

15. Ensure that internal water reserve for boiler make up water and external
reserve for process cooling and circulating water are in optimum level.

16. To checks that boiler expansion indicators, Buck stay are indoor and to
check its indicating valves. Buck stay to be checked.

17. To check that through seal is filled with water and overflow line is okay.

18. To ensure that Auxiliary boiler is ready to supply the required steam.


1. Start Rotary air heater, ensure lubrication in Guide bearing and Support
bearing. It can be rotated by Air pressure when Electric drive fails. It is

2. Start ID Fan and then FD Fan.

3. 30% total airflow is maintaining furnace draft (Perfectly negative side)

around -10mm of H2O.

4. Start Scanner Fan.

5. To observed that no Boiler trip annunciation is persisting.

6. Fuel oil trip and nozzles are closed. Scanner showing no flame.
       Auxiliary Air damper on modulation and fuel oil dampers are closed.      
These are the permissive of Purging.

7. Fuel oil pump are running in recirculation.

8. Initiate Purging. After 5 minutes purging completed, lamp would appear.

9. Give command to Igniter at lower elevation Bunkers.

10. Initiate to light up by warm up burners. Check that after firing Igniter
11. Observe that oil recirculation valve closed and maintain oil pressure 5-
6kg/cm2 by oil control valve at the panel.

12. To maintained the furnace draft and drum level.

13. Keep wind box pressure at 30 mm of water.

14. Charge the steam coil air heater (from neighboring unit steam supply or
from Auxiliary boiler) to raise air temperature to the extent of 70 Degree to
Air Heater inlet.

15.  At about 2-3 Kg/cm2 drum pressure, close drum vents and other vents
like SH, attemperator, at pressure about 4-5 Kg/cm2.

16. Open the start up vents and ensure that final SH drain kept wide open.

17. Please be informed that firing rate is controlled to the extent of 30 Kg/cm2
to protect drum metal. After 30 Kg/cm2 –firing rate is controlled to protect
the metal of SH, RH.

18. Please note that rate of rise of saturation steam temperature must not
exceed 110 C/hour and boiler exit flue gas temperature must not exceed
535 C.

19. Manufacturer also supplies a pressure curve as per material explored

which is mentioned here.
 After 2nd hour:  around 4 kg/cm2
After 2 and half hour: around 12 kg/cm2
After 3 hour: around 24kg/cm2
After 3 and half hour: around 45 kg/cm2
After 4 hour: around 70kg/cm2.

20. Add second group of oil guns and raise the pressure as per guide lines
given by the manufacturer.

21. During pressure raising period keep watch on the following:

a) SH and RH metal temperature and its temperature rise trend.
Header drain valves to open wide should the rise is not in
b) Expansion of boiler and lateral movement of Backstays.
c) Control drums level within -100mm of Water.
d) Maintain furnace draft.
e) Observe the smoke density in chimney
f) Maintained wind box pressure 30 mm to 100 mm of water column
depending upon load.
g) ADD (Auxiliary air damper)- would remain on modulation.
h) SAD (secondary air damper)- would remain open with fuel.

2. At 20Kg/cm2 boiler pressure, open first the bypass valve(Pressure

equalizing) of main steam stop valve at SH outlet header, keeping in mind
that steam line drains before and after kept wide open.

3. Open the main steam stop valve slowly.

4. Charge the PRDS after ensuring all the drains kept open.

5. To control the pressure at temperature of PRDS.

6. To pull vacuum 16 Kg/cm2 in condenser.

7. Initiate firing by heavy oil burner.

8. Cut the steam Coil air Heater.

9. To withdraw warm up burner.

10. Charge HP/LP Bypass system. Ensure that all drains of HP/LP Bypass
kept open before charging.

11. After a good amount of steam flow through HP/LP Bypass system, close
start up vent and shut SH drains.

12. Increase firing rate by isolating more oil guns.

13. De-aerator pressure to be maintained around 2 Kg/cm2 taking steam from

De-aerator PRDS.

14. With increase the firing rate Boiler Pressure would increase and the steam
would increase because of increase mass flow from boiler through HP/LP
Bypass system.
15. Please note that HP bypass pressure setting is to be kept 5% lower than
boiler pressure so as to keep continuous flow of steam through SH, The
temperature set point would be 50 Degree C higher than cold reheat
temperature. (The limiting temperature of HP Bypass is 380 C).

16. During heavy oil firing heavy oil firing temperature to be kept around 100
to110 C for efficient combustion.

17. To keep boiler pressure and steam temperature as per suitability of


18. Care is to be taken to central Boiler parameters like pressure, steam

temperature, drum level and Furnace draft during speeding up the

19. After synchronization the activity to be taken up ……..

a) Mill to be pressed in service ensuring ignition energy is available.
b) Second boiler feed pump is to be started.
c) Feed control station, main control valve is to be taken up.
d) Attemperator spray line to be made ready.
e) Burner tilting is to be used first to control the steam temperature.
f) Heating steam to De-aerator should be taken from cold reheat line.
g) All steam drains of boiler to keep shut.
h) Economizer recirculation valve is shut.

20. With the demand of load, second mill is to be pressed in service.

21. Oil support is to be with drawn at load around 60%.

22. Pay due attention on the performance of mill. To maintain ideal fuel air
ratio. Mill outlet temperature to be kept around 75 C to85 C. To keep
notice on the PA mill Differential so that mill neither be off loaded nor

23. During cold starting of boiler, firing to initiate from lower elevation to get
uniform heat absorption for even expansion of the whole boiler.

Boiler Hot start up:

1. Whenever a Boiler trips and lighted up within 15 minutes of its tripping is
deemed as Hot Start Up.
2. During hot start up there is no binding to follow pressure and temperature
curve like cold boiler. We have to be careful to contain the flanges
temperature within 535 C and also restrict the metal temperature of SH
and RH within limit.

3. After tripping, accept the annunciations and identify the cause of tripping.

4. Cancel the annunciation. Here we will find that only one annunciation is
persisting for which the unit got tripped.

5. The sequence of starting is the same like cold boiler starting. This is
mentioned below:
           Rotary air heater----ID Fan------ FD Fan------Purge permissive
obtained-------- To purge the Boiler-------- After completion of Boiler.

6. Initiate oil firing preferably heavy oil.

7. Open the start up vent and maintained drum level and furnace draft.

8. To observed the pressure, temperature rise and also the flanges


9. To take mill after providing the oil support.

10. To open the HP/LP Bypass system to get the required steam temperature.
For matching turbine metal temperature would be around 485 C.

11. When all the criteria pertaining to turbine rolling would be fulfilled, the
machine would be put on rolling and to be speeded up to full speed.

12. Before synchronization due operating measures to be adopted on the

a) To control the Boiler pressure.
b) To control steam temperature.
c) To control drum level and furnace draft.
d) To control boiler exit gas temperature and to maintain ideal fuel air

2. After synchronization and subsequent load increase firing rate to be

increased by taking successive mills.

3. In this way the unit gets stabilized.

4. To check that all oil support withdrawn.


1. Boiler would have to be BOX UP if shut down is required for attending

defect other than boiler. In this situation care is to be taken to avoid loss of
pressure other than normal cooling during boxed up period.

2. Should the boiler be required to shut down for its maintenance work, then
boiler pressure is to be reduced to the permissive limits of turbine
requirement by controlling fuel and steam flow.

3. Should situation demands, at times, it is required to resort the force

cooling of boiler. Cooling rate should be the flue gas temperature drop at
the rate 100C / hr with the help of ID and FD Fan at 25% airflow, keeping
drum level normal.

4. Reduce coal feeder loading. Then reduce steam flow when pressure tends
to decrease.

5. Continue fuel reduction in all the running mills to the extent of 50 % fuel

6. Provide all support at the top elevation. Adjust the PA differential to suit
coal air ratio. When CF loading reaches minimum. Shut the coal feeder
gate. Run the mill, until it get empty. Observe mill outlet temperature, mill
differential, mill ampere which would indicate that there is no coal left in
the mill.

7. Stop coal feeder. Stop mill. Switch of PA Fan and its inlet and outlet
dampers. Stop seal air fan.

8. Stop the successive mills (from top to bottom) one after another in the
similar way mentioned above.

9. Maintain drum level, steam temperature (By spray and burner tilting),
furnace draft and total airflow as per fuel flow.

10. With draw oil support after tripping the turbine.

11. Reenergized the ESP field.

12. Open economizer recirculation.

13. Stop fuel oil pump.

14. Stop ID and FD after purging.

15. Continue to run rotary air heater till flue gas temperature goes down to the
extent of 150 C.

16. Maintain drum level.

17. Open drum vents at pressure 2Kg/cm2.

18. Cut the scanner fans, igniters fan and seal air fan.


Pre checks before starting a Cold Turbine:

1. System to be taken in service with a view to charge the condenser.

2. Turbine oil coolers to charge and the cooler would remain stand by and
would be used to control oil temperature and when required.

3. Air cooler and Hydrogen gas cooler to be kept ready and the water flow
would be established after synchronization.

4. Condensing system has been taken in service.

5. Condensing system has been taken in service with CEP would run on
recirculation with normal hot well level.

6. DM water line to hot well has been loin up and make up should be
available when required.

7. Condensate line from hot well to de-aerator has made through by charging
LP heater and opening the valve before De-aerator.
8. Feed system from de-aerator to economizer inlet duly checked.

9. Boiler feed pump is running on recirculation with adequate de-aerator


10. Bearing cooling water pump, acts pumps, and booster pump are in

11. To check main oil tank level and drain valves operated on remote water.
12. Starting oil pump / AC oil pump put in service.

13. Turbine protection has been tested.

14. Emergency oil/ DC lub oil pump tested and the pump duly tested when lub
oil pressure apparently decreased from the relay(Oil pressure drop relay-

15. Turbine has been put on tuning gear.

16. Eccentricity on tuning ear is normal.

17. Oil flow from all bearing has been checked.

18. Local expansion indicators duly checked.

19. All turbo supervisory equipments are in order.

20. Main steam line drains, steam chest drains, stop valves and control valve
drains are kept wide open.

21. Flange heating steam line checked.

22.  Extraction line drains kept open.

23. Gland sealing system and air extraction system checked with special
reference to vacuum breaker.

24. Governor has been duly operated to check the opening and closing of
ESV, control valve and interceptor valve.

25. Hand trip lever functioning checked.

26. Recorders, sensors, gauges, indicating and monitoring instruments have

been checked section concerned.

27. Oil vapor exhauster is running on main oil tank.

1. Steam pressure before turbine inlet to be kept around 30-40 Kg/cm2.

2. Steam temperature to be kept around 320 c to 350 C.

       The steam has sufficient degree of superheat to the extent of 70C 100 C.
Please note that the saturation temperature of the steam at pressure between
30-40 Kg/ cm2 is in between 225 -250C.
        Lower pressure is selected to have enough degree of superheat and
consequently fewer problems would arise to maintain the relative expansion
of cylinder.

3. Reheat pressure is kept around 6-8 Kg/cm2 and hot reheats steam
temperature to be kept around 260-300 C.

4. Please be informed that improper selection of pressure and temperature

would cause undue rise of differential expansion.  

5. After selection of pressure and temperature, the subsequent steps would

be vacuum pulling, warming up of lines before ESV , Steam input,
Rolling of turbine at around at 700 rpm , socking, speeding up,

6. To start starting Ejector.

7. At 10% vacuum, apply gland sealing system.

8. At vacuum around 80% or 56 mm of Hg, to start main Ejector.

9. To cut out starting ejector.

10. To reset the governor by closing both load limiting device and speeder

11. To observe auxiliary trip oil pressure, emergency oil pressure, governor oil

12. To operate starting device to open ESV/HPQCV/MPQCV.

13. To build up secondary oil pressure to the extent of 1.8-2.0 Kg/cm2 to
open regulating valve.

14. Please note that in #1 1and 2, runways top valve is opened manually and
the steam admission is controlled either by manual operation runway stop
valve or by limiting device is controlled of to restrict the secondary oil
15. To observed the speed rise and would have to maintain between 700-
1000 rpm.

16. To check that barring gear disengaged.

17. To close barring gear oil valve.

18. To sock the turbine for heating flux stator and rotor.


   Most important thin in warm and hot start up is to be match steam

temperature with that of HP cylinder and IP cylinder temperature.
            Steam temperature must be 50 C higher than shaft temperature, of
HP & IP and steam should have enough degree of superheat with the
pressure before ESV. If the steam temperature be less than metal
temperature, then there would be a problem of negative differential
      When tube metal temperature is above 350 C, it is termed as HOT
       When metal temperature is below 150 C, it is termed as Cold Start UP.
When a loaded machine is tripped and in taken in service within 30 minutes to
1 hour, it is deemed as hot start up.
         After tripping the machine, procedure to adopt:
1. Reset the turbine by closing LLD and speeder gear.

2. To maintain vacuum.

3. To observed that starting oil pump’s discharge pressure.

4. To observed steam temperature has been raised to match Turbine metal


5. Hot reheat pressure and temperature have to be checked.

6. Open ESV/ Runway stop valve/HPQCV/MPQCV.

7. Open control valves by developing secondary oil pressure by the

operation starting Device/ Load limiting device.

8. Speed up the machine by quickly to rated speed to avoid negative

different differential pressure.

9. During speed rise vibration limit must not be exceeded.

10. Rate of rise of sped must not exceed 200 rpm/min.

11. Synchronize the machine and load it step by step.

12. Normalize the system following instructions given in cold start up.


By D.K.Ghosal, Durgapur NPTI….


Some times in power plant dangerous abnormal situation arise for which certain
measures need to be adopted quickly and precisely to control the situation.
Corrective actions are required to safe guard various equipments. Reliable and
faithful protection is there, yet the persons in charge of Power station would have
to rise to the occasion. It the system tends to go beyond controlling limits.

1. PROCESS VARIATION: Some emergent conditions due to deviations in

operating variables----which are mostly pressure, temperature, flow, level,
vacuum, purity and conductivity. In such cases, we have to asses the
reason first and to adopt corrective measures seeing the effect in the
process. To my mind, these should not be treated as emergent situation;
rather it should be treated as process deviation problem. This will
discussed at length afterward.
                         (Turbo Generator bearing must not be started).

2. TRIPPING OF AUXILIARIES: Whenever any equipment (Pertaining to any

boiler and Turbine Auxiliaries) trips a chain reaction in the system develop
which is tackled by regulating the variables very quickly and sometimes
stand by equipment is pressed in the system.
                         However, these would be discussed at length when “Case
Study” would be taken up for discussion.

3. VITAL EMERGENCY OPERATION: Some Emergencies which are most

vital and cause serious impact on the system would be discussed one
after another------
a) Total Power Failure: During total power failure we have to see that turbine
bearing gets adequate oil with adequate pressure. DC lub oil would take
start to supply lub oil. Where DG sets are provided---AC Power will
available in Starting Oil Pump which is to be observed. After tripping of
turbine, it is to ensure that lub oil is supplied to the bearing until shaft
becomes stand still.
b) H2 Sealing System: DC Seal oil pump must take start to prevent H2---
Escaping from generator.
c) EMERGENCY Equipments which were running should be given opening
command to thwart any mal functioning of breaker.
d) Condenser line and shell vents to keep open to remove air which might
ingress during tripping of CW pumps.

In every shift----
 DG Sets to be tested.
 DC Seal oil pump to be tested.
 Battery to be tested.
 Normally it is kept on floating by rectifier. Float changer and boost
changer to be tested.
(In many power stations turbine bearings got damaged during total power
failure due to no lub oil available at that at time.

4. FIRE HAZARD: Many power stations incurred heavy damage due to fire
hazard. One such victim is standing in Oaria power station (DVC).
Particularly in turbine house needs serious attention during fire. Activities:
a) To trip turbine, if not trips from fire protection device.
b) Ensure that only DC lub oil pump running.
                  High pressure oil lines must not be in changed condition. Flame
detectors inside battery house in control panel, to check its functioning.
Around turbine main oil tank and around transformer, sprinkler system should
be tested on mock trial method.

5. System frequency input: Please note that operating frequency in power

station is in between 48.5 Hz to 51.5 Hz when ever these limits tend to
deviate, load either is to be increased or decreased (depending upon
system frequency) to remove imbalance from the system. Because
frequency imbalance only can be controlled by Reactive Load.
   Activity---- a) firing rate is to be altered to tackle the situation.
                       b) HP/LP Bypass takes into action (Where it is provided) to
control steam pressure during high frequency, when turbine reject load.
                      c) When the station gets isolated by low frequency protection.
House load and local loads are maintained by machine speed. Machine
speed controlled by increasing or decreasing the steam flow when the station
disconnects from grid.

6. Turning gear or barring gear failure: When turning tuning gear fails to
rotate the machine. Then the uniform cooling of the rotor deviates. It’s a
result finding of the rotor can not be ruled out. In such situation, we should
checks the followings:------
a) Lub oil temperature and pressure.
b) Hot well level.
c) Undue chilling effect in glands.
d) Any interference in moving and static parts.
e) Fault in turning gear mechanism.
f) Loss of pressure in Jacking Oil system. (This is required in high
capacity machines).
                                 Despite all parameters being made normal, if the situation
does not improve then rotate the shaft 90 degree manually with the help of crow
bar at an interval of half an hour till such time the problem be shorted out. Please
note that turbine rotor is treated hot till the MP casing top temperature does not
drop below 100C.

2. Boiler tube Bursting/Rupture/Leakage:

Early detection is very important. It is possible if we study the following:
a) ESP voltage increase.
b) Droop of chemical concentration in boiler water.
c) Increase in back end flue gas temperature.
d) Make up water consumption.
e) Unusual sound from boiler inside.
f) Draft fluctuation and disturbed combustion whenever tube leakage
is confirmed that boiler has been subjected to tube leakage.
 To kill fire immediately. Extent of damage would be
restricted if we detect early and if we kill fire instantly then
neighboring tubes not would be affected. By early detection
cost would be less and so also the down time.
 To release the pressure by opening start up vent to restrict
damage neighboring tubes by steam pressure
 To maintain enough air flow to carry escaping steam.
 Leave fans in service until pressure comes down zero.
 Afterwards forced loading of units to be taken up. The rate
of cooling to follow up by manufacturer’s choice. In no case
rate of flue gas temperature drop must not exceed 100
 After tube leakage, if water level can not be held despite
maximum feed flow rate, then water should not be taken to
avoid temperature shock of pressure partly.

a) Partial b)   House load c) Total Load
a) Partial load Reduction: This situation arises when one of the auxiliaries
trips (like ID, FD, PA, Mill, CF, condensate Pump, CW Pump, BFP). The
main effort would be to stabilize the system by controlling -----
 Furnace draft. 
 Steam pressure and temperature.
 Steam flow
  Drum level
  Feed Flow
  Oil support.

 Each problem would be discussed in the class separately.

b) House Land operation: It is required when the station disconnects from
the grid due to low frequency, due to fault in the unit transformer or other
electrical faults. In such situation we have to act in such away so that-----
 Boiler pressure does not rise to the extent of over pressure.
 To control the fuel input.
 To control furnace draft.
 To control drum level.  
 To open the start up vent for the time being.
 To see HP/LP Bypass has taken up. 
 To reduce steam flow drastically.
  To maintain frequency by turbine load that is by steam flow.

C) Total load through off: Due to internal or external fault in generator breaker
opens, due to high system frequency turbine rejected load.
       In such situation only Turbine would continue to run without any residential
  Main activity would be:
 To control exhaust hood temperature by spray.
 To control boiler parameter.

4. Emergency due to variation of operating variables: (Boiler)

a) Drum level low:
 Due to malfunctioning of drum level controller.
 Sudden fall in steam flow.( Steam pressure raise)
 Combustion disturbed.
 Pressure parts leakage.
 Less feed supply due to tripping of BFP or problem in scoop.
                          Activity Taken:
 Feed control to switch over on manual mode.
 Try to start the stand by feed pump.
 Momentarily increase the few tones of steam flow to get the
effect of surge.
 When drum level becomes very low cut fuel instantly to avoid

b) Drum level high:

 Malfunctioning of Feed water control.
 Sudden Load increase.
 Sudden increase of firing rates.
                  Activity: i) Decrease steam flow a few tones for the time being.
 ii) To open drum below down emergency drains.
                               iii) Change the control on manual mode and restrict feed
                     If drum level becomes very high the unit would trip to avoid primary
priming in steam temperature.
                           9c) High Steam temperature:
 Less spray flow than required.
 Sudden rise in boiler pressure.
 High excess air.
 Furnace pressure heat absorption lowered for deposition
over tube surface.
 Top elevation choice for fuel supply.
 Heaters are out of service followed by low feed

 To reduce firing rate to control pressure.
 To increase spray flow.
 To decrease total air if it was kept high.
 If situation permits, take lower elevation mill.
                   9d) Steam temperature low:
 Spray water flow high than required.
 Sudden drop of boiler pressure.
 Excess air flow low.
 Lower elevation mill run.
 Deposit over SH and RH element.
 Ideal feed temperature not available.

 Boiler pressure kept optimum.
 Spray flow to control if it becomes high.
 Total air flow to increase after checking the O2 meter.
 Shoot blowing of SH and RH are carried out.
          When steam temperature is very low, then and there stop
the Turbine.

                  9e) STEAM PRESSURE LOW:

 Sudden increase of steam flow.
 Tripping of mill.
 Pressure controller malfunctioning.
 Coal hogs up in coal chute.
 Combustion suffered.

 To decrease steam flow.
 Provide oil support.
 Control the fuel on manual mode.
 Establishing at the burner mouth start another mill.
 To keep on eye on drum level and in steam temperature.
 Off the two, any one ID fan tripped.
 Problem in suction or discharge damper.
 Ideal fuel air ratio not maintained.
 Combustion disturbed and there is delayed combustion.
 Checks the dampers on flue path.
 Check the regulation of the inlet vane control.
 Check outlet damper.
 Reduce air flow.
 Control air fuel ratio.
 When ever such situation occurs, momentarily reduce fuel and
air flow.
 In some stations there are some interlocks in both ID and FD
fans. In such system furnace does not get pressurized or

                    9g) FURNACE DRAFT LOW:

 Fuel and air interruption may cause low furnace pressure.
 ID fan draft may fail.
 FD fan may trip.
 Furnace draft control to take on normal mode.
 Try to increase the total air flow to avoid the overloading of the
running FD fan.
 To check FD fan control device.

5. Emergency due to variation of operating variables(TURBINE)

10a) High axial shift: (Thrust Bearing)

                    Normally flow process balances the front and rear thrust. Steam
admission to the cylinders is designed in such way to counter balance the
reacting forces. Thrust bearing is there to take the thrust during sudden
change of load and during starting and stopping.
                              Yet axial shift occurs when there is blade failure. As a
result stage pressure increases. Pressure before wheel chamber house
(velocity wheel) would increase. Bearing metal temperature starting up may
cause axial shift. These are tripping of axial shift protection.
        ACTIVITY: To break the vacuum to stand still the turbine quickly.
 Salting in Turbine.
 Lub oil failure in the Thrust bearing.
 Sudden change in load or quick load pick up.
 HP heater sudden cut off.
 Overloading of turbine.
 Two high steam flows in RH.
 To reduce Load. To control abrupt change of load.
 Vibration.
 Unusual differential expansion.
 Return oil temperature may increase.
 Wheel chamber heavy pressure increase.


  To check gland sealing pressure.
 To check ejector steam pressure.
 To check hot well level.
 To check circulating water.
 Dirty circulating water.
 Air ingress.
 Dirty condenser tubes.
 To reduce the load first to control the situation.
 To start the starting ejector if falling vacuum droops at faster rate.
 To reduce the system flow if cooling water pump trips.
PURPOSE: vacuum falling rate would be faster----
 When any cooling water pumps trips.
 No gland sealing pressure.
 Air ingress.
 Vacuum would fall slowly.
 Condenser is dirty.
 Inadequate Ejector pressure.
 Cooling water temperature high.
 To reduce the load.


 Lub oil temperature high.
 Strainer chokage.
 Take the stand by cooler.
 Decrease the cooling water temperature.
 Ensure sufficient cooling water flow through cooler.
 Emergency Lub oil Pump would start at pressure 0.9 kg/cm2.
 Incase of Lub oil pressure tripping vacuum breaker to open.


 Rotor expanded more than stator.
 Steam temperature choice faulty was high.
 Prolong running at low load.
 Poor sliding of bearing pedestal.

 Reduce steam temperature.
 Increase load.
 To wait to stabilize the expansion.


 Stator expansion more than rotor.
 Steam temperature choice is low.
 It occurs during hot start up of the machine.

 Increase steam temperature.
 Hold the load.
 To wait till rotor expansion start increasing.
                   Normally DE deviates during starting of cold machine. Here
rotor expansion become +ve. During starting of hot machine DE is
becomes –ve.
                   This problem is best tackled by ideal choice of steam
temperature and by steam flow variation.


 Difference would be positive when top half casing temperature is
higher than bottom half casing.
 Difference would be negative when bottom half casing temperature is
higher than top half casing.
This problem may occur-----
 During start up------- Steam flow is less.
 After load reduction ------Entry of water through expansion line.
 During power generation------ Lagging improper.

 If casing drains, steam lines and extraction lines drains remain open
during power generation.
 Improper draining and excess draining cause casing temperature
 The problem may also occur, it causing drains remain open during
power generation.
 Improper lagging also causes the problem due to uneven heat
 Ingress of water through extraction line is also the source of problem.
 To increase the top half temperature, steam flow to increase.
 Maximum temperature difference not to exceed by 20 C.


 Air flow inadequate.
 Oil temperature high.
 Misalignment.
 Oil seal damaged.
 Oil quality deteriorated.
 Vibration
 Cause looseness.

 To check the lub oil pressure and its temperature.
 To check the bearing oil outlet temperature.
 To check the oil strainer pressure difference.
                In every thing is normal, and then it is available to trip the
machine before it exceeds the operating limits.
       NB (Bearing metal temperature must not exceed 90C.) One thing
should be borne in mind that sudden rise in bearing temperature is not
caused by shortage of lubricant. So never try to run the machine when
bearing temperature rises suddenly.


 (Normally bearing vibration is 35 micron, limiting value 45 micron, shaft
vibration limit 100 micron).
 Unbalance of the rotating parts.
 Misalignment of coupling and bearing.
 Bent shaft.
 Looseness.
 Rubbing.
 Resonances.
 Electromagnetic forces(Magnetic circuit breaker)
 Aerodynamic forces—oil whirl.
 To identify the cause of vibration. This can be identified by measuring
vibration frequency with that of rotational speed of the machine.
 Please be informed, when machine speed = vibration frequency. Then
there is a unbalancing in Radial direction.
 Eccentricity: Distance from barring centre to Journal centre.
 Deflecting the rotor.
 Improper heating during start up.
 Improper draining from casing.
 Extraction line causes water entry to the turbine.
 Abrupt drop in main steam temperature.
 Moisture in gland steam.
 Non uniform cooling.( barring gear failure)

 Vibration will increase.
 Noise( Unusual)

 To follow the ideal operational procedure.
 Drains of casing and steam lines to keep wide open before starting cold
 Sufficient shocking time to give.
 To keep normal bearing temperature.
 To keep on barring gear for long time.
 To run turbine 3-4 hours at low speed.


 By Goutam Ghosh, DPL…..


1. Before starting oil system check whether the main oil tank is full of oil.

2. Open ac/dc Emergency oil pump suction and delivery valve.

3. Open oil cooler inlet valve and charge the oil cooler, after opening the de-
aerator vents.

4. Close the de-aerator vent when oil comes out.

5. Charge the entire oil cooler.

6. Isolate one oil cooler by closing down inlet and outlet valve.

7. Keep the other two coolers in service by keeping the inlet and outlet valve

8. Close the delivery valve of ac/dc EOP.

9. Top up the MOT and fill it completely.

10. Check whether lub oil heater, drain valve in close condition.

11. Start ac EOP and charge the lub oil line slowly by opening. After attaining 1
ata of lub oil pressure, open the delivery valve fully and start oil vapor exhauster
fan immediately.

12. Keep the suction and delivery valve of dc EOP fully open.

13. Check the starting oil pump (SOP).

 Check the oil level in SOP.
 Open cooling water line for thrust bearing cooling of the pump.
 Check whether the delivery valve of the pump is kept close.
 Rotate the pump with hand to see that it is free.
 Check whether thrust bearing thermometer is in healthy condition.
 Keep the main oil pump suction valve open by about 20%.
 Start the SOP and open the delivery valve slowly, nothing the rise of
control oil pressure.
 Rise of oil pressure should be in step of 3 Kg/cm2.
 Maintain a pressure of 11 ata of control oil.
 Adjust the sealing of suction and lub oil valve (LO2 and LO1), suction that
following pressure are maintained .EOP is switched off.
Lub oil pressure: 1.2 ata (When starting)
MOP suction: 1.2 ata, (Less than 6 ata)
     Control oil: 10.5 ata (less than 11.5 ata)
     MOP Delivery: 5.8 ata (less than 6 ata).
 Try to achieve these parameters preferably with SOP delivery. Valve in
fully open condition.
 Prepare the stand by pump for emergency starting and keep its delivery
valve in full open condition.

14. Check for AUTO start off all pumps.

Lub oil pressure: 0.8 ata SOP-1 AUTO start.
Lub oil pressure: 0.7 ata SOP-2 AUTO start.
Lub oil pressure: 0.6 ata AC-EOP AUTO start.
Lub oil pressure: 0.5 ata DC AUTO start.
  Now oil system is ready for operation.

15. Put oil centrifuge in operation (With heater if required) to raise the oil
temperature to minimum to 35C.

16. Keep the water inlet and outlet valve of oil coolers in fully close
condition. Also keep the seal oil coolers isolated on water side (charged and
when required).

17. Put the ac seal oil pump in service, switch on the seal oil pump supply to
keep it on stand by.

18. Pressurised the generator with air at 500 mm of water column or with H2
as specified in the manual.

19. Start the CW pump and charge the condenser after keeping the vents fully
open. Monitor the condenser pressure of cooling water at pump water.

20. Switch on the supply of the barring gear motor and JOP. Check the lamp
     The bearing temperature recorder in UCB should be switch on. Check
whether the instruments for oil pressure and temperature are available in UCB.

21. Start JOP after ensuring that lub oil valve for barring gear is open fully.

22. Press the electromagnet for engagement.

23. a) Ensure fully engagement of the barring gear, which will be the identical by
the pointer which swings to vertical position with fully engagement.

       b) In case of engagement is not full, then put the handle to the square
head and rotate it downward ‘CLOCKWISE’ and confirm full engagement.

      c) Take over the handle thereafter.

      d) Check for opening of lub oil valve to baring gear.

       e) Keep the electromagnet in pressed (engaged) condition and short

the barring gear. Do not remote the hand from electromagnet till the motor pick
up” “Full speed” i.e. 62 r.p.m.

       f) Note the ‘Amps’ of baring gear (18 amps).

       g) Follow the barring temperature carefully and observe for an unusual noise
on the center machine. In such case barring gear have to be stopped. Do not
flash the boiler without turbine being on barring gear.
24. Check the hot well level and start the condensate extraction pump and put
in recirculation.

25. Fill up de-aerator to required level and put the CEP in recirculation.

26. Checks for all conditions on feed pump availability and keep the pump.

27. Start BFP and put it in recirculation. Now boiler can be flashed only if all
protections of turbine are checked and found healthy.

28. Open all the drains on piping’s. The following valves should be checks.
 Steam to ejector line drain ----open fully.
 Staring/ Main ejector exhaust Fan ----open fully.
 HP gland steam line drain ----open fully.
 LP gland steam line drain ----open fully.
 HP flash tank line to sump ----open fully.
 HP flashes tank line to sump   ---- to atmosphere.
 HP gland steam Askania valve----- Close Fully.
 MP gland steam Askania valve ----- Close Fully.
 LP gland steam Askania valve ----- Close Fully.
 Bypass line to HP/LP valve----- Close Fully.
 MS drain valve---- Open.
 HRH drains ----open fully.
 MS dynamic separator drain ----open fully.
 HRH dynamic separator drain ----open fully.
 All E3 expander drain----open fully.
 All E2 expander drain----open fully.
 Turbine HP drains to flash tank ----open fully.
 Expander to condenser ----open fully.
 LP Heater (3, 4, and 5) drain to sump----- Closed.
29. Charge PRDS and maintain 11 ata and 6 ata header purpose.

30. Open starting ejector steam valve slightly and warm up the line, after 15 mm
open, the steam valve fully.

31. Start chimney steam exhauster fan with open delivery and closed suction,
keep the fan running with closed suction.

32. Open air valve of staring ejector and note the raise in vacuum.

33. All 100 m Hg vacuum, start sealing the gland. Seal the LP gland first and
then the HP glands and maintain the pressure of about 300 mm WC.
34. Open the suction valve of chimney steam exhaust fan and maintain vacuum
will be attained by opening the suction valve, by about 3-4 turns and not more.

35. Check weather the ‘amperes’ of Chimney steam exhaust fan is less than 6

36. Prepare for cutting in the main ejector in the Main Ejector, Open the steam
valve of M.E. slightly and maintain a pressure of about 2kg/cm2 immediately
open the first stage and second stage boiler.

37. Open the front drains and check whether the 1 st stage and second stage
drain for the remaining half ejector are in close condition.

38. After 10 MW of warming, opening the steam valve fully.

39. Open the air valve of the Ejector fully.

40. Close the starting ejector air valve after attaining a vacuum of about 0.85

41. Close the steam valve of starting ejector.

42. Charge re-heater after checking for the fully opening of re-heater vents.

43. Charge main steam and open the electrically operated valve fully.

44. Built up main steam and R.S. parameter as per requirement.

45. As re-heater and MS line are charged, observe the rise of temperature on the
turbine causing temperature recorder and flange to pipe differential on differential
temperature recorder.

46. Reset the turbine and warm up the HP control valve chambers.

47. Achieve the MS and RS parameters such that the steam temperature is at
least 50C higher than metal temperature.

48. Maintain steam pressure of about 50 kg/cm2 and 9 kg/cm2 reheat pressure.

49. Check whether the change over valve is connected to condenser.



50. Check whether all the lamps are growing for the following at front panel.
 HP quick closing valves (right/left).
 MP quick closing valves (right/left).
 Quick closing oil pressure valve (right/left).
 Relay I & II.

51. Check whether all the lamp indication for the driving system is not glowing.

52. Check whether the vacuum in condenser is above -0.80 kg/cm2.

53. Check whether the control gear oil pressure is about 10 kg/cm2.

54. Check whether the dc supply is ON for protection circuit and supply is ON for
relay magnet.

55. Check whether limiter is in zero position.

56. Check whether SPPED CHANGER is at zero position.

57. Check whether DIVIDER IS in natural position.

58. Check whether LUB OIL PRESSURE before barring gear is above 1kg/cm2.

59. Check whether barring gear is in operation.

60. Turn the divider right. Check whether the dividing lamp glowing.

61. Bring back the divider to natural position. Check whether the divider lamp
goes off after some time lag.

62. Similarly turn the divider to left and perform the test. Divider should always be
in natural position.

63. Rotate the limiter handle in anti-clockwise direction up to 90˚.

64. Check the entire lamp indicated in preparation (I) goes.

65. Check whether the SECONDARY OIL PRESSURE gauge starts reading and
it should be in between 0.3 to 0.5 kg/cm2.

66. Check physically whether all FOUR QUICK CLOSING VALVE are in full open

full open (Confirm by pressing the testing magnet provided in each valve).

68. Check whether barring ear continues to run with engaged condition.
69. After the completion of pipe line warming up, slowly rotate the limiter handle
in anti clock wise direction till the secondary oil pressure increase to 0.7/0.9

70. Check whether the interceptor valve (right and left) open little by pruning the
test magnet.

71. Check whether the speed of turbine increased above baring gear speed and
the barring gear.

72. Stopped the barring gear motor.

73. Rise in the secondary oil pressure slightly above but not exceeding 1 kg/cm2
by opening the limiter handle and observe the speed rise.

74. Maintain the same speed achieved, if it is in between 500-700 rpm as per the
time indicated in starting curve.

75. Increase the secondary oil pressure to 1.10 kg/cm2 by the limiter and check
whether CV-1&2 opened and CV-3&4 are in close condition.

76. Observed the speed rise and keep the secondary oil pressure constant to
warm up the MS line.

77. Maintain the speed between 1200-1300 rpm 1s per starting curve.

78. Gradually raise the speed by limiter and cross the critical speed.

79. Increase the speed further by limiter.

80. Check whether main oil pump has taken over at 2700rpm. (Confirmed
discharge is 9.0-9.5 kg/cm2 pressure gauge.

81. While crossing above 2900 rpm the secondary oil pressure may start
dropping slowly.

82. Check whether speed is 2930 rpm after complete rotation of limiter in anti
clockwise direction.

83. Raise the speed to 3000 rpm by rotating the SPEED CHANGER.

84. Check the oil pressure to each bearing is above 1kg/cm2.

85. Check the performance of unit by hearing rod.

86. Permission may give to synchronies the machine after the bearing metal
temperature reaches a stabilized value.

87. LP heaters are commissioned at a load of 20-30 MW.

88. HP heaters are commissioned at a load of 50 MW.


Protection and Interlocks of Boiler and its Auxiliaries:

Protections are required to avoid abnormal conditions. It is for the safety of

the equipments without causing any damage to equipments. In such
situations the machines are tripped by the active protection schemes. By the
protection the running equipments are brought to safe position, whenever
faults occur. Protection allows some faults to the extent of some allowable
limits after that the equipments are taken out from service.
          Interlocks are nothing but a passive protections by which fault will not
be to develop.
          When protections acted it is accompanied by audio-visual alarm
having definite indication of primary cause of tripping. When the fault is
eliminated, equipment can be started again.

Boiler lock out relay will be energized through FSSS.
1. Loss of 220 Volt DC supply to FSSS.
2. Less than fire ball.
3. Loss of ac supply to any elevation.
4. Fuel supply cut off.
5. Loss of flame.
6. Very low drum level -175 mm of Water column.
7. Very high drum level +175 mm of Water column.
8. Furnace pressure high/low +200mm water column / -200 mm water
9. Air flow less than 30%.
10.Boiler load less than 10%.
11.Both ID and FD tripped.
12.Re-heater protection-Furnace outlet temperature more than 540 C and
there is no flow through Re-heater.

1. No boiler trip.
2. Air flow not less than 30%.
3. Drum level normal.
4. AC/DC supply available.
5. All trip valve and nozzle valves of fuel oil are close condition.
6. Scanner showing no air flame.
7. ID and FD fan are running.
8. All mills, PA fans are off and all hot air and cold air          damper are

Fire balls remain established condition if 

a) Coal firing started.
b) Loading is not less than 30%.
c) Three heavy oil nozzle valves open.

Loss of fuel trip will energize MFR through FSSS if following conditions
are not fulfilled-
a) AC supply to FSSS available.
b) Three igniters are on.
c) Igniter trip valve close.
d) Heavy oil trip valves and nozzle valves close.
e) Warm up oil trip valve close.

 Flame failure trip is actuated by scanner sensing no flame.

 Fuel oil trip valves will not open if purging is not completed.
 Heavy oil trip valves:
Permissive: Oil pressure at 10 kg/cm2, nozzle valve closed, No boiler
trip, Purge complete.
Tripping:  Boiler trip, pressure low 1.5Kg/cm2 , nozzle valve open,
Differential pressure between steam and oil is low (0.5 kg/cm2), heavy
oil temperature is low(less than 100 C).
 HO recirculation valves:
Can be opened it and nozzle valves are closed.
 Igniter trip valve:
Permissive: Oil pressure adequate, nozzle valve closed, no boiler trip,
purge completed.
Tripping: Boiler trips, oil pressure low (0.9 kg/cm2), and Igniter oil
valve open.
 Warm up valve:
Permissive: Oil pressure adequate, nozzle valve closed, No boiler
trip, Purge completed.
Tripping: Oil pressure low (1.5 kg/cm2), nozzle valve open, boiler
trips, differential pressure between oil and air is low (0.4 kg/cm2).


Permissive for ID, FD, and PA Fans:

1. Inlet valve position in minimum condition.
2. Outlet damper close condition.
3. Lub oil pressure normal.
4. Bearing temperature of Fan and motor is normal.
N.B: In FD Fan Pitch control oil pressure should be adequate.
1. Motor over load protection.
2. Fan and motor bearing temperature more than 90C/80C.
3. Inadequate lub oil pressure.

NB: When both FD Fan trip: PA fan, mills, CF will trip.

 When both ID Fan trip: FD, PA Fan, Mill, CF will trip.
When seal air fan trip: PA Fan, mill, CF will trip.

Rotary Air heater……..ID…….FD…….SAF…….PA
Permissive: trip valves and nozzles valves.
a) Oil pressure normal 10kg/cm2, nozzle valves closed, no boiler
trip, purge completed.
b) Tripping: Oil pressure low(1.5 kg/cm2), nozzle valve open.
Differential pressure between steam and oil is low, oil
temperature low (-100 C).
HO recirculation valve opening permissive--- N&T valve


1. Pulverizer outlet valves are open.
2. Seal air line open.
3. Primary air pressure 650 mm water column.
4. Lub oil pressure normal.
5. Ring compression pressure adequate.
6. Mill outlet temperature above 90C.
7. Heavy oil nozzle valve open (Ignition energy available).
8. Boiler load more than 30%.
9. Mill motor bearing temperature normal.

1. PA Fan if trips.
2. Boiler if trips.
3. Lub oil pressure low.
4. Motor overload protection acts.
5. PA pressure falls below 650mm of water column.
6. Mill outlet valves if close.
7. Ring compression pressure (Nitrogen pressure for loading the ring)
becomes low.


1. No boiler trip.
2. Ignition energy available.
3. Mill running.
4. Fuel oil damper closed.
5. Hot air gate open.
6. Elevation available.
1. Elevations DC supply fails.
2. Loss of ignition energy.
3. Pulveriser trips.

Boiler trip is Energized through MFR (through FSSS) give signal to shut
down sequence of boiler.
       Spray valves of SH and RH valve closed.

Generator module:  generator circuit breaker/UAT Circuit breaker/Field

breaker---Open (Only Tie circuit breaker remains close).

Generator:------Generator circuit breaker/Tie circuit breaker---Open.

UAT and Field breaker---close.
Turbine Oil system:
1. SOP
2. MOP (Coupled with turbine)----Half speed of turbine.
3. MOT

A) SOP: (20 kg/cm2). SOP trips when turbine speed reaches to 2800rpm and
INJECTOR-I pressure is greater than 3kg/cm2.
Multistage/ Centrifugal:
 MOP Intake (INJECTOR-I, reduces to pressure to 1 kg/cm2).
 GS
 Bearing Header (INJECTOR-II, after lower pressure 3 kg).
       B) Start to suck oil when turbine speed reaches 2800rpm.
       C) MOP: Its discharge pressure 20kg/cm2, 1500 rpm, Single stage centrifugal pump.
 GS
 Bearing header (INJECTOR-II, pressure: 3kg).
       D) LOP (AC): Whenever header pressure reduced to 0.6 kg/cm2 the LOP (AC) will
    LOP (AC), 3 kg-----------OIL COOLER----------BEARING HEADER.
  LOP (DC) start when there is any Load shedding or OIL header pressure becomes
below 0.5 kg/cm2 in spite of running LOP (AC).
        E) OPDR------0.6 kg/cm2 (AC LOP)---------0.5 kg/cm2 (DC LOP/Power
off)------------0.3 kg/cm2( Trip the turbine).


1kg/cm2------0.9------0.8------0.7-----0.6 (LOP AC start) --------0.5(LOP DC will
start)--------0.4----------0.3(Turbine will trip)
 G) Relief valve: When oil pressure exceeds 1kg/cm2, it relieves extra oil pressure.

H) JOP: Its discharge pressure is 120 kg/cm2. It has 8 discharge ports. Gear pump is used

Switchyard layout diagram…
For 110MW and 210 MW Power Plant…

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